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#include "img_conv.h"
#include "Icon.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

typedef void BitBltProc( Byte * src, Byte * dst, int count);
typedef BitBltProc *PBitBltProc;

static void
bitblt_copy( Byte * src, Byte * dst, int count)
   memcpy( dst, src, count);

static void
bitblt_move( Byte * src, Byte * dst, int count)
   memmove( dst, src, count);

static void
bitblt_or( Byte * src, Byte * dst, int count)
   while ( count--) *(dst++) |= *(src++);

static void
bitblt_and( Byte * src, Byte * dst, int count)
   while ( count--) *(dst++) &= *(src++);

static void
bitblt_xor( Byte * src, Byte * dst, int count)
   while ( count--) *(dst++) ^= *(src++);

static void
bitblt_not( Byte * src, Byte * dst, int count)
   while ( count--) *(dst++) = ~(*(src++));

static void
bitblt_notdstand( Byte * src, Byte * dst, int count)
   while ( count--) {
      *dst = ~(*dst) & (*(src++));

static void
bitblt_notdstor( Byte * src, Byte * dst, int count)
   while ( count--) {
      *dst = ~(*dst) | (*(src++));

static void
bitblt_notsrcand( Byte * src, Byte * dst, int count)
   while ( count--) *(dst++) &= ~(*(src++));

static void
bitblt_notsrcor( Byte * src, Byte * dst, int count)
   while ( count--) *(dst++) |= ~(*(src++));

static void
bitblt_notxor( Byte * src, Byte * dst, int count)
   while ( count--) {
      *dst = ~( *(src++) ^ (*dst));

static void
bitblt_notand( Byte * src, Byte * dst, int count)
   while ( count--) {
      *dst = ~( *(src++) & (*dst));

static void
bitblt_notor( Byte * src, Byte * dst, int count)
   while ( count--) {
      *dst = ~( *(src++) | (*dst));

static void
bitblt_black( Byte * src, Byte * dst, int count)
   memset( dst, 0, count);

static void
bitblt_white( Byte * src, Byte * dst, int count)
   memset( dst, 0xff, count);

static void
bitblt_invert( Byte * src, Byte * dst, int count)
   while ( count--) {
      *dst = ~(*dst);

static PBitBltProc
find_blt_proc( int rop )
   PBitBltProc proc = NULL;
   switch ( rop) {
   case ropCopyPut:
      proc = bitblt_copy;
   case ropAndPut:
      proc = bitblt_and;
   case ropOrPut:
      proc = bitblt_or;
   case ropXorPut:
      proc = bitblt_xor;
   case ropNotPut:
      proc = bitblt_not;
   case ropNotDestAnd:
      proc = bitblt_notdstand;
   case ropNotDestOr:
      proc = bitblt_notdstor;
   case ropNotSrcAnd:
      proc = bitblt_notsrcand;
   case ropNotSrcOr:
      proc = bitblt_notsrcor;
   case ropNotXor:
      proc = bitblt_notxor;
   case ropNotAnd:
      proc = bitblt_notand;
   case ropNotOr:
      proc = bitblt_notor;
   case ropBlackness:
      proc = bitblt_black;
   case ropWhiteness:
      proc = bitblt_white;
   case ropInvert:
      proc = bitblt_invert;
      proc = bitblt_copy;
   return proc;

static Bool 
img_put_alpha( Handle dest, Handle src, int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int dstW, int dstH, int srcW, int srcH, int rop);

img_put( Handle dest, Handle src, int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int dstW, int dstH, int srcW, int srcH, int rop)
   Point srcSz, dstSz;
   int asrcW, asrcH;
   Bool newObject = false;

   if ( dest == nilHandle || src == nilHandle) return false;
   if ( rop == ropNoOper) return false;

   if ( kind_of( src, CIcon)) {
      /* since src is always treated as read-only, 
         employ a nasty hack here, re-assigning
         all mask values to data */
      Byte * data  = PImage( src)-> data;
      int dataSize = PImage( src)-> dataSize; 
      int lineSize = PImage( src)-> lineSize; 
      int palSize  = PImage( src)-> palSize; 
      int type     = PImage( src)-> type;
      void *self   = PImage( src)-> self; 
      RGBColor palette[2];
      Byte *p;

      if ( PIcon(src)-> maskType != imbpp1) {
         if ( PIcon(src)-> maskType != imbpp8) croak("panic: bad icon mask type");
         return img_put_alpha( dest, src, dstX, dstY, srcX, srcY, dstW, dstH, srcW, srcH, rop);

