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package CatalystX::CRUD::Controller;
use Moose;

    extends qw(
use Carp;
use Catalyst::Utils;
use CatalystX::CRUD::Results;
use MRO::Compat;
use mro 'c3';
use Data::Dump qw( dump );


    primary_key           => 'id',
    view_on_single_result => 0,
    page_size             => 50,
    allow_GET_writes      => 0,
    naked_results         => 0,

# apply Role *after* we declare accessors above
with 'CatalystX::CRUD::ControllerRole';

our $VERSION = '0.56';

=head1 NAME

CatalystX::CRUD::Controller - base class for CRUD controllers


    # create a controller
    package MyApp::Controller::Foo;
    use strict;
    use base qw( CatalystX::CRUD::Controller );
        form_class              => 'MyForm::Foo',
        init_form               => 'init_with_foo',
        init_object             => 'foo_from_form',
        default_template        => 'path/to/foo/',
        model_name              => 'Foo',
        model_adapter           => 'FooAdapter', # optional
        model_meta              => { moniker => 'SomeTable' },  # optional
        primary_key             => 'id',
        view_on_single_result   => 0,
        page_size               => 50,
        allow_GET_writes        => 0,
        naked_results           => 0,
    # now you can manage Foo objects using your MyForm::Foo form class
    # with URIs at:
    #  foo/<pk>/edit
    #  foo/<pk>/view
    #  foo/<pk>/save
    #  foo/<pk>/rm
    #  foo/<pk>/<relname>/<pk2>/add
    #  foo/<pk>/<relname>/<pk2>/rm
    #  foo/create
    #  foo/list
    #  foo/search

CatalystX::CRUD::Controller is a base class for writing controllers that
play nicely with the CatalystX::CRUD::Model API. The basic controller API
is based on Catalyst::Controller::Rose::CRUD and Catalyst::Controller::Rose::Search.

See CatalystX::CRUD::Controller::RHTMLO for one implementation.


See the L<SYNOPSIS> section.

The configuration values are used extensively in the methods
described below and are noted B<in bold> where they are used.


The following methods are either public via the default URI namespace or
(as with auto() and fetch()) are called via the dispatch chain. See the L<SYNOPSIS>.

=head2 auto

Attribute: Private

Calls the form() method and saves the return value in stash() as C<form>.


sub auto : Private {
    my ( $self, $c, @args ) = @_;
    $c->stash->{form} = $self->form($c);
    $self->maybe::next::method( $c, @args );

=head2 default

Attribute: Private

The fallback method. The default returns a 404 error.


sub default : Path {
    my ( $self, $c, @args ) = @_;
    $c->res->body('Not found');

=head2 fetch( I<primary_key> )

Attribute: chained to namespace, expecting one argument.

Calls B<do_model> fetch() method with a single key/value pair, 
using the B<primary_key> config value as the key and the I<primary_key> as the value.

The return value of fetch() is saved in stash() as C<object>.

The I<primary_key> value is saved in stash() as C<object_id>.


sub fetch : Chained('/') PathPrefix CaptureArgs(1) {
    my ( $self, $c, $id ) = @_;
    $c->stash->{object_id} = $id;
    my @pk = $self->get_primary_key( $c, $id );

    # make sure all elements of the @pk pairs are not-null
    if ( scalar(@pk) % 2 ) {
            "Odd number of elements returned from get_primary_key()");
    my %pk_pairs = @pk;
    my $pk_is_null;
    for my $key ( keys %pk_pairs ) {
        my $val = $pk_pairs{$key};
        if ( !defined($val) or !length($val) ) {
            $pk_is_null = $key;
    if ( $c->debug and defined $pk_is_null ) {
        $c->log->debug("Null PK value for '$pk_is_null'");
    my @arg = ( defined $pk_is_null || !$id ) ? () : (@pk);
    $c->log->debug( "fetch: " . dump \@arg ) if $c->debug;
    $c->stash->{object} = $self->do_model( $c, 'fetch', @arg );
    if ( $self->has_errors($c) or !$c->stash->{object} ) {
        $self->throw_error( 'No such ' . $self->model_name );

=head2 create

Attribute: Local

Namespace for creating a new object. Calls to fetch() and edit()
with a B<primary_key> value of C<0> (zero). 

