The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
# Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Kevin Ryde
# This file is part of RSS2Leafnode.
# RSS2Leafnode is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# RSS2Leafnode is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with RSS2Leafnode.  If not, see <>.

# maybe:
# location links
# <link rel="canonical" href="">
# when site has mutliple names for a page, relative or absolute

package App::RSS2Leafnode;
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Encode;
use Hash::Util::FieldHash;
use List::Util 'min', 'max';
use List::MoreUtils;
use POSIX (); # ENOENT, etc
use Scalar::Util;
use Text::Trim 1.02;  # version 1.02 for undef support
use URI;
use HTML::Entities::Interpolate;

use App::RSS2Leafnode::XML::Twig::Other;

# version 1.17 for __p(), and version 1.16 for turn_utf_8_on()
use Locale::TextDomain 1.17;
use Locale::TextDomain ('App-RSS2Leafnode');
  use Locale::Messages;
  Locale::Messages::bind_textdomain_codeset ('App-RSS2Leafnode','UTF-8');
  Locale::Messages::bind_textdomain_filter ('App-RSS2Leafnode',

# uncomment this to run the ### lines
# use Smart::Comments;

  $VERSION = 77;

## no critic (ProhibitFixedStringMatches)

# Cribs:
#       RSS 0.9 spec.
#       RSS 0.91 spec.
#       RSS 1.0 spec.
#       RSS 2.0 spec and sample.
#       "Best practices."
# Dublin Core
#   RFC 5013 -- summary
# -- dc/terms
# Atom
#   RFC 4287 -- Atom spec
#   RFC 3339 -- ISO timestamps as used in Atom
#   RFC 4685 -- "thr" threading extensions
#   RFC 4946 -- <link rel="license">
#   RFC 5005 -- <link rel="next"> etc paging and archiving
#      Making an <id>
#      <link rel="xxx"> assigned values
# RSS Modules:
# -- wiki
#       <content:encoded> should precede <description>
# -- <geo:lat> etc
#       activity:
#       Prism
# URIs
#   RFC 1738, RFC 2396, RFC 3986 -- URI formats (news/nntp in 1738)
#   draft-ellermann-news-nntp-uri-11.txt -- news/nntp update
#   RFC 2732 -- ipv6 "[]" hostnames
#   RFC 2141 -- urn:
#   RFC 4122 -- uuid format (as under urn:uuid:)
#   RFC 4151 -- tag:
#   RFC 1034, RFC 1123 -- domain names
#   RFC 2606 -- reserved domain names ".invalid"
# -- xml:base
#   RFC 3023 text/xml etc media types
# Mail Messages
#   RFC 850, RFC 1036
#       -- News message format, inc headers and rnews format
#   RFC 2822, RFC 5322, RFC 5536
#       -- Email message format.
#   RFC 2076, RFC 4021 -- headers summary.
#   RFC 2557 -- MHTML Content-Location
#   RFC 1864 -- Content-MD5 header
#   RFC 2369 -- List-Post header and friends
#       Draft "Mail-Followup-To" header.
#   RFC 1327 -- X.400 to RFC822 introducing Language header
#   RFC 3282 -- Content-Language header
#   RFC 1766, RFC 3066, RFC 4646 -- language tag form
#     RFC 977 -- NNTP
#     RFC 2616 -- HTTP/1.1 Accept-Encoding header
#     RFC 2980 -- NNTP extensions
# RFC 4642 -- NNTP with SSL
# For XML in Perl there's several ways to do it!
#   - XML::Parser looks likely for stream/event processing, but its builtin
#     tree mode is very basic.
#   - XML::Twig extends XML::Parser to a good tree, though the docs are
#     slightly light on.  It only does a subset of "XPath" but the
#     functions/regexps are more perl-like for matching and there's various
#     handy shortcuts for common operations.
#   - XML::LibXML is the full blown libxml and is rather a lot to learn.
#     Because it's mainly C it's not easy to find where or how you're going
#     wrong when your code doesn't work.  libxml also seems stricter about
#     namespace matters than XML::Parser/XML::Twig.
#   - XML::RSS uses XML::Parser to build its own style tree of RSS,
#     including unifying differences among RSS/RDF 0.91, 1.0 and 2.0.
#     Nested elements seem to need specific handling in its code, which can
#     make it tricky for sub-element oddities.  A fair amount of it is about
#     writing RSS too.
#   - XML::RSS::LibXML uses libxml for XML::RSS compatible reading and
#     writing.  It seems to do better on unrecognised sub-elements.
#   - XML::Atom offers the basic Atom elements but doesn't seem to give
#     access to extra stuff that might be in a feed.
#   - XML::Feed tries to unify XML::RSS and XML::Atom but again doesn't seem
#     to go much beyond the basics.  It too is geared towards writing as
#     well as reading.
#   - XML::TreePP pure perl parser to a hash tree.
# The choice of XML::Twig is based on wanting both RSS and Atom, but
# XML::Feed not going far enough.  Tree processing is easier than stream,
# and an RSS isn't meant to be huge.  A tree may help if channel fields
# follow items or something equally unnatural, but will probably assume that
# doesn't happen and look at the twig partial-tree mode.  Between the tree
# styles XML::LibXML is harder to get into than Twig.

# mostly generic

# return $str with a newline at the end, if it doesn't already have one
sub str_ensure_newline {
  my ($str) = @_;
  if ($str !~ /\n$/) { $str .= "\n" }
  return $str;

sub md5_of_utf8 {
  my ($str) = @_;
  require Digest::MD5;
  return Digest::MD5::md5_base64 (Encode::encode_utf8 ($str));

sub is_empty {
  my ($str) = @_;
  return (! defined $str || $str =~ /^\s*$/);
sub is_non_empty {
  my ($str) = @_;
  return ! is_empty($str);
sub non_empty {
  my ($str) = @_;
  return (is_non_empty($str) ? $str : ());

sub join_non_empty {
  my $sep = shift;
  return non_empty (join($sep, map {non_empty($_)} @_));

sub collapse_whitespace {
  my ($str) = @_;
  defined $str or return undef;
  $str =~ s/(\s+)/($1 eq '  ' ? $1 : ' ')/ge;
  return Text::Trim::trim($str);

# return true if $str is entirely ascii chars 0 to 127
sub is_ascii {
  my ($str) = @_;
  return ($str !~ /[^[:ascii:]]/);

# Return the number of lines in $str.
# If $str ends with a newline then that counts as the last line, so "xyz\n"
# is one line.  If $str doesn't end with a newline then the final chars are
# a line, so "abc\ndef" is two lines.
sub str_count_lines {
  my ($str) = @_;
  return scalar($str =~ tr/\n//) + (length($str) && substr($str,-1) ne "\n");

sub File_Temp_DEBUG_saver {
  my ($self, $newval) = @_;
  require Scope::Guard;
  require File::Temp;
  my $oldval = $File::Temp::DEBUG;
  my $ret = Scope::Guard->new (sub { $File::Temp::DEBUG = $oldval });
  $File::Temp::DEBUG = $newval;
  return $ret;
sub MIME_Tools_debugging {
  my ($self, $newval) = @_;
  require Scope::Guard;
  require MIME::Tools;
  my $oldval = MIME::Tools->debugging;
  my $ret = Scope::Guard->new (sub { MIME::Tools->debugging($oldval) });
  MIME::Tools->debugging ($newval);
  return $ret;

sub homedir {
  # my ($self) = @_;
  require File::HomeDir;
  # call each time just in case playing tricks with $ENV{HOME} in conf file
  return File::HomeDir->my_home
    // croak 'File::HomeDir says you have no home directory';

# Number::Format for sizes in bytes

use constant::defer NUMBER_FORMAT => sub {
  require Number::Format;
  Number::Format->VERSION(1.5); # for format_bytes() options params
  return Number::Format->new
    (-kilo_suffix => __p('number-format-kilobytes','K'),
     -mega_suffix => __p('number-format-megabytes','M'),
     -giga_suffix => __p('number-format-gigabytes','G'));

sub format_size_in_bytes {
  my ($self, $length) = @_;
  if ($length >= 2000) {
    return $self->NUMBER_FORMAT()->format_bytes ($length, precision => 1);
  } else {
    return __x('{size} bytes', size => $length);


sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  return bless {
                # config variables
                verbose          => 0,
                render           => 0,
                render_width     => 60,
                rss_get_links    => 0,
                rss_get_comments => 0,
                rss_newest_only  => 0,
                get_icon         => 0,
                html_charset_from_content => 0,

                # secret extra
                msgidextra => '',

               }, $class;

sub command_line {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $done_version;
  require Getopt::Long;
  Getopt::Long::Configure ('no_ignore_case');
      ('config=s'   => \$self->{'config_filename'},
       'verbose:1'  => \$self->{'verbose'},
       'version'    => sub {
         say __x("RSS2Leafnode version {version}", version => $VERSION);
         $done_version = 1;
       'bareversion'  => sub {
         say $VERSION;
         $done_version = 1;
       'msgid=s'      => \$self->{'msgidextra'},
       'help|?' => sub {
         say __x("rss2leafnode [--options]");
         say __x("   --config=filename   configuration file (default ~/.rss2leafnode.conf)");
         say __x("   --help       print this help");
         say __x("   --verbose    describe what's done");
         say __x("   --verbose=2  show technical details of what's done");
         say __x("   --version    print program version number");
         exit 0;
       }) or return 1;
  if (! $done_version) {
  return 0;

sub verbose {
  my $self = shift;
  my $count = shift;
  if ($self->{'verbose'} >= $count) {
    say @_;

sub config_filename {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->{'config_filename'} // do {
    require File::Spec;
    File::Spec->catfile ($self->homedir, '.rss2leafnode.conf');
sub status_filename {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->{'status_filename'} // do {
    require File::Spec;
    File::Spec->catfile ($self->homedir, '.rss2leafnode.status');

sub do_config_file {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my @guards;

  open STDERR, '>&STDOUT' or die "Oops, can't join STDERR to STDOUT";

  # File::Temp::DEBUG for possible temp files used by HTML::FormatExternal
  # these debugs turned on only for the duration of running the config file
  # and the downloading etc in it
  if ($self->{'verbose'} >= 2) {
    push @guards, $self->File_Temp_DEBUG_saver(1);
    push @guards, $self->MIME_Tools_debugging(1);

  my $config_filename = $self->config_filename;
  $self->verbose (1, "config: ", $config_filename);

  require App::RSS2Leafnode::Conf;
  local $App::RSS2Leafnode::Conf::r2l = $self;
  if (! defined (do { package App::RSS2Leafnode::Conf;
                      do $config_filename;
                    })) {
    if (! -e $config_filename) {
      croak "rss2leafnode: config file $config_filename doesn't exist\n";
    } else {
      croak $@;

# LWP stuff

sub user_agent {
  my ($self) = @_;
  if (defined $self->{'user_agent'}) {
    return $self->{'user_agent'};
  } else {
    return 'RSS2leafnode/' . $self->VERSION . ' ';

sub ua {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return ($self->{'ua'} ||= do {
    require LWP::UserAgent;
    LWP::UserAgent->VERSION(5.832);  # 5.832 for content_charset()

    # one connection kept alive
    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new (keep_alive => 1);
    Scalar::Util::weaken ($ua->{(__PACKAGE__)} = $self);
    $ua->agent ($self->user_agent);

    Scalar::Util::weaken (my $weak_self = $self);
    $ua->add_handler (request_send => \&lwp_request_send__verbose);
    $ua->add_handler (response_done => sub {
                        lwp_response_done__check_md5 ($weak_self, @_);

    # ask for everything $resp->decode() / $resp->decoded_content() can cope
    # with, in particular "gzip" and "deflate" compression if Compress::Zlib
    # or whatever is available
    require HTTP::Message;
    my $decodable = HTTP::Message::decodable();
    $self->verbose (2, "HTTP decodable: ", $decodable);
    $ua->default_header ('Accept-Encoding' => $decodable);


sub lwp_request_send__verbose {
  my ($req, $ua, $h) = @_;
  my $self = $ua->{(__PACKAGE__)};
  $self->verbose (2, "request_send:", $req->dump, "\n"); # extra newline
  return;  # continue processing

sub lwp_response_done__check_md5 {
  my ($self, $resp, $ua, $h) = @_;
  $self || return;
  ### lwp_response_done__check_md5() ...
  my $want = $resp->header('Content-MD5') // do {
    $self->verbose (2, 'no Content-MD5 header');
  my $cref = $resp->content_ref;
  require Digest::MD5;
  my $got = Digest::MD5::md5_hex($$cref);
  if ($got ne $want) {
    print __x("Warning, MD5 checksum mismatch on download {url}\n",
              url => $resp->request->uri);
  } else {
    $self->verbose(2, 'Content-MD5 ok');

# $resp is a HTTP::Response object.  Modify its headers to apply our
# $html_charset_from_content option, which means if it's set then prefer the
# document's Content-Type over what the server says.
# The LWP::UserAgent parse_head option appends the document <META> bits to
# the message headers.  If the server and the document both offer a
# Content-Type then there's two, with the document one last, so all we have
# to do is change to make the last one the only one.
sub enforce_html_charset_from_content {
  my ($self, $resp) = @_;
  if ($self->{'html_charset_from_content'}
      && $resp->headers->content_is_html) {
    my $old = $resp->header('Content-Type');
    $resp->header('Content-Type' => $resp->headers->content_type);

    $self->verbose (2, 'html_charset_from_content mangled Content-Type from');
    $self->verbose (2, "   from ", $old);
    $self->verbose (2, "   to   ", $resp->header('Content-Type'));
    $self->verbose (2, "   giving charset ", $resp->content_charset);

my %known;

# <dcterms:valid> dates through which thing is valid
# ENHANCE-ME: is this something to work into the skipdays? or a message expiry?
$known{'/channel/item/dcterms:valid'} = undef;

# <dcterms:audience> maybe the target audience for speeches, announcements.
$known{'/channel/item/dcterms:audience'} = undef;

# <eq:depth> earthquake depth, repeat of text
# <eq:seconds> unix seconds since 1970 date of earthquake, repeating text
          /channel/item/eq:seconds)} = ();

# rdf structure stuff
          /channel/items/rdf:Seq/rdf:li)} = ();

        '/channel/info', # atom something freeform

        # nothing much in these as yet eg. rssboard

        # feedburner junk

        # images





        # something from radio free france
        # eg.

        # google documents stuff

        # <cb:statistics> repeats in structured form the rate shown in the text
        # eg. RBA

        # <cb:news> repeats plain text
        # eg. Fed Reserve

        # FIXME: <cb:speech> may have bit extra detail
        # Fed eg.

        # <cb:paper> repeat in structured form
        # <cb:event> guess likewise
        # Fed eg.
        # FIXME: except <cb:resource><cb:link> has extra pdf form link

        # <media:hash> is an sha-1 or similar hash of a target media file etc

        # not sure what these are, but don't seem very interesting
        '/channel/item/slate:slate_plus', # <slate:slate_plus>false</slate:slate_plus>
        '/channel/item/slate:paywall',    # <slate:paywall>false</slate:paywall>
        '/channel/item/slate:sponsored',  # <slate:sponsored>false</slate:sponsored>
       )} = ();

# weather
# '/channel/item/w:current',
# '/channel/item/w:forecast',
# '/channel/yweather:location',
# '/channel/yweather:units',
# '/channel/yweather:wind',
# '/channel/yweather:atmosphere',
# '/channel/yweather:astronomy',
# '/channel/item/yweather:condition',
# '/channel/item/yweather:forecast',

# --central-bank
# /channel/item/cb:statistics
# /channel/item/cb:statistics/cb:country
# /channel/item/cb:statistics/cb:institutionAbbrev
# /channel/item/cb:statistics/cb:exchangeRate
# /channel/item/cb:statistics/cb:exchangeRate/cb:value
# /channel/item/cb:statistics/cb:exchangeRate/cb:baseCurrency
# /channel/item/cb:statistics/cb:exchangeRate/cb:targetCurrency
# /channel/item/cb:statistics/cb:exchangeRate/cb:rateType
# /channel/item/cb:statistics/cb:exchangeRate/cb:observationPeriod
# /channel/item/cb:speech
# /channel/item/cb:speech/cb:simpleTitle
# /channel/item/cb:speech/cb:occurrenceDate
# /channel/item/cb:speech/cb:person
# /channel/item/cb:speech/cb:person/cb:givenName
# /channel/item/cb:speech/cb:person/cb:surname
# /channel/item/cb:speech/cb:person/cb:personalTitle
# /channel/item/cb:speech/cb:person/cb:nameAsWritten
# /channel/item/cb:speech/cb:person/cb:role
# /channel/item/cb:speech/cb:person/cb:role/cb:jobTitle
# /channel/item/cb:speech/cb:person/cb:role/cb:affiliation
# /channel/item/cb:speech/cb:venue

# dates

use constant RFC822_STRFTIME_FORMAT => '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z';

