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#include "img_conv.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define map_RGB_gray ((Byte*)std256gray_palette)

Byte     map_stdcolorref    [ 256];
Byte     div51              [ 256];
Byte     div17              [ 256];
Byte     mod51              [ 256];
Byte     mod17mul3          [ 256];
RGBColor cubic_palette      [ 256];
RGBColor cubic_palette8     [   8];
RGBColor cubic_palette16    [  16] =
   {0,0,0}, {0,128,128}, {128,0,128}, {0,0,255},
   {128,128,0}, {0,255,0}, {255,0,0}, {85,85,85},
RGBColor stdmono_palette    [   2] = {{ 0, 0, 0}, { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}};
RGBColor std16gray_palette  [  16];
RGBColor std256gray_palette [ 256];
Byte     map_halftone8x8_51 [  64] = {
    0, 38,  9, 47,  2, 40, 11, 50,
   25, 12, 35, 22, 27, 15, 37, 24,
    6, 44,  3, 41,  8, 47,  5, 43,
   31, 19, 28, 15, 34, 21, 31, 18,
    1, 39, 11, 49,  0, 39, 10, 48,
   27, 14, 36, 23, 26, 13, 35, 23,
    7, 46,  4, 43,  7, 45,  3, 42,
   33, 20, 30, 17, 32, 19, 29, 16
Byte     map_halftone8x8_64 [  64] = {
    0, 47, 12, 59,  3, 50, 15, 62,
   32, 16, 43, 28, 34, 19, 46, 31,
    8, 55,  4, 51, 11, 58,  7, 54,
   39, 24, 35, 20, 42, 27, 38, 23,
    2, 49, 14, 61,  1, 48, 13, 60,
   33, 18, 45, 30, 32, 17, 44, 29,
   10, 57,  6, 53,  9, 56,  5, 52,
   41, 26, 37, 22, 40, 25, 36, 21

cm_init_colormap( void)
   int i;
   for ( i = 0; i < 256; i++)
      map_RGB_gray[ i * 3] = map_RGB_gray[ i * 3 + 1] = map_RGB_gray[ i * 3 + 2] = i;
      map_stdcolorref[ i] = i;
      div51[ i] = i / 51;
      div17[ i] = i / 17;
      mod51[ i] = i % 51;
      mod17mul3[ i] = ( i % 17) * 3;
   for ( i = 0; i < 16; i++)
      std16gray_palette[ i]. r = std16gray_palette[ i]. g = std16gray_palette[ i]. b = i * 17;
      int b, g, r;
      for ( b = 0; b < 6; b++) for ( g = 0; g < 6; g++) for ( r = 0; r < 6; r++)
/*       cubic_palette[ b + g * 6 + r * 36] =( RGBColor) { b * 51, g * 51, r *
 *       51 }; */
         int idx = b + g * 6 + r * 36;
         cubic_palette[ idx]. b = b * 51;
         cubic_palette[ idx]. g = g * 51;
         cubic_palette[ idx]. r = r * 51;
      int b, g, r;
      for ( b = 0; b < 2; b++) for ( g = 0; g < 2; g++) for ( r = 0; r < 2; r++)
/*       cubic_palette8[ b + g * 2 + r * 4] = ( RGBColor) { b * 255, g * 255,
 *       r * 255 }; */
         int idx = b + g * 2 + r * 4;
         cubic_palette8[ idx]. b = b * 255;
         cubic_palette8[ idx]. g = g * 255;
         cubic_palette8[ idx]. r = r * 255;

cm_reverse_palette( PRGBColor source, PRGBColor dest, int colors)
   while( colors--)
      register Byte r = source[0].r;
      register Byte b = source[0].b;
      register Byte g = source[0].g;
      dest[0].r = b;
      dest[0].b = r;
      dest[0].g = g;

cm_squeeze_palette( PRGBColor source, int srcColors, PRGBColor dest, int destColors)
   if (( srcColors == 0) || ( destColors == 0)) return;
   if ( srcColors <= destColors)
      memcpy( dest, source, srcColors * sizeof( RGBColor));
      int tolerance = 0;
      int colors    = srcColors;

