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package Data::Match;


=head1 NAME

Data::Match - Complex data structure pattern matching


  use Data::Match qw(:all);
  my ($match, $results) = match($structure, $pattern);

  use Data::Match;
  my $obj = new Data::Match;
  my ($match, $results) = $obj->execute($structure, $pattern);


Data::Match provides extensible complex Perl data structure searching and matching.

=head1 EXPORT

None are exported by default.  C<:func> exports C<match> and C<matches>, C<:pat> exports all the pattern element generators below, C<:all> exports C<:func> and C<:pat>.


A data pattern is a complex data structure that possibly matches another complex data structure.  For example:

  matches([ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 2 ]); # TRUE

  matches([ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, ANY, 3 ]); # TRUE

  matches([ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, ANY, 2 ]); # FALSE: 3 != 2

C<ANY> matches anything, including an undefined value.

  my $results = matches([ 1, 2, 1 ], [ BIND('x'), ANY, BIND('x') ]); # TRUE

C<BIND($name)> matches anything and remembers each match and its position with every C<BIND($name)> in C<$result->{'BIND'}{$name}>.  If C<BIND($name)> is not the same as the first value bound to C<BIND($name)> it does not match.  For example:

  my $results = matches([ 1, 2, 3 ], [ BIND('x'), 2, BIND('x') ]); # FALSE: 3 != 1

C<COLLECT($name)> is similar to BIND but does not compare first bound values.

C<REST> matches all remaining elements of an array or hash.

  matches([ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, REST() ]); # TRUE
  matches({ 'a'=>1, 'b'=>1 }, { 'b'=>1, REST() => REST() }); # TRUE

C<FIND> searches at all depths for matching sub-patterns.

  matches([ 1, [ 1, 2 ], 3], FIND(COLLECT('x', [ 1, REST() ])); # is true.

See the test script C<t/t1.t> in the package distribution for more pattern examples.


When a C<BIND> or C<COLLECT> matches a datum, an entry is collected in C<$result-E<gt>{BIND}> and C<$result-E<gt>{COLLECT}>, respectively.  (This might change in the future)

Each entry for the binding name is a hash containing C<'v'>, C<'p'> and C<'ps'> lists.

=over 4

=item C<'v'>

is a list of the value at each match.

=item C<'p'>

is a list of match paths describing where the corresponding match was found based on the root of the search at each match.  See C<match_path_*>.  C<'p'> is not collected if C<$matchobj-C<gt>{'no_collect_path'}>.

=item C<'ps'>

is a list of code strings (C<match_path_str>) that describes where the match was for each match.  C<'ps'> is collected only if C<$matchobj-C<gt>{'collect_path_str'}>.



All patterns can have sub-patterns.  Most patterns match the AND-ed results of their sub-patterns and their own behavior, first trying the sub-patterns before attempting to match the intrinsic behavior.  However, C<OR> and C<ANY> match any sub-patterns;

For example:

  match([ ['a', 1 ], ['b', 2], ['a', 3] ], EACH(COLLECT('x', ['a', ANY() ]))) # TRUE

The above pattern means:

=over 2
For EACH element in the root structure (an array):

=over 2

COLLECT each element, into collection named C<'x'>, that is,

=over 2

An ARRAY of length 2 that starts with C<'a'>.



On the other hand.

  match( [ ['a', 1 ], ['b', 2], ['a', 3] ], ALL(COLLECT('x', [ 'a', ANY() ])) ) 

Because the second root element (an array) does not start with C<'a'>.  But,

  match( [ ['a', 1 ], ['a', 2], ['a', 3] ], ALL(COLLECT('x', [ 'a', ANY() ])) ) 

The pattern below flattens the nested array into atoms:

    [ 1, 'x', 
      [ 2, 'x', 
        [ 3, 'x'], 
        [ 4, 
           [ 5, 
             [ 'x' ] 
    FIND(COLLECT('x', EXPR(q{! ref}))), 
    { 'no_collect_path' => 1 }

C<no_collect_path> causes C<COLLECT> and C<BIND>  to not collect any paths.


Match slices are objects that contain slices of matched portions of a data structure.  This is useful for inflicting change into substructures matched by patterns like C<REST>.

For example:

  do {
    my $a = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ];
    my $p = [ 1, ANY, REST(BIND('s')) ];
    my $r = matches($a, $p);
    ok($r);                                           # TRUE
    ok(Compare($r->{'BIND'}{'s'}{'v'}[0], [ 3, 4 ])); # TRUE
    $r->{'BIND'}{'s'}{'v'}[0][0] = 'x';               # Change match slice
    matches($a, [ 1, 2, 'x', 4 ]);                    # TRUE

Hash match slices are generated for each key-value pair for a hash matched by C<EACH> and C<ALL>.  Each of these match slices can be matched as a hash with a single key-value pair.

Match slices are useful for search and replace missions.


By default Data::Match is blind to Perl object interfaces.  To instruct Data::Match to not traverse object implementation containers and honor object interfaces you must provide a visitation adapter.  A visitation adapter tells Data::Match how to traverse through an object interface and how to keep track of how it got through.

