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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use SDL;
use SDL::Config;
use SDL::Color;
use SDL::Surface;
use SDL::Overlay;
use SDL::Rect;
use SDL::Video;

    use Test::More;
    use lib 't/lib';
    use SDL::TestTool;

    if ( !SDL::Config->has('SDL_ttf') ) {
        plan( skip_all => 'SDL_ttf support not compiled' );

use SDL::TTF ':all';
use SDL::TTF::Font;
use SDL::RWOps;
use SDL::Version;
use Encode;

my $videodriver = $ENV{SDL_VIDEODRIVER};

my $lv = SDL::TTF::linked_version();
my $cv = SDL::TTF::compile_time_version();

isa_ok( $lv, 'SDL::Version', '[linked_version] returns a SDL::Version object' );
isa_ok( $cv, 'SDL::Version',
    '[compile_time_version] returns a SDL::Version object' );
printf( "got version: %d.%d.%d/%d.%d.%d\n",
    $lv->major, $lv->minor, $lv->patch, $cv->major, $cv->minor, $cv->patch );

is( TTF_HINTING_NORMAL,   0, 'TTF_HINTING_NORMAL should be imported' );
is( TTF_HINTING_NORMAL(), 0, 'TTF_HINTING_NORMAL() should also be available' );
is( TTF_HINTING_LIGHT,    1, 'TTF_HINTING_LIGHT should be imported' );
is( TTF_HINTING_LIGHT(),  1, 'TTF_HINTING_LIGHT() should also be available' );
is( TTF_HINTING_MONO,     2, 'TTF_HINTING_MONO should be imported' );
is( TTF_HINTING_MONO(),   2, 'TTF_HINTING_MONO() should also be available' );
is( TTF_HINTING_NONE,     3, 'TTF_HINTING_NONE should be imported' );
is( TTF_HINTING_NONE(),   3, 'TTF_HINTING_NONE() should also be available' );
is( TTF_STYLE_NORMAL,     0, 'TTF_STYLE_NORMAL should be imported' );
is( TTF_STYLE_NORMAL(),   0, 'TTF_STYLE_NORMAL() should also be available' );
is( TTF_STYLE_BOLD,       1, 'TTF_STYLE_BOLD should be imported' );
is( TTF_STYLE_BOLD(),     1, 'TTF_STYLE_BOLD() should also be available' );
is( TTF_STYLE_ITALIC,     2, 'TTF_STYLE_ITALIC should be imported' );
is( TTF_STYLE_ITALIC(),   2, 'TTF_STYLE_ITALIC() should also be available' );
is( TTF_STYLE_UNDERLINE,  4, 'TTF_STYLE_UNDERLINE should be imported' );
    'TTF_STYLE_UNDERLINE() should also be available' );
    'TTF_STYLE_STRIKETHROUGH() should also be available' );

