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# Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Kevin Ryde

# This file is part of Math-NumSeq.
# Math-NumSeq is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Math-NumSeq is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with Math-NumSeq.  If not, see <>.

package Math::NumSeq::Expression;
use 5.004;
use strict;
use Carp;
use List::Util;
use Math::Libm;
use Module::Util;

use vars '$VERSION', '@ISA';
$VERSION = 71;
use Math::NumSeq;
@ISA = ('Math::NumSeq');

# uncomment this to run the ### lines
#use Smart::Comments;

  my ($have_MS, $have_MEE, $have_LE, @evaluators, @evaluators_display);
      = defined(Module::Util::find_installed('Math::Symbolic'));
      = defined(Module::Util::find_installed('Math::Expression::Evaluator'));
      = defined(Module::Util::find_installed('Language::Expr'));
    ### $have_MS
    ### $have_MEE
    ### $have_LE

    @evaluators = ('Perl',
                   ($have_MS  ? 'MS'  : ()),
                   ($have_MEE ? 'MEE' : ()),
                   ($have_LE  ? 'LE'  : ()));
    @evaluators_display = (Math::NumSeq::__('Perl'),
                           ($have_MS  ? Math::NumSeq::__('MS')  : ()),
                           ($have_MEE ? Math::NumSeq::__('MEE') : ()),
                           ($have_LE  ? Math::NumSeq::__('LE')  : ()));
    ### @evaluators

#  use constant name => Math::NumSeq::__('Arbitrary Expression');
use constant description =>
    join ("\n",
          Math::NumSeq::__('An arbitrary expression.  It should be a function of \"i\" at 0,1,2, etc.  For example (2*i)^2 would give the even perfect squares.

Syntax is per the chosen evaluator, an invalid expression displays an error message.
Perl (the default) is either 2*i+1 or 2*$i+1.'),

          ($have_MS ?
           Math::NumSeq::__('Math::Symbolic is like 2*i^2.')
           : ()),

          ($have_MEE ?
           Math::NumSeq::__('Math::Expression::Evaluator is like t=2*i;t^2')
           : ()),

          ($have_LE ?
           Math::NumSeq::__('Language::Expr is like $k**2 + $k - 1.')
           : ()));

use constant i_start => 0;
use constant parameter_info_array =>
     { name    => 'expression',
       display => Math::NumSeq::__('Expression'),
       type    => 'string',
       default => '3*i*i + i + 2',
       width   => 30,
       description => Math::NumSeq::__('A mathematical expression giving values to display, for example x^2+x+41.  Only one variable is allowed, see the chosen evaluator Math::Symbolic or Math::Expression::Evaluator for possible operators and function.'),
     { name    => 'expression_evaluator',
       display => Math::NumSeq::__('Evaluator'),
       type    => 'enum',
       default => $evaluators[0],
       choices => \@evaluators,
       choices_display => \@evaluators_display,
       description => Math::NumSeq::__('The expression evaluator module, Perl for Perl itself, MS for Math::Symbolic, MEE for Math::Expression::Evaluator, LE for Language::Expr.'),
### parameter_info_array: parameter_info_array()
### parameter_info_hash: __PACKAGE__->parameter_info_hash
### evaluator default: __PACKAGE__->parameter_default('expression_evaluator')

my %oeis_anum;

# some experimental A-number generators for easy expressions not with their
# own module

# but A008865 starts from i=1
# $oeis_anum{'i*i-2'} = 'A008865';
# # OEIS-Catalogue: A008865 expression=i*i-2
# A162395 start i=1
# $oeis_anum{'i*i*(-1)**(i+1)'} = 'A162395';
# # OEIS-Catalogue: A162395 expression=i*i*(-1)**(i+1)

$oeis_anum{'i*(i+2)'} = 'A005563';
# OEIS-Catalogue: A005563 expression=i*(i+2)

$oeis_anum{'i*(4*i*i-1)/3'} = 'A000447';  # sum of odd squares
# OEIS-Catalogue: A000447 expression=i*(4*i*i-1)/3

