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package Search::Query::Parser;
use Moo;
use Carp;
use Data::Dump qw( dump );
use Search::Query;
use Search::Query::Dialect::Native;
use Search::Query::Clause;
use Search::Query::Field;
use Scalar::Util qw( blessed weaken );
use namespace::sweep;

our $VERSION = '0.304';

has 'and_regex' => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {qr/\&|AND|ET|UND|E/i} );
has 'clause_class' =>
    ( is => 'rw', default => sub {'Search::Query::Clause'} );
has 'croak_on_error' => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {0} );
has 'default_boolop' => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {'+'} );
has 'default_field'  => ( is => 'rw' );
has 'default_op'     => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {':'} );
has 'field_class' => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {'Search::Query::Field'} );

# match prefix.field: or field
has 'field_regex' => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {qr/[\.\w]+/}, );

has 'fixup'      => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {0} );
has 'near_regex' => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {qr/NEAR\d+/i}, );
has 'not_regex'  => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {qr/NOT|PAS|NICHT|NON/i}, );
has 'null_term' => ( is => 'rw', );

# ops that admit an empty left operand
has 'op_nofield_regex' => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {qr/=~|!~|[~:#]/}, );

# longest ops first !
has 'op_regex' =>
    ( is => 'rw', default => sub {qr/~\d+|==|<=|>=|!=|!:|=~|!~|[:=<>~#]/}, );

has 'or_regex'     => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {qr/\||OR|OU|ODER|O/i}, );
has 'phrase_delim' => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {q/"/}, );
has 'query_class' =>
    ( is => 'rw', default => sub {'Search::Query::Dialect::Native'} );
has 'query_class_opts'  => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { {} } );
has 'range_regex'       => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {qr/\.\./}, );
has 'sloppy'            => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {0} );
has 'sloppy_term_regex' => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {qr/[\.\w]+/}, );
has 'term_expander'     => ( is => 'rw' );
has 'term_regex'        => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {qr/[^\s()]+/}, );
has 'error'             => ( is => 'ro' );
has 'fields'            => ( is => 'ro' );

    rxAnd       => 'and_regex',
    rxOr        => 'or_regex',
    rxNot       => 'not_regex',
    defField    => 'default_field',
    rxTerm      => 'term_regex',
    rxField     => 'field_regex',
    rxOp        => 'op_regex',
    rxOpNoField => 'op_nofield_regex',
    dialect     => 'query_class',        # our own compat

=head1 NAME

Search::Query::Parser - convert query strings into query objects


 use Search::Query;
 my $parser = Search::Query->parser(
    term_regex  => qr/[^\s()]+/,
    field_regex => qr/\w+/,
    op_regex    => qr/==|<=|>=|!=|=~|!~|[:=<>~#]/,

    # ops that admit an empty left operand
    op_nofield_regex => qr/=~|!~|[~:#]/,

    # case insensitive
    and_regex        => qr/\&|AND|ET|UND|E/i,
    or_regex         => qr/\||OR|OU|ODER|O/i,
    not_regex        => qr/NOT|PAS|NICHT|NON/i,

    default_field  => 'myfield',  # or ['myfield', 'myfield2']
    phrase_delim   => q/"/,
    default_boolop => '+',
    query_class    => 'Search::Query::Dialect::Native',
    field_class    => 'Search::Query::Field',
    query_class_opts => {
        default_field => 'foo', # or ['foo', 'bar']
    # a generous mode, overlooking boolean-parser syntax errors
    sloppy              => 0,
    sloppy_term_regex   => qr/[\.\w]+/,
    fixup               => 0,
    # if set, this special term indicates a NULL query
    null_term           => 'NULL',

 my $query = $parser->parse('+hello -world now');
 print $query;


Search::Query::Parser is a fork of Search::QueryParser
that supports multiple query dialects.

The Parser class transforms a query string into a Dialect object structure
to be handled by external search engines.

The query string can contain simple terms, "exact phrases", field
names and comparison operators, '+/-' prefixes, parentheses, and
boolean connectors.

The parser can be customized using regular expressions for specific
notions of "term", "field name" or "operator"  -- see the L<new>

The Dialect object resulting from a parsed query is a tree of terms
and operators. Each Dialect can be re-serialized as a string
using the stringify() method, or simply by printing the Dialect object,
since the string-related Perl operations are overloaded using stringify().