For example:

  package Foo;
  sub new
    my ($cls, %opts) = @_;
    bless \%opts, $cls;
  sub x { shift->{x}; }
  sub parent { shift->{parent}; }
  sub children { shift->{children}; }
  sub add_child { 
    my $self = shift; 
    for my $c ( @_ ) { 
      $c->{parent} = $self;
    push(@{$self->{children}}, @_);

  my $foos = [ map(new Foo('x' => $_), 1 .. 10) ];
  for my $f ( @$foos ) { $f->add_child($foos->[rand($#$foo)); }

  my $pat = FIND(COLLECT('Foo', ISA('Foo', { 'parent' => $foos->[0], REST() => REST() })));
  $match->match($foos, $pat);

The problem with the above example is: C<FIND> will not honor the interface of class Foo by default and will eventually find a Foo where C<$_E<gt>parent eq $foos-E<gt>[0]> through all the parent and child links in the objects' implementation container.  To force Data::Match to honor an interface (or a subset of an interface) during C<FIND> traversal we create a 'find' adapter sub that will do the right thing.

  my $opts = {
    'find' => {
       'Foo' => sub {
	 my ($self, $visitor, $match) = @_;

         # Always do 'x'.
         $visitor->($self->x, 'METHOD', 'x');

	 # Optional children traversal.
	 if ( $match->{'Foo_find_children'} ) {
           $visitor->($self->children, 'METHOD', 'children');

	 # Optional parent traversal.
	 if ( $match->{'Foo_find_parent'} ) {
           $visitor->($self->parent, 'METHOD', 'parent');
  my $match = new Data::Match($opts, 'Foo_find_children' => 1);
  $match = $match->execute($foos, $pat);

See C<t/t4.t> for more examples of visitation adapters.

=head1 DESIGN

Data::Match employs a mostly-functional external interface since this module was inspired by a Lisp tutorial ("The Little Lisper", maybe) I read too many years ago; besides, pattern matching is largely recursively functional.  The optional control hashes and traverse adapter interfaces are better represented by an object interface so I implemented a functional veneer over the core object interface.

Internally, objects are used to represent the pattern primitives because most of the pattern primitives have common behavior.  There are a few design patterns that are particularly applicable in Data::Match: Visitor and Adapter.  Adapter is used to provide the extensibility for the traversal of blessed structures such that Data::Match can honor the external interfaces of a class and not blindly violate encapsulation.  Visitor is the basis for some of the C<FIND> pattern implementation.  The C<Data::Match::Slice> classes that provide the match slices are probably a Veneer on the array and hash types through the tie meta-behaviors.

=head1 CAVEATS

=over 4

=item *

Does not have regexp-like operators like '?', '*', '+'.  

=item *

Should probably have more interfaces with Data::DRef and Data::Walker.

=item *

The visitor adapters do not use C<UNIVERSAL::isa> to search for the adapter; it uses C<ref>.  This will be fixed in a future release.

=item *

Since hash keys do not retain blessedness (what was Larry thinking?) it is difficult to have patterns match keys without resorting to some bizarre regexp instead of using C<isa>. 

=item *

C<match_path_set> and C<match_path_ref> do not work through C<'METHOD'> path boundaries.  This will be fixed in a future release.

=item *

C<BIND> and C<COLLECT> need scoping operators for deeply collected patterns.


=head1 STATUS

If you find this to be useful please contact the author.  This is alpha software; all APIs, semantics and behaviors are subject to change.


This section describes the external interface of this module.

#'oh emacs, when will perl-mode recognize =pod?


use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '0.06';
our $REVISION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 1.12 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d." . "%02d" x $#r, @r };


use Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw();

our @export_func = qw(match matches match_path_str match_path_get match_path_ref);
our @autoload_pat = 
     ISA REF 
our @export_pat = @autoload_pat;
our @EXPORT_OK = (@export_func, @export_pat);
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 
		     'all'  => \@EXPORT_OK,
		     'func' => \@export_func,
		     'pat'  => \@export_pat,

use String::Escape qw(printable);
use Sort::Topological qw(:all);

use Data::Dumper;
use Data::Compare;
use Carp qw(confess);

our $debug = 0;

# Automagically create creator functions for common patterns.

our %autoload_pat = map(($_, 1), @autoload_pat);

  no strict "refs";
  use vars qw($AUTOLOAD);

  my ($pkg, $pat) = $AUTOLOAD =~ /^(.*)::(\w+)$/;

  my ($self) = @_;

  if ( $autoload_pat{$pat} eq 1 ) {
    my $pat_cls = "${pkg}::Pattern::${pat}";
    # $DB::single = 1;
    my $code = eval "sub { new $pat_cls(\@_); }";
    die "$@: PAT=$pat" if $@;
    *{$AUTOLOAD} = $autoload_pat{$pat} = $code;
    #warn "AUTOLOADED $pat_cls";
    #print "AUTOLOAD $AUTOLOAD: ", Data::Dumper->new([ \@_ ], [ qw(@_) ])->Indent(0)->Purity(1)->Terse(0)->Dump(), "\n\n";
  } else {
    warn "no autoload_pat{$pat}";
    die "no such method: $AUTOLOAD";


*OR = \&ANY; # See ANY::match => match_or.

# Instance initialization.

sub new
  my ($self, @opts) = @_;
  my %opts = @opts & 1 ? ( %{$opts[0]}, @opts[1..$#opts]) : @opts;
  (bless \%opts, $self)->defaults->initialize;

sub defaults

sub initialize

#=head2 _self_or_instance
#Returns self if called as an instance method or a new instance if called as a class method.
sub _self_or_instance
  my $self = shift;
  # $DB::single = 1;
  ref($self) ? $self : __PACKAGE__->new(@_);

# Low-level container match traversals.

sub _match_ARRAY_REST($$$$$)
  my ($self, $x, $p, $x_i, $p_i) = @_;

  my $match = 1;

    # Each element must match.
    while ( $$p_i < @$p ) {
      # [ 'x', 'y', REST ] matches [ 'x', 'y', 'z', '1', '2', '3' ]
      # Where SUBPAT in REST(SUBPAT) is bound to [ 'z', '1', '2', '3' ].
      if ( ! $self->{'disable_patterns'} && 
	 UNIVERSAL::isa($p->[$$p_i], 'Data::Match::Pattern::REST') ) {

	# Match REST's subpatterns against the REST slice.
	$match &&= $p->[$$p_i]->_match_REST_ARRAY($x, $p, $self, $x_i, $p_i);
      } else {
	# Match each element of $x against each element $p.
	$self->_match_path_push('ARRAY', $$x_i);
	$match = $$x_i < @$x && $self->_match($x->[$$x_i], $p->[$$p_i]);

      last ARRAY unless $match;