# return a string which is current time in RFC 822 format
sub rfc822_time_now {
  return POSIX::strftime (RFC822_STRFTIME_FORMAT, localtime(time()));

sub isodate_to_rfc822 {
  my ($isodate) = @_;
  if (! defined $isodate) { return undef; }
  my $date = $isodate;  # the original goes through if unrecognised

  if ($isodate =~ /\dT\d/ || $isodate =~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/) {
    # eg. "2000-01-01T12:00+00:00"
    #     "2000-01-01T12:00:00Z"
    #     "2000-01-01"
    my $zonestr = ($isodate =~ s/([+-][0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9])$// ? " $1$2"
                   : $isodate =~ s/Z$// ? ' +0000'
                   : '');
    require Date::Parse;
    my $time_t = Date::Parse::str2time($isodate);
    if (defined $time_t) {
      $date = POSIX::strftime ("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S$zonestr",
                               localtime ($time_t));
  return $date;

# Return an RFC822 date string, or undef if nothing known.
# This gets a sensible sort-by-date in the newsreader.
# <jf:creationDate> seems to be accompanied by the usual <pubDate> so may be
# redundant.
sub item_to_date {
  my ($self, $item) = @_;
  my $date;
  foreach my $elt ($item, item_to_channel($item)) {
    $date = (non_empty    ($elt->first_child_trimmed_text('pubDate'))
             // non_empty ($elt->first_child_trimmed_text('dc:date'))
             // non_empty ($elt->first_child_trimmed_text('jf:creationDate'))
             # Atom
             // non_empty ($elt->first_child_trimmed_text('modified'))
             // non_empty ($elt->first_child_trimmed_text('updated'))
             // non_empty ($elt->first_child_trimmed_text('issued'))
             // non_empty ($elt->first_child_trimmed_text('dcterms:issued'))
             // non_empty ($elt->first_child_trimmed_text('created'))
             # channel
             // non_empty ($elt->first_child_trimmed_text('lastBuildDate'))
             # Atom
             // non_empty ($elt->first_child_trimmed_text('published'))
    last if defined $date;
  return isodate_to_rfc822($date);


          /channel/item/jf:creationDate      --java-locale-human-readable
          /channel/item/jf:date              --free-form
        )} = ();

sub item_to_timet {
  my ($self, $item) = @_;
  ### item_to_timet() ...
  my $str = $self->item_to_date($item)
    // return - POSIX::DBL_MAX(); # no date fields

  require Date::Parse;
  ### $str
  # print Date::Parse::str2time($str),"   $str\n";
  return (Date::Parse::str2time($str)
          // do {
            say __x('Unrecognised date "{date}" from {url}',
                    date => $str,
                    url  => $self->{'uri'});
            - POSIX::DBL_MAX();

# Message-ID

# Return a message ID for something at $uri, optionally uniquified by $str.
# $uri is either a URI object or a url string.
# Weird chars in $uri or $str are escaped as necessary.
# Secret $self->{'msgidextra'} can make different message ids for the same
# content when testing.
# The path from $uri is incorporated in the result.  fetch_html() needs this
# since the ETag identifier is only per-url, not globally unique.  Suspect
# fetch_rss() needs it for a guid too (a non-permaLink one), as think the
# guid is only unique within the particular $uri feed, not globally and not
# even across multiple feeds on the same server.
sub url_to_msgid {
  my ($self, $url, $str) = @_;

  my $host;
  my $pathbit = $url;

  if (my $uri = eval { URI->new($url) }) {
    $uri = $uri->canonical;
    if ($uri->can('host')) {
      $host = $uri->host;
      $pathbit = $uri->as_string;

      # If the $uri schema has a host part but it's empty or "localhost"
      # then try expanding that to hostname().
      # $uri schemas without a host part, like "urn:" in an Atom <id> don't
      # get hostname(), since want the generated msgid to come out the same
      # if such a urn: appears from different downloaded locations.
      if (is_empty($host) || $host eq 'localhost') {
        require Sys::Hostname;
        eval { $host = Sys::Hostname::hostname() };

    } elsif ($uri->can('authority')) {
      # the "authority" part of a "tag:" schema
      $host = $uri->authority;
      $pathbit = $uri->as_string;

  # $host can be empty if running from a file:///
  # "localhost" is a bit bogus and in particular leafnode won't accept it.
  # ".invalid" as per RFC 2606
  if (is_empty($host) || $host eq 'localhost') {
    $host = 'rss2leafnode.invalid';

  # ipv6 dotted hostname "[1234:5678::0000]" -> "1234.5678.0000..ipv6",
  # because [ and : are not allowed (RFC 2822 "Atom" atext)
  # $uri->canonical above lower cases any hex, for consistency
  if (($host =~ s/^\[|\]$//g) | ($host =~ tr/:/./)) {
    $host .= '.ipv6';

  # leafnode 2.0.0.alpha20070602a seems to insist on a "." in the host name
  unless ($host =~ /\./) {
    $host .= '.withadot';

  return ('<'
          . msgid_chars(join_non_empty('.',
                                       "rss2leafnode" . $self->{'msgidextra'},
          . '@'
          . msgid_chars($host)
          . '>');
# msgid_chars($str) returns $str with invalid Message-ID characters munged.
# Per RFC850 must be printing ascii and not < > or whitespace, but for
# safety reduce that a bit, in particular excluding ' and ".
sub msgid_chars {
  my ($str) = @_;
  require URI::Escape;
  return URI::Escape::uri_escape_utf8 ($str, "^A-Za-z0-9\\-_.!~*/:");

# news posting
# This used to run the "rnews" program, which in leafnode 2 does some direct
# writing to the spool.  But that requires user "news" perms, and as of the
# June 2007 leafnode beta it tends to be a good deal slower because it reads
# the whole groupinfo file.  It has the advantage of not being picky about
# message ID hostnames, and allowing read-only groups to be filled.  But
# apart from that plain POST seems much easier for being "server neutral".
# IHAVE instead of POST would be a possibility, when available, though POST
# is probably more accurate in the sense it's a new article coming into the
# news system.
# Net::NNTP looks at $ENV{NNTPSERVER}, $ENV{NEWSHOST} and Net::Config
# nntp_hosts list for the news server.  Maybe could have that here too,
# instead of always defaulting to localhost (in $self->{'nntp_host'}).
# Would want to find out the name chosen to show in diagnostics though.

# return a string "host:port", suitable for the Host arg to Net::NNTP->new
sub uri_to_nntp_host {
  my ($uri) = @_;
  return (non_empty($uri->host) // 'localhost') . ':' . $uri->port;

sub nntp {
  my ($self) = @_;
  # reopen if different 'nntp_host'
  if (! $self->{'nntp'}
      || $self->{'nntp'}->host ne $self->{'nntp_host'}) {
    my $host = $self->{'nntp_host'};
    $self->verbose (1, __x("nntp: {host}", host => $host));
    require Net::NNTP;
    my $nntp = $self->{'nntp'}
      = Net::NNTP->new ($host, ($self->{'verbose'} >= 2
                                ? (Debug => 1)
                                : ()));
    if (! $nntp) {
      croak __x("Cannot connect to NNTP on \"{host}\"\n", host => $host);
    if (! $nntp->postok) {
      $self->verbose (1, "Hmm, ", $nntp->host, " doesn't say \"posting ok\" ...");
  return $self->{'nntp'};

sub nntp_close {
  my ($self) = @_;
  if (my $nntp = delete $self->{'nntp'}) {
    if (! $nntp->quit) {
      say "Error closing nntp: ",$nntp->message;

# check that $group exists in the NNTP, return 1 if so, or 0 if not
sub nntp_group_check {
  my ($self, $group) = @_;
  my $nntp = $self->nntp;
  if (! $nntp->group($group)) {
    print __x("rss2leafnode: no group \"{group}\" on host \"{host}\"
    (See the rss2leafnode man page for notes on creating groups.)
              host => $nntp->host,
              group => $group);
    return 0;

  return 1;

sub nntp_message_id_exists {
  my ($self, $msgid) = @_;
  my $ret = $self->nntp->nntpstat($msgid);
  if ($self->{'verbose'} >= 2) {
    $self->verbose (2, "'$msgid' ", ($ret ? 'exists already' : 'new'));
  } elsif ($self->{'verbose'} >= 1) {
    if ($ret) {
      $self->verbose (1, '  ', __('exists already'));
  return $ret;

# post $msg to NNTP, return true if successful
sub nntp_post {
  my ($self, $msg) = @_;
  my $nntp = $self->nntp;
  if (! $nntp->post ($msg->as_string)) {
    say __x('Cannot post: {message}',
            message => scalar($nntp->message));
    return 0;
  return 1;

# HTML title

# extra data associated against a HTTP::Response object
Hash::Util::FieldHash::fieldhash (my %resp_exiftool_info);

# return hashref { Title => $str, ... }, or empty {} if no exiftool etc
sub resp_exiftool_info {
  my ($resp) = @_;
  defined $resp or return {};
  if (! exists $resp_exiftool_info{$resp}) {
    $resp_exiftool_info{$resp} = _resp_exiftool_info($resp);
    ### exiftool info: $resp_exiftool_info{$resp}
  return $resp_exiftool_info{$resp};
sub _resp_exiftool_info {
  my ($resp) = @_;

  # Want ExifTool 8.22 to have PNG tEXt returned as utf8, but don't bother
  # to enforce that.
  # The returned fields from image formats with a defined charset are
  # converted to the exiftool default "Charset" of utf8, and from other
  # image formats the fields are bytes of something unknown.  Might slightly
  # like to know which is the case, and show raw bytes different from "bytes
  # which ought to be utf8", but for now just Encode::decode_utf8() and let
  # its Encode::FB_DEFAULT() put substitution chars for non-ascii non-utf8.
  eval { require Image::ExifTool; 1 } || return {};
  my $cref = $resp->content_ref;
  return Image::ExifTool::ImageInfo
     ['Title','Author','Copyright','ImageSize'], # just these tags
     {List => 0});       # get list values as comma separated

# $resp is a HTTP::Response, return title
sub html_title {
  my ($resp) = @_;

  return (# for images prefer filename+size over URI::Title just filename
          non_empty (html_title_exiftool_image($resp))

          // non_empty (html_title_urititle($resp))
          // non_empty (html_title_exiftool($resp))
          // $resp->title);
sub html_title_urititle {
  my ($resp) = @_;
  eval { require URI::Title } or return undef;

  # suppress some dodginess in URI::Title 1.82
  local $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub {
    my ($msg) = @_;
    $msg =~ /Use of uninitialized value/ or warn @_;
  return URI::Title::title
    ({ url  => ($resp->request->uri // ''),
       data => $resp->content});
sub html_title_exiftool_image {
  my ($resp) = @_;
  $resp->content_type =~ m{^image/} or return;
  if (defined (my $title = html_title_exiftool($resp))) {
    return $title;
  my $info = resp_exiftool_info($resp) // return;
  ### html_title_exiftool_image() on: $info
  defined $info->{'ImageSize'} or return;
  return $resp->filename.' '.$info->{'ImageSize'};
sub html_title_exiftool {
  my ($resp) = @_;
  my $title = resp_exiftool_info($resp)->{'Title'} // return;
  return Encode::decode_utf8 ($title);

# mime

# prepended to "X-Mailer" header
use constant mime_mailer_extra => "RSS2Leafnode $VERSION";

# $body is a MIME::Body object, append $str to it
sub mime_body_append {
  my ($body, $str) = @_;
  $str = $body->as_string . "\n" . str_ensure_newline ($str);
  my $IO = $body->open('w')
    or die "rss2leafnode: body I/O open: $!";
  $IO->print ($str);
    or die "rss2leafnode: body I/O close: $!";

# if $str is not ascii then apply encode_mimewords()
sub mimewords_non_ascii {
  my ($str) = @_;
  if (defined $str && ! is_ascii($str)) {
    require MIME::Words;
    $str = MIME::Words::encode_mimewords (Encode::encode_utf8($str),
                                          Charset => 'UTF-8');
  return $str;

sub mime_build {
  my ($self, $headers, @args) = @_;

  # Headers in utf-8, the same as other text.  The docs of
  # encode_mimewords() isn't clear, but seems to expect bytes of the
  # specified charset.
  foreach my $key (sort keys %$headers) {
      = mimewords_non_ascii(Text::Trim::trim($headers->{$key}));

  %$headers = (%$headers, @args);
  $headers->{'Top'}      //= 0;  # default to a part not a toplevel
  $headers->{'Encoding'} //= '-SUGGEST';

  if ($headers->{'Top'}) {
    my $now822 = rfc822_time_now();
    $headers->{'Date'} //= $now822;
    $headers->{'Date-Received:'} = $now822;

  if (utf8::is_utf8($headers->{'Data'})) {
    warn 'Oops, mime_build() data should be bytes';

  # downgrade utf-8 to us-ascii if possible
  if ($headers->{'Type'} eq 'text/plain'
      && lc($headers->{'Charset'}||0) eq 'utf-8'
      && is_ascii ($headers->{'Data'})) {
    $headers->{'Charset'} = 'us-ascii';

    # not sure mangling text/html body content is a good idea -- would only
    # want it on generated html, not downloaded
    # if ($headers->{'Type'} eq 'text/html') {
    #   $headers->{'Data'} =~ s{(<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=)([^"]+)}{$1us-ascii};
    # }

  @args = map {$_,$headers->{$_}} sort keys %$headers;
  if ($self->{'verbose'} >= 4) {
    require Data::Dumper;
    $self->verbose (4, Data::Dumper->new([\@args],['mime headers'])->Dump);

  require MIME::Entity;
  my $top = MIME::Entity->build (Disposition => 'inline', @args);

  if ($headers->{'Top'} && ! defined $headers->{'X-Mailer:'}) {
    my $head = $top->head;
    $head->set('X-Mailer', join_non_empty (', ',

  return $top;

# $resp is a HTTP::Response
# Return a MIME::Entity which contains the response, and any further @headers.
# If $self->{'render'} is true then render HTML to plain text.
sub mime_part_from_response {
  my ($self, $resp, @headers) = @_;

  my $content_type = $resp->content_type;
  $self->verbose (2, ' content-type: ',$content_type);
  my $content      = $resp->content;         # the bytes
  my $charset      = $resp->content_charset; # and their charset
  my $url          = $resp->request->uri->as_string;
  my $content_md5  = $resp->header('Content-MD5');

  ($content, $content_type, $charset, my $rendered)
    = $self->render_maybe ($content, $content_type, $charset, $url);
  if ($rendered) {
    undef $content_md5;

  return $self->mime_build
    ({ 'Content-Language:' => scalar($resp->header('Content-Language')),
       'Content-Location:' => $url,
       'Content-MD5:'      => $content_md5,
     Type        => $content_type,
     Charset     => $charset,
     Data        => $content,
     Filename    => $resp->filename);

# set "Lines:" header per RFC 1036
# MIME::Entity 5.428 doesn't seem to have anything for this itself
# this is after qp or base64, is that right? the actual message lines
sub mime_entity_lines {
  my ($top) = @_;
  $top->head->set('Lines', str_count_lines ($top->stringify_body));

# XML::Twig stuff

# Return the text of $elt and treat child elements as improperly escaped
# parts of the text too.
# This is good for elements which are supposed to be HTML with <p> etc
# escaped as &lt;p&gt;, but copes with feeds that don't have the necessary
# escapes and thus come out with xml child elements under $elt.
# For elements which are supposed to be plain text with no markup and no
# sub-elements this will at least make improper child text visible, though
# it might not look very good.
# As of June 2010 is an example of
# improperly escaped html.
# FIXME: Any need to watch out for <rdf:value> types?
sub elt_subtext {
  my ($elt) = @_;
  defined $elt or return undef;
  if ($elt->is_text) { return $elt->text; }
  return join ('', map {_elt_subtext_with_tags($_)} $elt->children);
sub _elt_subtext_with_tags {
  my ($elt) = @_;
  defined $elt or return undef;
  if ($elt->is_text) { return $elt->text; }
  return ($elt->start_tag
          . join ('', map {_elt_subtext_with_tags($_)} $elt->children)
          . $elt->end_tag);

# $elt contains xhtml <div> etc sub-elements.  Return a plain html string.
# Prefixes like <xhtml:b>Bold</xhtml:b> are turned into plain <b>.
# This relies on the map_xmlns mapping to give prefix "xhtml:"
sub elt_xhtml_to_html {
  my ($elt) = @_;

  # could probably do it destructively, but just in case
  $elt = $elt->copy;
  App::RSS2Leafnode::XML::Twig::Other::elt_tree_strip_prefix ($elt, 'xhtml');

  # lose xmlns:xhtml=""

  # something fishy turns "href" to "xhtml:href", drop any "xhtml:"
  # bare "href" also gets turned into atom:href as the default namespace,
  # drop any "atom:"
  foreach my $child ($elt->descendants) {
    foreach my $attname ($child->att_names) {
      if ($attname =~ /^(xhtml|atom):(.*)/) {
        $child->change_att_name($attname, $2);

  my $old_pretty = $elt->set_pretty_print ('none');
  ### $old_pretty
  my $ret = $elt->xml_string;
  $elt->set_pretty_print ($old_pretty);
  return $ret;


