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# -*- perl -*-
# DO NOT EDIT - This file is generated by UMMF; 
# From template: $Id: Perl.txt,v 1.77 2006/05/14 01:40:03 kstephens Exp $

package UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::ExtensionPoint;

#use 5.6.1;
use strict;
use warnings;

# Version

our $VERSION = do { my @r = (q{1.5} =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d." . "%03d" x $#r, @r };

# Documentation

=head1 NAME

UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::ExtensionPoint -- 

=head1 VERSION




=head1 USAGE

=head1 EXPORT






=head2 C<location> : UMMF::UML_1_5::Foundation::Data_Types::LocationReference 

=over 4

=item metatype = L<UMMF::UML_1_5::Foundation::Core::Attribute|UMMF::UML_1_5::Foundation::Core::Attribute>

=item type = L<UMMF::UML_1_5::Foundation::Data_Types::LocationReference|UMMF::UML_1_5::Foundation::Data_Types::LocationReference>

=item visibility = C<private>

=item multiplicity = C<1>

=item changeability = C<changeable>

=item targetScope = C<instance>

=item ordering = C<unordered>

=item initialValue = I<UNSPECIFIED>

=item container_type = C<Set::Object>



=head2 C<extensionPoint> : I<THIS> C<1..*> E<lt>---E<gt>  C<extend> : UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::Extend C<0..*>

=over 4

=item metatype = L<UMMF::UML_1_5::Foundation::Core::AssociationEnd|UMMF::UML_1_5::Foundation::Core::AssociationEnd>

=item type = L<UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::Extend|UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::Extend>

=item multiplicity = C<0..*>

=item changeability = C<changeable>

=item targetScope = C<instance>

=item ordering = C<>

=item isNavigable = C<1>

=item aggregation = C<none>

=item visibility = C<private>

=item container_type = C<Set::Object>


=head2 C<extensionPoint> : I<THIS> C<0..*> E<lt>---E<gt>  C<useCase> : UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::UseCase C<1>

=over 4

=item metatype = L<UMMF::UML_1_5::Foundation::Core::AssociationEnd|UMMF::UML_1_5::Foundation::Core::AssociationEnd>

=item type = L<UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::UseCase|UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::UseCase>

=item multiplicity = C<1>

=item changeability = C<changeable>

=item targetScope = C<instance>

=item ordering = C<>

=item isNavigable = C<1>

=item aggregation = C<none>

=item visibility = C<private>

=item container_type = C<Set::Object>


=head1 METHODS


# Dependencies

use Carp qw(croak confess);
use Set::Object 1.05;
use Class::Multimethods 1.70;
use Data::Dumper;
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
use UMMF::UML_1_5::__ObjectBase qw(:__ummf_array);

# Generalizations

use base qw(


# Exports

our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => \@EXPORT_OK );

# Validation

=head2 C<__validate_type>


Returns true if C<$value> is a valid representation of L<UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::ExtensionPoint|UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::ExtensionPoint>.

sub __validate_type($$)
  my ($self, $x) = @_;

  no warnings;

  UNIVERSAL::isa($x, 'UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::ExtensionPoint')  ;

=head2 C<__typecheck>

  UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::ExtensionPoint->__typecheck($value, $msg);

Calls C<confess()> with C<$msg> if C<<UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::ExtensionPoint->__validate_type($value)>> is false.

sub __typecheck
  my ($self, $x, $msg) = @_;

  confess("typecheck: $msg: type '" . 'UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::ExtensionPoint' . ": value '$x'")
    unless __validate_type($self, $x);

=head2 C<isaExtensionPoint>

Returns true if receiver is a L<UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::ExtensionPoint|UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::ExtensionPoint>.
Other receivers will return false.

sub isaExtensionPoint { 1 }

=head2 C<isaBehavioral_Elements__Use_Cases__ExtensionPoint>

Returns true if receiver is a L<UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::ExtensionPoint|UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::ExtensionPoint>.
Other receivers will return false.
This is the fully qualified version of the C<isaExtensionPoint> method.

