package My::Builder::Unix;

use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'My::Builder';

use File::Spec::Functions qw(catdir catfile rel2abs);
use File::Spec;
use File::Glob qw(glob);
use File::Copy;
use Config;

sub build_binaries {
  my ($self, $build_out, $srcdir) = @_;
  my $success = 1;
  my ($extra_cflags, $extra_lflags) = ('-I/usr/local/include', '-L/usr/local/lib');

  #try to detect some inc/lib directories
  my $d;
  $d = $self->run_stdout2str(qw[pkg-config --variable=libdir x11]);
  my $dir_x11_lib = ($d && -d $d && $d ne '/usr/lib') ? $d : '';
  $d = $self->run_stdout2str(qw[pkg-config --variable=includedir x11]);
  my $dir_x11_inc = ($d && -d $d && $d ne '/usr/include') ? $d : '';
  $d = $self->run_stdout2str(qw[pkg-config --variable=libdir gl]);
  my $dir_opengl_lib = ($d && -d $d && $d ne '/usr/lib') ? $d : '';
  $d = $self->run_stdout2str(qw[pkg-config --variable=includedir gl]);
  my $dir_opengl_inc = ($d && -d $d && $d ne '/usr/include') ? $d : '';

  my $dir_mot_inc = ''; # Xm/Xm.h (do not know where to get a sane default)
  $dir_mot_inc  ||= '/usr/local/include'         if (-f '/usr/local/include/Xm/Xm.h');

  my $dir_mot_lib = ''; # -lXm (do not know where to get a sane default)
  $dir_mot_lib  ||= '/usr/local/lib'             if (-f '/usr/local/lib/libXm.a');
  $dir_mot_lib  ||= '/usr/local/lib'             if (-f '/usr/local/lib/');
  $dir_mot_lib  ||= '/usr/local/lib'             if (-f '/usr/local/lib/');

  #platform specific hacks
  if ($^O eq 'solaris') {
    $dir_mot_inc    ||= '/usr/dt/include'            if (-f '/usr/dt/include/Xm/Xm.h');
    $dir_mot_lib    ||= '/usr/dt/lib'                if (-f '/usr/dt/lib/');
    $dir_opengl_inc ||= '/usr/X11/include'           if (-f '/usr/X11/include/GL/gl.h');
    $dir_opengl_lib ||= '/usr/X11/lib/GL'            if (-f '/usr/X11/lib/GL/');
    $dir_x11_inc    ||= '/usr/openwin/include'       if (-f '/usr/openwin/include/X11/Xlib.h');
    $dir_x11_lib    ||= '/usr/openwin/lib'           if (-f '/usr/openwin/lib/');
    $dir_x11_inc    ||= '/usr/openwin/share/include' if (-f '/usr/openwin/share/include/X11/Xlib.h');
    $dir_x11_lib    ||= '/usr/openwin/share/lib'     if (-f '/usr/openwin/share/lib/');

  if ($^O eq 'darwin') {
    $extra_cflags .= ' -I/opt/local/include';
    $extra_lflags .= ' -L/opt/local/lib';

  #generic /usr/X11R6/...
  $dir_x11_inc    ||= '/usr/X11R6/include' if (-f '/usr/X11R6/include/X11/Xlib.h');
  $dir_x11_lib    ||= '/usr/X11R6/lib'     if (-f '/usr/X11R6/lib/');
  $dir_opengl_inc ||= '/usr/X11R6/include' if (-f '/usr/X11R6/include/GL/gl.h');
  $dir_opengl_lib ||= '/usr/X11R6/lib'     if (-f '/usr/X11R6/lib/');
  #generic /usr/X11R7/...
  $dir_x11_inc    ||= '/usr/X11R7/include' if (-f '/usr/X11R7/include/X11/Xlib.h');
  $dir_x11_lib    ||= '/usr/X11R7/lib'     if (-f '/usr/X11R7/lib/');
  $dir_opengl_inc ||= '/usr/X11R7/include' if (-f '/usr/X11R7/include/GL/gl.h');
  $dir_opengl_lib ||= '/usr/X11R7/lib'     if (-f '/usr/X11R7/lib/');