is( SDL::TTF::was_init(),              0,     "[was_init] returns false" );
is( SDL::TTF::init(),                  0,     "[init] succeeded" );
is( SDL::TTF::was_init(),              1,     "[was_init] returns true" );
is( SDL::TTF::quit(),                  undef, "[quit] ran" );
is( SDL::TTF::was_init(),              0,     "[was_init] returns false" );
is( SDL::TTF::init(),                  0,     "[init] succeeded" );
is( SDL::TTF::byte_swapped_unicode(0), undef, "[ttf_byte_swapped_unicode] on" );
is( SDL::TTF::byte_swapped_unicode(1), undef,
    "[ttf_byte_swapped_unicode] off" );
my $font = SDL::TTF::open_font( 'test/data/aircut3.ttf', 24 );
isa_ok( $font, 'SDL::TTF::Font', "[open_font]" );
isa_ok( SDL::TTF::open_font_index( 'test/data/aircut3.ttf', 8, 0 ),
    'SDL::TTF::Font', "[open_font_index]" );
my $file = SDL::RWOps->new_file( 'test/data/aircut3.ttf', 'r' );
isa_ok( $file, 'SDL::RWOps', "[new_file]" );
isa_ok( SDL::TTF::open_font_RW( $file, 0, 12 ),
    'SDL::TTF::Font', "[open_font_RW]" );
$file = SDL::RWOps->new_file( 'test/data/aircut3.ttf', 'r' );
isa_ok( SDL::TTF::open_font_index_RW( $file, 0, 16, 0 ),
    'SDL::TTF::Font', "[open_font_index_RW]" );
is( SDL::TTF::get_font_style($font),
    TTF_STYLE_NORMAL, "[get_font_style] returns TTF_STYLE_NORMAL" );
is( SDL::TTF::set_font_style( $font, TTF_STYLE_BOLD ),
    undef, "[set_font_style] to TTF_STYLE_BOLD" );
is( SDL::TTF::get_font_style($font),
    TTF_STYLE_BOLD, "[get_font_style] returns TTF_STYLE_BOLD" );
is( SDL::TTF::set_font_style( $font, TTF_STYLE_ITALIC ),
    undef, "[set_font_style] to TTF_STYLE_ITALIC" );
is( SDL::TTF::get_font_style($font),
    TTF_STYLE_ITALIC, "[get_font_style] returns TTF_STYLE_ITALIC" );
is( SDL::TTF::set_font_style( $font, TTF_STYLE_UNDERLINE ),
    undef, "[set_font_style] to TTF_STYLE_UNDERLINE" );
is( SDL::TTF::get_font_style($font),
    TTF_STYLE_UNDERLINE, "[get_font_style] returns TTF_STYLE_UNDERLINE" );
is( SDL::TTF::set_font_style( $font, TTF_STYLE_NORMAL ),
    undef, "[set_font_style] to TTF_STYLE_NORMAL" );
is( SDL::TTF::get_font_style($font),
    TTF_STYLE_NORMAL, "[get_font_style] returns TTF_STYLE_NORMAL" );

    skip( "Version 2.0.10 (or better) needed", 10 )
      unless $cv->major >= 2
          && $cv->minor >= 0
          && $cv->patch >= 10
          && $lv->major >= 2
          && $lv->minor >= 0
          && $lv->patch >= 10;
    my $font_outline = SDL::TTF::get_font_outline($font);
    ok( $font_outline >= 0, "[get_font_outline] is $font_outline" );
    SDL::TTF::set_font_outline( $font, $font_outline );
    pass "[set_font_outline] to $font_outline";
    is( SDL::TTF::get_font_outline($font),
        $font_outline, "[get_font_outline] is $font_outline" );
        skip( "Font hinting is buggy in SDL_ttf", 3 );
        is( SDL::TTF::get_font_hinting($font),
            TTF_HINTING_NORMAL, "[get_font_hinting] is TTF_HINTING_NORMAL" );
        SDL::TTF::set_font_hinting( $font, TTF_HINTING_LIGHT );
        pass "[set_font_hinting] to TTF_HINTING_LIGHT";
        is( SDL::TTF::get_font_hinting($font),
            TTF_HINTING_LIGHT, "[get_font_hinting] is TTF_HINTING_LIGHT" );
    my $kerning_allowed = SDL::TTF::get_font_kerning($font);
    like( $kerning_allowed, '/^[01]$/',
        "[get_font_kerning] is "
          . ( $kerning_allowed ? 'allowed' : 'not allowed' ) );
    SDL::TTF::set_font_kerning( $font, 0 );
    pass "[set_font_kerning to not allowed] ";
    $kerning_allowed = SDL::TTF::get_font_kerning($font);
    is( $kerning_allowed, 0,
        "[get_font_kerning] is "
          . ( $kerning_allowed ? 'allowed' : 'not allowed' ) );
        SDL::TTF::glyph_is_provided( $font, "\0M" ) > 0,
        "[glyph_is_provided] is true for character 'M'"

my $font_height = SDL::TTF::font_height($font);
ok( $font_height, "[font_height] is $font_height" );

my $font_ascent = SDL::TTF::font_ascent($font);
like( $font_ascent, '/^[-]?\d+$/',
"[font_ascent] offset from the baseline to the top of the font is $font_ascent"

my $font_descent = SDL::TTF::font_descent($font);
like( $font_descent, '/^[-]?\d+$/',
"[font_descent] offset from the baseline to the bottom of the font is $font_descent"

