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# Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Kevin Ryde

# This file is part of Math-PlanePath.
# Math-PlanePath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Math-PlanePath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with Math-PlanePath.  If not, see <>.

package Math::PlanePath::SierpinskiCurve;
use 5.004;
use strict;
use List::Util 'sum','first';
#use List::Util 'min','max';
*min = \&Math::PlanePath::_min;
*max = \&Math::PlanePath::_max;

use vars '$VERSION', '@ISA';
$VERSION = 115;
use Math::PlanePath;
@ISA = ('Math::PlanePath');
*_divrem_mutate = \&Math::PlanePath::_divrem_mutate;

use Math::PlanePath::Base::Generic
use Math::PlanePath::Base::Digits

# uncomment this to run the ### lines
# use Smart::Comments;

use constant n_start => 0;

sub x_negative {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return ($self->{'arms'} >= 3);
sub y_negative {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return ($self->{'arms'} >= 5);

use constant parameter_info_array =>
   { name        => 'arms',
     share_key   => 'arms_8',
     display     => 'Arms',
     type        => 'integer',
     minimum     => 1,
     maximum     => 8,
     default     => 1,
     width       => 1,
     description => 'Arms',

   { name        => 'straight_spacing',
     display     => 'Straight Spacing',
     type        => 'integer',
     minimum     => 1,
     default     => 1,
     width       => 1,
     description => 'Spacing of the straight line points.',
   { name        => 'diagonal_spacing',
     display     => 'Diagonal Spacing',
     type        => 'integer',
     minimum     => 1,
     default     => 1,
     width       => 1,
     description => 'Spacing of the diagonal points.',

# Ntop = (4^level)/2 - 1
# Xtop = 3*2^(level-1) - 1
# fill = Ntop / (Xtop*(Xtop-1)/2)
#      -> 2 * ((4^level)/2 - 1) / (3*2^(level-1) - 1)^2
#      -> 2 * ((4^level)/2) / (3*2^(level-1))^2
#      =  4^level / (9*4^(level-1)
#      =  4/9 = 0.444

sub _UNDOCUMENTED__x_negative_at_n {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->arms_count >= 3 ? 2 : undef;
sub _UNDOCUMENTED__y_negative_at_n {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->arms_count >= 5 ? 4 : undef;

  # Note: shared by Math::PlanePath::SierpinskiCurveStair
  my @x_minimum = (undef,
                   1,  # 1 arm
                   0,  # 2 arms
                  );   # more than 2 arm, X goes negative
  sub x_minimum {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $x_minimum[$self->arms_count];
  # Note: shared by Math::PlanePath::SierpinskiCurveStair
  my @sumxy_minimum = (undef,
                       1,  # 1 arm, octant and X>=1 so X+Y>=1
                       1,  # 2 arms, X>=1 or Y>=1 so X+Y>=1
                       0,  # 3 arms, Y>=1 and X>=Y, so X+Y>=0
                      );   # more than 3 arm, Sum goes negative so undef
  sub sumxy_minimum {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $sumxy_minimum[$self->arms_count];
use constant sumabsxy_minimum => 1;

# Note: shared by Math::PlanePath::SierpinskiCurveStair
#                 Math::PlanePath::AlternatePaper
#                 Math::PlanePath::AlternatePaperMidpoint
sub diffxy_minimum {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return ($self->arms_count == 1
          ? 1       # octant Y<=X-1 so X-Y>=1
          : undef); # more than 1 arm, DiffXY goes negative
use constant absdiffxy_minimum => 1; # X=Y never occurs
use constant rsquared_minimum => 1; # minimum X=1,Y=0

sub dx_minimum {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return - max($self->{'straight_spacing'},
*dy_minimum = \&dx_minimum;

sub dx_maximum {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return max($self->{'straight_spacing'},
*dy_maximum = \&dx_maximum;

sub _UNDOCUMENTED__dxdy_list {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $s = $self->{'straight_spacing'};
  my $d = $self->{'diagonal_spacing'};
  return ($s,0,                    # E     eight scaled
          ($d ? ( $d, $d) : ()),   # NE    except s=0
          ($s ? (  0, $s) : ()),   # N     or d=0 skips
          ($d ? (-$d, $d) : ()),   # NW
          ($s ? (-$s,  0) : ()),   # W
          ($d ? (-$d,-$d) : ()),   # SW
          ($s ? (  0,-$s) : ()),   # S
          ($d ? ( $d,-$d) : ()));  # SE