      ++ $$x_i;
      ++ $$p_i;
    # Make sure lengths are same.
    $match &&= $$p_i == @$p && $$x_i == @$x;


#=head2 _match_ARRAY
#Internal recursive match routine.  Assumes $matchobj is initialized.
sub _match_ARRAY($$$)
  my ($self, $x, $p) = @_;

  my $x_i = 0;
  my $p_i = 0;
  $self->_match_ARRAY_REST($x, $p, \$x_i, \$p_i);

#=head2 _match_HASH
#Internal recursive match routine.  Assumes $matchobj is initialized.
sub _match_HASH($$$)
  my ($self, $x, $p) = @_;

  # $DB::single = 1;

  my $match = 1;

    my $rest_pat;
    my $any_key = 0;
    my %matched_keys;

    for my $k ( keys %$p ) {
      # ANY in a pattern key matches any other elements.
      if ( ! $self->{'disable_patterns'} && 
	    ($k =~ /^Data::Match::Pattern::ANY=/)              # unless grep(ref $_, keys %hash)
	    || UNIVERSAL::isa($k, 'Data::Match::Pattern::ANY') # if grep($ref $_, keys %hash)
	    )) {
	if ( ! $any_key ++ ) {
	  my $matches = 0;
	  for my $xk ( keys %$x ) {
	    $self->_match_path_push('HASH', $xk);

	    ++ $matched_keys{$xk};
	    ++ $matches if $self->_match($x->{$xk}, $p->{$k});
	  # Must have at least one match.
	  # { ANY => 'x' } does not match { }.
	  $match &&= $matches;
      # Rest in a pattern causes the rest to match.
      elsif ( ! $self->{'disable_patterns'} && 
	   ! $rest_pat &&
	 UNIVERSAL::isa($p->{$k}, 'Data::Match::Pattern::REST')
	   ) {
	$rest_pat = $p->{$k};

      else {
	# Match the $x value for $k with the pattern value for $k.
	$self->_match_path_push('HASH', $k);
	# If the key does not exist in pattern, no match.
	++ $matched_keys{$k};
	$match &&= exists $x->{$k} && $self->_match($x->{$k}, $p->{$k});

      last HASH unless $match;
    # Handle REST pattern's subpatterns.
    if ( $rest_pat ) {
      $match &&= $rest_pat->_match_REST_HASH($x, $p, $self, 
					     # What keys in $x have not been matched against?
					     [ grep(! exists $matched_keys{$_}, keys %$x) ]
    } else {
      # Make sure they are the same length.
      $match &&= (scalar values %$p) == (scalar values %$x) unless $any_key;


#=head2 _match_SCALAR
#Internal recursive match routine.  Assumes $matchobj is initialized.
sub _match_SCALAR($$$)
  my ($self, $x, $p) = @_;

  $self->_match_path_push('SCALAR', undef);

  my $match = $self->_match($$x, $$p);



#=head2 _match_path_push
#Internal recursive match routine.  Assumes $self is initialized.
sub _match_path_push($$$)
  my $self = shift;
  ++ $self->{'depth'};
  push(@{$self->{'path'}}, @_);

#=head2 _match_path_pop
#Internal recursive match routine.  Assumes $self is initialized.
sub _match_path_pop
  my $self = shift;
  # $DB::single = 1;
  confess "too many _match_path_pop" unless $self->{'depth'} > 0;
  confess "corrupted path" unless (@{$self->{'path'}} & 1) == 0;
  splice(@{$self->{'path'}}, -2);
  -- $self->{'depth'};

#=head2 _match
#Internal recursive match routine.  Assumes $self is initialized.
sub _match
  my ($self, $x, $p) = @_;

  my $match = 0;

  # $DB::single = 1;

    no warnings;

    # Is it simply the same?
    if ( $x eq $p ) {
      $match = 1;

    # Is pattern a pattern?
    elsif ( ! $self->{'disable_patterns'} && UNIVERSAL::isa($p, 'Data::Match::Pattern') ) {
      # Delegate match to pattern object.
      $match = $p->match($x, $self);

    # Handle deep structures.
    elsif ( ref($x) ) {
      # Acquire visitation lock.
      if ( $self->{'visiting'}{$x} ++ ) {
	$match = Compare($x, $p);
      # Class-specific visit adaptor?
      elsif ( my $visit = $self->{'match'}{ref($x)} ) {
	# $match = 1;
	my $visitor = sub {
	  $match &&= $self->_match($_[0], $p);  #should this be ||= or &&=? 
	$match = $visit->($x, $visitor);
      # Array pattern template?
      elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa($x, 'ARRAY')  && UNIVERSAL::isa($p, 'ARRAY') ) {
	$match = $self->_match_ARRAY($x, $p);
      # Hash pattern template?
      elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa($x, 'HASH')   && UNIVERSAL::isa($p, 'HASH') ) {
	$match = $self->_match_HASH($x, $p);
      # Scalar ref pattern template?
      elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa($x, 'SCALAR') && UNIVERSAL::isa($p, 'SCALAR') ) {
	$match = $self->_match_SCALAR($x, $p);
      else {
	# Extensible comparators?
	if ( my $comparator = $self->{'compare'}{ref($x) || '*'} ) {
	  # Try a comparator.
	  $match = $comparator->($x, $p, $self);
	} else {
	  # Default to eq.
	  $match = $x eq $p;
    } else {
      # Scalar eq.
      $match = $x eq $p;

    # Release visitation lock.
    -- $self->{'visiting'}{$x};

  #$DB::single = 1;


=head2 %match_opts

Default options for C<match>.

our %match_opts
  = (
     #'collect_path_DRef' => 1,
     #'collect_path_str' => 0,
     #'no_collect_path' => 1.

