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package AxKit::App::TABOO::Provider::News;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;

# This is the "News" Provider, that is, it constructs objects that 
# eventually gives back XML containing a story, and a threaded bunch 
# of comments. 
# It just implements the AxKit Provider API, and therefore contains 
# no method that anybody should use for anything, so the POD deals with 
# what you should expect from this module. 

our $VERSION = '0.4';

=head1 NAME

AxKit::App::TABOO::Provider::News - News Provider for TABOO


In the Apache config:

  <LocationMatch ^/news/(.+)/(.+)/($|comment)>
        PerlHandler AxKit
        AxContentProvider AxKit::App::TABOO::Provider::News

Please note that this should go B<after> the configuration of the
L<AxKit::App::TABOO::Provider::NewsList> Provider if you are using


This is a Provider, it implements the AxKit Provider API, and
therefore contains no method that anybody should use for anything. For
that reason, this documentation deals with what you should expect to
be returned for different URIs.

The News articles that are managed with this provider are posts that
may have been submitted by users of the site, reviewed by an editor
and posted. It will consist of the editor-approved content, called the
Story, and content provided as responses by site users, called

In accordance with the TABOO philosophy, it interacts with Data
objects, that are Perl objects responsible for retrieving data from a
data storage, make up sensible data structures, return XML markup,


use Data::Dumper;
use XML::LibXML;

use vars qw/@ISA/;
@ISA = ('Apache::AxKit::Provider');

use Apache;
use Apache::AxKit::Exception;
use Apache::AxKit::Provider;

use AxKit;
use AxKit::App::TABOO;
use AxKit::App::TABOO::Data::Story;
use AxKit::App::TABOO::Data::Comment;
use AxKit::App::TABOO::Data::Plurals::Comments;
use AxKit::App::TABOO::Data::Category;

# sub: Init
# Here we do some initialization stuff.
sub init {
  my $self = shift;
  my (%p) = @_;

  my $r = $self->apache_request();
  AxKit::Debug(10, "[News] Request object: " . $r->as_string);
  AxKit::Debug(8, "[News] Provider using URI " . $r->uri);
  $self->{uri} = $r->uri;
  # Remember: No user named "all", "thread" or "comment" 
  $self->{session} = AxKit::App::TABOO::session($r);

  # Parse the URI to find if we thread, have comments, name of post, etc
  ($self->{sectionid}, $self->{storyname}) = $r->uri =~ m|^/news/(.*?)/(.*?)/|i;
  $self->{showthread} = ($r->uri =~ m|/thread$|i) ?1:0;
  $self->{showall} = ($r->uri =~ m|/all$|i) ?1:0;
  $self->{getcomments} = ($r->uri =~ m|/comment/|i) ?1:0;
  if($self->{getcomments}) {
    ($self->{commentpath}) = $r->uri =~ m|/comment(/.*?)$|i;
    if($self->{showthread}) {
      $self->{commentpath} =~ s|/thread$||i;
    if($r->uri =~ m|/comment/thread$|i) {
      $self->{commentpath} = '/';
    if($self->{showall}) {
      $self->{commentpath} =~ s|/all$|/|i;

  # We're just loading the part of the story we are sure to be using. 
  $self->{story} = AxKit::App::TABOO::Data::Story->new();
  $self->{story}->load(what => 'storyname,minicontent,sectionid,editorok,title,timestamp,lasttimestamp', limit => {sectionid => $self->{sectionid}, storyname => $self->{storyname}});

  # Get the timestamps of the story
  $self->{storytimestamp} =  $self->{story}->timestamp();
  if ($self->{getcomments}) {
    $self->{lasttimestamp} =  $self->{story}->lasttimestamp();
    if (($self->{commentpath} ne '/') && ($self->{commentpath} ne '')) {
      $self->{rootcomment} = AxKit::App::TABOO::Data::Comment->new();
      # Might as well load the entire identified comment, since we
      # will at least use some of it.
      $self->{rootcomment}->load(limit => {commentpath => $self->{commentpath},
					   sectionid => $self->{sectionid}, 
					   storyname => $self->{storyname}});
      $self->{commenttimestamp} = $self->{rootcomment}->timestamp();
    } else { 
      $self->{commenttimestamp} = $self->{lasttimestamp};
  AxKit::Debug(9, "[News] Data parsed in init: " . Dumper($self));
  return $self;