  my @_UNDOCUMENTED__dxdy_list_at_n = (undef,
                                       21, 20, 27, 36,
                                       29, 12, 12, 13);
  sub _UNDOCUMENTED__dxdy_list_at_n {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $_UNDOCUMENTED__dxdy_list_at_n[$self->{'arms'}];
sub dsumxy_minimum {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return - max($self->{'straight_spacing'},
sub dsumxy_maximum {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return max($self->{'straight_spacing'},
*ddiffxy_minimum = \&dsumxy_minimum;
*ddiffxy_maximum = \&dsumxy_maximum;

use constant dir_maximum_dxdy => (1,-1); # South-East


sub new {
  my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_);

  $self->{'arms'} = max(1, min(8, $self->{'arms'} || 1));
  $self->{'straight_spacing'} ||= 1;
  $self->{'diagonal_spacing'} ||= 1;
  return $self;

sub n_to_xy {
  my ($self, $n) = @_;
  ### SierpinskiCurve n_to_xy(): $n

  if ($n < 0) {
  if (is_infinite($n)) {
    return ($n,$n);

  my $int = int($n); # BigFloat int() gives BigInt, use that
  $n -= $int;   # preserve possible BigFloat
  ### $int
  ### $n

  my $arm = _divrem_mutate ($int, $self->{'arms'});

  my $s = $self->{'straight_spacing'};
  my $d = $self->{'diagonal_spacing'};
  my $base = 2*$d+$s;
  my $x = my $y = ($int * 0);  # inherit big 0
  my $len = $x + $base;      # inherit big

  foreach my $digit (digit_split_lowtohigh($int,4)) {
    ### at: "$x,$y  digit=$digit"

    if ($digit == 0) {
      $x = $n*$d + $x;
      $y = $n*$d + $y;
      $n = 0;

    } elsif ($digit == 1) {
      ($x,$y) = ($n*$s - $y + $len-$d-$s,   # rotate +90
                 $x + $d);
      $n = 0;

    } elsif ($digit == 2) {
      # rotate -90
      ($x,$y) = ($n*$d + $y  + $len-$d,
                 -$n*$d - $x + $len-$d-$s);
      $n = 0;

    } else { # digit==3
      $x += $len;
    $len *= 2;

  # n=0 or n=33..33
  $x = $n*$d + $x;
  $y = $n*$d + $y;

  $x += 1;
  if ($arm & 1) {
    ($x,$y) = ($y,$x);   # mirror 45
  if ($arm & 2) {
    ($x,$y) = (-1-$y,$x);   # rotate +90
  if ($arm & 4) {
    $x = -1-$x;   # rotate 180
    $y = -1-$y;

  # use POSIX 'floor';
  # $x += floor($x/3);
  # $y += floor($y/3);

  # $x += floor(($x-1)/3) + floor(($x-2)/3);
  # $y += floor(($y-1)/3) + floor(($y-2)/3);

  ### final: "$x,$y"
  return ($x,$y);

my @digit_to_dir = (0, -2, 2, 0);
my @dir8_to_dx = (1, 1, 0,-1, -1, -1,  0, 1);
my @dir8_to_dy = (0, 1, 1, 1,  0, -1, -1,-1);
my @digit_to_nextturn = (-1,   # after digit=0
                         2,    #       digit=1
                         -1);  #       digit=2
sub n_to_dxdy {
  my ($self, $n) = @_;
  ### n_to_dxdy(): $n

  if ($n < 0) {
    return;  # first direction at N=0

  my $int = int($n);
  $n -= $int;

  my $arm = _divrem_mutate($int,$self->{'arms'});
  my $lowbit = _divrem_mutate($int,2);
  ### $lowbit
  ### $int

  if (is_infinite($int)) {
    return ($int,$int);
  my @ndigits = digit_split_lowtohigh($int,4);
  ### @ndigits

  my $dir8 = sum(0, map {$digit_to_dir[$_]} @ndigits);
  if ($arm & 1) {
    $dir8 = - $dir8;  # mirrored on second,fourth,etc arm
  $dir8 += ($arm|1);  # NE,NW,SW, or SE

  my $turn;
  if ($n || $lowbit) {
    # next turn

    # lowest non-3 digit, or zero if all 3s (implicit 0 above high digit)
    $turn = $digit_to_nextturn[ first {$_!=3} @ndigits, 0 ];
    if ($arm & 1) {
      $turn = - $turn;  # mirrored on second,fourth,etc arm

  if ($lowbit) {
    $dir8 += $turn;

  my $s = $self->{'straight_spacing'};
  my $d = $self->{'diagonal_spacing'};