  $extra_cflags .= " -I$dir_x11_inc"    if $dir_x11_inc;
  $extra_lflags .= " -L$dir_x11_lib"    if $dir_x11_lib;
  $extra_cflags .= " -I$dir_opengl_inc" if $dir_opengl_inc;
  $extra_lflags .= " -I$dir_opengl_lib" if $dir_opengl_lib;

  print STDERR "Checking available libraries/headers...\n";
  if ($self->notes('build_debug_info')) {
    print STDERR "extra_cflags=$extra_cflags\n";
    print STDERR "extra_lflags=$extra_lflags\n";

  my %list = (
    gtk        => 'gtk+-2.0',
    gtk3       => 'gtk+-3.0',
    gtkx11     => 'gtk+-x11-2.0',
    gdk        => 'gdk-2.0',
    gdk3       => 'gdk-3.0',
    gdkx11     => 'gdk-x11-2.0',
    gtkprint   => 'gtk+-unix-print-2.0',
    webkit     => 'webkit-1.0',
    cairo      => 'cairo',
    pango      => 'pango',
    pangox     => 'pangox',
    pangocairo => 'pangocairo',
    freetype2  => 'freetype2',
    x11        => 'x11',
    xext       => 'xext',
    xp         => 'xp',
    xm         => 'xm',
    xmu        => 'xmu',

  my %has;
  my %has_details;
  for (sort keys %list) {
    my $v = $self->run_stdout2str(qw[pkg-config --modversion], $list{$_}) || '';
    my $p = $self->run_stdout2str(qw[pkg-config --variable=prefix], $list{$_}) || '';
    $has{$_} = $v ? 1 : 0;
    $has_details{$_} = { version=>$v, prefix=>$p };    
    printf STDERR ("mod:% 20s version:% 9s prefix:%s\n", $list{$_}, $v, $p) if $self->notes('build_debug_info');

  #detect pkg-config
  my $pkgcfg = $self->run_stdout2str(qw[pkg-config --version]);
  $has{'pkg-config'} = $pkgcfg ? 1 : 0;
  $has_details{'pkg-config'} = { version=>$pkgcfg, prefix=>$self->run_stdout2str(qw[which pkg-config]) };
  $has{l_gtk}   = $has{gtk}    && $self->check_lib( [] , `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0 2>/dev/null`,     `pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0 2>/dev/null`);
  $has{l_gtk3}  = $has{gtk3}   && $self->check_lib( [] , `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0 2>/dev/null`,     `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0 2>/dev/null`);
  $has{l_gtkx11}= $has{gtkx11} && $self->check_lib( [] , `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-x11-2.0 2>/dev/null`, `pkg-config --libs gtk+-x11-2.0 2>/dev/null`);
  $has{l_gdk}   = $has{gdk}    && $self->check_lib( [] , `pkg-config --cflags gdk-2.0 2>/dev/null`,      `pkg-config --libs gdk-2.0 2>/dev/null`);
  $has{l_gdk3}  = $has{gdk3}   && $self->check_lib( [] , `pkg-config --cflags gdk-3.0 2>/dev/null`,      `pkg-config --libs gdk-3.0 2>/dev/null`);
  $has{l_gdkx11}= $has{gdkx11} && $self->check_lib( [] , `pkg-config --cflags gdk-x11-2.0 2>/dev/null`,  `pkg-config --libs gdk-x11-2.0 2>/dev/null`);
  $has{l_cairo} = $has{cairo}  && $self->check_lib( [] , `pkg-config --cflags cairo 2>/dev/null`,        `pkg-config --libs cairo 2>/dev/null`);
  $has{l_pango} = $has{pango}  && $self->check_lib( [] , `pkg-config --cflags pango 2>/dev/null`,        `pkg-config --libs pango 2>/dev/null`);
  #$has{l_pangox}= $has{pangox} && $self->check_lib( [] , `pkg-config --cflags pangox 2>/dev/null`,       `pkg-config --libs pangox 2>/dev/null`);

