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#  TODO:
#  	See's task list
#  Package  Net::Telnet::Cisco::IOS
#  Written by Aaron Conaway
#  This package extends the Net::Telnet::Cisco package written by 
#  Joshua Keroes.  Go go for
#  details on that package.
#  The IOS package is for use on Cisco IOS devices.  It will not work on
#  CatOS or any other Cisco OSes.  
#  I am not a programmer.  I merely developed this package out of 
#  necessity to help automate monitoring and configuration of Cisco
#  devices at work.  The code is undoubtedly inefficient and there
#  are probably 84928 better ways to do what I'm trying to do.
#  See the documentation at
package Net::Telnet::Cisco::IOS;

use Net::Telnet::Cisco;
use strict;
#  Declare ourselves a child of Net::Telnet::Cisco
@ISA        = qw(Net::Telnet::Cisco);
#  Keep the version number
$VERSION    = "0.6beta";

#  Constructor
sub new  {
	#  Get my own class type
  	my $class = shift;
  	my ($self, $host, %args);
	#  Call the super constructor
	$self = $class->SUPER::new(@_) or return;
	our ( $platform, $model, $iosver, @config );
  	return $self;

sub login  {
	my $self = shift;
	$self->SUPER::login(@_) or return;
	$self->cmd("terminal length 0");

#  Returns the version number
sub getModVer  {
	return $VERSION;

#  Returns IOS version of router
#  Priv 1
sub getIOSVer  {
	my $cmd = "show version";
	my $self = shift;
	#  Try to run the command
        my @result = $self->cmd( $cmd );

	foreach my $line ( @result )  {
		if ( $line =~ /, Version (.+),/ )  {
			return $1;
	return 0;

#  Returns hash of 5-sec, 1-min, and 5-minute CPU averages
#  Priv 1
sub getCPU  {
        #  cmd is what command we send to the IOS device
        my $cmd = "show process cpu";
	#  Initialize the hash
	my %ret = (  	"5sec" => "na",
			"1min" => "na",
			"5min" => "na"
        #  Set the object up
        my $self = shift;
        #  Try to run the command
        my @result = $self->cmd( $cmd );

	foreach my $line ( @result )  {
		if ( $line =~ /five seconds: (.+)\/.+; one minute: (.+); five minutes: (.+)/ )  {
			$ret{ "5sec" } = $1;
			$ret{ "1min" } = $2;
			$ret{ "5min" } = $3;
	return %ret;
#  Returns all the ints in an array
#  Priv 1
sub listInts  {
	my $self = shift;
	my @ret;
	my $int;
	my $cmd = "sh ip interface brief";
	my @result = $self->cmd( $cmd );

	foreach my $line ( @result )  {
		if ( $line =~ /^Interface/i )  { }
		elsif ( $line =~ /^-----/ )  { }
		elsif ( $line =~ /^\s/ )  { }
		elsif ( $line =~ /^\W/ )  { }
		else  {
			my $int = substr( $line, 0, 23 );
			$int =~ s/\s+$//g;
			push ( @ret, $int );
	return @ret;

#  Priv 1
sub listVLANs  {
	my $self = shift;
	my @ret;
	my $cmd = "show vlan brief";
	my ( $vlanid, $vlanname );
        my @result = $self->cmd( $cmd );

	#  Go through each line of the command result
        foreach my $line ( @result )  {
                #  If it starts with "Port", do nothing
                if ( $line =~ /^VLAN/i )  { }
                #  If it starts with "----", do nothing
                elsif ( $line =~ /^----/ )  { }
                #  If it starts with whitespace, do nothing
                elsif ( $line =~ /^\s+/ )  { }
                else  {
			#  Get the first two columns
			$vlanid = substr( $line, 0, 4);
			$vlanname = substr ( $line, 5, 30 );
			if ( $vlanid =~ /100[2-5]/ )  { }
			else  {
				$vlanid =~ s/\s+$//g;
                        	#  Put the line onto the end of the return array
                        	push ( @ret, $vlanid );
        #  Return the return array
        return @ret;

#  Priv 1
sub getIntState  {
        my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
        my %result;
        my $if = &harmonizeInts( $args[0] );
        my $cmd = "sh interface " . $if;
        my @output = $self->cmd( $cmd );

        foreach my $line ( @output )  {
                if ( $line =~ /$if is (.+), line protocol is (.+) / )  {
                        $result{'port'} = $1;
                        $result{'lineprotocol'} = $2;
                }  else  { }
        return %result;

