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# $Id:,v 1.36 2003/04/27 07:49:00 koos Exp $

package CGI::Widget::Tabs;

use strict;
use Carp;
use CGI::Widget::Tabs::Heading;
use URI::Escape();
use HTML::Entities();

use vars qw/$VERSION/;

$VERSION = "1.07";

# ----------------------------------------------
sub new {
# ----------------------------------------------
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $self = {};
    bless ($self, $class);
    return $self;

# ----------------------------------------------
sub headings {
# ----------------------------------------------
    #  Takes optional user defined simple headings as arguments,
    #  which  will be transformed into OO headings. E.g.:
    #  ( "Software", -hw => "Hardware", { text => "Wetware", key => "ww" } )
    my $self = shift;
    if ( @_ ) {  # any arguments?

        my $h;   # OO heading
        my $ht;  # _heading _text

        HEADING: while ( my $arg = shift @_ ) {
            $h = $self->heading();  # add a new heading

            if ( ! ref $arg ) {  # Not a hash initializer
                # -- k/v pair
                ( $arg =~ /^-/ ) && do {
                    $h->text(shift @_);
                    next HEADING;

                # -- text only
                next HEADING;

            # -- hash initializer
            ( ref($arg) eq "HASH" ) && do {
                if ( ! $arg->{text} ) {
                    croak "Hash initializer is missing mandatory text element";

                if ( exists( $arg->{key} )   && $arg->{key} )   { $h->key( $arg->{key} ) }
                if ( exists( $arg->{url} )   && $arg->{url} )   { $h->url(  $arg->{url} ) }
                if ( exists( $arg->{raw} )   && $arg->{raw} )   { $h->raw(  $arg->{raw} ) }
                if ( exists( $arg->{class} ) && $arg->{class} ) { $h->class(  $arg->{class} ) }
                next HEADING;

            croak "Unsupported heading type";
    return @{ $self->{headings} || [] };

# ----------------------------------------------
sub heading {
# ----------------------------------------------
    # Create, add, and return a new heading object
    my $self = shift;
    my $h = CGI::Widget::Tabs::Heading->new();
    push @{ $self->{headings} }, $h;
    return $h;

# ----------------------------------------------
sub default {
# ----------------------------------------------
    # The default active heading
    my $self = shift;
    if ( @_ ) {
        $self->{default} = shift;
    return $self->{default}

# ----------------------------------------------
sub cgi_object {
# ----------------------------------------------
    # The cgi object to retrieve the parameters from.
    # Could be a CGI object or a CGI::Minimal object.
    my $self = shift;
    my $cgi = shift;
    if ( $cgi ) {
        if ( ref $cgi ne "CGI" and ref $cgi ne "CGI::Minimal") {
            carp "Warning: Expected CGI or CGI::Minimal object";
        $self->{cgi_object} = $cgi;
    return $self->{cgi_object};

# ----------------------------------------------
sub cgi_param {
# ----------------------------------------------
    # CGI parameter specifing the tab. Defaults to "tab".
    my $self = shift;
    if ( @_ ) {
        $self->{cgi_param} = shift;
    return $self->{cgi_param} || "tab";

# ----------------------------------------------
sub active {
# ----------------------------------------------
    # Returns the active heading. In order of precendence:
    # 1. The heading clicked by the user
    # 2. The default heading
    # 3. The first heading in the list
    my $self = shift;
    my $active;

    # 1. Heading clicked
    $active = $self->cgi_object->param($self->cgi_param);
    return $active if defined $active;

    # 2. Default
    $active = $self->default;
    return $active if defined $active;

    # 3. First
    my $h = ($self->headings)[0];  # headings are always OO objects
    return $h->key || $h->text;

# ----------------------------------------------
sub class {
# ----------------------------------------------
    # The CSS class for display of the tabs
    # Defaults to 'tab'.
    my $self = shift;
    if ( @_ ) {
        $self->{class} = shift;
    return $self->{class} || "tab";

# ----------------------------------------------
sub wrap {
# ----------------------------------------------
    # wrap to next row after this num of headings
    my $self = shift;
    if ( @_ ) {
        $self->{wrap} = shift;
    return $self->{wrap};