  $dir8 &= 7;
  my $spacing = ($dir8 & 1 ? $d : $s);
  my $dx = $spacing * $dir8_to_dx[$dir8];
  my $dy = $spacing * $dir8_to_dy[$dir8];

  if ($n) {
    $dir8 += $turn;
    $dir8 &= 7;
    $spacing = ($dir8 & 1 ? $d : $s);
    $dx += $n*($spacing * $dir8_to_dx[$dir8]
               - $dx);
    $dy += $n*($spacing * $dir8_to_dy[$dir8]
               - $dy);

  return ($dx, $dy);

# 2| . 3 .
# 1| 1 . 2
# 0| . 0 .
#  +------
#    0 1 2
# 4| . . . 3 .          # diagonal_spacing == 3
# 3| . . . . 2 4        # mod=2*3+1=7
# 2| . . . . . . .
# 1| 1 . . . . . . .
# 0| . 0 . . . . . . 6
#  +------------------
#    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
sub _NOTWORKING__xy_is_visited {
  my ($self, $x, $y) = @_;
  $x = round_nearest($x);
  $y = round_nearest($y);
  my $mod = 2*$self->{'diagonal_spacing'} + $self->{'straight_spacing'};
  return (_rect_within_arms($x,$y, $x,$y, $self->{'arms'})
          && ((($x%$mod)+($y%$mod)) & 1));

#   x1    *  x2 *
#    +-----*-+y2*
#    |      *|  *
#    |       *  *
#    |       |* *
#    |       | **
#    +-------+y1*
#   ----------------
# arms=5 x1,y2 after X=Y-1 line, so x1 > y2-1, x1 >= y2
# ************
#      x1   *   x2
#      +---*----+y2
#      |  *     |
#      | *      |
#      |*       |
#      *        |
#     *+--------+y1
#    *
# arms=7 x1,y1 after X=-2-Y line, so x1 > -2-y1
# ************
# ** +------+
# * *|      |
# *  *      |
# *  |*     |
# *  | *    |
# *y1+--*---+
# * x1   *
# _rect_within_arms() returns true if rectangle x1,y1,x2,y2 has some part
# within the extent of the $arms set of octants.
sub _rect_within_arms {
  my ($x1,$y1, $x2,$y2, $arms) = @_;
  return ($arms <= 4
          ? ($y2 >= 0  # y2 top edge must be positive
             && ($arms <= 2
                 ? ($arms == 1 ? $x2 > $y1   # arms==1  bottom right
                    :            $x2 >= 0)   # arms==2  right edge
                 : ($arms == 4               # arms==4  anything
                    || $x2 >= -$y2)))        # arms==3  top right

          # arms >= 5
          : ($y2 >= 0  # y2 top edge positive is good, otherwise check
             || ($arms <= 6
                 ? ($arms == 5 ? $x1 < $y2   # arms==5  top left
                    :            $x1 < 0)    # arms==6  left edge
                 : ($arms == 8               # arms==8  anything
                    || $x1 <= -2-$y1))));    # arms==7  bottom left

sub xy_to_n {
  my ($self, $x, $y) = @_;
  ### SierpinskiCurve xy_to_n(): "$x, $y"

  $x = round_nearest($x);
  $y = round_nearest($y);

  my $arm = 0;
  if ($y < 0) {
    $arm = 4;
    $x = -1-$x;  # rotate -180
    $y = -1-$y;
  if ($x < 0) {
    $arm += 2;
    ($x,$y) = ($y, -1-$x);  # rotate -90
  if ($y > $x) {       # second octant
    ($x,$y) = ($y,$x); # mirror 45

  my $arms = $self->{'arms'};
  if ($arm >= $arms) {
    return undef;

  $x -= 1;
  if ($x < 0 || $x < $y) {
    return undef;
  ### x adjust to zero: "$x,$y"
  ### assert: $x >= 0
  ### assert: $y >= 0

  my $s = $self->{'straight_spacing'};
  my $d = $self->{'diagonal_spacing'};
  my $base = (2*$d+$s);
  my ($len,$level) = round_down_pow (($x+$y)/$base || 1,  2);
  ### $level
  ### $len
  if (is_infinite($level)) {
    return $level;

