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package Dezi::App;
use Moose;
use MooseX::StrictConstructor;
with 'Dezi::Role';
use Carp;
use Data::Dump qw( dump );
use Scalar::Util qw( blessed );
use Class::Load ();
use Types::Standard qw( Bool HashRef );
use Dezi::Types qw( DeziIndexerConfig DeziInvIndex DeziFileOrCodeRef );
use Dezi::ReplaceRules;
use namespace::autoclean;

our $VERSION = '0.014';

=head1 NAME

Dezi::App - build Dezi search applications


 my $app = Dezi::App->new(
   invindex   => 't/testindex',
   aggregator => 'fs',
   indexer    => 'lucy',
   config     => 't/test.conf',
   filter     => sub { diag( "doc filter on " . $_[0]->url ) },

 my $count = $app->run('path/to/files');

 printf("Indexed %d documents\n", $count);


Dezi::App is convenience class for building search applications.
It provides shortcuts for pulling together all the Dezi::App components
into a single App object.

Dezi::App depends upon:











=head1 METHODS

The following attributes are available as params to new() and
instance methods:


=item aggregator

Expects a Dezi::Aggregator instance or a shortcut string. The shortcuts


=item fs

Filesystem -- see L<Dezi::Aggregator::FS>.

=item spider

Web crawler -- see L<Dezi::Aggregator::Spider>.

=item mail

Mail::Box reader -- see L<Dezi::Aggregator::Mail>.

=item mailfs

Mail::Box + filesystem -- see L<Dezi::Aggregator::MailFS>.


=item aggregator_opts

Hashref passed to aggregator->new.

=item config

String or Path::Class::File object pointing at config file,
or a Dezi::Indexer::Config object.

=item indexer

Shortcut string or Dezi::Indexer instance. Shortcuts include:


=item lucy


=item dbi


=item xapian


=item test



=item indexer_opts

Hashref passed directly to indexer->new.

=item invindex

String or Path::Class::Dir pointing at index directory, 
or a L<Dezi::InvIndex> instance.

=item filter

A CODE reference, or a string or Path::Class::File object
pointing at a file containing a CODE reference
that can be loaded with do().

=item test_mode

Boolean turning off the indexer, running only the aggregator.
Default is false (off).



has 'aggregator' => ( is => 'rw', );    # we do our own isa check
has 'aggregator_opts' => ( is => 'rw', isa => HashRef );
has 'config' => ( is => 'rw', isa => DeziIndexerConfig, coerce => 1, );
has 'indexer' => ( is => 'rw', );                    # we do our own isa check
has 'indexer_opts' => ( is => 'rw', isa => HashRef );
has 'invindex' => (
    is     => 'rw',
    isa    => DeziInvIndex,
    coerce => 1,
has 'filter' => (
    is     => 'rw',
    isa    => DeziFileOrCodeRef,
    coerce => 1,
has 'test_mode' => ( is => 'rw', isa => Bool, default => 0 );

# allow for short names. we map to class->new
my %ashort = (
    fs     => 'Dezi::Aggregator::FS',
    mail   => 'Dezi::Aggregator::Mail',
    mailfs => 'Dezi::Aggregator::MailFS',
    dbi    => 'Dezi::Aggregator::DBI',
    spider => 'Dezi::Aggregator::Spider',
    object => 'Dezi::Aggregator::Object',
my %ishort = (
    xapian => 'Dezi::Xapian::Indexer',
    lucy   => 'Dezi::Lucy::Indexer',
    dbi    => 'Dezi::DBI::Indexer',
    test   => 'Dezi::Test::Indexer',

=head2 BUILD

Internal method called by new(). Initializes the App object.


sub BUILD {
    my $self = shift;

    # need to make sure we have an aggregator.
    # indexer and/or config might already be set in aggregator
    # but if set here, we override.

    my ( $aggregator, $indexer );

    # ok if undef
    my $config = $self->{config};

    # get indexer
    $indexer = $self->{indexer} || 'lucy';
    if ( $self->{aggregator} and blessed( $self->{aggregator} ) ) {
        $indexer = $self->{aggregator}->indexer;
        $config  = $self->{aggregator}->config;
    if ( !blessed($indexer) ) {

        if ( exists $ishort{$indexer} ) {
            $indexer = $ishort{$indexer};

        $self->debug and warn "creating indexer: $indexer";

        my %indexer_opts = (
            debug     => $self->debug,
            invindex  => $self->{invindex},    # may be undef
            verbose   => $self->verbose,
            config    => $config,              # may be undef
            test_mode => $self->test_mode,
            %{ $self->indexer_opts || {} },

        $self->debug and warn "indexer opts: " . dump( \%indexer_opts );

        $indexer = $indexer->new(%indexer_opts);
    elsif ( !$indexer->isa('Dezi::Indexer') ) {
        confess "$indexer is not a Dezi::Indexer-derived object";

    $aggregator = $self->{aggregator} || 'fs';
    my $aggregator_opts = $self->aggregator_opts || {};

    if ( !blessed($aggregator) ) {

        if ( exists $ashort{$aggregator} ) {
            $aggregator = $ashort{$aggregator};

        $self->debug and warn "creating aggregator: $aggregator";

        my %aggr_opts = (
            indexer   => $indexer,
            debug     => $self->debug,
            verbose   => $self->verbose,
            test_mode => $self->test_mode,

        $self->debug and warn "aggregator opts: " . dump( \%aggr_opts );

        $aggregator = $aggregator->new(%aggr_opts);
    elsif ( !$aggregator->isa('Dezi::Aggregator') ) {
        confess "$aggregator is not a Dezi::Aggregator-derived object";

    # set these now so we can call $self->config
    $self->{aggregator} = $aggregator;
    $self->{indexer}    = $indexer;

    if ( $indexer and $indexer->config and $indexer->config->ReplaceRules ) {

        # create a CODE ref that uses the ReplaceRules
        my $rr    = $indexer->config->ReplaceRules;
        my $rules = Dezi::ReplaceRules->new(@$rr);
        if ( $self->filter ) {
            my $filter_copy = $self->filter;
                sub {
                    $_[0]->url( $rules->apply( $_[0]->url ) );
                    $filter_copy->( $_[0] );
        else {
                sub {
                    $_[0]->url( $rules->apply( $_[0]->url ) );

    if ( $self->filter ) {
        $aggregator->set_filter( $self->filter );

    $indexer->{test_mode} = $self->{test_mode}
        unless exists $indexer->{test_mode};
    $aggregator->{test_mode} = $self->{test_mode}
        unless exists $aggregator->{test_mode};

    $self->debug and carp dump $self;

    return $self;

=head2 run( I<paths> )

Run the app on I<paths>. I<paths> may be URLs, filesystem paths,
or whatever the Aggregator expects.

Returns the Indexer count.


sub run {
    my $self = shift;
    my $aggregator = $self->aggregator or confess 'aggregator required';
    unless ( $aggregator->isa('Dezi::Aggregator') ) {
        croak "aggregator is not a Dezi::Aggregator";

    return $aggregator->indexer->count;

=head2 count

Returns the indexer's count. B<NOTE> This is the number of documents
actually indexed, not counting the number of documents considered and
discarded by the aggregator. If you want the number of documents
the aggregator looked at, regardless of whether they were indexed,
use the aggregator's count() method.


sub count {




=head1 AUTHOR

Peter Karman, E<lt>karpet@dezi.orgE<gt>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-dezi-app at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Dezi::App

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * Website


=item * IRC

#dezisearch at freenode

=item * Mailing list


=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN




Copyright 2014 by Peter Karman

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GPL v2 or later.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<>, L<>, L<>