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$VERSION = 0.7;

# pp_setversion $VERSION;  # haven't worked out why it breaks my system (CS)
pp_beginwrap; # required for overload to work

pp_addpm {At => Top}, <<'EOD';
=head1 NAME

PDL::Complex - handle complex numbers


  use PDL;
  use PDL::Complex;


This module features a growing number of functions manipulating complex
numbers. These are usually represented as a pair C<[ real imag ]> or
C<[ angle phase ]>. If not explicitly mentioned, the functions can work
inplace (not yet implemented!!!) and require rectangular form.

While there is a procedural interface available (C<$a/$b*$c <=> Cmul
(Cdiv $a, $b), $c)>), you can also opt to cast your pdl's into the
C<PDL::Complex> datatype, which works just like your normal piddles, but
with all the normal perl operators overloaded.

The latter means that C<sin($a) + $b/$c> will be evaluated using the
normal rules of complex numbers, while other pdl functions (like C<max>)
just treat the piddle as a real-valued piddle with a lowest dimension of
size 2, so C<max> will return the maximum of all real and imaginary parts,
not the "highest" (for some definition)


=over 4

=item *

C<i> is a constant exported by this module, which represents
C<-1**0.5>, i.e. the imaginary unit. it can be used to quickly and
conviniently write complex constants like this: C<4+3*i>.

=item *

Use C<r2C(real-values)> to convert from real to complex, as in C<$r
= Cpow $cplx, r2C 2>. The overloaded operators automatically do that for
you, all the other functions, do not. So C<Croots 1, 5> will return all
the fifths roots of 1+1*i (due to threading).

=item *

use C<cplx(real-valued-piddle)> to cast from normal piddles intot he
complex datatype. Use C<real(complex-valued-piddle)> to cast back. This
requires a copy, though.

=item *

BEWARE: This module has not been extensively tested. Watch out and
send me bugreports!



The complex constant five is equal to C<pdl(1,0)>:

   perldl> p $x = r2C 5
   [5 0]

Now calculate the three roots of of five:

   perldl> p $r = Croots $x, 3 

    [  1.7099759           0]
    [-0.85498797   1.4808826]
    [-0.85498797  -1.4808826]

Check that these really are the roots of unity:

   perldl> p $r ** 3

    [             5              0]
    [             5 -3.4450524e-15]
    [             5 -9.8776239e-15]

Duh! Could be better. Now try by multiplying C<$r> three times with itself:

   perldl> p $r*$r*$r

    [             5              0]
    [             5 -2.8052647e-15]
    [             5 -7.5369398e-15]

Well... maybe C<Cpow> (which is used by the C<**> operator) isn't as
bad as I thought. Now multiply by C<i> and negate, which is just a very
expensive way of swapping real and imaginary parts.

   perldl> p -($r*i)

    [         -0   1.7099759]
    [  1.4808826 -0.85498797]
    [ -1.4808826 -0.85498797]

Now plot the magnitude of (part of) the complex sine. First generate the

   perldl> $sin = i * zeroes(50)->xlinvals(2,4)
                    + zeroes(50)->xlinvals(0,7)

Now plot the imaginary part, the real part and the magnitude of the sine
into the same diagram:

   perldl> line im sin $sin; hold
   perldl> line re sin $sin
   perldl> line abs sin $sin

Sorry, but I didn't yet try to reproduce the diagram in this
text. Just run the commands yourself, making sure that you have loaded
C<PDL::Complex> (and C<PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT>).



for (qw(Ctan Catan re im i cplx real)) {
   pp_add_exported '', $_;

pp_addhdr <<'EOH';

#include <math.h>

#ifndef M_PI
# define M_PI   3.1415926535897932384626433832795029
#ifndef M_2PI
# define M_2PI  (2. * M_PI)