  $has{l_Xp}    = $self->check_lib( 'Xp',   $extra_cflags, $extra_lflags );
  $has{l_Xt}    = $self->check_lib( 'Xt',   $extra_cflags, $extra_lflags );
  $has{l_Xm}    = $self->check_lib( 'Xm',   $extra_cflags, $extra_lflags . ' -lX11 -lXt' );
  $has{l_Xmu}   = $self->check_lib( 'Xmu',  $extra_cflags, $extra_lflags );
  $has{l_Xext}  = $self->check_lib( 'Xext', $extra_cflags, $extra_lflags );
  $has{l_X11}   = $self->check_lib( 'X11',  $extra_cflags, $extra_lflags );
  $has{l_GL}    = $self->check_lib( 'GL',   $extra_cflags, $extra_lflags );
  $has{l_GLU}   = $self->check_lib( 'GLU',  $extra_cflags, $extra_lflags . ' -lGL -lm' );
  $has{l_glut}  = $self->check_lib( 'glut', $extra_cflags, $extra_lflags );
  $has{'l_stdc++'} = $self->check_lib( 'stdc++', $extra_cflags, $extra_lflags );

  $has{Xm}      = $self->check_header('Xm/Xm.h',   $extra_cflags);
  $has{Xlib}    = $self->check_header('X11/Xlib.h',$extra_cflags); #iupgl cdx11
  $has{glx}     = $self->check_header('GL/glx.h',  $extra_cflags); #iupgl
  $has{glu}     = $self->check_header('GL/glu.h',  $extra_cflags);
  $has{gl}      = $self->check_header('GL/gl.h',   $extra_cflags);

  #kind of a special hack
  $has{freetype} = $self->check_header('ft2build.h', `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0 gdk-2.0 2>/dev/null`) ||
                   $self->check_header('ft2build.h', `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0 gdk-3.0 2>/dev/null`);

  my @x11_libs; # just base X11 libs
  push(@x11_libs, 'X11')  if $has{l_X11};
  push(@x11_libs, 'Xext') if $has{l_Xext};

  my @opengl_libs;
  push(@opengl_libs, 'GL')  if $has{l_GL};
  push(@opengl_libs, 'GLU') if $has{l_GLU};

  my @imtargets;
  my @cdtargets;
  my @iuptargets;
  #possible targets:  im im_process im_jp2 im_fftw im_capture im_avi im_wmv
  #possible targets:  cd_zlib cd_freetype cd_ftgl cd cd_pdflib cdpdf cdgl cdcontextplus cdcairo
  #possible targets:  iup iupcd iupcontrols iup_pplot iup_mglplot iupgl iupim iupimglib iupweb iuptuio iup_plot
  if ($self->notes('is_devel_cvs_version')) {
    ### DEVEL BUILD ###
    @imtargets  = qw[im im_process im_jp2 im_fftw im_capture];
    @cdtargets  = qw[cd cd_pdflib cdpdf cdgl]; #xxx add cdcontextplus
    @iuptargets = qw[iup iupcd iupcontrols iupmatrixex iup_plot iup_mglplot iupgl iupglcontrols iup_scintilla iupim iupimglib iupweb iuptuio iup_plot];
  else {
    @imtargets  = qw[im];
    @cdtargets  = qw[cd];
    @iuptargets = qw[iup iupcd iupcontrols iupmatrixex iup_plot iup_mglplot iupgl iupglcontrols iup_scintilla iupim iupimglib iup_plot];
    #if ($^O eq 'openbsd') {
    #  warn "###WARN### skipping im_process on OpenBSD";
    #  @imtargets = grep { $_ !~ /^im_process$/ } @imtargets;
    #if ($^O eq 'solaris') {
    #  warn "###WARN### skipping iuptuio on Solaris";
    #  @iuptargets = grep { $_ !~ /^iuptuio$/ } @iuptargets;

    if ($^O eq 'solaris') {
      warn "###WARN### skipping iup_mglplot on Solaris (fails to compile)";
      @iuptargets = grep { $_ !~ /^iup_mglplot$/ } @iuptargets;

