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package Text::Corpus::VoiceOfAmerica;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use CHI;
use LWP::Simple;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use Path::Class qw(dir file);
use XML::RSS::Parser;
use Encode;
use Log::Log4perl;
use URI::Escape;
use File::Copy;
use XML::LibXML;
use Text::Corpus::VoiceOfAmerica::Document;
use HTML::Encoding 'encoding_from_html_document';
use Data::Dump qw(dump);

# TODO: add sync index to cache.

    use Exporter ();
    $VERSION     = '1.03';
    @ISA         = qw(Exporter);
    @EXPORT      = qw();
    @EXPORT_OK   = qw();
    %EXPORT_TAGS = ();

=head1 NAME

C<Text::Corpus::VoiceOfAmerica> - Make a corpus of VOA documents for research.


  use Cwd;
  use File::Spec;
  use Data::Dump qw(dump);
  use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
  use Text::Corpus::VoiceOfAmerica;
  Log::Log4perl->easy_init ($INFO);
  my $corpusDirectory = File::Spec->catfile (getcwd(), 'corpus_voa');
  my $corpus = Text::Corpus::VoiceOfAmerica->new (corpusDirectory => $corpusDirectory);
  $corpus->update (testing => 1, verbose => 1);
  my $document = $corpus->getDocument (index => 0);
  dump $document->getBody;
  dump $document->getCategories;
  dump $document->getContent;
  dump $document->getDate;
  dump $document->getDescription;
  dump $document->getTitle;
  dump $document->getUri;


C<Text::Corpus::VoiceOfAmerica> can be used to create a temporary corpus of Voice of America news documents
for personal research and testing of information processing methods. Read the
Voice of America's Terms of Use statement to ensure you abide by it when using this module.

The categories, description, title, etc... of a specified document
are accessed using L<Text::Corpus::VoiceOfAmerica::Document>. Also, all errors and
warnings are logged using L<Log::Log4perl>, which should be L<initialized|Log::Log4perl/How_to_use_it>.


=head2 C<new>

The constructor C<new> creates an instance of the C<Text::Corpus::VoiceOfAmerica> class
with the following parameters:


=item C<corpusDirectory>

 corpusDirectory => '...'

C<corpusDirectory> is the directory that documents are cached into using
L<CHI>. If C<corpusDirectory> is not defined,
then the path specified in the environment variable C<TEXT_CORPUS_VOICEOFAMERICA_CORPUSDIRECTORY>
is used if it is defined. If the directory defined does not exist, it will be
created. A message is logged and an exception is thrown if no directory is specified.



sub new
  my ($Class, %Parameters) = @_;
  my $Self = bless ({}, ref ($Class) || $Class);

  # set the corpusDirectory.
  unless (exists ($Parameters{corpusDirectory}))

  # make sure corpusDirectory is defined.
  unless (exists ($Parameters{corpusDirectory}))
      my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
      $logger->logdie ("corpusDirectory not defined.\n");
  $Self->{corpusDirectory} = $Parameters{corpusDirectory};

  # make the cache directory.
  my $cacheDir = dir ($Parameters{corpusDirectory}, 'cache');
  $cacheDir->mkpath (0, 0700) unless -d $cacheDir;
  $Self->{cacheDirectory} = sprintf $cacheDir;

  # get the caching engine.
  my $cacheEngine = CHI->new (driver => 'File', root_dir => $Self->{cacheDirectory});
  croak "could not create cache within '" . $Self->{cacheDirectory} . "': $!\n" unless defined $cacheEngine;
  $Self->{cacheEngine} = $cacheEngine;

  # make the sitenews new and old directories.
  my $sitenewsNewDirectory = dir ($Self->{corpusDirectory}, 'sitenews', 'new');
  $sitenewsNewDirectory->mkpath (0, 0700) unless -e $sitenewsNewDirectory;
  $Self->{sitenewsNewDirectory} = sprintf $sitenewsNewDirectory;

  my $sitenewsOldDirectory = dir ($Self->{corpusDirectory}, 'sitenews', 'old');
  $sitenewsOldDirectory->mkpath (0, 0700) unless -e $sitenewsOldDirectory;
  $Self->{sitenewsOldDirectory} = sprintf $sitenewsOldDirectory;