The query string is decomposed into Clause objects, where
each Clause has an optional sign prefix,
an optional field name and comparison operator,
and a mandatory value.

=head2 Sign prefix

Prefix '+' means that the item is mandatory.
Prefix '-' means that the item must be excluded.
No prefix means that the item will be searched
for, but is not mandatory.

See also section L<Boolean connectors> below, which is another
way to combine items into a query.

=head2 Field name and comparison operator

Internally, each query item has a field name and comparison
operator; if not written explicitly in the query, these
take default values C<''> (empty field name) and
C<':'> (colon operator).

Operators have a left operand (the field name) and
a right operand (the value to be compared with);
for example, C<foo:bar> means "search documents containing
term 'bar' in field 'foo'", whereas C<foo=bar> means
"search documents where field 'foo' has exact value 'bar'".

Here is the list of admitted operators with their intended meaning:


=item C<:>

treat value as a term to be searched within field.
This is the default operator.

=item C<~> or C<=~>

treat value as a regex; match field against the regex. 

Note that C<~>
after a phrase indicates a proximity assertion:

 "foo bar"~5

means "match 'foo' and 'bar' within 5 positions of each other."

=item C<!~>

negation of above

=item C<==> or C<=>, C<E<lt>=>, C<E<gt>=>, C<!=>, C<E<lt>>, C<E<gt>>

classical relational operators

=item C<#>

Inclusion in the set of comma-separated integers supplied
on the right-hand side.


Operators C<:>, C<~>, C<=~>, C<!~> and C<#> admit an empty
left operand (so the field name will be C<''>).
Search engines will usually interpret this as
"any field" or "the whole data record". But see the B<default_field>

=head2 Value

A value (right operand to a comparison operator) can be


=item *

A term (as recognized by regex C<term_regex>, see L<new> method below).

=item *

A quoted phrase, i.e. a collection of terms within
single or double quotes.

Quotes can be used not only for "exact phrases", but also
to prevent misinterpretation of some values : for example
C<-2> would mean "value '2' with prefix '-'",
in other words "exclude term '2'", so if you want to search for
value -2, you should write C<"-2"> instead.

Note that C<~>
after a phrase indicates a proximity assertion:

 "foo bar"~5

means "match 'foo' and 'bar' within 5 positions of each other."

=item *

A subquery within parentheses.
Field names and operators distribute over parentheses, so for
example C<foo:(bar bie)> is equivalent to
C<foo:bar foo:bie>.

Nested field names such as C<foo:(bar:bie)> are not allowed.

Sign prefixes do not distribute : C<+(foo bar) +bie> is not
equivalent to C<+foo +bar +bie>.


=head2 Boolean connectors

Queries can contain boolean connectors 'AND', 'OR', 'NOT'
(or their equivalent in some other languages -- see the *_regex
features in new()).
This is mere syntactic sugar for the '+' and '-' prefixes :
C<a AND b> is equivalent to C<+a +b>;
C<a OR b> is equivalent to C<(a b)>;
C<NOT a> is equivalent to C<-a>.
C<+a OR b> does not make sense,
but it is translated into C<(a b)>, under the assumption
that the user understands "OR" better than a
'+' prefix.
C<-a OR b> does not make sense either,
but has no meaningful approximation, so it is rejected.

Combinations of AND/OR clauses must be surrounded by
parentheses, i.e. C<(a AND b) OR c> or C<a AND (b OR c)> are
allowed, but C<a AND b OR c> is not.

The C<NEAR> connector is treated like the proximity phrase assertion.

 foo NEAR5 bar

is treated as if it were:

 "foo bar"~5

See the B<near_regex> option.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

The following attributes may be initialized in new().
These are also available as get/set methods on the returned
Parser object.


=item default_boolop

=item term_regex

=item field_regex

=item op_regex

=item op_nofield_regex

=item and_regex

=item or_regex

=item not_regex

=item near_regex

=item range_regex

=item default_field

Applied to all terms where no field is defined. 
The default value is undef (no default).

=item default_op

The operator used when default_field is applied.

=item fields

=item phrase_delim

=item query_class

C<dialect> is an alias for C<query_class>.

=item field_class

=item clause_class

=item query_class_opts

Will be passed to I<query_class> new() method each time a query is parse()'d.