      PImage( src)-> self     =  CImage;
      PIcon( src)-> data = PIcon( src)-> mask;
      PImage( src)-> lineSize =  PIcon( src)-> maskLine;
      PImage( src)-> dataSize =  PIcon( src)-> maskSize;
      memcpy( palette, PImage( src)-> palette, 6);
      memcpy( PImage( src)-> palette, stdmono_palette, 6);

      PImage( src)-> type     =  imBW;
      PImage( src)-> palSize  = 2;
      img_put( dest, src, dstX, dstY, srcX, srcY, dstW, dstH, srcW, srcH, ropAndPut);
      rop = ropXorPut;
      memcpy( PImage( src)-> palette, palette, 6);

      PImage( src)-> self     = self;
      PImage( src)-> type     = type;
      PImage( src)-> data     = data; 
      PImage( src)-> lineSize = lineSize; 
      PImage( src)-> dataSize = dataSize; 
      PImage( src)-> palSize  = palSize;
   } else if ( rop == ropAlphaCopy ) {
      Bool ok;
      Image dummy;
      PIcon i;
      if ( !kind_of( dest, CIcon )) return false;
      if ( PImage(src)-> type != imByte ) {
         Handle dup = CImage(src)->dup(src);
	 CImage(dup)->set_type(src, imByte);
         ok = img_put( dest, dup, dstX, dstY, srcX, srcY, dstW, dstH, srcW, srcH, rop);
	 return ok;
      if ( PIcon(dest)-> maskType != imbpp8) {
         CIcon(dest)-> set_maskType(dest, imbpp8);
         ok = img_put( dest, src, dstX, dstY, srcX, srcY, dstW, dstH, srcW, srcH, rop);
         if ( PIcon(dest)-> options. optPreserveType )
            CIcon(dest)-> set_maskType(dest, imbpp1);
	 return ok;

      i = (PIcon) dest;
      img_fill_dummy( &dummy, i-> w, i-> h, imByte, i-> mask, NULL);
      return img_put((Handle)&dummy, src, dstX, dstY, srcX, srcY, dstW, dstH, srcW, srcH, ropCopyPut);
   } else if ( rop & ropConstantAlpha )
      return img_put_alpha( dest, src, dstX, dstY, srcX, srcY, dstW, dstH, srcW, srcH, rop);
   srcSz. x = PImage(src)-> w;
   srcSz. y = PImage(src)-> h;
   dstSz. x = PImage(dest)-> w;
   dstSz. y = PImage(dest)-> h;

   if ( dstW < 0) {
      dstW = abs( dstW);
      srcW = -srcW;
   if ( dstH < 0) {
      dstH = abs( dstH);
      srcH = -srcH;
   asrcW = abs( srcW);
   asrcH = abs( srcH);

   if ( srcX >= srcSz. x || srcX + srcW <= 0 ||
        srcY >= srcSz. y || srcY + srcH <= 0 ||
        dstX >= dstSz. x || dstX + dstW <= 0 ||
        dstY >= dstSz. y || dstY + dstH <= 0)
      return true;