# elt_content_type() returns 'text', 'html', 'xhtml' or a mime type.
# If no type="" attribute the default is 'text', except for RSS
# <description> which is 'html'.
# RSS circa Feb 2010 had some
# html in its <title>, but believe that's an error (mozilla shows it as
# plain text) and that RSS is all plain text outside <description>.
# <dc:type>text</dc:type> probably refers only to the nature of the item,
# not the formatting as html vs text.
@known{'/channel/item/dc:type'} = undef;
sub elt_content_type {
  my ($elt) = @_;
  if (! defined $elt) { return undef; }

  if (defined (my $type = ($elt->att('atom:type') // $elt->att('type')))) {
    # type="application/xhtml+xml" at,
    # dunno if it should be just "xhtml", but recognise it anyway
    if ($type eq 'application/xhtml+xml') { return 'xhtml'; }
    return $type;
  if ($elt->root->tag eq 'feed') {
    return 'text';  # Atom <feed> defaults to text
  my $tag = $elt->tag;
  if ($tag =~ /^itunes:/) {
    # itunes spec is for text-only, no html markup
    return 'text';
  if ($tag eq 'description'           # RSS <description> is encoded html
      || $tag eq 'content:encoded') { # same in content:encoded
    return 'html';
  # other RSS is text
  return 'text';

# $elt is an XML::Twig::Elt of an RSS or Atom text element.
# Atom has a type="" attribute, RSS is html.  Html or xhtml are rendered to
# a single long line of plain text.
sub elt_to_rendered_line {
  my ($elt) = @_;
  defined $elt or return;

  my $str;
  my $type = elt_content_type ($elt);
  if ($type eq 'xhtml') {
    $str = elt_xhtml_to_html ($elt);
    $type = 'html';
  } else {
    $str = elt_subtext($elt);
  if ($type eq 'html') {
    $str = html_to_rendered_line($str);
  # plain 'text' or anything unrecognised collapsed too
  return non_empty(collapse_whitespace($str));

sub html_to_rendered_line {
  my ($html) = @_;
  require HTML::FormatText;
  return collapse_whitespace
    (HTML::FormatText->format_string ($html,
                                      leftmargin => 0,
                                      rightmargin => 999));

# XML::RSS::Timing

sub twig_to_timingfields {
  my ($self, $twig) = @_;
  return if ! defined $twig;
  my $root = $twig->root;
  my %timingfields;

  if (my $ttl = $root->first_descendant('ttl')) {
    $timingfields{'ttl'} = $ttl->trimmed_text;
  if (my $skipHours = $root->first_descendant('skipHours')) {
    $timingfields{'skipHours'} = [map {$_->trimmed_text} $skipHours->children('hour')];
  if (my $skipDays = $root->first_descendant('skipDays')) {
    $timingfields{'skipDays'} = [map {$_->trimmed_text} $skipDays->children('day')];

  # "syn:updatePeriod" etc
  foreach my $key (qw(updatePeriod updateFrequency updateBase)) {
    if (my $update = $root->first_descendant("syn:$key")) {
      $timingfields{$key} = $update->trimmed_text;
  if ($self->{'verbose'} >= 2) {
    require Data::Dumper;
    $self->verbose (2,
  if (! %timingfields) {
    return; # no info

  # if XML::RSS::Timing doesn't like the values then don't record them
  return unless $self->timingfields_to_timing(\%timingfields);

  return \%timingfields;
          /channel/syn:updateFrequency)} = ();

# return an XML::RSS::Timing object, or undef
sub timingfields_to_timing {
  my ($self, $timingfields) = @_;
  $timingfields // return undef;

  eval { require XML::RSS::Timing } || return undef;
  my $timing = XML::RSS::Timing->new;
  while (my ($key, $value) = each %$timingfields) {
    if (ref $value) {
      $timing->$key (@$value);
    } else {
      $timing->$key ($value);
  if (my @complaints = $timing->complaints) {
    say __x('XML::RSS::Timing complains about {url}',
            url => $self->{'uri'});
    foreach my $complaint (@complaints) {
      say "  $complaint";
    return undef;
  return $timing;

# rss2leafnode.status file

# $self->{'global_status'} is a hashref containing entries URL => STATUS,
# where URL is a string and STATUS is a sub-hashref of information

use constant STATUS_EXPIRE_DAYS => 45;

# read $status_filename into $self->{'global_status'}
sub status_read {
  my ($self) = @_;
  $self->{'global_status'} = {};
  my $status_filename = $self->status_filename;
  $self->verbose (2, 'read status: ', $status_filename);

  $! = 0;
  my $global_status = do $status_filename;
  if (! defined $global_status) {
    if ($! == POSIX::ENOENT()) {
      $self->verbose (2, "status file doesn't exist");
    } else {
      say "rss2leafnode: error in $status_filename\n$@";
      say "ignoring that file";
    $global_status = {};
  $self->{'global_status'} = $global_status;

# delete old entries from $self->{'global_status'}
sub status_prune {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $global_status = $self->{'global_status'} // return;
  my $pruned = 0;
  my $old_time = time() - STATUS_EXPIRE_DAYS * 86400;
  foreach my $key (keys %$global_status) {
    if ($global_status->{$key}->{'status-time'} < $old_time) {
      $self->verbose (2, __x("discard old status {url}\n", url => $key));
      delete $global_status->{$key};
  if ($pruned) {
    $self->verbose (1, __xn("discard {count} old status entry\n",
                            "discard {count} old status entries\n",
                            count => $pruned));

# save $self->{'global_status'} into the $status_filename
sub status_save {
  my ($self, $status) = @_;
  $status->{'status-time'} = time();
  if ($status->{'timingfields'}) {
    $status->{'timingfields'}->{'lastPolled'} = $status->{'status-time'};


  require Data::Dumper;
  my $str = Data::Dumper->new([$self->{'global_status'}],['global_status'])
  $str = <<"HERE";
# rss2leafnode status file -- automatically generated -- DO NOT EDIT
# (If there seems to be something very wrong then you can delete this file
# and it'll be started afresh on the next run.)


# Local variables:
# mode: perl-mode
# End:

  my $status_filename = $self->status_filename;
  my $out;
  (open $out, '>', $status_filename
   and print $out $str
   and close $out)
    or croak "rss2leafnode: cannot write to $status_filename: $!\n";

# return a hashref which has status information about $url, or undef if
# nothing recorded about $url
sub status_geturl {
  my ($self, $url) = @_;
  $self->status_read if ! $self->{'global_status'};
  if (! $self->{'global_status'}->{$url}) {
    $self->{'global_status'}->{$url} = { 'status-time' => time() };
  return $self->{'global_status'}->{$url};

# $resp is a HTTP::Response object from retrieving $url.
# Optional $twig is an XML::Twig.
# Record against $url any ETag, Last-Modified and ttl from $resp and $twig.
# If $resp is an error return, or is undef, then do nothing.
sub status_etagmod_resp {
  my ($self, $url, $resp, $twig) = @_;
  if ($resp && $resp->is_success) {
    my $status = $self->status_geturl ($url);
    $status->{'Last-Modified'} = $resp->header('Last-Modified');
    $status->{'ETag'}          = $resp->header('ETag');
    $status->{'timingfields'}  = $self->twig_to_timingfields ($twig);

    if (! defined $status->{'ETag'} && ! defined $status->{'Last-Modified'}) {
      $self->verbose (1, " no ETag or Last-Modified");
    if (defined (my $comments_count = $self->{'comments_count'})) {
      $status->{'comments_count'} = $comments_count;

    if ($twig) {
      # record previously applied newest option
      $status->{'rss_newest_only'} = $self->{'rss_newest_only'};
      # if (rss_newest_cmp($self,$status) > 0) {
      #   # the newest number increases
      # }
    foreach my $key (keys %$status) {
      if (! defined $status->{$key}) { delete $status->{$key} }

# update recorded status for a $url with unchanged contents
sub status_unchanged {
  my ($self, $url) = @_;
  $self->verbose (1, ' ', __('unchanged'));
  $self->status_save ($self->status_geturl ($url));

# $req is a HTTP::Request object.
# Add "If-None-Match" and/or "If-Modified-Since" headers to it based on what
# the status file has recorded from when we last fetched the url in $req.
# Return 1 to download, 0 if nothing expected yet by RSS timing fields
sub status_etagmod_req {
  my ($self, $req, $for_rss) = @_;
  $self->{'global_status'} or $self->status_read;

  my $url = $req->uri->as_string;
  my $status = $self->{'global_status'}->{$url}
    // do {
      $self->verbose (2, __x("no status info for {url}\n", url => $url));
      return 1; # want download

  if ($for_rss) {
    # if status says the last download was for only a certain number of
    # newest, then force a re-download if that option now different
    if (! str_equal($self->{'rss_newest_only'},
                    $status->{'rss_newest_only'})) {
      return 1; # want download

  if (my $timing = $self->timingfields_to_timing ($status->{'timingfields'})) {
    my $next = $timing->nextUpdate;
    my $now = time();
    if ($next > $now) {
      $self->verbose (1, ' ',
                      __x('timing: next update {time} (local time)',
                          time => POSIX::strftime ("%H:%M:%S %a %d %b %Y",
      if (eval 'use Time::Duration::Locale; 1'
          || eval 'use Time::Duration; 1') {
        $self->verbose (1, '         ', __x('which is {duration} from now',
                                            duration => duration($next-$now)));
      return 0; # no update yet
  if (defined (my $lastmod = $status->{'Last-Modified'})) {
    $req->header('If-Modified-Since' => $lastmod);
  if (defined (my $etag = $status->{'ETag'})) {
    $req->header('If-None-Match' => $etag);
  return 1;

# return -1 if x<y, 0 if x==y, or 1 if x>1
# sub rss_newest_cmp {
#   my ($x, $y) = @_;
#   if ($x->{'rss_newest_only'}) {
#     if (! $y->{'rss_newest_only'}) {
#       return -1;  # x finite, y infinite
#     }
#     # x and y finite
#     return ($x->{'rss_newest_only'} <=> $y->{'rss_newest_only'});
#   } else {
#     # x infinite, so 1 if y finite, 0 if y infinite too
#     return !! $y->{'rss_newest_only'};
#   }
# }
sub str_equal {
  my ($x, $y) = @_;
  return ((defined $x && defined $y && $x eq $y)
          || (! defined $x && ! defined $y));

# render html

# $content_type is a string like "text/html" or "text/plain".
# $content is data as raw bytes.
# $charset is the character set of those bytes, eg. "utf-8".
# If the $render option is set, and $content_type is 'text/html', then
# render $content down to 'text/plain', using either HTML::FormatText or
# Lynx.
# The return is a new triplet ($content, $content_type, $charset).
sub render_maybe {
  my ($self, $content, $content_type, $charset, $base_url) = @_;
  my $rendered = 0;
  if ($self->{'render'} && $content_type eq 'text/html') {

    my $class = $self->{'render'};
    if ($class !~ /^HTML::/) { $class = "HTML::FormatText::\u$class"; }
    $class =~ s/::1$//;  # "::1" is $render=1 for plain HTML::FormatText
    require Module::Load;
    Module::Load::load ($class);

    if ($class =~ /^HTML::FormatText($|::WithLinks)/) {
      # Believe HTML::FormatText (as of version 2.04) doesn't know much
      # about input or output charsets, but it can be tricked into getting
      # pretty reasonable results by putting wide chars through it.
      # Likewise HTML::FormatText::WithLinks (as of version 0.11).
      # FIXME: decode() can error out on bad charset
      $content = Encode::decode ($charset, $content);
      local $SIG{'__WARN__'} = \&_warn_suppress_unknown_base;
      $content = $class->format_string
         base        => $base_url,
         leftmargin  => 0,
         rightmargin => $self->{'render_width'});
      $content = Encode::encode_utf8 ($content);

    } else {
      # HTML::FormatExternal style charset specs
      $content = $class->format_string
         base           => $base_url,
         leftmargin     => 0,
         rightmargin    => $self->{'render_width'},
         input_charset  => $charset,
         output_charset => 'utf-8');
    $charset = 'UTF-8';
    $content_type = 'text/plain';
    $rendered = 1;
  return ($content, $content_type, $charset, $rendered);
sub _warn_suppress_unknown_base {
  my ($msg) = @_;
  $msg =~ /^Unknown configure option 'base'/
    or warn $msg;

# $str is a wide-char string of text
sub text_wrap {
  my ($self, $str, $prefix) = @_;
  if (! defined $prefix) { $prefix = ''; }
  require Text::WrapI18N;
  local $Text::WrapI18N::columns = $self->{'render_width'} + 1;
  local $Text::WrapI18N::unexpand = 0;       # no tabs in output
  local $Text::WrapI18N::huge = 'overflow';  # don't break long words
  $str =~ tr/\n/ /;
  my $second_prefix = (length($prefix) ? ' 'x(length($prefix)+2) : '');
  return Text::WrapI18N::wrap($prefix, $second_prefix, $str);

# Face icons

# $item is an XML::Twig::Elt of an RSS or Atom item
# return a string value for the Face: header, or undef if no icon
sub item_to_face {
  my ($self, $item) = @_;
  $self->{'get_icon'} || return;
  my ($uri, $width, $height) = $self->item_image_uwh ($item)
    or return;
  $self->face_wh_ok ($width, $height) || return;
  return $self->download_face ($uri, $width, $height);

# $item is an XML::Twig::Elt of an RSS or Atom item
# return values ($uri, $width, $height) of the <image> etc from it
sub item_image_uwh {
  my ($self, $item) = @_;
  ### item_image_uwh() ...

  foreach my $where ($item,
                     item_to_channel($item)) {
    ### image text: $where->first_child_text('image')

    if (my $actor = $where->first_child('activity:actor')) {
      my ($url, $width, $height);
      foreach my $link_elt ($actor->children('link')) {
          eq 'avatar' or next;
        $url = $link_elt->att('href') // $link_elt->att('atom:href') // next;
        my $this_width = $link_elt->att('media:width');
        next if (defined $width
                 && defined $this_width
                 && $width < $this_width); # prefer smallest
        $url = App::RSS2Leafnode::XML::Twig::Other::elt_xml_based_uri ($link_elt, $url);
        $width = ($this_width || 0);
        $height = ($link_elt->att('media:height') || 0);
        ### $url
        ### $width
        ### $height
      if (defined $url) {
        return ($url, $width, $height);

    # RSS
    # <image>
    #   <url>foo.png</url>
    #   <width>...</width>     optional
    #   <height>...</height>   optional
    # </image>
    if (my $image_elt = $where->first_child('image')) {
      my $url_elt; # XML::Twig::Elt where the url came from
      my $url;     # url string
      if ($url_elt = $image_elt->first_child('url')) {
        $url = $url_elt->trimmed_text;
      } else {
        # Cooper Hewitt museum
        # item <image> as html text like
        #    <image>
        #       <![CDATA[<img src="" alt="" />]]>
        #    </image>
        # don't want to encourage dodginess like this, but picking it out
        # isn't too hard
        if ($image_elt->text =~ /<img[^>]*\ssrc="([^"]*)/) {
          ### image from html: $1
          $url_elt = $image_elt;
          $url = $1;
      if (is_non_empty ($url)) {
        my $width = $image_elt->first_child_text('width');
        unless (Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($width) && $width > 0) {
          $width = 0;
        my $height = $image_elt->first_child_text('height');
        unless (Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($height) && $height > 0) {
          $height = 0;
        ### item_image_uwh() RSS: $url
        return (App::RSS2Leafnode::XML::Twig::Other::elt_xml_based_uri ($url_elt, $url),
                $width, $height);

    # Atom channel <icon>foo.png</icon>   should be square
    # or   channel <logo>foo.png</logo>   bigger form, rectangle 2*K x K
    # <itunes:image href="http://..."> in item or channel.  Supposedly this
    # is bigger than the RSS 48x48, so would probably need shrinking.  Rate
    # it below <icon> or <logo> for that reason.
    # <media:thumbnail href="" width="" height=""> snapshot of movie etc
    # Is it better to show the channel icon, being the From person?
      my $elt;
      my ($width, $height);
      my $url = ((($elt = $where->first_child('icon'))
                  && non_empty ($elt->text))
                 || (($elt = $where->first_child('logo'))
                     && non_empty ($elt->text))
                 || (($elt = $where->first_child('itunes:image'))
                     && non_empty ($elt->att('href')))
                 || (($elt = $where->first_child('media:thumbnail'))
                     && is_non_empty ($elt->att('url'))
                     && do {
                       $width = $elt->att('width');
                       $height = $elt->att('height');
                       $elt->att('url') })
                 # seen att('atom:url' rather than plain 'url' ...
                 || (($elt = $where->first_child('media:thumbnail'))
                     && is_non_empty ($elt->att('atom:url'))
                     && do {
                       $width = $elt->att('width');
                       $height = $elt->att('height');
                       $elt->att('atom:url') }));
      ### $url
      if ($url) {
        unless (Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($width) && $width > 0) {
          $width = 0;
        unless (Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($height) && $height > 0) {
          $height = 0;
        return (App::RSS2Leafnode::XML::Twig::Other::elt_xml_based_uri ($elt, $url),