=item dialect_opts

Alias for query_class_opts.

=item croak_on_error

Default value is false (0). Set to true to automatically throw an exception
via Carp::croak() if parse() would return undef.

=item term_expander

A function reference for transforming query terms after they have been parsed.
Examples might include adding alternate spellings, synonyms, or
expanding wildcards based on lexicon listings.


 my $parser = Search::Query->parser(
    term_expander => sub {
        my ($term, $field) = @_;
        return ($term) if ref $term;    # skip ranges
        return ( qw( one two three ), $term );

 my $query = $parser->parse("foo=bar")
 print "$query\n";  # +foo=(one OR two OR three OR bar)

The term_expander reference should expect two arguments: the term value
and, if available, the term field name. It should return an array of values.

The term_expander reference is called internally during the parse() method,
B<before> any field alias expansion or validation is performed.

=item sloppy( 0|1 )

If the string passed to parse() has any incorrect or unsupported syntax
in it, the default behavior is for parsing to stop immediately, error()
to be set, and for parse() to return undef.

In certain cases (as on a web form) this is undesirable. Set sloppy
mode to true to fallback to non-boolean evaluation of the string,
which in most cases should still return a Dialect object.


 $parser->parse('foo -- OR bar');  # if sloppy==0, returns undef
 $parser->parse('foo -- OR bar');  # if sloppy==1, equivalent to 'foo bar'

=item sloppy_term_regex

The regex definition used to match a term when sloppy==1.

=item fixup( 0|1 )

Attempt to fix syntax errors like the lack of a closing parenthesis
or a missing double-quote. Different than sloppy() which will not
attempt to fix broken syntax, but should probably be used together 
if you really do not care about strict syntax checking.

=item null_term

If set to I<term>, the B<null_term> feature will treat field value
of I<term> as if it was undefined. Example:

 $parser->parse('foo=');     # throws fatal error
 $parser->parse('foo=NULL'); # field foo has NULL value

This feature is most useful with the SQL dialect, where you might want to 
find NULL values. Use it like:

 my $parser = Search::Query->parser(
     dialect    => 'SQL',
     null_term  => 'NULL'
 my $query = $parser->parse('foo!=NULL');
 print $query;  # prints "foo is not NULL"



Internal method for mangling constructor params.


    my ( $class, %args ) = @_;

    # Search::QueryParser compatability
    if ( exists $args{dialect_opts} ) {
        $args{query_class_opts} = delete $args{dialect_opts};
    for my $key ( keys %args ) {
        if ( exists $SQPCOMPAT{$key} ) {
            $args{ $SQPCOMPAT{$key} } = delete $args{$key};
    return \%args;

=head2 BUILD 

Called internally to initialize the object.


sub BUILD {
    my $self = shift;

    # query class can be shortcut
        = Search::Query->get_query_class( $self->{query_class} );

    # use field class if query class defines one
    # and we weren't passed one explicitly
    if ( $self->{query_class}->field_class ne $self->{field_class} ) {
        $self->{field_class} = $self->{query_class}->field_class;

    $self->set_fields( $self->{fields} ) if $self->{fields};

    return $self;

=head2 error

Returns the last error message.


=head2 clear_error

Sets error message to undef.


sub clear_error {
    $_->{error} = undef;

=head2 get_field( I<name> )

Returns Field object for I<name> or undef if there isn't one


sub get_field {
    my $self = shift;
    my $name = shift or croak "name required";
    if ( !exists $self->{fields}->{$name} ) {
        return undef;
    return $self->{fields}->{$name};

=head2 set_fields( I<fields> )

Set the I<fields> structure. Called internally by BUILD()
if you pass a C<fields> key/value pair to new().

The structure of I<fields> may be one of the following:

 my $fields = {
    field1 => 1,
    field2 => { alias_for => 'field1' },
    field3 => Search::Query::Field->new( name => 'field3' ),
    field4 => { alias_for => [qw( field1 field3 )] },

 # or

 my $fields = [
    { name => 'field2', alias_for => 'field1' },
    Search::Query::Field->new( name => 'field3' ),
    { name => 'field4', alias_for => [qw( field1 field3 )] },


sub set_fields {
    my $self       = shift;
    my $origfields = shift;
    if ( !defined $origfields ) {
        croak "fields required";

    my %fields;
    my $field_class = $self->{field_class};

    my $reftype = ref($origfields);
    if ( !$reftype or ( $reftype ne 'ARRAY' and $reftype ne 'HASH' ) ) {
        croak "fields must be an ARRAY or HASH ref";