#  Priv 1
sub getIntDesc  {
        my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
        my $if = &harmonizeInts( $args[0] );
        my $cmd = "sh interface " . $if;
        my @result = $self->cmd( $cmd );

        foreach my $line ( @result )  {
                if ( $line =~ /Description: (.+)/ )  {
                        return $1;
                }  else  { }
	return 0;

#  Priv 1
sub getEthSpeed  {
        my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
        my $if = &harmonizeInts( $args[0] );
        my $cmd = "sh interface " . $if;
        my @result = $self->cmd( $cmd );

        foreach my $line ( @result )  {
                if ( $line =~ /Auto Speed \((.+)\),/ )  {
                        return $1;
                }  elsif ( $line =~ /, (.+)Mb\/s/ )  {
                                return $1;
	return 0;

#  Priv 1
sub getEthDuplex  {
        my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
        my $if = &harmonizeInts( $args[0] );
        my $cmd = "sh interface " . $if;
        my @result = $self->cmd( $cmd );

        foreach my $line ( @result )  {
                if ( $line =~ /\s+Auto-duplex \((.{4})\),/ )  {
                        return $1;
                }  elsif ( $line =~ /\s+(.+)-duplex/ )  {
                        if ( $1 eq "Auto" )  { }
                        else  {
                                return $1;
	return 0;

#  Priv 1
sub getIntBandwidth  {
        my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
        my $if = &harmonizeInts( $args[0] );
        my $cmd = "sh interface " . $if;
        my @result = $self->cmd( $cmd );

        foreach my $line ( @result )  {
                if ( $line =~ /\s+BW (.+) Kbit/ )  {
                        return $1;
                }  else  { }


#  Priv 1
sub getIntInputRate  {
	my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
	my $if = &harmonizeInts( $args[0] );
	my $cmd = "sh interface " . $if;
	my @result = $self->cmd( $cmd );

	foreach my $line ( @result )  {
		if ( $line =~ /5 minute input rate (.+) bits/ )  {
			return $1;
		}  else  { }

#  Priv 1
sub getIntInputErrors  {
        my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
        my $if = &harmonizeInts( $args[0] );
        my $cmd = "sh interface " . $if;
        my @result = $self->cmd( $cmd );

        foreach my $line ( @result )  {
                if ( $line =~ /(.+) input errors,/ )  {
                        return $1;
                }  else  { }
	return 0;


#  Priv 1
sub getIntOutputRate  {
        my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
        my $if = &harmonizeInts( $args[0] );
        my $cmd = "sh interface " . $if;
        my @result = $self->cmd( $cmd );

        foreach my $line ( @result )  {
                if ( $line =~ /5 minute output rate (.+) bits/ )  {
                        return $1;
                }  else  { }


#  Priv 1
sub getIntOutputErrors  {
        my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
        my $if = &harmonizeInts( $args[0] );
        my $cmd = "sh interface " . $if;
        my @result = $self->cmd( $cmd );

        foreach my $line ( @result )  {
                if ( $line =~ /(.+) output errors,/ )  {
                        return $1;
                }  else  { }
	return 0;

#  Priv 1
sub findVLAN  {
	my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
        my $if = &harmonizeInts( $args[0] );
        my $cmd = "sh interface " . $if . " status";
        my @result = $self->cmd( $cmd );
	my $vlan = undef;

        foreach my $line ( @result )  {
		if ( $line =~ /^Port/ )  { }
		elsif ( $line =~ /^-----/ )  { }
		elsif ( $line =~ /^\s+/ )  { }
                else  {
			$vlan = substr( $line, 40, 8 );
			$vlan =~ s/\s+//g;
			return $vlan;
        return $vlan;

#  Priv 15
sub getConfig  {
	my $self = shift;
	my $cmd = "show running-config";
	my @result = $self->cmd( $cmd );

	return @result;

#  Priv 1
sub getModel  {
	my $self = shift;
	my $cmd = "sh ver";
	my $plat;
	my @result = $self->cmd( $cmd );

        foreach my $line ( @result )  {
                if ( $line =~ /^IOS \(tm\) (.+) Software/ )  { 
			return $1;
                }  elsif  ( $line =~ /cisco (.+) processor/ )  {
			return $1;
        return 0;