    # for rss 1.0
    # <statusnet:postIcon rdf:resource=""></statusnet:postIcon>
    if (my $elt = $where->first_child('statusnet:postIcon')) {
      if (is_non_empty (my $url = $elt->att('rdf:resource'))) {
        return (App::RSS2Leafnode::XML::Twig::Other::elt_xml_based_uri ($elt, $url),
                0, 0);  # unknown size

    # <author><gd:image ...>
    # eg. from
    # <gd:image rel='' width='16' height='16' src=''/>
      my $elt;
      if (($elt = $where->first_child('author'))
          && ($elt = $elt->first_child('gd:image'))
          && (is_non_empty (my $url = $elt->att('src') // $elt->att('atom:src')))) {
        ### $url
        return (App::RSS2Leafnode::XML::Twig::Other::elt_xml_based_uri ($elt, $url),
                $elt->att('width') || $elt->att('atom:width') || 0,
                $elt->att('height') || $elt->att('atom:height') || 0);

        )} = ();

# $resp is a HTTP::Response
# return a string value for the Face: header, or undef if no icon
sub http_resp_to_face {
  my ($self, $resp) = @_;
  $self->{'get_icon'} || return;

  my $uri = http_resp_favicon_uri($resp) || return;
  $self->verbose (2, ' response favicon URI: ', $uri);
  return $self->download_face ($uri, 0, 0);

# $resp is a HTTP::Response
# if it's a html with a favicon link return a URI object of that image
sub http_resp_favicon_uri {
  my ($resp) = @_;
  $resp->headers->content_is_html || return;
  require HTML::Parser;
  my $href;
  my $p;
  $p = HTML::Parser->new (api_version => 3,
                          start_h => [ sub {
                                         my ($tagname, $attr) = @_;
                                         if ($tagname eq 'link'
                                             && $attr->{'rel'} eq 'icon') {
                                           $href = $attr->{'href'};
                                       }, "tagname, attr"]);
  $p->parse ($resp->content);
  return $href && URI->new_abs ($href, $resp->base);

# return base64 string value for "Face:" header
sub download_face {
  my ($self, $uri, $width, $height) = @_;
  my $key = $uri->canonical->as_string;
  if (! exists $self->{'download_face'}->{$key}) {
      = $self->download_face_uncached ($uri, $width, $height);
  return $self->{'download_face'}->{$key};
sub download_face_uncached {
  my ($self, $url, $width, $height) = @_;

  $self->{'download_face_uncached'} = $url;
  $self->verbose (1, '  image download: ', $url);

  require HTTP::Request;
  my $req = HTTP::Request->new (GET => $url);
  my $resp = $self->ua->request($req);
  if (! $resp->is_success) {
    print __x("  no image: {status}\n",
              status => $resp->status_line);

  my $type = $resp->content_type;
  ### $type
  # FIXME: is mime=>$type the right way? could give it a look at the url
  # basename or server's suggested filename too, for Read() to use the
  # extension.
  if ($type eq 'image/' || $type eq 'image/x-icon') {
    # mime.xml of imagemagick 6.6.0 only has "image/x-ico", and nothing for
    # ico in magic.xml
    $type = 'ico';
  } elsif ($type =~ m{^image/(.*)$}i) {
    $type = $1;
  } else {
    $self->verbose (2, 'ignore non-image icon type: ',$type);

  my $data = $resp->content;
  if ($type ne 'png'
      || $width == 0 || $height == 0
      || $width > 48 || $height > 48) {
    $data = $self->imagemagick_to_png($type,$data) // return;
  $self->verbose (2, "  image for Face ",length($data)," bytes");

  # use a space as a separator since MIME::Entity will collapse out a
  # newline and make an enormous long word which then can't be split across
  # header lines and will likely exceed the nntp 998 char single-line limit
  require MIME::Base64;
  $data = MIME::Base64::encode_base64($data, " ");
  ### $data

  return $data;

sub face_wh_ok {
  my ($self, $width, $height) = @_;

  if ($width > 0 && $width > 2*$height) {
    # some obnoxious banner
    $self->verbose (1, '   ',
                    __x('image is a banner ({width}x{height}), ignore',
                        width => $width, height => $height));
    return 0;
  return 1;

# ImageMagick bits

# $type is "gif", "ico" etc, $data is an image in a byte string
# return a byte string of png, or undef if $data unrecognised
sub imagemagick_to_png {
  my ($self, $type, $data) = @_;
  ### $type
  my $image = $self->imagemagick_from_data($type,$data) // return;

  my $width = $image->Get('width');
  my $height = $image->Get('height');
  ### compress: $image->Get('compression')
  $self->verbose (2, "   image ${width}x${height}");
  if ($width == 0 || $height == 0) {
  if ($width <= 48 && $height <= 48 && $type eq 'png') {
    return $data;

  # having downloaded the image is it better to keep a banner but shrink it,
  # or discard as no good?
  # $self->face_wh_ok ($width, $height) || return;

  if ($width > 48 || $height > 48) {
    my $factor;
    if ($width <= 2*48 && $height <= 2*48) {
      $factor = 0.5;
    } else {
      $factor = min (48 / $width, 48 / $height);
    $width = POSIX::ceil ($width * $factor);
    $height = POSIX::ceil ($height * $factor);
    $self->verbose (2, "  image shrink by $factor to ${width}x${height}");
    # cf LiquidResize() or plain Resize()
    $image->AdaptiveResize (width => $width, height => $height);

  my $ret = $image->Set (magick => 'PNG8');
  ### ret: "$ret"
  ### ret: $ret+0
  if ($ret != 0) {
    print "oops, imagemagick doesn't like PNG8: $ret\n";
  ### compress: $image->Get('compression')

  # $image->Write ('/tmp/x.png');
  ($data) = $image->ImageToBlob ();
  return $data;

# $type is "png", "ico" etc, $data is an image in a byte string
# return a Image::Magick object, or undef if Perl-Magick not available
sub imagemagick_from_data {
  my ($self, $type, $data) = @_;
  ### imagemagick_from_data(): $type
  eval { require Image::Magick } or return;

  my $image = Image::Magick->new (magick=>$type);
  # $image->Set(debug=>'All');
  my $ret = $image->BlobToImage ($data);
  ### ret: "$ret"
  ### ret: $ret+0
  if ($ret == 1) {
    return $image;

  # try again without the $type forced, in case bad Content-Type from http
  $image = Image::Magick->new;
  # $image->Set(debug=>'All');
  $ret = $image->BlobToImage ($data);
  ### ret: "$ret"
  ### ret: $ret+0
  if ($ret == 1) {
    return $image;

  print __x("  imagemagick doesn't like image data ({length} bytes) from {url}: {error}\n",
            length => length($data),
            url    => $self->{'download_face_uncached'},
            error  => $ret);
  return undef;

# XML::Liberal

use constant::defer have_xml_liberal => sub {
  my ($self) = @_;
  if (eval { require XML::Liberal; 1 }) {
    return 1;
  $self->verbose (3, __x('XML::Liberal not available: {error}', error => $@));
  return 0;

# try to correct $xmlstr
# if successful return a new xml string, otherwise return undef
sub xml_liberal_correction {
  my ($self, $xmlstr) = @_;
  $self->have_xml_liberal or return;

  ### try XML-Liberal ...
  my $liberal = XML::Liberal->new('LibXML');
  if (my $doc = eval { $liberal->parse_string($xmlstr) }) {
    return $doc->toString;
  } else {
    $self->verbose (2, __x('XML::Liberal parse error: {error}', error => $@));
    return undef;

# error as news message

sub error_message {
  my ($self, $subject, $message, $attach_bytes) = @_;

  require Encode;
  my $charset = 'utf-8';
  $message = str_ensure_newline ($message);
  $message = Encode::encode ($charset, $message, Encode::FB_DEFAULT());

  my $date = rfc822_time_now();
  require Digest::MD5;
  my $msgid = $self->url_to_msgid
     Digest::MD5::md5_base64 ($date.$subject.$message));

  my $top = $self->mime_build
      'Path:'       => 'localhost',
      'Newsgroups:' => $self->{'nntp_group'},
      From          => __('RSS2Leafnode').' <nobody@localhost>',
      Subject       => $subject,
      Date          => $date,
      'Message-ID'  => $msgid,
     Top     => 1,
     Type    => 'text/plain',
     Charset => $charset,
     Data    => $message);

  if (defined $attach_bytes) {
    my $part = $self->mime_build
       Charset  => 'none',
       Type     => 'application/octet-stream',
       Data     => $attach_bytes);
    $top->add_part ($part);

  $self->nntp_post($top) || return;
  say __x('{group} 1 new article', group => $self->{'nntp_group'});

# fetch HTML

sub http_resp_to_from {
  my ($self, $resp) = @_;
  ### http_resp_to_from()
  return $self->http_resp_exiftool_author($resp)
    // 'nobody@'.$self->uri_to_host;
sub http_resp_exiftool_author {
  my ($self, $resp) = @_;
  # PNG Author field, or HTML <meta> author
  my $author = resp_exiftool_info($resp)->{'Author'} // return;
  return $self->email_format_maybe (Encode::decode_utf8($author), '', undef);

sub http_resp_to_copyright {
  my ($self, $resp) = @_;
  ### http_http_resp_to_copyright() ...

  my @copyrights = non_empty($resp->header('X-Meta-Copyright'));
  unless ($resp->content_type =~ m{^text/}) {
    # PNG Copyright field, perhaps other formats
    push @copyrights, non_empty(resp_exiftool_info($resp)->{'Copyright'});
  return \@copyrights;

# return a "Keywords:" string, or undef if nothing
sub http_resp_to_keywords {
  my ($self, $resp) = @_;
  ### http_resp_to_keywords() ...

  my @keywords = $resp->header('X-Meta-Keywords');

  if ($resp->headers->content_is_html) {
    require HTML::Parser;
    my $p = HTML::Parser->new
      (api_version => 3,
       report_tags => ['meta'],
       start_h => [ sub {
                      my ($tagname, $attr) = @_;
                      # <meta rel="og:type" content="sport"> facebook thing
                      if ($tagname eq 'meta'
                          && lc($attr->{'property'}||'') eq 'og:type') {
                        push @keywords, $attr->{'content'};

                    }, "tagname, attr" ]);
    $p->parse ($resp->decoded_content);
  ### @keywords

  return join_non_empty
    (', ', List::MoreUtils::uniq(map {collapse_whitespace($_)}

sub fetch_html {
  my ($self, $group, $url, %options) = @_;
  ### fetch_html() ...

  local @{$self}{keys %options} = values %options;  # hash slice
  $self->verbose (1, __x('page: {url}', url => $url));

  my $group_uri = URI->new($group,'news');
  local $self->{'nntp_host'} = uri_to_nntp_host ($group_uri);
  local $self->{'nntp_group'} = $group = $group_uri->group;
  $self->nntp_group_check($group) or return;

  require HTTP::Request;
  my $req = HTTP::Request->new (GET => $url);
  $self->status_etagmod_req ($req);
  my $resp = $self->ua->request($req);
  if ($resp->code == 304) {
    $self->status_unchanged ($url);
  if (! $resp->is_success) {
    print __x("rss2leafnode: {url}\n {status}\n",
              url => $url,
              status => $resp->status_line);
  $self->verbose (2, $resp->headers->as_string);
  $self->enforce_html_charset_from_content ($resp);

  # message id is either the etag if present, or an md5 of the content if not
  my $msgid = $self->url_to_msgid
     $resp->header('ETag') // do {
       require Digest::MD5;
       my $content = $resp->content;
  return 0 if $self->nntp_message_id_exists ($msgid);

  my $subject = (html_title($resp)
                 // $resp->filename
                 # show original url in subject, not anywhere redirected
                 // __x('RSS2Leafnode {url}', url => $url));

  my $from = $self->http_resp_to_from($resp);
  my $date = $resp->header('Last-Modified');
  my $face = $self->http_resp_to_face($resp);
  my $copyright = $self->http_resp_to_copyright($resp);
  my $keywords = $self->http_resp_to_keywords($resp);

  my $part = $self->http_resp_extract_main($resp);

  my $top = $self->mime_part_from_response
     Top                 => 1,
     'Path:'             => scalar($self->uri_to_host),
     'Newsgroups:'       => $group,
     From                => $from,
     Subject             => $subject,
     Date                => $date,
     'Message-ID'        => $msgid,
     Keywords            => $keywords,
     'Face:'             => $face,
     'X-Copyright:'      => $copyright);
  if ($part) {
    ### attach full part ...
    $top->add_part ($part);

  $self->nntp_post($top) || return;
  $self->status_etagmod_resp ($url, $resp);
  say __x("{group} 1 new article", group => $group);

# $resp is a HTTP::Response
# If the $self->{'html_extract_main'} option is true and $resp is html then
# resplace the $resp content with HTML::ExtractMain extracted part.
sub http_resp_extract_main {
  my ($self, $resp) = @_;

  $self->{'html_extract_main'} or return;
  $resp->headers->content_is_html() or return;

  my $full_part
    = (defined $self->{'html_extract_main'}
       && $self->{'html_extract_main'} eq 'attach_full'
       && $self->mime_part_from_response($resp,
                                         Disposition => "attachment"));

  require HTML::ExtractMain;
  HTML::ExtractMain->VERSION(0.63); # for output_type=>'html'
  $resp->decode;                        # expand any compression
  my $content = $resp->decoded_content; # as wide-chars

  # Output type 'html' differs from the default xhtml by a few entities, in
  # particular it avoids &apos; which is an xml-ism not in the html standards.
  # Various browsers support &apos anyway, but not for example by w3m.
  $content = HTML::ExtractMain::extract_main_html($content,
                                                  output_type => 'html');
  if (! defined $content) {
    $self->verbose(1, __(" HTML::ExtractMain no main part found, posting whole"));
  ### main extracted: $content
  $resp->remove_header('Content-MD5'); # since changed content
  my $charset = $resp->content_charset;
  $content = Encode::encode ($charset, $content);

  return $full_part;

# RSS hacks

# This is a hack for Yahoo Finance feed uniqification.
# $item is a feed hashref.  If it has 'link' field with a
# redirection like
# then return the last target url part.  Otherwise return false.
# This allows the item to be identified by its final target link, so as to
# avoid duplication when the item appears in multiple yahoo feeds with a
# different leading part.  (There's no guid in yahoo feeds, as of Oct 2007.)
sub item_yahoo_permalink {
  my ($item) = @_;
  my $url = $item->first_child_text('link')
    // return undef;
  $url =~ m{^http://[^/]*yahoo\.com/.*\*(http://.*yahoo\.com.*)$}
    or return undef;
  return $1;

# This is a special case for Google Groups RSS feeds.
# The arguments are link elements [$name,$uri].  If there's a google groups
# like "" then
# return a mailing list address like "".  If not in
# that form then return undef.
sub googlegroups_link_email {
  ## no critic (RequireInterpolationOfMetachars)
  foreach my $l (@_) {
    if ($l->{'uri'}
        && $l->{'uri'}->canonical =~ m{^http://groups\.google\.com/group/([^/]+)/}) {
      return ($1 . '');
  return undef;

# This is a nasty hack for
# $url is a link url string just fetched, $resp is a HTTP::Response.  The
# return is a possibly new HTTP::Response object.
# The first fetch of an item link from aireview gives back content like
#   <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0; URL=?zz=1&&checkForCookies=1">
# plus some cookies in the headers.  The URL "zz=1" in that line seems very
# dodgy, it ends up going to the home page with mozilla.  In any case a
# fresh fetch of the link url with the cookies provided is enough to get the
# actual content.
# The LWP::UserAgent::FramesReady module on cpan has a similar match of a
# Refresh, for use with frames.  It works by turning the response into a
# "302 Moved temporarily" for LWP to follow. at
# likewise
# follows.  But alas both obey the URL given in the <META>, which is no good
# here.
sub aireview_follow {
  my ($self, $url, $resp) = @_;

  if ($resp->is_success) {
    my $content = $resp->content;
    if ($content =~ /<META[^>]*Refresh[^>]*checkForCookies/i) {
      $self->verbose (1, '  following aireview META Refresh with cookies');
      require HTTP::Request;
      my $req = HTTP::Request->new (GET => $url);
      $resp = $self->ua->request($req);
  return $resp;

# RSS links

# WordPress ( pre 2.5 had a bug
# where it gave
# type="appication/atom+xml" missing the "l" in "application/".
# Don't want to workaround every bad generator, but this one is GPL
# free and the past versions still found for instance in the
# language log in Feb 2011
sub mime_type_is_rss {
  my ($self, $type) = @_;
  return ($type =~ m{^appl?ication/atom\+xml$});
sub atom_link_is_rss {
  my ($self, $elt) = @_;
  my $type = $elt->att('atom:type') // $elt->att('type') // return 0;
  return $self->mime_type_is_rss($type);

# return list of hashrefs, each being
#    { name     => $str,
#      uri      => $uri_object,
#      download => $boolean,
#      priority => $number,
#    }
# Links are listed from highest to lowest priority.  The current priority
# levels are
#     0     plain links
#     -10   comment RSS
#     -20   author home page
#     -100  geo location text-only
#     -101  statusnet geo location
#     -200  <source>, <media:credit>, <itunes:explicit>
sub item_to_links {
  my ($self, $item) = @_;

  # <feedburner:origLink> or <feedburner:origEnclosureLink> is when
  # something has been expanded into the item, or should it be shown?

