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#  Created by Dmitry Karasik <>
#  Modifications by Anton Berezin <>
package Prima::InputLine;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Widget Prima::MouseScroller Prima::UndoActions);

use strict;
use warnings;

use Prima::Classes;
use Prima::Bidi qw(:methods);
use Prima::IntUtils;

sub profile_default
	my %def = %{$_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default};
	my $font = $_[ 0]-> get_default_font;
	return {
		alignment      => $Prima::Bidi::default_direction_rtl ? ta::Right : ta::Left,
		autoHeight     => 1,
		autoSelect     => 1,
		autoTab        => 0,
		borderWidth    => 1,
		charOffset     => 0,
		cursorVisible  => 1,
		cursorSize     => [ Prima::Application-> get_default_cursor_width, $font-> { height}],
		firstChar      => 0,
		height         => 2 + $font-> { height} + 2,
		insertMode     => 0,
		maxLen         => 256,  # length $def{ text},
		passwordChar   => '*',
		pointerType    => cr::Text,
		popupItems     => [
			[ cut        => 'Cu~t'        => 'cut'       ],
			[ copy       => '~Copy'       => 'copy'      ],
			[ paste      => '~Paste'      => 'paste'     ],
			[ delete     => '~Delete'     => 'delete'    ],
			[select_all  => 'Select ~All' => 'select_all'],
			[undo        => '~Undo', 'Ctrl+Z', '^Z', 'undo'],
			[redo        => '~Redo', 'Ctrl+Y', '^Y', 'redo'],
		readOnly       => 0,
		selection      => [0, 0],
		selStart       => 0,
		selEnd         => 0,
		selectable     => 1,
		textDirection  => $Prima::Bidi::default_direction_rtl,
		undoLimit      => 10,
		widgetClass    => wc::InputLine,
		width          => 96,
		wordDelimiters => ".()\"',#$@!%^&*{}[]?/|;:<>-= \xff\t",
		writeOnly      => 0,

sub profile_check_in
	my ( $self, $p, $default) = @_;
	$p-> {autoHeight} = 0
		if exists $p-> {height} || exists $p-> {size} || exists $p-> {rect} || ( exists $p-> {top} && exists $p-> {bottom});
	$p-> {alignment} = ( $p->{textDirection} // $default->{textDirection} ) ?
		ta::Right : ta::Left unless exists $p->{alignment};
	$self-> SUPER::profile_check_in( $p, $default);
	($p-> { selStart}, $p-> { selEnd}) = @{$p-> { selection}} if exists( $p-> { selection});

sub init
	my $self = shift;

	for ( qw( 
		borderWidth passwordChar maxLen alignment autoTab autoSelect 
		firstChar charOffset readOnly))
		{ $self-> {$_} = 1; }
	for ( qw( selStart selEnd atDrawX autoHeight undoLimit))
		{ $self-> {$_} = 0;}
	$self-> { insertMode}   = $::application-> insertMode;
	$self-> { maxLen}   = -1;
	for( qw( line wholeLine)) { $self-> {$_} = ''; }
	$self-> {writeOnly} = 0;
	$self-> {defcw} = $::application-> get_default_cursor_width;
	$self-> {resetDisabled} = 1;

	my %profile = $self-> SUPER::init(@_);

	for ( qw(
		writeOnly borderWidth passwordChar maxLen alignment 
		autoTab autoSelect readOnly selEnd selStart charOffset 
		firstChar wordDelimiters ))
		{ $self-> $_( $profile{ $_}); }
	$self-> {resetDisabled} = 0;
	$self-> {resetLevel}    = 0;
	my $font = $self-> font;
	$self-> {font_height} = $font-> height;
	$self-> {font_width} = $font-> width;
	$self-> reset;
	$self-> autoHeight( $profile{autoHeight});

	return %profile;

sub on_paint
	my ($self,$canvas) = @_;
	my @size = $canvas-> size;
	my @clr;
	my @selClr;
	@clr = $self-> enabled ? 
		($self-> color, $self-> backColor) :
		($self-> disabledColor, $self-> disabledBackColor);
	@selClr = ($self-> hiliteColor, $self-> hiliteBackColor);
	my $border = $self-> {borderWidth};
	if ( $self-> {borderWidth} == 0) {
		$canvas-> color( $clr[1]);
		$canvas-> bar(0,0,@size);
	} else {
		$canvas-> rect3d( 0, 0, $size[0]-1, $size[1]-1, $border, $self-> dark3DColor, $self-> light3DColor, $clr[1]);

	return if $size[0] <= $border * 2 + 2;
	my $cap   = $self-> {line};
	$canvas-> clipRect  ( 
		$border + 1, $border + 1, 
		$size[0] - $border - 2, $size[1] - $border - 2
	$canvas-> translate ( $border + 1, $border + 1);
	$size[0] -= ( $border + 1) * 2;
	$size[1] -= ( $border + 1) * 2;

	my ( $fh, $useSel) =
		$self-> {font_height},
		( $self-> {selStart} < $self-> {selEnd}) && $self-> focused && $self-> enabled