  # Xtop = 3*2^(level-1)-1
  $len *= 2*$base;
  ### initial len: $len

  my $n = 0;
  foreach (0 .. $level) {
    $n *= 4;
    ### at: "loop=$_ len=$len   x=$x,y=$y  n=$n"
    ### assert: $x >= 0
    ### assert: $y >= 0

    my $len_sub_d = $len - $d;
    if ($x < $len_sub_d) {
      ### digit 0 or 1...
      if ($x+$y+$s < $len) {
        ### digit 0 ...
      } else {
        ### digit 1 ...
        ($x,$y) = ($y-$d, $len-$s-$d-$x);   # shift then rotate -90
        $n += 1;
    } else {
      $x -= $len_sub_d;
      ### digit 2 or 3 to: "x=$x y=$y"
      if ($x < $y) {   # before diagonal
        ### digit 2...
        ($x,$y) = ($len-$d-$s-$y, $x);     # shift y-len then rotate +90
        $n += 2;
      } else {
        #### digit 3...
        $x -= $d;
        $n += 3;
      if ($x < 0) {
        return undef;
    $len /= 2;

  ### end at: "x=$x,y=$y   n=$n"
  ### assert: $x >= 0
  ### assert: $y >= 0

  $n *= 4;
  if ($y == 0 && $x == 0) {
    ### final digit 0 ...
  } elsif ($x == $d && $y == $d) {
    ### final digit 1 ...
    $n += 1;
  } elsif ($x == $d+$s && $y == $d) {
    ### final digit 2 ...
    $n += 2;
  } elsif ($x == $base && $y == 0) {
    ### final digit 3 ...
    $n += 3;
  } else {
    return undef;

  return $n*$arms + $arm;

# not exact
sub rect_to_n_range {
  my ($self, $x1,$y1, $x2,$y2) = @_;
  ### SierpinskiCurve rect_to_n_range(): "$x1,$y1  $x2,$y2"

  $x1 = round_nearest ($x1);
  $x2 = round_nearest ($x2);
  $y1 = round_nearest ($y1);
  $y2 = round_nearest ($y2);
  ($x1,$x2) = ($x2,$x1) if $x1 > $x2;
  ($y1,$y2) = ($y2,$y1) if $y1 > $y2;

  my $arms = $self->{'arms'};
  unless (_rect_within_arms($x1,$y1, $x2,$y2, $arms)) {
    ### rect outside octants, for arms: $arms
    return (1,0);

  my $max = ($x2 + $y2);
  if ($arms >= 3) {
    _apply_max ($max, -1-$x1 + $y2);

    if ($arms >= 5) {
      _apply_max ($max, -1-$x1 - $y1-1);

      if ($arms >= 7) {
        _apply_max ($max, $x2 - $y1-1);

  # base=2d+s
  # level begins at
  #   base*(2^level-1)-s = X+Y     ... maybe
  #   base*2^level = X+base
  #   2^level = (X+base)/base
  #   level = log2((X+base)/base)
  # then
  #   Nlevel = 4^level-1

  my $base = 2 * $self->{'diagonal_spacing'} + $self->{'straight_spacing'};
  my ($power) = round_down_pow (int(($max+$base-2)/$base),
  return (0, 4*$power*$power * $arms - 1);

sub _apply_max {
  ### _apply_max(): "$_[0] cf $_[1]"
  unless ($_[0] > $_[1]) {
    $_[0] = $_[1];


