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 *  $Id: DibSect.cpp,v 1.1 2007/10/23 11:25:25 pkaluski Exp $
 *  Adapted from code submitted by Jarek Jurasz
 * <>. Thanks!
 *  This file is part of the Win32::GuiTest Perl module.
 *  You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
 *  License or the Artistic License.

#include "dibsect.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* JJ Some environment */
#define unless(x) if(!(x))
#define SelectBitmap (HBITMAP)SelectObject

  ZeroMemory(this, sizeof(*this));

  biSize        = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
  biPlanes      = 1; // Must always be 1 according to docs
  biBitCount    = 8; // by default
  biCompression = BI_RGB;

bool DibSect::Destroy()
  if (hBitmap)
    hBitmap = NULL;
    pBits = NULL;
  return true;

  The hDC seems to be needed for DIB_PAL_COLORS only.
HBITMAP DibSect::Create
  HDC hDC       // a DC with the right palette

  // rounded up to full DWORDs
  cWidthBytes = (((biWidth * biBitCount) >> 3) + 3) & (~3);
  cySize      = abs(biHeight);

  BOOL fDelete;
  UINT uUsage;

  if (biCompression == BI_RGB && biBitCount >= 16)
      - for now works only for 24 bit case
      - in 16 and 32 bit case 3 DWORD masks are needed!
      - no color table needed
    pbmi = (PBITMAPINFO) this;
    fDelete = FALSE;
    uUsage = DIB_RGB_COLORS;
    int nColors = 1 << biBitCount;
    uUsage = DIB_PAL_COLORS;
    // for DIB_PAL_COLORS only
    pbmi = (PBITMAPINFO) new char [GetBmiSize()];
    fDelete = TRUE;

    // copy out the Bmih
    CopyMemory(pbmi, this, biSize);

    // put palette indices
    // use DIB_PAL_COLORS, 1:1 for speed
    USHORT *pPal = (USHORT *) pbmi->bmiColors;
    for (int i = 0; i < nColors; )
      *pPal++ = (USHORT) i++;

    // with DIB_RGB_COLORS could use GetSystemPaletteEntries() or
    // GetDIBColorTable()
  biSizeImage = cySize * cWidthBytes;
  // no file mapping given
  hBitmap = CreateDIBSection(hDC, pbmi, uUsage, (void **) &pBits, NULL, 0);

  if (fDelete)
    delete [] pbmi;

  return hBitmap;

// or better just a number of colors?
UINT DibSect::GetBmiSize() const
    case 16:
    case 32:
      // include the definition of bit distribution
      return sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 3 * sizeof(DWORD);

    case 24:
      return sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);

      return sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + (1 << biBitCount) * sizeof(RGBQUAD);

  Copies a rect from window's client area into a current (not yet created) DIB
  - depends on visibility
HBITMAP DibSect::CopyWndClient
  HWND hWnd,
  RECT * pr // = NULL
  RECT r;
  if (pr && !IsRectEmpty(pr))
    r = *pr;
    GetClientRect(hWnd, &r);

  HDC hdcWnd = GetDC(hWnd);
  HDC hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcWnd);

  HBITMAP hbmOld;

  biWidth = r.right - r.left;
  biHeight = r.bottom -;
  // always true color - could use palette for gray
  biBitCount = 24;
  HBITMAP hbm;
  unless (hbm = Create(hdcWnd))
    return hbm;

  hbmOld = SelectBitmap(hdcMem, hbm);
  BitBlt(hdcMem, 0, 0, biWidth, biHeight, hdcWnd, r.left,, SRCCOPY);

  SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmOld);
  ReleaseDC(hWnd, hdcWnd);

  return hbm;

bool DibSect::Invert()
  // would work also for 32 bit
  unless (pBits && biBitCount == 24 || biBitCount == 32)
    return false;

  for (int y = 0; y < biHeight; y++)
    PBYTE prgb = pBits + y * cWidthBytes;
    for (int x = 0; x < biWidth; x++)
      prgb[0] = 255 - prgb[0];
      prgb[1] = 255 - prgb[1];
      prgb[2] = 255 - prgb[2];
      prgb += biBitCount/8;
  return true;

bool DibSect::ToGrayScale()
  // would work also for 32 bit
  unless (pBits && biBitCount == 24 || biBitCount == 32)
    return false;

  for (int y = 0; y < biHeight; y++)
    PBYTE prgb = pBits + y * cWidthBytes;
    for (int x = 0; x < biWidth; x++)
      BYTE r = prgb[0];
      BYTE g = prgb[1];
      BYTE b = prgb[2];
      prgb[0] = prgb[1] = prgb[2] = (r + g + b) / 3;
      prgb += biBitCount/8;
  return true;

const unsigned short DS_BITMAP_FILEMARKER = 0x4d42; // 'BM'

// not tested
bool DibSect::Load(const char *szFileName)
  hBitmap = (HBITMAP) LoadImage(NULL, szFileName, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, 
  return hBitmap != NULL;

// currently 256 colors not supported
bool DibSect::SaveAs(const char *szFileName)
  unless (pBits && biBitCount == 24)
    return false;


  unless (szFileName)
    return false;

  // Perl redefines fopen etc.
  FILE * pf = fopen(szFileName, "w+b");
  unless (pf)
    return false;

  DWORD dwBitmapInfoSize = GetBmiSize();
  DWORD dwFileHeaderSize = dwBitmapInfoSize + sizeof(hdr);

  // Fill in the fields of the file header 
  hdr.bfType       = DS_BITMAP_FILEMARKER;
  hdr.bfSize       = dwFileHeaderSize + biSizeImage;
  hdr.bfReserved1  = 0;
  hdr.bfReserved2  = 0;
  hdr.bfOffBits    = dwFileHeaderSize;

  // Write the file header 
  bool fOk = (sizeof(hdr) == fwrite(&hdr, 1, sizeof(hdr), pf));

  // Write the DIB header
  unless (dwBitmapInfoSize == fwrite(this, 1, dwBitmapInfoSize, pf))
    fOk = false;
  // Write DIB bits
  unless (biSizeImage == fwrite(GetBits(), 1, biSizeImage, pf))
    fOk = false;

    fOk = false;

  return fOk;

 - see old MSDN note "DIBs and Their Use"
 - ENHMETAFILE some other day
HMETAFILE DibSect::AsMetafile()
  // not a wmf file format...
  HDC hMetaDC = CreateMetaFile((LPSTR) NULL);
  // requires bitmapinfo (header + colors), but we cheat it to live with header only
  StretchDIBits(hMetaDC, 0, 0, biWidth, biHeight, 0, 0, biWidth, 
    biHeight, GetBits(), (BITMAPINFO * )this, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY);
  HMETAFILE hMetafile = CloseMetaFile(hMetaDC);
  return hMetafile;

bool DibSect::ToClipboard()
  unless (hBitmap)
    return FALSE;


  // CF_DIB needs a packed DIB with header, color table and bits in one memory block
  // CF_BITMAP somehow doesn't work with DIB handles
  // -> use metafile

  METAFILEPICT * pmfp = (METAFILEPICT *) GlobalLock(h);

  pmfp->mm = MM_TEXT;
  pmfp->xExt = biWidth;
  pmfp->yExt = cySize;
  pmfp->hMF = AsMetafile();


  bool fSuccess = 
    && EmptyClipboard()
    && SetClipboardData(CF_METAFILEPICT, h);

  unless (fSuccess)

  // we try to close it even if opening failed

  return fSuccess;