#if __GLIBC__ > 1 && (defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN || defined __USE_ISOC9X)
# define CABS(r,i) hypot (r, i)
  static double
  CABS (double r, double i)
    double t;

    if (r < 0) r = - r;
    if (i < 0) i = - i;

    if (i > r)
        t = r; r = i; i = t;

    if (r + i == r)
      return r;

    t = i / r;
    return r * sqrt (1 + t*t);

#if __GLIBC__ >= 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 1 && defined __USE_GNU
# define SINCOS(x,s,c) sincos ((x), &(s), &(c))
# define SINCOS(x,s,c)                  \
        (s) = sin (x);                  \
        (c) = cos (x);

#define CSQRT(type,ar,ai,cr,ci) 		\
        type mag = CABS ((ar), (ai));		\
        type t;					\
        if (mag == 0)				\
          (cr) = (ci) = 0;			\
        else if ((ar) > 0)			\
          {					\
            t = sqrt (0.5 * (mag + (ar)));	\
            (cr) = t;				\
            (ci) = 0.5 * (ai) / t;		\
          }					\
        else					\
          {					\
            t = sqrt (0.5 * (mag - (ar)));	\
            if ((ai) < 0)			\
              t = -t;				\
            (ci) = t;				\
            (cr) = 0.5 * (ai) / t;		\

#define CLOG(ar,ai,cr,ci)			\
        (cr) = log (CABS ((ar), (ai)));		\
        (ci) = atan2 ((ai), (ar));


pp_addpm <<'EOP';

=head2 cplx real-valued-pdl

Cast a real-valued piddle to the complex datatype. The first dimension of
the piddle must be of size 2. After this the usual (complex) arithmetic
operators are applied to this pdl, rather than the normal elementwise pdl
operators.  Dataflow to the complex parent works. Use C<sever> on the result
if you don't want this.

=head2 real cplx-valued-pdl

Cast a complex vlaued pdl back to the "normal" pdl datatype. Afterwards
the normal elementwise pdl operators are used in operations. Dataflow
to the real parent works. Use C<sever> on the result if you don't want this.


sub cplx($) {
   bless $_[0]->slice('');

*PDL::cplx = \&cplx;

sub real($) {
   bless $_[0]->slice(''), 'PDL';


pp_def 'r2C',
       Pars => 'r(); [o]c(m=2)',
       Doc => 'convert real to complex, assuming an imaginary part of zero',
       PMCode => 'sub PDL::r2C($) { my $r = __PACKAGE__->initialize; &PDL::_r2C_int($_[0], $r); $r }',
       Code => q!
          $c(m=>0) = $r();
          $c(m=>1) = 0;

pp_def 'i2C',
       Pars => 'r(); [o]c(m=2)',
       Doc => 'convert imaginary to complex, assuming a real part of zero',
       PMCode => 'sub PDL::i2C($) { my $r = __PACKAGE__->initialize; &PDL::_i2C_int($_[0], $r); $r }',
       Code => q!
          $c(m=>0) = 0;
          $c(m=>1) = $r();

pp_def 'Cr2p',
       Pars => 'r(m=2); float+ [o]p(m=2)',
       Doc => 'convert complex numbers in rectangular form to polar (mod,arg) form',
       Code => q!
          $GENERIC() x = $r(m=>0);
          $GENERIC() y = $r(m=>1);
          $p(m=>0) = CABS (x, y);
          $p(m=>1) = atan2 (y, x);

pp_def 'Cp2r',
       Pars => 'r(m=2); [o]p(m=2)',
       GenericTypes => [F,D],
       Doc => 'convert complex numbers in polar (mod,arg) form to rectangular form',
       Code => q!
          $GENERIC() m = $r(m=>0);
          $GENERIC() a = $r(m=>1);
          double s, c;