  # get the site news url.
  $Self->{siteMapNewsURL} = '';
  $Self->{siteMapNewsURL} = $Parameters{siteMapNewsURL} if exists $Parameters{siteMapNewsURL};

  # set the cache expiration.
  $Self->{cacheExpiration} = 'never';
  $Self->{cacheExpiration} = $Parameters{cacheExpiration} if defined $Parameters{cacheExpiration};

  # set the delay between page fetches in seconds.
  $Self->{delayInSeconds} = 8;
  $Self->{timeOfLastPageFetch} = 0;
  $Self->{maxFetchAttempts} = 4;

  # set the verbosity level.
  $Self->{verbose} = 0;
  $Self->{verbose} = $Parameters{verbose} if exists $Parameters{verbose};

  # get the article index from the cache.
  $Self->_getIndex ();

  return $Self;

=head1 METHODS

=head2 C<getDocument>

 getDocument (index => $index, cacheOnly => 0)
 getDocument (uri => $uri, cacheOnly => 0)

C<getDocument> returns a L<Text::Corpus::VoiceOfAmerica::Document> object for the
document with index C<$documentIndex> or uri C<$uri>. The document
indices range from zero to C<getTotalDocument()-1>; C<getDocument> returns
C<undef> if any errors occurred and logs them using L<Log::Log4perl>.


=item C<index>

 index => '...'

C<index> should be the number of the document to return. It should be a
non-negative integer less than C<getTotalDocument>. If it is out of range
C<undef> is returned.

=item C<uri>

 uri => '...'

C<uri> should be the URL of the document to return. If the document is not in the cache,
it is fetched unless C<cacheOnly> evaluates to false, in that case C<undef> is returned.

=item C<cacheOnly>

 cacheOnly => 0

If C<cacheOnly> evaluates to true, then only documents in the cache are returned, otherwise C<undef> is returned. The default is false.


An example:

  use Cwd;
  use File::Spec;
  use Data::Dump qw(dump);
  use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
  use Text::Corpus::VoiceOfAmerica;
  Log::Log4perl->easy_init ($INFO);
  my $corpusDirectory = File::Spec->catfile (getcwd(), 'corpus_voa');
  my $corpus = Text::Corpus::VoiceOfAmerica->new (corpusDirectory => $corpusDirectory);
  $corpus->update (testing => 1, verbose => 1);
  my $document = $corpus->getDocument (index => 0);
  dump $document->getBody;
  dump $document->getCategories;
  dump $document->getContent;
  dump $document->getDate;
  dump $document->getDescription;
  dump $document->getTitle;
  dump $document->getUri;


sub getDocument
  my ($Self, %Parameters) = @_;

  # if the parameter uri is defined use it; if index is defined, use it instead.
  my $urlIndex = $Self->{urlIndex};
  my $urlHash = $Self->{urlHash};
  my $indexOfArticle;
  my $cacheOnly = exists ($Parameters{cacheOnly}) && $Parameters{cacheOnly};

  # if the index is defined and valid, use it.
  $indexOfArticle = int abs $Parameters{index} if exists $Parameters{index};
  if ($indexOfArticle >= @$urlIndex)
    my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
    $logger->logwarn ("document index '" . $indexOfArticle . "', has an invalid range.\n");
    $indexOfArticle = undef;

  # if the index is not defined try the uri.
  if (!defined ($indexOfArticle) && exists ($Parameters{uri}))
    my $url = $Parameters{uri};
    return undef unless ($url =~ /^http/);
    if (exists $urlHash->{$Parameters{uri}})
      $indexOfArticle = $urlHash->{$Parameters{uri}};
      my $totalDocuments = $Self->getTotalDocuments ();
      $urlIndex->[$totalDocuments] = $url;
      $urlHash->{$url} = $totalDocuments;
      $indexOfArticle = $totalDocuments;

      # store the urls in the cache. it is really slow to store this to the disk cache each time
      # a new document url is added.
      my $cacheEngine = $Self->{cacheEngine};
      $cacheEngine->set ('urlIndex', $urlIndex, $Self->{cacheExpiration});