# #      ...0    ...1
# #      ...1    ...2
# #      ...2    ...3
# #    ..0333  ..1000    any low 3s
# #      ..02    ..03
# #      ..12    ..13
# #      ..22    ..23
# #   ..03332 ..03333
# #   ..13332 ..13333
# #   ..23332 ..23333
# my @lowdigit_to_dir = (1,-2, 1, 0);
# my @digit_to_dir    = (0, 2,-2, 0);
# my @dir8_to_dx = (1, 1, 0,-1, -1, -1,  0, 1);
# my @dir8_to_dy = (0, 1, 1, 1,  0, -1, -1,-1);
# my @digit_to_nextturn  = (-1,-1,2);
# my @digit_to_nextturn2 = (2,-1,2);
# sub _WORKING_BUT_HAIRY__n_to_dxdy {
#   my ($self, $n) = @_;
#   ### n_to_dxdy(): $n
#   if ($n < 0) {
#     return;  # first direction at N=0
#   }
#   if (is_infinite($n)) {
#     return ($n,$n);
#   }
#   my $int = int($n);
#   $n -= $int;
#   my @digits = digit_split_lowtohigh($int,4);
#   ### @digits
#   # strip low 3s
#   my $any_low3s;
#   while (($digits[0]||0) == 3) {
#     shift @digits;
#     $any_low3s = 1;
#   }
#   my $dir8 = $lowdigit_to_dir[$digits[0] || 0];
#   $dir8 += sum(0, map {$digit_to_dir[$_]} @digits);
#   $dir8 &= 7;
#   my $dx = $dir8_to_dx[$dir8];
#   my $dy = $dir8_to_dy[$dir8];
#   if ($n) {
#     # fraction part
#     if ($any_low3s) {
#       $dir8 += $digit_to_nextturn2[$digits[0]||0];
#     } else {
#       my $digit = $digits[0] || 0;
#       if ($digit == 2) {
#         shift @digits;
#         # lowest non-3 digit
#         do {
#           $digit = shift @digits || 0;  # zero if all 3s or no digits at all
#         } until ($digit != 3);
#         $dir8 += $digit_to_nextturn2[$digit];
#       } else {
#         $dir8 += $digit_to_nextturn[$digit];
#       }
#     }
#     $dir8 &= 7;
#     $dx += $n*($dir8_to_dx[$dir8] - $dx);
#     $dy += $n*($dir8_to_dy[$dir8] - $dy);
#   }
#   return ($dx, $dy);
# }

   #                                              63-64            14
   #                                               |  |
   #                                              62 65            13
   #                                             /     \
   #                                        60-61       66-67      12
   #                                         |              |
   #                                        59-58       69-68      11
   #                                             \     /
   #                                  51-52       57 70            10
   #                                   |  |        |  |
   #                                  50 53       56 71       ...   9
   #                                 /     \     /     \     /
   #                            48-49       54-55       72-73       8
   #                             |
   #                            47-46       41-40                   7
   #                                 \     /     \
   #                      15-16       45 42       39                6
   #                       |  |        |  |        |
   #                      14 17       44-43       38                5
   #                     /     \                 /
   #                12-13       18-19       36-37                   4
   #                 |              |        |
   #                11-10       21-20       35-34                   3
   #                     \     /                 \
   #           3--4        9 22       27-28       33                2
   #           |  |        |  |        |  |        |
   #           2  5        8 23       26 29       32                1
   #         /     \     /     \     /     \     /
   #     0--1        6--7       24-25       30-31                 Y=0
   #  ^
   # X=0 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ...

# The factor of 3 arises because there's a gap between each level, increasing
# it by a fixed extra each time,
#     length(level) = 2*length(level-1) + 2
#                   = 2^level + (2^level + 2^(level-1) + ... + 2)
#                   = 2^level + (2^(level+1)-1 - 1)
#                   = 3*2^level - 2

=for stopwords eg Ryde Waclaw Sierpinski Sierpinski's Math-PlanePath Nlevel Nend Ntop Xlevel OEIS dX dY dX,dY nextturn

=head1 NAME

Math::PlanePath::SierpinskiCurve -- Sierpinski curve


 use Math::PlanePath::SierpinskiCurve;
 my $path = Math::PlanePath::SierpinskiCurve->new (arms => 2);
 my ($x, $y) = $path->n_to_xy (123);


X<Sierpinski, Waclaw>This is an integer version of the self-similar curve by
Waclaw Sierpinski traversing the plane by right triangles.  The default is a
single arm of the curve in an eighth of the plane.


# math-image --path=SierpinskiCurve --all --output=numbers_dash --size=79x26


    10  |                                  31-32
        |                                 /     \
     9  |                               30       33
        |                                |        |
     8  |                               29       34
        |                                 \     /
     7  |                         25-26    28 35    37-38
        |                        /     \  /     \  /     \
     6  |                      24       27       36       39
        |                       |                          |
     5  |                      23       20       43       40
        |                        \     /  \     /  \     /
     4  |                 7--8    22-21    19 44    42-41    55-...
        |               /     \           /     \           /
     3  |              6        9       18       45       54
        |              |        |        |        |        |
     2  |              5       10       17       46       53
        |               \     /           \     /           \
     1  |        1--2     4 11    13-14    16 47    49-50    52
        |      /     \  /     \  /     \  /     \  /     \  /
    Y=0 |  .  0        3       12       15       48       51
          X=0 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