# ----------------------------------------------
sub indent {
# ----------------------------------------------
    # Indentation after wrapping to next line?
    my $self = shift;
    my $arg = shift;

    if ( defined $arg ) {
        $self->{indent} =  $arg ? 1 : 0;
    return $self->{indent};

# ----------------------------------------------
sub display {
# ----------------------------------------------
    # save a few keystrokes
    my $self = shift;
    print $self->render;

# ----------------------------------------------
sub render {
# ----------------------------------------------
    # Process the lot and display it.
    my $self        = shift;
    my $cgi         = $self->cgi_object;
    my @headings    = $self->headings;
    my $class       = $self->class;
    my $cgi_param   = $self->cgi_param;
    my $active      = $self->active;
    my $wrap        = $self->wrap;
    my $indent      = $self->indent;
    my $spacer      = qq(<td class="$class).qq(_spc"></td>);
    my $indentation = qq(<td class="$class).qq(_ind"></td>);
    my @html;
    my $url;
    my $query_string_min_min;  # the query string minus the varying tab

    # - reproduce the CGI query string EXCEPT the varying tab
    my @param_list = grep( $_ ne $cgi_param, $cgi->param() );
    if ( @param_list ) {
        $query_string_min_min = join "&", map ( "$_=".URI::Escape::uri_escape($cgi->param($_)||"") , @param_list );
        $query_string_min_min .= "&";
    } else {
        $query_string_min_min = "";

    if ( @headings ) {
        @html = ();
        push @html, "<!-- Generated by CGI::Widget::Tabs v$VERSION -->\n";

        my $heading_nr = 1;  # we're about to render the first heading...
        my $row_nr     = 1;  # ...of the first row
        my $param_value;
        my $h;
        my $url;

        foreach $h ( @headings ) {
            if ( $heading_nr == 1 ) {   # first one in the row?
                push @html, qq(<table class="$class">\n<tr>\n);
                if ( $indent && $row_nr > 1 ) {                     # = print indents if
                    push @html, ( $indentation x ($row_nr - 1));    # = necessary
                }                                                   # =
                push @html, "$spacer\n";  # each row starts with a spacer

            # -- actual headings
            $param_value = $h->key || $h->text;
            if ( defined $h->class() ) {  # heading has local class?
                push @html, qq(<td class=").$h->class.'">';
            } else {
                push @html, qq(<td class="$class);
                push @html, qq(_actv) if $param_value eq $active;
                push @html, qq(">);

            # -- user defined URL or default self ref. URL?
            my $url = $h->url || ( "?$query_string_min_min$cgi_param=".URI::Escape::uri_escape($param_value) );
            push @html, _link( $h->text , $url );
            push @html, "</td>$spacer\n";

            # -- end of row
            if ( $wrap && ( $heading_nr == $wrap ) ) {  # last one on this row?
                push @html, "</tr>\n";     # | yes, end this row
                push @html, "</table>\n";  # |
                $heading_nr = 0;

        # --- all headings printed
        if ( $heading_nr > 1 )  {      # | We need to end this
            push @html, "</tr>\n";     # | row if it didn't just
            push @html, "</table>\n";  # | get wrapped.

    push @html, "<!-- End CGI::Widget::Tabs v$VERSION -->\n";
    return join("", @html);

# ----------------------------------------------
sub _link {
# ----------------------------------------------
    # Create a link for some text to a href
    # Expects = (<text>,<href>) pair.
    return qq(<a href="$_[1]">$_[0]</a>);



=head1 NAME

CGI::Widget::Tabs - Create tab widgets in HTML


    use CGI::Widget::Tabs;
    my $tab = CGI::Widget::Tabs->new;

    use CGI;
    my $cgi = CGI->new;          # interface to the query params

    $tab->headings(@titles);     # e.g. qw/Drivers Cars Courses/
    $tab->default("Courses");    # the default active tab
    $tab->active;                # the currently active tab
    $tab->class("my_tab");       # the CSS class to use for markup
    $tab->cgi_object($cgi);      # the object holding the query params
    $tab->cgi_param("t");        # the CGI query parameter to use
    $tab->wrap(4);               # wrap after 4 headings...
    $tab->indent(1);             # ...and add indentation
    $tab->render;                # the resulting HTML code
    $tab->display;               # same as `print $tab->render'