$oeis_anum{'(2*i)**3'} = 'A016743';  # even cubes (2i)^3
# OEIS-Catalogue: A016743 expression=(2*i)**3

# FIXME: should promote to bigint when necessary
# cf A131577 zero and powers of 2
#    A171449 powers of 2 with -1 instead of 1
$oeis_anum{'2**i'} = 'A000079';   # powers of 2
$oeis_anum{'3**i'} = 'A000244';   # powers of 3
$oeis_anum{'4**i'} = 'A000302';   # powers of 4
$oeis_anum{'10**i'} = 'A011557';  # powers of 10
# OEIS-Catalogue: A000079 expression=2**i
# OEIS-Catalogue: A000244 expression=3**i
# OEIS-Catalogue: A000302 expression=4**i
# OEIS-Catalogue: A011557 expression=10**i

sub oeis_anum {
  my ($self) = @_;
  ### oeis_anum(): $self
  return $oeis_anum{$self->{'expression'}};


  package Math::NumSeq::Expression::LanguageExpr;
  use List::Util 'min', 'max';
  use vars '$pi', '$e', '$phi', '$gam';
  $pi = Math::Libm::M_PI();
  $e = Math::Libm::M_E();
  $phi = (1+sqrt(5))/2;
  $gam = 0.5772156649015328606065120;

sub new {
  my ($class, %options) = @_;

  my $expression = $options{'expression'};
  if (! defined $expression) {
    $expression = $class->parameter_default('expression');

  my $evaluator = $options{'expression_evaluator'}
    || $class->parameter_default('expression_evaluator')
      || croak "No expression evaluator modules available";
  ### $evaluator

  my $subr;
  if ($evaluator eq 'Perl') {

    # Workaround: Something fishy in Safe 2.29 and perl 5.14.2 meant that
    # after a Safe->new(), any subsequently loaded code dragging in %- named
    # captures fails to load Tie::Hash::NamedCapture.  Load it now, if it
    # exists.  This affects Language::Expr which uses Regexp::Grammars which
    # has $-{'foo'}.
    # Safe 2.30 has it fixed, so can skip there, unless or until want to
    # depend outright on that version
    eval { Safe->VERSION(2.30); 1 }
      or eval { require Tie::Hash::NamedCapture };

    require Safe;
    my $safe = Safe->new;
                  ':base_math',  # sqrt(), rand(), etc
    if (eval { require List::Util; 1 }) {
      $safe->share_from('List::Util', [ 'min','max' ]);
    require POSIX;
    $safe->share_from('POSIX', [ 'floor','ceil' ]);
    require Math::Trig;
    $safe->share_from('Math::Trig', [qw(tan
                                        asin acos atan
                                        csc cosec sec cot cotan
                                        acsc acosec asec acot acotan
                                        sinh cosh tanh
                                        csch cosech sech coth cotanh
                                        asinh acosh atanh
                                        acsch acosech asech acoth acotanh
    require Math::Libm;
    $safe->share_from('Math::Libm', [qw(cbrt

    my $pi = Math::Libm::M_PI();
    my $e  = Math::Libm::M_E();
    $subr = $safe->reval("\n#line ".(__LINE__+2)." \"".__FILE__."\"\n"
                         . <<"HERE");
my \$pi = $pi;
my \$e = $e;
my \$phi = (1+sqrt(5))/2;
my \$gam = 0.5772156649015328606065120;
my \$i;
sub i () { return \$i }
sub {
  \$i = \$_[0];
  return do { $expression }
    ### $subr
    if (! $subr) {
      croak "Invalid or unsafe expression: $@\n";

  } elsif ($evaluator eq 'MS') {
    require Math::Symbolic;
    my $tree = Math::Symbolic->parse_from_string($expression);
    if (! defined $tree) {
      croak "Cannot parse MS expression: $expression";

