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package SWISH::Prog;
use 5.008003;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw( SWISH::Prog::Class );
use Carp;
use Data::Dump qw( dump );
use Scalar::Util qw( blessed );
use SWISH::Prog::Config;
use SWISH::Prog::InvIndex;
use SWISH::Prog::ReplaceRules;

our $VERSION = '0.70';

__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw( aggregator aggregator_opts test_mode ));

# each $swishProg hasa aggregator, which hasa indexer and hasa invindex


=head1 NAME

SWISH::Prog - information retrieval application framework


  use SWISH::Prog;
  my $program = SWISH::Prog->new(
    invindex    => 'path/to/myindex',
    aggregator  => 'fs',
    indexer     => 'native',
    config      => 'some/swish/config/file',
    filter      => sub { print $_[0]->url . "\n" },
  print $program->count . " documents indexed\n";


SWISH::Prog is a full-text search framework based on Swish-e

SWISH::Prog tries to fill a niche similar to L<Data::SearchEngine>
or L<DBI>: providing a uniform and flexible interface to several
different search engine tools and libraries.

SWISH::Prog does B<not> try to replace the use of the underlying
search engine tools, but instead tries to fill in some usability
gaps and, like the DBI, make it relatively easy to switch
between backend tools without needing to re-write an entire

SWISH::Prog implements all five basic components of a search


=item Aggregator

Gather a document collection. A collection might be a group
of HTML pages, or XML documents, or rows in a database. A collection
might originate from the web, a filesystem, a database, an email
inbox, or anywhere bytes are stored. An Aggregator gathers
those documents in a uniform way.

SWISH::Prog provides a variety of Aggregators, for filesystems,
email trees, spidering the web, pulling from databases, to name
a few. See L<SWISH::Prog::Aggregator> and its subclasses.

=item Normalizer

Documents come in a variety of formats (MIME types). A Normalizer
turns those disparate types into something text-based
and parseable. SWISH::Prog uses L<SWISH::Filter> to normalize

=item Parser/Analyzer

Documents are tokenized into "words" with attention to position,
context, length, encoding, and linguistic quality (stemming,
case, stopwords, etc.).

With the exception of the Native classes, 
SWISH::Prog uses L<SWISH::3> to parse HTML and XML documents (the
most common normalized format for SWISH::Filter), and
then delegates further analysis (tokenization, etc) to
backend tools or libraries.

=item Indexer

Each L<SWISH::Prog::Indexer> subclass fronts an information retrieval (IR)
tool or library that implements its own proprietary, highly
optimized inverted index storage system that preserves the
intelligence of the Parser/Analyzer.

For example, the L<SWISH::Prog::Lucy::Indexer> is a wrapper around
L<Lucy::Index::Indexer>. L<SWISH::Prog::Native::Indexer> is a wrapper
around the C<swish-e> tool.

=item Searcher

Like the Indexer, each SWISH::Prog::Searcher subclass delegates
the searching of the inverted index to the backend IR tool
or library.

For example, the L<SWISH::Prog::Lucy::Searcher> is a wrapper
around L<Lucy::Search::PolySearcher>. 
L<SWISH::Prog::Native::Searcher> is a wrapper
around the L<SWISH::API::More> module.



The name "SWISH::Prog" comes from the Swish-e -S prog feature.
"prog" is short for "program". SWISH::Prog makes it easy to
write indexing and search programs.

SWISH::Prog started as a way of making the C<swish-e> binary
tool easier to integrate into Perl applications, and has since
been expanded as a full implementation of Swish3, with alternate
backend libraries (KinoSearch, Xapian, Apache Lucy, etc)
filling the Indexer and Searcher roles.

=head1 METHODS

All of the following methods may be overridden when subclassing
this module.

=head2 init

Overrides base SWISH::Prog::Class init() method.


# allow for short names. we map to class->new
my %ashort = (
    fs     => 'SWISH::Prog::Aggregator::FS',
    mail   => 'SWISH::Prog::Aggregator::Mail',
    mailfs => 'SWISH::Prog::Aggregator::MailFS',
    dbi    => 'SWISH::Prog::Aggregator::DBI',
    spider => 'SWISH::Prog::Aggregator::Spider',
    object => 'SWISH::Prog::Aggregator::Object',
my %ishort = (
    native => 'SWISH::Prog::Native::Indexer',
    xapian => 'SWISH::Prog::Xapian::Indexer',
    ks     => 'SWISH::Prog::KSx::Indexer',
    lucy   => 'SWISH::Prog::Lucy::Indexer',
    dbi    => 'SWISH::Prog::DBI::Indexer',

sub init {
    my $self = shift;
    my %arg  = @_;

    # no such method. just convenience.
    my $filter = delete $arg{filter};

    # no such method, but pass through to Lucy if applicable.
    my $highlightable_fields = delete $arg{highlightable_fields};


    # search mode requires only invindex
    if ( $self->{query} && !$self->{indexer} && !$self->{aggregator} ) {

    # need to make sure we have an aggregator
    # indexer and/or config might already be set in aggregator
    # but if set here, we override.

    my ( $aggregator, $indexer );

