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# This is the main configuration file of your Dancer app
# env-related settings should go to environments/$env.yml
# all the settings in this file will be loaded at Dancer's startup.

# Your application's name
appname: "example_FakeCGI"

# The default layout to use for your application (located in
# views/layouts/
layout: "main"

# when the charset is set to UTF-8 Dancer will handle for you
# all the magic of encoding and decoding. You should not care
# about unicode within your app when this setting is set (recommended).
charset: "UTF-8"

# template engine
# simple: default and very basic template engine
# template_toolkit: TT

#template: "simple"
template: "template_toolkit"
  encoding:  'utf8'
  start_tag: '<%'
  end_tag:   '%>'

  cgi-package: "lib/CGI"
  cgi-dir: "cgi-bin"
  cgi-bin: "/"
  temp-dir: "tmp"
  #stdout-type: "file"
  cgi-bin_file_pattern: '*.pl'