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# Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Kevin Ryde

# This file is part of Chart.
# Chart is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
# Chart is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with Chart.  If not, see <>.

package App::Chart;
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Date::Calc;
use File::Spec;
use I18N::Langinfo ();
use I18N::Langinfo::Wide;
use List::Util qw(min max);
use POSIX qw(floor ceil);
use Regexp::Common 'whitespace';
use Scalar::Util;
use Locale::TextDomain;
use Locale::TextDomain ('App-Chart');
use Glib;

# uncomment this to run the ### lines
#use Smart::Comments;

our $VERSION = 249;

use Locale::Messages 1.16; # version 1.16 for turn_utf_8_on()
  Locale::Messages::bind_textdomain_codeset ('App-Chart','UTF-8');
  Locale::Messages::bind_textdomain_filter ('App-Chart',
# sub chart_gettext_filter {
#   my ($str) = @_;
#   Locale::Messages::turn_utf_8_on ($str);
#   $str =~ s/^CONTEXT\(.*?\): *//;
#   return $str;
# }

# return the user's ~/Chart directory, as an absolute path in filesystem
# charset encoding
# note not using Glib::get_home_dir() here, since it wrongly prefers the
# passwd file over $HOME
use constant::defer chart_directory => sub {
  require File::HomeDir;
  my $home = File::HomeDir->my_home
    // die "No home directory can be found by File::HomeDir\n";
  return File::Spec->catdir($home, 'Chart');

use constant::defer chart_dirbroadcast => sub {
  require App::Chart::Glib::Ex::DirBroadcast;
  return App::Chart::Glib::Ex::DirBroadcast->new
    (File::Spec->catdir(chart_directory(), 'broadcast'));

# force LC_NUMERIC to the locale, whereas perl normally runs with "C"
use constant::defer number_formatter => sub {
  require Number::Format;
  my $oldlocale = POSIX::setlocale(POSIX::LC_NUMERIC());
  POSIX::setlocale (POSIX::LC_NUMERIC(), "");
  my $nf = Number::Format->new;
  POSIX::setlocale (POSIX::LC_NUMERIC(), $oldlocale);
  return $nf;

use constant { UP_COLOUR   => 'light green',
               DOWN_COLOUR => 'pink',
               BAND_COLOUR => 'blue',
               GREY_COLOUR => 'grey' };


our %option
  = (verbose => 0,
     d_fmt   => I18N::Langinfo::Wide::langinfo(I18N::Langinfo::D_FMT()),
     http_get_cost => 3000,
$option{'wd_fmt'} = __x('%a {d_fmt}', d_fmt => $option{'d_fmt'});


sub symbol_sans_suffix {
  my ($symbol) = @_;
  return ($symbol =~ /(.*)\./ ? $1 : $symbol);

sub symbol_suffix {
  my ($symbol) = @_;
  if ($symbol =~ /([.=][^.=]+)$/) {
    return $1;
  } else {
    return '';

my $symbol_re = qr{
                   ((\ (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)\ |
                       \^?[^^]([FGHJKMNQUVXZ]))  # $4 M code
                     ([0-9]+)                    # $5 year
                   | ([0-9]+))?                  # $6 number like LME
                   (\.[^.]+)?$                   # $7 suffix

# return commodity part of SYMBOL, or whole symbol (sans suffix) if no
# month/year
# eg. "GC" for "GCH05.CMX"
#     "TIN 3" for "TIN 3.LME"  -- ?????
sub symbol_commodity {
  my ($symbol) = @_;
  $symbol =~ $symbol_re or die 'Oops, symbol_re didn\'t match';
  my $end = ($+[6]        # "TIN 3" num right up to suffix
             // $-[4]     # "X08" M-code stop there
             // $-[0]);   # " JAN 06" named stop there, or whole lot
  return substr ($symbol, 0, $end);
sub symbol_is_front {
  my ($symbol) = @_;
  return symbol_commodity($symbol) eq symbol_sans_suffix($symbol);


sub symbol_cmp {
  my ($s1, $s2) = @_;
  # transform "." so that it comes before a space, so that "ZINC.LME" sorts
  # before "ZINC 3.LME", etc
  $s1 =~ tr/^./\000\001/;
  $s2 =~ tr/^./\000\001/;
  return (lc($s1) cmp lc($s2)) || ($s1 cmp $s2);


my %symbol_setups_done;
sub symbol_setups {
  my ($symbol) = @_;
  my $suffix = symbol_suffix ($symbol);
  if ($suffix eq '') {
    if ($symbol_setups_done{$symbol}) { return; }
    $symbol_setups_done{$symbol} = 1;
    ### symbol_setups() NoSuffix\n: $symbol
    require App::Chart::Suffix::NoSuffix;
    App::Chart::Suffix::NoSuffix::symbol_setups ($symbol);
  if ($symbol_setups_done{$suffix}) { return; }
  $symbol_setups_done{$suffix} = 1;