#  Priv 1
sub getPlatform  {
        my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
	my $platform;
        my $model = $args[0];
	if ( $model =~ /29.0/ || $model =~ /3750/ )  {
		return "s";
	}  elsif  ( $model =~ /RSP/ || $model =~ /7200/ )  {
		return "r";
	return 0;

#  Priv 1
sub getIntCAM  {
	my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
	my $int = harmonizeInts( $args[0] );
	my $cmd = "show mac-address-table interface " . $int;
	my @ret;
	my @output = $self->cmd( $cmd );
	my $model = $self->getModel();

	foreach my $line ( @output )  {
		my $mac;
		if ( $line =~ /(\w{4}\.\w{4}\.\w{4})/ )  {
			push ( @ret, $1 );
	return @ret;

#  Priv 1
sub getIntARP  {
        my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
        my $int = harmonizeInts( $args[0] );
	my $cmd = "show arp";
	my @ret;
	my @output = $self->cmd( $cmd );

	foreach my $line ( @output )  {
		chomp $line;
		if ( $line =~ /$int/ && $line =~ /(\w{4}\.\w{4}\.\w{4})/ )  {
			push ( @ret, $1 );
	return @ret;

#  Priv 1
sub arpLookup  {
	my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
	my $cmd = "show arp";
	my @output = $self->cmd( $cmd );

	foreach my $line ( @output )  {
		chomp $line;
		if ( $line =~ /$args[0]/ )  {
			my $ip = substr ( $line, 10, 15 );	
			if ( length( $ip ) == 0 )  { }
			else  {
				return $ip;
	return 0;

#  Priv 1
sub getACLs  {
	my $self = shift;
	my $cmd = "show access-lists";
	my @ret;
	my @output = $self->cmd( $cmd );

	foreach my $line ( @output )  {
		if ( $line =~ /access list (.+)\n/ )  {
			push ( @ret, $1 );
	return @ret;
#  Priv 15
sub getSNMPComm  {
	my $self = shift;
	my @ret;
	my @output = $self->getConfig();

	foreach my $line ( @output )  {
		if ( $line =~ /snmp-server community (.+) / )  {
			push ( @ret, $1 );
	return @ret;

#  Priv 1
sub privLevel  {
	my $self = shift;
	my $cmd = "show privilege";
	my $ret = 0;
	my @output = $self->cmd( $cmd );

	foreach my $line ( @output )  {
		if ( $line =~ /^Current privilege level is (\d{1,2})/ )  {
			$ret = $1;
	return $ret;
#  Priv 1			
sub getVTP  {
	my $self = shift;
	my $cmd = "show vtp status";
	my ( $ver, $mode, $domain );
	my %ret;
	my @output = $self->cmd( $cmd );
	foreach my $line ( @output )  {
		if ( $line =~ /^VTP Version\s+: (.)\n/ )  {
			$ver = $1;
		elsif ( $line =~ /^VTP Operating Mode\s+: (.+)\n/ )  {
			$mode = $1;
		elsif ( $line =~ /^VTP Domain Name\s+: (.+)\n/ )  {
			$domain = $1;
	%ret = (
		version => $ver,
		mode => $mode,
		domain => $domain,
	return %ret;

#  Priv 1
sub getIntACL  {
	my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
	my $inacl = 0;
	my $outacl = 0;
        my $cmd = "show ip int " . $args[0];
	my @outacl =  ("Outgoing access list is ", "Outbound access list is ");
	my @inacl = ("Inbound  access list is ", "Inbound access list is ");
        my %ret;
	my @output = $self->cmd( $cmd );
	foreach my $line ( @output )  {
			foreach my $acl ( @outacl )  {
				if ( $line =~ /$acl(.+)/ )  {
					$outacl = $1;
					last ACL;
			foreach my $acl ( @inacl )  {
				if ( $line =~ /$acl(.+)/ )  {
					$inacl = $1;
					last ACL;
		}  #  ACL
	if ( $inacl eq "not set" || $inacl eq "" )  {
		$inacl = 0;
	if ( $outacl eq "not set" || $outacl eq "")  {
		$outacl = 0;

	%ret = (
		inbound => $inacl,
		outbound => $outacl,
	return %ret;

