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package Module::Build::SDL;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Module::Build';

__PACKAGE__->add_property(parinput  => '');
__PACKAGE__->add_property(paroutput => '');
__PACKAGE__->add_property(parlibs   => [ qw/SDL SDL-1.2 SDLmain/ ]);
__PACKAGE__->add_property(parmods   => []);

use File::Spec;
use File::Find qw[finddepth];
use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS );
use Alien::SDL;

sub new {
  my $self = shift;
  my %args = @_;  
  $args{share_dir} ||= 'data'; #set default sharedir name 'data' instead of 'share'

sub ACTION_par {
  my ($self) = @_;
  #checking if we have the pp installed
  die 'Need PAR::Packer' if !( eval ' use PAR::Packer; 1' );

  #here comes the code from
  my $output = $self->paroutput || (($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? 'a.exe' : 'a');
  my $input = $self->parinput;
  my @sdl_libs = @{$self->parlibs};  
  my $extra = join ' ', (map {"-M$_"} @{$self->parmods}); # = '-MModname::A -MModname::B ...'
  my $Include = './lib';

  die 'parinput needs to be specified' unless $input;

  print "BUILDING PAR \n";
  my $exclude_modules = '-X Alien::SDL::ConfigData -X SDL::ConfigData';
  my $include_modules = '-M ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base -M Data::Dumper -M SDL -M Alien::SDL';
  $include_modules .= " $extra" if $extra;

  my $out_par = $output . '.par';
  my $par_cmd = "pp -B $exclude_modules $include_modules";
  $par_cmd .= " -I $Include" if $Include;
  $par_cmd .= " -p -o $out_par $input";
  print "\t $par_cmd \n";
  `$par_cmd` if !-e $out_par;

  print "PAR: $out_par\n" if -e $out_par;

  print "SEARCHING FOR ConfigData files \n";
  my $lib;
  my $AS_path;
  my $SD_path;

  finddepth( sub {
               my ($f, $d) = ($File::Find::name, $File::Find::dir);
  	       if ( $_ =~ /ConfigData/ ) {
  		  $AS_path = $f if $f =~ 'Alien/SDL/';
  		  $SD_path = $f if $f =~ 'SDL/' && $f !~ 'Alien/SDL/';
  		  $lib = $d if ( $AS_path && $SD_path );
             }, @INC );

  die "Cannot find lib/SDL/ or lib/Alien/SDL/ \n" if ( !$AS_path || !$SD_path );

  print "Found ConfigData files in $lib \n";

  print "READING PAR FILE \n";

  my $par_file = Archive::Zip->new();
  unless ( $par_file->read($out_par) == AZ_OK ) {
    die 'read error on ' . $out_par;

  $par_file->addFile( $AS_path, 'lib/Alien/SDL/' );
  $par_file->addFile( $SD_path, 'lib/SDL/' );

  my $share = Alien::SDL::ConfigData->config('share_subdir');

  my @shares = $par_file->membersMatching($share);

  my $alien_sdl_auto = $shares[0]->fileName;

  $alien_sdl_auto =~ s/$share(\S+)// if $alien_sdl_auto;

  my @auto_folder = $par_file->membersMatching("$alien_sdl_auto(?!$share)");

  my @sdl_not_runtime = $par_file->membersMatching( $share . '/include' ); #TODO remove extra fluff in share_dri
  push @sdl_not_runtime, @auto_folder;                                     #remove non share dir stuff
  push @sdl_not_runtime, $par_file->membersMatching( $share . '/etc' );
  push @sdl_not_runtime, $par_file->membersMatching( $share . '/share' );
  push @sdl_not_runtime, $par_file->membersMatching( $share . '/lib' ) if $^O eq 'MSWin32';

  my @non              = ();
  my @sdl_libs_to_keep = ();

  foreach (@sdl_libs) {
    if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) {
      @non = $par_file->membersMatching( $share . "/bin(\\S+)" );
      #push @sdl_not_runtime ,$par_file->membersMatching( $share."/bin(\\S+)(?!$_)" )
    else {
      @non = $par_file->membersMatching( $share . "/lib(\\S+)" );

    print "Removing non $_ shared objs \n";
    my $lib_look = 'lib' . $_;
    map {
      my $n = $_->fileName;
      if ( $n =~ /$lib_look\.(so|a|dll|dylib)/ ) {
        push( @sdl_libs_to_keep, $_ );
    } @non;

  print "found $#sdl_libs_to_keep sdl libs to keep \n";
  my $regex_search = ']';
  map {
    print "\t " . $_->fileName . "\n";
    $regex_search .= ']' . $_->fileName
  } @sdl_libs_to_keep;

  $regex_search =~ s/\]\]//g;
  $regex_search =~ s/\]/\|/g;