          SINCOS (a, s, c);
          $p(m=>0) = s * m;
          $p(m=>1) = c * m;

pp_def 'Cadd', # this is here for a) completeness and b) not having to mess with PDL::Ops
	Pars => 'a(m=2); b(m=2); [o]c(m=2)',
        Doc => undef,
        Code => q^
           $GENERIC() ar = $a(m=>0), ai = $a(m=>1);
           $GENERIC() br = $b(m=>0), bi = $b(m=>1);
           $c(m=>0) = ar + br;
           $c(m=>1) = ai + bi;

pp_def 'Csub', # this is here for a) completeness and b) not having to mess with PDL::Ops
	Pars => 'a(m=2); b(m=2); [o]c(m=2)',
        Doc => undef,
        Code => q^
           $GENERIC() ar = $a(m=>0), ai = $a(m=>1);
           $GENERIC() br = $b(m=>0), bi = $b(m=>1);
           $c(m=>0) = ar - br;
           $c(m=>1) = ai - bi;

pp_def 'Cmul',
	Pars => 'a(m=2); b(m=2); [o]c(m=2)',
        Doc => 'complex multiplication',
        Code => q^
           $GENERIC() ar = $a(m=>0), ai = $a(m=>1);
           $GENERIC() br = $b(m=>0), bi = $b(m=>1);
           $c(m=>0) = ar*br - ai*bi;
           $c(m=>1) = ar*bi + ai*br;

pp_def 'Cscale',
	Pars => 'a(m=2); b(); [o]c(m=2)',
        Doc => 'mixed complex/real multiplication',
        Code => q^
           $GENERIC() ar = $a(m=>0), ai = $a(m=>1);
           $c(m=>0) = ar * $b();
           $c(m=>1) = ai * $b();

pp_def 'Cdiv',
	Pars => 'a(m=2); b(m=2); [o]c(m=2)',
        GenericTypes => [F,D],
        Doc => 'complex division',
        Code => q^
           $GENERIC() ar = $a(m=>0), ai = $a(m=>1);
           $GENERIC() br = $b(m=>0), bi = $b(m=>1);

           if (fabs (br) > fabs (bi))
               $GENERIC() tt = bi / br;
               $GENERIC() dn = br + tt * bi;
               $c(m=>0) = (ar + tt * ai) / dn;
               $c(m=>1) = (ai - tt * ar) / dn;
               $GENERIC() tt = br / bi;
               $GENERIC() dn = br * tt + bi;
               $c(m=>0) = (ar * tt + ai) / dn;
               $c(m=>1) = (ai * tt - ar) / dn;

pp_def 'Ccmp',
	Pars => 'a(m=2); b(m=2); [o]c()',
        GenericTypes => [F,D],
        Doc => 'Complex comparison oeprator (spaceship). It orders by real first, then by imaginary.',
        Code => q^
           $GENERIC() a, b;
           a = $a(m=>0), b = $b(m=>0);
           if (a != b)
             $c() = (a > b) * 2 - 1;
               a = $a(m=>1), b = $b(m=>1);
               $c() = a == b ? 0
                             : (a > b) * 2 - 1;

pp_def 'Cconj',
	Pars => 'a(m=2); [o]c(m=2)',
        Doc => 'complex conjugation',
        Code => q^
           $c(m=>0) =  $a(m=>0);
           $c(m=>1) = -$a(m=>1);

pp_def 'Cabs',
	Pars => 'a(m=2); [o]c()',
        GenericTypes => [F,D],
        Doc => 'complex C<abs()> (also known as I<modulus>)',
        Code => q^
           $GENERIC() ar = $a(m=>0), ai = $a(m=>1);
           $c() = CABS (ar, ai);

pp_def 'Cabs2',
	Pars => 'a(m=2); [o]c()',
        Doc => 'complex squared C<abs()> (also known I<squared modulus>)',
        Code => q^
           $GENERIC() ar = $a(m=>0), ai = $a(m=>1);
           $c() = ar*ar + ai*ai;

pp_def 'Carg',
	Pars => 'a(m=2); [o]c()',
        GenericTypes => [F,D],
        Doc => 'complex argument function ("angle")',
        Code => q^
           $c() = atan2 ($a(m=>1), $a(m=>0));

pp_def 'Csin',
	Pars => 'a(m=2); [o]c(m=2)',
        GenericTypes => [F,D],
        Doc => '  sin (a) = 1/(2*i) * (exp (a*i) - exp (-a*i))',
        Code => q^
           $GENERIC() ar = $a(m=>0), ai = $a(m=>1);
           double s, c;

