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package Dezi::Client;

use warnings;
use strict;

our $VERSION = '0.002001';

use Carp;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use URI::Query;
use SWISH::Prog::Utils;    # for MIME types
use JSON;
use Search::Tools;
use Dezi::Response;

# default is to treat everything like html,
# but we want to treat everything like text unless
# it has an explicit extension.
# TODO use libmagic or something better than
# SWISH::Prog::Utils + MIME::Types
$SWISH::Prog::Utils::DefaultExtension = 'txt';

=head1 NAME

Dezi::Client - interact with a Dezi server


 use Dezi::Client;
 # open a connection
 my $client = Dezi::Client->new(
    server  => 'http://localhost:5000',
 # add/update a filesystem document to the index
 $client->index( 'path/to/file.html' );
 # add/update an in-memory document to the index
 $client->index( \$html_doc, 'foo/bar.html' );
 # add/update a Dezi::Doc to the index
 $client->index( $dezi_doc );
 # remove a document from the index
 $client->delete( '/doc/uri/relative/to/index' );
 # search the index
 my $response = $client->search( q => 'foo' );
 # iterate over results
 for my $result (@{ $response->results }) {
     printf("--\n uri: %s\n title: %s\n score: %s\n",
        $result->uri, $result->title, $result->score);
 # print stats
 printf("       hits: %d\n", $response->total);
 printf("search time: %s\n", $response->search_time);
 printf(" build time: %s\n", $response->build_time);
 printf("      query: %s\n", $response->query);

Dezi::Client is a client for the Dezi search platform.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new( I<params> )

Instantiate a Client instance. Expects the following params:


=item server I<url>

The I<url> of the Dezi server. If the B<search> or B<index>
params are not passed to new(), then the server will be
interrogated at initial connect for the correct paths
for searching and indexing.

=item server_params I<params>

Passed internally to URI::Query and appended to server I<url>.

=item search I<path>

The URI path for searching. Dezi defaults to B</search>.

=item index I<path>

The URI path for indexing. Dezi defaults to B</index>.

=item username I<username>

=item password I<password>

If present, the username and password credentials will
be set in each internal HTTP::Request object for any
non-idempotent action (delete(), index(), commit(), rollback()).


sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my %args  = @_;
    if ( !%args or !exists $args{server} ) {
        croak "server param required";
    my $self = bless { server => delete $args{server} }, $class;

    $self->{debug} = delete $args{debug} || 0;
    if ( $self->{debug} ) {
        require Data::Dump;

    $self->{ua} = LWP::UserAgent->new();
    if ( $args{search} and $args{index} ) {
        $self->{search_uri} = $self->{server} . delete $args{search};
        $self->{index_uri}  = $self->{server} . delete $args{index};
            = $self->{server} . ( delete $args{commit} || 'commit' );
            = $self->{server} . ( delete $args{rollback} || 'rollback' );
    else {
        my $uri = $self->{server};
        if ( $args{server_params} ) {
                = URI::Query->new( delete $args{server_params} );
            $uri .= '?' . $self->{server_params};
        my $resp = $self->{ua}->get($uri);
        if ( !$resp->is_success ) {
            croak $resp->status_line;
        my $paths = from_json( $resp->decoded_content );
        if (   !$resp->is_success
            or !$paths
            or !$paths->{search}
            or !$paths->{index} )
            croak "Bad response from server $self->{server}: "
                . $resp->status_line . " "
                . $resp->decoded_content;
        $self->{search_uri}   = $paths->{search};
        $self->{index_uri}    = $paths->{index};
        $self->{commit_uri}   = $paths->{commit};
        $self->{rollback_uri} = $paths->{rollback};
        $self->{fields}       = $paths->{fields};
        $self->{facets}       = $paths->{facets};

    $self->{_creds} = {
        username => delete $args{username},
        password => delete $args{password},

    if (%args) {
        croak "Invalid params to new(): " . join( ", ", keys %args );

    return $self;

=head2 index( I<doc> [, I<uri>, I<content-type>, I<GET_params>] )

Add or update a document. I<doc> should be one of:


=item I<path>

I<path> should be a readable file on an accessible filesystem.
I<path> will be read with File::Slurp.

=item I<scalar_ref>

I<scalar_ref> should be a reference to a string representing
the document to be indexed. If this is the case, then I<uri>
must be passed as the second argument.

=item I<dezi_doc>

A Dezi::Doc object.


I<uri> and I<content-type> are optional, except in the
I<scalar_ref> case, where I<uri> is required. If specified,
the values are passed explicitly in the HTTP headers to the Dezi
server. If not specified, they are (hopefully intelligently) guessed at.

Returns a L<HTTP::Response> object which can be interrogated to
determine the result. Example:

 my $resp = $client->index( file => 'path/to/foo.html' );
 if (!$resp->is_success) {
    die "Failed to add path/to/foo.html to the Dezi index!";

I<GET_params> is an optional value. It is passed to URI::Query->new()
internally and appended to the search_server/index URL.