#=head2 _match_pre
#Initialize the match object before pattern traversal.
sub _match_pre
  my ($self, $x, $p, $opts) = @_;

  # Install opts.
  @{$self}{keys %match_opts} = values %match_opts;
  @{$self}{keys %$opts} = values %$opts if ( $opts );

  # Initialize state.
  $self->{'depth'}    ||= 0;
  $self->{'visiting'} ||= { };
  $self->{'path'}     ||= [ ];
  $self->{'root'}     ||= $x;
  $self->{'pattern'}  ||= $p;
  $self->{'_COLLECT'} ||= 'COLLECT';
  $self->{'_BIND'}    ||= 'BIND';

#=head2 _match_post
#Initialize the match object before pattern traversal.
sub _match_post
  my ($self, $x, $p) = @_;

  delete $self->{'visiting'} unless $self->{'keep_visiting'};

  # Post conditions.
    no warnings;

    confess "Expected results->{depth} == 0, found $self->{depth}" unless $self->{'depth'} == 0;
    confess "Expected results->{path} eq [ ]" unless ! @{$self->{'path'}};
    confess "Expected results->{root} eq root" unless $self->{'root'} eq $x;
    confess "Expected results->{pattern} eq pattern" unless $self->{'pattern'} eq $p;


=head2 execute

Matches a structure against a pattern.  In a list context, returns both the match success and results; in a scalar context returns the results hash if match succeeded or undef.

  use Data::Match;
  my $obj = new Data::Match();
  my $matched = $obj->execute($thing, $pattern);

sub execute
  my ($self, $x, $p) = @_;

  $self->_match_pre($x, $p);
  my $matches = $self->_match($x, $p);
  $self->_match_post($x, $p);

  # Return results.
  if ( wantarray ) {
    return ($matches, $self);
  } else {
    return $matches ? $self : undef;

=head2 match

   use Data::Match qw(match);
   match($thing, $pattern, @opts)

is equivalent to:

   use Data::Match;
   Data::Match->new(@opts)->execute($thing, $pattern);

sub match
  my ($x, $p, @opts) = @_;

  __PACKAGE__->new(@opts)->execute($x, $p);

=head2 matches

Same as C<match> in scalar context.

sub matches
  my ($x, $p, @opts) = @_;

  my ($match, $results) = match($x, $p, @opts);

  $match ? $results : undef;

#=head2 _match_state_save
sub _match_state_save
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $state = { };

  for my $x ( $self->{'_COLLECT'}, $self->{'_BIND'} ) {
    my $c = $self->{$x};
    next unless $c;
    my $s = $state->{$x} = { };
    for my $k ( keys %$c ) {
      @{$s->{$k}{'v'}}       = $c->{$k}{'v'}   ? @{$c->{$k}{'v'}} : () ;
      @{$s->{$x}{$k}{'p'}}   = $c->{$k}{'p'}   ? @{$c->{$k}{'p'}} : () ;
      @{$s->{$x}{$k}{'ps'}}  = $c->{$k}{'ps'}  ? @{$c->{$k}{'ps'}} : () ;
      @{$s->{$x}{$k}{'pdr'}} = $c->{$k}{'pdr'} ? @{$c->{$k}{'pdr'}} : () ;


#=head2 _match_state_restore
sub _match_state_restore
  my ($self, $state) = @_;

  for my $x ( $self->{'_COLLECT'}, $self->{'_BIND'} ) {
    my $c = $self->{$x};
    next unless $c;
    my $s = $state->{$x};
    for my $k ( keys %$c ) {
      if ( ! $s->{$k} ) {
	undef $c->{$k};
      @{$c->{$k}{'v'}}       = $s->{$k}{'v'}   ? @{$s->{$k}{'v'}} : () ;
      @{$c->{$x}{$k}{'p'}}   = $s->{$k}{'p'}   ? @{$s->{$k}{'p'}} : () ;
      @{$c->{$x}{$k}{'ps'}}  = $s->{$k}{'ps'}  ? @{$s->{$k}{'ps'}} : () ;
      @{$c->{$x}{$k}{'pdr'}} = $s->{$k}{'pdr'} ? @{$s->{$k}{'pdr'}} : () ;      

# Path support

# String::Escape::printable does not handle '$' and '@' interpolations 
# in a qq{} context correctly.
sub qinterp
  my $x = shift;
  $x =~ s/([\$\@])/\\$1/sgo;

# qprintable is conditional about putting '"' around strings
# printable is not conditional, so wrap it and throw in a join.
sub qqquote
  join(',', map('"' . qinterp(printable($_)) . '"', @_));

=head2 match_path_str

Returns a perl expression that will generate code to point to the element of the path.

  $matchobj->match_path_str($path, $str);

C<$str> defaults to C<'$_'>.

sub match_path_str
  my ($matchobj, $path, $str) = @_;

  $str = '$_' unless defined $str;

  # $DB::single = ! ref $path;
  my @path = @$path;

  while ( @path ) {
    my $ref = shift @path;
    my $ind = shift @path;

    if ( $ref eq 'ARRAY' ) {
      if ( ref($ind) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
	# Create a temporary array slice.
	$str = "(Data::Match::Slice::Array->new($str,$ind->[0],$ind->[1]))";
      } else {
	$str .= "->[$ind]";
    elsif ( $ref eq 'HASH' ) {
      if ( ref($ind) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
	# Create a temporary hash slice.
	my $elems = qqquote(sort @$ind);
	$str = "(Data::Match::Slice::Hash->new($str,[$elems]))";
      } else {
	$ind = qqquote($ind);
	$str .= "->{$ind}";
    elsif ( $ref eq 'SCALAR' ) {
      # Maybe there is a better -> syntax?
      $str = "(\${$str})";
    elsif ( $ref eq 'METHOD' ) {
      if ( ref($ind) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
	my @args = @$ind;
	my $method = shift @args;
	$str = $str . "->$method(" . qqquote(@args) . ')';
      } else {
	$str = $str . "->$ind()";
    else {
      $str = undef;


=head2 match_path_DRef_path

Returns a string suitable for Data::DRef.