#  Priv 1
sub getIPRoute  {
	my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
	my %ret = ( 	route => 0,
			protocol => 0,
		 	nexthop => 0);
	my $cmd = "show ip route " . $args[0];
	my @result = $self->cmd( $cmd );
	foreach my $line ( @result )  {
		if ( $line =~ /Routing entry for (\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\/\d{1,2})/ )  {
			$ret{'route'} = $1;
		if ( $line =~ /Known via \"(.+)\"/ )  {
			$ret{ 'protocol' } = $1;
		if ( $line =~ /directly connected, via (.+)\W/ )  {
			$ret{ 'nexthop' } = $1;
		if ( $line =~ /\* (\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/ )  {
			$ret{ 'nexthop' } = $1;
	return %ret;

# Priv 15
sub getNTP  {
	my $self = shift;
	my %ret;
	my ( $server, $source, $mode );

	my @result = $self->getConfig();
	foreach my $line ( @result )  {
		if ( $line =~ /^ntp server (\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}) source (\w+) (\w+)/ )  {    
			$server = $1;
			$source = harmonizeInts( $2 );
			$mode = $3;
		elsif ( $line =~ /^ntp server (\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}) prefer/ )  {
			$server = $1;
			$mode = "prefer";
		elsif ( $line =~ /^ntp source (.+)$/ )  {
			$source =  harmonizeInts( $1 );
	%ret = (	server => $server,
			source => $source,
			mode => $mode );
	return %ret;
#  Priv 15
sub disableInt  {
#  Fix the return codes.
	my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
	my  $result;
	my $if = &harmonizeInts( $args[0] );
	my $cmd = "shutdown";
	eval  {
		$self->cmd( "configure terminal" );
		$self->cmd( "interface $if" );
		$self->cmd( "$cmd" );
		$self->cmd( "exit\nexit" );
	if ( length( $self->errmsg() ) > 0 )  {
		return 0;
	return 1;

#  Priv 15
sub saveConfig  {
	my $self = shift;
	my $cmd = "write memory";
	if ( !$self->cmd( $cmd ) )  {
		print "Couldn't do it";
		return 0;
	return 1;