    $h = $tab->heading;               # new OO heading for this tab
    $h->text("TV Listings");          # heading text
    $h->key("tv");                    # key identifying this heading
    $h->raw(1);                       # switch off HTML encoding
    $h->url("");    # redirect URL for this heading
    $h->class("red");                 # this heading has it's own class

    # See the EXAMPLE section for a complete example


=head2 Introduction

CGI::Widget::Tabs lets you simulate tab widgets in HTML. You could benefit
from a tab widget if you want to serve only one page. Depending on the tab
selected you fetch and display the underlying data. There are three main
reasons for taking this approach:

1. For the end user not to be directed to YAL or YAP (yet another link / yet
another page), but keep it all together: The single point of entry paradigm.

2. As a consequence the end user deals with a more consistent and integrated
GUI. This will give a better "situational awareness" within the application.

3. For the Perl hacker to handle multiple related data sources within the
same script environment.

As an example the following tabs could be used on a web page for someone's
spotting hobby:

      __________      __________      __________
     /  Planes  \    /  Trains  \    / Classics \
        /  Bikes  \

As you can see, the headings wrap at three and a small indentation is added
to the start of the next row. The nice thing about CGI::Widget::Tabs is that
the tabs know their internal state. So you can ask a tab for instance which
heading has been clicked by the user. This way you get instant feedback.

=head2 "Hey Gorgeous!"

Of course tabs are useless if you can't "see" them. Without proper make up
they print as ordinary text. So you really need to fancy them up with some
eye candy. The designed way is that you provide a CSS style sheet and have
CGI::Widget::Tabs use that. See the class() method for how to do this.

=head1 EXAMPLE

Before digging into the API and all accessor methods, this example will
illustrate how to implement the spotting page from above. So you have
something to start with. It will give you enough clues to get on the road
quickly. The following code is a simple but complete example. Copy it and run
it through the webservers CGI engine. (For a even more complete and useful
demo with multiple tabs, see the file in the CGI::Widget::Tabs
installation directory.) To fully appreciate it, it would be best to run it
in a performance environment, like mod_perl or SpeedyCGI.

    #! /usr/bin/perl -w

    use CGI::Widget::Tabs;
    use CGI;

    print <<EOT;
    Content-Type: text/html;

    <style type="text/css">   { border-bottom: solid thin #C0D4E6; text-align: center }      { padding: 2 12 2 12; width: 80; background-color: #FAFAD2 }
    td.tab_actv { padding: 2 12 2 12; width: 80; background-color: #C0D4E6 }
    td.tab_spc  { width: 5 }
    td.tab_ind  { width: 15 }

    my $cgi = CGI->new;
    my $tab = CGI::Widget::Tabs->new;
    $tab->headings( qw/Planes Traines Classics Bikes/ );
    # $tab->wrap(1);    # |uncomment to see the effect of
    # $tab->indent(0);  # |wrapping at 1 without indentation
    print "<br>We now should run some intelligent code ";
    print "to process <strong>", $tab->active, "</strong><br>";
    print "</body></html>";

=head1 METHODS FOR CGI::Widget::Tabs OBJECTS

These methods deal with tab widgets in general. They describe or define the
global widget properties and it's behaviour.

=over 4

=item B<new()>

Creates and returns a new CGI::Widget::Tabs object. new() does not take any
arguments. Example:

    use CGI::Widget::Tabs;
    my $tab = CGI::Widget::Tabs->new;

=item B<active()>

Returns a string indicating the current active tab heading. This is (in order
of precedence) the heading being clicked on, the default heading, or the
first in the list. The string value will either be the heading key or the
heading text, depending on if you chose to use keys. Example:

    if ( $tab->active() eq "Trains" ) {  # heading text only

    if ( $tab->active() eq "-t" ) {      # key value ISO heading text

=item B<cgi_object(OBJECT)>

Sets/returns the CGI or CGI::Minimal object. If the optional argument
OBJECT is given, the CGI object is set, otherwise it is returned.
CGI::Widget::Tabs uses this object internally to process the CGI query
parameters. If you want you can use some other CGI object handler. However
such an object handler must provide a param() method with corresponding
behaviour as do CGI or CGI::Minimal. Note that currently only CGI and
CGI::Minimal have been tested. Example:

    # set
    my $cgi = CGI::Minimal->new;

    # get
    my $cgi = $tab->cgi_object;

=item B<cgi_param(STRING)>

Sets/returns the CGI query parameter. This parameter identifies the tab in
the CGI query string (the funny part of the URL with the ? = & # characters).
If the optional argument STRING is given, the query parameter is set.
Otherwise it is returned. Usually you can leave this untouched. In that case
the default parameter "tab" is used. You will need to set this if you have
more CGI query parameters on the URL with "tab" already being taken. Another
situation is if you use multiple tab widgets on one page. They both would use
"tab" by default causing conflicts. Example:

   # Lets paint a fruit tab and a vegetable tab
   my $fruits_tab = CGI::Widget::Tabs->new;
   my $vegies_tab = CGI::Widget::Tabs->new;

   # this is our link with the outside world
   my $cgi = CGI::Minimal->new;

   # In the CGI params collection the first is
   # identified by 'ft' and the second by 'vt'

=item B<class(STRING)>

Sets/returns the name of the CSS class used for the tabs markup. If the
optional argument STRING is given the class is set, otherwise it is returned.
If not set, the widget will be based on the class "tab". In the accompanying
style sheet, there are five class elements you need to provide:

=over 4

=item 1. A table element for containment of the entire tab widget

=item 2. A td element for a normal tab

=item 3. A td element for the active tab

=item 4. A td element for the spacers

=item 5. A td element for the indentation (if needed)


The class names of these elements are directly borrowed from the class()
method. The td elements for the active tab, the spacers and the indentations
are suffixed with "_actv", "_spc" and "_ind" respectively. For instance, if
you'd run


then the elements look like:

    <table class="my_tab">    # the entire table
    <td class="my_tab">       # normal tab
    <td class="my_tab_actv">  # active tab
    <td class="my_tab_spc">   # spacer
    <td class="my_tab_ind">   # indentation

If you don't wrap headings, then ofcourse you won't need to specify the
indentation td's. By the way, the indentation will usually look most natural
if it has the same width as the spacers or a multiple thereof. Look at the
example in the EXAMPLE section to see how this all works out.

=item B<default(STRING)>

Overrides which heading is the default. Normally CGI::Widget::Tabs will make
the first heading active. Use the default() method if you want to deviate
from this. The optional argument STRING must either be the heading key or the
heading text, depending on how you chose to initialize the headings. Example:

    # Make the "Trains" heading the default active one.

    # ...or perhaps...

=item B<display()>

Renders the tab widget and prints the resulting HTML to the default output
handle (usually STDOUT). Example:

    $tab->display;       # this is the same as...

    print $tab->render;  # ...but saves a few keystrokes

See also the render() method.

=item B<heading()>

Creates, appends and returns a new heading. The return value will always be
an OO heading object. Example:

    my $h = $tab->heading();

In general you will use OO headings if the headings() method is not flexible
enough. For trivial applications the headings() method mostly suffices. Look
at section PROPERTIES OF OO HEADINGS for more information on OO headings.

=item B<headings(LIST)>

Sets/returns the tab headings. Without arguments the currently defined
headings are returned. If no headings are defined, the empty list is
returned. Any returned heading will always be an OO heading, regardless of if
and how the initializing LIST argument is used. Look at section PROPERTIES OF
OO HEADINGS for more info on how to deal with OO headings.

The optional LIST argument is a short-cut to the OO headings interface. The
elements of LIST can take various forms. Let's take a moment to take a close
look at the headings of a tab. Tab headings are the things that --from human
perspective-- identify a tab page. Observe the spotting example above. Here
the different tab pages are identified by the strings "Planes", "Trains",
"Classics" and "Bikes". They form the heading for each seperate tab. The LIST
elements can be used to preset these tab headings.

An element of LIST can be any one of:

=over 4

=item * a string. E.g.:

    qw/Planes Trains Classics Bikes/

This is the simplest initializer. In the spotting example the four tabs
headings are easily created by feeding these words as a list to the
headings() method. And then you are almost done: the headings can be
displayed and each heading gets it's own self referencing URL.