  # if $indexOfArticle is not defined at this point, there is no article to return;
  # so log an error and return undef.
  unless (defined $indexOfArticle)
    my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
    $logger->logwarn ("document index and/or uri invalid, returned undefined.\n");
    return undef;

  # get the articles url.
  my $url = $urlIndex->[$indexOfArticle];

  # get the html content of the article.
  my $htmlEncoding = $Self->_getArticle (index => $indexOfArticle, cacheOnly => $cacheOnly);
  return undef unless defined $htmlEncoding;

  # get the document object.
  my $document;
    $document =  Text::Corpus::VoiceOfAmerica::Document->new (htmlContent => $htmlEncoding->[0], uri => $url, encoding => $htmlEncoding->[1]);
  if ($@)
    my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
    $logger->logwarn ("caught exception, probably html parsing error in file '"
                    . $url . "', skipping over the document: " . $@);
    $document = undef;
  return $document;

=head2 C<getTotalDocuments>

  getTotalDocuments ()

C<getTotalDocuments> returns the total number of documents in the corpus. The index to the
documents in the corpus ranges from zero to C<getTotalDocuments() - 1>.


# return the total number of articles in the corpus. this should
# increase as update is repeatedly called.

sub getTotalDocuments
  my $Self = shift;
  $Self->_getIndex ();
  return scalar (@{$Self->{urlIndex}});

# reads the index of the documents from the cache.
sub _getIndex
  my ($Self, %Parameters) = @_;

  # return if already set.
  return undef if exists $Self->{urlIndex};

  # get the index.
  my $urlIndex = $Self->{cacheEngine}->get ('urlIndex');
  my $problemUrls = $Self->{cacheEngine}->get ('problemUrls');
  my $urlsInCache = $Self->{cacheEngine}->get ('urlsInCache');

  # set the index to empty if it did not exist.
  $urlIndex = [] unless defined $urlIndex;
  $problemUrls = {} unless defined $problemUrls;
  $urlsInCache = {} unless defined $urlsInCache;

  # create the reverse hash of the index.
  my %urlHash;
  for (my $i = 0; $i < @$urlIndex; $i++)
    $urlHash{$urlIndex->[$i]} = $i;

  # store the index and exit.
  $Self->{urlIndex} = $urlIndex;
  $Self->{urlHash} = \%urlHash;
  $Self->{problemUrls} = $problemUrls;
  $Self->{urlsInCache} = $urlsInCache;
  return undef;

=head2 C<getURIsInCorpus>

 getURIsInCorpus ()

C<getURIsInCorpus> returns an array reference of all the URIs in the corpus.

For example:

  use Cwd;
  use File::Spec;
  use Data::Dump qw(dump);
  use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
  use Text::Corpus::VoiceOfAmerica;
  Log::Log4perl->easy_init ($INFO);
  my $corpusDirectory = File::Spec->catfile (getcwd(), 'corpus_voa');
  my $corpus = Text::Corpus::VoiceOfAmerica->new (corpusDirectory => $corpusDirectory);
  $corpus->update (testing => 1, verbose => 1);
  dump $corpus->getURIsInCorpus;


sub getURIsInCorpus
  my ($Self) = @_;
  return [@{$Self->{urlIndex}}];

=head2 C<update>

  update (verbose => 0)

This method updates the set of documents in the corpus by fetching
any newly listed documents in the C<sitemap.xml> file.


=item C<verbose>

  verbose => 0

If C<verbose> is positive, then after each new document is fetched a message is
logged stating the number of documents remaining to fetch and the
approximate time to completion. C<update> returns the number of documents fetched.

=item C<testing>

  testing => 0

If C<testing> is true, only one document is added to the corpus.


