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package WWW::Mailgun;

use strict;
use warnings;

use JSON;
use MIME::Base64;

require LWP::UserAgent;

    our $VERSION = 0.53;

my @IGNORE_DOMAIN = qw/domains/;
my @GET_METHODS = qw/stats domains log mailboxes/;
my @POST_METHODS = qw//;

    attachments => 'attachment',
    tags        => 'o:tag',

    "o:tag" => 3,

sub new {
    my ($class, $param) = @_;

    my $Key = $param->{key} // die "You must specify an API Key";
    my $Domain = $param->{domain} // die "You need to specify a domain (IE:";
    my $Url = $param->{url} // "";
    my $From = $param->{from} // "";

    my $self = {
        ua  => LWP::UserAgent->new,
        url => $Url . '/',
        domain => $Domain,
        from => $From,

    $self->{get} = sub {
        my ($self, $type, $data) = @_;
        return my $r = $self->{ua}->get(_get_route($self,[$type, $data]));

    $self->{del} = sub {
        my ($self, $type, $data) = @_;
        return my $r = $self->{ua}->request(
            HTTP::Request->new( 'DELETE', _get_route( $self, [$type, $data] ) )

    $self->{post} = sub {
        my ($self, $type, $data) = @_;
        return my $r = $self->{ua}->post(_get_route($self,$type), Content_Type => 'multipart/form-data', Content => $data);

    $self->{ua}->default_header('Authorization' => 'Basic ' . encode_base64('api:' . $Key));

    return bless $self, $class;

sub _handle_response {
    my ($response) = shift;

    my $rc = $response->code;

    return 1 if 200 <= $rc && $rc <= 299; # success

    my $json = from_json($response->decoded_content);
    if ($json->{message}) {
        die $response->status_line." ".$json->{message};

    die "Bad Request - Often missing a required parameter" if $rc == 400;
    die "Unauthorized - No valid API key provided" if $rc == 401;
    die "Request Failed - Parameters were valid but request failed" if $rc == 402;
    die "Not Found - The requested item doesn’t exist" if $rc == 404;
    die "Server Errors - something is wrong on Mailgun’s end" if $rc >= 500;

sub send {
    my ($self, $msg)  = @_;

    $msg->{from} = $msg->{from} || $self->{from}
        or die "You must specify an email address to send from";
    $msg->{to} = $msg->{to}
        or die "You must specify an email address to send to";
    if (ref $msg->{to} eq 'ARRAY') {
        $msg->{to} = join(',',@{$msg->{to}});

    $msg->{subject} = $msg->{subject} // "";
    $msg->{text} = $msg->{text} // "";

    my $content = _prepare_content($msg);

    my $r = $self->{post}->($self, 'messages', $content);


    return from_json($r->decoded_content);

=head2 _prepare_content($option__values) : \@content

Given a $option__values hashref, transform it to an arrayref suitable for
sending as multipart/form-data. The core logic here is that array references
are modified from:

    option => [ value1, value2, ... ]


    [ option => value1, option => value2, ... ]


sub _prepare_content {
    my ($option__values) = @_;

    my $content = [];
    my $option__count = {};

    while (my ($option, $values) = each %$option__values) {
        $option = $ALIAS__OPTION->{$option} || $option;
        $values = ref $values ? $values : [$values];

        for my $value (@$values) {
            if ($OPTION__MAXIMUM->{$option} &&
                    $option__count->{$option} > $OPTION__MAXIMUM->{$option}) {
                warn "Reached max number of $option, skipping...";
            $value = [ $value ] if $option eq 'attachment';
            push @$content, $option => $value;

    return $content;

sub _get_route {
    my ($self, $path) = @_;

    if (ref $path eq 'ARRAY'){
        my @clean = grep {defined} @$path;
        unshift @clean, $self->{domain}
            unless $clean[-1] ~~ @IGNORE_DOMAIN;
        $path = join('/',@clean);
    } elsif (!($path ~~ @IGNORE_DOMAIN)) {
        $path = $self->{domain} . '/' . $path
    return $self->{url} . $path;