    # simplify wrong result on x+(-5)*y before 0.605 ...
    if (eval { $tree->VERSION(0.605); 1 }) {
      $tree = $tree->simplify;

    my @vars = $tree->signature;
    if (@vars > 1) {
      croak "More than one variable in MS expression: $expression\n(simplified to $tree)";
    ### code: $tree->to_code
    ($subr) = $tree->to_sub(\@vars);
    ### $subr

  } elsif ($evaluator eq 'MEE') {
    require Math::Expression::Evaluator;
    my $me = Math::Expression::Evaluator->new;
    $me->set_function('min', \&List::Util::min);
    $me->set_function('max', \&List::Util::max);
               .'; e='.Math::Libm::M_E()
               .'; phi=(1+sqrt(5))/2'
               .'; gam=0.5772156649015328606065120');

    eval { $me->parse ($expression); 1 }
      or croak "Cannot parse MEE expression: $expression\n$@";

    # my @vars = $me->variables;
    my @vars = _me_free_variables($me);
    if (@vars > 1) {
      croak "More than one variable in MEE expression: $expression";

    my $hashsub = $me->compiled;
    ### $hashsub
    ### _ast_to_perl: $me->_ast_to_perl($me->{ast})

    my $v = $vars[0];
    my %vars;
    if (@vars) {
      $subr = sub {
        $vars{$v} = $_[0];
        return &$hashsub(\%vars);
    } else {
      ### no variables in expression ...
      $subr = sub {
        return &$hashsub(\%vars);

  } elsif ($evaluator eq 'LE') {
    require Language::Expr;
    my $le = Language::Expr->new;
    my $varef;
    eval { $varef = $le->enum_vars ($expression); 1 }
      or croak "Cannot parse LE expression: $expression\n$@";
    ### $varef
    my @vars = grep {   # only vars, not functions as such
      do {
        no strict;
        ! defined ${"Math::NumSeq::Expression::LanguageExpr::$_"}
    } @$varef;
    if (@vars > 1) {
      croak "More than one variable in LE expression: $expression";

    require Language::Expr::Compiler::Perl;
    my $pe = Language::Expr::Compiler::Perl->new;
    my $perlstr;
    eval { $perlstr = $pe->perl ($expression); 1 }
      or croak "Cannot parse LE expression: $expression\n$@";

    my $v = $vars[0] || 'i';
    ### $v
    ### eval: "sub { my \$$v = \$_[0]; $perlstr }"
    $subr = eval "package Math::NumSeq::Expression::LanguageExpr;
                  use strict;
                  sub { my \$$v = \$_[0]; $perlstr }"
      or croak "Cannot compile $expression\n$perlstr\n$@";
    ### $subr
    ### at zero: $subr->(0)

  } else {
    croak "Unknown evaluator: $evaluator";

  my $self = bless {
                     # hi    => $options{'hi'},
                     subr  => $subr,
                     expression => $expression, # for oeis_anum() and dumps
                   }, $class;
  return $self;

sub rewind {
  my ($self) = @_;
  $self->{'i'} = $self->i_start;
  $self->{'above'} = 0;

sub next {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $i = $self->{'i'}++;

  for (;;) {
    if ($self->{'above'} >= 10) {  #  || $i > $self->{'hi'}
    my $n = eval { $self->{'subr'}->($i) };
    if (! defined $n) {
      # eg. division by zero
      ### expression undef: $@
    ### expression result: $n
    # if ($n > $self->{'hi'}) {
    #   $self->{'above'}++;
    # }
    return ($i, $n);

# Math::Expression::Evaluator helpers

# $me is a Math::Expression::Evaluator
# return a list of the free variables in it
sub _me_free_variables {
  my ($me) = @_;
  my %assigned = %{$me->{'variables'}};
  my %free;
  my @pending = ($me->{'ast'});
  while (@pending) {
    my $node = shift @pending;
    ref $node or next;
    # ### $node
    push @pending, @$node[1..$#$node];

    if ($node->[0] eq '$') {
      my $varname = $node->[1];
      if (! $assigned{$varname}) {
        ### free: $varname
        $free{$varname} = 1;
    } elsif ($node->[0] eq '=') {
      my $vnode = $node->[1];
      if ($vnode->[0] eq '$') {
        ### assigned: $vnode->[1]
        $assigned{$vnode->[1]} = 1;
  return keys %free;