sub isaBehavioral_Elements__Use_Cases__ExtensionPoint { 1 }

# Introspection

=head2 C<__model_name> 

  my $name = $obj_or_package->__model_name;

Returns the UML Model name (C<'Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::ExtensionPoint'>) for an object or package of
this Classifier.

sub __model_name { 'Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::ExtensionPoint' }

=head2 C<__isAbstract>


Returns C<0>.

sub __isAbstract { 0; }

my $__tangram_schema;
=head2 C<__tangram_schema>

  my $tangram_schema $obj_or_package->__tangram_schema

Returns a HASH ref that describes this Classifier for Tangram.

See L<UMMF::Export::Perl::Tangram|UMMF::Export::Perl::Tangram>

sub __tangram_schema
  my ($self) = @_;

  $__tangram_schema ||=
   'classes' =>
     'UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::ExtensionPoint' =>
       'table' => 'Behavioral_Elements__Use_Cases__ExtensionPoint',
       'abstract' => 0,
       'slots' => 
	 # Attributes
       => {
	 'type_impl' => 'ref',
         'class' => 'UMMF::UML_1_5::Foundation::Data_Types::LocationReference',

                                             'col' => 'location', 

	 # Associations
       => {
	 'type_impl' => 'set',
         'class' => 'UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::Extend',

                           'table' => 'Behavioral_Elements__Use_Cases__ExtensionPoint_Extend', 

                                                      'item' => 'extend', 

                  'coll' => 'extensionPoint',

       => {
	 'type_impl' => 'ref',
         'class' => 'UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::UseCase',

                                             'col' => 'useCase', 

       'bases' => [  'UMMF::UML_1_5::Foundation::Core::ModelElement',  ],
       'sql' => {


   'sql' =>
    # Note Tangram::Ref::get_exporter() has
    # "UPDATE $table SET $self->{col} = $refid WHERE id = $id",
    # The id_col is hard-coded, 
    # Thus id_col will not work.
    #'id_col' => '__sid',
    #'class_col' => '__stype',
     # 'set_id' => sub { }
     # 'get_id' => sub { }


# Class Attributes


# Class Associations


# Initialization

=head2 C<___initialize>

Initialize all Attributes and AssociationEnds in a instance of this Classifier.
Does B<not> initalize slots in its Generalizations.

See also: C<__initialize>.

sub ___initialize
  my ($self) = @_;

  # Attributes

    # Attribute location
  if ( exists $self->{'location'} ) {
    my $x = $self->{'location'};
    $self->{'location'} = undef;
      } else {

  # Associations

  # AssociationEnd 
  #  extensionPoint 1..*
  #  <--> 
  #  extend 0..* UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::Extend.
    if ( defined $self->{'extend'} ) {
    my $x = $self->{'extend'};
        $self->{'extend'} = Set::Object->new();
  # AssociationEnd 
  #  extensionPoint 0..*
  #  <--> 
  #  useCase 1 UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::UseCase.
    if ( defined $self->{'useCase'} ) {
    my $x = $self->{'useCase'};
    $self->{'useCase'} = undef;


my $__initialize_use;

=head2 C<__initialize>

Initialize all slots in this Classifier and all its Generalizations.

See also: C<___initialize>.

sub __initialize
  my ($self) = @_;

  # $DB::single = 1;

  unless ( ! $__initialize_use ) {
    $__initialize_use = 1;



=head2 C<__create>

Calls all <<create>> Methods for this Classifier and all Generalizations.

