use 5.008;    # utf8
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;

package Dist::Zilla::App::Command::dumpphases;

our $VERSION = '1.000000';

# ABSTRACT: Dump a textual representation of each phase's parts.


use Dist::Zilla::App '-command';
use Try::Tiny;
use Scalar::Util qw( blessed );

## no critic ( ProhibitAmbiguousNames)
sub abstract { return 'Dump a textual representation of each phase\'s parts' }
## use critic

sub opt_spec {
  return [ 'color-theme=s', 'color theme to use, ( eg: basic::blue )' ];

sub validate_args {
  my ( $self, $opt, undef ) = @_;
  return unless defined $opt->color_theme;
  my $themes = $self->_available_themes;
  if ( not exists $themes->{ $opt->color_theme } ) {
    require Carp;
      'Invalid theme specification <' . $opt->color_theme . '>, available themes are: ' . ( join q{, }, sort keys %{$themes} ) );

sub _available_themes {
  my (undef) = @_;
  require Path::ScanINC;
  my (@theme_dirs) = Path::ScanINC->new()->all_dirs( 'Dist', 'Zilla', 'dumpphases', 'Theme' );
  my (%themes);
  require Path::Tiny;
  for my $dir (@theme_dirs) {
    my $it = Path::Tiny->new($dir)->iterator(
        recurse         => 1,
        follow_symlinks => 0,
    while ( my $item = $it->() ) {
      next unless $item =~ /[.]pm\z/msx;
      next if -d $item;
      my $theme_name = $item->relative($dir);
      $theme_name =~ s{[.]pm\z}{}msx;
      $theme_name =~ s{/}{::}msxg;
      $themes{$theme_name} = 1;
  return \%themes;

sub _get_color_theme {
  my ( undef, $opt, $default ) = @_;
  return $default unless $opt->color_theme;
  return $opt->color_theme;

sub _get_theme_instance {
  my ( undef, $theme ) = @_;
  require Module::Runtime;
  my $theme_module = Module::Runtime::compose_module_name( 'Dist::Zilla::dumpphases::Theme', $theme );
  return $theme_module->new();

sub execute {
  my ( $self, $opt, undef ) = @_;
  my $zilla = $self->zilla;

  my $theme = $self->_get_theme_instance( $self->_get_color_theme( $opt, 'basic::blue' ) );

  my $seen_plugins = {};

  require Dist::Zilla::Util::RoleDB;

  for my $phase ( Dist::Zilla::Util::RoleDB->new()->phases ) {
    my ($label);
    $label = $phase->name;
    $label =~ s/\A-//msx;
    $label =~ s/([[:lower:]])([[:upper:]])/$1 $2/gmsx;

    my @plugins;
    push @plugins, @{ $zilla->plugins_with( $phase->name ) };
    next unless @plugins;

    $theme->print_section_header( 'Phase: ', $label );
    $theme->print_section_prelude( 'description: ',  $phase->description );
    $theme->print_section_prelude( 'role: ',         $phase->name );
    $theme->print_section_prelude( 'phase_method: ', $phase->phase_method );

    for my $plugin (@plugins) {
      $seen_plugins->{ $plugin->plugin_name } = 1;
      $theme->print_star_assoc( $plugin->plugin_name, blessed($plugin) );
  my @unrecognised;
  for my $plugin ( @{ $zilla->plugins } ) {
    next if exists $seen_plugins->{ $plugin->plugin_name };
    push @unrecognised, $plugin;
  if (@unrecognised) {
    $theme->print_section_header( 'Unrecognised: ', 'Phase not known' );
    $theme->print_section_prelude( 'description: ', 'These plugins exist but were not in any predefined phase to scan for' );
    for my $plugin (@unrecognised) {
      $theme->print_star_assoc( $plugin->plugin_name, blessed($plugin) );
  return 0;




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Dist::Zilla::App::Command::dumpphases - Dump a textual representation of each phase's parts.

=head1 VERSION

version 1.000000


  cd $PROJECT;
  dzil dumpphases

  dzil dumpphases --color-theme=basic::plain # plain text
  dzil dumpphases --color-theme=basic::green # green text

If you are using an HTML-enabled POD viewer, you should see a screenshot of this in action:

( Everyone else can visit L<> )

=for html <center><img src="" alt="Screenshot" width="721" height="1007"/></center>

=begin MetaPOD::JSON v1.1.0


=end MetaPOD::JSON


Working out what Plugins will execute in which order during which phase can be a
little confusing sometimes.

This Command exists primarily to make developing Plugin Bundles and debugging
dist.ini a bit easier, especially for newbies who may not fully understand
Bundles yet.

If you want to turn colors off, use L<< C<Term::ANSIcolor>'s environment variable|Term::ANSIColor >>

  ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED=1 dzil dumpphases

Alternatively, since 0.3.0 you can specify a color-free theme:

    dzil dumpphases --color-theme=basic::plain


Technically speaking, this utility deals with more than just "phases", it will in fact dump all plugins used,
and it will in the process of doing so, dump things that are part of the clearly defined "phases" that occur
within C<Dist::Zilla>.

However, if you want to be pedantic, and understand how L<< C<Dist::Zilla>|Dist::Zilla >> works, then you must understand,
many of the things this module calls "phases" are not so much phases.

At its core, C<Dist::Zilla> has an array, on which all L<< C<Plugin>s|Dist::Zilla::Role::Plugin >> are stored.

A C<Plugin>, in itself, will not do very much ( at least, not unless they do instantiation-time changes like L<< C<[Bootstrap::lib]>|Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Bootstrap::lib >> )

There are 3 Primary kinds of plugin

=over 4

=item * Auxiliary Plugins

Plugins which exist to augment other plugins ( For instance, L<< C<-FileFinder>'s|Dist::Zilla::Role::FileFinder >> ).

C<Dist::Zilla> itself essentially ignores these, and their consumption is entirely regulated by other C<plugin>s.

=item * Phase Plugins

Plugins which hook into a specific and determinate phase of the C<Dist::Zilla> build/test/release cycle.

These all provide primary methods, which C<Dist::Zilla> directly calls somewhere in its core code base.

Good examples of Phase plugins perform L<< C<-FileGatherer>|Dist::Zilla::Role::FileGatherer >>

=item * A Third Kind

There's a third kind of Plugin, which is somewhere between the other two, which I presently lack a name for.

Like the Phases, they provide primary methods, which are called by C<Dist::Zilla> directly, and they provide
information for infrastructural components of the C<Dist::Zilla> development process.

However, they're not strictly "phases", because exactly when they will be called ( or if they will be called at all )
is heavily dependent on usage.

For instance, L<< C<-VersionProvider>|Dist::Zilla::Role::VersionProvider >>, which is dependent on a few variables,
and is called only when its needed, the first time its needed.

Which means it could occur as early as creating C<META.json> or it could occur as late as just before it writes the distribution out to disk.


This C<App::Command> command will indeed list all of the above, but for the sake of ease of use, the "Third kind" is informally
under the umbrella of a "phase".

=head1 METHODS

=head2 C<opt_spec>

This command takes one optional parameter

=over 4

=item * C<color-theme>

    dzil dumpphases --color-theme=<THEME>

The name of a color theme to use.

Existing themes are:

=over 4

=item * C<basic::blue>

=item * C<basic::green>

=item * C<basic::red>

=item * C<basic::plain>



=head1 AUTHORS

=over 4

=item *

Kent Fredric <>

=item *

Alan Young <>

=item *

Oliver Mengué <>



This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Kent Fredric <>.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
