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package Search::OpenSearch::Server;

use warnings;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Plack::Util::Accessor qw( engine engine_config stats_logger http_allow );
use Search::OpenSearch;
use Search::OpenSearch::Result;
use Data::Dump qw( dump );
use JSON;
use Time::HiRes qw( time );
use Scalar::Util qw( blessed );

our $VERSION = '0.26';

my %formats = (
    'XML'   => 1,
    'JSON'  => 1,
    'ExtJS' => 1,
    'Tiny'  => 1,

sub log {
    my $self = shift;

sub handle_no_query {
    my ( $self, $request, $response ) = @_;
    $response->body("'q' required");
    return $response;

sub do_search {
    my $self     = shift;
    my $request  = shift or croak "request required";
    my $response = shift or croak "response required";
    my %args     = ();
    my $params   = $request->parameters;

    # convert Plack style to Catalyst style
    if ( blessed($params) && $params->isa('Hash::MultiValue') ) {
        $params = $params->mixed;

    my $query = $params->{q};
    if ( !defined $query ) {
        $self->handle_no_query( $request, $response );
    else {
        for my $param (qw( b q s o p h c L f u t r x )) {
            next unless exists $params->{$param};
            $args{$param} = $params->{$param};

        #dump \%args;

        # coerce some params to match Engine API
        if ( exists $args{x} ) {
            if ( ref $args{x} ) {

                # ok
            elsif ( !defined $args{x} or !length $args{x} ) {

                # turn into empty array
                # this effectively limits fields to built-ins.
                $args{x} = [];
            else {

                # force array
                $args{x} = [ $args{x} ];

        # map some Ext param names
        if ( defined $params->{start} ) {
            $args{'o'} = $params->{start};
        if ( defined $params->{limit} ) {
            $args{'p'} = $params->{limit};

        $args{t} ||= $params->{format} || 'JSON';
        if ( !exists $formats{ $args{t} } ) {
            $self->log("bad format $args{t} -- using JSON");
            $args{format} = 'JSON';

        if ( !$self->engine ) {
            croak "engine() is undefined";

        my $search_response;
        eval {
            $search_response = $self->engine->search(%args);

            if ( $self->stats_logger ) {
                $self->stats_logger->log( $request, $search_response );

        my $errmsg;
        if ( $@ or ( $search_response and $search_response->error ) ) {
            $errmsg = "$@";
            if ( !$errmsg and $search_response and $search_response->error ) {
                $errmsg = $search_response->error;
            elsif ( !$errmsg and $self->engine and $self->engine->error ) {
                $errmsg = $self->engine->error;

            # log it
            $self->log( $errmsg, 'error' );

            # trim the return to hide file and linenum
            $errmsg =~ s/ at [\w\/\.]+ line \d+\.?.*$//s;

            # clear errors
            $self->engine->error(undef) if $self->engine;
            $search_response->error(undef) if $search_response;

        if ( !$search_response or $errmsg ) {
            $errmsg ||= 'Internal error';
                encode_json( { success => 0, error => $errmsg } ) );
        else {
            $search_response->debug(1) if $params->{debug};
            $response->content_type( $search_response->content_type );


    return $response;

# only supports JSON responses for now.
sub do_rest_api {
    my $self     = shift;
    my $request  = shift or croak "request required";
    my $response = shift or croak "response required";
    my $path     = shift || $request->path;

    my $start_time = time();
    my %args       = ();
    my $params     = $request->parameters;

    # convert Plack style to Catalyst style
    if ( blessed($params) && $params->isa('Hash::MultiValue') ) {
        $params = $params->mixed;

    my $method = $request->method;
    my $engine = $self->engine;

    if ( !$engine ) {
        croak "engine() is undefined";

    my @engine_allowed_methods = $engine->get_allowed_http_methods();
    my $server_allowed_methods = $self->http_allow()
        || [@engine_allowed_methods];