  # FIXME: <media:content> can be a link, but have seen it just duplicating
  # <enclosure> without a length.  Would probably skip medium="image".
  # Can have a <media:title> sub-element.
  # ENHANCE-ME: <media:content> can have a file size and duration.
  # FIXME: <media:group> is a collection of <media:content> in different
  # formats etc.  Have seen this from just duplicating
  # <enclosure>.
  # <wfw:commentRss> appeared in the spec page as wfw:commentRSS, so ignore
  # case.
  my @elts = $item->children (qr/^(link
  ### link elts: "@elts"

  my @links;
  foreach my $elt (@elts) {
    if ($self->{'verbose'} >= 2) {
      require Text::Wrap;
      local $Text::Wrap::huge = 'overflow'; # don't break long URLs etc
      $self->verbose (2, "link\n", Text::Trim::trim($elt->sprint));

    my $tag = lc($elt->tag);
    ### $tag
    if ($tag eq 'content' && atom_content_flavour($elt) ne 'link') {
    my $l = { download => 1 };

    foreach my $name ('hreflang', 'title', 'type') {
      $l->{$name} = ($elt->att("atom:$name") // $elt->att($name));

    my $rel = non_empty($elt->att('atom:rel') // $elt->att('rel'));
    if (defined $rel) {
      # Atom rel="..."
      # Maybe: if ($rel eq 'next') ... # not sure about "next" link

      if ($rel eq 'self'           # the feed itself (in the channel normally)
          || $rel eq 'edit'        # to edit the item, maybe
          || $rel eq 'service.edit' # to edit the item
          || $rel eq 'license'     # probably only in the channel part normally
         ) {
        $self->verbose (1, '  ', __x('skip link "{type}"', type => $rel));
      if ($rel eq 'alternate') {
        # "alternate" is supposed to be the content as the entry, but in a
        # web page or something.  Not sure that's always quite true, so show
        # it as a plain link.  If no <content> then an "alternate" is
        # supposed to be mandatory.

      } elsif ($rel eq 'enclosure') {
        $l->{'name'} = __('Encl');

      } elsif ($rel eq 'ostatus:conversation') {
        $l->{'name'} = __('Conversation');
        $l->{'download'} = 0;

      } elsif ($rel eq 'ostatus:attention') {
        $l->{'name'} = __('Attention');
        $l->{'download'} = 0;

      } elsif ($rel eq 'related') {
        $l->{'name'} = __('Related');

      } elsif ($rel eq 'replies') {
        # Atom <link rel="replies" per RFC 4685 "thr:" spec
        my $count = $self->item_elt_comments_count($item,$elt);
        if ($self->atom_link_is_rss($elt)) {
          $l->{'name'} = (defined $count
                          ? __x('RSS Replies({count})', count => $count)
                          : __('RSS Replies'));
          $l->{'priority'} = -10;
        } else {
          $l->{'name'} = (defined $count
                          ? __x('Replies({count})', count => $count)
                          : __('Replies'));
        $l->{'download'} = 0;

      } elsif ($rel eq '') {
        $l->{'name'} = __('Comments');
        $l->{'download'} = 0;

      } elsif ($rel eq 'via') {
        $l->{'name'} = __('Via');
        $l->{'download'} = 0;

      } else {
        $l->{'name'} = __x('{linkrel}', linkrel => $rel);

    } else {   # ! defined $rel
      # tags without rel="" attribute
      if ($tag eq 'enclosure') {
        $l->{'name'} = __('Encl');

      } elsif ($tag eq 'dc:source') {
        $l->{'name'} = __('Source');
        $l->{'download'} = 0;

      } elsif ($tag eq 'wiki:diff') {
        $l->{'name'} = __('Diff');

      } elsif ($tag eq 'wiki:history') {
        $l->{'name'} = __('History');
        $l->{'download'} = 0;

      } elsif ($tag =~ /foaf:maker|sioc:has_creator/) {
        $l->{'name'} = __('Author');
        $l->{'download'} = 0;
        $l->{'priority'} = -20; # low

      } elsif ($tag eq 'statusnet:origin') {
        $l->{'name'} = __('Geo location');
        $l->{'download'} = 0;
        $l->{'priority'} = -101; # just after Geo location

      } elsif ($tag eq 'sioc:has_discussion') {
        $l->{'name'} = __('Discussion');
        $l->{'download'} = 0;

      } elsif ($tag eq 'wfw:commentrss') {
        if (defined (my $count = $self->item_elt_comments_count($item,$elt))) {
          $l->{'name'} = __x('RSS Comments({count})', count => $count);
        } else {
          $l->{'name'} = __('RSS Comments');
        $l->{'download'} = 0;
        $l->{'priority'} = -10;

      } elsif ($tag =~ /comment/) {  # <comments> or <wfw:comment>
        if (defined (my $count = $self->item_elt_comments_count($item,$elt))) {
          $l->{'name'} = __x('Comments({count})', count => $count);
        } else {
          $l->{'name'} = __('Comments');
        $l->{'download'} = 0;

    # Atom <link href="http:.."/>
    # RSS <link>http:..</link>
    # RSS <enclosure url="http:..">
    my $uri = (non_empty ($elt->att('atom:href'))   # Atom <link>
               // non_empty ($elt->att('href'))     # Atom <link>
               // non_empty ($elt->att('atom:src')) # Atom <content>
               // non_empty ($elt->att('src'))      # Atom <content>
               // non_empty ($elt->att('url'))      # RSS <enclosure>
               # <foaf:maker>, <statusnet:origin> rdf:resource=""
               // non_empty ($elt->att('rdf:resource'))
               // non_empty ($elt->trimmed_text)    # RSS <link>
               // next);
    $uri = App::RSS2Leafnode::XML::Twig::Other::elt_xml_based_uri ($elt, $uri);

    $l->{'uri'} = $uri;
    $l->{'name'} //= __('Link');

    my @paren;
    # show length if biggish, often provided on enclosures but not plain
    # links
    if (defined (my $length = ($elt->att('atom:length')
                               // $elt->att('length')))) {
      push @paren, $self->format_size_in_bytes($length);
    # <itunes:duration> applies to <enclosure>.  Just a number means
    # seconds, otherwise MM:SS or HH:MM:SS.
    if ($tag eq 'enclosure'
        && defined (my $duration = non_empty ($item->first_child_text('itunes:duration')))) {
      if ($duration !~ /:/) {
        $duration = __px('s-for-seconds', '{duration}s',
                         duration => $duration);
      push @paren, $duration;
    if (@paren) {
      $l->{'name'} .= '('.join(', ',@paren). ')';

    ### push link: $l
    push @links, $l;

  # eg. RSS <source url="">other feed name</source>
  #     Atom <source>
  #            <id>...url...</id>
  #            <title>Feed Name</title>
  #            <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="...feed-url..."/>
  #            <icon>...image-url...</icon>
  #            <link rel="license" href=""/>
  #          </source>
  foreach my $elt ($item->children('source')) {
    my $str = non_empty (elt_to_rendered_line($elt->first_child('title')))
      // non_empty ($elt->trimmed_text);
    if (defined $str) {
      ### source: $str
      push @links, { name => __('Source') . ": $str",
                     download => 0,
                     priority => -200,
    foreach my $subelt
       grep {$self->atom_link_is_rss($_)} $elt->children('link')
      ) {
      if (defined $subelt
          && defined (my $url = non_empty ($subelt->att('url'))
                      // non_empty ($subelt->att('href'))
                      // non_empty ($subelt->att('atom:href')))) {
        push @links, { name => __('Source RSS'),
                       uri  => App::RSS2Leafnode::XML::Twig::Other::elt_xml_based_uri($subelt,$url),
                       download => 0,
                       priority => -200,

  # Merge together duplicate urls, so as not to download two copies as
  # attachments, and so as to make it clear when there's only one
  # destination for two things.
  # Have seen same url under <link> and <comments> from sourceforge
  # or same url under <link> and <enclosure>
    my %seen;
    @links = grep {
      my $l = $_;
      my $want = 1;
      if (my $uri = $l->{'uri'}) {
        my $canonical = $uri->canonical;
        $canonical->fragment(undef); # ignore #foo anchor for uniqueness
        if (my $prev_l = $seen{$canonical}) {
          $want = 0;
          $prev_l->{'download'} ||= $l->{'download'};
          $l->{'priority'} = max ($l->{'priority'}||0,

          # prefer no anchor if have both with and without
          if (is_empty($l->{'uri'}->fragment)) {
            $prev_l->{'uri'} = $l->{'uri'};

          if ($prev_l->{'name'} eq __('Link')) {
            # name "Link" doesn't say much, prefer the other over "Link"
            $prev_l->{'name'} = $l->{'name'};
          } elsif ($l->{'name'} eq __('Link')) {
            # don't append "Link" to the previous
          } elsif ($l->{'name'} eq $prev_l->{'name'}) {
            # don't double the same name
          } else {
            $prev_l->{'name'} .= ", $l->{'name'}";
        $seen{$canonical} = $l;
    } @links;
  foreach my $l (@links) {
    if ($l->{'uri'}) {
      $l->{'name'} .= ':';

  if (defined (my $str = $self->item_to_lat_long_alt_str ($item))) {
    push @links, { name => $str,
                   download => 0,
                   priority => -100,  # lat/long low priority

  # re:rank as for example from
  # What does label="" usually show?  Are parens like this good?
  foreach my $elt ($item->children('re:rank')) {
    my $label = $elt->att('label');
    my $value = elt_to_rendered_line($elt);
    push @links, { name => (defined $label
                            ? __x('Rank: {value} ({label})', value => $value, label => $label)
                            : __x('Rank: {value}', value => $value)),
                   download => 0,
                   priority => -200,  # low priority

  # eg. <media:credit role="publishing company">AFP</media:credit>
  # is there any value in the role="" part?
  foreach my $elt ($item->children('media:credit')) {
    push @links, { name => __x('Credit: {who}',
                               who => scalar(elt_to_rendered_line($elt))),
                   download => 0,
                   priority => -200,  # very low priority

  # <itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit>
  # Allow for empty <itunes:explicit/> as found
  foreach my $elt ($item->children('itunes:explicit')) {
    my $line = elt_to_rendered_line($elt)
      // next; # skip empty <itunes:explicit/>
    push @links, { name => __x('Explicit: {value}', value => $line),
                   download => 0,
                   priority => -200,   # very low priority

  # <slash:department>blasting-it-into-the-sun-is-not-a-viable-option</slash:department>
  # a fun kind of commentary thing
  foreach my $elt ($item->children('slash:department')) {
    push @links, { name => __x('Department: {department}',
                               department => scalar(elt_to_rendered_line($elt))),
                   download => 0,
                   priority => -200,   # very low priority

  return @links;

           /channel/item/content  --atom


        )} = ();

# sub any_link_replies_nonfeed {
#   foreach my $elt (@_) {
#     # ### any_link_replies_nonfeed(): ref $elt, "$elt", $elt->tag
#     # my $rel = ($elt->att('atom:rel') // $elt->att('rel') // '');
#     # my $type = ($elt->att('atom:type') // $elt->att('type') // '');
#     # ### $rel
#     # ### $type
#     if ($elt->tag eq 'link'
#         && (($elt->att('atom:rel') // $elt->att('rel') // '')
#             eq 'replies')
#         && (($elt->atom_link_is_rss($elt))) {
#       return 1;
#     }
#   }
#   return 0;
# }

# Return a string which is the latitude, longitude and possibly altitude
# from the item.  If no location in the item then return undef.
sub item_to_lat_long_alt_str {
  my ($self, $item) = @_;
  my ($lat, $long, $alt) = $self->item_to_lat_long_alt_values ($item)
    or return;
  ### $lat
  ### $long
  ### $alt

  if (Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($lat)) {
    $lat = ($lat >= 0
            # TRANSLATORS: the latin1/unicode degree symbol can be used here
            # instead of " deg", if it will be recognised in translation,
            # etc.
            ? __x('{latitude} deg N', latitude => $lat)
            : __x('{latitude} deg S', latitude => -$lat));
  if (Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($long)) {
    $long = ($long >= 0
             ? __x('{longitude} deg E', longitude => $long)
             : __x('{longitude} deg W', longitude => -$long));

  if (is_non_empty ($alt)) {
    return __x('Geo location: {latitude}, {longitude}, alt {altitude}m',
               latitude  => $lat,
               longitude => $long,
               altitude  => $alt);
  } else {
    return __x('Geo location: {latitude}, {longitude}',
               latitude  => $lat,
               longitude => $long);

# Return a list of values which are the latitude, longitude and possibly
# altitude extracted from $item.
#    ($latitude, $longitude, $altitude)
#    ($latitude, $longitude)
#    ()
# If no location then return an empty list.  Some of the values returned
# might be empty strings if say there's a <geo:lat> but missing <geo:long>.
# Latitude is degrees North, or negative for South.  Longitude is degrees
# East, or negative for West.  Both possibly with decimal places.
sub item_to_lat_long_alt_values {
  my ($self, $item) = @_;

  # per-item <geo:lat>, <geo:long> eg. USGS earthquakes
  # <item>
  #   <geo:lat>11</geo:lat>
  #   <geo:long>22</geo:long>
  # or under geo:Point, maybe, eg.
  # <item>
  #   <geo:Point>
  #     <geo:lat>11</geo:lat>
  #     <geo:long>22</geo:long>
  foreach my $elt ($item, $item->children(qr/^geo:point$/i)) {
    my $lat = $elt->first_child_trimmed_text('geo:lat');
    if (is_non_empty ($lat)) {
      return ($lat,
              non_empty ($elt->first_child_trimmed_text('geo:alt')));

  # <item>
  #   <georss:point>46.183 -123.816</georss:point>
  # space separator per
    my $str = $item->first_child_trimmed_text ('georss:point');
    if (is_non_empty ($str)) {
      return split(/\s+/, $str, 2); # no altitude

  # <item>
  #   <statusnet:origin geo:lat="53.38297" geo:long="-1.4659"
  #     rdf:resource="">
  #   </statusnet:origin>
  if (my $elt = $item->first_child ('statusnet:origin')) {
    if (defined (my $lat = $elt->att('geo:lat'))) {
      my $long = $elt->att('geo:long');
      return ($lat, $long);

  return; # not found
        )} = ();

sub links_to_html {
  @_ or return '';

  # <nobr> on link lines to try to prevent the displayed URL being chopped
  # up by a line-wrap, which can make it hard to cut and paste.  <pre> can
  # prevent a line wrap, but it ends up treated as starting a paragraph,
  # separate from the 'name' part.
  my $str = '';
  my $sep = "\n\n<p>\n";
  foreach my $l (@_) {
    $str .= "$sep<nobr>$Entitize{$l->{'name'}}";
    $sep = "<br>\n";

    if (defined (my $uri = $l->{'uri'})) {
      $str .= "&nbsp;<a";
      if (defined (my $hreflang = $l->{'hreflang'})) {
        $str .= " hreflang=\"$Entitize{$hreflang}\"";
      if (defined (my $type = $l->{'type'})) {
        $str .= " type=\"$Entitize{$type}\"";
      $uri = $Entitize{$uri};
      $str .= " href=\"$uri\">$uri</a>";
    $str .= "</nobr>\n";
  return "$str</p>\n";

sub links_to_text {
  return join ('', map { join_non_empty (' ',
                                         $_->{'uri'}) . "\n" } @_);

# "From:" and email addresses

use constant DUMMY_EMAIL_ADDRESS => 'nobody@rss2leafnode.dummy';

  my %tag_to_link_name
  = (author         => __('Author:'),
     creator        => __('Creator:'),
     contributor    => __('Contributor:'),
     managingEditor => __('Managing Editor:'),
     webMaster      => __('Webmaster:'),
     publisher      => __('Publisher:'),
     owner          => __('Owner:'),
     username       => __('User:'),

  # Return ($from, $linkhash,$linkhash,...).
  # $from is a string like "".
  # Multiple authors are for example "," as
  # per RFC5322 email, though currently no Sender: is picked out from among
  # them.
  sub item_to_from {
    my ($self, $item) = @_;
    ### item_to_from() ...
    my $channel = item_to_channel($item);

    # <author> is supposed to be an email address whereas <dc:creator> is
    # looser.  The RSS recommendation is <author> when revealing an email
    # and <dc:creator> when hiding it.
    # <slate:author> is ahead of <dc:creator> since <slate:author> has a url
    # attribute.
    # <dc:contributor> appears in wiki: feeds as the item's author.
    # <contributor> can appear multiple times in Atom item.  For now prefer
    # to show just the primary author or authors.
    # The first 
    my @from;
    my @links;
    foreach my $try ([$item, 'author'],
                     [$item, 'jf:author'],
                     [$item, 'slate:author'],
                     [$item, 'dc:creator'],
                     [$item, 'dc:contributor'],
                     [$item, 'wiki:username'],
                     [$item, 'itunes:author'],

