The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
package My::Builder::Cygwin;

use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'My::Builder';

use File::Spec::Functions qw(catdir catfile rel2abs);
use File::Spec;
use File::Glob qw(glob);
use File::Copy;
use Config;

sub build_binaries {
  my ($self, $build_out, $srcdir) = @_;
  my $success = 1;
  my @imtargets;
  my @cdtargets;
  my @iuptargets;

  #possible targets:  im im_process im_jp2 im_fftw im_capture im_avi im_wmv
  #possible targets:  cd_zlib cd_freetype cd_ftgl cd cd_pdflib cdpdf cdgl cdcontextplus cdcairo
  #possible targets:  iup iupcd iupcontrols iup_pplot iupgl iupim iupimglib iupole iupweb iuptuio

  if ($self->notes('is_devel_cvs_version')) {
    ### DEVEL BUILD ###
    #XXX cd_zlib cd_freetype cd_ftgl iup_pplot
    @imtargets  = qw[im im_process im_jp2 im_fftw]; #xxx im_capture removed
    @cdtargets  = qw[cd cd_pdflib cdpdf cdgl]; #xxx add cdcontextplus
    @iuptargets = qw[iup iupcd iupcontrols iupmatrixex iup_mglplot iup_plot iupgl iupglcontrols iup_scintilla iupim iupimglib iupole iupweb iuptuio];
  else {
    #XXX cd_zlib cd_freetype cd_ftgl iup_pplot
    @imtargets  = qw[im];
    @cdtargets  = qw[cd];
    @iuptargets = qw[iup iupcd iupcontrols iupmatrixex iup_mglplot iup_plot iupgl iupglcontrols iup_scintilla iupim iupimglib iupole];
  #iup_mglplot will not compile with too old cygwin (approx. detection via gcc version)
  if ($Config{gccversion} =~ /^3\./) {
    warn "###WARN### disabling iup_mglplot, iup_scintilla (fails to compile with gcc3)\n";
    @iuptargets = grep { $_ !~ /^(iup_mglplot|iup_scintilla)$/ } @iuptargets;

  #make options
  my @makeopts   = qw[USE_NODEPEND=Yes];

  #extra options for iup/imglib
  push(@makeopts, 'USE_IUP_IMGLIB_LARGE=1') if $self->notes('build_large_imglib');

  #store debug info into ConfigData
  $self->config_data('info_imtargets', \@imtargets);
  $self->config_data('info_cdtargets', \@cdtargets);
  $self->config_data('info_iuptargets', \@iuptargets);
  $self->config_data('info_gui_driver', 'Win32/native');

  #do the job
  $success = $self->build_via_tecmake($build_out, $srcdir, \@makeopts, \@iuptargets, \@cdtargets, \@imtargets);
  warn "###MAKE FAILED###" unless $success;

  #make a list of libs necessary to link with IUP and related libraries
  my %seen;
  my @gl_l = glob("$build_out/lib/*");
  my @gl_i = glob("$build_out/include/*");
  print STDERR "Output counts: lib=" . scalar(@gl_l) . " include=" . scalar(@gl_i) . "\n";
  if ((scalar(@gl_l) < 3) || (scalar(@gl_i) < 3)) {
    warn "###WARN### $build_out/lib/ or $build_out/include/ not complete";
    $success = 0;
  foreach (@gl_l) {
    print STDERR "Created lib: $_\n" if $self->notes('build_debug_info');
    if ($_ =~ /lib([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\.]*?)\.(a|dll\.a)$/) {
      $seen{$1} = 1;
    elsif ($_ !~ /\.dll$/) { # *.dll on cygwin is OK
      warn "###WARN### Unexpected filename '$_'";
      $success = 0;

  my @iuplibs = $self->sort_libs(keys %seen);
  $self->config_data('iup_libs', {map {$_=>1} @iuplibs} );
  $self->config_data('linker_libs', [ @iuplibs, qw/gdi32 comdlg32 comctl32 winspool uuid ole32 oleaut32 opengl32 glu32 imm32/ ] );
  my $syszlib_lflags     = $self->config_data('syszlib_lflags'    ) || '';
  my $sysfreetype_lflags = $self->config_data('sysfreetype_lflags') || '';
  $self->config_data('extra_cflags', '');
  $self->config_data('extra_lflags', "$syszlib_lflags $sysfreetype_lflags -L/usr/lib/w32api");
  print STDERR "Build finished!\n";
  return $success;

sub build_via_tecmake {
  my ($self, $build_out, $srcdir, $mopts, $iuptgs, $cdtgs, $imtgs) = @_;
  my $prefixdir = rel2abs($build_out);

  my $success = 1;

