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package CatalystX::CRUD::ModelAdapter;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(
use MRO::Compat;
use mro 'c3';
use Carp;

__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw( model_name model_meta context app_class ));

=head1 NAME

CatalystX::CRUD::ModelAdapter - make CRUD Controllers work with non-CRUD models


 package My::ModelAdapter::Foo;
 use base qw( CatalystX::CRUD::ModelAdapter );
 # must implement the following methods
 sub new_object { }
 sub fetch      { }
 sub search     { }
 sub iterator   { }
 sub count      { }
 sub make_query { }
 sub search_related     { }
 sub iterator_related   { }
 sub count_related      { }
 # then in your CX::CRUD::Controller subclass
 package MyApp::Controller::CRUD;
 use base qw( CatalystX::CRUD::Controller );
    'model_adapter' => 'My::ModelAdapter::Foo'

CatalystX::CRUD::ModelAdapter allows you to use existing, non-CRUD Models with
the CatalystX::CRUD::Controller API. The ModelAdapter class implements a similar
API to the CX::CRUD::Model, but does not inherit from Catalyst::Model and should
not sit in the ::Model namespace. 

If a 'model_adapter' config value is present
in a CX::CRUD::Controller subclass, the ModelAdapter instance will be called
instead of the 'model_name' instance. The B<model_name> accessor is available
on the ModelAdapter instance and is set automatically at instantiation time
by the calling Controller.

This documentation is intended for ModelAdapter developers.


You may configure your CXCM-derived Models in the usual way (see the Catalyst

=head1 METHODS

CatalystX::CRUD::ModelAdapter inherits from CatalystX::CRUD.

The following methods should be implemented in your subclass.

=head2 new_object( I<controller>, I<context> )

Should return a new instance from the Model you are adapting.


sub new_object { shift->throw_error("must implement new_object"); }

=head2 fetch( I<controller>, I<context>, I<args> )

Should return an instance of the Model you are adapting, based
on I<args>.


sub fetch { shift->throw_error("must implement fetch") }

=head2 search( I<controller>, I<context>, I<args> )

Should return an arrayref of instances of the Model you are adapting,
based on I<args>.


sub search { shift->throw_error("must implement search") }

=head2 iterator( I<controller>, I<context>, I<args> )

Should return an iterator of instances of the Model you are adapting,
based on I<args>.


sub iterator { shift->throw_error("must implement iterator") }

=head2 count( I<controller>, I<context>, I<args> )

Should return an integer representing the numbef of matching instances
of the Model you are adapting, based on I<args>.


sub count { shift->throw_error("must implement count") }

=head2 make_query( I<controller>, I<context> )

Should return appropriate values for passing to search(), iterator() and
count(). See CataystX::CRUD::Model for examples.


sub make_query { shift->throw_error("must implement make_query()") }

=head2 search_related( I<controller>, I<context>, I<obj>, I<relationship> )

Returns zero or more CXCO instances like search().
The instances are related to I<obj> via I<relationship>.

=head2 iterator_related( I<controller>, I<context>, I<obj>, I<relationship> )

Like search_related() but returns an iterator.

=head2 count_related( I<controller>, I<context>, I<obj>, I<relationship> )

Like search_related() but returns an integer.


sub search_related   { shift->throw_error("must implement search_related") }
sub iterator_related { shift->throw_error("must implement iterator_related") }
sub count_related    { shift->throw_error("must implement count_related") }

=head2 add_related( I<controller>, I<context>, I<obj>, I<rel_name>, I<foreign_value> )

Associate foreign object identified by I<foreign_value> with I<obj>
via the relationship I<rel_name>.

It is up to the subclass to implement this method.

=head2 rm_related( I<controller>, I<context>, I<obj>, I<rel_name>, I<foreign_value> )

Dissociate foreign object identified by I<foreign_value> from I<obj>
via the relationship I<rel_name>.

It is up to the subclass to implement this method.

=head2 put_related( I<obj>, I<rel_name>, I<foreign_value> )

Create new related foreign object. Unlike add_related(),
the foreign object need not already exist. put_related()
should be idempotent.

=head2 find_related( I<obj>, I<rel_name>, I<foreign_value> )

Return related object for I<foreign_value> based on I<rel_name>
for I<obj>.

=head2 has_relationship( I<controller>, I<context>, I<obj>, I<rel_name> )

Should return true or false as to whether I<rel_name> exists for

It is up to the subclass to implement this method.


sub add_related  { shift->throw_error("must implement add_related()") }
sub rm_related   { shift->throw_error("must implement rm_related()") }
sub put_related  { shift->throw_error("must implement put_related()") }
sub find_related { shift->throw_error("must implement find_related()") }

sub has_relationship {
    shift->throw_error("must implement has_relationship()");

=head1 CRUD Methods

The following methods are implemented in CatalystX::CRUD::Object when
using the CatalystX::CRUD::Model API. When using the ModelAdapter API, they
should be implemented in the adapter class.

=head2 create( I<context>, I<object> )

Should implement the C in CRUD.


sub create { shift->throw_error("must implement create()") }

=head2 read( I<context>, I<object> )

Should implement the R in CRUD.


sub read { shift->throw_error("must implement read()") }

=head2 update( I<context>, I<object> )

Should implement the U in CRUD.


sub update { shift->throw_error("must implement update()") }

=head2 delete( I<context>, I<object> )

Should implement the D in CRUD.


sub delete { shift->throw_error("must implement delete()") }



=head1 AUTHOR

Peter Karman, C<< <perl at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<bug-catalystx-crud at>, or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc CatalystX::CRUD

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * Search CPAN




Copyright 2008 Peter Karman, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