# sub: process
sub process {
    my $self = shift;
    if($self->{getcomments} && ($self->{commentpath} ne '/') && ($self->{uri} =~ m|/$|)) {
	# URIs should never end with / if they have a bunch of comments
	throw Apache::AxKit::Exception::Retval(
					       return_code => 404,
					       -text => "URIs should not end with /");

    $self->{exists} = 0;
    if ($self->{storytimestamp}) { # This exists iff the story is OK
      $self->{exists} = 1;
    if($self->{getcomments}) {
      $self->{exists} = ($self->{commenttimestamp}) ?1:0;
    return $self->{exists};

sub key {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{uri} . "/" . AxKit::App::TABOO::loggedin($self->{session});

# sub: exists
# should return 1 only if the resource actually exists.
sub exists {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{exists};

# sub: mtime
# Return the modification time
# It's used to test the validity of cached data.
sub mtime {
  my $self=shift;
  return time();

sub get_fh {
  throw Apache::AxKit::Exception::IO(
	      -text => "No fh for News Provider");

# Here, the correct stuff is retrieved from the data store.
# We are fed URLs on the form 
# /news/section/storyname/comment/username/username/thread
sub get_strref {
  my $self = shift;
  if ($self->{out}) {
    # There's a gotcha here in the AxKit framework: It will run every
    # provider twice, the second time around to deal with styles and
    # transformations. It is a bit a waste, because we don't want to
    # regenerate everything.  The problem is, much of the data is
    # preserved, and some things are altered by the provider, such as
    # creating a tree of replies.  If we run it twice, the tree
    # algorithm will be confused. So, we simply check if we've been
    # run before.
    # This is addressed in AxKit CVS, but is not due to be released any time soon.
    AxKit::Debug(5, "[News] Output allready created in earlier run, reusing");
  } else {
    # This has to go here due to a quirk in AxKit, se bug report in
    my $authlevel = AxKit::App::TABOO::authlevel($self->{session});
      unless ($self->{exists}) {
	throw Apache::AxKit::Exception::Retval(
					       return_code => 404,
					       -text => "Not found by News Provider.");
      $self->{editorok} = $self->{story}->editorok();
      # No point in going any further if the user isn't authorized:
      unless ($self->{editorok}) {
	if ($authlevel < 4) {
	  throw Apache::AxKit::Exception::Retval(
						 return_code => 401,
						 -text => "Authentication and higher priviliges required");