For example:

  use Cwd;
  use File::Spec;
  use Data::Dump qw(dump);
  use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
  use Text::Corpus::VoiceOfAmerica;
  Log::Log4perl->easy_init ($INFO);
  my $corpusDirectory = File::Spec->catfile (getcwd(), 'corpus_voa');
  my $corpus = Text::Corpus::VoiceOfAmerica->new (corpusDirectory => $corpusDirectory);
  $corpus->update (testing => 1, verbose => 1);
  dump $corpus->getTotalDocuments;


sub update
  my ($Self, %Parameters) = @_;

  # get the previous urls.
  my $cacheEngine = $Self->{cacheEngine};
  my $urlIndex = $Self->{urlIndex};
  my $urlHash = $Self->{urlHash};

  # if listOfUrls is defined it is used.
  my $listOfArticleUrls;
  if (exists ($Parameters{listOfArticleUrls}))
    $listOfArticleUrls = $Parameters{listOfArticleUrls};
    $listOfArticleUrls = $Self->_getListOfNewArticleUrlsViaSitemap (%Parameters);
    my $listOfArticleUrlsViaRss = $Self->_getListOfNewArticleUrlsViaRss (%Parameters);
    push @$listOfArticleUrls, @$listOfArticleUrlsViaRss if defined $listOfArticleUrlsViaRss;

  # get the total urls.
  my $totalUrls = scalar (@$urlIndex);

  # put the urls into the hash to remove dupes.
  foreach my $url (@$listOfArticleUrls)
    next unless ($url =~ /^http/i);
    next if exists $urlHash->{$url};
    $urlIndex->[$totalUrls] = $url;
    $urlHash->{$url} = $totalUrls;

  # store the urls in the cache.
  $cacheEngine->set ('urlIndex', $urlIndex, $Self->{cacheExpiration});

  # add new documents to the cache.
  return $Self->_primeCache (%Parameters);

# used LWP::Simple::getstore to fetch the sitemap_news.xml file. keeps the
# time of the last fetch in the cache.
sub _fetchNewSiteNews
  my $Self = shift;

  # build the path to the file it will be stored in, the name is
  # base on the epoch time.
  my $fetchTime = time;
  my $filePathName = file ($Self->{sitenewsNewDirectory}, $fetchTime . '.sitemap_news.xml');

  # if the file already exists, return; calling the function way too much.
  return undef if -e $filePathName;

  # get the cache engine.
  my $cacheEngine = $Self->{cacheEngine};

  # get the time of the last fetch.
  my $lastFetchTime = $cacheEngine->get ('lastFetchTime');
  $lastFetchTime = 0 unless defined $lastFetchTime;

  # if too soon, do not fetch. the sitemap_news.xml file is only
  # updated when new documents for indexing are posted. so don't
  # access very often.
  return undef if (time - $lastFetchTime < 10*60);

  # fetch the page and store it in a file.
  my $fetchStatus = getstore ($Self->{siteMapNewsURL}, sprintf $filePathName);
  if ($fetchStatus != 200)
    my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
    $logger->logdie ("fetch status of '" . $Self->{siteMapNewsURL} . "' is " . $fetchStatus . ".\n");

  # store the time fetched.
  $cacheEngine->set ('lastFetchTime', $fetchTime, 'never');

  return undef;

# use an xpath query to pull out the urls of the pages in
# the sitemap file. this can throw an exceptions if there
# are parsing errors.
sub _getUrlsFromSiteNewsFile
  my ($Self, %Parameters) = @_;

  # holds the urls in the file.
  my @urls;

  # get the file
  my $siteNewsFile = $Parameters{siteNewsFile};
  return \@urls unless defined $siteNewsFile;

    # get the parser.
    my $libxmlParser = XML::LibXML->new;

    # make sure the network is not accessed.
    $libxmlParser->load_ext_dtd (0);
    $libxmlParser->no_network (1);

    # parse the file.
    my $doc = $libxmlParser->parse_file ($siteNewsFile);

    # prep the file for xpath searching.
    my $xp = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new($doc);

    # set the default namespace prefix.
    $xp->registerNs('x', '');
    # TODO: make this a parameter.
    #$xp->registerNs ('x', '');

    # get the urls
    my @nodes = $xp->findnodes('/x:urlset/x:url/x:loc');
    foreach my $node (@nodes)
      push @urls, $node->textContent();
  if ($@)
    my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
    $logger->logwarn ("caught exception, probably xml parsing error in file '"
                    . $siteNewsFile . "', skipping over the file: " . $@);