   /* check if we can do it without expensive scalings and extractions */
   if ( 
         ( srcW == dstW) && ( srcH == dstH) &&
         ( srcX >= 0) && ( srcY >= 0) && ( srcX + srcW <= srcSz. x) && ( srcY + srcH <= srcSz. y) 
      goto NOSCALE;

   if ( srcX != 0 || srcY != 0 || asrcW != srcSz. x || asrcH != srcSz. y) {
     /* extract source rectangle */
      Handle x;
      int ssx = srcX, ssy = srcY, ssw = asrcW, ssh = asrcH;
      if ( ssx < 0) {
         ssw += ssx;
         ssx = 0;
      if ( ssy < 0) {
         ssh += ssy;
         ssy = 0;
      x = CImage( src)-> extract( src, ssx, ssy, ssw, ssh);
      if ( !x) return false;

      if ( srcX < 0 || srcY < 0 || srcX + asrcW >= srcSz. x || srcY + asrcH > srcSz. y) {
         HV * profile;
         Handle dx;
         int dsx = 0, dsy = 0, dsw = PImage(x)-> w, dsh = PImage(x)-> h, type = PImage( dest)-> type;

         if ( asrcW != srcW || asrcH != srcH) { /* reverse before application */
            CImage( x)-> stretch( x, srcW, srcH);
            srcW = asrcW;
            srcH = asrcH;
            if ( PImage(x)-> w != asrcW || PImage(x)-> h != asrcH) {
               Object_destroy( x);
               return true;

         if (( type & imBPP) < 8) type = imbpp8;

         profile = newHV();
         pset_i( type,        type);
         pset_i( width,       asrcW);
         pset_i( height,      asrcH);
         pset_i( conversion,  PImage( src)-> conversion);
         dx = Object_create( "Prima::Image", profile);
         if ( !dx) {
            Object_destroy( x);
            return false;
         if ( PImage( dx)-> palSize > 0) {
            PImage( dx)-> palSize = PImage( x)-> palSize;
            memcpy( PImage( dx)-> palette, PImage( x)-> palette, 768);
         memset( PImage( dx)-> data, 0, PImage( dx)-> dataSize);

         if ( srcX < 0) dsx = asrcW - dsw;
         if ( srcY < 0) dsy = asrcH - dsh;
         img_put( dx, x, dsx, dsy, 0, 0, dsw, dsh, dsw, dsh, ropCopyPut);
         Object_destroy( x);
         x = dx;

      src = x;
      newObject = true;
      srcX = srcY = 0;

   if ( srcW != dstW || srcH != dstH) {
      /* stretch & reverse */
      if ( !newObject) {
         src = CImage( src)-> dup( src);
         if ( !src) goto EXIT;
         newObject = true;
      if ( srcW != asrcW) { 
         dstW = -dstW;
         srcW = asrcW;
      if ( srcH != asrcH) { 
         dstH = -dstH;
         srcH = asrcH;
      CImage(src)-> stretch( src, dstW, dstH);
      if ( PImage(src)-> w != dstW || PImage(src)-> h != dstH) goto EXIT;
      dstW = abs( dstW);
      dstH = abs( dstH);


   if (( PImage( dest)-> type & imBPP) < 8) {
      PImage i = ( PImage) dest;
      int type = i-> type;
      if (rop != ropCopyPut || i-> conversion == ictNone) { 
         Handle b8 = i-> self-> dup( dest);
         PImage j  = ( PImage) b8;
         int mask  = (1 << (type & imBPP)) - 1;
         int sz;
         Byte *dj, *di;
         Byte colorref[256];
         j-> self-> reset( b8, imbpp8, nil, 0);
         sz = j-> dataSize;
         dj = j-> data;
         /* change 0/1 to 0x000/0xfff for correct masking */
         while ( sz--) {
            if ( *dj == mask) *dj = 0xff;
         img_put( b8, src, dstX, dstY, 0, 0, dstW, dstH, PImage(src)-> w, PImage(src)-> h, rop);
         for ( sz = 0; sz < 256; sz++) colorref[sz] = ( sz > mask) ? mask : sz;
         dj = j-> data;
         di = i-> data;

         for ( sz = 0; sz < i-> h; sz++, dj += j-> lineSize, di += i-> lineSize) {
            if (( type & imBPP) == 1) 
               bc_byte_mono_cr( dj, di, i-> w, colorref);
               bc_byte_nibble_cr( dj, di, i-> w, colorref);
         Object_destroy( b8);
      } else {
         int conv = i-> conversion;
         i-> conversion = PImage( src)-> conversion;
         i-> self-> reset( dest, imbpp8, nil, 0);
         img_put( dest, src, dstX, dstY, 0, 0, dstW, dstH, PImage(src)-> w, PImage(src)-> h, rop);
         i-> self-> reset( dest, type, nil, 0);
         i-> conversion = conv;
      goto EXIT;