  $regex_search = '(' . $regex_search . ')';

  map {
    my $n    = $_->fileName;
    my $star = ' ';

    if ( $n !~ $regex_search ) {
      push @sdl_not_runtime, $_;
  } @non;

  push @sdl_not_runtime, $par_file->membersMatching( $share . '/bin' )
  	unless $^O eq 'MSWin32';
  print "REMOVING NON RUNTIME $#sdl_not_runtime files from  \n";
  open( my $FH, '>', 'DeleteRecords.txt' ) or die $!;
  foreach (@sdl_not_runtime) {
    if ( $_->fileName eq $alien_sdl_auto . $share ) {
      print $FH "Not deleting " . $_->fileName . " \n";
    else {
      print $FH $_->fileName . "\n";
  close $FH;

  my @config_members = $par_file->membersMatching('');

  foreach (@config_members) {

  unlink $out_par . '2';
  unless ( $par_file->writeToFileNamed( $out_par . '2' ) == AZ_OK ) {
    die 'write error';

  $par_cmd = "pp -o $output " . $out_par . "2";


  print "MADE $output \n" if -e $output;
  unlink $out_par . '2';
  unlink $out_par; 

sub ACTION_run {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $bd = $self->{properties}->{base_dir};

  # prepare INC
  local @INC = @INC;
  local @ARGV = @{$self->args->{ARGV}};
  my $script = shift @ARGV;
  unshift @INC, (File::Spec->catdir($bd, $self->blib, 'lib'), File::Spec->catdir($bd, $self->blib, 'arch'));

  if ($script) {
    # scenario: ./Build run bin/scriptname param1 param2
  else {
    # scenario: ./Build run
    my ($first_script) = ( glob('bin/*') ); # take the first script in bin subdir
    print STDERR "No params given to run action - gonna start: '$first_script'\n";

# TODO: later move app skeleton generation into SDL::Devel (or something like this)
sub generate_sdl_module {
  my ($path, $name) = @_;

  #Make the path and directory stuff
  mkdir $path or
  Carp::croak "Cannot make a SDL based module at $path : $!";

  mkdir "$path/lib";
  mkdir "$path/bin";
  mkdir "$path/data";

  open my $FH, ">>$path/bin/";

  print $FH "use string;\nuse warnings;\nuse SDL;\n";

  close $FH;

  open  $FH, ">>$path/Build.PL";

  print $FH 
  "use strict;\nuse warnings;\nuse Module::Build::SDL;
  my \$builder = Module::Build::SDL->new(
    module_name => '$name',
    dist_version => '1.01',
    dist_abstract => 'Put something in here',
    dist_author => 'developer <developer\>',
    license => 'perl',



=head1 NAME

Module::Build::SDL - Module::Build subclass for building SDL apps/games [not stable yet]


When creating a new SDL application/game you can create Build.PL like this:

 use Module::Build::SDL;
 my $builder = Module::Build::SDL->new(
     module_name   => 'Games::Demo',
     dist_version  => '1.00',
     dist_abstract => 'Demo game based on Module::Build::SDL',
     dist_author   => '',
     license       => 'perl',
     requires      => {
         'SDL'     => 0,
     #+ others Module::Build options

Once you have created a SDL application/game via Module::Build::SDL as described
above you can use some extra build targets/actions:


=item * you can create a PAR distribution like:

 $ perl ./Build.PL
 $ ./Build
 $ ./Build par

There are some extra parameters related to 'par' action you can pass to Module::Build::SDL->new():

 parinput  => 'bin/'
 paroutput => 'filename.par.exe',
 parlibs   => [ qw/SDL SDL_main SDL_gfx/ ],  #external libraries (.so/.dll) to be included into PAR
 parmods   => [ qw/Module::A Module::B/ ],   #extra modules to be included into PAR

=item * to run the game from distribution directory you can use:

 $ perl ./Build.PL
 $ ./Build
 $ ./Build run

=item * TODO: maybe some additional actions: parexe, parmsi, deb, rpm



Module::Build::SDL is a subclass of L<Module::Build|Module::Build> created
to make easy some tasks specific to SDL applications - e.g. packaging SDL
application/game into PAR archive.


Module::Build::SDL expects the following layout in project directory:

 #example: game with the main *.pl script + data files + modules (*.pm)

the most simple game should look like:

 #example: simple one-script apllication/game

In short - there are 3 expected subdirectories:


=item * B<bin> - one or more perl scripts (*.pl) to start the actual

=item * B<lib> - application/game specific modules (*.pm) organized
in dir structure in "usual perl manners"

=item * B<data> - directory for storing application data (pictures, 
sounds etc.). This subdirectory is handled as a "ShareDir"
(see L<File::ShareDir|File::ShareDir> for more details)

=item * As the project is (or could be) composed as a standard perl
distribution it also support standard subdirectory B<'t'> (with tests).



When creating a SDL application/game based on Module::Build::SDL it is
recommended to follow these rules:


=item * Use the name for your game from I<Games::*> namespace; it will make
the later release to CPAN much easier.

=item * Put all data files into B<data> subdirectory and access the B<data>
subdir only via L<File::ShareDir|File::ShareDir> 
(namely by calling L<distdir()|File::ShareDir/dist_dir> function)

=item * TODO: maybe add more