	$useSel = 0 if $self-> {selEnd} <= $self-> {firstChar};

	my ( $x, $y) = ( $self-> {atDrawX}, $self-> {atDrawY});
	if ( $useSel && @{ $self->{selChunks} // [] }) {
				$self->{firstChar}, length($self->{wholeLine}),
		sub {
			my ( $offset, $length, $selected ) = @_;
			my $text = substr( $cap, $offset, $length );
			my $dx = $canvas->get_text_width( $text );
			if ( $selected ) {
				$canvas-> color( $self-> hiliteBackColor);
				$canvas-> bar( $x, 0, $x + $dx - 1, $size[1] - 1);
				$canvas-> color( $self-> hiliteColor);
			} else {
				$canvas-> color( $clr[0]);
			$canvas-> text_out( $text, $x, $y );
			$x += $dx;
	} else {
		$canvas-> color( $clr[0]);
		$canvas-> text_out( $cap, $x, $y);

sub reset_cursor
	my $self = $_[0];
	$self-> {resetLevel} = 1;
	$self-> reset;
	$self-> {resetLevel} = 0;

sub reset
	my $self  = $_[0];
	return if $self-> {resetDisabled};
	my @size  = $self-> size;
	my $cap   = $self-> {wholeLine};
	my $border= $self-> {borderWidth};
	my $width = $size[0] - ( $border + 1) * 2;
	my $fcCut = $self-> {firstChar};
	my $reCalc = 0;

	if ( $self-> {resetLevel} == 0) {
		$self-> { atDrawY} = ( $size[1] - ( $border + 1) * 2 - $self-> {font_height}) / 2;
		if ( $self-> {alignment} == ta::Left)
			$self-> {line}       = substr( $cap, $fcCut, length($cap));
			$self-> {lineWidth} = $self-> get_text_width( $self-> {line});
			$self-> {atDrawX}   = 0;
		} elsif ( $self-> {alignment} == ta::Center ) {
			$self-> {lineWidth} = $self-> get_text_width( $cap);
			if ( $self-> { lineWidth} > $width) {
				$self-> {line}      = substr( $cap, $fcCut, length($cap));
				$self-> {lineWidth} = $self-> get_text_width( $self-> {line});
				$self-> {atDrawX}   = 0;
			} else {
				$self-> {line}      = $cap;
				$self-> {atDrawX}   = ( $width - $self-> {lineWidth}) / 2;
		} else {
			$self-> {lineWidth} = $self-> get_text_width( $cap);
			if ( $self-> { lineWidth} > $width) {
				$self-> {line}      = substr( $cap, $fcCut, length($cap));
				$self-> {lineWidth} = $self-> get_text_width( $self-> {line});
				$self-> {atDrawX}   = 0;
			} else {
				$self-> {line}      = $cap;
				$self-> {atDrawX}   = $width - $self->{lineWidth};

	my $ofs = $self-> {charOffset} - $fcCut;
	$cap = ($ofs < 0) ? '' : substr( $self-> {line}, 0, $ofs );
	my $x   = $self-> get_text_width( $cap) + $self-> {atDrawX} + $border;
	my $curWidth = $self-> {insertMode} ? 
		$self-> {defcw} : 
		(( $ofs < 0 ) ? 0 : $self-> get_text_width( substr( $self-> {line}, $ofs, 1)) + 1);
	$curWidth = $size[0] - $x - $border if $curWidth + $x > $size[0] - $border;
	$self-> cursorSize( $curWidth, $size[1] - $border * 2 - 2);
	$self-> cursorPos( $x, $border + 1);

sub text
	return $_[0]-> SUPER::text unless $#_;
	my ( $self, $cap) = @_;
	$cap = '' unless defined $cap;
	$cap = substr( $cap, 0, $self-> {maxLen}) 
		if $self-> {maxLen} >= 0 and length($cap) > $self-> {maxLen};

	$self-> SUPER::text($cap);

	if ($self->is_bidi($cap)) {
		($self->{bidiData}, $cap) = $self->bidi_paragraph( $cap );
		# Prima::Bidi::debug_str($p,$c);
	} else {
		delete $self->{bidiData};
	$cap = $self-> {passwordChar} x length $cap if $self-> {writeOnly};
	$self-> {wholeLine} = $cap;
	$self-> charOffset( length $cap) if $self-> {charOffset} > length $cap;
	$self-> set_selection(0,0);
	$self-> reset;
	$self-> repaint;
	$self-> notify(q(Change));

sub on_keydown
	my ( $self, $code, $key, $mod) = @_;
	return if $mod & km::DeadKey;

	my $is_unicode = $mod & km::Unicode;
	$mod &= ( km::Shift|km::Ctrl|km::Alt);
	$self-> notify(q(MouseUp),0,0,0) if defined $self-> {mouseTransaction};
	my $offset = $self-> charOffset;
	my $cap    = $self-> text;
	my $caplen = length( $cap);
	my $p_offset = $self-> char_offset_strpos;