           SINCOS (ar, s, c);
           $c(m=>0) = s * cosh (ai);
           $c(m=>1) = c * sinh (ai);

pp_def 'Ccos',
	Pars => 'a(m=2); [o]c(m=2)',
        GenericTypes => [F,D],
        Doc => '  cos (a) = 1/2 * (exp (a*i) + exp (-a*i))',
        Code => q^
           $GENERIC() ar = $a(m=>0), ai = $a(m=>1);
           double s, c;

           SINCOS (ar, s, c);
           $c(m=>0) =   c * cosh (ai);
           $c(m=>1) = - s * sinh (ai);

pp_addpm <<'EOD';

=head2 Ctan a [not inplace]

  tan (a) = -i * (exp (a*i) - exp (-a*i)) / (exp (a*i) + exp (-a*i))


sub Ctan($) { Csin($_[0]) / Ccos($_[0]) }


pp_def 'Cexp',
	Pars => 'a(m=2); [o]c(m=2)',
        GenericTypes => [F,D],
        Doc => 'exp (a) = exp (real (a)) * (cos (imag (a)) + i * sin (imag (a)))',
        Code => q^
           $GENERIC() ar = $a(m=>0), ai = $a(m=>1);
           $GENERIC() ex = exp (ar);
           double s, c;

           SINCOS (ai, s, c);
           $c(m=>0) = ex * c;
           $c(m=>1) = ex * s;

pp_def 'Clog',
	Pars => 'a(m=2); [o]c(m=2)',
        GenericTypes => [F,D],
        Doc => 'log (a) = log (cabs (a)) + i * carg (a)',
        Code => q^
           $GENERIC() ar = $a(m=>0), ai = $a(m=>1);

           CLOG (ar, ai, $c(m=>0), $c(m=>1));

pp_def 'Cpow',
	Pars => 'a(m=2); b(m=2); [o]c(m=2)',
        GenericTypes => [F,D],
        Doc => 'complex C<pow()> (C<**>-operator)',
        Code => q^
           $GENERIC() ar = $a(m=>0), ai = $a(m=>1);
           $GENERIC() br = $b(m=>0), bi = $b(m=>1);

           double logr, logi, x, y;
           double  s, c;

           CLOG (ar, ai, logr, logi);
           x = exp (logr*br - logi*bi);
           y =      logr*bi + logi*br;

           SINCOS (y, s, c);
           $c(m=>0) = x * c;
           $c(m=>1) = x * s;

pp_def 'Csqrt',
	Pars => 'a(m=2); [o]c(m=2)',
        GenericTypes => [F,D],
        Doc => '',
        Code => q^
           $GENERIC() ar = $a(m=>0), ai = $a(m=>1);

           CSQRT ($GENERIC(), ar, ai, $c(m=>0), $c(m=>1));

pp_def 'Casin',
	Pars => 'a(m=2); [o]c(m=2)',
        GenericTypes => [F,D],
        Doc => '',
        Code => q^
           $GENERIC() ar = $a(m=>0), ai = $a(m=>1);

           $GENERIC() t1 = sqrt ((ar+1)*(ar+1) + ai*ai);
           $GENERIC() t2 = sqrt ((ar-1)*(ar-1) + ai*ai);
           $GENERIC() alpha = (t1+t2)*0.5;
           $GENERIC() beta  = (t1-t2)*0.5;

           if      (alpha < 1) alpha = 1;
           if      (beta >  1) beta =  1;
           else if (beta < -1) beta = -1;

