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use strict;
use warnings;

package Git::PurePerl::Walker;
  $Git::PurePerl::Walker::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:KENTNL';
  $Git::PurePerl::Walker::VERSION = '0.002000';

# ABSTRACT: Walk over a sequence of commits in a Git::PurePerl repo

use Moose;
use Path::Class qw( dir );
use Class::Load qw( );
use Git::PurePerl::Walker::Types qw( :all );
use namespace::autoclean;

has repo => (
	isa        => GPPW_Repository,
	is         => 'ro',
	lazy_build => 1,

has _method => (
	init_arg => 'method',
	is       => 'ro',
	isa      => GPPW_Methodish,
	required => 1,

has 'method' => (
	init_arg   => undef,
	is         => 'ro',
	isa        => GPPW_Method,
	lazy_build => 1,

has '_on_commit' => (
	init_arg => 'on_commit',
	required => 1,
	is       => 'ro',
	isa      => GPPW_OnCommitish,

has 'on_commit' => (
	init_arg   => undef,
	isa        => GPPW_OnCommit,
	is         => 'ro',
	lazy_build => 1,

sub BUILD {
	my ( $self, $args ) = @_;
	return $self;

sub _build_repo {
	my ( $self ) = shift;
	require Git::PurePerl;
	return Git::PurePerl->new( directory => dir( q[.] )->absolute->stringify );

sub _build_method {
	my ( $self )   = shift;
	my ( $method ) = $self->_method;

	if ( not ref $method ) {
		my $method_name = 'Git::PurePerl::Walker::Method::' . $method;
		Class::Load::load_class( $method_name );
		$method = $method_name->new();
	return $method->for_repository( $self->repo );

sub _build_on_commit {
	my ( $self )      = shift;
	my ( $on_commit ) = $self->_on_commit;

	if ( ref $on_commit and ref $on_commit eq 'CODE' ) {
		my $on_commit_name = 'Git::PurePerl::Walker::OnCommit::CallBack';
		my $callback       = $on_commit;
		Class::Load::load_class( $on_commit_name );
		$on_commit = $on_commit_name->new( callback => $callback, );
	elsif ( not ref $on_commit ) {
		my $on_commit_name = 'Git::PurePerl::Walker::OnCommit::' . $on_commit;
		Class::Load::load_class( $on_commit_name );
		$on_commit = $on_commit_name->new();
	return $on_commit->for_repository( $self->repo );

## no critic (Subroutines::ProhibitBuiltinHomonyms)
sub reset {
	my $self = shift;
	return $self;

sub step {
	my $self = shift;

	$self->on_commit->handle( $self->method->current );

	if ( not $self->method->has_next ) {


	return 1;

sub step_all {
	my $self  = shift;
	my $steps = 1;
	while ( $self->step ) {
	return $steps;



=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

Git::PurePerl::Walker - Walk over a sequence of commits in a Git::PurePerl repo

=head1 VERSION

version 0.002000


	use Git::PurePerl::Walker;
	use Git::PurePerl::Walker::Method::FirstParent;

	my $repo = Git::PurePerl->new( ... );

	my $walker = Git::PurePerl::Walker->new(
		repo => $repo,
		method => Git::PurePerl::Walker::Method::FirstParent->new(
			start => $repo->ref_sha1('refs/heads/master'),
		on_commit => sub {
			my ( $commit ) = @_;
			print $commit->sha1;



=head2 repo

B<Mandatory:> An instance of L<< C<Git::PurePerl>|Git::PurePerl >> representing
the repository to work with.

=head2 method

B<Mandatory:> either a C<Str> describing a Class Name Suffix, or an C<Object>
that C<does>

If its a C<Str>, the C<Str> will be expanded as follows:

		method => 'Foo',

	$className = 'Git::PurePerl::Walker::Method::Foo'

And the resulting class will be loaded, and instantiated for you. ( Assuming of
course, you don't need to pass any fancy args ).

If you need fancy args, or a class outside the
C<Git::PurePerl::B<Walker::Method::>> namespace, constructing the object will
have to be your responsibility.

		method => Foo::Class->new(),

=head2 on_commit

B<Mandatory:> either a C<Str> that can be expanded in a way similar to that by
L<< C<I<method>>|/method >>, a C<CodeRef>, or an object that C<does> L<<

If passed a C<Str> it will be expanded like so:

		on_commit => $str,

	$class = 'Git::PurePerl::Walker::OnCommit::' . $str;

And the resulting class loaded and instantiated.

If passed a C<CodeRef>,
>> will be loaded and your C<CodeRef> will be passed as an argument.

		on_commit => sub {
			my ( $commit ) = @_;


If you need anything fancier, or requiring an unusual namespace, you'll want to
construct the object yourself.

		on_commit => Foo::Package->new()

=head1 METHODS

=head2 reset


Reset the walk routine back to the state it was before you walked.

=head2 step

Increments one step forward in the git history, and dispatches the object to the
OnCommit handlers.

If there are more possible steps to take, it will return a true value.

	while ( $walker->step ) {
		/* Code to execute if walker has more items */

This code is almost identical to:

	while(1) {
		$walker->on_commit->handle( $walker->method->current );

		last if not $walker->method->has_next;


		/*  Code to execute if walker has more items */

=head2 step_all

	my $steps = $walker->step_all;

Mostly a convenience method to iterate until it can iterate no more, but without
you needing to wrap it in a while() block.

Returns the number of steps executed.


=head2 repo

=head2 method

=head2 on_commit


=head2 repo

	# Getter
	my $repo = $walker->repo();

=head2 method

	# Getter
	my $method_object = $walker->method();

=head2 on_commit

	# Getter
	my $on_commit_object = $walker->on_commit();


=head2 _method

=head2 _on_commit


=head2 _build_repo

=head2 _build_method

=head2 _build_on_commit


=head2 _method

	# Getter
	my $methodish = $walker->_method();

=head2 _on_commit

	# Getter
	my $on_commitish => $walker->_on_commit();

=for Pod::Coverage BUILD

=head1 AUTHOR

Kent Fredric <>


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Kent Fredric <>.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