If the Form class has a 'field_value' method, create() will 
pre-populate the Form instance and Object instance
with param-based values (i.e. seeds the form via request params).


 # form and object will have name set to 'bar'

B<NOTE:> This is a GET method named for consistency with the C
in CRUD. It is not equivalent to a POST in REST terminology.


sub create : Path('create') {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
    $self->fetch( $c, 0 );

    # allow for params to be passed in to seed the form/object
    my $form = $c->stash->{form};
    my $obj  = $c->stash->{object};
    if ( $form->can('field_value') ) {
        for my $field ( $self->field_names($c) ) {
            $c->log->debug("checking for param: $field") if $c->debug;
            if ( exists $c->req->params->{$field} ) {
                $c->log->debug("setting form param: $field") if $c->debug;
                $form->field_value( $field => $c->req->params->{$field} );
                if ( $obj->can($field) ) {
                    $c->log->debug("setting object method: $field")
                        if $c->debug;
                    $obj->$field( $c->req->params->{$field} );



=head2 edit

Attribute: chained to fetch(), expecting no arguments.

Checks the can_read() and has_errors() methods before proceeding.

Populates the C<form> in stash() with the C<object> in stash(),
using the B<init_form> method. Sets the C<template> value in stash()
to B<default_template>.


sub edit : PathPart Chained('fetch') Args(0) {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
    return if $self->has_errors($c);
    unless ( $self->can_read($c) ) {
        $self->throw_error('Permission denied');
    my $meth = $self->init_form;
    $c->stash->{form}->$meth( $c->stash->{object} );

    # might get here from create()
    $c->stash->{template} = $self->default_template;

=head2 view

Attribute: chained to fetch(), expecting no arguments.

Checks the can_read() and has_errors() methods before proceeding.

Acts the same as edit() but does not set template value in stash().


sub view : PathPart Chained('fetch') Args(0) {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
    return if $self->has_errors($c);
    unless ( $self->can_read($c) ) {
        $self->throw_error('Permission denied');
    my $meth = $self->init_form;
    $c->stash->{form}->$meth( $c->stash->{object} );

=head2 read

Alias for view(), just for consistency with the R in CRUD.


sub read : PathPart Chained('fetch') Args(0) {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

=head2 save

Attribute: chained to fetch(), expecting no arguments.

Creates an object with form_to_object(), then follows the precommit(),
save_obj() and postcommit() logic.

See the save_obj(), precommit() and postcommit() hook methods for
ways to affect the behaviour of save().

The special param() value C<_delete> is checked to support POST requests
to /save. If found, save() will detach() to rm().

save() returns 0 on any error, and returns 1 on success.


sub save : PathPart Chained('fetch') Args(0) {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;


    if ($c->request->params->{'_delete'}
        or ( exists $c->request->params->{'x-tunneled-method'}
            and $c->request->params->{'x-tunneled-method'} eq 'DELETE' )
        $c->action->name('rm');    # so we can test against it in postcommit()

    return if $self->has_errors($c);
    unless ( $self->can_write($c) ) {
        $self->throw_error('Permission denied');

    # get a valid object
    my $obj = $self->form_to_object($c);
    if ( !$obj ) {
        $c->log->debug("form_to_object() returned false") if $c->debug;
        return 0;

    # write our changes
    unless ( $self->precommit( $c, $obj ) ) {
        $c->stash->{template} ||= $self->default_template;
        return 0;
    $self->save_obj( $c, $obj );
    $self->postcommit( $c, $obj );


=head2 update

Alias for save(), just for consistency with the U in CRUD.


sub update : PathPart Chained('fetch') Args(0) {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

=head2 rm

Attribute: chained to fetch(), expecting no arguments.