	# navigation part
	if ( scalar grep { $key == $_ } (kb::Left,kb::Right,kb::Home,kb::End))
		return if $mod & km::Alt;
		my $delta = 0;
		if    ( $key == kb::Left)  { $delta = -1;}
		elsif ( $key == kb::Right) { $delta = 1;}
		elsif ( $key == kb::Home)  { $delta = -$offset;}
		elsif ( $key == kb::End)   { $delta = $caplen - $offset;}
		if (( $mod & km::Ctrl) && ( $key == kb::Left || $key == kb::Right))
			my $orgd = $delta;
			if ( $offset + $delta > 0 && $offset + $delta < $caplen)
				my $w = $self-> {wordDelimiters};
				if ( $key == kb::Right)
					if ($w !~ quotemeta($self->char_at($offset)))
						$delta++ while (($w !~ quotemeta( $self->char_at( $offset + $delta) // '')) &&
							( $offset + $delta < $caplen));
					if ( $offset + $delta < $caplen)
						$delta++ while (( $w =~ quotemeta( $self->char_at( $offset + $delta) // '')) &&
							( $offset + $delta < $caplen));
				} else {
					if ( $w =~ quotemeta( $self->char_at( $offset - 1)))
						$delta-- while (( $w =~ quotemeta( $self->char_at( $offset + $delta - 1) // '')) &&
							( $offset + $delta > 0));
					if ( $offset + $delta > 0)
						$delta-- while (( $w !~ quotemeta( $self->char_at( $offset + $delta - 1) // '')) &&
							( $offset + $delta > 0));
		if (( $offset + $delta >= 0) && ( $offset + $delta <= $caplen))
			if ( $mod & km::Shift)
				my ( $start, $end) = $self-> selection;
				($start, $end) = ( $offset, $offset) if $start == $end;
				if ( $start == $offset)
					$start += $delta;
				} else {
					$end += $delta;
				$self-> {autoAdjustDisabled} = 1;
				$self-> selection( $start, $end);
				delete $self-> {autoAdjustDisabled};
			} else {
				$self-> selection(0,0) if $self-> {selStart} != $self-> {selEnd};
			$self-> charOffset( $offset + $delta);
			$self-> clear_event;
		} else {
			# boundary exceeding:
			$self-> clear_event unless $self-> {autoTab};
	if ( $key == kb::Insert && $mod == 0)
		$self-> insertMode( !$self-> insertMode);
		$self-> clear_event;
# edit part
	my ($start, $end) = $self->selection;
	($start, $end) = ($offset, $offset) if $start == $end;
	my ($p_start, $p_end) = $self-> selection_strpos;
	# warn "$start $end $offset > $p_start $p_end $p_offset\n";

	if ( $key == kb::Backspace)
		if ( !$self-> {readOnly})
			$self-> begin_undo_group;
			if ( $p_start != $p_end)
				substr( $cap, $p_start, $p_end - $p_start) = '';
				$self-> set_selection(0,0);
				$self-> edit_text( $cap);
				$self-> charOffset( $start);
			} else {
				my ( $howmany, $at, $moveto) = $self->bidi_edit_delete(
					$self->{bidiData} // length($cap),
					$self->charOffset, 1
				if ( $howmany ) {
					substr( $cap, $at, $howmany) = '';
					$self-> charOffset( $self-> charOffset + $moveto );
					$self-> edit_text( $cap);
			$self-> end_undo_group;
		$self-> clear_event;
	if ( $key == kb::Delete)
		if ( !$self-> {readOnly})
			my $del;
			$self-> begin_undo_group;
			if ( $p_start != $p_end)
				$del = substr( $cap, $p_start, $p_end - $p_start);
				substr( $cap, $p_start, $p_end - $p_start) = '';
				$self-> set_selection(0,0);
				$self-> edit_text( $cap);
				$self-> charOffset( $start);
			} else {
				my ( $howmany, $at, $moveto) = $self->bidi_edit_delete(
					$self->{bidiData} // length($cap),
					$self->charOffset, 0
				if ( $howmany ) {
					$del = substr( $cap, $at, $howmany);
					substr( $cap, $at, $howmany) = '';
					$self-> charOffset( $self-> charOffset + $moveto );
					$self-> edit_text( $cap);
			$self-> end_undo_group;
			$::application-> Clipboard-> text( $del)
				if $mod & ( km::Ctrl|km::Shift);
		$self-> clear_event;
	if ( $key == kb::Insert && ( $mod & ( km::Ctrl|km::Shift)))
		if ( $mod & km::Ctrl)
			$self-> copy if $p_start != $p_end;
		} else {
			$self-> push_group_undo_action('text', $self->text);
			$self-> paste;
		$self-> clear_event;