   if ( PImage( dest)-> type != PImage( src)-> type) {
      int type = PImage( src)-> type & imBPP;
      int mask = (1 << type) - 1;
      /* equalize type */
      if ( !newObject) {
         src = CImage( src)-> dup( src);
         if ( !src) goto EXIT;
         newObject = true;
      CImage( src)-> reset( src, PImage( dest)-> type, nil, 0);
      if ( type < 8 && rop != ropCopyPut) { 
         /* change 0/1 to 0x000/0xfff for correct masking */
         int sz   = PImage( src)-> dataSize;
         Byte * d = PImage( src)-> data;
         while ( sz--) {
            if ( *d == mask) *d = 0xff;
         memset( PImage( src)-> palette + 255, 0xff, sizeof(RGBColor));

   if ( PImage( dest)-> type == imbpp8) {
      /* equalize palette */
      Byte colorref[256], *s;
      int sz, i = PImage( src)-> dataSize;
      if ( !newObject) {
         src = CImage( src)-> dup( src);
         if ( !src) goto EXIT;
         newObject = true;
         PImage( src)-> palette, PImage( src)-> palSize,
         PImage( dest)-> palette, PImage( dest)-> palSize,
      s = PImage( src)-> data;
      /* identity transform for padded ( 1->xfff, see above ) pixels */
      for ( sz = PImage( src)-> palSize; sz < 256; sz++)
         colorref[sz] = sz;
      while ( i--) {
         *s = colorref[ *s];

   if ( dstX < 0 || dstY < 0 || dstX + dstW >= dstSz. x || dstY + dstH >= dstSz. y) {
      /* adjust destination rectangle */
      if ( dstX < 0) {
         dstW += dstX;
         srcX -= dstX;
         dstX = 0;
      if ( dstY < 0) {
         dstH += dstY;
         srcY -= dstY;
         dstY = 0;
      if ( dstX + dstW > dstSz. x)
         dstW = dstSz. x - dstX;
      if ( dstY + dstH > dstSz. y) 
         dstH = dstSz. y - dstY;

   /* checks done, do put_image */
      int  y, dyd, dys, count, pix;
      Byte *dptr, *sptr;
      PBitBltProc proc = find_blt_proc(rop);

      pix = ( PImage( dest)-> type & imBPP ) / 8;
      dyd = PImage( dest)-> lineSize;
      dys = PImage( src)-> lineSize;
      sptr = PImage( src )-> data + dys * srcY + pix * srcX;
      dptr = PImage( dest)-> data + dyd * dstY + pix * dstX;
      count = dstW * pix;

      if ( proc == bitblt_copy && dest == src) /* incredible */
         proc = bitblt_move;
      for ( y = 0; y < dstH; y++, sptr += dys, dptr += dyd) 
         proc( sptr, dptr, count);

   if ( newObject) Object_destroy( src);

   return true;

img_bar( Handle dest, int x, int y, int w, int h, int rop, void * color)
   PImage i     = (PImage) dest;
   Byte * data  = i-> data;
   int dataSize = i-> dataSize; 
   int lineSize = i-> lineSize; 
   int palSize  = i-> palSize; 
   int type     = i-> type;
   int pixSize  = (type & imBPP) / 8;
   PBitBltProc proc;
#define BLT_BUFSIZE 1024
   Byte blt_buffer[BLT_BUFSIZE];
   int j, k, offset, blt_bytes, blt_step;
   Byte filler, lmask, rmask, *p, *q;
   if ( x < 0 ) {
      w += x;
      x = 0;
   if ( y < 0 ) {
      h += y;
      y = 0;
   if ( x + w > i->w ) w = i->w - x;
   if ( y + h > i->h ) h = i->h - y;
   if ( w <= 0 || h <= 0 ) return;