Checks the can_write() and has_errors() methods before proceeeding.

Calls the delete() method on the C<object>.


sub rm : PathPart Chained('fetch') Args(0) {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
    return if $self->has_errors($c);
    unless ( $self->can_write($c) ) {
        $self->throw_error('Permission denied');

    my $o = $c->stash->{object};

    unless ( $self->precommit( $c, $o ) ) {
        return 0;
    if ( $self->model_adapter ) {
        $self->model_adapter->delete( $c, $o );
    else {
    $self->postcommit( $c, $o );

=head2 delete

Wrapper for rm(), just for consistency with the D in CRUD.


sub delete : PathPart Chained('fetch') Args(0) {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

=head2 list

Attribute: Local

Display all the objects represented by model_name().
The same as calling search() with no params().
See do_search().


sub list : Local {
    my ( $self, $c, @arg ) = @_;
    unless ( $self->can_read($c) ) {
        $self->throw_error('Permission denied');

    $self->do_search( $c, @arg );

=head2 search

Attribute: Local

Query the model and return results. See do_search().


sub search : Local {
    my ( $self, $c, @arg ) = @_;
    unless ( $self->can_read($c) ) {
        $self->throw_error('Permission denied');

    $self->do_search( $c, @arg );

=head2 count

Attribute: Local

Like search() but does not set result values, only a total count.
Useful for AJAX-y types of situations where you want to query for a total
number of matches and create a pager but not actually retrieve any data.


sub count : Local {
    my ( $self, $c, @arg ) = @_;
    unless ( $self->can_read($c) ) {
        $self->throw_error('Permission denied');

    $c->stash->{fetch_no_results} = 1;

    $self->do_search( $c, @arg );

=head2 related( I<rel_name>, I<foreign_pk_value> )

Attribute: chained to fetch(), expecting two arguments.

Similar to fetch(), a chain base method for add_related()
and rm_related(). Expects two arguments: I<rel_name>
and I<foreign_pk_value>. Those two values are put in
stash under those key names.

Note that related() has a PathPart of '' so it does
not appear in your URL:


will resolve in the action_for add().


sub related : PathPart('') Chained('fetch') CaptureArgs(2) {
    my ( $self, $c, $rel, $fpk_value ) = @_;
    return if $self->has_errors($c);
    unless ( $self->can_write($c) ) {
        $self->throw_error('Permission denied');
    $c->stash( rel_name         => $rel );
    $c->stash( foreign_pk_value => $fpk_value );

=head2 remove

Attribute: chained to related().

Dissociate a related many-to-many object of
relationship name I<rel_name> with primary key value I<foreign_pk_value>.



will remove user C<123> from the group C<456>.

Sets the 204 (enacted, no content) HTTP response status
on success.


sub _check_idempotent {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
    if ( !$self->allow_GET_writes ) {
        if ( uc( $c->req->method ) eq 'GET' ) {
            $c->log->warn( "allow_GET_writes!=true, related method="
                    . uc( $c->req->method ) );
            $c->res->header( 'Allow' => 'POST,PUT,DELETE' );
            $c->res->body('GET request not allowed');
            $c->stash->{error} = 1;    # so has_errors() will return true

sub remove : PathPart Chained('related') Args(0) {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
    return if $self->has_errors($c);
        $c, 'rm_related', $c->stash->{object},
    $c->res->status(204);    # enacted, no content

=head2 add

Attribute: chained to related().

Associate the primary object retrieved in fetch() with
the object with I<foreign_pk_value>
via a related many-to-many relationship I<rel_name>.



will add user C<123> to the group C<456>.