See also: C<___create>.

sub __create
  my ($self, @args) = @_;

  # $DB::single = 1;


# Attributes

=for html <hr/>


# Attribute location
# type = UMMF::UML_1_5::Foundation::Data_Types::LocationReference
# multiplicity = 1
# ordering = unordered
# ownerScope = instance
# initialValue = 

=head2 C<location>

  my $val = $obj->location;

Returns the L<UMMF::UML_1_5::Foundation::Data_Types::LocationReference|UMMF::UML_1_5::Foundation::Data_Types::LocationReference> value of Attribute C<location>.

sub location ($)
  my ($self) = @_;


  my $val = $self->{'location'};



=head2 C<set_location>


Sets the value of Attribute C<location>.
C<$val> must be of type L<UMMF::UML_1_5::Foundation::Data_Types::LocationReference|UMMF::UML_1_5::Foundation::Data_Types::LocationReference> or C<undef>.
Returns C<$obj>.

sub set_location ($$)
  my ($self, $val) = @_;


  if ( defined $val ) {
    $self->__use('UMMF::UML_1_5::Foundation::Data_Types::LocationReference')->__typecheck($val, "UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::ExtensionPoint.location");

    $self->{'location'} = $val



=head2 C<count_location>


Returns the number of elements (0 or 1) in C<location>.

sub count_location ($)
  my ($self) = @_;


  my $val = $self->{'location'};


  defined $val ? 1 : 0;

# Association

=for html <hr/>


# AssociationEnd extensionPoint <---> extend
# type = UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::Extend
# multiplicity = 0..*
# ordering = 

=head2 C<extend>

  my @val = $obj->extend;
  my $ary_val = $obj->extend;

Returns the AssociationEnd C<extend> values of type L<UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::Extend|UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::Extend>.
In array context, returns all the objects in the Association.
In scalar context, returns an array ref of all the objects in the Association.

sub extend ($)
  my ($self) = @_;

    my $x = $self->{'extend'};

  # confess("Container for extend $x is not a blessed ref: " . Data::Dumper->new([ $self ], [qw($self)])->Maxdepth(2)->Dump()) if $x && ref($x) !~ /::/;
  wantarray ? ($x ? $x->members() : ()) : [ $x ? $x->members() : () ];

=head2 C<set_extend>


Sets the AssociationEnd C<extend> value.
Elements of C<@val> must of type L<UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::Extend|UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::Extend>.
Returns C<$obj>.

sub set_extend ($@)
  my ($self, @val) = @_;

=head2 C<add_extend>


Adds AssociationEnd C<extend> values.
Elements of C<@val> must of type L<UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::Extend|UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::Extend>.
Returns C<$obj>.

sub add_extend ($@)
  my ($self, @val) = @_;
    my $x = $self->{'extend'} ||= Set::Object->new();
    my $old; # Place holder for other MACRO.
  for my $val ( @val ) {
    # Recursion lock
        next if $x->includes($val);
        $self->__use('UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::Extend')->__typecheck($val, "UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::ExtensionPoint.extend");

    # Recursion lock
    # weaken?
    # Remove and add associations with other ends.
    $old->remove_extensionPoint($self) if $old;
    $val->add_extensionPoint($self)    if $val;


=head2 C<remove_extend>


Removes the AssociationEnd C<extend> values C<@val>.
Elements of C<@val> must of type L<UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::Extend|UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::Extend>.
Returns C<$obj>.

sub remove_extend ($@)
  my ($self, @val) = @_;
    my $x = $self->{'extend'} ||= Set::Object->new();
  for my $old ( @val ) {
    # Recursion lock
        next unless $x->includes($old);
    my $val = $old;
    $self->__use('UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::Extend')->__typecheck($val, "UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::ExtensionPoint.extend");

    # Recursion lock
    $val = undef;

    # Remove associations with other ends.

    $old->remove_extensionPoint($self) if $old;
    $val->add_extensionPoint($self)    if $val;



=head2 C<clear_extend>


Clears the AssociationEnd C<extend> links to L<UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::Extend|UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::Extend>.
Returns C<$obj>.

sub clear_extend ($) 
  my ($self) = @_;
    my $x = $self->{'extend'} ||= Set::Object->new();
  my $val; # Place holder for other MACRO.
    $self->{'extend'} = Set::Object->new(); # Recursion lock
  for my $old ( $x->members() ) {     # Recursion lock
    # Remove associations with other ends.