   switch ( type & imBPP) {
   case imbpp1:
      filler = (*((Byte*)color)) ? 255 : 0;
      blt_bytes = (( x + w - 1) >> 3) - (x >> 3) + 1;
      blt_step = (blt_bytes > BLT_BUFSIZE) ? BLT_BUFSIZE : blt_bytes;
      memset( blt_buffer, filler, blt_step);
      lmask = ( x & 7 ) ? 255 << ( 8 - x & 7) : 0;
      rmask = (( x + w) & 7 ) ? 255 >> ((x + w) & 7) : 0;
      offset = x >> 3;
   case imbpp4:
      filler = (*((Byte*)color)) * 17;
      blt_bytes = (( x + w - 1) >> 1) - (x >> 1) + 1;
      blt_step = (blt_bytes > BLT_BUFSIZE) ? BLT_BUFSIZE : blt_bytes;
      memset( blt_buffer, filler, blt_step);
      lmask = ( x & 1 )       ? 0xf0 : 0;
      rmask = (( x + w) & 1 ) ? 0x0f : 0;
      offset = x >> 1;
   case imbpp8:
      filler = (*((Byte*)color));
      blt_bytes = w;
      blt_step = (blt_bytes > BLT_BUFSIZE) ? BLT_BUFSIZE : blt_bytes;
      memset( blt_buffer, filler, blt_step);
      lmask = rmask = 0;
      offset = x;
      blt_bytes = w * pixSize;
      blt_step = (blt_bytes > BLT_BUFSIZE) ? BLT_BUFSIZE / pixSize : w;
      for ( j = 0, p = blt_buffer; j < blt_step; j ++ )
         for ( k = 0, q = (Byte*) color; k < pixSize; k++ )
            *(p++) = *(q++);
      blt_step *= pixSize;
      lmask = rmask = 0;
      offset = x * pixSize;

   data += lineSize * y + offset;
   proc = find_blt_proc(rop);

#define DEBUG_ 1
#ifdef DEBUG
   warn("%d/%d, blt_bytes:%d, blt_step:%d, lmask:%02x, rmask:%02x, buf:%02x%02x%02x%02x\n", 
   	x, w, blt_bytes, blt_step, lmask, rmask, blt_buffer[0], blt_buffer[1], blt_buffer[2], blt_buffer[3]);

   for ( j = 0; j < h; j++) {
      int bytes = blt_bytes;
      Byte lsave = *data, rsave = data[blt_bytes - 1], *p = data;
      while ( bytes > 0 ) {
         proc( blt_buffer, p, ( bytes > blt_step ) ? blt_step : bytes );
         bytes -= blt_step;
         p += blt_step;
      if ( lmask ) *data = (lsave & lmask) | (*data & ~lmask);
      if ( rmask ) data[blt_bytes-1] = (rsave & rmask) | (data[blt_bytes-1] & ~rmask);
      data += lineSize;

static void
fill_alpha_buf( Byte * dst, Byte * src, int width, int bpp)
   register int x = width;
   if ( bpp == 3 ) {
      while (x-- > 0) {
         register Byte a = *src++;
         *dst++ = a;
         *dst++ = a;
         *dst++ = a;
   } else
      memcpy( dst, src, width * bpp);

#define dBLEND_FUNC(name) void name( const Byte * src, const Byte * src_a, Byte * dst, const Byte * dst_a, int bytes )

typedef dBLEND_FUNC(BlendFunc);

/* sss + (ddd * (255 - as)) / 255 */
static dBLEND_FUNC(blend_src_over)
   while ( bytes-- > 0 ) {
      register int32_t s = 
            ((int32_t)(*src++) << 8 ) +  
	    ((int32_t)(*dst) << 8) * (255 - *src_a++) / 255 
	    + 127;
      s >>= 8;
      *dst++ = ( s > 255 ) ? 255 : s;

/* (sss * (255 - ad) + ddd * (255 - as)) / 255 */
static dBLEND_FUNC(blend_xor)
   while ( bytes-- > 0 ) {
      register int32_t s = (
            ((int32_t)(*src++) << 8) * (255 - *dst_a++) + 
	    ((int32_t)(*dst)   << 8) * (255 - *src_a++)
	 ) / 255 + 127;
      s >>= 8;
      *dst++ = ( s > 255 ) ? 255 : s;

