### replace Any::Moose with Moo
### add link https://metacpan.org/ to startmenu
### remove link to http://win32.perl.org

### Bug in EU::MM - dmake MAXLINELENGTH

### IPC::Run3 is not able to handle 'dmake all' for 64bit build !!!

### fix warnings - share\perl-5.16\win32_win32.h >> win32/win32.h
C:\perl\lib\CORE/win32.h:393:26: warning: "/*" within comment [-Wcomment]
C:\perl\lib\CORE/win32.h:394:33: warning: "/*" within comment [-Wcomment]
/* #define USE_PERL_SBRK	/**/
/* #define PERL_SBRK_VIA_MALLOC	/**/

### generate MSM info file

### check for XXX FIXME TODO in the code
- ok for now

### modules (non critical)
- DB_File - disable in core (install later in vendor)
- FCGI - is installed in perl/lib (during UpgradeCpanModules) as it is required by CGI

### improve CreateRelocFiles
- search all in perl/bin (test for text/binary via -t)
- search *.url in image_dir
- search *.pm in image_dir

### perltoc.pod contains hardcoded paths to build directory
- not a new bug

### something better instead of workaround_get_dist_list()
- is kind of a hack (somehow works, not reliable)

### PPM
- maybe App::Strawberry::PPM