	if ($code == ord("\cC")) {
		$self-> copy if $p_start != $p_end;
		$self-> clear_event;
	} elsif ($code == ord("\cA")) {
		$self-> select_all;
		$self-> clear_event;
	} elsif ($code == ord("\cV")) {
		$self-> push_group_undo_action('text', $self->text);
		$self-> paste;
		$self-> clear_event;
	} elsif ($code == ord("\cX")) {
		if ( !$self-> {readOnly} && $p_start != $p_end) {
			my $del;
			$del = substr( $cap, $p_start, $p_end - $p_start);
			substr( $cap, $p_start, $p_end - $p_start) = '';
			$self-> begin_undo_group;
			$self-> set_selection(0,0);
			$self-> edit_text( $cap);
			$self-> charOffset( $start);
			$self-> end_undo_group;
			$::application-> Clipboard-> text( $del);
		$self-> clear_event;

# typing part
	if  (
		!$self-> {readOnly} &&
		( $code >= ord(' ')) &&
		(( $mod  & (km::Alt | km::Ctrl)) == 0) &&
		(( $key == kb::NoKey) || ( $key == kb::Space))
	) {
		my $chr = chr $code;
		$self-> begin_undo_group;
		utf8::upgrade($chr) if $is_unicode;
		if ( $p_start != $p_end) {
			$offset = $p_start;
			substr( $cap, $p_start, $p_end - $p_start) = '';
			if ( $self->is_bidi($cap)) {
				($self->{bidiData}) = $self->bidi_paragraph( $cap );
			} else {
				delete $self->{bidiData};
			goto INSERT;
		} elsif ( !$self-> {insertMode}) {
			substr( $cap, $p_start, $p_end - $p_start) = $chr;
		} else {
			my ($at,$moveto) = $self->bidi_edit_insert(
				$start, $chr
			substr( $cap, $at, 0) = $chr;
			$offset += $moveto - 1;

		$self-> selection(0,0);
		if ( $self-> maxLen >= 0 and length ( $cap) > $self-> maxLen)
			$self-> event_error;
		} else {
			$self-> edit_text( $cap);
			$self-> charOffset( $offset + 1)
		$self-> clear_event;
		$self-> end_undo_group;

sub on_popup
	my $self = $_[0];
	my $p    = $self-> popup;

	my $sel = $self-> {selStart} != $self-> {selEnd};

	my $c    = $::application-> Clipboard;
	$c-> open;
	my $clip = $c-> format_exists('Text');
	$c-> close;

	$p-> enabled( 'copy',         $sel && not($self-> {writeOnly}));
	$p-> enabled( 'cut',          $sel && not($self-> {writeOnly}));
	$p-> enabled( 'delete',       $sel);
	$p-> enabled( 'paste',        $clip);
	$p-> enabled( 'select_all',   length($self-> {wholeLine}));
	$p-> enabled( 'undo',         $self->can_undo );
	$p-> enabled( 'redo',         $self->can_redo );

sub default_geom_height
	my $self = $_[0];
	return $self-> font-> height + 2 + $self-> {borderWidth} * 2;

sub check_auto_size
	my $self = $_[0];
	$self-> geomHeight( $self-> default_geom_height )
		if $self-> {autoHeight};

sub copy
	my $self = $_[0];
	my ( $start, $end) = $self-> selection_strpos;
	return if $start == $end;
	return if $self-> {writeOnly};

	my $cap = $self-> text;
	$::application-> Clipboard-> text( substr( $cap, $start, $end - $start));

sub paste
	my $self = $_[0];
	return if $self-> {readOnly};
	my $cap = $self-> text;
	my ( $start, $end) = $self-> selection;
	($start, $end) = ( $self-> charOffset, $self-> charOffset) if $start == $end;
	my $s = $::application-> Clipboard-> text;
	return if !defined($s) or length( $s) == 0;

	my ($p_start, $p_end) = $self->selection_strpos;
	substr( $cap, $p_start, $p_end - $p_start) = $s;
	$self-> selection(0,0);
	$self-> text( $cap);
	$self-> charOffset( $start + length( $s));

sub delete
	my $self = $_[0];
	my ( $start, $end) = $self-> selection_strpos;
	return if $start == $end;

	my $cap = $self-> text;
	substr( $cap, $start, $end - $start) = '';
	$self-> selection(0,0);
	$self-> text( $cap) unless $self-> {readOnly};

sub cut
	my $self = $_[0];
	my ( $start, $end) = $self-> selection_strpos;
	return if $start == $end;

	my $cap = $self-> text;
	my $del = substr( $cap, $start, $end - $start);
	substr( $cap, $start, $end - $start) = '';
	$self-> selection(0,0);
	$self-> text( $cap) unless $self-> {readOnly};
	$::application-> Clipboard-> text( $del) unless $self-> {writeOnly};

sub x2offset
	my ( $self, $x) = @_;

