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use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;
use Prima::Test;
use Prima qw(Application);

plan tests => 1835;

my ($src, $mask, $dst);
my $can_argb = $::application->get_system_value(sv::LayeredWidgets);

my $win32 = $^O =~ /win32/i;

sub test_src
	my $descr = shift;
	my $ok = $dst->put_image(0,0,$src);
	ok( $ok, "put $descr" );
	is( $dst->pixel(0,0), cl::Black, "$descr 0");
	is( $dst->pixel(1,0), cl::White, "$descr 1");

sub bitop
	my ( $pix, $descr, $s, $m, $d ) = @_;
	my $res = ( $d & $m ) ^ $s;
	my $clr = $res ? cl::White : cl::Black;
	is($pix, $clr, "$descr ($s & $m ^ $d == $res)");

sub fill_dst
	my $dst = shift;

sub test_mask
#  ....   .*.*   ..**   ..**
#  **** & .*.* ^ ..** = .**.
#  this doesn't work with RGBA blending because XOR can do inversions, while alpha channel cannot
	my $descr = shift;

	# convert AND-mask to alpha-channel (only to be converted back, but still..)
	$mask->put_image( 0, 0, $mask, rop::NotPut) if $mask->type == im::Byte;


	my $icon = Prima::Icon->new;

	my $ok = 1;
	$ok &= $dst->put_image(0,0,$icon);
	$ok &= $dst->put_image(0,1,$icon);
	ok( $ok, "put $descr" );

	bitop( $dst->pixel(0,0), $descr, 0,0,0);
	bitop( $dst->pixel(1,0), $descr, 0,1,0);
	bitop( $dst->pixel(2,0), $descr, 1,0,0);
	bitop( $dst->pixel(3,0), $descr, 1,1,0);

	bitop( $dst->pixel(0,1), $descr, 0,0,1);
	bitop( $dst->pixel(1,1), $descr, 0,1,1);
	bitop( $dst->pixel(2,1), $descr, 1,0,1);
	bitop( $dst->pixel(3,1), $descr, 1,1,1);
	# test 2: test a8 source in paint

sub test_dst
	my ($target, %opt) = @_;
	$src = Prima::DeviceBitmap->create( width => 2, height => 1, type => dbt::Bitmap);
	$dst->set(color => cl::Black, backColor => cl::White);
	test_src( "bitmap on $target");

	$dst->set(color => cl::White, backColor => cl::Black);
	is( $dst->pixel(0,0), cl::White, "inverse bitmap on $target 0");
	is( $dst->pixel(0,0), cl::Black, "inverse bitmap on $target 1");

	$dst->set(color => cl::Black, backColor => cl::Black);
	is( $dst->pixel(0,0), cl::Black, "clear bitmap on $target 0");
	is( $dst->pixel(0,0), cl::Black, "clear bitmap on $target 1");

	$dst->set(color => cl::White, backColor => cl::White);
	is( $dst->pixel(0,0), cl::White, "set bitmap on $target 0");
	is( $dst->pixel(0,0), cl::White, "set bitmap on $target 1");

	$src = Prima::DeviceBitmap->create( width => 2, height => 1, type => dbt::Pixmap);
	test_src( "pixmap on $target");

	$src = Prima::Image->create( width => 2, height => 1, type => im::BW);
	test_src( "im::BW on $target");
	is( unpack('C', $src->data), 0x40, "im::BW pixel(white) = 1");

	test_src( "im::BW/paint on $target");

	$dst->set(color => cl::White, backColor => cl::Black);
	test_src( "inverse im::BW/paint on $target");
	$dst->set(color => cl::Black, backColor => cl::Black);
	test_src( "clear im::BW/paint on $target");
	$dst->set(color => cl::White, backColor => cl::White);
	test_src( "set im::BW/paint on $target");

	$src->colormap(cl::Black, cl::White);
	test_src( "im::bpp1/BW on $target");
	$src->colormap(cl::White, cl::Black);
	test_src( "im::bpp1/WB on $target");

	$src->colormap(cl::White, cl::Black);
	test_src( "im::bpp1/paint on $target");

	test_src( "im::bpp4 on $target");

	$src->colormap(cl::White, cl::Black);
	test_src( "im::bpp4/paint on $target");

	test_src( "im::bpp8 on $target");

	$src->colormap(cl::White, cl::Black);
	test_src( "im::bpp8/paint on $target");

	$src->set( type => im::RGB);
	test_src( "im::RGB on $target");
	test_src( "im::RGB/paint on $target");
	$mask = Prima::Image->create( width => 4, height => 1, type => im::BW);
	$src = Prima::Image->create( width => 4, height => 1, type => im::BW);
	test_mask( "1-bit grayscale xor mask / 1-bit and mask on $target");
	for my $bit ( 4, 8, 24) {
		$src = Prima::Image->create( width => 4, height => 1, type => $bit);
		test_mask( "$bit-bit xor mask / 1-bit and mask on $target");