           $c(m=>0) =   atan2 (beta, sqrt (1-beta*beta));
           $c(m=>1) = - log (alpha + sqrt (alpha*alpha-1));
           if (ai > 0 || (ai == 0 && ar < -1))
              $c(m=>1) = - $c(m=>1);

pp_def 'Cacos',
	Pars => 'a(m=2); [o]c(m=2)',
        GenericTypes => [F,D],
        Doc => '',
        Code => q^
           $GENERIC() ar = $a(m=>0), ai = $a(m=>1);

           $GENERIC() t1 = sqrt ((ar+1)*(ar+1) + ai*ai);
           $GENERIC() t2 = sqrt ((ar-1)*(ar-1) + ai*ai);
           $GENERIC() alpha = (t1+t2)*0.5;
           $GENERIC() beta  = (t1-t2)*0.5;

           if      (alpha < 1) alpha = 1;
           if      (beta >  1) beta =  1;
           else if (beta < -1) beta = -1;

           $c(m=>0) = atan2 (sqrt (1-beta*beta), beta);
           $c(m=>1) = log (alpha + sqrt (alpha*alpha-1));
           if (ai > 0 || (ai == 0 && ar < -1))
              $c(m=>1) = - $c(m=>1);

pp_addpm <<'EOD';

=head2 Catan cplx [not inplace]

Return the complex C<atan()>.


sub Catan($) {
   my $z = shift;
   Cmul pdl(0, 0.5), Clog Cdiv PDL::Complex::i+$z, PDL::Complex::i-$z;


pp_def 'Csinh',
	Pars => 'a(m=2); [o]c(m=2)',
        GenericTypes => [F,D],
        Doc => '  sinh (a) = (exp (a) - exp (-a)) / 2',
        Code => q^
           $GENERIC() ar = $a(m=>0), ai = $a(m=>1);
           double s, c;

           SINCOS (ai, s, c);
           $c(m=>0) = sinh (ar) * c;
           $c(m=>0) = cosh (ar) * s;

pp_def 'Ccosh',
	Pars => 'a(m=2); [o]c(m=2)',
        GenericTypes => [F,D],
        Doc => '  cosh (a) = (exp (a) + exp (-a)) / 2',
        Code => q^
           $GENERIC() ar = $a(m=>0), ai = $a(m=>1);
           double s, c;

           SINCOS (ai, s, c);
           $c(m=>0) = cosh (ar) * c;
           $c(m=>0) = sinh (ar) * s;

pp_def 'Ctanh',
	Pars => 'a(m=2); [o]c(m=2)',
        GenericTypes => [F,D],
        Doc => '',
        Code => q^
           $GENERIC() ar = $a(m=>0), ai = $a(m=>1);
           double den;
           double s, c;

           SINCOS (2*ai, s, c);
           den = cosh (2*ar) + c;

           $c(m=>0) = sinh (2*ar) / den;
           $c(m=>0) = s           / den;

pp_def 'Casinh',
	Pars => 'a(m=2); [o]c(m=2)',
        GenericTypes => [F,D],
        Doc => '',
        Code => q^
           $GENERIC() ar = $a(m=>0), ai = $a(m=>1);

           $GENERIC() yr = (ar-ai) * (ar+ai) + 1;
           $GENERIC() yi = 2*ar*ai;

           CSQRT ($GENERIC(), yr, yi, yr, yi)

           yr += ar;
           yi += ai;

           CLOG (yr, yi, $c(m=>0), $c(m=>1));

pp_def 'Cacosh',
	Pars => 'a(m=2); [o]c(m=2)',
        GenericTypes => [F,D],
        Doc => '',
        Code => q^
           $GENERIC() ar = $a(m=>0), ai = $a(m=>1);