 	$x -= $self-> {atDrawX} + $self-> {borderWidth} + 1;
	my $fc = $self->{firstChar};
	return $fc if $x <= 0;
	return $fc + length( $self-> {line}) if $x >= $self-> {lineWidth};
	return $fc + $self-> text_wrap( $self-> {line}, $x, tw::ReturnFirstLineLength);

sub has_bidi_data { exists shift->{bidiData} }

sub offset2strpos
	my $self = shift;
	my $l  = length $self->{wholeLine};
	my @p  = @_;
	my $bd = $self->{bidiData} ?
		$self->{bidiData}->map :
		return $#p ? @p : $p[0];
	my @ret    =  map {
		 ($_ <   0) ? 0 :
		(($_ >= $l) ? $l - 1 : $bd->[$_])
	} @p;
	return $#ret ? @ret : $ret[0];

sub char_at
	my ( $self, $at ) = @_;
	return undef if $at < 0 || $at >= length($self->{wholeLine});
	$at = $self-> offset2strpos($at);
	return substr( $self->text, $at, 1);

sub char_offset_strpos
	my $self = shift;
	if ( $self-> charOffset < length($self->{wholeLine})) {
		return $self-> offset2strpos( $self-> charOffset );
	} elsif ( length($self->{wholeLine}) > 0 ) {
		return $self-> offset2strpos( $self-> charOffset - 1 ) + 1;
	} else {
		return 0;

sub selection_strpos
	my $self = shift;
	return (0,0) unless length $self->{wholeLine};
	my ($start, $end) = $self-> selection;
	return ($self-> char_offset_strpos) x 2 if $start == $end;
	($start, $end) = $self-> offset2strpos( $start, $end - 1);
	return ($start <= $end) ? ( $start, $end + 1) : ( $end, $start + 1);

sub on_mousedown
	my ( $self, $btn, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
	return if defined $self-> {mouseTransaction};

	if ( $btn == mb::Middle) {
		my $cp = $::application-> bring('Primary');
		return unless $cp;
		return if $self-> {readOnly};
		my $cap = $self-> text;
		my ( $start, $end) = $self-> selection;
		($start, $end) = ( $self-> charOffset, $self-> charOffset) if $start == $end;
		my $s = $cp-> text;
		return if !defined($s) or length( $s) == 0;
		my ($p_start, $p_end) = $self-> selection_strpos;
		substr( $cap, $p_start, $p_end - $p_start) = $s;
		$self-> selection(0,0);
		$self-> text( $cap);
		$self-> charOffset( $start + length( $s));
		$self-> clear_event;
	} elsif ( $btn == mb::Right) {
	$self-> {mouseTransaction} = 1;
	$self-> selection(0,0);
	$self-> charOffset( $self-> x2offset( $x));
	$self-> {anchor} = $self-> charOffset;
	$self-> capture(1);
	$self-> clear_event;

sub new_offset
	my ( $self, $ofs) = @_;
	$self-> {autoAdjustDisabled} = 1;
	$self-> charOffset( $ofs);
	$self-> selection( $self-> {anchor}, $self-> charOffset);
	delete $self-> {autoAdjustDisabled};

sub on_mousemove
	my ( $self, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
	$self-> clear_event;
	return unless defined $self-> {mouseTransaction};
	my $border = $self-> {borderWidth};
	my $width  = $self-> width;
	if (( $x >= $border + 1) && ( $x <= $width - $border - 1))
		$self-> new_offset( $self-> x2offset( $x));
		$self-> scroll_timer_stop;

	my $firstAct = ! $self-> scroll_timer_active;
	$self-> scroll_timer_start if $firstAct;
	return unless $self-> scroll_timer_semaphore;

	$self-> scroll_timer_semaphore(0);
	if ( $firstAct) {
		if ( $x <= $border + $self-> {atDrawX}) {
			$self-> new_offset( $self-> firstChar);
		} else {
			$x = $width - $border if $x > $width - $border;
			$self-> new_offset( $self-> x2offset( $x));
	} else {
		$self-> {autoAdjustDisabled} = 1;
		my $delta = 1;
		my $fw = $self-> {font_width};
		$delta = ($width - $border * 2)/($fw*6) if $width - $border * 2 > $fw * 6;
		$delta = int( $delta);
		my $nSel = $self-> charOffset + $delta * ( $x <= $border ? -1 : 1);
		$nSel = 0 if $nSel < 0;

		$self-> lock;
		$self-> selection( $self-> {anchor}, $nSel);
		my $newFc  = $self-> firstChar + $delta * ( $x <= $border ? -1 : 1);
		my $caplen = length $self-> {wholeLine};
		$newFc = $caplen - $delta if $newFc + $delta > $caplen;