=item * a key/value pair. E.g.:

    ( -p => "Planes",
      -t => "Trains",
      -c => "Classics,
      -b => "Bikes" )

For trivial CGI::Widget::Tabs applications, the k/v pairs are the ones you
will probably use the most. They come in handy because you don't need to
check the value returned by active() against very long words. Even better, if
you change the tab headings (upper/lower case, typo's) but use the same keys
you don't need to change your code. So it is less  error prone. As a pleasant
side effect, the URL's get to be significantly shorter. Do notice that the
keys want to be unique. Keys in a k/v list are not at all magical. You can
choose any string you like with the provision that they start with the '-'
(hyphen) sign. The starting '-' of a list entry is what triggers
CGI::Widget::Tabs to decide this is a k/v entry. Single or dual character
strings tend to be the most convenient keys.

=item * a hash

This use of the headings() method will clutter up your code. The hash tries
to mimic and encapsulate all OO accessor methods. If think you need an
initializer hash, you probably want OO headings. Use it only if you must. If
you can stick with the strings or k/v pairs. That said, the hash keys are the
named equivalents of the OO heading properties. E.g.:

    ( { text  => "Planes",
        key   => "p",
        url   => "",
        class => "heavens_blue",
        raw   => 0 },


You can mix these types in any way you like. The various types will be
translated on the fly to OO headings and then processed. Thus you can safely

    $tab->headings( "Plaines",
                    -t => "Traines",
                    { text => "Classics",
                      key  => "c",
                      ... } )

Just as the hash initializer, this use does clutter up your code. The reason
is that different concepts of information are piled up on one big heep. You
will need to scrutinize the code to understand what it is going on. Although
it is supported you should refrain yourself from making use of
these combinations.

As a summary, here are a three examples of the headings() method for the
spotting page.

    # Example 1: Set the headings with a list of strings
    my $tab = CGI::Widget::Tabs->new();
    $tab->headings( qw/Planes Trains Classics Bikes/ );

    # Example 2: Set the headings with a list of k/v pairs
    my $tab = CGI::Widget::Tabs->new();
    $tab->headings( -p => "Planes",
                    -t => "Trains",
                    -c => "Classics,
                    -b => "Bikes" );

    # Example 3: Isolate the "Classics" heading
    my $h = ($tab->headings)[2];

Note that these few statements provide almost enough logic to generate the
HTML for the tab widget!

=item B<indent(BOOLEAN)>

Sets/returns the indentation setting. Without arguments the current setting
is returned. indent() specifies if indentation should be added to the next
row when the headings get wrapped. indent() is a toggle. By default indent()
is set to TRUE. You must explicitely switch it off for the desired effect.
The optional argument BOOLEAN can be any argument evaluating to a logical

The purpose of swithing off indentation is to simulate a vertical menu. In
the spotting example, running


would result in something like:

     |  Planes  |
     |  Trains  |
     | Classics |
     |  Bikes   |

You probably need to tweak your style sheet to have it look nicely.

=item B<render()>

Renders the tab widget and returns the resulting HTML code. This is useful if
you need to print the tab to a different file handle. Another use is if you
want to manipulate the HTML. For instance to insert session id's or the like.
See the class() method and the EXAMPLE section somewhere else in this
document to see how you can influence the markup of the tab widget. Example:

    my $html = $tab->render;
    print HTML $html;  # there's a session id filter behind HTML

=item B<wrap(NUMBER)>

Sets or returns the wrap setting. Without arguments the current wrap
setting is returned. If the argument NUMBER is given the headings will wrap
to the next row after NUMBER headings. By default headings are not wrapped.



These methods define the properties and behaviour of the object oriented
headings. Each OO heading can be tailored to specific requirements. Fresh new
OO headings are created by using the heading() method on a CGI::Widget::Tabs
object. Existing OO headings are returned by the headings() method. In the file OO headings are used as well. So look at that demo for a
real life example. Example:

    # create, append and return a new heading
    my $h = $tab->heading();

    # focus on the third heading
    my $h = ($tab->headings)[2];

The properties and behaviour of an OO heading can be set with the following

=over 4

=item B<class(STRING)>

Overrides the widget's CSS class for this heading. This is useful if you have
a specific heading (e.g. "Maintenance") which always needs it's own private
mark up. If the optional argument STRING is given, the class for this heading
is set. Otherwise it is retrieved.

=item B<key(STRING)>

Sets/returns the value to use for this heading in the CGI query param list.
This is similar to the use of keys in key/value pairs in the headings()
method. The goal is to simplify programming logic and shorten the URL's. (See
the headings() method  elsewhere in this document for further explanation).