  $matchobj->match_path_DRef_path($path, $str, $sep);

C<$str> is used as a prefix for the Data::DRef path.
C<$str> defaults to C<''>;
C<$sep> defaults to C<$Data::DRef::Separator> or C<'.'>;

sub match_path_DRef_path
  my ($matchobj, $path, $str, $sep) = @_;

  $str = '' unless defined $str;
  $sep = ($Data::DRef::Separator || '.') unless defined $sep;

  my @path = @$path;

  while ( @path ) {
    my $ref = shift @path;
    my $ind = shift @path;

    if ( $ref eq 'ARRAY' ) {
      if ( ref($ind) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
	# Not supported by DRef.
	$str .= $sep . '[' . $ind->[0] . '..' . ($ind->[1] - 1) . ']';
      } else {
	$str .= $sep . $ind;
    elsif ( $ref eq 'HASH' ) {
      if ( ref($ind) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
	# Not supported by DRef.
	$str .= $sep . '{' . join(',', @$ind->[0]) . '}';
      } else {
	$str .= $sep . $ind;
    elsif ( $ref eq 'SCALAR' ) {
      # Not supported by DRef.
      $str .= $sep . '$'; #'emacs
    elsif ( $ref eq 'METHOD' ) {
      # Not supported by DRef.
      confess "Ugh $ref";
    else {
      # Not supported by DRef.
      confess "Ugh $ref";

  $str =~ s/^$sep//;


=head2 match_path_get

Returns the value pointing to the location for the match path in the root.

  $matchobj->match_path_get($path, $root);

C<$root> defaults to C<$matchobj-C<gt>{'root'}>;


  my $results = matches($thing, FIND(BIND('x', [ 'x', REST ])));
  my $x = $results->match_path_get($thing, $results->{'BIND'}{'x'}{'p'}[0]);

The above example returns the first array that begins with C<'x'>.

sub match_path_get
  my ($results, $path, $root) = @_;

  my $ps = $results->match_path_str($path, '$_[0]');

  # warn "ps = $ps" if ( 1 || $ps =~ /,/ );

  my $pfunc = eval "sub { $ps; }";
  die "$@: $ps" if $@;

  $root = $results->{'root'} if ! defined $root;


=head2 match_path_set

Returns the value pointing to the location for the match path in the root.

  $matchobj->match_path_set($path, $value, $root);

C<$root> defaults to C<$matchobj-C<gt>{'root'}>;


  my $results = matches($thing, FIND(BIND('x', [ 'x', REST ])));
  $results->match_path_set($thing, $results->{'BIND'}{'x'}{'p'}[0], 'y');

The above example replaces the first array found that starts with 'x' with 'y';

sub match_path_set
  my ($results, $path, $value, $root) = @_;

  my $ps = $results->match_path_str($path, '$_[0]');

  # warn "ps = $ps" if ( 1 || $ps =~ /,/ );

  my $pfunc = eval "sub { $ps = \$_[1]; }";
  die "$@: $ps" if $@;

  $root = $results->{'root'} if ! defined $root;

  $pfunc->($root, $value);

=head2 match_path_ref

Returns a scalar ref pointing to the location for the match path in the root.

  $matchobj->match_path_ref($path, $root);

C<$root> defaults to C<$matchobj-C<gt>{'root'}>;


  my $results = matches($thing, FIND(BIND('x', [ 'x', REST ])));
  my $ref = $results->match_path_ref($thing, $results->{'BIND'}{'x'}{'p'}[0]);
  $$ref = 'y';

The above example replaces the first array that starts with 'x' with 'y';

sub match_path_ref
  my ($results, $path, $root) = @_;

  my $ps = $results->match_path_str($path, '$_[0]');

  # warn "ps = $ps" if ( 1 || $ps =~ /,/ );

  my $pfunc = eval "sub { \\{$ps}; }";
  die "$@: $ps" if $@;

  $root = $results->{'root'} if ! defined $root;



package Data::Match::Pattern;

use Carp qw(confess);

sub new
  my ($cls, @args) = @_;
  # $DB::single = 1;
  (bless \@args, $cls)->initialize->_is_valid;

sub initialize { shift; }

sub _is_valid
  my $self = shift;

  confess("INVALID " . ref($self) . ": expected at least " . $self->subpattern_offset . " elements")
    unless @$self >= $self->subpattern_offset;


sub subpattern_offset { 0; }

sub match_and
  my ($self, $x, $matchobj) = @_;

  for my $i ( $self->subpattern_offset .. $#$self ) {
    return 0 unless $matchobj->_match($x, $self->[$i]);


sub match_or
  my ($self, $x, $matchobj) = @_;

  for my $i ( $self->subpattern_offset .. $#$self ) {
    return 1 if $matchobj->_match($x, $self->[$i]);


*match = \&match_and;


package Data::Match::Pattern::AND;

our @ISA = qw(Data::Match::Pattern);


package Data::Match::Pattern::NOT;

our @ISA = qw(Data::Match::Pattern);

sub match
  my ($self, $x, $matchobj) = @_;

  # $DB::single = 1;
  ! ((scalar @$self) ? $self->match_and($x, $matchobj) : $x);


package Data::Match::Pattern::ANY;

our @ISA = qw(Data::Match::Pattern);

sub match 
  my ($self, $x, $matchobj) = @_;

  #$DB::single = 1;
  # ANY always matches.

  if ( @{$self} ) {
    # Do subpatterns.
    $self->match_or($x, $matchobj);
  } else {


package Data::Match::Pattern::COLLECT;

