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use FindBin qw($Bin);
use Plack::Request;

use strict;
use Test::More;# tests => 23;
use Test::RDF;
use Test::Exception;

my $file = $Bin . '/data/basic.ttl';

use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);

Log::Log4perl->easy_init( { level   => $FATAL } ) unless $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};


my $parser     = RDF::Trine::Parser->new( 'turtle' );
my $model = RDF::Trine::Model->temporary_model;
my $base_uri = 'http://localhost';
$parser->parse_file_into_model( $base_uri, $file, $model );

ok($model, "We have a model");

my $ld = RDF::LinkedData->new(model => $model, base_uri=>$base_uri, hypermedia => 0);

isa_ok($ld, 'RDF::LinkedData');
is($ld->count, 3, "There are 3 triples in model");
is_deeply($ld->model, $model, "The model is still the model");

is($ld->base_uri, $base_uri, "The base is still the base");

my $node = $ld->my_node(URI->new($base_uri . '/foo'));

isa_ok($node, 'RDF::Trine::Node::Resource');

is($node->uri_value, 'http://localhost/foo', "URI is still there");

my $preds = RDF::Helper::Properties->new(model => $model);

is($preds->title($node), 'This is a test', "Correct title");

    my $req = Plack::Request->new({ HTTP_ACCEPT  => 'application/rdf+xml' });
    my $ldh = $ld;
	 $ldh->namespaces(URI::NamespaceMap->new({ skos => '', dct => '' } ));
    my $content = $ldh->_content($node, 'data');
	 like($content->{body}, qr|xmlns:skos=""|, 'SKOS NS URI');
    is($content->{content_type}, 'application/rdf+xml', "RDF/XML content type");

    my $req = Plack::Request->new({ HTTP_ACCEPT	=> 'application/turtle'});
    my $ldh = $ld;
    my $content = $ldh->_content($node, 'data');
    is($content->{content_type}, 'application/turtle', "Turtle content type");
    is_valid_rdf($content->{body}, 'turtle', '/foo return RDF validates');
    is_rdf($content->{body}, 'turtle',
	   "\@base <http://localhost/> .\n\@prefix rdfs: <\#> .\n\n </foo> rdfs:label \"This is a test\"\@en ; \n<> <> .",
			  '/foo return RDF is OK');
	 like($content->{body}, qr/\@base <$base_uri> ./, 'Base URI is present in serialization');

my $barnode = $ld->my_node(URI->new($base_uri . '/bar/baz/bing'));
isa_ok($node, 'RDF::Trine::Node::Resource');

is($barnode->uri_value, 'http://localhost/bar/baz/bing', "'Bar' URI is still there");

    my $req = Plack::Request->new({ HTTP_ACCEPT	=> 'text/html'});
    my $ldh = $ld;
	 my $content = $ldh->_content($barnode, 'data');
	 is($content->{content_type}, 'text/html', "HTML is proper data type");
		 my $mcontent = $ldh->_content($barnode, 'page');
		 is($mcontent->{content_type}, 'text/html', "Page gives HTML");

is($preds->page($node), '', "/foo has a foaf:page at Wikipedia");

is($preds->page($barnode), 'http://localhost/bar/baz/bing/page', "/bar/baz/bing has default page");