    # ok if undef
    my $config = $self->{config};

    # get indexer
    $indexer = $self->{indexer} || 'native';
    if ( $self->{aggregator} and blessed( $self->{aggregator} ) ) {
        $indexer = $self->{aggregator}->indexer;
        $config  = $self->{aggregator}->config;
    if ( !blessed($indexer) ) {

        if ( exists $ishort{$indexer} ) {
            $indexer = $ishort{$indexer};

        $self->debug and warn "creating indexer: $indexer";
        eval "require $indexer";
        if ($@) {
            croak "invalid indexer $indexer: $@";
        my %indexer_opts = (
            debug     => $self->debug,
            invindex  => $self->{invindex},    # may be undef
            verbose   => $self->verbose,
            config    => $config,              # may be undef
            test_mode => $self->test_mode,
        if ( $indexer->isa('SWISH::Prog::Lucy::Indexer') ) {
            $indexer_opts{highlightable_fields} = $highlightable_fields;

        $self->debug and warn "indexer opts: " . dump( \%indexer_opts );

        $indexer = $indexer->new(%indexer_opts);
    elsif ( !$indexer->isa('SWISH::Prog::Indexer') ) {
        croak "$indexer is not a SWISH::Prog::Indexer-derived object";

    $aggregator = $self->{aggregator} || 'fs';
    my $aggregator_opts = $self->{aggregator_opts} || {};

    if ( !blessed($aggregator) ) {

        if ( exists $ashort{$aggregator} ) {
            $aggregator = $ashort{$aggregator};

        $self->debug and warn "creating aggregator: $aggregator";
        eval "require $aggregator";
        if ($@) {
            croak "invalid aggregator $aggregator: $@";
        $aggregator = $aggregator->new(
            indexer   => $indexer,
            debug     => $self->debug,
            verbose   => $self->verbose,
            test_mode => $self->test_mode,
    elsif ( !$aggregator->isa('SWISH::Prog::Aggregator') ) {
        croak "$aggregator is not a SWISH::Prog::Aggregator-derived object";

    # set these now so we can call $self->config
    $self->{aggregator} = $aggregator;
    $self->{indexer}    = $indexer;

    # allow filter to be a file containing a sub ref
    if ( $filter and -f $filter ) {
        $filter = do $filter;

    if ( $self->config and $self->config->ReplaceRules ) {

        # create a CODE ref that uses the ReplaceRules
        my $rr    = $self->config->ReplaceRules;
        my $rules = SWISH::Prog::ReplaceRules->new(@$rr);
        if ($filter) {
            my $filter_copy = $filter;
            $filter = sub {
                $_[0]->url( $rules->apply( $_[0]->url ) );
                $filter_copy->( $_[0] );
        else {
            $filter = sub {
                $_[0]->url( $rules->apply( $_[0]->url ) );

    if ($filter) {

    $indexer->{test_mode} = $self->{test_mode}
        unless exists $indexer->{test_mode};
    $aggregator->{test_mode} = $self->{test_mode}
        unless exists $aggregator->{test_mode};

    $self->debug and carp dump $self;

    return $self;

=head2 filter( I<CODE ref> )

Set in new(). See L<SWISH::Prog::Doc>.


 my $prog = SWISH::Prog->new(
     filter => {
        my $doc = shift;
        # alter url
        my $url = $doc->url;
        $url =~ s/;
        $doc->url( $url );
        # alter content
        my $buf = $doc->content;
        $buf =~ s/foo/bar/gi;
        $doc->content( $buf );

The I<filter> value can also be the name of a file
that evals to a CODE ref.
=head2 aggregator( I<$swish_prog_aggregator> )

Get the SWISH::Prog::Aggregator object. You should set this in new().

=head2 aggregator_opts

Get the hashref of options passed internally to the B<aggregator> constructor.

=head2 run( I<collection> )

Execute the program. This is an alias for index().


*run = \&index;

=head2 index( I<collection> )

Add items in I<collection> to the invindex().


sub index {
    my $self = shift;
    my $aggregator = $self->aggregator or croak 'aggregator required';
    unless ( $aggregator->isa('SWISH::Prog::Aggregator') ) {
        croak "aggregator is not a SWISH::Prog::Aggregator";

    return $aggregator->indexer->count;

=head2 config

Returns the aggregator's config() object.


sub config {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( $self->aggregator ) {
        return $self->aggregator->config;
    if ( $self->indexer ) {
        return $self->indexer->config;
    return undef;

=head2 invindex

Returns the indexer's invindex.


sub invindex {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( $self->aggregator ) {
        return $self->indexer->invindex;
    return blessed( $self->{invindex} )
        ? $self->{invindex}
        : SWISH::Prog::InvIndex->new( path => $self->{invindex} );

=head2 indexer

Returns the indexer.


sub indexer {

=head2 count

Returns the indexer's count. B<NOTE> This is the number of documents
actually indexed, not counting the number of documents considered and
discarded by the aggregator. If you want the number of documents
the aggregator looked at, regardless of whether they were indexed,
use the aggregator's count() method.


sub count {

=head2 test_mode

Dry run mode, just prints info on stderr but does not
build index. This flag is set in new() and passed to
the indexer and aggregator.




=head1 AUTHOR

Peter Karman, E<lt>perl@peknet.comE<gt>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-swish-prog at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  
I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc SWISH::Prog

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * Mailing list


=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN




Copyright 2008-2009, 2012 by Peter Karman

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself. 

=head1 SEE ALSO