                     [$channel, 'author'],
                     [$channel, 'dc:creator'],
                     [$channel, 'itunes:author'],
                     [$channel, 'managingEditor'],
                     [$channel, 'webMaster'],

                     [$item   , 'dc:publisher'],
                     [$channel, 'dc:publisher'],
                     [$channel, 'itunes:owner'],
                    ) {
      my ($where, $tag) = @$try;
      ### $tag

      if (my @elts = $item->children($tag)) {
        foreach my $elt (@elts) {
          ### elt for From: $elt->sprint
          push @from, $self->elt_to_email($elt);

          # author's home page etc as a link
          if (my $uri =
              (# Atom
               # <author>
               #   <name>Foo Bar</name>
               #   <uri>http://some.where</uri>
               # </author>
               non_empty ($elt->first_child_text('uri'))

               # <slate:author url="">Joe Bloggs</slate:author>
               // non_empty ($elt->att('url'))

               # ModWiki dc:contributor example
               #     <rdf:Description link="">
               #       <rdf:value>Foo Bar</rdf:value>
               #     </rdf:Description>
               # The text shows rss:link= and the example just link=.
               // non_empty (do {
                 my $child; ($child = $elt->first_child('rdf:Description'))
                   && ($child->att('link') // $child->att('rss:link'))
                 }))) {
            my $tag = $elt->tag;
            $tag =~ s/.*?://;
            push @links, { uri      => URI->new($uri),
                           name     => ($tag_to_link_name{$tag} // "\u$tag:"),
                           download => 0,
                           priority => -20 };
      last if @from;
    if (! @from) {
      # Atom <title> can have type="html" etc in the usual way, so render.
      # Hope the channel title is different from the item title.
      @from = ($self->email_format (elt_to_rendered_line
    if (! @from) {
      @from = ('nobody@'.$self->uri_to_host);

    ### @from
    return (join(', ',@from),
            /channel/author/name   --atom
            /channel/author/uri    --atom
            /channel/author/url    --atom-typo-maybe
            /channel/author/email  --atom

            /channel/item/author/name   --atom
            /channel/item/author/uri    --atom
            /channel/item/author/url    --atom-typo-maybe
            /channel/item/author/email  --atom
            /channel/item/author/gd:extendedProperty  --good-dinner

            /channel/item/contributor        --atom
            /channel/item/contributor/url    --atom-typo-maybe

            /channel/item/activity:verb          --usually-post-or-something
            /channel/item/activity:object-type   --is-this-anything
          )} = ();

# $elt is an XML::Twig::Elt
# Return an email address, either just the text part of $elt or Atom
# sub-elements <name> and <email>.
# If $elt is empty then return an empty list.
sub elt_to_email {
  my ($self, $elt) = @_;
  return unless defined $elt;

  # <email> - under Atom
  # <itunes:email> - under <itunes:owner>
  my $email = elt_to_rendered_line ($elt->first_child(qr/^(itunes:)?email$/));

  # <name> - under Atom
  # <itunes:name> - under <itunes:owner>
  my $display = elt_to_rendered_line ($elt->first_child(qr/^(itunes:)?name$/))
    // '';

  my $maybe = join
    (' ',
     non_empty ($elt->text_only),
     non_empty (do {
       # <rdf:Description><rdf:value>...</></> under dc authors etc
       my $rdfdesc; ($rdfdesc = $elt->first_child('rdf:Description'))
         && $rdfdesc->first_child_text('rdf:value')

  return $self->email_format_maybe ($maybe, $display, $email);

# $mailbox_re is a mailbox with domain, like ""
# Allows no dots like "foo@localhost".
# Allows dashes like "".
# $mailbox_with_comment_re allows an optional paren comment part like
# " (Foo)"
# cf Email::Address $addr_spec, but its version 1.890 loosened to allow a
# domain-less bare "foo", which is no good
my $words_with_dots_re = qr/[[:word:]-]+(\.[[:word:]-]+)*/;
my $mailbox_re = qr/$words_with_dots_re\@$words_with_dots_re/o;
my $mailbox_with_comment_re = qr/$mailbox_re(\s*\([^\)]*\))?/os;

# $maybe is some free-form author part possibly including a
# $display is a display part for the email like "Foo", possibly empty ""
# $email is a mailbox "", or undef
# return an rfc822 "Foo <>"
sub email_format_maybe {
  my ($self, $maybe, $display, $email) = @_;
  ### email_format_maybe() start
  ### $maybe
  ### $display
  ### $email

  # look also at $display the same in case Atom no <email> but a <name>
  # which is a mailbox and can be corrected,
  # eg.
  # Or $maybe full email like
  if (is_empty($email)) {
    foreach ($maybe, $display) {

      if (/^\s*(mailto:)?($mailbox_with_comment_re)\s*$/o) {
        ### maybe or display is a mailbox
        #     ""
        #     ""
        #     " (Foo)"
        $email = $2;
        undef $_;

      } elsif (/(.*)\((mailto:)?($mailbox_re)\)\s*$/o
               || /(.*)<(mailto:)?($mailbox_re)>\s*$/o) {
        ### maybe or display part is display plus mailbox
        #     "Foo ("
        #     "Foo ("
        #     "Foo <>"
        $_ = $1;
        $email = $3;

  $display .= ' '.($maybe//'');
  my $ret;
  if (is_empty($email) && $display =~ /^$mailbox_re$/o) {
    # display or maybe is a "" or " (Foo)",
    # return it as-is, in particular leave it in "(Foo)" style comment
    $ret = $display;
  } else {
    $ret = $self->email_format ($display, $email);

  # Collapse whitespace against possible tabs and newlines in an <author> as
  # from googlegroups for instance.  MIME::Entity seems to collapse
  # newlines, but not tabs.
  return non_empty (collapse_whitespace ($ret));

# $display is a display part for the email "Foo", possibly empty ""
# $email is a mailbox "", or undef or empty ""
# return an rfc822 "Foo <>"
sub email_format {
  my ($self, $display, $email) = @_;
  ### $display
  $display = Text::Trim::trim($display);
  $email   = Text::Trim::trim($email);
  if (is_empty($display)) {
    if (is_empty($email)) {
    } else {
      return $email;
  if (is_empty($email)) {
    # think can't have empty <> or omitted, otherwise the quoted part is
    # still parsed as an address, certainly it's not rfc822 compliant to
    # omit
    $email = 'nobody@'.$self->uri_to_host;
  } else {
    $email = $email;
  return email_phrase_quote_maybe($display) . " <$email>";

# return $str with quotes like "Foo Bar" if it needs them to go in an email
# display part
sub email_phrase_quote_maybe {
  my ($str) = @_;
  return if ! defined $str;

  # RFC2822 "atext" characters, with "-" last
  if ($str =~ m<[^[:alnum:][:space:]!#\$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]>) {
    # strange chars, need to quote
    return email_phrase_quote($str);
  } else {
    # alphanumeric and whitespace, no quotes
    return $str;
sub email_phrase_quote {
  my ($str) = @_;
  return if ! defined $str;
  $str =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;   # strip existing quotes
  $str =~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g; # escape internal quotes and backslashes
  return "\"$str\"";

# rss_newest_only

  my %multiplier = (minute => 60,
                    hour   => 3600,
                    day    => 86400,
                    week   => 86400 * 7,
                    month  => 365.25 * 86400 / 12,
                    year   => 365.25 * 86400,
  # return a target time_t, or undef
  sub rss_newest_only_timet {
    my ($self) = @_;
    if (defined (my $str = $self->{'rss_newest_only'})) {
      if ($str =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*(minute|hour|day|week|month|year)s?\s*$/) {
        return time() - $1*$multiplier{$2};
    return undef;

# return a number, or undef
sub rss_newest_only_count {
  my ($self) = @_;
  if (defined (my $str = $self->{'rss_newest_only'})) {
    if (Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($str)) {
      ### rss_newest_only number: $str
      return $str;
  return undef;

# return @items restricted or filtered by rss_newest_only
sub rss_newest_only_items {
  my ($self, @items) = @_;

  if (defined (my $count = $self->rss_newest_only_count)) {
    if ($count == 0) {
      # rss_newest_only=>0 means don't apply a newest
      return @items;
    my $before = scalar(@items);
    require Sort::Key::Top;
    @items = Sort::Key::Top::rnkeytop (sub { $self->item_to_timet($_) },
                                       $count, @items);

    my $after = scalar(@items);
    if ($before != $after) {
      $self->verbose (1, " rss_newest_only reduce by count from $before items to $after items");
    return @items;

  if (defined (my $target_timet = $self->rss_newest_only_timet)) {
    my $before = scalar(@items);
    @items = grep { my $got_timet = $self->item_to_timet($_);
                    ! defined $got_timet || $got_timet >= $target_timet }
    my $after = scalar(@items);
    if ($before != $after) {
      $self->verbose (1, " rss_newest_only reduce by age from $before to $after items");
    return @items;

  if (defined (my $str = $self->{'rss_newest_only'})) {
    die "rss2leafnode: unrecognised rss_newest_only: ",$str;
  return @items;

# fetch RSS

my $map_xmlns
  = {
     ''                     => 'rss',
     ''                  => 'atom',
     ''  => 'rdf',
     ''     => 'content',
     ''       => 'slash',
     '' => 'syn',
     ''       => 'thr',
     ''         => 'wfw',
     ''                 => 'xhtml',
     ''   => 'itunes',
     ''   => 'feedburner',

     ''                 => 'media',

     ''     => 'geo',
     ''                 => 'georss',
     ''       => 'pheedo',
     ''                       => 'twitter',
     ''                   => 'foaf',
     ''                       => 'statusnet',
     ''                     => 'sioc',
     ''                         => 'slate',
     ''            => 'activity',
     ''                => 'ostatus',

     ''             => 're',

     # per
     '' => 'jf',

     # these two are different, but treat the same for now
     ''                      =>'creativeCommons',

     # Common Alerts Protocol
     'urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:cap:1.1'         => 'cap',

     # central bank exchange rates format,
     # spec
     # eg. RBA
     '' => 'cb',

     # earthquakes
     # eg.
     '' => 'eq',

     ''             => 'dc',
     ''                    => 'dcterms',

     # might be supposed to be the home for wiki:, but it's a 404
     # and suggests its page instead
     # Spec at
     ''        => 'wiki',
     ''  => 'wiki',

     # not sure if this is supposed to be necessary, but without it
     # "xml:lang" attributes are turned into "lang"
     '' => 'xml',

sub twig_parse {
  my ($self, $xml) = @_;
  ### twig_parse() ...

  # default "discard_spaces" chucks leading and trailing space on content,
  # which is usually a good thing
  require XML::Twig;
  XML::Twig->VERSION('3.34'); # for att_exists()
  my $twig = XML::Twig->new (map_xmlns => $map_xmlns,
                             pretty_print => 'wrapped');
  $twig->safe_parse ($xml);
  my $err = $@;
  ### $err

  # Try to fix bad non-ascii chars by putting it through Encode::from_to().
  # Encode::FB_DEFAULT substitutes U+FFFD when going to unicode, or question
  # mark "?" going to non-unicode.  Mozilla does some sort of similar
  # liberal byte interpretation so as to at least display something from a
  # dodgy feed.
  if ($err && $err =~ /not well-formed \(invalid token\) at (line \d+, column \d+, byte (\d+))/) {
    my $where = $1;
    my $byte = ord(substr($xml,$2,1));
    if ($byte >= 128) {
      my $charset = $twig->encoding // 'utf-8';
      $self->verbose (1, sprintf ("parse error, attempt re-code $charset for byte 0x%02X\n", $byte));
      require Encode;
      my $recoded_xml = $xml;
      Encode::from_to($recoded_xml, $charset, $charset, Encode::FB_DEFAULT());

      $twig = XML::Twig->new (map_xmlns => $map_xmlns);
      if ($twig->safe_parse ($recoded_xml)) {
                             "Recoded bad bytes to charset $charset");
        print __x("Feed {url}\n  recoded {charset} to parse, expect substitutions for bad non-ascii\n  ({where})\n",
                  url     => $self->{'uri'},
                  charset => $charset,
                  where   => $where);
        undef $err;

  # Or attempt to put it through XML::Liberal, if available.
  if ($err) {
    my $liberal_xml = $self->xml_liberal_correction($xml);
    if (defined $liberal_xml) {
      ### reparse xml liberal fixup with twig ...
      $twig = XML::Twig->new (map_xmlns => $map_xmlns);
      if ($twig->safe_parse ($liberal_xml)) {
        ### now ok ...
        $err = Text::Trim::trim($err);
                             "XML::Liberal fixed: {error}",
                             error => $err);
        print __x("Feed {url}\n  parse error: {error}\n  continuing with repairs by XML::Liberal\n",
                  url   => $self->{'uri'},
                  error => $err);
        undef $err;
    ### now err: $err

  if ($err) {
    # XML::Parser seems to stick some spurious leading whitespace on the error
    $err = Text::Trim::trim($err);

    $self->verbose (1, __x("Parse error on URL {url}\n{error}",
                           url   => $self->{'uri'},
                           error => $err));
    return (undef, $err);

  # Strip any explicit "rss:" or "atom:" namespace down to bare part.
  # Should be unambiguous and is easier than giving tag names both with and
  # without the namespace.  Undocumented set_ns_as_default() might do this
  # ... or might not.
  my $root = $twig->root;
  App::RSS2Leafnode::XML::Twig::Other::elt_tree_strip_prefix ($root, 'atom');
  App::RSS2Leafnode::XML::Twig::Other::elt_tree_strip_prefix ($root, 'rss');

  # somehow map_xmlns mangles default attributes like "decimals=...", prefer
  # to see them without rss: or atom: -- maybe
  #   foreach my $child ($root->descendants_or_self) {
  #     foreach my $attname ($child->att_names) {
  #       if ($attname =~ /^(atom|rss):(.*)/) {
  #         $child->change_att_name($attname, $2);
  #       }
  #     }
  #   }

  ### add xml base
  if (defined $self->{'uri'} && ! $root->att_exists('xml:base')) {
    $root->set_att ('xml:base', $self->{'uri'});

  ### success
  return ($twig, undef);

sub item_to_channel {
  my ($item) = @_;
  # parent for RSS or Atom, but sibling "channel" for RDF
  my $channel = $item->parent;
  return ($channel->first_child('channel')
          // $channel);

# return a Message-ID string for this $item coming from $self->{'uri'}
sub item_to_msgid {
  my ($self, $item) = @_;

  if (is_non_empty (my $id = $item->first_child_text('id'))) {
    # Atom <id> is supposed to be a url
    return $self->url_to_msgid ($id, $item->first_child_text('updated'));

  my $guid;
  my $isPermaLink = 0;
  if (my $elt = $item->first_child('guid')) {
    # ignore empty <guid isPermaLink="false"/> seen once from
    if (is_non_empty (my $str = collapse_whitespace ($elt->text))) {
      $guid = $str;
      $isPermaLink = (lc($elt->att('isPermaLink') // 'true') eq 'true');

  if ($isPermaLink) {   # <guid isPermaLink="true">
    return $self->url_to_msgid ($guid);
  if (my $link = item_yahoo_permalink ($item)) {
    return $self->url_to_msgid ($link);
  if (defined $guid) {  # <guid isPermaLink="false">
    return $self->url_to_msgid ($self->{'uri'}, $guid);

  # nothing in the item, use the feed url and MD5 of some fields which
  # will hopefully distinguish it from other items at this url
  $self->verbose (2, '  msgid from MD5');
  return $self->url_to_msgid
     md5_of_utf8 (join_non_empty ('',
                                  map {$item->first_child_text($_)}
# FIXME: is <wordzilla:id> anything that can be used ?
# <slate:id> not needed, its feed has a guid.
         )} = ();

# Return an "In-Reply-To:" value for $item, being a space-separated list of
# Message-ID strings including angles <>, or undef if nothing.  The message
# ids match up to an Atom <id> element in a parent item.
# RFC 4685 has <thr:in-reply-to>.  There can be multiple such elements if a
# reply to multiple originals.
# Eg. comment feeds under
sub item_to_in_reply_to {
  my ($self, $item) = @_;

  my @ids;
  foreach my $elt ($item->children('thr:in-reply-to')) {
    my $ref = ($elt->att('thr:ref')
               // $elt->att('ref')
               // $elt->att('atom:ref') # comes out atom: under map_xmlns ...
               // next);
    # probably shouldn't be relative actually ...
    $ref = App::RSS2Leafnode::XML::Twig::Other::elt_xml_based_uri ($elt, $ref);
    push @ids, $self->url_to_msgid ($ref);
  if (@ids) {
    return join (' ', @ids);
  } else {
    return undef;
        )} = ();