The tiling it represents is

                  / | \
                 /  |  \
                /  7| 8 \
               / \  |  / \
              /   \ | /   \
             /  6  \|/  9  \
           /|\  5  /|\ 10  /|\
          / | \   / | \   / | \
         /  |  \ /  |  \ /  |  \
        /  1| 2 X 4 |11 X 13|14 \
       / \  |  / \  |  / \  |  / \ ...
      /   \ | /   \ | /   \ | /   \
     /  0  \|/  3  \|/  12 \|/  15 \

The points are on a square grid with integer X,Y.  4 points are used in each
3x3 block.  In general a point is used if

    X%3==1 or Y%3==1 but not both

    which means
    ((X%3)+(Y%3)) % 2 == 1

The X axis N=0,3,12,15,48,etc are all the integers which use only digits 0
and 3 in base 4.  For example N=51 is 303 base4.  Or equivalently the values
all have doubled bits in binary, for example N=48 is 110000 binary.
(Compare the C<CornerReplicate> which also has these values along the X

=head2 Level Ranges

Counting the N=0 to N=3 as level=1, N=0 to N=15 as level 2, etc, the end of
each level, back at the X axis, is

    Nlevel = 4^level - 1
    Xlevel = 3*2^level - 2
    Ylevel = 0

For example level=2 is Nend = 2^(2*2)-1 = 15 at X=3*2^2-2 = 10.

The top of each level is half way along,

    Ntop = (4^level)/2 - 1
    Xtop = 3*2^(level-1) - 1
    Ytop = 3*2^(level-1) - 2

For example level=3 is Ntop = 2^(2*3-1)-1 = 31 at X=3*2^(3-1)-1 = 11 and
Y=3*2^(3-1)-2 = 10.

The factor of 3 arises from the three steps which make up the N=0,1,2,3
section.  The Xlevel width grows as

    Xlevel(1) = 3
    Xlevel(level+1) = 2*Xwidth(level) + 3

which dividing out the factor of 3 is 2*w+1, given 2^k-1 (in binary a left
shift and bring in a new 1 bit, giving 2^k-1).

Notice too the Nlevel points as a fraction of the triangular area
Xlevel*(Xlevel-1)/2 gives the 4 out of 9 points filled,

    FillFrac = Nlevel / (Xlevel*(Xlevel-1)/2)
            -> 4/9

=head2 Arms

The optional C<arms> parameter can draw multiple curves, each advancing
successively.  For example C<arms =E<gt> 2>,

       33       39       57       63         11
      /  \     /  \     /  \     /
    31    35-37    41 55    59-61    62-..   10
      \           /     \           /
       29       43       53       60          9
        |        |        |        |
       27       45       51       58          8
      /           \     /           \
    25    21-19    47-49    50-52    56       7
      \  /     \           /     \  /
       23       17       48       54          6
                 |        |
        9       15       46       40          5
      /  \     /           \     /  \
     7    11-13    14-16    44-42    38       4
      \           /     \           /
        5       12       18       36          3
        |        |        |        |
        3       10       20       34          2
      /           \     /           \
     1     2--4     8 22    26-28    32       1
         /     \  /     \  /     \  /
        0        6       24       30      <- Y=0

    X=0 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11

The N=0 point is at X=1,Y=0 (in all arms forms) so that the second arm is
within the first quadrant.

1 to 8 arms can be done this way.  C<arms=E<gt>8> is as follows.

           ...                       ...           6
            |                          |
           58       34       33       57           5
             \     /  \     /  \     /
    ...-59    50-42    26 25    41-49    56-...    4
          \           /     \           /
           51       18       17       48           3
            |        |        |        |
           43       10        9       40           2
          /           \     /           \
        35    19-11     2  1     8-16    32        1
          \  /     \           /     \  /
           27        3     .  0       24       <- Y=0

           28        4        7       31          -1
          /  \     /           \     /  \
        36    20-12     5  6    15-23    39       -2
          \           /     \           /
           44       13       14       47          -3
            |        |        |        |
           52       21       22       55          -4
          /           \     /           \
    ...-60    53-45    29 30    46-54    63-...   -5
             /     \  /     \  /     \
           61       37       38       62          -6
            |                          |
           ...                       ...          -7

     -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 X=0 1  2  3  4  5  6

The middle "." is the origin X=0,Y=0.  It would be more symmetrical to make
the origin the middle of the eight arms, at X=-0.5,Y=-0.5 in the above, but
that would give fractional X,Y values.  Apply an offset with X+0.5,Y+0.5 to
centre it if desired.