#use Data::Match qw(match_path_str);

our @ISA = qw(Data::Match::Pattern);

sub subpattern_offset { 1; };

sub binding { $_[0]->[0]; };

sub _collect
  my ($self, $x, $matchobj, $binding) = @_;

  push(@{$binding->{'v'}}, $x );

  my $path = [ @{$matchobj->{'path'}} ];

  push(@{$binding->{'p'}}, $path) 
    unless $matchobj->{'no_collect_path'};

  push(@{$binding->{'ps'}}, $matchobj->match_path_str($path)) 
    if ( $matchobj->{'collect_path_str'} );

  push(@{$binding->{'pdr'}}, $matchobj->match_path_DRef_path($path)) 
    if ( $matchobj->{'collect_path_DRef'} );

sub match 
  my ($self, $x, $matchobj) = @_;

  # warn "MATCH($self->[0])";

  # $DB::single = 1;
  # Do subpatterns.
  return 0 unless $self->match_and($x, $matchobj);

  my $binding = $matchobj->{$matchobj->{'_COLLECT'}}{$self->[0]} ||= { };

  $self->_collect($x, $matchobj, $binding);

  #$DB::single = 1;


package Data::Match::Pattern::BIND;

use Data::Compare;

our @ISA = qw(Data::Match::Pattern::COLLECT);

sub subpattern_offset { 1; };

sub binding { $_[0]->[0]; };

sub match 
  my ($self, $x, $matchobj) = @_;

  # warn "MATCH($self->[0])";

  # $DB::single = 1;

  # Do subpatterns.
  return 0 unless $self->match_and($x, $matchobj);

  my $binding = $matchobj->{$matchobj->{'_BIND'}}{$self->[0]};

  if ( $binding ) {
    #$DB::single = 1;
    if ( Compare($binding->{'v'}[0], $x) ) {
      $self->_collect($x, $matchobj, $binding);
    } else {
      return 0;
  } else {
    $self->_collect($x, $matchobj, $matchobj->{$matchobj->{'_BIND'}}{$self->[0]} = {});



package Data::Match::Pattern::REGEX;

our @ISA = qw(Data::Match::Pattern);

sub subpattern_offset { 1; };

sub match 
  my ($self, $x, $matchobj) = @_;

  # $DB::single = 1;
  # Note: do not check that it is not a ref incase the object can be coerced into a string.
  ($x =~ /$self->[0]/sx) && $self->match_and($x, $matchobj); 


package Data::Match::Pattern::ISA;

our @ISA = qw(Data::Match::Pattern);

sub subpattern_offset { 1; };

sub match 
  my ($self, $x, $matchobj) = @_;

  UNIVERSAL::isa($x, $self->[0]) and $self->match_and($x, $matchobj);


package Data::Match::Pattern::REF;

our @ISA = qw(Data::Match::Pattern);

sub subpattern_offset { 0; };

sub match 
  my ($self, $x, $matchobj) = @_;

  $x = ref($x);
  $x && $self->match_and($x, $matchobj);


package Data::Match::Pattern::DEPTH;

our @ISA = qw(Data::Match::Pattern);

sub subpattern_offset { 0; };

sub match 
  my ($self, $x, $matchobj) = @_;

  $x = $matchobj->{'depth'};

  $self->match_and($x, $matchobj);


package Data::Match::Pattern::LENGTH;

our @ISA = qw(Data::Match::Pattern);

sub subpattern_offset { 0; };

sub match 
  my ($self, $x, $matchobj) = @_;

  no warnings;

  if ( ref($x) ) {
    if (    UNIVERSAL::isa($x, 'ARRAY') ) {
      $x = @$x;
    elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa($x, 'HASH') ) {
      $x = %$x;
    elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa($x, 'SCALAR') ) {
      $x = $x ? 1 : 0;
    else {
      $x = undef;
  } else {
    $x = length $x;

  @$self ? $self->match_and($x, $matchobj) : $x;


package Data::Match::Pattern::EXPR;

use Carp qw(confess);

our @ISA = qw(Data::Match::Pattern);

sub subpattern_offset { 2; };

sub initialize
  my $self = shift;

  # $DB::single = 1;

  # Make room for EXPR sub.
  splice(@$self, 1, 0, 'UGH');

  if ( UNIVERSAL::isa($self->[0], 'CODE') ) {
    $self->[1] = $self->[0];
  } else {
    my $expr = $self->[0];
    $self->[1] = eval "sub { local \$_ = \$_[0]; $expr; }";
    confess "$@: $expr" if $@;


sub match 
  my ($self, $x, $matchobj) = @_;

  # $DB::single = 1;

  $self->[1]->($x, $matchobj, $self) && $self->match_and($x, $matchobj);


package Data::Match::Pattern::REST;

our @ISA = qw(Data::Match::Pattern);

sub match
  # Should only match in an array or hash context.

sub _match_REST_ARRAY($$$$$$)
  my ($self, $x, $p, $matchobj, $x_i, $p_i) = @_;

  my $match;

  $matchobj->_match_path_push('ARRAY', [$$x_i, scalar @$x]);
  # Create an new array slice to match the rest of the array.
  # The Slice::Array object will forward changes to
  # the real array.
  my $slice = Data::Match::Slice::Array->new($x, $$x_i, scalar @$x);

  $match = ref($x) && $self->match_and($slice, $matchobj);


  # Slurp up remaining $x and $p.
  $$x_i = $#$x;
  $$p_i = $#$p;


sub _match_REST_HASH
  my ($self, $x, $p, $matchobj, $rest_keys) = @_;

  $matchobj->_match_path_push('HASH', $rest_keys);

  # Create a temporary hash slice containing
  # the values from $x for all the unmatched keys.
  my $slice = Data::Match::Slice::Hash->new($x, $rest_keys);

  #$DB::single = 1;
  my $match = $self->match_and($slice, $matchobj);



package Data::Match::Pattern::RANG;

our @ISA = qw(Data::Match::Pattern::REST);

use Carp qw(confess);

sub subpattern_offset { 2; };

sub initialize
  my $self = shift;

  $self->[0] = 0 unless defined $self->[0];


sub _match_REST_ARRAY
  my ($self, $x, $p, $matchobj, $x_i, $p_i) = @_;

  # $DB::single = 1;

  my $count = 0;

  my ($match_sub, $match_rest);
  my $rest_saved_state;

  my $matched_rest;

  # Loop for until entire array is eaten,
  while ( 1 ) {
    # Save the match state for rollback after failure.
    my $saved_state = $matchobj->_match_state_save;

    # Try to match the subpattern.
      my $sub_x_i = $$x_i;
      my $sub_p_i = $self->subpattern_offset;
      $match_sub = $matchobj->_match_ARRAY_REST($x, $self, \$sub_x_i, \$sub_p_i);
      if ( $match_sub ) {
	$$x_i = $sub_x_i;
      } else {
	# Restore match state if failed.