		$self-> firstChar ( $newFc);
		$self-> charOffset( $nSel);
		$self-> unlock;

		delete $self-> {autoAdjustDisabled};

sub on_mouseup
	my ( $self, $btn, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
	return unless defined $self-> {mouseTransaction};

	delete $self-> {mouseTransaction};
	$self-> scroll_timer_stop;
	$self-> capture(0);
	return if $self-> {writeOnly};

	my $cp = $::application-> bring('Primary');
	return unless $cp;

	my ( $start, $end) = $self-> selection_strpos;
	$cp-> text(substr( $self-> text, $start, $end - $start)) if $start != $end;

sub on_size
	my $self = $_[0];
	$self-> reset;
	$self-> firstChar( $self-> firstChar) if $self->{alignment} != ta::Left;

sub on_fontchanged
	my $self = shift;

	my $font = $self-> font;
	$self-> {font_height} = $font-> height;
	$self-> {font_width} = $font-> width;

	$self-> check_auto_size;
	$self-> reset;

sub set_alignment
	my ( $self, $align) = @_;
	$self-> {alignment} = $align;
	$align = ta::Left if 
		$align != ta::Left && 
		$align != ta::Right && 
		$align != ta::Center;
	$self-> reset;
	$self-> repaint;

sub set_border_width
	my ( $self, $width) = @_;
	$width = 0 if $width < 0;
	$self-> {borderWidth} = $width;
	$self-> check_auto_size;
	$self-> reset;
	$self-> repaint;

sub set_char_offset
	my ( $self, $offset) = @_;
	my $cap = $self-> text;
	my $l   = length($cap);
	$offset = $l if $offset > $l;
	$offset = 0 if $offset < 0;
	return if $self-> {charOffset} == $offset;
	$self-> push_undo_action( 'charOffset', $offset) unless $self->has_undo_action('charOffset');
	my $border = $self-> {borderWidth};
	$self-> {charOffset} = $offset;
	my $w = $self-> width - ( $border + 1) * 2;
	my $fc = $self-> {firstChar};
	if ( $fc > $offset) {
		$self-> firstChar( $offset);
	} else {
		my $ofs = $offset - $fc;
		my $str = substr( $self-> {line}, 0, $ofs);
		my $gapWidth = ($ofs > 0) ? $self-> get_text_width($str) : 0;
		if ( $gapWidth > $w) {
			my $wrapRec = $self-> text_wrap( $str, $w, tw::ReturnChunks);
			if ( scalar @{$wrapRec} < 5) {
				$self-> firstChar( $fc + $$wrapRec[-1] + 1);
			} else {
				$self-> firstChar( $fc + $$wrapRec[-4] + $$wrapRec[-1] + 1);
		} else {
			$self-> reset_cursor;

sub set_max_len
	my ( $self, $len) = @_;

	my $cap = $self-> text;
	$len = -1 if $len < 0;
	$self-> {maxLen} = $len;
	$self-> text( substr( $cap, 0, $len)) if $len >= 0 and length($cap) > $len;

sub set_first_char
	my ( $self, $pos) = @_;

	my $l = length $self-> {wholeLine};
	$pos = $l if $pos > $l;
	$pos = 0 if $pos < 0;
	$pos = 0 if 
		( $self-> {alignment} != ta::Left) &&
		( $self-> get_text_width( $self-> {wholeLine}) <= $self-> width - $self-> {borderWidth} * 2 - 2);
	my $ofc = $self-> {firstChar};
	return if $self-> {firstChar} == $pos;
	$self-> push_undo_action( 'firstChar', $pos);
	my $oline = $self-> {line};
	$self-> {firstChar} = $pos;
	$self-> reset;
	my $border = $self-> {borderWidth} + 1;
	my @size = $self-> size;

	$self-> scroll(
		( $ofc > $pos) ?
			$self-> get_text_width( substr( $self-> {line}, 0, $ofc - $pos)) :
			- $self-> get_text_width( substr( $oline, 0, $pos - $ofc))
		, 0,
		clipRect => [ $border, $border, $size[0] - $border, $size[1] - $border]
	) if 0;

sub set_write_only
	my ( $self, $wo) = @_;
	return if $wo == $self-> {writeOnly};
	$self-> {writeOnly} = $wo;
	$self-> text( $self-> text);

sub set_password_char
	my ( $self, $pc) = @_;
	return if $pc eq $self-> {passwordChar};
	$self-> {passwordChar} = $pc;
	$self-> text( $self-> text) if $self-> {writeOnly};

sub set_insert_mode
	my ( $self, $insert) = @_;
	my $oi = $self-> {insertMode};
	$self-> {insertMode} = $insert;
	if ($oi != $insert) {
		$self-> reset;
		$self-> push_undo_action( 'insertMode', $oi);
	$::application-> insertMode( $insert);

sub set_selection
	my ( $self, $start, $end) = @_;