my $font_line_skip = SDL::TTF::font_line_skip($font);
like( $font_line_skip, '/^[-]?\d+$/',
"[font_line_skip] recommended spacing between lines of text is $font_line_skip"

my $font_faces = SDL::TTF::font_faces($font);
ok( $font_faces, "[font_faces] font has $font_faces faces" );

my $font_face_is_fixed_width = SDL::TTF::font_face_is_fixed_width($font);
like( $font_face_is_fixed_width, '/^[01]$/',
    "[font_face_is_fixed_width] is $font_face_is_fixed_width" );

my $font_face_family_name = SDL::TTF::font_face_family_name($font);
ok( $font_face_family_name,
    "[font_face_family_name] is $font_face_family_name" );

my $font_face_style_name = SDL::TTF::font_face_style_name($font);
ok( $font_face_style_name, "[font_face_style_name] is $font_face_style_name" );

my @glyph_metrics = @{ SDL::TTF::glyph_metrics( $font, "\0M" ) };
    scalar @glyph_metrics,
    "[glyph_metrics] (minx, maxx, miny, maxy, advance) = ("
      . join( ', ', @glyph_metrics ) . ")"

my ( $width, $height ) = @{ SDL::TTF::size_text( $font, 'Hallo World!' ) };
ok( $width > 0 && $height > 0, "[size_text] width=$width height=$height" );

( $width, $height ) = @{ SDL::TTF::size_utf8( $font, "Hallo World!" ) };
ok( $width > 0 && $height > 0, "[size_utf8] width=$width height=$height" );
    skip( 'Unicode::String is needed for this', 2 )
      unless eval 'use Unicode::String qw(latin1 utf8); 1';
    my $unicode = latin1("Hallo World!");
    ( $width, $height ) =
      @{ SDL::TTF::size_unicode( $font, $unicode->utf16be ) };
    ok( $width > 0 && $height > 0,
        "[size_unicode] width=$width height=$height" );

    skip( 'We need video support for this', 15 )
      unless SDL::TestTool->init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);

    my $display = SDL::Video::set_video_mode( 640, 480, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE );

    my $y          = 0;
    my $text_fg    = SDL::Color->new( 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF );
    my $utf8_fg    = SDL::Color->new( 0x80, 0x80, 0xFF );
    my $glyph_fg   = SDL::Color->new( 0x80, 0xFF, 0x80 );
    my $unicode_fg = SDL::Color->new( 0xFF, 0x80, 0x80 );
    my $bg         = SDL::Color->new( 0x80, 0x80, 0x80 );
    my $black      = SDL::Video::map_RGB( $display->format, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 );
    SDL::Video::fill_rect( $display, SDL::Rect->new( 0, 0, 640, 480 ), $black );

    my $render_text_solid =
      SDL::TTF::render_text_solid( $font, 'render_text_solid', $text_fg );
    isa_ok( $render_text_solid, 'SDL::Surface', "[render_text_solid]" );
        $render_text_solid, SDL::Rect->new( 0, 0, 640, 480 ),
        $display, SDL::Rect->new( 5, $y += 27, 640, 480 )

    my $render_text_shaded =
      SDL::TTF::render_text_shaded( $font, 'render_text_shaded', $text_fg,
        $bg );
    isa_ok( $render_text_shaded, 'SDL::Surface', "[render_text_shaded]" );
        $render_text_shaded, SDL::Rect->new( 0, 0, 640, 480 ),
        $display, SDL::Rect->new( 5, $y += 27, 640, 480 )

    my $render_text_blended =
      SDL::TTF::render_text_blended( $font, 'render_text_blended', $text_fg );
    isa_ok( $render_text_blended, 'SDL::Surface', "[render_text_blended]" );
        $render_text_blended, SDL::Rect->new( 0, 0, 640, 480 ),
        $display, SDL::Rect->new( 5, $y += 27, 640, 480 )

    my $render_utf8_solid =
      SDL::TTF::render_utf8_solid( $font, "render_utf8_solid", $utf8_fg );
    isa_ok( $render_utf8_solid, 'SDL::Surface', "[render_utf8_solid]" );
        $render_utf8_solid, SDL::Rect->new( 0, 0, 640, 480 ),
        $display, SDL::Rect->new( 5, $y += 27, 640, 480 )