      PRGBColor buf = allocn( RGBColor, srcColors);
      if (!buf) return;
      memcpy( buf, source, srcColors * sizeof( RGBColor));
      while (1)
         int i;
         int tt2 = tolerance*tolerance;
         for ( i = 0; i < colors - 1; i++)
            register int r = buf[i]. r;
            register int g = buf[i]. g;
            register int b = buf[i]. b;
            int j;
            register PRGBColor next = buf + i + 1;
            for ( j = i + 1; j < colors; j++)
               if (( ( next-> r - r)*( next-> r - r) +
                     ( next-> g - g)*( next-> g - g) +
                     ( next-> b - b)*( next-> b - b)) <= tt2)
                  buf[ j] = buf[ --colors];
                  if ( colors <= destColors) goto Enough;
         tolerance += 2;
      memcpy( dest, buf, destColors * sizeof( RGBColor));
      free( buf);

cm_nearest_color( RGBColor color, int palSize, PRGBColor palette)
   int diff = INT_MAX, cdiff = 0;
   Byte ret = 0;
   while( palSize--)
      int dr=abs( (int)color. r - (int)palette[ palSize]. r),
          dg=abs( (int)color. g - (int)palette[ palSize]. g),
          db=abs( (int)color. b - (int)palette[ palSize]. b);
      if ( cdiff < diff)
         ret = palSize;
         diff = cdiff;
         if ( cdiff == 0) break;
   return ret;

cm_fill_colorref( PRGBColor fromPalette, int fromColorCount, PRGBColor toPalette, int toColorCount, Byte * colorref)
   while( fromColorCount--)
      colorref[ fromColorCount] =
         cm_nearest_color( fromPalette[ fromColorCount], toColorCount, toPalette);


cm_study_palette scans a RGB palette and builds a special structure that allows
quick mapping of a RGB triplet into palette index. The structure is organized
as a set of 64-cell tables (U16 array) following each other without any special
order except the 1st table:

 Table 0   Table 1
 [U16 x 64][U16 x 64] ...

so that it forms one chunk of memory. 

Each table can reference up to 64 colors, using a table-specific resolution.
In order to map a RGB value to a palette index, one splits 8-bit channel values
into 2-bit index, which makes for exactly 4*4*4=64 address space, and is
basically a color cube.

Each U16 table entry is either a color
index (in which case it is less than 256 ), or a reference to another table, in
which case there's PAL_REF bit is set, and the table referenced by int value,
or PAL_FREE (unoccupied).

For example, the tableset is formed like this:

[ 50, PAL_REF | 1, 60, ... ]
[ 70, 100, ... ]

and RGB=(0x00,0x00,0x00) is stripped to bit mask 0xC0 (bits 6 and 7), so that
index points in the table 1 to cell #0 (value 50). For RGB=(0x00,0x00,0x50) the
stripped bit mask (0x40>>6) points to the cell #1, which is PAL_REF|1.  That
means that one has to switch to table #1, and use bit mask 0x30 (bits 4 and 5),
and read cell #1 there (value 100).

This process can go deep max 3 tables, where the last table uses bits 0 and 1.
However the procedure never allocates more than 256 color cells, because the
input palette is 256 colors max.

At the end of the process there's no PAL_FREE entries, and each is made to hold
a color index to the closest color represented by the palette. This allows quick
mapping also for colors outside the palette, which is the whole point of this

U16 *
cm_study_palette( RGBColor * palette, int pal_size)
   RGBColor * org_palette = palette;
   int i, pal2count = 1, pal2size = 64;
   int sz = CELL_SIZE * pal2size;
   U16 * p = malloc( sz * sizeof( U16));
   if ( !p) return nil;
   for ( i = 0; i < sz; i++) p[i] = PAL_FREE;