# Return a string of comma separated keywords per RFC1036 and RFC2822.
# RSS <category>Foo</category> is often present with no other keywords, work
# that in as a bit of a fallback, being better than nothing for
# classification.
# Atom <category term="key" label="human readable"/> with the "label"
# attribute being the displayable part.  Have seen only the "term" attribute
# though.
# <itunes:category> might be covered by <itunes:keywords> anyway, but work
# it in for more classification for now.  Can have child <itunes:category>
# elements as sub-categories, but don't worry about them, haven't seen any
# real ones, only the sample at
# <slash:section> is slightly borderline.  Sometimes it's a repeat of
# <dc:subject>, which is fine.  Sometimes it's just "news" which is not
# particularly informative.
# <cap:category> is "Geo", "Met", "Safety", "Fire" etc.  Not sure if it
# should be in the keywords if it's also in the body text, but at least
# offers a bit of classification in the headers.
# <dc:subject> is supposed to be from a "restricted vocabulary" so might
# want a bit of decoding.  Not much used, but for instance
# How much value is there in the channel keywords?
  my $re = qr/^(category
  sub item_to_keywords {
    my ($self, $item) = @_;
    my $channel = item_to_channel($item);

    return join_non_empty
      (', ',
       (map { collapse_whitespace($_) }
        map { split /,/ }
        map { ($_->att('text')           # itunes:category
               // $_->att('itunes:text') # itunes:category
               // $_->att('atom:label')  # atom <category>
               // $_->att('label')       # atom <category>
               // $_->att('atom:term')   # atom <category>, if no "label"
               // $_->att('term')        # atom <category>, if no "label"
               // $_->text) }   # other
         # <cb:news> etc sub-element <cb:category>
         map {$_->children('cb:keyword')} $item->children,
  # maybe could show <slate:section> like "Health and Science" as a keyword
  # too, for now just omit

          )} = ();

  # Feturn a string for the "Importance:" header of RFC 1911, RFC 2156
  # voice and X.400 messaging.  Possible values 'high', 'normal', 'low'.
  # 'normal' is the header default, return undef in that case in the
  # interests of not junking up headers with defaults
  my %cap_severity_high   = (extreme => 1,
                             severe => 1);
  my %cap_severity_normal = (moderate => 1);
  my %cap_severity_low    = (minor => 1);

  sub item_to_importance {
    my ($self, $item) = @_;

    my $cap_severity = lc($item->first_child_trimmed_text('cap:severity')
                          // '');
    my $wiki_importance = ($item->first_child_trimmed_text('wiki:importance')
                           // '');
    if ($cap_severity) {
      $self->verbose (2, "  CAP severity:    ",$cap_severity);
      $self->verbose (2, "  Wiki importance: ",$wiki_importance);

    if ($cap_severity_high{$cap_severity}) {
      return 'high';
    if ($cap_severity_normal{$cap_severity}) {
      return undef; # default "normal"
    if ($cap_severity_low{$cap_severity}
        || $wiki_importance eq 'minor') {
      return 'low';
    return undef; # unknown
          )} = ();
  # Return a string for the "Priority:" header of RFC 1327, RFC 2156.
  # Possible values 'urgent', 'normal', 'non-urgent'.
  # 'normal' is the header default, return undef in that case in the
  # interests of not junking up headers with defaults
  # <cap:urgency> is "Immediate", "Expected", "Future", "Past", "Unknown",
  # for when response action should be taken.  Is the <cap:severity> the
  # better indicator of transmission priority?
  my %cap_severity_urgent = (extreme => 1,
                             severe  => 1);
  my %cap_severity_normal = (moderate => 1);

  sub item_to_priority {
    my ($self, $item) = @_;

    my $cap_severity = lc($item->first_child_trimmed_text('cap:severity')
                          // '');

    if ($cap_severity_urgent{$cap_severity}) {
      return 'urgent';
    if ($cap_severity_normal{$cap_severity}) {
      return undef; # default "normal"
    if (0) { # nothing for this yet
      return 'non-urgent';
    return undef; # unknown

# return a string for the slightly unofficial "Precedence:" header
# might be able to identify lists gatewayed to RSS and give "list" for them
# maybe "bulk" would suit low priority stuff
# for now nothing
# sub item_to_precedence {
#   my ($self, $item) = @_;
#   return undef; # nothing
# }

# return the host part of $self->{'uri'}, or "localhost" if none
sub uri_to_host {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $uri = $self->{'uri'};
  ### uri_to_host(): $uri
  return (non_empty ($uri && $uri->can('host') && $uri->host)
          // 'localhost');

sub item_to_subject {
  my ($self, $item) = @_;

  # Atom <title> can have type="html" etc in the usual way.
    (elt_to_rendered_line ($item->first_child('title'))

     # <dc:title> is probably pointless within an item, would it ever be
     # present without a plain <title>?
     // elt_to_rendered_line ($item->first_child('dc:title'))

     # eg. has <media:title>
     # in addition to plain <title>.  Probably would never have
     # <media:title> without plain <title>, but check anyway.
     // elt_to_rendered_line ($item->first_child('media:title'))

     # <dc:subject> is supposed to be a keyword type thing, but might be
     # better than nothing.  Not sure have ever actually seen <dc:subject>
     # without <title>, so perhaps this is pointless.
     // elt_to_rendered_line ($item->first_child('dc:subject'))

     // __('no subject'));

          /channel/item/itunes:subtitle  --not-using-this-as-yet
          /channel/item/slate:menuline   --copy-of-subject-it-seems
          /channel/item/slate:rubric     --blog-title
          /channel/item/slate:blog       --blog-title
          /channel/item/slate:legacy_url --same-as-link-it-seems
        )} = ();

# return language code string for Content-Language, or undef
# return is per RFC 1766, RFC 3066, RFC 4646
# xml:lang is defined to be per RFC 4646, no mangling needed
# RSS <language> seems close enough
# <dc:language> is recommended as RFC 4646
# cf. I18N::LangTags if mangling might be needed one day
sub item_to_language {
  my ($self, $item) = @_;
  my $lang;

  if (my $elt = $item->first_child('content')) {
    $lang = non_empty ($elt->att('xml:lang'));
  # Either <language>, <dc:language>, <twitter:lang> sub-element or
  # xml:lang="" tag, in the item itself or in channel, and maybe xml:lang in
  # toplevel <feed>.  $elt->inherit_att() is close, but looks only at
  # xml:lang, not a <language> subelement.
  for ( ; $item; $item = $item->parent) {
    $lang //= (non_empty    ($item->first_child_trimmed_text
               // non_empty ($item->att('xml:lang'))
               // next);
  return ($lang // $self->{'resp'}->content_language);
        )} = ();

# return arrayref of copyright strings
# Keep all of multiple rights/license/etc in the interests of preserving all
# statements.
sub item_to_copyright {
  my ($self, $item) = @_;
  my $channel = item_to_channel($item);

  # <dcterms:license> supposedly supercedes <dc:rights>, maybe should
  # suppress the latter in the presence of the former (dcterms: collapsed to
  # dc: by the map_xmlns).
  # Atom <rights> can be type="html" etc in its usual way, but think RSS is
  # always plain text
  my $re = qr/^(rights     # Atom
              |copyright   # RSS, don't think entity-encoded html allowed there
  # Atom sub-elem <source><rights>...</rights>
  my @parents = ($item, $channel, $item->children('source'));

  my @strings;
  foreach my $elt (map {$_->children($re)} @parents) {
    push @strings,
      join_non_empty(' ',
                     # eg. <creativeCommons:licence rdf:resource="http://..."/>

  # <link rel="license" href="...">
  foreach my $link (map {$_->children('link')} @parents) {
    ### link for copyright: $link->sprint
    if (($link->att('atom:rel')//$link->att('rel')//'') eq 'license') {
      push @strings, $link->att('atom:href')//$link->att('href');
  ### @strings
  return [ List::MoreUtils::uniq(grep {defined} @strings) ];
        )} = ();
# /channel/item/media:credit   --nothing-much-in-this-one

# return string or undef
sub item_to_generator {
  my ($self, $item) = @_;
  my $channel = item_to_channel($item);
  my @strings;

  # both RSS and Atom use <generator>
  # Atom can include version="" and uri=""
  if (my $generator = $channel->first_child('generator')) {
    push @strings, join_non_empty (' ',

  # FIXME: is this bit right?
  # <statusnet:notice_info local_id="54790448"
  #    source="&lt;a href=&quot;; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;Emacs Identica-mode&lt;/a&gt;"
  #    source_link=""></statusnet:notice_info>
  if (my $notice = $item->first_child('statusnet:notice_info')) {
    if (defined (my $html = $notice->att('atom:source'))) {
      push @strings, join_non_empty (' ',

  return collapse_whitespace (join_non_empty (', ', @strings));
        )} = ();

# return URL string or undef/empty
sub item_to_feedburner {
  my ($self, $item) = @_;
  my $channel = item_to_channel($item);
  my $elt = $channel->first_child('feedburner:info') || return;
  my $uri = $elt->att('uri') // return;
  return URI->new_abs ($uri, '')->as_string;

# $elt is an Atom <content>
sub atom_content_flavour {
  my ($elt) = @_;
  if (! defined $elt) { return ''; }
  my $type = ($elt->att('atom:type') // $elt->att('type'));
  if ($elt->att('atom:src') || $elt->att('src')) {
    # <content src=""> external
    return 'link';
  if (! defined $type
      || $type eq 'html'
      || $type eq 'xhtml'
      || $type eq 'application/xhtml+xml'
      || $type =~ m{^text/}) {
    return 'body';
  return 'attach';

sub html_wrap_fragment {
  my ($item, $fragment, $language) = @_;
  my $charset = (is_ascii($fragment) ? 'us-ascii' : 'utf-8');
  my $base_uri = App::RSS2Leafnode::XML::Twig::Other::elt_xml_base($item);
  my $base_header = (defined $base_uri
                     ? "  <base href=\"$Entitize{$base_uri}\">\n"
                     : '');
  if (is_non_empty ($language)) {
    $language = " lang=\"$Entitize{$language}\"";
  } else {
    $language = '';
  return (<<"HERE", $charset);
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
  <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=$charset">

# $self->{'rss_charset_override'}, if set, means the bytes are actually in
# that charset.  Enforce this by replacing the "<?xml encoding=" in the
# bytes.  Do a decode() and re-encode() to cope with non-ascii like say
# utf-16.
# XML::RSS::LibXML has an "encoding" option on its new(), but that's for
# feed creation or something, a parse() still follows the <?xml> tag.
sub enforce_rss_charset_override {
  my ($self, $xml) = @_;
  if (my $charset = $self->{'rss_charset_override'}) {
    $xml = Encode::decode ($charset, $xml);
    if ($xml =~ s/(<\?xml[^>]*encoding="?)([^">]+)/$1$charset/i) {
      $self->verbose (2, "replace encoding=$2 tag with encoding=$charset");
    } elsif ($xml =~ s/(<\?xml[^?>]*)/$1 encoding="$charset"/i) {
      $self->verbose (2, "insert encoding=\"$charset\"");
    } else {
      my $str = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"$charset\"?>\n";
      $self->verbose (2, "insert $str");
      $xml = $str . $xml;
    $self->verbose (3, "xml now:\n$xml\n");
    $xml = Encode::encode ($charset, $xml);
  return $xml;

# slightly experimental extract of "cap" fields as from
sub item_common_alert_protocol {
  my ($self, $item, $want_html) = @_;
  my @fields;
  foreach my $elt ($item->children(qr/^cap:/)) {
    (my $field = $elt->name) =~ s/^cap://;
    if ($field eq 'geocode' || $field eq 'parameter') {
      # dunno how to show these yet ...
    $known{'/channel/item/'.$elt->name} = undef;

    my $value = elt_to_rendered_line ($elt);
    $value = Text::Trim::trim ($value);
    if (is_non_empty ($value)) {
      push @fields, [ "\u$field: ", $value ];
  if (! @fields) {
    return '';
  # FIXME: This $width padding doesn't come out in html, only in text.  The
  # NOAA is Atom plain text, so that one is ok at least.
  my $width = max(map {length $_->[0]} @fields);
  @fields = map { my $field = $_->[0];
                  my $value = $_->[1];
                  $field = sprintf ('%-*s', $width, $field);
                  $self->text_wrap ($value, $field)
                } @fields;
  if ($want_html) {
    return "<p>\n"
      . join("<br>\n", map {$Entitize{$_}} @fields)
        . "\n</p>\n";
  } else {
    return "\n"
      . join("\n",  @fields)
        . "\n";

sub item_unknowns {
  my ($self, $item, $want_html) = @_;
  ### item_unknowns() ...

  my $xml = '';
  foreach my $elt (map {$_->tag eq 'media:group' # descend into media:group
                          ? $_->children : $_}
                   $item->children) {
    next if $elt->tag =~ /^#/;  # text
    next if App::RSS2Leafnode::XML::Twig::Other::elt_is_empty($elt);
    my $path = $elt->path;
    $path =~ s{^/(rss|channel)/channel}{/channel};
    $path =~ s{^/(feed|rdf:RDF)}{/channel};
    $path =~ s{^/channel/entry}{/channel/item};
    next if $path =~ m{/xhtml};
    next if $path =~ m{^/channel/item/(description|content:encoded)/};
    next if exists $known{$path};
    ### unknown path: $path

    require Text::Wrap;
    my $part = do {
      local $Text::Wrap::columns = $self->{'render_width'} + 1 + 4;
      local $Text::Wrap::huge = 'overflow'; # don't break long words
      local $Text::Wrap::unexpand = 0;  # no tabs in output
    $part =~ s/^    //mg; # indentation from element depth
    $part =~ s/^\n+//;    # leading blank lines
    $xml .= $part;
  if ($xml eq '') {
    return '';
  ### $xml

  if ($want_html) {
    return "\n<p>\n" . __('Further feed XML:') . "<br>\n"
      . "<pre>$Entitize{$xml}</pre>\n</p>\n";
  } else {
    return "\n" . __('Further feed XML:') . "\n" . $xml;


        )} = (); # hash slice

sub media_group_to_html {
  my ($self, $group) = @_;
  ### media_group_to_html(): "$group"

  my $ret = "<p>\n";
  my @lines;

  foreach my $elt ($group->children('media:title'),
                   $group->children('media:description')) {
    push @lines, elt_to_html($elt);

  foreach my $elt ($group->children('media:credit')) {
    my $html = elt_to_html($elt);
    if (defined (my $role = non_empty($elt->att('role')))) {
      $html .= " ($Entitize{$role})";
    push @lines, $html;
  foreach my $elt ($group->children('media:player'),
                   $group->children('media:content')) {
    my $url = $elt->att('url') // next;
    my $abs_url = App::RSS2Leafnode::XML::Twig::Other::elt_xml_based_uri
      ($group, $url);

    my $html = "<a href=\"$Entitize{$abs_url}\"";
    if (defined (my $type = non_empty($elt->att('type')))) {
      $html .= " type=\"$Entitize{$type}\"";
    if (defined (my $lang = non_empty($elt->att('lang')))) {
      $html .= " hreflang=\"$Entitize{$lang}\"";
    $html .= ">$Entitize{$url}$url</a>";
      my @paren;
      if (defined (my $size = non_empty($elt->att('fileSize')))) {
        push @paren, $self->format_size_in_bytes($size);
      if (defined (my $duration = non_empty($elt->att('duration')))) {
        if ($duration !~ /:/) {
          $duration = __px('s-for-seconds', '{duration}s',
                           duration => $duration);
        push @paren, $duration;
      if (@paren) {
        $html .= $Entitize{' (' . join(', ',@paren). ')'};
    $html .= "\n";
    push @lines, $html;

  foreach my $elt ($group->children('media:copyright')) {
    push @lines, "Copyright: ".elt_to_html($elt);

  ### total lines: scalar(@lines)
  return "<p>\n" . join("<br>\n",@lines) . "\n</p>\n";

sub elt_to_html {
  my ($elt) = @_;
  defined $elt or return;
  my $type = elt_content_type ($elt);
  if ($type eq 'xhtml') {
    return elt_xhtml_to_html($elt);
  my $str = elt_subtext($elt);
  if ($type eq 'html') {
    return $str;
  } else {
    return $Entitize{$str};

# $body construction below
        )} = ();

# $item is an XML::Twig::Elt
sub fetch_rss_process_one_item {
  my ($self, $item) = @_;
  my $subject = $self->item_to_subject ($item);
  $self->verbose (1, ' ', __x('item: {subject}', subject => $subject));

  my $msgid = $self->item_to_msgid ($item);
  my $new = 0;

  if (! $self->nntp_message_id_exists ($msgid)) {
    my $channel = item_to_channel($item);
    my ($from, @from_links) = $self->item_to_from($item);
    my @links = ($self->item_to_links ($item),

    # For comments feeds show "Re: Foo" as the subject.  Haven't seen a
    # comments feed with anything useful in the <title>.  Could think about
    # including it at the start of the message body if it was any good.
    # has <wfw:commentRss> feeds with <title>
    # just "Von: Foo" where Foo is the poster's name.
    # my $dummy = $self->DUMMY_EMAIL_ADDRESS;
    # if ($from =~ /(.*) <\Q$dummy\E>$/
    #     && $subject eq "Von: $1") {
    #   $subject = $self->{'getting_rss_comments'};
    # }
    if (defined $self->{'getting_rss_comments'}) {
      $subject = $self->{'getting_rss_comments'};

    my $list_post = googlegroups_link_email(@links);
    my $precedence = (defined $list_post ? 'list' : undef);
    my $language = $self->item_to_language($item);

