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package Carp::Parse;

use warnings;
use strict;

use Carp;
use Carp::Parse::CallerInformation;

=head1 NAME

Carp::Parse - Parse a Carp stack trace into an array of caller information with parsed arguments.


Carp produces a stacktrace that includes caller arguments; this module parses
each line of the stack trace to extract its arguments, which allows rewriting
the stack trace (for example, to redact sensitive information).

=head1 VERSION

Version 1.0.6


our $VERSION = '1.0.6';



	# Retrieve a Carp stack trace with longmess(). This is tedious, but you will
	# normally be using this module in a context where the stacktrace is already
	# generated for you and you want to parse it, so you won't have to go through
	# this step.
	sub test3 { return Carp::longmess("Test"); }
	sub test2 { return test3(); }
	sub test1 { return test2(); }
	my $stack_trace = test1();
	# Parse the Carp stack trace.
	use Carp::Parse;
	my $parsed_stack_trace = Carp::Parse::parse_stack_trace( $stack_trace );
	use Data::Dump qw( dump );
	foreach my $caller_information ( @$parsed_stack_trace )
		# Print the arguments for each caller.
		say dump( $caller->get_arguments_list() );


=head2 parse_stack_trace()

Parse a stack trace produced by C<Carp> into an arrayref of
C<Carp::Parse::CallerInformation> objects.

	my $parsed_stack_trace = Carp::Parse::parse_stack_trace( $stack_trace );


sub parse_stack_trace
	my ( $stack_trace ) = @_;
	# Verify parameters.
	croak 'Specify a stack trace to parse as first argument'
		if !defined( $stack_trace ) || ( $stack_trace eq '' );
	my $parsed_stack_trace = [];
	# The first part of the stack trace holds the message logged, which may
	# include newlines so we need to parse it separately.
	my ( $first_caller ) = $stack_trace =~ /^(.*?at.*?line\s*\d*\n)/sx;
	$first_caller //= '';
	$stack_trace =~ s/\Q$first_caller\E//;

				line => $first_caller,
	# Parse the other lines, which is straightforward as Carp replaces newlines
	# in the function arguments with \\x{a}.
	foreach my $line ( split( /\n/, $stack_trace ) )
		my ( $subroutine_arguments ) = $line =~ /\((.*)\)/;
		next unless defined( $subroutine_arguments );
		# Why don't we eval() the string here into an array? This looks so simple!
		# Unfortunately, subroutine arguments are not quoted correct by Carp in
		# cases like the following:
		# main::test_trace('password', 'thereisnotry', 'planet', 'degobah', 'ship_zip', 01138, 'username', 'yoda') called at test/lib/Sphorb/Utils/Logger/40-redacted.t line 47
		# This would fail trying to eval 01138 as an octal due to the lack of quotes,
		# but 8 is not a valid digit for that.
		my @arguments = ();
		my $parse_arguments = $subroutine_arguments;
		my $arguments_count = 0;
		my $incorrect_arguments_format_detected = 0;
		while (
			defined( $parse_arguments )
			&& ( $parse_arguments ne '' )
			&& ( $arguments_count < $MAX_ARGUMENTS_PER_CALL )
			&& !$incorrect_arguments_format_detected
			my ( $value );
			# Note: we need to account for both single and double quotes here
			# as Carp has changed its internals over time and the quoting style
			# depends on the version of Carp.
			my $first_character = substr( $parse_arguments, 0, 1 );
			if ( $first_character eq '"' || $first_character eq "'" )
				# If it starts with a quote, we use a negative lookbehind to find the
				# matching closing quote, which should be a quote not preceded by a backslash
				# (which would indicate an escaped quote that's part of the data).
				( $value ) = $parse_arguments =~ /^$first_character(.*?)(?<!\\)$first_character/;
				if ( defined( $value ) )
					$parse_arguments =~ s/\Q$first_character$value$first_character\E//;
					$incorrect_arguments_format_detected = 1;
				# If it doesn't start with a quote, we just take all the following
				# characters as long as they're not commas.
				( $value ) = $parse_arguments =~ /^([^,]*)/;
				if ( defined( $value ) )
					$parse_arguments =~ s/\Q$value\E//;
					$incorrect_arguments_format_detected = 1;
			if ( !$incorrect_arguments_format_detected )
				push( @arguments, $value );
				# Remove the comma that followed the argument (if it's not the last one).
				$parse_arguments =~ s/^\s*,\s*//;
				# Make sure we never get into an infinite loop, in case the format of the
				# stacktrace is somehow broken.
				carp "Max limit of arguments per call reached, showing the first $MAX_ARGUMENTS_PER_CALL only."
					if $arguments_count == $MAX_ARGUMENTS_PER_CALL;
				@arguments = ( '[incorrect arguments format]' );
					line             => $line,
					arguments_list   => \@arguments,
					arguments_string => $subroutine_arguments,
	return $parsed_stack_trace;

=head1 AUTHOR

Kate Kirby, C<< <kate at> >>.

Guillaume Aubert, C<< <aubertg at> >>.

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-carp-parse at>, or through
the web interface at L<>. 
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

	perldoc Carp::Parse

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN




Thanks to ThinkGeek (L<>) and its corporate overlords
at Geeknet (L<>), for footing the bill while we eat pizza
and write code for them!


Copyright 2012 Kate Kirby & Guillaume Aubert.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