sub index {
    my $self           = shift;
    my $doc            = shift or croak "doc required";
    my $uri            = shift;                           # optional
    my $content_type   = shift;                           # optional
    my $payload_params = shift;                           # optional

    my $body_ref;

    if ( !ref $doc ) {
        my $buf = Search::Tools->slurp($doc);
        if ( !defined $buf ) {
            croak "unable to read $doc: $!";
        $body_ref = \$buf;
        $uri ||= $doc;
    elsif ( ref $doc eq 'SCALAR' ) {
        if ( !defined $uri and !length $uri ) {
            croak "uri required when passing scalar ref";
        $body_ref = $doc;
    elsif ( ref $doc and $doc->isa('Dezi::Doc') ) {
        $body_ref = $doc->as_string_ref;
        $uri          ||= $doc->uri;
        $content_type ||= $doc->mime_type;
    else {
        croak "doc must be a scalar string, scalar ref or Dezi::Doc object";

    my $server_uri = $self->{index_uri} . '/' . $uri;
    if ($payload_params) {
        $server_uri .= '?' . URI::Query->new($payload_params);
    elsif ( $self->{server_params} ) {
        $server_uri .= '?' . $self->{server_params};
    my $req = HTTP::Request->new( 'POST', $server_uri );
    $content_type ||= SWISH::Prog::Utils->mime_type($uri);
    $req->header( 'Content-Type' => $content_type );
    $req->content($$body_ref);    # TODO decode into bytes

    if (   defined $self->{_creds}->{username}
        && defined $self->{_creds}->{password} )
        $req->authorization_basic( $self->{_creds}->{username},
            $self->{_creds}->{password} );

    $self->{debug} and Data::Dump::dump $req;

    return $self->{ua}->request($req);


=head2 search( I<params> )

Fetch search results from a Dezi server. I<params> can be
any key/value pair as described in L<Search::OpenSearch::Engine>. The only
required key is B<q> for the query string.

Returns a L<Dezi::Response> object on success, or 0 on failure. Check
the last_response() accessor for the raw L<HTTP::Response> object.

 my $resp = $client->search('q' => 'foo')
    or die "search failed: " . $client->last_response->status_line;


sub search {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;
    if ( !exists $args{q} ) {
        croak "q required";
    my $search_uri = $self->{search_uri};
    my $query      = URI::Query->new(%args);
    $query->replace( t => 'JSON' );    # force json response
    $query->strip('format');           # old-style name
    if ( $self->{server_params} ) {
        $query .= $self->{server_params};
    my $resp = $self->{ua}->get( $search_uri . '?' . $query );
    if ( !$resp->is_success ) {
        $self->{last_response} = $resp;
        return 0;
    $self->{debug} and Data::Dump::dump $resp;
    return Dezi::Response->new($resp);

=head2 last_response

Returns the last L<HTTP::Response> object that the Client object
interacted with. Useful when search() returns false (HTTP failure).

 my $resp = $client->search( q => 'foo' );
 if (!$resp) {
     die "Dezi search failed: " . $client->last_response->status_line;


sub last_response {
    return shift->{last_response};

=head2 delete( I<uri> )

Remove a document from the server. I<uri> must be the document's URI.

Returns a L<HTTP::Response> object which can be interrogated to
determine the result. A 200 response indicates success.


sub delete {
    my $self = shift;
    my $uri = shift or croak "uri required";

    my $server_uri = $self->{index_uri} . '/' . $uri;
    if ( $self->{server_params} ) {
        $server_uri .= '?' . $self->{server_params};
    my $req = HTTP::Request->new( 'DELETE', $server_uri );
    if (   defined $self->{_creds}->{username}
        && defined $self->{_creds}->{password} )
        $req->authorization_basic( $self->{_creds}->{username},
            $self->{_creds}->{password} );
    $self->{debug} and Data::Dump::dump $req;
    $self->{last_response} = $self->{ua}->request($req);
    return $self->{last_response};

=head2 commit

Send a COMMIT HTTP request to the server. This is only
useful if the server has been configured with:

 engine_config => {
     auto_commit => 0,

Otherwise the server will not act on the index
and will return a 400 response, indicating an
invalid request.

If successful and at least one document
was committed, returns a 200 response.

If successful and no documents were committed,
returns a 204, indicating zero un-committed changes
were pending.

commit() returns a L<HTTP::Response> object which can be interrogated to
determine the result.


sub commit {
    my $self       = shift;
    my $server_uri = $self->{commit_uri} . '/';
    if ( $self->{server_params} ) {
        $server_uri .= '?' . $self->{server_params};
    my $req = HTTP::Request->new( 'POST', $server_uri );
    if (   defined $self->{_creds}->{username}
        && defined $self->{_creds}->{password} )
        $req->authorization_basic( $self->{_creds}->{username},
            $self->{_creds}->{password} );
    $self->{debug} and Data::Dump::dump $req;
    $self->{last_response} = $self->{ua}->request($req);
    return $self->{last_response};

=head2 rollback

Send a ROLLBACK HTTP request to the server. This is only
useful if the server has been configured with:

 engine_config => {
     auto_commit => 0,

Otherwise the server will not act on the index
and will return a 400 response, indicating an
invalid request.

If successful the server returns a 200 response.

rollback() returns a L<HTTP::Response> object which can be interrogated to
determine the result.


sub rollback {
    my $self       = shift;
    my $server_uri = $self->{rollback_uri} . '/';
    if ( $self->{server_params} ) {
        $server_uri .= '?' . $self->{server_params};
    my $req = HTTP::Request->new( 'POST', $server_uri );
    if (   defined $self->{_creds}->{username}
        && defined $self->{_creds}->{password} )
        $req->authorization_basic( $self->{_creds}->{username},
            $self->{_creds}->{password} );
    $self->{debug} and Data::Dump::dump $req;
    $self->{last_response} = $self->{ua}->request($req);
    return $self->{last_response};



=head1 AUTHOR

Peter Karman, C<< <karman at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-dezi-client at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Dezi::Client

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN




Copyright 2011 Peter Karman.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.