=head2 Spacing

The optional C<diagonal_spacing> and C<straight_spacing> can increase the
space between points diagonally or vertically+horizontally.  The default for
each is 1.


# math-image --path=SierpinskiCurve,straight_spacing=2,diagonal_spacing=1 --all --output=numbers_dash --size=79x26
# math-image --path=SierpinskiCurve,straight_spacing=3,diagonal_spacing=3 --all --output=numbers_dash --size=79x26


    straight_spacing => 2
    diagonal_spacing => 1

                        7 ----- 8
                     /           \
                    6               9
                    |               |
                    |               |
                    |               |
                    5              10              ...
                     \           /                   \
        1 ----- 2       4      11      13 ---- 14      16
     /           \   /           \   /           \   /
    0               3              12              15

   X=0  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13 ...

The effect is only to spread the points.  In the level formulas above the
"3" factor becomes 2*d+s, effectively being the N=0 to N=3 section sized as

    d = diagonal_spacing
    s = straight_spacing

    Xlevel = (2d+s)*(2^level - 1)  + 1

    Xtop = (2d+s)*2^(level-1) - d - s + 1
    Ytop = (2d+s)*2^(level-1) - d - s

=head2 Closed Curve

Sierpinski's original conception was a closed curve filling a unit square by
ever greater self-similar detail,

    /\_/\ /\_/\ /\_/\ /\_/\
    \   / \   / \   / \   /
     | |   | |   | |   | |
    / _ \_/ _ \ / _ \_/ _ \
    \/ \   / \/ \/ \   / \/
       |  |         | |
    /\_/ _ \_/\ /\_/ _ \_/\
    \   / \   / \   / \   /
     | |   | |   | |   | |
    / _ \ / _ \_/ _ \ / _ \
    \/ \/ \/ \   / \/ \/ \/
              | |
    /\_/\ /\_/ _ \_/\ /\_/\
    \   / \   / \   / \   /
     | |   | |   | |   | |
    / _ \_/ _ \ / _ \_/ _ \
    \/ \   / \/ \/ \   / \/
       |  |         | |
    /\_/ _ \_/\ /\_/ _ \_/\
    \   / \   / \   / \   /
     | |   | |   | |   | |
    / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \
    \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

The code here might be pressed into use for this by drawing a mirror image
of the curve N=0 through Nlevel (above).  Or using the C<arms=E<gt>2> form
N=0 to N=4^level, inclusive, and joining up the ends.

The curve is also usually conceived as scaling down by quarters.  This can
be had with C<straight_spacing =E<gt> 2> and then an offset to X+1,Y+1 to
centre in a 4*2^level square

=head2 Koch Curve

The replicating structure is the same as the Koch curve
(L<Math::PlanePath::KochCurve>), in that the curve repeats four times to
make the next level,

    Koch Curve           Sierpinski Curve
                          (mirror image)

                               | |
         / \                   | |
        /   \                  | |
    ---       ---           ---   ---

The turns in the Sierpinski curve are by 90 degrees and 180 degrees, done in
two steps 45+45=90 when turning right or 90+90=180 when turning left.

The turn sequence left or right is the same as the Koch curve
(L<Math::PlanePath::KochCurve/N to Turn>) except the Sierpinski curve makes
each turn in two steps, and mirrored to swap LE<lt>-E<gt>R.  For example the
Koch curve starts with Left at N=1 which for the Sierpinski curve becomes
two turns Right,Right at N=1,N=2.

           N=1    2    3    4    5     6      7      8
    Koch     L    R    L    L    L     R      L      R     ...

           N=1,2  3,4  5,6  7,8  9,10  11,12  13,14  15,16
    Sierp    R R  L L  R R  R R  R R   L  L   R  R   L  L  ...


See L<Math::PlanePath/FUNCTIONS> for behaviour common to all path classes.

=over 4

=item C<$path = Math::PlanePath::SierpinskiCurve-E<gt>new ()>

=item C<$path = Math::PlanePath::SierpinskiCurve-E<gt>new (arms =E<gt> $integer, diagonal_spacing =E<gt> $integer, straight_spacing =E<gt> $integer)>

Create and return a new path object.