  # if zero urls, then use regexp.
  if (@urls == 0)
    # get the size of the file and log any errors.
    my $fileSize = -s $siteNewsFile;
    local *IN;
    if (!open (IN, $siteNewsFile))
      my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
      $logger->logdie ("could not open file '" . $siteNewsFile . "' for reading: $!\n");

    # read the entire file into memory.
    binmode IN;
    my $fileContents;
    my $bytesRead = read (IN, $fileContents, $fileSize, 0);
    if ($fileSize != $bytesRead)
      my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
      $logger->logwarn ("problems reading from file '" . $siteNewsFile . "'.\n");
    close IN;

    # parse out the urls of the documents.
    my %urls;
    while ($fileContents =~ m/<loc>(http[\x00-\xff]*?)<\/loc>/ig)
      $urls{$1} = 1;

    my @newUrls = keys %urls;
    my $totalUrlsFound = @newUrls;
    push @urls, @newUrls;

    # print warings that urls were found using regexp.
    my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
    $logger->logwarn ("no urls found via XML parsing, $totalUrlsFound found using regular expression.\n");

  return \@urls;

# returns the list of urls from the sitemaps files in $Self->{sitenewsNewDirectory} and
# moves files to $Self->{sitenewsOldDirectory}.
sub _getListOfNewArticleUrlsViaSitemap
  my ($Self, %Parameters) = @_;

  # if testing return none.
  return [] if exists ($Parameters{testing});

  # fetch the latest site news file.
  $Self->_fetchNewSiteNews ();

  # get the list of new sitenews files.
  local *DIR;
  opendir (DIR, $Self->{sitenewsNewDirectory}) || croak "could not read directory '" . $Self->{sitenewsNewDirectory} . "': $!\n";
  my @newSiteNewsFiles = grep {/xml$/} readdir (DIR);
  close DIR;

  # foreach file read in the list of urls.
  my %hashOfArticleUrls;
  foreach my $siteNewsFile (@newSiteNewsFiles)
    # get the full path to the file.
    my $fullPathSiteNewsFile = sprintf dir($Self->{sitenewsNewDirectory}, $siteNewsFile);

    # skip the file if it is empty.
    unless (-s $fullPathSiteNewsFile)
      my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
      $logger->logwarn ("skipping over file '" . $fullPathSiteNewsFile . "' since it is empty.\n");

    # get all the urls in the file.
    my $listOfArticleUrls;
      $listOfArticleUrls = $Self->_getUrlsFromSiteNewsFile (siteNewsFile => $fullPathSiteNewsFile);
    if ($@)
      my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
      $logger->logwarn ("caught exception, probably xml parsing error in file '"
                      . $fullPathSiteNewsFile . "', skipping over the file: " . $@);
      $listOfArticleUrls = [];

    # put the urls into the hash to remove dupes.
    foreach my $link (@$listOfArticleUrls)
      next unless ($link =~ /^http/i);
      next unless ($link =~ /\/news\//i);
      next unless ($link =~ /html$/i);
      $hashOfArticleUrls{$link} = 1;

  # move the new site maps to the old directory.
  foreach my $siteNewsFile (@newSiteNewsFiles)
    # get the full path to the file.
    my $fullPathSiteNewsFileNew = sprintf dir($Self->{sitenewsNewDirectory}, $siteNewsFile);

    # get the full path to where the file is to be moved to.
    my $fullPathSiteNewsFileOld = sprintf dir($Self->{sitenewsOldDirectory}, $siteNewsFile);

    move ($fullPathSiteNewsFileNew, $fullPathSiteNewsFileOld);

  return [sort keys %hashOfArticleUrls];

sub _primeCache
  my ($Self, %Parameters) = @_;

  # get the logger, will print a warning if not initialized.
  my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();

  # set default verbose level.
  $Parameters{verbose} = 0 unless exists $Parameters{verbose};

  # count the articles to fetch.
  my $totalDocuments = $Self->getTotalDocuments ();
  my @documentsToFetch;
  for (my $i = 0; $i < $totalDocuments; $i++)
    my $url = $Self->{urlIndex}->[$i];
    next if (exists ($Self->{problemUrls}->{$url}) && ($Self->{problemUrls}->{$url} >= $Self->{maxFetchAttempts}));
    next if exists $Self->{urlsInCache}->{$url};
    if ($Self->_isDocumentInCache (index => $i))
      $Self->{urlsInCache}->{$url} = 1;
    push @documentsToFetch, $i;