  unless ($has{l_GL} && $has{l_GLU} && $has{gl} && $has{glx} && $has{glu}) {
    warn "###WARN### OpenGL libraries not found or not complete\n";
    warn "- required headers: GL/gl.h GL/glx.h GL/glu.h\n";
    warn "- required libraries: libGL libGLU\n";
    my $skip = $ENV{TRAVIS} ? 'y' : $self->prompt("Skip OpenGL related IUP/CD components?", 'y');
    if (lc($skip) eq 'y') {
      @cdtargets  = grep { $_ !~ /^(cd_ftgl|cdgl)$/ } @cdtargets;
      @iuptargets = grep { $_ !~ /^(iup_mglplot|iup_plot|iupglcontrols|iupgl)$/ } @iuptargets;
  @iuptargets = grep { $_ !~ /^(iupweb)$/ } @iuptargets unless $has{webkit};

  #store debug info into ConfigData
  $self->config_data('info_has', \%has);
  $self->config_data('info_lib_details', \%has_details);
  $self->config_data('info_imtargets', \@imtargets);
  $self->config_data('info_cdtargets', \@cdtargets);
  $self->config_data('info_iuptargets', \@iuptargets);

  my @makeopts  = qw[NO_DYNAMIC=Yes USE_NODEPEND=Yes];
  #my @makeopts  = qw[NO_STATIC=Yes USE_NODEPEND=Yes];
  #On solaris, some tools like 'ar' are not in the default PATH, but in /usr/???/bin    
  if ($^O eq 'solaris') {
    my ($ar, $ranlib);
    for (qw[/usr/ccs/bin /usr/xpg4/bin /usr/sfw/bin /usr/xpg6/bin /usr/gnu/bin /opt/gnu/bin /usr/bin]) {
      $ar = "$_/ar" if (!$ar && -x "$_/ar");
      $ranlib = "$_/ranlib" if (!$ranlib && -x "$_/ranlib");
    push @makeopts, "AR=$ar" if $ar;
    push @makeopts, "RANLIB=$ranlib" if $ranlib;

  #choose GUI subsystem, priorities if multiple subsystems detected: 1. GTK, 2. X11/Motif
  my @libs;
  my @build_opts;
  my $build_target;

  push(@build_opts, 'GTK3') if ($has{gtk3} && $has{gdk3} && $has{cairo} && $has{Xlib});
  push(@build_opts, 'GTK2') if ($has{gtk} && $has{gdk} && $has{cairo} && $has{Xlib});
  push(@build_opts, 'X11/Motif') if ($has{Xlib} && $has{Xm});

  if (scalar(@build_opts) == 1) {
    $build_target = $build_opts[0];
  elsif (scalar(@build_opts) > 1) {
    my $n = 1;
    my $msg = "\nYou have the following build options available:\n" .
              join("\n", map ($n++ . ") $_", @build_opts)) .
	      "\nWhat do you wanna build?";
    my $i = $ENV{TRAVIS} ? 1 : $self->prompt($msg, 1);
    $build_target = $build_opts[$i-1];
    die "###ERROR### Wrong selection!" unless $build_target;
  else {
    warn "###WARNING### No supported GUI subsystem detected!\n";

  if ($self->notes('build_debug_info') || ( !$build_target && $ENV{AUTOMATED_TESTING} ) ) {
    foreach (sort keys %has) {
      my $msg = "has: $has{$_} - $_";
      $msg .= "; version=" . $has_details{$_}->{version} if $has_details{$_}->{version};
      $msg .= "; prefix="  . $has_details{$_}->{prefix}  if $has_details{$_}->{prefix};
      print STDERR $msg, "\n";