    $self->{commenttree} = AxKit::App::TABOO::Data::Plurals::Comments->new();
    $self->{commentlist} = AxKit::App::TABOO::Data::Plurals::Comments->new();
    my $doc = XML::LibXML::Document->new();
    my $rootel = $doc->createElement('taboo');
    $rootel->setAttribute('type', 'story');
    $rootel->setAttribute('origin', 'News');
    if ($authlevel >= 5) {
      $rootel->setAttribute('can-edit', '1');
    # ===============================================
    # Main logic of what to display goes here
    if($self->{getcomments}) {
      if($self->{showthread}) {
	# We shall show a thread, not the story
	AxKit::Debug(7, "[News] We shall show a thread, not the story");
	$rootel->setAttribute('commentstatus', 'threadonly');
	$self->{story}->write_xml($doc, $rootel);
	if($self->{commentpath} eq '/') {
	  $self->{commenttree}->load(limit => {sectionid => $self->{sectionid},
					       storyname => $self->{storyname}},
				     orderby => 'timestamp DESC');
	  $self->{commenttree}->write_xml($doc, $rootel);
	} else {
	  $self->{commenttree} = $self->{rootcomment}->tree;
	  $self->{commenttree}->write_xml($doc, $rootel);
      } elsif($self->{commentpath} ne '/' && (! $self->{showthread})) {
	# We shall show a single comment
	AxKit::Debug(7, "[News] We shall show a single comment");
	# The comment itself is in rootcomment allready.
	$rootel->setAttribute('commentstatus', 'singlecomment');
	$self->{story}->write_xml($doc, $rootel);
	$self->{rootcomment}->write_xml($doc, $rootel);
	# But we want a list of headers too. 
	$self->{commentlist}->load(what => 'commentpath,sectionid,storyname,title,username,timestamp', 
				   limit => {sectionid => $self->{sectionid},
					     storyname => $self->{storyname}},
				   orderby => 'timestamp DESC');
	my $commentlistel = $doc->createElementNS($self->{commentlist}->xmlns(), 
						  $self->{commentlist}->xmlprefix() .':'. 'commentlist');
	$self->{commentlist}->write_xml($doc, $commentlistel);
      } elsif($self->{showall}) {
	# We shall show the full story and all the expanded comments
	AxKit::Debug(7, "[News] We shall show the full story and all the expanded comments");
	$rootel->setAttribute('commentstatus', 'everything');
	$self->{story}->load(limit => {sectionid => $self->{sectionid}, storyname => $self->{storyname}});
	$self->{story}->write_xml($doc, $rootel);
	$self->{commenttree}->load(limit => {sectionid => $self->{sectionid}, storyname => $self->{storyname}});
	$self->{commenttree}->write_xml($doc, $rootel);

      } else {
	# We shall show the full story, but only headings of comments
	AxKit::Debug(7, "[News] We shall show the full story, but only headings of comments");
	$rootel->setAttribute('commentstatus', 'headings');
	$self->{story}->load(limit => {sectionid => $self->{sectionid}, storyname => $self->{storyname}});
	$self->{story}->write_xml($doc, $rootel);
	$self->{commentlist}->load(what => 'commentpath,sectionid,storyname,title,username,timestamp', 
				   limit => {sectionid => $self->{sectionid},
					     storyname => $self->{storyname}},
				   orderby => 'timestamp DESC');
	my $commentlistel = $doc->createElementNS($self->{commentlist}->xmlns(), 
						  $self->{commentlist}->xmlprefix() .':'. 'commentlist');
	$self->{commentlist}->write_xml($doc, $commentlistel);
      # For breadcrumbs, we would like the names of the names of the
      # users who have posted comments higher in the thread.
      my $thcomusersel = $doc->createElementNS($self->{commentlist}->xmlns(), 
					       $self->{commentlist}->xmlprefix() .':'. 'commentators');
      my $anyusers = 0;
      my @usernames = split('/', $self->{commentpath});
      foreach my $username (@usernames[1..($#usernames-1)]) {
	warn $username;
	my $user = AxKit::App::TABOO::Data::User->new();
	if($user->load(what => 'username,name', 
		       limit => {username => $username})) {
	  $anyusers = 1;
	$user->write_xml($doc, $thcomusersel); 
      if ($anyusers) { 
    } else {
      # We shall only display the story, no comments
      AxKit::Debug(7, "[News] We shall only display the story, no comments");
      $rootel->setAttribute('commentstatus', 'nocomments');
      $self->{story}->load(limit => {sectionid => $self->{sectionid}, storyname => $self->{storyname}});
      $self->{story}->write_xml($doc, $rootel); 
    # We should have the section information too  
    $self->{section} = AxKit::App::TABOO::Data::Category->new();
    $self->{section}->load(limit => {catname => $self->{sectionid}});
    $self->{section}->write_xml($doc, $rootel); 

    # =========================
    # Wrapping up and returning
    $self->{out} = $doc;
    AxKit::Debug(10, Dumper($self->{out}->toString(1)));
  return \$self->{out}->toString(1);

sub get_styles {
  my $self = shift;
  my @styles = (
		{ type => "text/xsl",
		  href => "/transforms/news/xhtml/news-provider.xsl" },
  return \@styles;

=head1 URI USAGE

The URI in the News Provider consists of several parts that is parsed
by the Provider and used directly to construct the objects that
contain the data we wish to send to the user.