   /* Scan for all palette entries. If the cell is empty, assign the color index to it;
      if there is already an index, promote the cell into PAL_REF and realloc the tableset.
      If there's alreay a PAL_REF, just go down and repeat the procesure on the next level */
   for ( i = 0; i < pal_size; i++, palette++) {
      int table = 0, index = 
         ((palette-> r >> 6) << 4) +
         ((palette-> g >> 6) << 2) +
          (palette-> b >> 6);
      int shift = 4;
      while ( 1) {
         if ( p[table + index] & PAL_FREE) {
            /* PAL_FREE -> color index */
            p[table + index] = i;
         } else if ( p[table + index] & PAL_REF) {
            /* do down one level */
            table = (p[table + index] & ~PAL_REF) * CELL_SIZE;
            index = 
               (((palette-> r >> shift) & 3) << 4) + 
               (((palette-> g >> shift) & 3) << 2) +
                ((palette-> b >> shift) & 3);
            shift -= 2;
         } else {
            /* color index -> PAL_REF */
            U16 old = p[table + index];
            int sub_index, old_sub_index, new_table;

            /* realloc */
            if ( pal2count == pal2size) {
               int j, newsz;
               U16 * n;
               newsz = ( pal2size += 64 ) * CELL_SIZE;
               if ( !(n = malloc( newsz * sizeof( U16)))) {
                  free( p);
                  return nil;
               memcpy( n, p, sizeof(U16) * sz);
               for ( j = sz; j < newsz; j++) n[j] = PAL_FREE;
               free( p);
               p = n;
               sz = newsz;

            /* this color value */
            sub_index =
               (((palette-> r >> shift) & 3) << 4) + 
               (((palette-> g >> shift) & 3) << 2) +
                ((palette-> b >> shift) & 3);
            /* the value that was previously assigned - now both are moved
            to the subtable */
            old_sub_index = 
               (((org_palette[old].r >> shift) & 3) << 4) + 
               (((org_palette[old].g >> shift) & 3) << 2) +
                ((org_palette[old].b >> shift) & 3);
            new_table = pal2count * CELL_SIZE;
            p[table + index] = (pal2count++) | PAL_REF;
            if ( sub_index != old_sub_index) {
               /* finally, assign color index */
               p[ new_table + sub_index]     = i;
               p[ new_table + old_sub_index] = old;
            } else {
               /* both values have the same 6-bit index on this level, go down to the next table */
               if ( shift > 1) {
                  shift -= 2;
                  table = new_table;
                  index = sub_index;
                  goto REPEAT;
               /* just a duplicate */
               p[ table + index] = i;

   /* do cm_nearest_color for each PAL_FREE cell */
      struct {
         int i;
         int table;
         int r;
         int g;
         int b;
      } stack[4]; /* max depth - each channel is 8 bit, but each color cube uses 2 bits, so 8/2=4 levels max */
      int sp = 0;
      memset( stack, 0, sizeof(stack));
      for ( ; stack[sp].i < 64; stack[sp].i++) {
         if ( p[stack[sp].table + stack[sp].i] & PAL_FREE) {
            RGBColor cell;
            int shift = 6 - sp * 2, delta = 32 >> sp * 2;
            cell. r = stack[sp]. r + delta + ((( stack[sp].i >> 4) & 3) << shift);
            cell. g = stack[sp]. g + delta + ((( stack[sp].i >> 2) & 3) << shift);
            cell. b = stack[sp]. b + delta +  (( stack[sp].i & 3) << shift);
            p[stack[sp].table + stack[sp].i] = cm_nearest_color( cell, pal_size, org_palette);
         } else if ( p[stack[sp].table + stack[sp].i] & PAL_REF) {
            int shift = 6 - sp * 2;
            stack[sp + 1].r = stack[sp]. r + ((( stack[sp].i >> 4) & 3) << shift); 
            stack[sp + 1].g = stack[sp]. g + ((( stack[sp].i >> 2) & 3) << shift); 
            stack[sp + 1].b = stack[sp]. b + (( stack[sp].i & 3) << shift); 
            stack[sp + 1].table = (p[stack[sp].table + stack[sp].i] & ~PAL_REF) * CELL_SIZE;
            stack[++sp].i = -1;
         while ( stack[sp].i == 63 && sp > 0) sp--;
   return p;

static int
sort_palette( const void * a, const void * b)
   register unsigned int A = 
      ((PRGBColor)a)->r +
      ((PRGBColor)a)->g +
   register unsigned int B = 
      ((PRGBColor)b)->r +
      ((PRGBColor)b)->g +
   if ( A < B) 
      return -1;
   else if ( A > B)
      return 1;
      return 0;

cm_sort_palette( RGBColor * palette, int size)
   qsort( palette, size, sizeof(RGBColor), sort_palette);


cm_optimized_palette scans a RGB image and builds a palette that best represents colors found in the image.