    print STDERR "Dumping some pkg-info:\n";
    print STDERR "[gtk2 cflags] " . $self->run_stdout2str(qw[pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0]) . "\n";
    print STDERR "[gtk2 libs  ] " . $self->run_stdout2str(qw[pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0]) . "\n";
    print STDERR "[gtk3 cflags] " . $self->run_stdout2str(qw[pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0]) . "\n";
    print STDERR "[gtk3 libs  ] " . $self->run_stdout2str(qw[pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0]) . "\n";
    for my $pkg (qw[gtk+-2.0 gtk+-3.0 gl glu glut x11 xt xext xmu]) {
      print STDERR "[prefix     $pkg] " . $self->run_stdout2str(qw[pkg-config --variable=prefix], $pkg) . "\n";
      print STDERR "[libdir     $pkg] " . $self->run_stdout2str(qw[pkg-config --variable=libdir], $pkg) . "\n";
      print STDERR "[includedir $pkg] " . $self->run_stdout2str(qw[pkg-config --variable=includedir], $pkg) . "\n";

    print STDERR "Brute force lookup:\n";
    my $re = qr/\/(Xlib.h|Xm.h|gtk.h|cairo.h|glu.h|glut.h|gl.h|freetype.h|gtkprintunixdialog.h|jasper.h|jas_image.h|lib(X11|GL|Xm|freetype)\.[^\d]*)$/;
    print STDERR "[/usr    ] $_\n" foreach ($self->find_file('/usr', $re));
    print STDERR "[/lib    ] $_\n" foreach ($self->find_file('/usr', $re));
    print STDERR "[/opt    ] $_\n" foreach ($self->find_file('/opt', $re));
    print STDERR "[/sw     ] $_\n" foreach ($self->find_file('/sw', $re));
    print STDERR "[/System ] $_\n" foreach ($self->find_file('/System', $re));
    print STDERR "[/Library] $_\n" foreach ($self->find_file('/Library', $re));
    print STDERR "[/Network] $_\n" foreach ($self->find_file('/Network', $re));
  unless ($build_target) {
    warn <<'MARKER';
###FATAL### No supported GUI subsystem (GTK3, GTK2, X11/Motif) detected! (gonna exit)
### for GTK3 you need: gtk+-3.0, gdk-3.0, cairo + X11/Xlib.h
### for GTK2 you need: gtk+-2.0, gdk-2.0, cairo + X11/Xlib.h
### for X11/Motif you need: -lXm, -lX11 + Xm/Xm.h, X11/Xlib.h
### on Debian/Ubuntu you need to install: 
###  $ aptitude install libgtk-2-dev libcairo2-dev libx11-dev libglu-dev freeglut3-dev
###  $ aptitude install libgtk-3-dev libcairo2-dev libx11-dev libglu-dev freeglut3-dev
###  or
###  $ sudo apt-get install libgtk-2-dev libcairo2-dev libx11-dev libglu-dev freeglut3-dev
###  $ sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev libcairo2-dev libx11-dev libglu-dev freeglut3-dev
### on RedHat/CentOS/Fedora you need to install: 
###  $ yum install gtk2-devel cairo-devel libX11-devel libGLU-devel freeglut-devel
### on FreeBSD you need to install:
###  $ pkg install gtk2 cairo freeglut
  $self->config_data('info_gui_driver', $build_target);

  print STDERR "Build target=", ($build_target || ''), "\n";
  if ($build_target eq 'GTK2' || $build_target eq 'GTK3') {
    push(@makeopts, 'USE_GTK=Yes');
    push(@makeopts, 'USE_GTK3=Yes') if ($build_target eq 'GTK3');
    push(@makeopts, 'USE_GTK2=Yes') if ($build_target eq 'GTK2');
    push(@makeopts, 'USE_GDK=Yes');
    push(@makeopts, 'USE_PKGCONFIG=Yes');
    #xxx maybe remove in the future (temporary fix)
    my $gtk_base = ($build_target eq 'GTK2') ?
                   $self->run_stdout2str(qw[pkg-config --variable=prefix gtk+-2.0]) :
                   $self->run_stdout2str(qw[pkg-config --variable=prefix gtk+-3.0]);
    push(@makeopts, "GTK_BASE=$gtk_base") if $gtk_base;
    push(@makeopts, "GTK=$gtk_base") if $gtk_base;