The URIs currently begin with C</news>. This should be made
customizable in the future, but currently needs to be hardcoded in the
httpd.conf and is hardcoded in the Provider itself.

The next part of the URI is the section. The section is coded as a
simple word in the URI and use to identify the section for the story,
as detailed in L<AxKit::App::TABOO::Data::Story>.

Then comes the story name, used to identify the story, also as
detailed in L<AxKit::App::TABOO::Data::Story>.

If we take C<features> to be our section and C<coolhack> to be the
name of the story, we can now construct the minimal URI that will make
the News Provider return something (as presently implemented):
C</news/features/coolhack/>. This will return markup containing the
Story only, no comments.

If we want to see the comments, we should append C<comment/>. The URI
C</news/features/coolhack/comment/> (remember the trailing slash) will
give us the whole story but only the headings of comments, that is,
the title and author fullname.

At this point, one can append the key words C<all> or
C<thread>. Neither of this may have a trailing
slash. E.g. C</news/features/coolhack/comment/all> will return
everything that is known for this story, the full story and all the
comments. The example C</news/features/coolhack/comment/thread>, OTOH
will return all the comments, but only the title (and things like
timestamp), of the story itself.  The C<all> keyword can only be used
in this context.

We may now use commentpaths to access specific comments. See
L<AxKit::App::TABOO::Data::Comment> for details on commentpaths. The
short story is that commentpaths is a series of usernames, separated
by slashes, and not just any user name, but the usernames of those who
posted the comments. For example, if user foo posts a comment, that
comment will have commentpath C</foo> and if bar responds to it, that
comment will have commentpath C</foo/bar>. No trailing slash. If you
want bar's latest comment the URI of that comment is
C</news/features/coolhack/comment/foo/bar>. That is, you get the title
of the story, but you also get a nested list of all the comments
containing only title and author name.

Finally, you can append C</thread> behind any commentpath, and you get
the full text comment and every response to that comment, in addition
to the title of the story. To get both foo and bar's comments, nicely
nested, you want C</news/features/coolhack/comment/foo/thread>

So, you get nice, human understandable URIs for everything. That's
actually one of the main design aims of TABOO.

You don't get as fine-grained control of which comments you'd like to
see like on Slashdot, but then, not many sites attracts as many
comments as Slashdot.


It is the Data object's task to return XML marking up the data
contained in the object. For the most part, the element name is the
same as the field name used in the data storage, see the DATA STORAGE
section for L<AxKit::App::TABOO::Data::Story> and
L<AxKit::App::TABOO::Data::Comment>. What elements are used is most
interesting for an XSLT developer, who might want to look at the
output the Provider gives.

There are a few things worth noting:


=item * User information can be found within C<user> or C<submitter>

=item * Every reply, even the first root responses will be found
within C<reply> elements. Furthermore, a reply to a comment will
appear within the C<reply> element of the parent comment.

=item * The nested lists of comment titles will appear exactly like
the full comments, except that the fields with no content are
represented with empty elements, and the whole thing will be enclosed
in a C<commentlist> element.


=head1 TODO

Since every resource comes with a C<lasttimestamp>, it should be
relatively simple to implement C<mtime> better than it is now, but the
question is if all code updates C<lasttimestamp> reliably enough...

The C<get_styles> method is implemented, but just to "make it work
right now". It needs to take many conditions into account, such as the
mime type requested by the user. It is even possible it should be
going into a parent class.

Due to AxKit Bug 8032, Exceptions can't be thrown whereever one likes,
but this is a problem that needs to be corrected in AxKit first.

=head1 BUGS

Well, it is a beta, so there can be bugs...

=head1 SEE ALSO



See L<AxKit::App::TABOO>.