    # convert simple array to hash
    if ( $reftype eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        for my $name (@$origfields) {
            if ( blessed($name) ) {
                $fields{ $name->name } = $name;
            elsif ( ref($name) eq 'HASH' ) {
                if ( !exists $name->{name} ) {
                    croak "'name' required in hashref: " . dump($name);
                $fields{ $name->{name} } = $field_class->new(%$name);
            else {
                $fields{$name} = $field_class->new( name => $name, );
    elsif ( $reftype eq 'HASH' ) {
        for my $name ( keys %$origfields ) {
            my $val = $origfields->{$name};
            my $obj;
            if ( blessed($val) ) {
                $obj = $val;
            elsif ( ref($val) eq 'HASH' ) {
                if ( !exists $val->{name} ) {
                    $val->{name} = $name;
                $obj = $field_class->new(%$val);
            elsif ( !ref $val ) {
                $obj = $field_class->new( name => $name );
            else {
                    "field value for $name must be a field name, hashref or Field object";
            $fields{$name} = $obj;

    $self->{fields} = \%fields;
    return $self->{fields};

=head2 set_field( I<name> => I<field_object> )

Sets field I<name> to Field object I<field_object>.


sub set_field {
    my $self = shift;
    my ( $name, $field ) = @_;
    confess "name required"               unless $name;
    confess "field object required"       unless $field;
    confess "field not an object: $field" unless blessed($field);
    $self->{fields}->{$name} = $field;

=head2 parse( I<string> )

Returns a Search::Query::Dialect object of type

If there is a syntax error in I<string>,
parse() will return C<undef> and set error().


sub parse {
    my $self = shift;
    my $q    = shift;
    croak "query required" unless defined $q;
    my $class = shift || $self->query_class;

    # reset state in case we are called multiple times
    $self->{error}        = undef;
    $self->{_paren_count} = 0;

    $q = $class->preprocess($q);
    my ($query) = $self->_parse( $q, undef, undef, $class );
    if ( !defined $query && !$self->sloppy ) {
        croak $self->error if $self->croak_on_error;
        return $query;

    # if in sloppy mode and we failed to parse,
    # extract what looks like terms and re-parse.
    if ( !defined $query && $self->sloppy ) {
        return $self->_sloppify( $q, $class );

    if ( $self->{term_expander} ) {

    if ( $self->{fields} ) {

    # if in sloppy mode and we failed to parse,
    # extract what looks like terms and re-parse.
    if ( $self->error && $self->sloppy ) {
        return $self->_sloppify( $q, $class );

    $query->{parser} = $self;

    #warn dump $query;

    # if the query isn't re-parse-able once stringified
    # then it is broken, somehow.
    if (    defined $query
        and !$self->error
        and $self->croak_on_error )
        my ($reparsed) = $self->_parse( "$query", undef, undef, $class );
        if ( !defined $reparsed ) {
            croak sprintf( "Error: unable to parse '%s'. Reason: '%s'.",
                $q, $self->error );

    #weaken( $query->{parser} );    # TODO leaks possible?

    return $query;

sub _sloppify {
    my ( $self, $q, $class ) = @_;
    my $term  = $self->{sloppy_term_regex};
    my $and   = $self->{and_regex};
    my $or    = $self->{or_regex};
    my $not   = $self->{not_regex};
    my $near  = $self->{near_regex};
    my $ops   = $self->{op_regex};
    my $bools = qr/($and|$or|$not|$near|$ops)/;
    my @terms;

    while ( $q =~ m/($term)/ig ) {
        my $t = $1;

        #warn "$t =~ $bools\n";
        if ( $t =~ m/^$bools$/ ) {
        push @terms, split( /$ops/, $t );

    #dump \@terms;