    # allowed HTTP methods is the intersection of
    # what the server allows and what the engine allows
    my @allowed_methods;
    my %intersection;
    for my $m ( @engine_allowed_methods, @$server_allowed_methods ) {
    for my $m ( keys %intersection ) {
        if ( $intersection{$m} == 2 ) {
            push @allowed_methods, $m;

    if (   !$engine->can($method)
        or !grep { $_ eq $method } @allowed_methods )
        $response->header( 'Allow' => join( ', ', @allowed_methods ) );
                {   success => 0,
                    msg     => "Unsupported method: $method",
                    code    => 405,
    else {

        #warn "method==$method";
        my $body;
        if ( $request->can('content') ) {
            $body = $request->content;
        elsif ( $request->can('body') ) {
            $body = $request->body;
        else {
            croak "\$request does not implement a body() or content() method";

        # defer to explicit headers over implicit values
        my $doc = {
            url => ( $request->header('X-SOS-Content-Location') || $path ),
            modtime =>
                ( $request->header('X-SOS-Last-Modified') || CORE::time() ),
            content => ( $body || '' ),
            type => (
                    || $request->content_type
            size => ( $request->content_length || 0 ),
            charset => (
                    || $request->content_encoding
                    || 'UTF-8'
            parser => ( $request->header('X-SOS-Parser-Type') || undef ),
        $doc->{url} =~ s,^/,,;    # strip leading /

        $self->log( dump $doc );

        #warn dump $doc;

        if (    ( $doc->{url} eq '/' or $doc->{url} eq "" )
            and $method ne "COMMIT"
            and $method ne "ROLLBACK" )

            #warn "invalid url";
                    {   success => 0,
                        msg     => "Invalid or missing document URI",
                        code    => 400,
        else {
            my $arg = $doc;
            if ( $method eq 'GET' or $method eq 'DELETE' ) {
                $arg = $doc->{url};

            # call the REST method
            my $rest = $engine->$method($arg, $params);
            $rest->{build_time} = sprintf( "%0.5f", time() - $start_time );

            # set up the response
            if ( $rest->{code} =~ m/^2/ ) {
                $rest->{success} = 1;
            else {
                $rest->{success} = 0;

            my $rest_resp = Search::OpenSearch::Result->new(%$rest);

            if ( $self->stats_logger ) {
                $self->stats_logger->log( $request, $rest_resp );

            $response->status( $rest_resp->code );
                Search::OpenSearch::Response::JSON->content_type );


    return $response;



=head1 NAME

Search::OpenSearch::Server - serve OpenSearch results


Search::OpenSearch::Server is an abstract base class with some
basic methods defining server behavior.

=head1 METHODS

=head1 new

The Search::OpenSearch::Server abstract class does not implement
a constructor. Each subclass must do that.

However, accessor/mutator methods are supported via Plack::Util::Accessor,
and these should be set in the constructor.











=head2 do_search( I<request>, I<response> )

Performs a search using a Search::OpenSearch::Engine set in engine().


=item request

A Request object. Should act like a Plack::Request or a Catalyst::Request.

=item response

A Response object. Should act like a Plack::Response or a Catalyst::Response.


Will return the I<response> object.

=head2 do_rest_api( I<request>, I<response>[, I<path>] )

Calls the appropriate REST method on the engine().


=item request

A Request object. Should act like a Plack::Request or a Catalyst::Request.

=item response

A Response object. Should act like a Plack::Response or a Catalyst::Response.


Will return the I<response> object.

The following HTTP headers are supported for explicitly setting
the indexer behavior:


=item X-SOS-Content-Location

=item X-SOS-Last-Modified

=item X-SOS-Parser-Type

=item X-SOS-Content-Type

=item X-SOS-Encoding


=head2 handle_no_query( I<request>, I<response> )

If no 'q' param is present in the Plack::Request, this method is called.
The default behavior is to set a 400 (bad request) with error message.
You can override it to behave more kindly.


=item request

A Request object. Should act like a Plack::Request or a Catalyst::Request.

=item response

A Response object. Should act like a Plack::Response or a Catalyst::Response.


Will return the I<response> object.

=head2 log( I<msg> [, <level ] )

Utility method. Default is to warn(I<msg>).
=head1 AUTHOR

Peter Karman, C<< <karman at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-search-opensearch-server at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Search::OpenSearch::Server

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN




Copyright 2010 Peter Karman.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.