=item C<($x,$y) = $path-E<gt>n_to_xy ($n)>

Return the X,Y coordinates of point number C<$n> on the path.  Points begin
at 0 and if C<$n E<lt> 0> then the return is an empty list.

Fractional positions give an X,Y position along a straight line between the
integer positions.

=item C<$n = $path-E<gt>n_start()>

Return 0, the first N in the path.



=head2 N to dX,dY

The curve direction at an even N can be calculated from the base-4 digits of
N/2 in a fashion similar to the Koch curve (L<Math::PlanePath::KochCurve/N
to Direction>).  Counting direction in eighths so 0=east, 1=north-east,
2=north, etc,

    digit     direction
    -----     ---------
      0           0
      1          -2
      2           2
      3           0

    direction = 1 + sum direction[base-4 digits of N/2]

For example the direction at N=10 has N/2=5 which is "11" in base-4, so
direction = 1+(-2)+(-2) = -3 = south-west.

The 1 in 1+sum is direction north-east for N=0, then -2 or +2 for the digits
follow the curve.  For an odd arm the curve is mirrored and the sign of each
digit direction is flipped, so a subtract instead of add,

    mirrored  = 1 - sum direction[base-4 digits of N/2]

For odd N=2k+1 the direction at N=2k is calculated and then also the turn
which is made from N=2k to N=2(k+1).  This is similar to the Koch curve next
turn (L<Math::PlanePath::KochCurve/N to Next Turn>).

   lowest non-3     next turn
   digit of N/2   (at N=2k+1,N=2k+2)
   ------------   ----------------
        0           -1 (right)
        1           +2 (left)
        2           -1 (right)

Again the turn is in eighths, so -1 means -45 degrees (to the right).  For
example at N=14 has N/2=7 which is "13" in base-4 so lowest non-3 is "1"
which is turn +2, so at N=15 and N=16 turn by 90 degrees left.

   N=2k or 2k+1

   direction = 1 + sum direction[base-4 digits of k]
                 + if N odd then nextturn[low-non-3 of k]

   dX,dY = direction to 1,0 1,1 0,1 etc

For fractional N the same nextturn is applied to calculate the direction of
the next segment, and combined with the integer dX,dY as per
L<Math::PlanePath/N to dX,dY -- Fractional>.

   N=2k or 2k+1 + frac

   direction = 1 + sum direction[base-4 digits of k]

   if (frac != 0 or N odd)
     turn = nextturn[low-non-3 of k]

   if N odd then direction += turn
   dX,dY = direction to 1,0 1,1 0,1 etc

   if frac!=0 then
     direction += turn
     next_dX,next_dY = direction to 1,0 1,1 0,1 etc

     dX += frac*(next_dX - dX)
     dY += frac*(next_dY - dY)

For the C<straight_spacing> and C<diagonal_spacing> options the dX,dY values
are not units like dX=1,dY=0 but instead are the spacing amount, either
straight or diagonal so

    direction      delta with spacing
    ---------    -------------------------
        0        dX=straight_spacing, dY=0
        1        dX=diagonal_spacing, dY=diagonal_spacing
        2        dX=0, dY=straight_spacing
        3        dX=-diagonal_spacing, dY=diagonal_spacing

As an alternative, it's possible to take just base-4 digits of N, without
separate handling for the low-bit of N, but it requires an adjustment for on
the low base-4 digit, and the next turn calculation for fractional N becomes
hairier.  A little state table could no doubt encode the cumulative and
lowest whatever if desired, to take N by base-4 digits high to low, or
equivalently by bits high to low with an initial state based on high bit at
an odd or even bit position.

=head1 OEIS

The Sierpinski curve is in Sloane's Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences


L<> (etc)


    A039963   turn 1=right,0=left, doubling the KochCurve turns
    A081706   N-1 of left turn positions
               (first values 2,3 whereas N=3,4 here)
    A127254   abs(dY), so 0=horizontal, 1=vertical or diagonal,
                except extra initial 1
    A081026   X at N=2^k, being successively 3*2^j-1, 3*2^j

A039963 is numbered starting n=0 for the first turn, which is at the point
N=1 in the path here.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 HOME PAGE


=head1 LICENSE

Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Kevin Ryde

Math-PlanePath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later

Math-PlanePath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
Math-PlanePath.  If not, see <>.