#define MAP1_SIDE  32
#define MAP1_SHIFT  3
#define MAP2_SIDE   8 
#define MAP2_SHIFT  3
#define MAP2_MASK   7
#define MAP2_ITEM_SIZE  64 
#define MAP2_ITEM_SHIFT 6

cm_optimized_palette( Byte * data, int lineSize, int width, int height, RGBColor * palette, int * max_pal_size)
   int i, j, sz, count, side = MAP1_SIDE, shift = MAP1_SHIFT, force_squeeze = 0, map0index = 0;
   int countB, countL, map2scale = 0;
   Byte * map, * map2;
   RGBColor * big_pal;

   if ( !( map = malloc( MAP1_SIDE3))) return false;

   count = 0;
   memset( map, 0, MAP1_SIDE3);

   /* calculate colors with resolution 1 / 512 */
   for ( i = 0; i < height; i++) {
      RGBColor * p = ( RGBColor*)( data + i * lineSize );
      for ( j = 0; j < width; j++, p++) {
         int index = (p-> r >> shift) * side * side +
                     (p-> g >> shift) * side +
                     (p-> b >> shift);
         if ( map[index] == 0) {
            map[index] = 1;

   j = 0;
   sz = side * side * side;
   /* if too many colors, extract only max_pal_size and return */
   if ( count > *max_pal_size) {
      if (( count > 512) && ( side > 8) && !force_squeeze) {
         side >>= 1; 
         goto REPEAT_CALC;
         int delta = (1 << shift) - 1;
         RGBColor * big_pal = malloc( count * sizeof(RGBColor));
         if ( !big_pal) {
            free( map);
            return false;
         for ( i = 0; i < sz; i++)
            if ( map[i]) {
               big_pal[j]. r = (i / ( side * side)) << shift;
               big_pal[j]. g = ((i / side) % side ) << shift;
               big_pal[j]. b = (i % side) << shift;
               if ( big_pal[j]. r > 127) big_pal[j]. r += delta;
               if ( big_pal[j]. g > 127) big_pal[j]. g += delta;
               if ( big_pal[j]. b > 127) big_pal[j]. b += delta;
         cm_squeeze_palette( big_pal, j, palette, *max_pal_size);
         cm_sort_palette( palette, *max_pal_size);
         free( big_pal);
         free( map);
         return true;

   /* scale was lowered due to many colors, but now it is too few colors... */
   if ( side != MAP1_SIDE) {
      force_squeeze = 1;
      side <<= 1;
      goto REPEAT_CALC;

   /* stage 2 - full color calc */
   if (!( map2 = malloc( MAP2_ITEM_SIZE * count))) goto NO_MEMORY;
   memset( map2, 0, MAP2_ITEM_SIZE * count);

   /* calculate colors with full resolution */
   sz = MAP1_SIDE * MAP1_SIDE * MAP1_SIDE;
   count = 0;
   for ( i = 0; i < sz; i++)  
      if ( map[i]) {
         if ( count == 0) map0index = i;
         map[i] = count++;
   count = 0;
   for ( i = 0; i < height; i++) {
      RGBColor * p = ( RGBColor*)( data + i * lineSize );
      for ( j = 0; j < width; j++, p++) {
         int index1 = (p-> r >> MAP1_SHIFT) * MAP1_SIDE * MAP1_SIDE +
                      (p-> g >> MAP1_SHIFT) * MAP1_SIDE +
                      (p-> b >> MAP1_SHIFT);
         int index2 = (p-> r & MAP2_MASK) * MAP2_SIDE * MAP2_SIDE +
                      (p-> g & MAP2_MASK) * MAP2_SIDE +
                      (p-> b & MAP2_MASK);
         index1 = (map[index1] << MAP2_ITEM_SHIFT) + (index2 >> 3);
         if (( map2[index1] & (1 << (index2 & 7))) == 0) {
            map2[index1] |= (1 << (index2 & 7));