=for stopwords Ryde Math-NumSeq evaluator prototyped Math-Expression-Evaluator Language-Expr eval subr

=head1 NAME

Math::NumSeq::Expression -- mathematical expression values


 use Math::NumSeq::Expression;
 my $seq = Math::NumSeq::Expression->new (expression => '2*i+1');
 my ($i, $value) = $seq->next;


A string expression evaluated at i=0, 1, 2, etc, by Perl or a choice of
evaluator modules.

This is designed to take expression strings from user input though could be
used for something quick from program code too.

=head2 Perl

The default C<expression_evaluator =E<gt> 'Perl'> evaluates with Perl
itself.  This is always available.  Expressions are run with the C<Safe>
module to restrict to arithmetic (see L<Safe>).

The i index is in a C<$i> variable and an C<i()> function.  The C<i()>
function is prototyped like a constant.

    2*$i - 2

The functions made available include

    atan2 sin cos exp log                 \    Perl builtins
      sqrt rand                           /
    min max                               List::Util
    floor ceil                            POSIX module
    cbrt hypot erf erfc expm1             \
      j0 j1 jn lgamma_r log10              |  Math::Libm
      log1p pow rint y0 y1 yn             /
    tan asin acos atan                    \
      csc cosec sec cot cotan              |  Math::Trig
      acsc acosec asec acot acotan         |
      sinh cosh tanh                       |
      csch cosech sech coth cotanh         |
      asinh acosh atanh                    |
      acsch acosech asech acoth acotanh   /

=head2 Math-Symbolic

C<expression_evaluator =E<gt> 'MS'> selects the C<Math::Symbolic> module, if

The expression is parsed with C<Math::Symbolic-E<gt>parse_from_string()> and
should use a single variable for the i index in the sequence.  The variable
can be any name, not just  "i"

    x^2 + x + 1           # any single variable

The usual C<$ms-E<gt>simplify()> is applied to perhaps reduce the expression
a bit, then C<to_sub()> for actual evaluation.

=head2 Math-Expression-Evaluator

C<expression_evaluator =E<gt> 'MEE'> selects the
C<Math::Expression::Evaluator> module, if available.

The expression should use a single input variable, which can be any name,
and takes the i index in the sequence.  Temporary variables can be used by
assigning to them,

    x^2 + x + 1      # any single variable
    t=2*i; t^2       # temporary variables assigned

The expression is run with C<$mee-E<gt>compiled()>.  It turns the expression
into a Perl subr for actual evaluation.

=head2 Language-Expr

C<expression_evaluator =E<gt> 'LE'> selects the C<Language::Expr> module, if

The expression should use a single variable, of any name, which will be the
i index in the sequence.  See L<Language::Expr::Manual::Syntax> for the
expression syntax.

    $x*$x + $x + 1

The expression is compiled with L<Language::Expr::Compiler::Perl> for


See L<Math::NumSeq/FUNCTIONS> for behaviour common to all sequence classes.

=over 4

=item C<$seq = Math::NumSeq::Expression-E<gt>new (radix =E<gt> $r, modulus =E<gt> $d)>

Create and return a new sequence object.


=head2 Random Access


=item C<$value = $seq-E<gt>ith($i)>

Return the C<expression> evaluated at C<$i>.


=head1 BUGS

C<> seems a bit of a slowdown.  Is that right or is it supposed to
validate ops during the eval which compiles a subr?

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 HOME PAGE


=head1 LICENSE

Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Kevin Ryde

Math-NumSeq is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later

Math-NumSeq is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
Math-NumSeq.  If not, see <>.