sub harmonizeInts  {
	my $input = shift;
	my @FastEthernet = qw(FastEthernet FastEth Fast FE Fa F);
	my @GigEthernet = qw(GigabitEthernet GigEthernet GigEth GE Gi G);
	my @Ethernet = qw(Ethernet Eth E);
	my @Serial = qw(Serial Se S);
	my @PortChannel = qw(PortChannel Port-Channel Po);
	my @POS = qw(POS P);
	my @VLAN = qw(VLAN VL V);
	my @LOOPBACK = qw(Loopback Loop Lo);
	my @ATM = qw(ATM AT A);
	my @DIALER = qw(Dialer Dial Di D);
	my @VIRTUALACCESS = qw(Virtual-Access Virtual-A Virtual Virt);
		#  Go through the array @FastEthernet
        	foreach my $fe ( @FastEthernet )
               		#  If the user's input matches
                	if ( $input =~ /^$fe\d/i )
              			#  Take the number part out
                		$input =~ /^$fe(.+)\b/i;
        	        	#  Reset $val to the long name + number
	                	$input = "FastEthernet" . $1;
                        	#  Leave the block because we found it
                		last IFS;
		#  Go through the array @GigEthernet
                foreach my $ge ( @GigEthernet )
                        #  If the user's input matches
                        if ( $input =~ /^$ge\d/i )
                                #  Take the number part out
                                $input =~ /^$ge(.+)\b/i;
                                #  Reset $val to the long name + number
                                $input = "GigabitEthernet" . $1;
                                #  Leave the block because we found it
                                last IFS;
		#  Go through the array @Ethernet
                foreach my $e ( @Ethernet )
                        #  If the user's input matches
                        if ( $input =~ /^$e\d/i )
                                #  Take the number part out
                                $input =~ /^$e(.+)\b/i;
                                #  Reset $val to the long name + number
                                $input = "Ethernet" . $1;
                                #  Leave the block because we found it
                                last IFS;
		#  Go through the array @Serial
                foreach my $s ( @Serial )
                        #  If the user's input matches
                        if ( $input =~ /^$s\d/i )
                                #  Take the number part out
                                $input =~ /^$s(.+)\b/i;
                                #  Reset $val to the long name + number
                                $input = "Serial" . $1;
                                #  Leave the block because we found it
                                last IFS;
		#  Go through the array @PortChannel
                foreach my $po ( @PortChannel )
                        #  If the user's input matches
                        if ( $input =~ /^$po\d/i )
                                #  Take the number part out
                                $input =~ /^$po(.+)\b/i;
                                #  Reset $val to the long name + number
                                $input = "Port-channel" . $1;
                                #  Leave the block because we found it
                                last IFS;
		#  Go through the array @POS
                foreach my $pos ( @POS )
                        #  If the user's input matches
                        if ( $input =~ /^$pos\d/i )
                                #  Take the number part out
                                $input =~ /^$pos(.+)\b/i;
                                #  Reset $val to the long name + number
                                $input = "POS" . $1;
                                #  Leave the block because we found it
                                last IFS;
		#  Go through the array @VLAN
		foreach my $vlan ( @VLAN )
                        #  If the user's input matches
                        if ( $input =~ /^$vlan\d/i )
                                #  Take the number part out
                                $input =~ /^$vlan(.+)\b/i;
                                #  Reset $val to the long name + number
                                $input = "VLAN" . $1;
                                #  Leave the block because we found it
                                last IFS;
		# Go through the array @LOOPBACK
		foreach my $lb ( @LOOPBACK )
                        #  If the user's input matches
                        if ( $input =~ /^$lb\d/i )
                                #  Take the number part out
                                $input =~ /^$lb(.+)\b/i;
                                #  Reset $val to the long name + number
                                $input = "Loopback" . $1;
                                #  Leave the block because we found it
                                last IFS;
                # Go through the array @ATM
                foreach my $atm ( @ATM )
                        #  If the user's input matches
                        if ( $input =~ /^$atm\d/i )
                                #  Take the number part out
                                $input =~ /^$atm(.+)\b/i;
                                #  Reset $val to the long name + number
                                $input = "ATM" . $1;
                                #  Leave the block because we found it
                                last IFS;
                # Go through the array @DIALER
                foreach my $dialer ( @DIALER )
                        #  If the user's input matches
                        if ( $input =~ /^$dialer\d/i )
                                #  Take the number part out
                                $input =~ /^$dialer(.+)\b/i;
                                #  Reset $val to the long name + number
                                $input = "Dialer" . $1;
                                #  Leave the block because we found it
                                last IFS;
                # Go through the array @VIRTUALACCESS
                foreach my $virt ( @VIRTUALACCESS )
                        #  If the user's input matches
                        if ( $input =~ /^$virt\d/i )
                                #  Take the number part out
                                $input =~ /^$virt(.+)\b/i;
                                #  Reset $val to the long name + number
                                $input = "Virtual-Access" . $1;
                                #  Leave the block because we found it
                                last IFS;
		#  Since we didn't find it, set $input to 0
		return 0;
	}  #  IFS
	$input =~ s/\s+//g;
	return $input;

=head1 NAME

Net::Telnet::Cisco::IOS -- Manage Cisco IOS Devices


Net::Telnet::Cisco::IOS (NTCI) is an extension of Joshua Kereos's Net::Telnet::Cisco module and provides an easy way to manage and monitor Cisco IOS devices.  I'll mention this a lot, but make sure you read up on Net::Telnet::Cisco for a lot of information.


NTCI can do a lot, but it's not the best way to do all of it.  I'd suggest you take a look at some SNMP solutions.  It's up to you to figure out when and where you want to use it, but don't say I didn't warn you.  :)

=head1 METHODS

There are way too many methods to list here, so head over to for a full list with documentation.


	use Net::Telnet::Cisco:IOS;

	# Connect and login
	$connection = Net::Telnet::Cisco::IOS->new( Host => 'hostname');
	$connection->login( Name => 'username', Password => 'password' 	);

	# Get the IOS version
	if ( $ver = $connection->getIOSVer() )  {
		print "The device is running version " . $ver . "\n";
	else  {
		print "Can't get the version:\n";
		print $connection->errmsg();
	# Close the connection

=head1 MORE INFO

For more information, examples, and some tips, turn your browser to

=head1 AUTHOR

NTCI is written by Aaron Conaway.  He can be reached at aaron at aconaway period com.


(c) 2005 by Aaron Conaway.  

NTCI is distributed under the GPL and may be used by anyone without changes.