sub unsubscribes {
    my ($self, $method, $data) = @_;
    $method = $method // 'get';

    my $r = $self->{lc($method)}->($self,'unsubscribes',$data);
    return from_json($r->decoded_content);

sub complaints {
    my ($self, $method, $data) = @_;
    $method = $method // 'get';

    my $r = $self->{lc($method)}->($self,'complaints',$data);
    return from_json($r->decoded_content);

sub bounces {
    my ($self, $method, $data) = @_;
    $method = $method // 'get';

    my $r = $self->{lc($method)}->($self,'bounces',$data);
    return from_json($r->decoded_content);

sub logs {
    ## Legacy support.
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->log();

sub AUTOLOAD { ## Handle generic list of requests.
    our $AUTOLOAD;
    my $self = shift;
    my @ObjParts = split(/\:\:/, $AUTOLOAD);
    my $method = pop(@ObjParts);
    return if $method eq 'DESTROY'; ## Ignore DESTROY.
    unless ($method ~~ @ALL_METHODS) {
        die("Not a valid method, \"$method\".");
    my $mode = 'get';
    $mode = 'post' if $method ~~ @POST_METHODS;
    my $r = $self->{$mode}->($self, $method, @_);
    return from_json($r->decoded_content);


=head1 NAME

WWW::Mailgun - Perl wrapper for Mailgun (L<>)


    use WWW::Mailgun;

    my $mg = WWW::Mailgun->new({
        key => 'key-yOuRapiKeY',
        domain => '',
        from => 'elb0w <>' # Optionally set here, you can set it when you send

    #sending examples below

    # Get stats
    my $obj = $mg->stats;

    # Get logs
    my $obj = $mg->logs;


Mailgun is a email service which provides email over a http restful API.
These bindings goal is to create a perl interface which allows you to
easily leverage it.

=head1 USAGE

=head2 new({key => 'mailgun key', domain => 'your mailgun domain', from => 'optional from')

Creates your mailgun object

from => the only optional field, it can be set in the message.

=head2 send($data)

Send takes in a hash of settings
Takes all specificed here L<>
'from' is optionally set here, otherwise you can set it in the constructor and it can be used for everything

=item Send a HTML message with optional array of attachments

          to => '',
          subject => 'hello',
          html => '<html><h3>hello</h3><strong>world</strong></html>',
          attachment => ['/Users/elb0w/GIT/Personal/Mailgun/']

=item Send a text message

          to => '',
          subject => 'hello',
          text => 'Hello there'

=item Send a MIME multipart message

          to      => '',
          subject => 'hello',
          text    => 'Hello there',
          html    => '<b>Hello there</b>'

=head2 unsubscribes, bounces, spam

Helper methods all take a method argument (del, post, get)
'post' optionally takes a hash of properties

=item Unsubscribes

    # View all unsubscribes L<>
    my $all = $mg->unsubscribes;

    # Unsubscribe user from all
    $mg->unsubscribes('post',{address => '', tag => '*'});

    # Delete a user from unsubscriptions

    # Get a user from unsubscriptions

=item Complaints

    # View all spam complaints L<>
    my $all = $mg->complaints;

    # Add a spam complaint for a address
    $mg->complaints('post',{address => ''});

    # Remove a complaint

    # Get a complaint for a adress

=item Bounces

    # View the list of bounces L<>
    my $all = $mg->bounces;

    # Add a permanent bounce
        address => '',
        code => 550, #This is default
        error => 'Error Description' #Empty by default

    # Remove a bounce

    # Get a bounce for a specific address

=head1 TODO

=item Mailboxes

=item Campaigns

=item Mailing Lists

=item Routes

=head1 Author

George Tsafas <>

=head1 Support

elb0w on #perl

=head1 Resources