/* sss * (255 - ad) / 255 + ddd */
static dBLEND_FUNC(blend_dst_over)
   while ( bytes-- > 0 ) {
      register int32_t s = 
            ((int32_t)(*dst) << 8 ) +  
	    ((int32_t)(*src++) << 8) * (255 - *dst_a++) / 255 
	    + 127;
      s >>= 8;
      *dst++ = ( s > 255 ) ? 255 : s;

/* ddd */
static dBLEND_FUNC(blend_dst_copy)

/* 0 */
static dBLEND_FUNC(blend_clear)
   memset( dst, 0, bytes);

/* sss * ad / 255 */
static dBLEND_FUNC(blend_src_in)
   while ( bytes-- > 0 ) {
      register int32_t s = (((int32_t)(*src++) << 8) * *dst_a++) / 255 + 127;
      s >>= 8;
      *dst++ = ( s > 255 ) ? 255 : s;

/* ddd * as / 255 */
static dBLEND_FUNC(blend_dst_in)
   while ( bytes-- > 0 ) { 
      register int32_t d = (((int32_t)(*dst) << 8) * *src_a++) / 255 + 127;
      d >>= 8;
      *dst++ = ( d > 255 ) ? 255 : d;

/* sss * (255 - ad) / 255 */
static dBLEND_FUNC(blend_src_out)
   while ( bytes-- > 0 ) {
      register int32_t s = (((int32_t)(*src++) << 8) * ( 255 - *dst_a++)) / 255 + 127;
      s >>= 8;
      *dst++ = ( s > 255 ) ? 255 : s;

/* ddd * (255 - as) / 255 */
static dBLEND_FUNC(blend_dst_out)
   while ( bytes-- > 0 ) {
      register int32_t d = (((int32_t)(*dst) << 8) * ( 255 - *src_a++)) / 255 + 127;
      d >>= 8;
      *dst++ = ( d > 255 ) ? 255 : d;

/* (sss * ad + ddd * (255 - as)) / 255 */
static dBLEND_FUNC(blend_src_atop)
   while ( bytes-- > 0 ) {
      register int32_t s = (
         ((int32_t)(*src++) << 8) * *dst_a++ + 
	 ((int32_t)(*dst) << 8) * (255 - *src_a++)
      ) / 255 + 127;
      s >>= 8;
      *dst++ = ( s > 255 ) ? 255 : s;

/* (sss * (255 - ad) + ddd * as) / 255 */
static dBLEND_FUNC(blend_dst_atop)
   while ( bytes-- > 0 ) {
      register int32_t s = (
         ((int32_t)(*src++) << 8) * ( 255 - *dst_a++) + 
	 ((int32_t)(*dst) << 8) * *src_a++
      ) / 255 + 127;
      s >>= 8;
      *dst++ = ( s > 255 ) ? 255 : s;

/* sss */
static dBLEND_FUNC(blend_src_copy)
   memcpy( dst, src, bytes);

static BlendFunc* blend_functions[] = {

   This is basically a lightweight pixman_image_composite() .
   Converts images to either 8 or 24 bits before processing
static Bool 
img_put_alpha( Handle dest, Handle src, int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int dstW, int dstH, int srcW, int srcH, int rop)
   int bpp, bytes, sls, dls, mls, als, x, y, px;
   Byte *s, *d, *m, *a; 
   unsigned int src_alpha = 0, dst_alpha = 0;
   Bool use_src_alpha = false, use_dst_alpha = false;
   Byte *asbuf, *adbuf;
   BlendFunc * blend_func;

   /* differentiate between per-pixel alpha and a global value */
   if ( rop & ropSrcAlpha ) {
      use_src_alpha = true;
      src_alpha = (rop >> ropSrcAlphaShift) & 0xff;
   if ( rop & ropDstAlpha ) {
      use_dst_alpha = true;
      dst_alpha = (rop >> ropDstAlphaShift) & 0xff;
   rop &= ropPorterDuffMask;
   if ( rop > ropDstAtop || rop < 0 ) return false;