           $GENERIC() yr = (ar-ai) * (ar+ai) - 1;
           $GENERIC() yi = 2*ar*ai;

           CSQRT ($GENERIC(), yr, yi, yr, yi)

           yr += ar;
           yi += ai;

           CLOG (yr, yi, $c(m=>0), $c(m=>1));

pp_def 'Catanh',
	Pars => 'a(m=2); [o]c(m=2)',
        GenericTypes => [F,D],
        Doc => '',
        Code => q^
           $GENERIC() ar = $a(m=>0), ai = $a(m=>1);

           double i2 = ar*ar;
           double num = i2 + (1+ar) * (1+ar);
           double den = i2 + (1-ar) * (1-ar);

           $c(m=>0) = 0.25 * (log(num) - log(den));
           $c(m=>1) = 0.5 * atan2 (2*ai, 1 - ar*ar - i2);

pp_def 'Cproj',
	Pars => 'a(m=2); [o]c(m=2)',
        GenericTypes => [F,D],
        Doc => 'compute the projection of a complex number to the riemann sphere',
        Code => q^
           $GENERIC() ar = $a(m=>0), ai = $a(m=>1);

           double den = ar*ar + ai*ai + 1;

           $c(m=>0) = 2*ar / den;
           $c(m=>1) = 2*ai / den;

pp_def 'Croots',
	Pars => 'a(m=2); [o]c(m=2,n)',
        OtherPars => 'int n => n',
        GenericTypes => [F,D],
        Doc => 'Compute the C<n> roots of C<a>. C<n> must be a positive integer. The result will always be a complex type!',
        PMCode => q^sub PDL::Croots($$) {
           my ($pdl, $n) = @_;
           my $r = PDL->null;
           &PDL::_Croots_int($pdl, $r, $n);
           bless $r;
        Code => q^
           double ar = $a(m=>0), ai = $a(m=>1),
                  n1 = 1 / (double)$COMP(n),
                  rr = pow (CABS (ar, ai), n1), /* do not optimize the sqrt out of this expr! */
                  at = atan2 (ai, ar),
                  ti = M_2PI * n1;

           loop(n) %{
               double s, c;

               SINCOS (at, s, c);

               $c(m=>0) = rr * c;
               $c(m=>1) = rr * s;

               at += ti;

pp_addpm <<'EOD';

=head2 re cplx, im cplx

Return the real or imaginary part of the complex number(s) given. These
are slicing operators, so data flow works. The real and imaginary parts
are returned as piddles (ref eq PDL).


sub re($) { bless $_[0]->slice("(0)"), 'PDL' }
sub im($) { bless $_[0]->slice("(1)"), 'PDL' }


pp_def 'rCpolynomial',
       Pars => 'coeffs(n); x(c=2,m); [o]out(c=2,m)',
       Doc => 'evaluate the polynomial with (real) coefficients C<coeffs> at the (complex) position(s) C<x>. C<coeffs[0]> is the constant term.',
       GenericTypes => [F,D],
       Code => q!
          loop(m) %{
             double xr = 1;
             double xi = 0;
             double or = 0;
             double oi = 0;
             double Xr;

             loop(n) %{
                or += $coeffs() * xr;
                oi += $coeffs() * xi;

                Xr = xr;
                xr = Xr * $x(c=>0) - xi * $x(c=>1);
                xi = xi * $x(c=>0) + Xr * $x(c=>1);

             $out(c=>0) = or;
             $out(c=>1) = oi;

pp_add_isa 'PDL';

pp_addpm {At => Bot}, <<'EOD';