    #detected libs
    push(@makeopts, "X11_LIBS=" . join(' ', @x11_libs));
    push(@makeopts, "X11_LIB=$dir_x11_lib") if $dir_x11_lib;
    push(@makeopts, "X11_INC=$dir_x11_inc") if $dir_x11_inc;
    push(@makeopts, "OPENGL_LIBS=" . join(' ', @opengl_libs));
    push(@makeopts, "OPENGL_LIB=$dir_opengl_lib") if $dir_opengl_lib;
    push(@makeopts, "OPENGL_INC=$dir_opengl_inc") if $dir_opengl_inc;

    push(@libs, @opengl_libs);
    #Note: $extra_?flags will be stored into ConfigData - they are not used for building
    my @mods = ($build_target eq 'GTK2') ?
               qw[gtk+-2.0 gdk-2.0 pango cairo] :
               qw[gtk+-3.0 gdk-3.0 pango cairo];
    $extra_cflags = $self->run_stdout2str(qw[pkg-config --cflags], @mods) . " $extra_cflags";
    $extra_lflags = $self->run_stdout2str(qw[pkg-config --libs], @mods) . " $extra_lflags";
  elsif ($build_target eq 'X11/Motif') {
    push(@makeopts, 'USE_X11=Yes');
    push(@makeopts, 'USE_MOTIF=Yes');
    #additional X11 related libs
    push(@x11_libs, 'Xp')   if $has{l_Xp};
    push(@x11_libs, 'Xt')   if $has{l_Xt};
    push(@x11_libs, 'Xm')   if $has{l_Xm};
    push(@x11_libs, 'Xmu')  if $has{l_Xmu};
    #detected libs
    push(@makeopts, "X11_LIBS=" . join(' ', @x11_libs));
    push(@makeopts, "X11_LIB=$dir_x11_lib") if $dir_x11_lib;
    push(@makeopts, "X11_INC=$dir_x11_inc") if $dir_x11_inc;
    push(@makeopts, "OPENGL_LIBS=" . join(' ', @opengl_libs));
    push(@makeopts, "OPENGL_LIB=$dir_opengl_lib") if $dir_opengl_lib;
    push(@makeopts, "OPENGL_INC=$dir_opengl_inc") if $dir_opengl_inc;
    push(@makeopts, "MOTIF_INC=$dir_mot_inc") if $dir_mot_inc;
    push(@makeopts, "MOTIF_LIB=$dir_mot_lib") if $dir_mot_lib;
    push(@libs, @x11_libs, @opengl_libs);
    #Note: $extra_?flags set at the beginning of this sub
  else {
    die "###ERROR### Wrong build target '$build_target!";
  #extra options for iup/imglib
  push(@makeopts, 'USE_IUP_IMGLIB_LARGE=1') if $self->notes('build_large_imglib');
  if ($Config{cc} eq 'cc') {
    # fix for:
    push(@makeopts, 'CC=cc', 'CPPC=c++');

  #do the job
  $success = $self->build_via_tecmake($build_out, $srcdir, \@makeopts, \@iuptargets, \@cdtargets, \@imtargets);
  warn "###MAKE FAILED###" unless $success;

  #make a list of libs necessary to link with IUP and related libraries
  my %seen;
  my @gl_l = glob("$build_out/lib/*");
  my @gl_i = glob("$build_out/include/*");
  print STDERR "Output counts: lib=" . scalar(@gl_l) . " include=" . scalar(@gl_i) . "\n";
  if ((scalar(@gl_l) < 3) || (scalar(@gl_i) < 3)) {
    warn "###WARN### $build_out/lib/ or $build_out/include/ not complete";
    $success = 0;
  foreach (@gl_l) {
    print STDERR "Created lib: $_\n" if $self->notes('build_debug_info');
    if ($_ =~ /lib([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\.]*?)\.(so|dylib|bundle|a|dll\.a)$/) {
      $seen{$1} = 1;
    elsif ($_ !~ /\.dll$/) { # *.dll on cygwin is OK
      warn "###WARN### Unexpected filename '$_'";
      $success = 0;