  #create output directory structure
  mkdir "$prefixdir" unless -d "$prefixdir";
  mkdir "$prefixdir/lib" unless -d "$prefixdir/lib";
  mkdir "$prefixdir/include" unless -d "$prefixdir/include";

  my %done;
  my $tecuname = 'gcc4';
  #my $tecuname = 'dllg4';
  my @basecmd = ("make", "TEC_UNAME=$tecuname");
  my @opts = @$mopts;

  my $cpp11 = $Config{gccversion} !~ /^3\./ ? '-std=gnu++11' : '';
  my $fcf   = $self->config_data('sysfreetype_cflags') || '';
  push @opts, "FLAGS=$fcf" if $fcf;
  push @opts, "CPPFLAGS=$fcf $cpp11" if $fcf || $cpp11;

  if(-d "$srcdir/zlib/src") {
    print STDERR "Gonna build 'zlib'\n";
    chdir "$srcdir/zlib/src";
    copy('../../iup/tecmakewin.mak', '../tecmakewin.mak') unless -f '../tecmakewin.mak'; #WORKAROUND
    $done{"zlib"} = $self->run_custom(@basecmd, @opts, 'zlib');
    $success = 0 unless $done{"zlib"};
    copy($_, "$prefixdir/include/") foreach (glob("../include/*.h"));
    copy($_, "$prefixdir/lib/") foreach (glob("../lib/$tecuname/*"));
    chdir $self->base_dir();

  if(-d "$srcdir/freetype/src") {
    print STDERR "Gonna build 'freetype'\n";
    chdir "$srcdir/freetype/src";
    copy('../../iup/tecmakewin.mak', '../tecmakewin.mak') unless -f '../tecmakewin.mak'; #WORKAROUND
    $done{"freetype"} = $self->run_custom(@basecmd, @opts, 'freetype');
    $success = 0 unless $done{"freetype"};
    copy($_, "$prefixdir/include/") foreach (glob("../include/*.h"));
    copy($_, "$prefixdir/lib/") foreach (glob("../lib/$tecuname/*"));
    chdir $self->base_dir();

  if(-d "$srcdir/ftgl/src") {
    print STDERR "Gonna build 'ftgl'\n";
    chdir "$srcdir/ftgl/src";
    copy('../../iup/tecmakewin.mak', '../tecmakewin.mak') unless -f '../tecmakewin.mak'; #WORKAROUND
    $done{"ftgl"} = $self->run_custom(@basecmd, @opts, 'ftgl');
    $success = 0 unless $done{"ftgl"};
    copy($_, "$prefixdir/include/") foreach (glob("../include/*.h"));
    copy($_, "$prefixdir/lib/") foreach (glob("../lib/$tecuname/*"));
    chdir $self->base_dir();

  if(-d "$srcdir/im/src") {
    print STDERR "Gonna build 'im'\n";
    chdir "$srcdir/im/src";
    foreach my $t (@$imtgs) {
      $done{"im:$t"} = $self->run_custom(@basecmd, @opts, $t);
      $success = 0 unless $done{"im:$t"};
    copy($_, "$prefixdir/include/") foreach (glob("../include/*.h"));
    copy($_, "$prefixdir/lib/") foreach (glob("../lib/$tecuname/*"));
    chdir $self->base_dir();

  if (-d "$srcdir/cd/src") {
    print STDERR "Gonna build 'cd'\n";
    chdir "$srcdir/cd/src";
    foreach my $t (@$cdtgs) {
      $done{"cd:$t"} = $self->run_custom(@basecmd, @opts, $t);
      $success = 0 unless $done{"cd:$t"};
    copy($_, "$prefixdir/include/") foreach (glob("../include/*.h"));
    copy($_, "$prefixdir/lib/") foreach (glob("../lib/$tecuname/*"));
    chdir $self->base_dir();

  if (-d "$srcdir/iup") {
    print STDERR "Gonna build 'iup'\n";
    chdir "$srcdir/iup";
    foreach my $t (@$iuptgs) {
      $done{"iup:$t"} = $self->run_custom(@basecmd, @opts, $t);
      $success = 0 unless $done{"iup:$t"};
    copy($_, "$prefixdir/include/") foreach (glob("./include/*.h"));
    copy($_, "$prefixdir/lib/") foreach (glob("./lib/$tecuname/*"));
    chdir $self->base_dir();

  # save it for future use in ConfigData
  $self->config_data('build_prefix', $prefixdir);
  $self->config_data('info_makeopts', \@opts);
  $self->config_data('info_done', \%done);

  return $success;

sub get_make {
  # on cygwin always 'make'
  return 'make';

sub quote_literal {
    my ($self, $txt) = @_;
    $txt =~ s|'|'\\''|g;
    return "'$txt'";

sub detect_sys_libs {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->pkg_config('/usr/bin/pkg-config', '/dev/null');