   /* align types and geometry - can only operate over imByte and imRGB */
   bpp = (( PImage(src)->type & imGrayScale) && ( PImage(dest)->type & imGrayScale)) ? imByte : imRGB;

   /* adjust rectangles */
   if ( dstX < 0 || dstY < 0 || dstX + dstW >= PImage(dest)-> w || dstY + dstH >= PImage(dest)-> h) {
      if ( dstX < 0) {
         dstW += dstX;
         srcX -= dstX;
         dstX = 0;
      if ( dstY < 0) {
         dstH += dstY;
         srcY -= dstY;
         dstY = 0;
      if ( dstX + dstW > PImage(dest)-> w)
         dstW = PImage(dest)-> w - dstX;
      if ( dstY + dstH > PImage(dest)-> h) 
         dstH = PImage(dest)-> h - dstY;
   if ( srcX + srcW > PImage(src)-> w)
      srcW = PImage(src)-> w - srcX;
   if ( srcY + srcH > PImage(src)-> h)
      srcH = PImage(src)-> h - srcY;
   if ( srcH <= 0 || srcW <= 0 )
      return false;

   /* adjust source type */
   if (PImage(src)-> type != bpp || srcW != dstW || srcH != dstH ) {
      Bool ok;
      Handle dup;
      if ( srcW != PImage(src)-> w || srcH != PImage(src)-> h)
         dup = CImage(src)-> extract( src, srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH );
         dup = CImage(src)-> dup(src);

      if ( srcW != dstW || srcH != dstH )
         CImage(dup)->stretch( dup, dstW, dstH );
      if ( PImage( dup )-> type != bpp )
         CImage(dup)-> set_type( dup, bpp);

      ok = img_put_alpha( dest, dup, dstX, dstY, 0, 0, dstW, dstH, dstW, srcH, rop);

      return ok;

   /* adjust destination type */
   if (PImage(dest)-> type != bpp || ( kind_of( dest, CIcon) && PIcon(dest)->maskType != imbpp8 )) {
      Bool ok;
      Bool icon = kind_of(dest, CIcon);
      int type = PImage(dest)->type;
      int mask = icon ? PIcon(dest)->maskType : 0;

      if ( type != bpp )
         CIcon(dest)-> set_type( dest, bpp );
      if ( icon && mask != imbpp8 )
         CIcon(dest)-> set_maskType( dest, imbpp8 );
      ok = img_put_alpha( dest, src, dstX, dstY, srcX, srcY, dstW, dstH, srcW, srcH, rop);
      if ( PImage(dest)-> options. optPreserveType ) {
         if ( type != bpp )
            CImage(dest)-> set_type( dest, type );
         if ( icon && mask != imbpp8 )
            CIcon(dest)-> set_maskType( dest, mask );
      return ok;
   /* assign pointers */
   if ( srcW != dstW || srcH != dstH || 
       PImage(src)->type != PImage(dest)->type || PImage(src)-> type != bpp)
       croak("panic: assert failed for img_put_alpha: %s", "types and geometry");
   bpp = ( bpp == imByte ) ? 1 : 3;
   sls = PImage(src)-> lineSize;
   dls = PImage(dest)-> lineSize;
   s = PImage(src )-> data + srcY * sls + srcX * bpp;
   d = PImage(dest)-> data + dstY * dls + dstX * bpp;

   if ( kind_of(src, CIcon)) {
      mls = PIcon(src)-> maskLine;
      m   = PIcon(src)-> mask + srcY * mls + srcX;
      if ( PIcon(src)-> maskType != imbpp8)
        croak("panic: assert failed for img_put_alpha: %s", "src mask type");
      use_src_alpha = false;
   } else {
      m   = NULL;
      mls = 0;

   if ( kind_of(dest, CIcon)) {
      als = PIcon(dest)-> maskLine;
      a   = PIcon(dest)-> mask + dstY * als + dstX;
      if ( PIcon(dest)-> maskType != imbpp8)
        croak("panic: assert failed for img_put_alpha: %s", "dst mask type");
      use_dst_alpha = false;
   } else {
      a   = NULL;
      als = 0;

   if ( !use_src_alpha && !m) {
      use_src_alpha = true;
      src_alpha = 0xff;
   if ( !use_dst_alpha && !a) {
      use_dst_alpha = true;
      dst_alpha = 0xff;

