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package Rose::HTMLx::Form::Related::DBIC::Metadata;
use strict;
use base qw( Rose::HTMLx::Form::Related::Metadata );
use Carp;
use Data::Dump qw( dump );
use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
    'scalar --get_set_init' => [qw( schema_class )],

use MRO::Compat;
use mro 'c3';

our $VERSION = '0.24';

=head1 NAME

Rose::HTMLx::Form::Related::DBIC::Metadata - DBIC metadata driver


 see Rose::HTMLx::Form::Related::Metadata

=head1 METHODS

Only overriden or new methods are described here.

=head2 discover_relationships

Implements DBIC relationship introspection.
As with DBIC->get_objects() and DBIC->get_objects_count(),
discover_relationships() will be a no-op of the 
DBIC_DEPLOY_IN_PROGRESS env var is true.


sub discover_relationships {
    my $self = shift;

        return $self->relationships( [] );

    # if running under Catalyst (e.g.) get controller info
    my $app = $self->form->app_class || $self->form->app;

    # get relationship objects from DBIC
    my %seen;
    my $class   = $self->schema_class->class( $self->object_class );
    my $moniker = $self->form->_get_moniker( $self->schema_class, $class );
    my $source  = $self->schema_class->source($moniker);

    #warn '=' x 50 . "\nclass $class moniker $moniker source $source";

    my @relinfos;

    for my $r ( $source->relationships ) {
        my $dbic_info = $class->relationship_info($r);
        my $relinfo   = $self->relinfo_class->new;

        #warn '-' x 50 . "\n$r : " . dump $dbic_info;

        my $type = $dbic_info->{attrs}->{accessor};

        # method and name may be reset below via $m2m
        my $method = $r;

            $self->labels->{$method} || join(
                ' ', map { ucfirst($_) }
                    split( m/_/, $method )

        # could be one2many or many2many
        if ( $type eq 'multi' ) {

            #warn "$r is multi";

            if ( exists $dbic_info->{m2m} ) {

                my $m2m = $dbic_info->{m2m};

                #warn dump $m2m;

                $relinfo->type('many to many');
                $relinfo->method( $m2m->{method_name} );
                $relinfo->name( $m2m->{method_name} );    # $r ??
                $relinfo->map_class( $m2m->{map_class} );
                $relinfo->map_from( $m2m->{map_from} );
                $relinfo->foreign_class( $m2m->{foreign_class} );
                $relinfo->map_to( $m2m->{map_to} );
                $relinfo->map_to_column( $m2m->{map_to_column} );
                $relinfo->map_from_column( $m2m->{map_from_column} );
                    $self->labels->{ $relinfo->method } || join( ' ',
                        map { ucfirst($_) }
                            split( m/_/, $relinfo->method ) )

            else {

                # one2many
                my @foreign = keys %{ $dbic_info->{cond} };
                $relinfo->cmap( {} );
                for my $foreign (@foreign) {
                    my $local = $dbic_info->{cond}->{$foreign};
                    $foreign =~ s/^foreign\.//;
                    $local   =~ s/^self\.//;
                    $relinfo->cmap->{$local} = $foreign;
                    $relinfo->type('one to many');
                    $relinfo->foreign_class( $dbic_info->{class} );


        elsif ( ref( $dbic_info->{cond} ) eq 'HASH' ) {

            # 'single' et al treat like FK
            my @foreign = keys %{ $dbic_info->{cond} };
            $relinfo->cmap( {} );
            for my $foreign (@foreign) {
                my $local = $dbic_info->{cond}->{$foreign};
                $foreign =~ s/^foreign\.//;
                $local   =~ s/^self\.//;
                $relinfo->cmap->{$local} = $foreign;
                $relinfo->type('foreign key');
                $relinfo->foreign_class( $dbic_info->{class} );
        else {

            croak "unknown relationship type: " . dump $dbic_info;


        if ($app) {


            # create URL and controller if available.
            my $prefix          = $class->schema_class_prefix;
            my $controller_name = $relinfo->foreign_class;
            if ( !$controller_name ) {
                croak "no foreign class in relinfo: " . dump $relinfo;
            $controller_name =~ s/^${prefix}:://;
            my $controller_prefix = $self->controller_prefix;
                join( '::',
                    grep { defined($_) }
                        ( $controller_prefix, $controller_name ) )

            if ( $relinfo->map_class ) {
                my $map_class_prefix
                    = $relinfo->map_class->schema_class_prefix;
                my $controller_name = $relinfo->map_class;
                $controller_name =~ s/^${map_class_prefix}:://;
                    join( '::',
                        grep { defined($_) }
                            ( $self->controller_prefix, $controller_name ) )

            # only want a controller instance if $app is fully
            # initialized (not a class name)
            if ( ref $app ) {
                    $app->controller( $relinfo->controller_class ) );


        push @relinfos, $relinfo;


    $self->relationships( \@relinfos );

=head2 show_related_field_using

Overrides base method to understand DBIx::Class


sub show_related_field_using {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $fclass = shift or croak "foreign_object_class required";
    my $field  = shift or croak "field_name required";

    my $method = $self->next::method( $fclass, $field );
    return $method if $method;

    # find the first unique single-col column of type char/varchar
    for my $constraint ( $fclass->unique_constraint_names ) {

            and warn "constraint name for $fclass: $constraint";
        my @u = $fclass->unique_constraint_columns($constraint);
        next if @u > 1;
        for my $column (@u) {

            my $info = $fclass->column_info($column);

                and warn "column $column : " . dump $info;

            if ( defined $info->{data_type}
                and $info->{data_type} =~ m/char/ )
                return $column;



    return undef;



=head1 AUTHOR

Peter Karman, C<< <karman at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<bug-rose-htmlx-form-related at>, or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Rose::HTMLx::Form::Related

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * Search CPAN




The Minnesota Supercomputing Institute C<< >>
sponsored the development of this software.


Copyright 2008 by the Regents of the University of Minnesota.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