	my $l = length $self-> {wholeLine};
	my ( $ostart, $oend) = $self-> selection;
	my $onsel = $ostart == $oend;
	$end   = $l if $end   < 0;
	$start = $l if $start < 0;
	( $start, $end) = ( $end, $start) if $start > $end;
	$start = $l if $start > $l;
	$end   = $l if $end   > $l;
	$start = $end if $start > $end;
	my $old_chunks = $self->{selChunks} // [];
	$self-> {selStart} = $start;
	$self-> {selEnd} = $end;
	$self-> {selChunks} = [];
	$self-> push_group_undo_action('selection', $ostart, $oend);
	return if $start == $end && $onsel;

	my $new_chunks;
	if ( $start != $end ) {
		if ( $start == 0 && $end == $l ) {
			# select all
			$self->{selChunks} = [ 0, $l ];
		} else {
			$self->{selChunks} = $self->bidi_selection_chunks(
				$self->{bidiData} ? $self->{bidiData}->map : $l,
				$start, $end - 1);
			# warn "$start:$end > @{$self->{selChunks}}\n";
		$new_chunks = $self->{selChunks};
	} else {
		$new_chunks = [ length( $self->{wholeLine}) ];
	my $ooffset = $self-> charOffset;
	$self-> charOffset( $end) if ( $start != $end) && !defined $self-> {autoAdjustDisabled};
	return if ( $start == $ostart && $end == $oend);

	$self-> reset;

	my $border = $self-> {borderWidth};
	my @size = $self-> size;
	my @r = ( $self->{atDrawX} + $border + 2, $self->{atDrawX} + $border + 2 );
	my @invalid_rects;
	$self-> begin_paint_info;
		$self->bidi_selection_diff( $old_chunks, $new_chunks ),
		$self->{firstChar}, length($self->{wholeLine}),
		sub {
			my ( $offset, $length, $changed ) = @_;
			my $dx = $self->get_text_width( substr( $self->{line}, $offset, $length ) );
			$r[1] += $dx;
			push @invalid_rects, [ $r[0] - 1, $border + 1, $r[1], $size[1]-$border-1 ]
				if $changed;
			$r[0] = $r[1];
	$self-> end_paint_info;

	$self->invalidate_rect(@$_) for @invalid_rects;

sub on_enable  { $_[0]-> repaint; }
sub on_disable { $_[0]-> repaint; }

sub on_leave
	my @s = $_[0]-> selection;
	$_[0]-> repaint if $s[0] != $s[1];

sub on_enter
	my $self = $_[0];

	$self-> insertMode( $::application-> insertMode);

	if ( $self-> {autoSelect}) {
		my @s = $self-> selection;
		$self-> {autoAdjustDisabled} = 1;
		$self-> select_all;
		$self-> {autoAdjustDisabled} = undef;
		my @s2 = $self-> selection;
		$self-> repaint if $s[0] == $s2[0] and $s[1] == $s2[1];
	} else {
		my @s = $self-> selection;
		$self-> repaint if $s[0] != $s[1];

sub select_all { $_[0]-> selection(0,-1); }

sub autoHeight
	return $_[0]-> {autoHeight} unless $#_;
	$_[0]-> {autoHeight} = $_[1];
	$_[0]-> check_auto_size;

sub textDirection
	return $_[0]-> {textDirection} unless $#_;
	my ( $self, $td ) = @_;
	$self-> {textDirection} = $td;
	$self-> text( $self-> text );
	$self-> alignment( $td ? ta::Right : ta::Left );

sub edit_text
	my ($self, $text) = @_;
	$self-> begin_undo_group;
	$self-> push_undo_action( 'edit_text', $self->text);
	$self-> text($text);
	$self-> end_undo_group;