    # RSS <rating> PICS-Label
    # ENHANCE-ME: Maybe transform <itunes:explicit> "yes","no","clean" into
    # PICS too maybe, unless it only applies to the enclosure as such.  Maybe
    # <media:adult> likewise.
    my $pics_label = collapse_whitespace ($channel->first_child_text('rating'));

    # Crib: an undef value for a header means omit that header, which is good
    # for say the merely optional "Content-Language"
    # there can be multiple "feed" links from Atom ...
    # 'X-RSS-Feed-Link:'  => $channel->{'link'},
    my %headers
      = ('Path:'        => scalar ($self->uri_to_host),
         'Newsgroups:'  => $self->{'nntp_group'},
         From           => $from,
         Subject        => $subject,
         Keywords       => scalar ($self->item_to_keywords($item)),
         Date           => scalar ($self->item_to_date($item)),
         'In-Reply-To:' => scalar ($self->item_to_in_reply_to($item)),
         References     => $self->{'References:'},
         'Message-ID'        => $msgid,
         'Content-Language:' => $language,
         'Importance:'       => scalar ($self->item_to_importance($item)),
         'Priority:'         => scalar ($self->item_to_priority($item)),
         'Face:'             => scalar ($self->item_to_face($item)),
         'List-Post:'        => $list_post,
         'Precedence:'       => $precedence,
         'PICS-Label:'       => $pics_label,
         'X-Copyright:'      => scalar ($self->item_to_copyright($item)),
         'X-RSS-URL:'        => scalar ($self->{'uri'}->as_string),
         'X-RSS-Feedburner:' => scalar ($self->item_to_feedburner($item)),
         'X-RSS-Generator:'  => scalar ($self->item_to_generator($item)),

    my $attach_elt;

    # <media:text> is another possibility, but have seen it from Yahoo as just
    # a copy of <description>, with type="html" to make the format clear.
    # ENHANCE-ME: <itunes:subtitle> might be worthwhile showing at the start
    # as well as <itunes:summary>.
    my $body = (
                # <content:encoded> generally bigger or better than
                # <description>, so prefer that
                || $item->first_child('description')
                || $item->first_child('dc:description')
                || $item->first_child('itunes:summary')
                || do {
                  # Atom spec is for no more than one <content>.
                  # Exclude "link", and leave "attach" to code below.
                  my $elt = $item->first_child('content');
                  my $flavour = atom_content_flavour($elt);
                  ($flavour eq 'link' ? undef
                   : $flavour eq 'attach' ? do { $attach_elt = $elt; undef }
                   : $elt)
                || $item->first_child('summary')); # Atom

    my $body_type = elt_content_type ($body);
    $self->verbose (3, ' body_type from elt: ', $body_type);
    my $body_charset = 'utf-8';
    my $body_base_url = App::RSS2Leafnode::XML::Twig::Other::elt_xml_base ($body);
    if (! defined $body_type) {           # no $body element at all
      $body = '';
      $body_type = 'text/plain';

    } elsif ($body_type eq 'xhtml') {     # Atom
      $body = elt_xhtml_to_html ($body);
      $body_type = 'html';

    } elsif ($body_type eq 'html') {      # RSS or Atom
      $body = elt_subtext($body);

    } elsif ($body_type eq 'text') {      # Atom 'text' to be flowed
      # should be text-only, no sub-elements, but extract sub-elements to
      # cope with dodgy feeds with improperly escaped html etc
      $body = $self->text_wrap (elt_subtext ($body));
      $body_type = 'text/plain';
    } elsif ($body_type =~ m{^text/}) {   # Atom mime text type
      $body = elt_subtext ($body);

    } else {                              # Atom base64 something
      $body = MIME::Base64::decode ($body->text);
      $body_charset = undef;
    $self->verbose (3, " body: $body_type charset=",
                    $body_charset//'undef', "\n",

    my $body_is_html = ($body_type eq 'html'|| $body_type eq 'text/html');
    my $links_want_html = ($body_is_html && ! $self->{'render'});
    $self->verbose (3, " links_want_html: ",
                    ($links_want_html ? "yes" : "no"));

    # sort downloadables to the start, then by "priority"
    use sort 'stable';
    @links = sort {($b->{'download'}||0) <=> ($a->{'download'}||0)
                     || ($b->{'priority'}||0) <=> ($a->{'priority'}||0)}
    my $links_str = ($links_want_html
                     ? links_to_html(@links)
                     : links_to_text(@links));
    $links_str .= $self->item_common_alert_protocol($item, $links_want_html);
    my @parts;

    # <media:group> elements as either a html part or in the text links
      my $content = join ("\n",
                          map {$self->media_group_to_html($_)}
      if (is_non_empty($content)) {
        ($content, my $charset) = html_wrap_fragment ($item, $content);
        my $content_type = 'text/html';
        ($content, $content_type, $charset, my $rendered)
          = $self->render_maybe ($content, $content_type, $charset,
        ### media group content: $content
        if ($content_type eq 'text/plain') {
          $links_str .= $content;
        } else {
          $content = Encode::encode ($charset, $content);
          push @parts, $self->mime_build ({}, # headers
                                          Type    => $content_type,
                                          Charset => $charset,
                                          Data    => $content);

    if (is_non_empty(my $content
                     = $self->item_unknowns($item, $links_want_html))) {
      my $content_type = ($links_want_html ? 'text/html' : 'text/plain');
      if (@parts) {
        my $charset = (is_ascii($content) ? 'us-ascii' : 'utf-8');
        $content = Encode::encode ($charset, $content);
        push @parts, $self->mime_build ({}, # headers
                                        Type    => $content_type,
                                        Charset => $charset,
                                        Data    => $content);
      } else {
        $links_str .= $content;

    if ($self->{'rss_get_links'}) {
      foreach my $l (@links) {
        next if ! $l->{'download'};
        my $url = $l->{'uri'};
        $self->verbose (1, '  ', __x('link: "{name}" {url}',
                                     name => $l->{'name'},
                                     url => $url));
        require HTTP::Request;
        my $req = HTTP::Request->new (GET => $url);
        my $resp = $self->ua->request($req);
        $resp = $self->aireview_follow ($url, $resp);

        if (! $resp->is_success) {
          print __x("rss2leafnode: {url}\n {status}\n",
                    url => $l->{'uri'},
                    status => $resp->status_line);
          my $msg = __x("Cannot download link {url}\n {status}",
                        url => $l->{'uri'},
                        status => $resp->status_line);
          if ($links_want_html) {
            $msg = $Entitize{$msg};
            $msg =~ s/\n/<br>/;
            $links_str .= "<p>&nbsp;$msg\n</p>\n";
          } else {
            $links_str .= "\n$msg\n";

        # suspect little value in a description when inlined
        # 'Content-Description:' => mimewords_non_ascii($l->{'title'})
        # favicon used for Face if nothing in the item
        $self->enforce_html_charset_from_content ($resp);
        $headers{'Face:'} ||= $self->http_resp_to_face($resp);
        push @parts, $self->mime_part_from_response($resp);
    if ($links_want_html && $body_type eq 'html') {
      # append to html fragment
      $body .= $links_str;
      undef $links_str;

    if ($body_type eq 'html') {
      ($body, $body_charset) = html_wrap_fragment ($item, $body, $language);
      $body_type = 'text/html';
    if (defined $body_charset) {
      $body = Encode::encode ($body_charset, $body);

    ($body, $body_type, $body_charset)
      = $self->render_maybe ($body, $body_type, $body_charset, $body_base_url);

    if ($body_type eq 'text/plain') {
      # remove trailing whitespace from any text
      $body =~ s/\s+$//;
      $body .= "\n";

      if (! $links_want_html) {
        # append to text/plain, either atom type=text or rendered html
        unless (is_empty ($links_str)) {
          $links_str = Encode::encode ($body_charset, $links_str);
          $body .= "\n$links_str\n";
        undef $links_str;

    unless (is_empty ($links_str)) {
      my $links_type;
      my $links_charset;
      if ($links_want_html) {
        $links_type = 'text/html';
        ($links_str, $links_charset) = html_wrap_fragment ($item, $links_str);
      } else {
        $links_type = 'text/plain';
        $links_charset = (is_ascii($links_str) ? 'us-ascii' : 'utf-8');
      $links_str = Encode::encode ($links_charset, $links_str);
      unshift @parts, $self->mime_build ({},
                                         Type        => $links_type,
                                         Encoding    => $links_charset,
                                         Data        => $links_str);

    my $top = $self->mime_build (\%headers,
                                 Top     => 1,
                                 Type    => $body_type,
                                 Charset => $body_charset,
                                 Data    => $body);

    # Atom <content> of a non-text type
    if ($attach_elt) {
      # ENHANCE-ME: this decodes base64 from the xml and then re-encodes for
      # the mime, is it possible to pass straight in?
      unshift @parts, $self->mime_build
        ({ 'Content-Location:' => $self->{'uri'}->as_string },
         Type     => scalar ($attach_elt->att('atom:type')
                             // $attach_elt->att('type')),
         Encoding => 'base64',
         Data     => MIME::Base64::decode($attach_elt->text));

    $self->verbose (2, 'parts count: ',scalar(@parts));
    foreach my $part (@parts) {
      $top->add_part ($part);

    $self->nntp_post($top) || return 0;
    $self->verbose (1, '  ', __('posted'));

  # ENHANCE-ME: check the replies count to see if more to fetch
  if ($self->{'rss_get_comments'}) {
    my ($comments_rss_url, $comments_count)
      = $self->item_to_comments_rss($item);
    ### rss_get_comments: $comments_rss_url, $comments_count
    if (defined $comments_rss_url) {

      # ENHANCE-ME: There's also a thr:updated in RFC 4685, but haven't seen
      # that ever actually used.
      my $status = $self->status_geturl ($comments_rss_url);
      if (defined $status->{'comments_count'}
          && defined $comments_count
          && $status->{'comments_count'} == $comments_count) {
        $self->verbose (1, '  ', __x('comments count unchanged: {count}',
                                     count => $comments_count));

      } else {
        local $self->{'rss_get_links'} = 0;
        local $self->{'rss_get_comments'} = 0;
        local $self->{'comments_count'} = $comments_count;
        # "Re:" is not translated, variants of that are very annoying
        local $self->{'getting_rss_comments'} = "Re: $subject";
        local $self->{'References:'} = $msgid;
        $new += fetch_rss ($self, $self->{'nntp_group'}, $comments_rss_url);
  return $new;

sub item_to_comments_rss {
  my ($self, $item) = @_;
  my ($url, $url_elt);

  # Atom <link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml'
  #            href='http:/...' />
  foreach my $elt ($item->children('link')) {
    my $rel = ($elt->att('rel')
               // $elt->att('atom:rel')
               // next);
    $rel eq 'replies' or next;
    $self->atom_link_is_rss($elt) or next;
    my $href = ($elt->att('href')
                // $elt->att('atom:href'));
    if (is_non_empty ($href)) {
      $url = $href;
      $elt = $url_elt;

  # <wfw:commentRss>http://...</wfw:commentRss>
  # it appeared in the spec page as wfw:commentRSS, so ignore case
  if (! defined $url) {
    my $u = $item->first_child_trimmed_text (qr/^wfw:commentRss$/i);
    if (is_non_empty ($u)) {
      $url = $u;

  return ($url,
          (defined($url) && $self->item_elt_comments_count($item,$url_elt)));

# <jf:replyCount> is merely informational about how many other <item>s there
# are which are replies, there's no comments link as such for it to refer
# to, it seems
sub item_elt_comments_count {
  my ($self, $item, $elt) = @_;
  return (($elt && $elt->att('thr:count'))
          // ($elt && $elt->att('count'))
          // ($elt && $elt->att('atom:count'))
          // non_empty ($item->first_child_trimmed_text('thr:total'))
          // non_empty ($item->first_child_trimmed_text('slash:comments')));
        )} = ();

# $group is a string, the name of a local newsgroup
# $url is a string, an RSS feed to be read
sub fetch_rss {
  my ($self, $group, $url, %options) = @_;
  local @{$self}{keys %options} = values %options;  # hash slice
  $self->verbose (2, "fetch_rss: $group $url");

  my $group_uri = URI->new($group,'news');
  local $self->{'nntp_host'} = uri_to_nntp_host ($group_uri);
  local $self->{'nntp_group'} = $group = $group_uri->group;
  $self->nntp_group_check($group) or return 0;

  # an in-memory cookie jar, used only per-RSS feed and then discarded,
  # which means only kept for fetching for $self->{'rss_get_links'} from a
  # feed

  if (defined $self->{'getting_rss_comments'}) {
    $self->verbose (1, ' ', __x('rss comments: {url}', url => $url));
  } else {
    $self->verbose (1, __x('feed: {url}', url => $url));
  require HTTP::Request;
  my $req = HTTP::Request->new (GET => $url);
  $self->status_etagmod_req($req,1) || return 0;

  # $req->uri can be a URI object or a string
  local $self->{'uri'} = URI->new ($req->uri);

  my $resp = $self->ua->request($req);
  if ($resp->code == 304) {
    $self->status_unchanged ($url);
    return 0;
  if (! $resp->is_success) {
    print __x("rss2leafnode: {url}\n {status}\n",
              url => $url,
              status => $resp->status_line);
    return 0;
  local $self->{'resp'} = $resp;

  $self->verbose (3, "response:", $resp->dump, "\n"); # extra newline
    or die "Oops, cannot decode Content-Encoding: ",

  my $xml = $resp->content; # raw bytes
  $xml = $self->enforce_rss_charset_override ($xml);

  my ($twig, $err) = $self->twig_parse($xml);
  if (defined $err) {
    my $message = __x("XML::Twig parse error on\n\n  {url}\n\n",
                      url => $url);
    if ($resp->request->uri ne $url) {
      $message .= __x("which redirected to\n\n  {url}\n\n",
                      url => $resp->request->uri);
    $message .= $err . "\n\n" . __("Raw XML below.\n") . "\n";
      (__x("Error parsing {url}", url => $url),
       $message, $xml);
    # after successful error message to news
    $self->status_etagmod_resp ($url, $resp);
    return 0;
  if ($self->{'verbose'} >= 3) {
    require Data::Dumper;
    $self->verbose (3,

  # "item" for RSS/RDF, "entry" for Atom
  my @items = $twig->descendants(qr/^(item|entry)$/);

  @items = $self->rss_newest_only_items(@items);

  my $new = 0;
  foreach my $item (@items) {
    $new += $self->fetch_rss_process_one_item ($item);

  if ($self->{'verbose'} >= 2) {
    my $jar = $self->ua->cookie_jar;
    if ($jar && (my $str = $jar->as_string ne '')) {
      $self->verbose (2, "accumulated cookies from this feed:\n", $str);
    } else {
      $self->verbose (2, 'no cookies from this feed');
  $self->ua->cookie_jar (undef);

  $self->status_etagmod_resp ($url, $resp, $twig);
  say __xn('{group}: {count} new article',
           '{group}: {count} new articles',
           group => $group,
           count => $new);

  return $new;


=for stopwords rss2leafnode RSS Leafnode config Ryde

=head1 NAME

App::RSS2Leafnode -- post RSS or Atom feeds and web pages to newsgroups


 use App::RSS2Leafnode;
 my $r2l = App::RSS2Leafnode->new;
 exit $r2l->command_line;


This is the guts of the C<rss2leafnode> program, see L<rss2leafnode> for
user-level operation.


=over 4

=item C<< $exitcode = App::RSS2Leafnode->command_line () >>

=item C<< $exitcode = $r2l->command_line () >>

Run the C<rss2leafnode> program command line.  Arguments are taken from
C<@ARGV> and the return value is an exit code suitable for C<exit>.

=item C<< $r2l = App::RSS2Leafnode->new (key=>value,...) >>

Create and return a new RSS2Leafnode object.  Optional keyword parameters
are the config variables, plus C<verbose>

    verbose                   => integer
    render                    => flag or name
    render_width              => integer
    rss_get_links             => flag
    rss_newest_only           => integer
    rss_charset_override      => flag
    html_charset_from_content => flag

=item C<< $r2l->fetch_rss ($newsgroup, $url) >>

=item C<< $r2l->fetch_html ($newsgroup, $url) >>

Fetch an RSS feed or HTTP web page and post articles to C<$newsgroup>.  This
is the C<fetch_rss> and C<fetch_html> operations for

C<fetch_html> can in fact fetch any target type, not just HTML.
C<fetch_html> on an RSS feed would drop the whole XML into a news message,
whereas C<fetch_rss> turns it into a message per item.


=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 HOME PAGE


=head1 LICENSE

Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Kevin Ryde

RSS2Leafnode is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later

RSS2Leafnode is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
RSS2Leafnode.  If not, see L<>.