    my $render_utf8_shaded =
      SDL::TTF::render_utf8_shaded( $font, "render_utf8_shaded", $utf8_fg,
        $bg );
    isa_ok( $render_utf8_shaded, 'SDL::Surface', "[render_utf8_shaded]" );
        $render_utf8_shaded, SDL::Rect->new( 0, 0, 640, 480 ),
        $display, SDL::Rect->new( 5, $y += 27, 640, 480 )

    my $render_utf8_blended =
      SDL::TTF::render_utf8_blended( $font, "render_utf8_blended", $utf8_fg );
    isa_ok( $render_utf8_blended, 'SDL::Surface', "[render_utf8_blended]" );
        $render_utf8_blended, SDL::Rect->new( 0, 0, 640, 480 ),
        $display, SDL::Rect->new( 5, $y += 27, 640, 480 )

    my $render_glyph_solid =
      SDL::TTF::render_glyph_solid( $font, 'r', $glyph_fg );
    isa_ok( $render_glyph_solid, 'SDL::Surface', "[render_glyph_solid]" );
        $render_glyph_solid, SDL::Rect->new( 0, 0, 640, 480 ),
        $display, SDL::Rect->new( 5, $y += 27, 640, 480 )

    my $render_glyph_shaded =
      SDL::TTF::render_glyph_shaded( $font, 'r', $glyph_fg, $bg );
    isa_ok( $render_glyph_shaded, 'SDL::Surface', "[render_glyph_shaded]" );
        $render_glyph_shaded, SDL::Rect->new( 0, 0, 640, 480 ),
        $display, SDL::Rect->new( 5, $y += 27, 640, 480 )

    my $render_glyph_blended =
      SDL::TTF::render_glyph_blended( $font, 'r', $glyph_fg );
    isa_ok( $render_glyph_blended, 'SDL::Surface', "[render_glyph_blended]" );
        $render_glyph_blended, SDL::Rect->new( 0, 0, 640, 480 ),
        $display, SDL::Rect->new( 5, $y += 27, 640, 480 )

        skip( 'Unicode::String is needed for this', 3 )
          unless eval 'use Unicode::String qw(latin1); 1';
        my $unicode = latin1("render_unicode_solid");
        my $render_unicode_solid =
          SDL::TTF::render_unicode_solid( $font, $unicode->utf16be,
            $unicode_fg );
        isa_ok( $render_unicode_solid, 'SDL::Surface',
            "[render_unicode_solid]" );
            $render_unicode_solid, SDL::Rect->new( 0, 0, 640, 480 ),
            $display, SDL::Rect->new( 5, $y += 27, 640, 480 )

        $unicode = latin1("render_unicode_shaded");
        my $render_unicode_shaded =
          SDL::TTF::render_unicode_shaded( $font,
            "\xFF\xFE" . $unicode->utf16le,
            $unicode_fg, $bg );
        isa_ok( $render_unicode_shaded, 'SDL::Surface',
            "[render_unicode_shaded]" );
        SDL::Video::blit_surface( $render_unicode_shaded,
            SDL::Rect->new( 0, 0, 640, 480 ),
            $display, SDL::Rect->new( 5, $y += 27, 640, 480 ) );

        $unicode = latin1("render_unicode_blended");
        my $render_unicode_blended =
          SDL::TTF::render_unicode_blended( $font, $unicode->utf16be,
            $unicode_fg );
        isa_ok( $render_unicode_blended, 'SDL::Surface',
            "[render_unicode_blended]" );
        SDL::Video::blit_surface( $render_unicode_blended,
            SDL::Rect->new( 0, 0, 640, 480 ),
            $display, SDL::Rect->new( 5, $y += 27, 640, 480 ) );

    SDL::Video::update_rect( $display, 0, 0, 0, 0 );



    if ($videodriver) {
        $ENV{SDL_VIDEODRIVER} = $videodriver;
    else {
        delete $ENV{SDL_VIDEODRIVER};
