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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: subplay,v 1.3 2007/03/09 10:07:29 dk Exp $


=head1 NAME

subplay - play subtitles file

=head1 SYNOSIS



So, you're thinking that my player doesn't display subtitles? No, it does wery
well. The reason for this script is there, is that it happened so that I
wanted to see a movie with both Danish and English subtitles. Usually, not a
problem, if you've text subtitles - but in my case one sub was in .srt text
format, while the another in .idx/.sub binary ( dvd-rip? ) format. I couldn't
find anything related, so this script was born.

=head1 OPTIONS

None. Tweak colors, fonts, etc in the source.
There are some run-time switches, right-click to get them displayed in
a pop-up menu.


Prima - L<>.

=head1 AUTHOR

Dmitry Karasik


use strict;
use Prima qw(Application Sliders Label Buttons);
use Subtitles;
use Time::HiRes qw(time);

# do your local changes here
my %font = ( size => 16 ); # style => fs::Bold|fs::Italic, encoding => 'iso8859-5', etc etc
my $refresh_rate  = 100;   # ms
my $window_height = 120;
my $fore_color    = 0xFFFFFF;
my $back_color    = 0x000000;
my $hilite_color  = 0x000080;

die "format: subplay filename.sub\n" unless @ARGV;
my $fn = shift @ARGV;
open F, "< $fn" or die "Cannot open $fn:$!\n";

my $subs = Subtitles->new();
$subs-> load(\*F) or die "Cannot load $fn:$@\n";

# convert cues to events
my $from = $subs->{from};
my $to   = $subs->{to};
my $text = $subs->{text};
my $length = $subs-> length;
my ( @cues, @events);
push @events, [0, ''];

for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$from; $i++) {
	my @exit_cues = grep { $cues[$_][0] < $$from[$i] } 0..$#cues;
	if ( @exit_cues) {
		for ( sort { $cues[$a][0] <=> $cues[$b][0] } @exit_cues) {
			$cues[$_][1] = undef;
			my $text = join("\n",  map { $$_[1] } grep { defined $$_[1] } @cues );
			if ( @events and $events[-1][0] eq $cues[$_][0]) {
				$events[-1][1] = $text;
			} else {
				push @events, [ $cues[$_][0], $text];
		splice( @cues, $_, 1) for reverse @exit_cues;
	my $cue = '';
	if ( @cues) {
		$cue = join("\n", map { $$_[1] } @cues ) . "\n";
	push @events, [ $$from[$i], $cue . $$text[$i]];
	push @cues, [ $$to[$i], $$text[$i]];
push @events, [ $length + 0.1, ''];

my $playing = 0;
my $start_time;
my $ticking;
my $current_event = -1;
my $w = Prima::MainWindow-> create( 
	packPropagate => 0,
	height 		=> $window_height,
	width		=> $::application-> width - $::application-> get_system_value( sv::XbsSizeable) * 2,
	bottom		=> 0,
	left		=> $::application-> get_system_value( sv::XbsSizeable),
	text		=> $fn,
	backColor	=> $back_color,
	color		=> $fore_color,
	popupItems	=> [
		['Stop/Play' => 'Space' , kb::Space , \&button ],
		['Set/clear decorations', 'F1', => kb::F1 , \&set_decorations ],
		['Show/hide controls', 'F2', => kb::F2 , \&set_controls ],
		['Stay/no stay on top', 'F3', => kb::F3 , \&set_on_top ],
		['Quit', 'Ctrl+Q', => '^Q' , sub { exit } ],
$text = $w-> insert( 'Label', 
	pack => { fill => 'both', expand => 1 },
	text => '',
	font => \%font,
	alignment => ta::Center,
	valignment => ta::Center,
	ownerColor => 1,
my $button = $w-> insert( 'Button' => 
	pack => { anchor => 'sw', side => 'left' },
	default => 1,
	text    => '~Play',
	hiliteColor   => $fore_color,
	hiliteBackColor => $back_color,
	flat => 1,
	onClick => \&button,
my $timer = $w-> insert( 'Timer', 
	timeout => $refresh_rate,
	onTick	=> \&tick,
my $slider = $w-> insert( 'Slider', 
	pack => { fill => 'x', side => 'left', expand => 1 },
	height => 36,
	min  => 0,
	max  => $length,
	step => 0.001,
	ribbonStrip => 1,
	shaftBreadth => 12,
	onChange => \&track,
	hiliteBackColor => $back_color,
	hiliteColor => $hilite_color,

sub time2event
	my $time = $_[0];
	my ( $l, $r) = ( 0, $#events);
	return $l if $time < 0;
	return $r if $time >= $length;
	my $lastt = -1;
	while ( 1) {
		my $t = int(( $r + $l) / 2);
		# print "start $time, $l, $r => $t/$lastt $events[$t]->[0]-".$events[$t+1]->[0]."\n";
		return $t if $t == $lastt;
		return $t 
			if $events[$t]->[0] <= $time and 
			( !defined $events[$t+1] or $events[$t+1]->[0] > $time);
		(( $events[$t]->[0] < $time) ? $l : $r) = $lastt = $t;

sub track
	my $v = $slider-> value;
	my $x;
	if ( $ticking) {
		$x = $subs-> time2str( int $v);
		$x =~ s/\.000//g;
	} else {
		$x = $subs-> time2str( $v);
	$w-> text( "$fn: $x");
	my $e = time2event( $v);
	$text-> text( $events[$current_event = $e]->[1]) if $e != $current_event;
	$start_time = time - $slider-> value unless $ticking;

sub button
	if ( $playing) {
		$playing = 0;
		$timer-> stop;
		$button-> text('~Play');
	} else {
		$playing = 1;
		$timer-> start;
		$start_time = time - $slider-> value;
		$button-> text('~Stop');

sub set_decorations
	if ( $w-> borderIcons) {
		$w-> set( borderIcons => 0, borderStyle => bs::None);
	} else {
		$w-> set( borderIcons => bi::All, borderStyle => bs::Sizeable);

sub set_on_top
	return unless $w-> can('onTop'); # 1.17 and higher
	$w-> onTop( !$w-> onTop);

sub set_controls
	if ( $button-> visible) {
		$button-> hide;
		$slider-> hide;
	} else {
		$button-> show;
		$slider-> show;

sub tick
	my $t = time - $start_time;
	$ticking = 1;
	$slider-> value( $t);
	$ticking = 0;
	button() if $playing and $t >= $length;

run Prima;