    # Try to match rest of pattern.
    $saved_state = $matchobj->_match_state_save;
      my $next_x_i = $$x_i;
      my $next_p_i = $$p_i + 1;
      $match_rest = $matchobj->_match_ARRAY_REST($x, $p, \$next_x_i, \$next_p_i);

    if ( $match_rest ) {
      $matched_rest = $match_rest;
    } else {
      # Restore match state if failed.

    # Did it work?
    if ( $match_sub && $match_rest ) {
      # Increment the subpattern match count.
      ++ $count;
      last TRY if ( defined $self->[1] && $count >= $self->[1] );
    } else {
      last TRY;

  # If matched the correct number of things.
  if ( $self->[0] <= $count ) {
    $$p_i = $#$p;
    $$x_i = $#$x;
  } else {
    $matched_rest = 0;


sub match
  my ($self, $x, $matchobj) = @_;

  confess "RE pattern must be used in ARRAY context";


package Data::Match::Pattern::QUES;

our @ISA = qw(Data::Match::Pattern::RANG);

sub new
  my ($self, @opts) = @_;
  $self->SUPER::new(0, 1, @opts);


package Data::Match::Pattern::STAR;

our @ISA = qw(Data::Match::Pattern::RANG);

sub new
  my ($self, @opts) = @_;
  $self->SUPER::new(0, undef, @opts);


package Data::Match::Pattern::PLUS;

our @ISA = qw(Data::Match::Pattern::RANG);

sub new
  my ($self, @opts) = @_;
  $self->SUPER::new(1, undef, @opts);


package Data::Match::Pattern::EACH;

our @ISA = qw(Data::Match::Pattern);

sub _match_each_ARRAY
  my ($self, $x, $matchobj, $matches) = @_;

  my $i = -1;
  for my $e ( @$x ) {
    $matchobj->_match_path_push('ARRAY', ++ $i);

    ++ $$matches if $self->match_and($e, $matchobj);


sub _match_each_HASH
  my ($self, $x, $matchobj, $matches) = @_;

  for my $k ( keys %$x ) {
    my @k = ( $k );

    # We compensate the path for hash slice.
    $matchobj->_match_path_push('HASH', \@k);
    # Create a temporary hash slice.
    # because we are matching EACH element of the hash.
    my $slice;
    if ( 1 ) {
      $slice = Data::Match::Slice::Hash->new($x, \@k);
    } else {
      $slice = { $k => $x->{$k} };

    ++ $$matches if $self->match_and($slice, $matchobj);

sub _match_each_SCALAR
  my ($self, $x, $matchobj, $matches) = @_;

  $matchobj->_match_path_push('SCALAR', undef);
  ++ $$matches if $self->match_and($$x, $matchobj);

sub _match_each
  my ($self, $x, $matchobj, $matches) = @_;

  # Traverse.
  if ( ref($x) ) {
    if ( my $eacher = $matchobj->{'each'}{ref($x)} ) {
      my $visitor = sub { ++ $$matches if ( $self->_match_and($_[0], $matchobj) ); };
      $eacher->($x, $visitor);
    elsif (    UNIVERSAL::isa($x, 'ARRAY') ) {
      $self->_match_each_ARRAY($x, $matchobj, $matches);
    elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa($x, 'HASH') ) {
      $self->_match_each_HASH($x, $matchobj, $matches);
    elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa($x, 'SCALAR') ) {
      $self->_match_each_SCALAR($x, $matchobj, $matches);
    else {
      # Try to match it explicitly.
      ++ $$matches if $self->match_and($x, $matchobj);

sub match
  my ($self, $x, $matchobj) = @_;

  my $matches = 0;

  $self->_match_each($x, $matchobj, \$matches);



package Data::Match::Pattern::ALL;

our @ISA = qw(Data::Match::Pattern::EACH);

sub match
  my ($self, $x, $matchobj) = @_;

  my $matches = 0;

  my $expected = $self;

  if ( UNIVERSAL::isa($x, 'ARRAY') ) {
    $expected = scalar @$x;
  elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa($x, 'HASH') ) {
    $expected = scalar %$x;
  } else {
    $expected = -1;

  $self->_match_each($x, $matchobj, \$matches);

  $matches == $expected;


package Data::Match::Pattern::FIND;

our @ISA = qw(Data::Match::Pattern);

sub _match_find_ARRAY
  my ($self, $x, $matchobj, $matches, $visited) = @_;

  my $i = -1;
  for my $e ( @$x ) {
    $matchobj->_match_path_push('ARRAY', ++ $i);
    $self->_match_find($e, $matchobj, $matches, $visited);

sub _match_find_HASH
  my ($self, $x, $matchobj, $matches, $visited) = @_;

  for my $k ( keys %$x ) {
    $matchobj->_match_path_push('HASH', [ $k ]);
    # This needs a new Slice class.
    $self->_match_find($k, $matchobj, $matches); # HUH?
    $matchobj->_match_path_push('HASH', $k);
    $self->_match_find($x->{$k}, $matchobj, $matches, $visited);

sub _match_find
  my ($self, $x, $matchobj, $matches, $visited) = @_;

  # Does this match directly? 
  ++ $$matches if ( $self->match_and($x, $matchobj) );

  # Traverse.
  if ( ref($x) ) {

    return if ( $visited->{$x} ++ );