    # display the full heading...
    # ...but use a small key as query param value
    $h->text("Remote Configurations");

In contrast to the use of key/value pairs, CGI::Widget::Tabs knows that this
is a key and not a value. After all, you are using the key() method, right?
Consequently you don't need the prepend the key with a hyphen ("-"). You may
consider using a hyphen for your keys nevertheless. It will lead to more
transparent code. Observe how the snippet from above with a prepended "-"
will later on result in the following check:

    if ( $tab->active eq "-rc" ) {  # clearly we are using keys ....

Consider this a mild suggestion.

=item B<raw(BOOLEAN)>

The heading text will normally be HTML encoded. If you wish you can use
hard coded HTML. To avoid escaping this HTML, you need to set raw() to a
logical TRUE. This is usually a 1 (one). Setting it to FALSE (usually a 0)
will re-enable HTML encoding. The optional argument BOOLEAN can be any
argument evaluating to a logical value. Setting raw() will not take effect
until the widget is rendered. So it does not matter when you set it, as long
as you haven't rendered the widget. Examples:

    # HTML encoded
    $h1->text("Names A > L");
    $h2->text("Names M < Z");

    # Raw
    $h1->text("Names A &gt; L");

    $h2->text("Names M &lt; Z");

    # get the encoding setting of the fourth element
    my $h = ($tab->headings)[3];
    my $raw = $h->raw;

=item B<text(STRING)>

Sets/returns the heading text. If the optional argument STRING is given, the
text will be set otherwise it will be returned. The heading text will be HTML
encoded unless explicitely told otherwise (see: raw()). Examples:

    # set heading text for the first two headings
    ($tab->headings)[0]->text("Names A > L");
    ($tab->headings)[1]->text("Names M < Z");

    # get the text of the 4th heading
    my $text = ($tab->headings)[3]->text;

=item B<url(STRING)>

Overrides the self referencing URL for this heading. If the optional argument
STRING is given the URL is set. Otherwise it is returned. The URL is used
exactly as given. This means that any query params and values need to be
added explicitely. If a URL is not set, the heading will get a default self
referencing URL. For trivial applications, you will mostly be using this one.
Note that generating the self referencing URL will be delayed until the tab
widget it rendered. This means it will not be returned by the url() method.

      $h->url("");  # go somewhere else

      my $url = $h->url;                  # return the URL


=head1 BUGS

As a side effect, the CGI query parameter to identify the tab (see the
cgi_param() method) is always moved to the end of the query string.


I would appreciate receiving your CSS style sheets used for the tabs markup.
Especially if you happened to be professionally concerned with markup and
layout. For techies like us it is not always easy to see what goes and what
doesn't. If you send in a nice one, I will gladly bundle it with the next


=over 4

=item Bodo Eing <>

=item Sagar Shah <>

=item Bernie Ledwick <>

=item Bernhard Schmalhofer <>


=head1 AUTHOR

Koos Pol E<lt>koos_pol@raketnet.nlE<gt>


The latest version of CGI::Widget::Tabs is available from
CPAN ( or the CGI::Widget::Tabs homepage

=head1 SEE ALSO

the manpages for CGI or CGI::Minimal, the CSS1 specs from the World Wide Web
consortium (


This fast and easy to use mechanism has it's downside nonetheless. For
instance the URL is always a self referencing URL. Also future extensions
--like support for thumbnail images-- is almost impossible. To allow for this
extensibility headings can be defined in OO fashion. The OO statements to
produce the headings would be something like:

    my $tab = CGI::Widget::Tabs->new;
    foreach $ht ( qw/Planes Trains Classics Bikes/ ) {
        $h = $tab->heading();  # create and add a heading object
        $h->text($ht);         # display $ht as heading text

Here the text() method makes the heading object display the text given by
$ht. Look at the heading() method elsewhere in this document to see which
other methods are available to define the properties and behaviour of OO
headings. Did you see that in both accounts the indent() method was not used?
That is because indentation is automatic. You get that for free. Actually,
you must explicitely turn if off if you don't want it! Note that you can not
mix simple headings with OO headings. If you already defined simple headings
you can't go adding OO headings or vice versa. You need to stick with one