   /* Too many colors - if indeed too many, resample with /8 and /64 scale.
      Even /64 scale though can result in up to 4K colors */
   countB = countL = 0;
   if ( count > *max_pal_size) {
      if ( count > *max_pal_size * 2 && map2scale == 0) { 
         for ( i = 0; i < sz; i++)
            if ( i == map0index || map[i] != 0) {
               Byte * k = map2 + map[i] * MAP2_ITEM_SIZE;
               U32 * l = ( U32 *) k;
               for ( j = 0; j < MAP2_ITEM_SIZE / 4; j+=2) 
                  if ( l[j] || l[j+1]) countL++;
               for ( j = 0; j < MAP2_ITEM_SIZE; j++) 
                  if ( k[j]) countB++;
         if ( countB > *max_pal_size * 2) {
            count = countL;
            map2scale = 2;
         } else {
            count = countB;
            map2scale = 1;

   /* collect final palette */
   if ( count > *max_pal_size) {
      if ( !( big_pal = malloc( count * sizeof(RGBColor)))) {
         free( map);
         free( map2);
         return false;
   } else
      big_pal = palette;

   count = 0;
   for ( i = 0; i < sz; i++)
      if ( i == map0index || map[i] != 0) {
         int r = (i / ( MAP1_SIDE * MAP1_SIDE)) << MAP1_SHIFT;
         int g = ((i / MAP1_SIDE) % MAP1_SIDE ) << MAP1_SHIFT;
         int b = (i % MAP1_SIDE) << MAP1_SHIFT;
         Byte * k = map2 + map[i] * MAP2_ITEM_SIZE;
         switch ( map2scale) {
         case 0: /* 1/1  */
            for ( j = 0; j < 512; j++) {
               if ( k[j >> 3] & ( 1 << ( j & 7))) {
                  big_pal[count]. r = r + j / ( MAP2_SIDE * MAP2_SIDE);
                  big_pal[count]. g = g + (j / MAP2_SIDE) % MAP2_SIDE;
                  big_pal[count]. b = b + j % MAP2_SIDE;
         case 1: /* 1/8  */
            for ( j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
               if ( k[j]) {
                  big_pal[count]. r = r + ((j / ( 4 * 4)) << 1);
                  big_pal[count]. g = g + (((j / 4) % 4) << 1);
                  big_pal[count]. b = b + ((j % 4) << 1);
                  if ( big_pal[count]. r > 127) big_pal[count]. r ++;
                  if ( big_pal[count]. g > 127) big_pal[count]. g ++;
                  if ( big_pal[count]. b > 127) big_pal[count]. b ++;
         case 2: /* 1/64  */
            for ( j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
               if ( *(( U32*) k) || *((( U32*) k) + 1)) {
                  big_pal[count]. r = r + ((j / ( 2 * 2)) << 2);
                  big_pal[count]. g = g + (((j / 2) % 2) << 2);
                  big_pal[count]. b = b + ((j % 2) << 2);
                  if ( big_pal[count]. r > 127) big_pal[count]. r += 3;
                  if ( big_pal[count]. g > 127) big_pal[count]. g += 3;
                  if ( big_pal[count]. b > 127) big_pal[count]. b += 3;
               k += 8;
   if ( big_pal != palette) {
      cm_squeeze_palette( big_pal, count, palette, *max_pal_size);
      count = *max_pal_size;
      free( big_pal);
   free( map);
   free( map2);
   *max_pal_size = count;
   cm_sort_palette( palette, count);
   return true;

img_fill_dummy( PImage dummy, int w, int h, int type, Byte * data, RGBColor * palette)
   dummy-> self     = CImage;
   dummy-> w        = w;
   dummy-> h        = h;
   dummy-> type     = type;
   dummy-> data     = data;
   dummy-> lineSize = LINE_SIZE(w, type);
   dummy-> dataSize = dummy-> lineSize * h;
   dummy-> palette  = palette;

   if ( type == imRGB ) {
      dummy-> palSize = 0;
   } else if ( type & ( imRealNumber|imComplexNumber|imTrigComplexNumber)) {
      dummy-> palSize = 256;
   } else {
      dummy-> palSize = type & imBPP;

#ifdef __cplusplus