  ### symbol_setups() suffix: $suffix
  if ($symbol =~ /[.=]..?$/) {
    require App::Chart::Yahoo;

  # '.AX' or '=X' becomes 'AX' or 'X'
  $suffix =~ s/[.=]//;

  # load App::Chart::Suffix::XX and also any App::Chart::Suffix::XX::Foo, the
  # latter being meant as pluggable add-ons
  require Module::Util;
  require Module::Load;
  require Module::Find;

  my $top_module = "App::Chart::Suffix::$suffix";
  if (Module::Util::find_installed($top_module)) {
    ### load top: $top_module
    Module::Load::load ($top_module);
  foreach my $sub_module (Module::Find::findsubmod($top_module)) {
    ### load sub_module: $sub_module
    Module::Load::load ($sub_module);


# =item C<< App::Chart::symbol_source_help ($symbol) >>
# Return the name of the node (or anchor) in the manual for help on the data
# source for C<$symbol>.
# =item App::Chart::setup_source_help ($pred, $node)
# =cut

my @source_help_list = ();

sub symbol_source_help {
  my ($symbol) = @_;
  symbol_setups ($symbol);
  foreach my $elem (@source_help_list) {
    if ($elem->[0]->match ($symbol)) {
      return $elem->[1];
  return undef;
sub setup_source_help {
  my ($pred, $node) = @_;
  require App::Chart::Sympred;
  App::Chart::Sympred::validate ($pred);
  # newer get higher priority
  unshift @source_help_list, [ $pred, $node ];


sub hms_to_seconds {
  my ($hour, $minute, $seconds) = @_;
  return $hour * 60*60 + $minute * 60 + ($seconds || 0);


sub seconds_to_hms {
  my ($seconds) = @_;
  return (floor ($seconds/3600) % 60,
          floor ($seconds/60) % 60,
          $seconds % 60);


sub ymd_to_iso {
  my ($year, $month, $day) = @_;
  return sprintf ('%04d-%02d-%02d', $year, $month, $day);

sub iso_to_ymd {
  my ($iso) = @_;
  return split /-/, $iso;

sub adate_to_ymd {
  my ($adate) = @_;
  return Date::Calc::Add_Delta_Days(1970,1,5, $adate);
my $adate_days_base = Date::Calc::Date_to_Days (1970, 1, 5);
sub ymd_to_adate {
  my ($year, $month, $day) = @_;
  return Date::Calc::Date_to_Days ($year, $month, $day) - $adate_days_base;
sub adate_to_iso {
  my ($tdate) = @_;
  return App::Chart::ymd_to_iso (App::Chart::adate_to_ymd ($tdate));

sub tdate_to_ymd {
  my ($tdate) = @_;
  return adate_to_ymd (tdate_to_adate ($tdate));
sub tdate_to_iso {
  my ($tdate) = @_;
  return adate_to_iso (tdate_to_adate ($tdate));
sub tdate_to_adate {
  my ($tdate) = @_;
  return $tdate + floor ($tdate/5)*2;
sub adate_to_tdate_floor {
  my ($adate) = @_;
  return floor ($adate / 7) * 5 + min ($adate % 7, 4);
sub adate_to_tdate_ceil {
  my ($adate) = @_;
  return floor ($adate / 7) * 5 + min ($adate % 7, 5);
sub ymd_to_tdate_floor {
  my ($year, $month, $day) = @_;
  return adate_to_tdate_floor (ymd_to_adate ($year, $month, $day));
sub ymd_to_tdate_ceil {
  my ($year, $month, $day) = @_;
  return adate_to_tdate_ceil (ymd_to_adate ($year, $month, $day));


sub collapse_whitespace {
  my ($str) = @_;
  $str =~ s/\x{A0}+/ /g;       # latin1/unicode non-breaking space
  $str =~ s/$RE{ws}{crop}//g;  # leading and trailing whitespace
  $str =~ s/\s+/ /g;           # middle whitespace
  return $str;


sub decimal_sub {
  my ($x, $y) = @_;
  # would prefer an actual decimal-arithmetic subtract here
  my $decimals = max (count_decimals ($x), count_decimals ($y));
  return sprintf ('%.*f', $decimals, $x - $y);


sub count_decimals {
  my ($str) = @_;
  my $pos = index ($str, '.');
  if ($pos >= 0) {
    return length($str) - $pos - 1;
  } else {
    return 0;


sub max_maybe {
  return max (grep {defined} @_);
sub min_maybe {
  return min (grep {defined} @_);