	$mask = Prima::Image->create( width => 4, height => 1, type => im::Byte);
	$src = Prima::Image->create( width => 4, height => 1, type => im::BW);
	test_blend( "1-bit grayscale image / 8-bit alpha on $target");
	$src = Prima::Image->create( width => 4, height => 1, type => im::bpp1);
	test_blend( "1-bit image / 8-bit alpha on $target");

	for my $bit ( 4, 8, 24) {
		$src = Prima::Image->create( width => 4, height => 1, type => $bit);
		test_blend( "$bit-bit image / 8-bit alpha on $target");

sub blendop
	my ( $pix, $descr, $s, $m, $d ) = @_;
	if ( $win32 && $s == 1 && $m == 0 && $d == 0 ) {
		# this is win32 specific stuff; not that this behavior is
		# wrong for practical blending, but still a minor WTF
		ok( $pix == 0xffffff || $pix == 0, "$descr (($s + a$m) OVER $d ) == either 0 or 1 )");
	} else {
		my $res = $m ? $s : ( $s | $d );
		my $clr = $res ? cl::White : cl::Black;
		is($pix, $clr, "$descr (($s + a$m) OVER $d ) == $res)");

sub test_blend_pixels
	my ($icon, $descr) = @_;

	my $ok = 1;
	$ok &= $dst->put_image(0,0,$icon);
	$ok &= $dst->put_image(0,1,$icon);

	ok( $ok, "put $descr" );

	blendop( $dst->pixel(0,0), $descr, 0,0,0);
	blendop( $dst->pixel(1,0), $descr, 0,1,0);
	blendop( $dst->pixel(2,0), $descr, 1,0,0);
	blendop( $dst->pixel(3,0), $descr, 1,1,0);

	blendop( $dst->pixel(0,1), $descr, 0,0,1);
	blendop( $dst->pixel(1,1), $descr, 0,1,1);
	blendop( $dst->pixel(2,1), $descr, 1,0,1);
	blendop( $dst->pixel(3,1), $descr, 1,1,1);

sub test_blend
    	skip "no argb capability", 9 * 3 unless $can_argb;
#  0011 + ALPHA(1010) = 0.1*
#  0000      0.1* 0011 ( . - fully transparent )
#  1111 OVER 0.1* 0111 ( * - transparent white )

	my $descr = shift;



	my $icon = Prima::Icon->new( autoMasking => am::None );

	test_blend_pixels($icon, $descr);

	test_blend_pixels($icon, "$descr (in paint)");

	test_blend_pixels($icon->bitmap, "$descr (layered)");

sub test_blend_native
#  0011 + ALPHA(1010) = 0.1*
#  0000      0.1* 0011 ( . - fully transparent )
#  1111 OVER 0.1* 0111 ( * - transparent white )

	my $descr = shift;



	my $icon = Prima::Icon->new( autoMasking => am::None );

	my $ok = 1;
	$ok &= $dst->put_image(0,0,$icon);
	$ok &= $dst->put_image(0,1,$icon);

	my $save = $dst;

	$dst = $dst->dup;
	$dst->type(im::RGB); # to convert 0xff into 0xffffff 

	ok( $ok, "put $descr" );

	blendop( $dst->pixel(0,0), $descr, 0,0,0);
	blendop( $dst->pixel(1,0), $descr, 0,1,0);
	blendop( $dst->pixel(2,0), $descr, 1,0,0);
	blendop( $dst->pixel(3,0), $descr, 1,1,0);

	blendop( $dst->pixel(0,1), $descr, 0,0,1);
	blendop( $dst->pixel(1,1), $descr, 0,1,1);
	blendop( $dst->pixel(2,1), $descr, 1,0,1);
	blendop( $dst->pixel(3,1), $descr, 1,1,1);

	$dst = $save;

$dst = Prima::Image->create( width => 4, height => 2, type => im::RGB);
$src  = Prima::Image->create( width => 4, height => 1, type => im::RGB);
$mask = Prima::Image->create( width => 4, height => 1, type => im::BW);
test_mask( "reference implementation / 1bit mask");

$mask = Prima::Image->create( width => 4, height => 1, type => im::Byte);
my $target = "reference implementation / 8bit mask";
$mask = Prima::Image->create( width => 4, height => 1, type => im::Byte);
$src = Prima::Image->create( width => 4, height => 1, type => im::Byte);
$dst = Prima::Image->create( width => 4, height => 2, type => im::Byte);
test_blend_native( "8-bit grayscale image / 8-bit alpha on $target");
$dst = Prima::Image->create( width => 4, height => 2, type => im::RGB);
$src = Prima::Image->create( width => 4, height => 1, type => im::RGB);
test_blend_native( "24-bit image / 8-bit alpha on $target");

$dst = Prima::DeviceBitmap->create( width => 4, height => 2, type => dbt::Bitmap);

$dst = Prima::DeviceBitmap->create( width => 4, height => 2, type => dbt::Pixmap);

$dst = Prima::Image->create( width => 4, height => 2, type => im::BW);

$dst = Prima::Image->create( width => 4, height => 2, type => im::bpp1);

$dst = Prima::Image->create( width => 4, height => 2, type => im::RGB);

# Because get_pixel from non-buffered guarantees nothing. 
# .buffered is also not guaranteed, but for 8 pixel widget that shouldn't be a problem
# also, do test inside onPaint to make sure it's on the buffer, not on the screen
$dst = Prima::Widget->create( width => 4, height => 2, buffered => 1, onPaint => sub {
	return if get_flag;
	skip "cannot get widget to paint", 226 unless wait_flag;

    skip "no argb capability", 226 unless $can_argb;
    $dst = Prima::Widget->create( width => 4, height => 2, buffered => 1, layered => 1, onPaint => sub {
	return if get_flag;
        test_dst("argb widget");

    skip "cannot get widget to paint", 226 unless wait_flag;

    skip "no argb capability", 226 unless $can_argb;
    $dst = Prima::DeviceBitmap->create( width => 4, height => 2, type => dbt::Layered);