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use strict;
use warnings;

package Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Perl::Method;
use base qw( Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Perl::Subroutine );
use Clownfish::CFC::Util qw( verify_args );
use Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Perl::TypeMap qw( from_perl to_perl );
use Carp;

our %new_PARAMS = (
    method => undef,
    alias  => undef,

sub new {
    my ( $either, %args ) = @_;
    confess $@ unless verify_args( \%new_PARAMS, %args );

    # Derive arguments to SUPER constructor from supplied Method.
    my $method = delete $args{method};
    $args{param_list} ||= $method->get_param_list;
    $args{alias}      ||= $method->micro_sym;
    $args{class_name} ||= $method->get_class_name;
    if ( !defined $args{use_labeled_params} ) {
            = $method->get_param_list->num_vars > 2
            ? 1
            : 0;

    # The Clownfish destructor needs to be spelled DESTROY for Perl.
    if ( $args{alias} =~ /^destroy$/i ) {
        $args{alias} = 'DESTROY';

    my $self = $either->SUPER::new(%args);
    $self->{method} = $method;

    return $self;

sub xsub_def {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( $self->{use_labeled_params} ) {
        return $self->_xsub_def_labeled_params;
    else {
        return $self->_xsub_def_positional_args;

# Build XSUB function body.
sub _xsub_body {
    my $self          = shift;
    my $method        = $self->{method};
    my $full_func_sym = $method->full_func_sym;
    my $param_list    = $method->get_param_list;
    my $arg_vars      = $param_list->get_variables;
    my $name_list     = $param_list->name_list;
    my $body          = "";

    # Compensate for functions which eat refcounts.
    for my $arg_var (@$arg_vars) {
        my $arg_type = $arg_var->get_type;
        next unless $arg_type->is_object;
        next unless $arg_type->decremented;
        my $var_name = $arg_var->micro_sym;
        $body .= "CFISH_INCREF($var_name);\n    ";

    if ( $method->void ) {
        # Invoke method in void context.
        $body .= qq|$full_func_sym($name_list);\n| . qq|    XSRETURN(0);|;
    else {
        # Return a value for method invoked in a scalar context.
        my $return_type = $method->get_return_type;
        my $type_str    = $return_type->to_c;
        my $retval_assignment
            = "ST(0) = " . to_perl( $return_type, 'retval' ) . ';';
        my $decrement = "";
        if ( $return_type->is_object and $return_type->incremented ) {
            $decrement = "\n    CFISH_DECREF(retval);";
        $body .= qq|$type_str retval = $full_func_sym($name_list);
    sv_2mortal( ST(0) );

    return $body;

sub _xsub_def_positional_args {
    my $self       = shift;
    my $method     = $self->{method};
    my $param_list = $method->get_param_list;
    my $arg_vars   = $param_list->get_variables;
    my $arg_inits  = $param_list->get_initial_values;
    my $num_args   = $param_list->num_vars;
    my $c_name     = $self->c_name;
    my $body       = $self->_xsub_body;

    # Determine how many args are truly required and build an error check.
    my $min_required = 0;
    for ( my $i = 0; $i < $num_args; $i++ ) {
        if ( !defined( $arg_inits->[$i] ) ) {
            $min_required = $i + 1;
    my @xs_arg_names;
    for ( my $i = 0; $i < $num_args; $i++ ) {
        my $var_name = $arg_vars->[$i]->micro_sym;
        if ( $i < $min_required ) {
            push @xs_arg_names, $var_name;
        else {
            push @xs_arg_names, "[$var_name]";
    my $xs_name_list = join( ', ', @xs_arg_names );
    my $num_args_check;
    if ( $min_required < $num_args ) {
            = qq|if (items < $min_required) { |
            . qq|CFISH_THROW(CFISH_ERR, "Usage: %s($xs_name_list)", |
            . qq|GvNAME(CvGV(cv))); } |;
    else {
            = qq|if (items != $num_args) { |
            . qq|CFISH_THROW(CFISH_ERR, "Usage: %s($xs_name_list)", |
            . qq|GvNAME(CvGV(cv))); } |;

    # Var assignments.
    my @var_assignments;
    for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$arg_vars; $i++ ) {
        my $var      = $arg_vars->[$i];
        my $val      = $arg_inits->[$i];
        my $var_name = $var->micro_sym;
        my $var_type = $var->get_type;
        my $type_c   = $var_type->to_c;
        my $statement;
        if ( $i == 0 ) {    # $self
                = _self_assign_statement( $var_type, $method->micro_sym );
        else {
            if ( defined $val ) {
                    = "$type_c $var_name = "
                    . "( items >= $i && XSBind_sv_defined(ST($i)) ) ? "
                    . from_perl( $var_type, "ST($i)" )
                    . " : $val;";
            else {
                $statement = "$type_c $var_name = "
                    . from_perl( $var_type, "ST($i)" ) . ';';
        push @var_assignments, $statement;
    my $var_assignments = join "\n    ", @var_assignments;

    return <<END_STUFF;
XS($c_name) {
    SP -= items;

    /* Extract vars from Perl stack. */

    /* Execute */

sub _xsub_def_labeled_params {
    my $self        = shift;
    my $c_name      = $self->c_name;
    my $param_list  = $self->{param_list};
    my $arg_inits   = $param_list->get_initial_values;
    my $arg_vars    = $param_list->get_variables;
    my $self_var    = $arg_vars->[0];
    my $self_assign = _self_assign_statement( $self_var->get_type,
        $self->{method}->micro_sym );
    my $allot_params = $self->build_allot_params;
    my $body         = $self->_xsub_body;

    # Prepare error message for incorrect args.
    my $name_list      = $self_var->micro_sym . ", ...";
    my $num_args_check = qq|if (items < 1) { |
        . qq|CFISH_THROW(CFISH_ERR, "Usage: %s(self, ...)\",  GvNAME(CvGV(cv))); }|;

    return <<END_STUFF;
XS($c_name) {
    SP -= items;

    /* Extract vars from Perl stack. */

    /* Execute */

# Create an assignment statement for extracting $self from the Perl stack.
sub _self_assign_statement {
    my ( $type, $method_name ) = @_;
    my $type_c = $type->to_c;
    $type_c =~ /(\w+)\*$/ or die "Not an object type: $type_c";
    my $vtable = uc($1);

    # Make an exception for deserialize -- allow self to be NULL if called as
    # a class method.
    my $binding_func
        = $method_name eq 'deserialize'
        ? 'XSBind_maybe_sv_to_cfish_obj'
        : 'XSBind_sv_to_cfish_obj';
    return "$type_c self = ($type_c)$binding_func(ST(0), $vtable, NULL);";




=head1 NAME

Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Perl::Method - Binding for an object method.


This class isa Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Perl::Subroutine -- see its
documentation for various code-generating routines.

Method bindings use labeled parameters if the C function takes more than one
argument (other than C<self>).  If there is only one argument, the binding
will be set up to accept a single positional argument.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

    my $binding = Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Perl::Method->new(
        method => $method,    # required


=item * B<method> - A L<Clownfish::CFC::Method>.


=head2 xsub_def

Generate the XSUB code.