# App::Chart::datafilename ($filename)
# App::Chart::datafilename ($dir,...,$dir, $filename)
# Return an absolute path like /usr/share/perl5/App/Chart/$filename,
# wherever App/Chart/$filename is found in @INC.  $dir arguments specify a
# subdirectory like App/Chart/$dir1/$dir2/$filename.  All args and the
# return are in filesystem charset bytes.
# Module::Find and Module::Util have similar @INC searches, but only for .pm
# files it seems.
sub datafilename {
  foreach my $inc (@INC) {
    my $filename = File::Spec->catfile ($inc, 'App', 'Chart', @_);
    if (-e $filename) { return $filename; }
  require File::Basename;
  return File::Spec->catfile (File::Basename::dirname($INC{'App/'}),
                              'Chart', @_);

# return true if range ($alo,$ahi) overlaps range ($blo,$bhi)
# each endpoint is taken as inclusive, so say (1,4) and (4,7) do overlap
sub overlap_inclusive_p {
  my ($alo, $ahi, $blo, $bhi) = @_;
  return ! ($ahi < $blo || $alo > $bhi);


=head1 NAME

App::Chart -- various shared Chart things


=over 4


=item C<< %App::Chart::option >>

Various program options.

=over 4

=item C<verbose> (default false)

Print more things (mainly during downloads).

=item C<d_fmt> (default from C<langinfo()>, as wide chars)

C<strftime> format string for a date.

=item C<wd_fmt> (default from C<langinfo()>, as wide chars)

C<strftime> format string for a weekday name and date.

=item C<http_get_cost> (default 3000)

Byte cost of each separate HTTP request.  This is used when choosing between
an individual download per symbol or a whole-day download of everything at
the exchange.  If your connection is badly lagged you could increase this to
prefer the single big file.


=item C<< App::Chart::symbol_sans_suffix ($symbol) >>

Return C<$symbol> without its suffix.  Eg.

    App::Chart::symbol_sans_suffix ('BHP.AX')   # gives 'BHP'
    App::Chart::symbol_sans_suffix ('GM')       # gives 'GM'

=item App::Chart::symbol_suffix ($symbol)

Return the suffix part of C<$symbol>, or an empty string if no suffix.  Eg.

    App::Chart::symbol_suffix ('BHP.AX')   # gives '.AX'
    App::Chart::symbol_suffix ('GM')       # gives ''

=item C<< $cmp = App::Chart::symbol_cmp ($s1, $s2) >>

Return -1, 0 or 1 according to C<$s1> less than, equal to, or greater than

Symbols are compared alphabetically, except "^" index symbols come before
ordinary symbols.



=over 4

=item App::Chart::hms_to_seconds ($hour, $minute, [$second])

Return a count of seconds since midnight for the given C<$hour>, C<$minute>
and C<$seconds>.  C<$seconds> is optional and defaults to 0.  C<$hour> is in
24-hour format, so for instance 16 for 4pm.

=item App::Chart::seconds_to_hms ($seconds)

Return three values C<($hour, $minute, $seconds)> split from C<$seconds>
which is a count of seconds since midnight.  C<$hour> is in 24-hour format,
so for instance 16 for 4pm.


# =item C<< App::Chart::ymd_to_iso ($year, $month, $day) >>
# ...



=over 4

=item App::Chart::collapse_whitespace ($str)

Return C<$str> with leading and trailing whitespace stripped, and any runs
of whitespace within the string collapsed down to a single space character

=item App::Chart::decimal_sub ($x, $y)

Calculate the difference C<$x - $y> of two decimal number strings C<$x> and
C<$y> and return such a string.  For example,

    App::Chart::decimal_sub ('2.55', '1.15')  # gives '1.40'
    App::Chart::decimal_sub ('60.5', '1.05')  # gives '59.45'

The number of decimal places used and returned is whichever of the two
values has the most places.

=item C<< App::Chart::count_decimals ($str) >>

Return the number of decimal places in the number string C<$str>, ie. how
many digits after the decimal point, or 0 if no decimal point.  Eg.

    App::Chart::count_decimals ('123')    # is 0
    App::Chart::count_decimals ('123.')   # is 0
    App::Chart::count_decimals ('123.5')  # is 1
    App::Chart::count_decimals ('2.500')  # is 3

=item App::Chart::max_maybe ($num, $num, ...)

=item App::Chart::min_maybe ($num, $num, ...)

Return the maximum or minimum (respectively) among the given numbers.
C<undef>s in the arguments are ignored, and if there's no arguments, or only
C<undef> arguments, the return is C<undef>.


=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 HOME PAGE


=head1 LICENCE

Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Kevin Ryde

Chart is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.

Chart is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
Chart; see the file F<COPYING>.  Failing that, see