sub autoSelect    {($#_)?($_[0]-> {autoSelect}    = $_[1])                :return $_[0]-> {autoSelect}   }
sub autoTab       {($#_)?($_[0]-> {autoTab}       = $_[1])                :return $_[0]-> {autoTab}      }
sub readOnly      {($#_)?($_[0]-> {readOnly }     = $_[1])                :return $_[0]-> {readOnly }    }
sub wordDelimiters{($#_)?($_[0]-> {wordDelimiters}= $_[1])                :return $_[0]-> {wordDelimiters}}
sub alignment     {($#_)?($_[0]-> set_alignment(    $_[1]))               :return $_[0]-> {alignment}    }
sub borderWidth   {($#_)?($_[0]-> set_border_width( $_[1]))               :return $_[0]-> {borderWidth}  }
sub charOffset    {($#_)?($_[0]-> set_char_offset(  $_[1]))               :return $_[0]-> {charOffset}   }
sub maxLen        {($#_)?($_[0]-> set_max_len  (    $_[1]))               :return $_[0]-> {maxLen   }    }
sub firstChar     {($#_)?($_[0]-> set_first_char(   $_[1]))               :return $_[0]-> {firstChar}    }
sub writeOnly     {($#_)?($_[0]-> set_write_only(   $_[1]))               :return $_[0]-> {writeOnly}    }
sub passwordChar  {($#_)?($_[0]-> set_password_char($_[1]))               :return $_[0]-> {passwordChar} }
sub insertMode    {($#_)?($_[0]-> set_insert_mode  (    $_[1]))           :return $_[0]-> {insertMode}   }
sub selection     {($#_)? $_[0]-> set_selection   ($_[1], $_[2]) : return ($_[0]-> {selStart},$_[0]-> {selEnd})}
sub selStart      {($#_)? $_[0]-> set_selection   ($_[1], $_[0]-> {selEnd}): return $_[0]-> {'selStart'}}
sub selEnd        {($#_)? $_[0]-> set_selection   ($_[0]-> {'selStart'}, $_[1]):return $_[0]-> {'selEnd'}}
sub selText    {
	my( $f, $t) = $_[0]->selection_strpos;
	($#_) ? do {
	my $x = $_[ 0]-> text;
	substr( $x, $f, $t - $f) = $_[ 1];
	$_[0]-> text( $x);
	$_[0]-> set_selection( $f, $f + length $_[ 1]);
	} : return substr( $_[ 0]-> text, $f, $t - $f);




=head1 NAME

Prima::InputLine - standard input line widget


The class provides basic functionality of an input line,
including hidden input, read-only state, selection, and
clipboard operations. The input line text data is 
contained in L<text> property.

=head1 API

=head2 Events


=item Change

The notification is called when the L<text> property is changed, either 
interactively or as a result of direct call.


=head2 Properties


=item alignment INTEGER

One of the following C<ta::> constants, defining the text alignment:


Default value: C<ta::Left>

=item autoHeight BOOLEAN

If 1, adjusts the height of the widget automatically when its font changes.

Default value: 1

=item autoSelect BOOLEAN

If 1, all the text is selected when the widget becomes focused.

Default value: 1

=item autoTab BOOLEAN

If 1, the keyboard C<kb::Left> and C<kb::Right> commands, if received
when the cursor is at the beginning or at the end of text, and cannot be
mover farther, not processed. The result of this is that the default handler
moves focus to a neighbor widget, in a way as if the Tab key
was pressed.

Default value: 0

=item borderWidth INTEGER

Width of 3d-shade border around the widget.

Default value: 2

=item charOffset INTEGER

Selects the position of the cursor in characters starting from
the beginning of visual text.

=item firstChar

Selects the first visible character of text

=item insertMode BOOLEAN

Governs the typing mode - if 1, the typed text is inserted, if 0, the text overwrites
the old text. When C<insertMode> is 0, the cursor shape is thick and covers the whole
character; when 1, it is of default width.

Default toggle key: Insert

=item maxLen INTEGER

The maximal length of the text, that can be stored into L<text> or typed by the user.

Default value: 256

=item passwordChar CHARACTER

A character to be shown instead of the text letters when L<writeOnly> property value is 1.

Default value: C<'*'>

=item readOnly BOOLEAN

If 1, the text cannot be edited by the user.

Default value: 0

=item selection START, END

Two integers, specifying the beginning and the end of the selected text.
A case with no selection is when START equals END.

=item selStart INTEGER

Selects the start of text selection.

=item selEnd INTEGER

Selects the end of text selection.

=item textDirection BOOLEAN.

If set, indicates RTL text input.

=item wordDelimiters STRING

Contains string of character that are used for locating a word break. 
Default STRING value consists of punctuation marks, space and tab characters,
and C<\xff> character.

=item writeOnly BOOLEAN

If 1, the input is not shown but mapped to L<passwordChar> characters.
Useful for a password entry.

Default value: 0


=head2 Methods 


=item copy

Copies the selected text, if any, to the clipboard.

Default key: Ctrl+Insert

=item cut

Cuts the selected text into the clipboard.

Default key: Shift+Delete

=item delete

Removes the selected text.

Default key: Delete

=item paste

Copies text from the clipboard and inserts it in the cursor position.

Default key: Shift+Insert

=item select_all

Selects all text


=head2 Bi-directional input and output

When bidi is enabled, methods C<firstChar>, C<charOffset>, C<selection> etc
change their meaning, so that these cannot be used to calculate text offsets
f.ex. via C<substr>.  Also, selection ranges of bidi text are not
straighforward.  Use the following methods whenever text manipulations are


=item has_bidi_data

Returns 1 if visual layout does not correspond to storage layout.

=item char_at OFFSET

Returns character at OFFSET

=item offset2strpos

Converts visual offset to storage offset

=item char_offset_strpos

Returns the character offset in storage directly under the cursor.

=item selection_strpos

Returns range of characters covered by the selection.


=head1 AUTHOR

Dmitry Karasik, E<lt><gt>.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Prima>, L<Prima::Widget>, L<Prima::Bidi>, F<examples/>.