    # reset errors since we will re-parse
    $self->{error} = undef;
    my ($query) = $self->_parse( join( ' ', @terms ), undef, undef, $class );
    if ( !defined $query ) {
        $self->croak_on_error and croak $self->error;
    else {
        $query->{parser} = $self;
    return $query;

sub _call_term_expander {
    my ( $self, $query ) = @_;
    my $expander = $self->{term_expander};
    if ( ref($expander) ne 'CODE' ) {
        croak "term_expander must be a CODE reference";

    my $query_class = $self->{query_class};

        sub {
            my ( $clause, $tree, $code, $prefix ) = @_;
            if ( $clause->is_tree ) {

            my @newterms = $expander->( $clause->value, $clause->field );
            if ( ref $newterms[0] and ref $clause->value ) {
                $clause->value( $newterms[0] );
            elsif ( @newterms > 1 ) {

                # turn $clause into a tree
                my $class     = blessed($clause);
                my $op        = $clause->op;
                my $field     = $clause->field;
                my $proximity = $clause->proximity;
                my $quote     = $clause->quote;

                #warn "before tree: " . dump $tree;

                #warn "code clause: " . dump $clause;
                my @subclauses;
                for my $term (@newterms) {
                            field     => $field,
                            op        => $op,
                            value     => $term,
                            quote     => $quote,
                            proximity => $proximity,

                # OR the fields together. TODO optional?

                # we must set "" key here explicitly, because
                # our bool op keys are not methods.
                my $subclause
                    = $query_class->new( %{ $self->query_class_opts },
                    parser => $self );
                $subclause->{""} = \@subclauses;

            else {
                $clause->value( $newterms[0] );



sub _expand {
    my ( $self, $query ) = @_;

    return if !exists $self->{fields};
    my $fields        = $self->{fields};
    my $query_class   = $self->{query_class};
    my $default_field = $self->{default_field};

    #dump $fields;

        sub {
            my ( $clause, $tree, $code, $prefix ) = @_;

            #warn "code clause: " . dump $clause;

            #warn "code tree: " . dump $tree;

            if ( $clause->is_tree ) {
            if ( ( !defined $clause->field || !length $clause->field )
                && !defined $default_field )

            # make sure clause has an op
            if ( !$clause->op ) {
                $clause->op( $self->default_op );

            # even if $clause has a field defined,
            # it may be aliased to multiple others,
            # so check field def and default_field to determine.
            my @field_names;

            # first, which field name to start with?
            my @clause_fields;    # could be plural
            if ( !defined $clause->field ) {
                    = ref($default_field)
                    ? @$default_field
                    : ($default_field);
            else {
                @clause_fields = ( $clause->field );

            # second, resolve any aliases
            for my $cfield (@clause_fields) {

                # if we have no definition for $cfield, it's invalid
                if ( !exists $fields->{$cfield} ) {

                my $field_def = $fields->{$cfield};
                if ( $field_def->alias_for ) {
                    my @aliases
                        = ref $field_def->alias_for
                        ? @{ $field_def->alias_for }
                        : ( $field_def->alias_for );
                    push @field_names, @aliases;
                else {
                    push @field_names, $cfield;

            #warn "resolved field_names: " . dump( \@field_names );

            # third, apply our canonical names to the $clause
            if ( @field_names > 1 ) {

                # turn $clause into a tree
                my $class = blessed($clause);
                my $op    = $clause->op;

                #warn "before tree: " . dump $tree;

                #warn "code clause: " . dump $clause;
                my @newfields;
                for my $name (@field_names) {
                            field     => $name,
                            op        => $op,
                            value     => $clause->value,
                            quote     => $clause->quote,
                            proximity => $clause->proximity,

                # OR the fields together. TODO optional?

                # we must bless here because
                # our bool op keys are not methods.
                my $newfield
                    = $query_class->new( %{ $self->query_class_opts },
                    parser => $self );
                $newfield->{""} = \@newfields;


                #warn "after tree: " . dump $tree;

            else {

                # if no field defined in clause, or it differs, override.
                if ( !defined $clause->field
                    or $field_names[0] ne $clause->field )
                    $clause->field( $field_names[0] );

            return $clause;

sub _validate {
    my ( $self, $query ) = @_;

    my $fields    = $self->{fields};
    my $validator = sub {
        my ( $clause, $tree, $code, $prefix ) = @_;
        if ( $clause->is_tree ) {
        else {
            return unless defined $clause->field and length $clause->field;
            my $field_name  = $clause->field;
            my $field_value = $clause->value;
            my $field       = $fields->{$field_name};
            if ( !$field ) {
                if ( $self->croak_on_error ) {
                    croak "No such field: $field_name";
                else {
                    $self->{error} = "No such field: $field_name";
            if ( !$field->validate($field_value) ) {
                if ( $self->croak_on_error ) {
                    my $err = $field->error;
                        "Invalid field value for $field_name: $field_value ($err)";

sub _parse {
    my $self         = shift;
    my $str          = shift;
    my $parent_field = shift;    # only for recursive calls
    my $parent_op    = shift;    # only for recursive calls
    my $query_class  = shift;

