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use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima qw(Application Buttons);

my $j = Prima::Image->new(
	width => 100,
	height => 100,
	type => im::Byte,
$j->gradient_ellipse(50, 50, 100, 100, {palette => [cl::Black, cl::White]});

sub icon
	my $color =  shift;
	my $i = Prima::Image->new(
		width => 100,
		height => 100,
		type => im::RGB,
	$i->gradient_ellipse(50, 50, 100, 100, {
		palette => [cl::Black, $color],
		spline  => [0.2,0.8],

	my $k = Prima::Icon->new;
	$k->combine($i, $j);

	my $db = Prima::DeviceBitmap->new(
		width  => 160,
		height => 160,
		type   => dbt::Layered,

	$db->stretch_image( 0, 0, 160, 160, $k);

	return $db;

my ( $r, $g, $b ) = map { icon($_) } (cl::LightRed, cl::LightGreen, cl::LightBlue);

my $angle = 0;
my $pi = 3.14159;

my $i = Prima::Image-> new(
	width  => 96 * $::application-> font-> width  / 7,  # poor man's calculations of
	height => 36 * $::application-> font-> height / 16, # button size
	type => im::BW,

my $w = Prima::MainWindow->new(
	layered  => 1,
	text     => 'ARGB example',
	size     => [ 300, 300 ],
	origin   => [ 100, 100 ],
	backColor => cl::Black,
	menuItems  => [
		[ '~Options' => [
			[ '*layered' => 'La~yered' => 'Ctrl+Y' => '^Y' => sub {
				my $self = shift;
				$self-> layered( $self-> menu-> toggle(shift) );
			} ],
	onPaint   => sub {
		my $self = shift;
		my ($w, $h) = $self->size;
		my $x = $w * 1 / 2;
		my $y = $h * 1 / 2;

		$self->translate($w/2, $h/2);
		my ( $x0, $y0 ) = ( $w/12, $h/12);
		my $r0 = ($x0 < $y0) ? $x0 : $y0;
		my $a = 0;
		for my $i ( $r, $g, $b ) {
			my $sin = sin($a) * $r0;
			my $cos = cos($a) * $r0;
			my $xx = $cos - $sin; 
			my $yy = $sin + $cos; 
			$xx -= $x / 2;
			$yy -= $y / 2;
			$self->stretch_image( $xx, $yy, $x, $y, $i);
			$a += $pi * 2 / 3;

my $btn = $w-> insert( Button => 
	origin  => [10,10],
	shape   => $i,
	text    => '~Quit',
	onClick => sub { $::application-> close },

$btn->insert( Widget => 
	origin => [10,10],
	size   => [10,10],
	onPaint => sub {
	   my $self = shift;

my $widget = Prima::Widget->new(
	layered  => 1,
	buffered => 1,
	size     => [ 300, 300 ],
	origin   => [ 100, 100 ],
	backColor => cl::Black,
	selectable => 1,
	onMouseDown => sub {
		$_[0]-> {drag}    = [ $_[3], $_[4]];
		$_[0]-> {lastPos} = [ $_[0]-> left, $_[0]-> bottom];
		$_[0]-> capture(1);
		$_[0]-> repaint;
	onMouseMove => sub{
		return unless exists $_[0]-> { drag};
		my @org = $_[0]-> origin;
		my @st  = @{$_[0]-> {drag}};
		my @new = ( $org[0] + $_[2] - $st[0], $org[1] + $_[3] - $st[1]);
		$_[0]-> origin( $new[0], $new[1]) if $org[1] != $new[1] || $org[0] != $new[0];
	onMouseUp => sub {
		$_[0]-> capture(0);
		delete $_[0]-> {drag};
	onPaint   => sub {
		my $self = shift;
		my ($w, $h) = $self->size;
		my $x = $w * 1 / 2;
		my $y = $h * 1 / 2;

		$self->translate($w/2, $h/2);
		my ( $x0, $y0 ) = ( $w/12, $h/12);
		my $r0 = ($x0 < $y0) ? $x0 : $y0;
		my $a = $angle;
		for my $i ( $r, $g, $b ) {
			my $sin = sin($a) * $r0;
			my $cos = cos($a) * $r0;
			my $xx = $cos - $sin; 
			my $yy = $sin + $cos; 
			$xx -= $x / 2;
			$yy -= $y / 2;
			$self->put_image( $xx, $yy, $i);
			$a += $pi * 2 / 3;

my ($mx, $my) = (1, 1);

$w->insert( Timer => 
	timeout => 100,
	onTick => sub {
		$angle += 0.1;
		$angle -= $pi*2 if $angle > $pi*2;
		my @p = $widget->origin;
		$p[0] += $mx * 5;
		$p[1] += $my * 5;
		$mx = 1 if $p[0] < 0 && $mx < 0;
		$my = 1 if $p[1] < 0 && $my < 0;
		$mx = -1 if $p[0] > $::application->width  - $widget->width && $mx > 0;
		$my = -1 if $p[1] > $::application->height - $widget->height && $my > 0;
		$widget->origin(@p) unless $widget->{drag};

run Prima;