  push(@libs, 'stdc++') if $has{'l_stdc++'}; # -lstdc++ needed by Linux (at least)
  my @iuplibs = $self->sort_libs(keys %seen);
  $self->config_data('iup_libs', {map {$_=>1} @iuplibs} );
  $self->config_data('linker_libs', [@iuplibs, @libs] );
  $self->config_data('extra_cflags', $extra_cflags);
  $self->config_data('extra_lflags', $extra_lflags);

  print STDERR "Build finished!\n";
  return $success;

sub build_via_tecmake {
  my ($self, $build_out, $srcdir, $mopts, $iuptgs, $cdtgs, $imtgs) = @_;
  $srcdir ||= 'src';
  my $prefixdir = rel2abs($build_out);

  my $make = $self->notes('gnu_make') || $self->get_make;
  die "###ERROR## make command not defined" unless $make;

  my $success = 1;

  #create output directory structure
  mkdir "$prefixdir" unless -d "$prefixdir";
  mkdir "$prefixdir/lib" unless -d "$prefixdir/lib";
  mkdir "$prefixdir/include" unless -d "$prefixdir/include";

  my %done;

  if(-d "$srcdir/im/src") {
    print STDERR "Gonna build 'im'\n";
    chdir "$srcdir/im/src";
    foreach my $t (@{$imtgs}) {
      $done{"im:$t"} = $self->run_custom($make, $t, @{$mopts});
      $success = 0 unless $done{"im:$t"};
    copy($_, "$prefixdir/include/") foreach (glob("../include/*.h"));
    copy($_, "$prefixdir/lib/") foreach (glob("../lib/*/*"));
    chdir $self->base_dir();

  if (-d "$srcdir/cd/src") {
    print STDERR "Gonna build 'cd'\n";
    chdir "$srcdir/cd/src";
    foreach my $t (@{$cdtgs}) {
      $done{"cd:$t"} = $self->run_custom($make, $t, @{$mopts});
      $success = 0 unless $done{"cd:$t"};
    copy($_, "$prefixdir/include/") foreach (glob("../include/*.h"));
    copy($_, "$prefixdir/lib/") foreach (glob("../lib/*/*"));
    chdir $self->base_dir();

  if (-d "$srcdir/iup") {
    print STDERR "Gonna build 'iup'\n";
    chdir "$srcdir/iup";
    foreach my $t (@{$iuptgs}) {
      $done{"iup:$t"} = $self->run_custom($make, $t, @{$mopts});
      $success = 0 unless $done{"iup:$t"};
    copy($_, "$prefixdir/include/") foreach (glob("./include/*.h"));
    copy($_, "$prefixdir/lib/") foreach (glob("./lib/*/*"));
    chdir $self->base_dir();

  # save it for future use in ConfigData
  $self->config_data('build_prefix', $prefixdir);
  $self->config_data('info_makeopts', $mopts);
  $self->config_data('info_done', \%done);

  return $success;

sub get_make {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $devnull = File::Spec->devnull();
  my @try = ($Config{gmake}, 'gmake', 'make', $Config{make});
  my %tested;
  print STDERR "Gonna detect GNU make\n" if $self->notes('build_debug_info');

  foreach my $name ( @try ) {
    next unless $name;
    next if $tested{$name};
    $tested{$name} = 1;
    print STDERR "- testing: '$name'\n" if $self->notes('build_debug_info');
    my $ver = `$name --version 2> $devnull`;
    if ($ver =~ /GNU Make/i) {
      print STDERR "- found: '$name'\n" if $self->notes('build_debug_info');
      return $name

  warn "###WARN### it seems we do not have GNU make, build is likely gonna fail!";

  #print STDERR "- fallback to: 'make'\n";
  #return 'make';

sub quote_literal {
    my ($self, $txt) = @_;
    $txt =~ s|'|'\\''|g;
    return "'$txt'";

sub detect_sys_libs {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->pkg_config('pkg-config', '/dev/null');