    #warn "_parse: " . dump [ $str, $parent_field, $parent_op, $query_class ];

    #dump $self;

    my $q                = {};
    my $pre_bool         = '';
    my $err              = undef;
    my $s_orig           = $str;
    my $phrase_delim     = $self->{phrase_delim};
    my $field_regex      = $self->{field_regex};
    my $and_regex        = $self->{and_regex};
    my $or_regex         = $self->{or_regex};
    my $not_regex        = $self->{not_regex};
    my $op_regex         = $self->{op_regex};
    my $op_nofield_regex = $self->{op_nofield_regex};
    my $term_regex       = $self->{term_regex};
    my $phrase_regex     = qr/[^"()]+/;
    my $near_regex       = $self->{near_regex};
    my $range_regex      = $self->{range_regex};
    my $clause_class     = $self->{clause_class};
    my $fixup            = $self->{fixup};
    my $null_term        = $self->{null_term};

    $str =~ s/^\s+//;    # remove leading spaces

    while ( length $str ) {    # while query string is not empty
        for ($str) {    # temporary alias to $_ for easier regex application

            #warn "LOOP start: " . dump [ $str, $parent_field, $parent_op ];

            my $sign  = $self->{default_boolop};
            my $field = $parent_field;
            my $op    = $parent_op || "";

            #warn "LOOP after start: " . dump [ $sign, $field, $op ];

            if (m/^\)/) {

               #warn "leaving loop on ) [paren_count==$self->{_paren_count}]";
                if ( $self->{_paren_count} < 0 ) {
                    if ( !$fixup ) {

                        #warn "unbalanced parens -- extra right-hand )";
                        $err = "unbalanced parentheses -- extra right-hand )";
                        last LOOP;
                    else {
                        s/^[\)\s]+//;    # trim all trailing ) and space
                        next LOOP;
                else {
                    last LOOP;   # return from recursive call if meeting a ')'

            # try to parse sign prefix ('+', '-' or '!|NOT')
            if    (s/^(\+|-)\s*//)         { $sign = $1; }
            elsif (s/^($not_regex)\b\s*//) { $sign = '-'; }

            # special check because of \b above
            elsif (s/^\!\s*([^:=~])/$1/) { $sign = '-'; }

            # try to parse field name and operator
            if (s/^"($field_regex)"\s*($op_regex)\s*//   # "field name" and op
                s/^'?($field_regex)'?\s*($op_regex)\s*// # 'field name' and op
                or s/^()($op_nofield_regex)\s*//         # no field, just op
                ( $field, $op ) = ( $1, $2 );

                #warn "matched field+op = " . dump [ $field, $op ];
                if ($parent_field) {
                    $err = "field '$field' inside '$parent_field' (op=$op)";
                    last LOOP;

            # parse a value (single term or quoted list or parens)
            my $clause = undef;

            if (   s/^(")([^"]*?)"~(\d+)\s*//
                or s/^(")([^"]*?)"\s*//
                or s/^(')([^']*?)'\s*// )
            {    # parse a quoted string.
                my ( $quote, $val, $proximity ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
                $clause = $clause_class->new(
                    field => $field,
                    op    => ( $op || $parent_op || ( $field ? ":" : "" ) ),
                    value => $val,
                    quote => $quote,
                    proximity => $proximity

            # fixup mode allows for a partially quoted string.
            elsif ( $fixup and s/^(")([^"]*?)\s*$// ) {
                my ( $quote, $val, $proximity ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
                $clause = $clause_class->new(
                    field => $field,
                    op    => ( $op || $parent_op || ( $field ? ":" : "" ) ),
                    value => $val,
                    quote => $quote,
                    proximity => $proximity

            # special case for range grouped with () since we do not
            # want the op of record to be the ().
            elsif (
                my ( $t1, $t2 ) = ( $1, $2 );

