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package CatalystX::CRUD::YUI::View;

use warnings;
use strict;
use Carp;
use base qw( Catalyst::View::TT );
use Data::Dump qw( dump );
use MRO::Compat;
use mro "c3";
use Path::Class;
use Class::Inspector;
use CatalystX::CRUD::YUI;
use CatalystX::CRUD::YUI::TT;
use Search::Tools::UTF8;
use Encode;

our $VERSION = '0.031';

=head1 NAME

CatalystX::CRUD::YUI::View - base View class


 # see catalyst::View::TT


CatalystX::CRUD::YUI::View is a subclass of Catalyst::View::TT that
extends the base class in a few minor ways. See METHODS for details.


Configuration is the same as with Catalyst::View::TT. Read those docs.

The default config here is:

    PRE_PROCESS        => 'crud/',
    WRAPPER            => 'crud/',


# default config here instead of new() so subclasses can more easily override.
    PRE_PROCESS        => 'crud/',
    WRAPPER            => 'crud/',
    ENCODING           => 'utf-8',

=head1 METHODS

Only new or overridden method are documented here.


=head2 new

Overrides base new() method. Sets
INCLUDE_PATH to the base
CatalystX::CRUD::YUI::TT .tt files plus your local app root.
This means you can override the default template behaviour
by putting a .tt file with the same name in your C<root> template dir.

For example, to customize your C<> file, just copy the default one
from the C<CatalystX/CRUD/YUI/TT/crud/> in @INC and put it
in C<root/crud/>. Likewise, you can set up a global config file
by creating a C<root/crud/> file and putting your MACROs and other
TT stuff in there.


sub new {
    my ( $class, $c, $arg ) = @_;

    my $template_base
        = Class::Inspector->loaded_filename('CatalystX::CRUD::YUI::TT');
    $template_base =~ s/\.pm$//;

    # important that local 'root' path is first,
    # followed by $template_base and then whatever
    # is already set.
    # *AND* no duplicates.
    my @inc_path = (
        Path::Class::dir( $c->config->{root} ),
    for my $path ( @{ $class->config->{INCLUDE_PATH} || [] } ) {
        if ( grep { $path eq $_ } @inc_path ) {
        push( @inc_path, $path );

    #dump \@inc_path;

    $class->config( { INCLUDE_PATH => \@inc_path } );

    return $class->next::method( $c, $arg );

=head2 template_vars

Overrides base method to add some other default variables.



The C<yui> variable is a CatalystX::CRUD::YUI object.


The C<page> variable is a hashref with members B<js> and B<css>.
It is used by crud/ to ease the addition of 
per-request .js and .css files. Stuff the base file name into
the array in each .tt file to get those files included in the 
page header.


 [% page.css.push('foo') %]
 # html <head> section will contain:
 # <link type="stylesheet" href="[% static_url %]/css/foo.css" />


The C<static_url> variable defaults to $c->uri_for('/static').
You can override that in $c->config() by setting a 'static_url'
value to whatever base URL you wish. Ideal for serving your static
content from different URL than your dynamic content.



sub template_vars {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

    my $cvar = $self->config->{CATALYST_VAR};

    defined $cvar
        ? ( $cvar => $c )
        : (
        c    => $c,
        base => $c->req->base,
        name => $c->config->{name},
        yui  => CatalystX::CRUD::YUI->new(),
        page => { js => [], css => [] },
        static_url => ( $c->config->{static_url} || $c->uri_for('/static') ),

=head2 process

Overrides base method to test if C<template> is set in stash,
and if it is, tests that it exists before calling next::method().
If it does not exist, will change the C<template> value in stash
to be C<crud/I<file>.tt>> in order to call the default crud template.

This path mangling allows you to avoid creating .tt files for all your actions
unless you want to override the default template's behaviour.


sub process {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

    my $template = $c->stash->{template}
        || $c->action . $self->config->{TEMPLATE_EXTENSION};
    unless ( defined $template ) {
        $c->log->debug('No template specified for rendering') if $c->debug;
        return 0;

    # test for file existence
    my $template_exists;
    for my $base ( @{ $self->paths } ) {
        my $file = Path::Class::file( $base, $template );
        if ( -s $file ) {
            $template_exists = 1;
    unless ($template_exists) {
        my $file     = Path::Class::file($template);
        my $basename = $file->basename;
        $c->log->debug("using default template $basename") if $c->debug;
        $c->stash( template => Path::Class::file( 'crud', $basename ) . '' );

    return $self->next::method($c);


=head2 render

Overrides base method to coerce output into UTF-8.


sub render {
    my ($self, @arg) = @_; 
    my $out = $self->next::method(@arg);
    return encode_utf8( to_utf8( $out ) );



=head1 AUTHOR

Peter Karman, C<< <> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<>, or through the web interface at
L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be
notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


The Minnesota Supercomputing Institute C<< >>
sponsored the development of this software.


Copyright 2008 by the Regents of the University of Minnesota.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