    # $DB::single = 1;

    if ( my $visit = ($matchobj->{'find'}{ref($x)} || $matchobj->{'visit'}{ref($x)}) ) {
      my $visitor = sub { 
	my $thing = shift;
	$matchobj->_match_path_push(@_) if @_;
	$self->_match_find($thing, $matchobj, $matches, $visited);
	$matchobj->_match_path_pop if @_;
      $visit->($x, $visitor, $matchobj);
    elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa($x, 'ARRAY') ) {
      $self->_match_find_ARRAY($x, $matchobj, $matches, $visited);
    elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa($x, 'HASH') ) {
      $self->_match_find_HASH($x, $matchobj, $matches, $visited);
    elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa($x, 'SCALAR') ) {
      $matchobj->_match_path_push('SCALAR', undef);
      $self->_match_find($$x, $matchobj, $matches, $visited);
    else {
      warn "Huh?";

sub match
  my ($self, $x, $matchobj) = @_;

  my $matches = 0;

  $self->_match_find($x, $matchobj, \$matches, { });



package Data::Match::Slice::Array;

our $debug = 0;

sub new
  my $cls = shift;
  my @x;
  tie @x, $cls, @_;

sub _SLICE_SRC { $_[0][0]; }
sub _SLICE_BEG { $_[0][1]; }
sub _SLICE_END { $_[0][2]; }

  my ($cls, $src, $from, $to) = @_;
  $DB::single = $debug;
  die "$src must be ARRAY" unless UNIVERSAL::isa($src, 'ARRAY');
  $from = 0 unless defined $from;
  $to = @$src unless defined $to;
  die "slice must be $from <= $to" unless $from <= $to;
  bless [ $src, $from, $to ], $cls;

sub FETCH 
  my $i = $_[1];
  $DB::single = $debug;
  $i = FETCHSIZE($_[0]) - $i if $i < 0;
  0 <= $i && $i < FETCHSIZE($_[0])
    ? $_[0][0]->[$_[0][1] + $i] 
    : undef;
sub STORE 
  $DB::single = $debug;
  STORESIZE($_[0], $_[1] + 1) if ( $_[1] >= $_[0][1] );
  $_[0][0]->[$_[0][1] + $_[1]] = $_[2];
  $DB::single = $debug;
  $_[0][2] - $_[0][1];
  $DB::single = $debug;
  if ( $_[1] > FETCHSIZE($_[0]) ) {
    PUSH($_[0], (undef) x (FETCHSIZE($_[0]) - $_[1]));
  } else {
    SPLICE($_[0], 0, $_[1]);
  $_[0][2] = $_[0][1] + $_[1];
sub POP 
  $DB::single = $debug;
  $_[0][2] > $_[0][1] ? splice(@{$_[0][0]}, -- $_[0][2], 1) : undef;
sub PUSH 
  my $s = shift;
  my $o = $s->[2];
  $s->[2] += scalar(@_);
  splice(@{$s->[0]}, $s->[2], $o, @_); 
sub SHIFT 
  $DB::single = $debug;
  $_[0][1] < $_[0][2]
    ? splice(@{$_[0][0]}, $_[0][1] ++, 1)
    : undef;
  $DB::single = $debug;
  my $s = shift;
  $_[0][2] += scalar @_;
  splice(@{$s->[0]}, $_[0][1], 0, @_);
  $DB::single = $debug;
  my $s = shift;
  my $o = shift;
  my $l = shift;
  $_[0][2] += @_ - $l;
  splice(@{$_[0][0]}, $_[0][1] + $o, $l, @_);
  $DB::single = $debug;
  0 <= $_[1] && $_[1] < FETCHSIZE($_[0]) && delete $_[0][0][$_[0][1] + $_[1]];
  $DB::single = $debug;
  $DB::single = $debug;
  0 <= $_[1] && $_[1] < FETCHSIZE($_[0]) && defined $_[0][0][$_[0][1] + $_[1]];


package Data::Match::Slice::Hash;

our $debug = 0;

sub new
  my $cls = shift;
  my %x;
  tie %x, $cls, @_;

  my ($cls, $src, $keys) = @_;
  $DB::single = $debug;
  die "src $src must be a HASH" unless UNIVERSAL::isa($src, 'HASH');
  die "keys $keys must be an ARRAY" unless UNIVERSAL::isa($keys, 'ARRAY');
  bless [ $src, { map(($_, 1), @$keys) } ], $cls;

sub FETCH 
  $DB::single = $debug;
  $_[0][1]->{$_[1]} ? $_[0][0]->{$_[1]} : undef;
sub STORE 
  $DB::single = $debug;
  $_[0][1]->{$_[1]} = 1;
  $_[0][0]->{$_[1]} = $_[2];
  $DB::single = $debug;
  if ( exists $_[0][1]->{$_[1]} ) {
    delete $_[0][1]->{$_[1]}; 
    delete $_[0][0]->{$_[1]};
sub CLEAR 
  $DB::single = $debug;
  for my $k ( keys %{$_[0][1]} ) { 
    delete $_[0][0]->{$k} 
  %{$_[0][1]} = ();
  $DB::single = $debug;
  exists $_[0][1]->{$_[1]};
  $DB::single = $debug;
  each %{$_[0][1]}; 
  $DB::single = $debug;
  each %{$_[0][1]};


=head1 VERSION

Version 0.05, $Revision: 1.12 $.

=head1 AUTHOR

Kurt A. Stephens <>


Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Kurt A. Stephens and ION, INC.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<perl>, L<Array::PatternMatcher>, L<Data::Compare>, L<Data::Dumper>, L<Data::DRef>, L<Data::Walker>.




### Keep these comments at end of file: 2001/12/28 ###
### Local Variables: ###
### mode:perl ###
### perl-indent-level:2 ###
### perl-continued-statement-offset:0 ###
### perl-brace-offset:0 ###
### perl-label-offset:0 ###
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