Sets the 204 (enacted, no content) HTTP response status
on success.


sub add : PathPart Chained('related') Args(0) {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
    return if $self->has_errors($c);
        $c, 'add_related', $c->stash->{object},
    $c->res->status(204);    # enacted, no content

=head2 fetch_related

Attribute: chained to fetch() like related() is.


sub fetch_related : PathPart('') Chained('fetch') CaptureArgs(1) {
    my ( $self, $c, $rel ) = @_;
    return if $self->has_errors($c);
    $c->stash( rel_name => $rel );

=head2 list_related

Attribute: chained to fetch_related().

Returns list of related objects.



will return groups related to user C<123>.


sub list_related : PathPart('list') Chained('fetch_related') Args(0) {
    my ( $self, $c, $rel ) = @_;
    unless ( $self->can_read($c) ) {
        $self->throw_error('Permission denied');
    return if $self->has_errors($c);
    $self->view($c);    # set form
    my $results
        = $self->do_model( $c, 'iterator_related', $c->stash->{object},
    $c->stash( results => $results );

=head2 view_related

Attribute: chained to related().

Returns list of related objects based on foreign key value.



will return groups of pk C<456> related to user C<123>.


sub view_related : PathPart('view') Chained('related') Args(0) {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
    unless ( $self->can_read($c) ) {
        $self->throw_error('Permission denied');
    return if $self->has_errors($c);
    $self->view($c);    # set form
    my $result = $self->do_model(
        $c, 'find_related', $c->stash->{object},
    $c->stash( results => $result );


The following methods are not visible via the URI namespace but
directly affect the dispatch chain.

=head2 new( I<c>, I<args> )

Sets up the controller instance, detecting and instantiating the model_adapter
if set in config().


sub new {
    my ( $class, $app_class, $args ) = @_;
    my $self = $class->next::method( $app_class, $args );
    return $self;

=head2 form

Returns an instance of config->{form_class}. A single form object is instantiated and
cached in the controller object. If the form object has a C<clear> or C<reset>
method it will be called before returning.


sub form {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
    $self->{_form} ||= $self->form_class->new;
    if ( $self->{_form}->can('clear') ) {
    elsif ( $self->{_form}->can('reset') ) {
    return $self->{_form};

=head2 field_names

Returns an array ref of the field names in form(). By default just calls the field_names()
method on the form(). Your subclass should implement this method if your form class does
not have a field_names() method.


sub field_names {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->form->field_names;

=head2 can_read( I<context> )

Returns true if the current request is authorized to read() the C<object> in

Default is true.


sub can_read {1}

=head2 can_write( I<context> )

Returns true if the current request is authorized to create() or update()
the C<object> in stash().


sub can_write {1}

=head2 form_to_object( I<context> )

Should return an object ready to be handed to save_obj(). This is the primary
method to override in your subclass, since it will handle all the form validation
and population of the object.

If form_to_object() returns 0, save() will abort at that point in the process,
so form_to_object() should set whatever template and other stash() values
should be used in the response.

Will throw_error() if not overridden.

See CatalystX::CRUD::Controller::RHTMLO for an example.


sub form_to_object {
    shift->throw_error("must override form_to_object()");

=head2 save_obj( I<context>, I<object> )

Calls the update() or create() method on the I<object> (or model_adapter()),
picking the method based on whether C<object_id> in stash() 
evaluates true (update) or false (create).


sub save_obj {
    my ( $self, $c, $obj ) = @_;
    my $method = $c->stash->{object_id} ? 'update' : 'create';
    if ( $self->model_adapter ) {
        $self->model_adapter->$method( $c, $obj );
    else {

=head2 precommit( I<context>, I<object> )

Called by save(). If precommit() returns a false value, save() is aborted.
If precommit() returns a true value, save_obj() gets called.

The default return is true.


sub precommit {1}

=head2 postcommit( I<context>, I<object> )

Called in save() after save_obj(). The default behaviour is to issue an external
redirect resolving to view().


sub postcommit {
    my ( $self, $c, $o ) = @_;

    unless ( defined $c->res->location and length $c->res->location ) {
        my $id = $self->make_primary_key_string($o);

        if ( $c->action->name eq 'rm' ) {
            $c->response->redirect( $c->uri_for('') );
        else {
            $c->response->redirect( $c->uri_for( '', $id, 'view' ) );


=head2 uri_for_view_on_single_result( I<context>, I<results> )

Returns 0 unless view_on_single_result returns true.