   /* make buffers for alpha */
   bytes = dstW * bpp;
   if ( !(asbuf = malloc(bytes * (use_src_alpha ? 1 : OMP_MAX_THREADS)))) {
      warn("not enough memory");
      return false;
   if ( !(adbuf = malloc(bytes * (use_dst_alpha ? 1 : OMP_MAX_THREADS)))) {
      warn("not enough memory");
      return false;

   if ( use_src_alpha )
      for ( x = 0; x < bytes; x++) asbuf[x] = src_alpha;
   if ( use_dst_alpha )
      for ( x = 0; x < bytes; x++) adbuf[x] = dst_alpha;

   /* select function */
   blend_func = blend_functions[rop];

   /* blend */
#pragma omp parallel for
   for ( y = 0; y < dstH; y++) {
      Byte *asbuf_ptr, *adbuf_ptr, *s_ptr, *m_ptr, *d_ptr, *a_ptr;

      s_ptr = s + sls * y;
      d_ptr = d + dls * y;
      if (m) m_ptr = m + mls * y;
      if (a) a_ptr = a + als * y;

      if ( !use_src_alpha ) {
         asbuf_ptr = asbuf + bytes * OMP_THREAD_NUM;
         fill_alpha_buf( asbuf_ptr, m_ptr, dstW, bpp);
      } else
         asbuf_ptr = asbuf;

      if ( !use_dst_alpha ) {
         adbuf_ptr = adbuf + bytes * OMP_THREAD_NUM;
         fill_alpha_buf( adbuf, a_ptr, dstW, bpp);
      } else
         adbuf_ptr = adbuf;
      blend_func( s_ptr, asbuf_ptr, d_ptr, adbuf_ptr, bytes);
      if (a) {
         if ( use_src_alpha )
            blend_func( asbuf, asbuf, a_ptr, a_ptr, dstW);
            blend_func( m_ptr, m_ptr, a_ptr, a_ptr, dstW);

   /* cleanup */

   return true;

/* alpha stuff */
img_premultiply_alpha_constant( Handle self, int alpha)
    Byte * data;
    int i, j, pixels;
    if ( PImage(self)-> type == imByte ) {
       pixels = 1;
    } else if ( PImage(self)-> type == imRGB ) {
       pixels = 3;
    } else {
       croak("Not implemented");

    data = PImage(self)-> data;
    for ( i = 0; i < PImage(self)-> h; i++) {
       register Byte *d = data, k;
       for ( j = 0; j < PImage(self)-> w; j++ ) {
          for ( k = 0; k < pixels; k++, d++)
	     *d = (alpha * *d) / 255.0 + .5;
       data += PImage(self)-> lineSize;

void img_premultiply_alpha_map( Handle self, Handle alpha)
    Byte * data, * mask;
    int i, j, pixels;
    if ( PImage(self)-> type == imByte ) {
       pixels = 1;
    } else if ( PImage(self)-> type == imRGB ) {
       pixels = 3;
    } else {
       croak("Not implemented");

    if ( PImage(alpha)-> type != imByte )
       croak("Not implemented");

    data = PImage(self)-> data;
    mask = PImage(alpha)-> data;
    for ( i = 0; i < PImage(self)-> h; i++) {
       int j;
       register Byte *d = data, *m = mask, k;
       for ( j = 0; j < PImage(self)-> w; j++ ) {
          register uint16_t alpha = *m++;
          for ( k = 0; k < pixels; k++, d++)
	     *d = (alpha * *d) / 255.0 + .5;
       data += PImage(self)-> lineSize;
       mask += PImage(alpha)-> lineSize;

#ifdef __cplusplus