                # trim any spaces since phrase_regex includes it
                $t1 =~ s/^\ +|\ +$//g;
                $t2 =~ s/^\ +|\ +$//g;

                my $this_op = $op =~ m/\!/ ? '!..' : '..';
                my $has_spaces = 0;
                if ( index( $t1, ' ' ) != -1 or index( $t2, ' ' ) != -1 ) {
                    $has_spaces = 1;
                $clause = $clause_class->new(
                    field => $field,
                    op    => $this_op,
                    value => [ $t1, $t2 ],
                    quote => ( $has_spaces ? '"' : undef ),
            elsif (s/^\(\s*//) {    # parse parentheses
                my ( $r, $s2 )
                    = $self->_parse( $str, $field, $op, $query_class );
                if ( !$r ) {
                    $err = $self->error;
                    last LOOP;
                $str = $s2;
                if ( !defined($str) or !( $str =~ s/^\)\s*// ) ) {
                    if ( defined($str) and $fixup ) {
                        $str = ') ' . $str;
                    else {
                        $err = "no matching ) ";
                        last LOOP;

                $clause = $clause_class->new(
                    field => '',
                    op    => '()',
                    value => bless( $r, $query_class ),    # re-bless

            elsif (s/^($term_regex)\s*//) {    # parse a single term
                my $term = $1;
                if ( $term =~ m/^($term_regex)$range_regex($term_regex)$/ ) {
                    my $t1 = $1;
                    my $t2 = $2;

                    #warn "found range ($op $parent_op): $term => $t1 .. $t2";
                    my $this_op = $op =~ m/\!/ ? '!..' : '..';
                    $clause = $clause_class->new(
                        field => $field,
                        op    => $this_op,
                        value => [ $t1, $t2 ],
                elsif ( $null_term and $term eq $null_term ) {
                    $clause = $clause_class->new(
                        field => $field,
                        op => ( $op || $parent_op || ( $field ? ":" : "" ) ),
                        value => undef,    # mimic NULL

                else {

                    $clause = $clause_class->new(
                        field => $field,
                        op => ( $op || $parent_op || ( $field ? ":" : "" ) ),
                        value => $term,


            if (s/^($near_regex)\s+//) {

                # modify the existing clause
                # and treat what comes next like a phrase
                # matching the syntax "foo bar"~\d+
                my ($prox_match) = ($1);
                my ($proximity)  = $prox_match;
                $proximity =~ s/\D+//;    # leave only number
                if (s/^($term_regex)\s*//) {
                    my $term = $1;
                    $clause->{value} .= ' ' . $term;
                    $clause->{proximity} = $proximity;
                    $clause->{quote}     = '"';
                else {
                    $err = "missing term after $prox_match";
                    last LOOP;


            # deal with boolean connectors
            my $post_bool = '';
            if (s/^($and_regex)\s+//) {
                $post_bool = 'AND';
            elsif (s/^($or_regex)\s+//) {
                $post_bool = 'OR';

            if (    $pre_bool
                and $post_bool
                and $pre_bool ne $post_bool )
                $err = "cannot mix AND/OR in requests; use parentheses";
                last LOOP;

            my $bool = $pre_bool || $post_bool;
            $pre_bool = $post_bool;    # for next loop

            # insert clause in query structure
            if ($clause) {
                $sign = ''  if $sign eq '+' and $bool eq 'OR';
                $sign = '+' if $sign eq ''  and $bool eq 'AND';
                if ( $sign eq '-' and $bool eq 'OR' ) {
                    $err = 'operands of "OR" cannot have "-" or "NOT" prefix';
                    last LOOP;
                push @{ $q->{$sign} }, $clause;
            else {
                if ($_) {
                    $err = "unexpected string in query: '$_'";
                    last LOOP;
                if ($field) {
                    $err = "missing value after $field $op";
                    last LOOP;

    # handle error
    if ($err) {
        $self->{error} = "[$s_orig] : $err";
        $q = undef;

    #dump $q;

    if ( !defined $q ) {
        return ( $q, $str );
    my $query
        = $query_class->new( %{ $self->query_class_opts }, parser => $self );
    $query->{$_} = $q->{$_} for keys %$q;
    return ( $query, $str );



=head1 AUTHOR

Peter Karman, C<< <karman at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-search-query at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Search::Query

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN




This module started as a fork of Search::QueryParser by
Laurent Dami.


Copyright 2010 Peter Karman.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.