Otherwise, calls the primary_key() value on the first object
in I<results> and constructs a uri_for() value to the 'view'
action in the same class as the current action.


sub uri_for_view_on_single_result {
    my ( $self, $c, $results ) = @_;
    return 0 unless $self->view_on_single_result;

    # TODO require $results be a CatalystX::CRUD::Results object
    # so we can call next() instead of assuming array ref.
    my $obj = $results->[0];

    my $id = $self->make_primary_key_string($obj);

    # force stringify $id in case it is an object.
    # Otherwise uri_for() assumes it is an Action object.
    return $c->uri_for( "$id", 'view' );

=head2 make_query( I<context>, I<arg> )

This is an optional method. If implemented, do_search() will call this method
and pass the return value on to the appropriate model methods. If not implemented,
the model will be tested for a make_query() method and it will be called instead.

Either the controller subclass or the model B<must> implement a make_query() method.


=head2 do_search( I<context>, I<arg> )

Prepare and execute a search. Called internally by list()
and search().

Results are saved in stash() under the C<results> key.

If B<naked_results> is true, then results are set just as they are
returned from search() or list() (directly from the Model).

If B<naked_results> is false (default), then results is a
CatalystX::CRUD::Results object.


sub do_search {
    my ( $self, $c, @arg ) = @_;

    # stash the form so it can be re-displayed
    # subclasses must stick-ify it in their own way.
    $c->stash->{form} ||= $self->form($c);

    # if we have no input, just return for initial search
    if ( !@arg && !$c->req->param && $c->action->name eq 'search' ) {

    # turn flag on unless explicitly turned off
    $c->stash->{view_on_single_result} = 1
        unless exists $c->stash->{view_on_single_result};

    my $query;
    if ( $self->can('make_query') ) {
        $query = $self->make_query( $c, @arg );
    elsif ( $self->model_can( $c, 'make_query' ) ) {
        $query = $self->do_model( $c, 'make_query', @arg );
    else {
            "neither controller nor model implement a make_query() method");
    my $count = $self->do_model( $c, 'count', $query ) || 0;
    my $results;
    unless ( $c->stash->{fetch_no_results} ) {
        $results = $self->do_model( $c, 'search', $query );

    if (   $results
        && $count == 1
        && $c->stash->{view_on_single_result}
        && ( my $uri = $self->uri_for_view_on_single_result( $c, $results ) )
        $c->log->debug("redirect for single_result") if $c->debug;
    else {

        my $pager;
        if ( $count && $self->model_can( $c, 'make_pager' ) ) {
            $pager = $self->do_model( $c, 'make_pager', $count, $results );

            = $self->naked_results
            ? $results
            : CatalystX::CRUD::Results->new(
            {   count   => $count,
                pager   => $pager,
                results => $results,
                query   => $query,



The following methods simply return the config() value of the same name.


=item form_class

=item init_form

=item init_object

=item model_name

=item default_template

=item primary_key

primary_key may be a single column name or an array ref of multiple
column names.

=item page_size

=item allow_GET_writes

=item naked_results



# see
# PathPrefix will likely end up in an official Catalyst RSN.
# This lets us have a sane default fetch() method without having
# to write one in each subclass.
sub _parse_PathPrefix_attr {
    my ( $self, $c, $name, $value ) = @_;
    return PathPart => $self->path_prefix;



=head1 AUTHOR

Peter Karman, C<< <perl at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<bug-catalystx-crud at>, or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc CatalystX::CRUD

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * Search CPAN




This module based on Catalyst::Controller::Rose::CRUD by the same author.


Copyright 2007 Peter Karman, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