    $old->remove_extensionPoint($self) if $old;
    $val->add_extensionPoint($self)    if $val;



=head2 C<count_extend>


Returns the number of elements associated with C<extend>.

sub count_extend ($)
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $x = $self->{'extend'};

    defined $x ? $x->size : 0;

=for html <hr/>


# AssociationEnd extensionPoint <---> useCase
# type = UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::UseCase
# multiplicity = 1
# ordering = 

=head2 C<useCase>

  my $val = $obj->useCase;

Returns the AssociationEnd C<useCase> value of type L<UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::UseCase|UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::UseCase>.

sub useCase ($)
  my ($self) = @_;

=head2 C<set_useCase>


Sets the AssociationEnd C<useCase> value.
C<$val> must of type L<UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::UseCase|UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::UseCase>.
Returns C<$obj>.

sub set_useCase ($$)
  my ($self, $val) = @_;
  no warnings; # Use of uninitialized value in string ne at ...
  my $old;
  if ( ($old = $self->{'useCase'}) ne $val ) { # Recursion lock

    if ( defined $val ) { $self->__use('UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::UseCase')->__typecheck($val, "UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::ExtensionPoint.useCase") }

    # Recursion lock
        $self->{'useCase'} = $val

    # Remove and add associations with other ends.
    $old->remove_extensionPoint($self) if $old;
    $val->add_extensionPoint($self)    if $val;


=head2 C<add_useCase>


Adds the AssociationEnd C<useCase> value.
C<$val> must of type L<UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::UseCase|UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::UseCase>.
Throws exception if a value already exists.
Returns C<$obj>.

sub add_useCase ($$)
  my ($self, $val) = @_;

  no warnings; # Use of uninitialized value in string ne at ...

  my $old;
  if ( ($old = $self->{'useCase'}) ne $val ) { # Recursion lock
    $self->__use('UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::UseCase')->__typecheck($val, "UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::ExtensionPoint.useCase");
    # confess("UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::ExtensionPoint::useCase: too many")
    # if defined $self->{'useCase'};

    # Recursion lock
        $self->{'useCase'} = $val

    # Remove and add associations with other ends.
    $old->remove_extensionPoint($self) if $old;
    $val->add_extensionPoint($self)    if $val;



=head2 C<remove_useCase>


Removes the AssociationEnd C<useCase> value C<$val>.
Returns C<$obj>.

sub remove_useCase ($$)
  my ($self, $val) = @_;

  no warnings; # Use of uninitialized value in string ne at ...

  my $old;
  if ( ($old = $self->{'useCase'}) eq $val ) { # Recursion lock
    $val = $self->{'useCase'} = undef;         # Recursion lock

    # Remove and add associations with other ends.
    $old->remove_extensionPoint($self) if $old;
    $val->add_extensionPoint($self)    if $val;


=head2 C<clear_useCase>


Clears the AssociationEnd C<useCase> links to L<UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::UseCase|UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::UseCase>.
Returns C<$obj>.

sub clear_useCase ($@)
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $old;
  if ( defined ($old = $self->{'useCase'}) ) { # Recursion lock
    my $val = $self->{'useCase'} = undef;      # Recursion lock

    # Remove and add associations with other ends.
    $old->remove_extensionPoint($self) if $old;
    $val->add_extensionPoint($self)    if $val;



=head2 C<count_useCase>


Returns the number of elements of type L<UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::UseCase|UMMF::UML_1_5::Behavioral_Elements::Use_Cases::UseCase> associated with C<useCase>.

sub count_useCase ($)
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $x = $self->{'useCase'};

  defined $x ? 1 : 0;

# End of Class ExtensionPoint


=for html <hr/>




1; # is true!


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