# overload must be here, so that all the functions can be seen

# undocumented compatibility functions
sub Catan2($$) { Catan Cdiv $_[1], $_[0] }
sub atan2($$)  { Catan Cdiv $_[1], $_[0] }

sub _gen_biop {
   local $_ = shift;
   my $sub;
   if (/(\S+)\+(\w+)/) {
      $sub = eval 'sub { '.$2.' $_[0], ref $_[1] eq __PACKAGE__ ? $_[1] : r2C $_[1] }';
   } elsif (/(\S+)\-(\w+)/) {
      $sub = eval 'sub { my $b = ref $_[1] eq __PACKAGE__ ? $_[1] : r2C $_[1];
                       $_[2] ? '.$2.' $b, $_[0] : '.$2.' $_[0], $b }';
   } else {
   return ($1, $sub) if $1 eq "atan2";
   ($1, $sub, "$1=", $sub);

sub _gen_unop {
   my ($op, $func) = ($_[0] =~ /(.+)@(\w+)/);
   *$op = \&$func if $op =~ /\w+/; # create an alias
   ($op, eval 'sub { '.$func.' $_[0] }');

sub _gen_cpop {
   ($_[0], eval 'sub { my $b = ref $_[1] eq __PACKAGE__ ? $_[1] : r2C $_[1];
                 ($_[2] ? $b <=> $_[0] : $_[0] <=> $b) '.$_[0].' 0 }');

sub initialize {
   bless PDL->null, $_[0];

BEGIN { $i = bless pdl 0,1 }
sub i () { $i->copy };

use overload
   (map _gen_biop($_), qw(++Cadd --Csub *+Cmul /-Cdiv **-Cpow atan2-Catan2 <=>-Ccmp)),
   (map _gen_unop($_), qw(sin@Csin cos@Ccos exp@Cexp abs@Cabs log@Clog sqrt@Csqrt abs@Cabs)),
   (map _gen_cpop($_), qw(< <= == != => >)),
   '++' => sub { $_[0] += 1 },
   '--' => sub { $_[0] -= 1 },

# overwrite PDL's overloading to honour subclass methods in + - * /
{ package PDL;
        my $warningFlag;
        # This strange usage of BEGINs is to ensure the
        # warning messages get disabled and enabled in the
        # proper order. Without the BEGIN's the 'use overload'
        #  would be called first.
        BEGIN {$warningFlag = $^W; # Temporarily disable warnings caused by 
               $^W = 0;            # redefining PDL's subs

sub cp(;@) {
	my $foo; 
	if (ref $_[1]
		&& (ref $_[1] ne 'PDL')
		&& defined ($foo = overload::Method($_[1],'+')))
		{ &$foo($_[1], $_[0], !$_[2])}
	else { PDL::plus (@_)}

sub cm(;@) {
	my $foo; 
	if (ref $_[1]
		&& (ref $_[1] ne 'PDL')
		&& defined ($foo = overload::Method($_[1],'*')))
		{ &$foo($_[1], $_[0], !$_[2])}
	else { PDL::mult (@_)}

sub cmi(;@) {
	my $foo; 
	if (ref $_[1]
		&& (ref $_[1] ne 'PDL')
		&& defined ($foo = overload::Method($_[1],'-')))
		{ &$foo($_[1], $_[0], !$_[2])}
	else { PDL::minus (@_)}

sub cd(;@) {
	my $foo; 
	if (ref $_[1]
		&& (ref $_[1] ne 'PDL')
		&& defined ($foo = overload::Method($_[1],'/')))
		{ &$foo($_[1], $_[0], !$_[2])}
	else { PDL::divide (@_)}

  # Used in overriding standard PDL +, -, *, / ops in the complex subclass.
  use overload (
		 '+' => \&cp,
		 '*' => \&cm,
	         '-' => \&cmi,
		 '/' => \&cd,

        BEGIN{ $^W = $warningFlag;} # Put Back Warnings  

=head1 AUTHOR

Copyright (C) 2000 Marc Lehmann <>. 
All rights reserved. There is no warranty. You are allowed
to redistribute this software / documentation as described
in the file COPYING in the PDL distribution.

=head1 SEE ALSO

perl(1), L<PDL>.