  # fetch the documents.
  my $documentsLeft = scalar @documentsToFetch;
  my $totalDocumentsFetched = 0;

  foreach my $i (@documentsToFetch)
    # compute the time remaining.
    if ($Parameters{verbose})
      my $timeRemaining = $documentsLeft * $Self->{delayInSeconds};
      $timeRemaining = 1 if ($timeRemaining < 1);
      $timeRemaining = _convertDurationInSecondsToWords ($timeRemaining);
      my $message = $documentsLeft . ' documents left to fetch; time remaining about ' .
        $timeRemaining . ".\n";
      $logger->info ($message);

    # fetch the document and put it in the cache.
    my $content;
    eval {$content = $Self->_getArticle (index => $i, %Parameters);};
    $Self->{problemUrls}->{$Self->{urlIndex}->[$i]} += 1 unless defined $content;

    # keep track of the documents left.

    # count documents fetched.

    # if just testing fetch only one document.
    last if ($totalDocumentsFetched && exists ($Parameters{testing}));

  # update the problemUrls data in the cache.
  $Self->{cacheEngine}->set ('problemUrls', $Self->{problemUrls}, $Self->{cacheExpiration});
  $Self->{cacheEngine}->set ('urlsInCache', $Self->{urlsInCache}, $Self->{cacheExpiration});

  return $totalDocumentsFetched;

# returns true of the document with specified index is in the cache.
sub _isDocumentInCache # (index => ...)
  my ($Self, %Parameters) = @_;

  # get the url to check.
  my $md5OfUrl;
  $md5OfUrl = $Parameters{md5OfUrl} if exists $Parameters{md5OfUrl};

  my $url;
  $url = $Parameters{url} if exists $Parameters{url};
  $url = $Self->{urlIndex}->[$Parameters{index}] if (!defined ($url) && exists ($Parameters{index}));

  # need to convert url to md5hex since cache uses it as filename
  # and urls could be too long.
  $md5OfUrl = md5_hex ($url) if (!defined ($md5OfUrl) && defined ($url));

  # if the page is in the cache, return it from there.
  my $cacheEngine = $Self->{cacheEngine};

  return $cacheEngine->is_valid ($md5OfUrl);

# fetches the html page of an article given its url. first it looks in the
# cache, if not there it fetches it and places the contents in the cache.
# returns undef if problems, otherwise returns a string reference to the pages content.

sub _getArticle
  my ($Self, %Parameters) = @_;

  # get the url to fetch.
  my $md5OfUrl = $Parameters{md5OfUrl} if exists $Parameters{md5OfUrl};
  my $url = $Self->{urlIndex}->[$Parameters{index}] if exists $Parameters{index};

  # need to convert url to md5hex since cache uses it as filename
  # and urls could be too long.
  $md5OfUrl = md5_hex ($url) if defined $url;

  # if the page is in the cache, return it from there.
  my $cacheEngine = $Self->{cacheEngine};
  my $pageContents = $cacheEngine->get ($md5OfUrl);
  if (defined $pageContents)
    # log the cache hit.
    if ($Parameters{logCacheHitsMisses})
      my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
      $logger->info ("cache hit: $md5OfUrl: $url\n");

    # return its contents, decoded.
    my $encoding;
      no warnings;
      $encoding = encoding_from_html_document($pageContents, xhtml => 0);
      $encoding = encoding_from_html_document($pageContents, xhtml => 1) unless defined $encoding;

    unless (defined $encoding)
      my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
      $logger->info ("could not determine encoding, defaulting to utf8: $md5OfUrl: $url\n");
    $encoding = 'utf8' unless defined $encoding;
    my $decodedPageContents;
    eval {$decodedPageContents = decode ($encoding, $pageContents, Encode::LEAVE_SRC);};
    $decodedPageContents = $pageContents unless defined $decodedPageContents;
    return [$decodedPageContents, $encoding];

  # log the cache hit.
  if ($Parameters{logCacheHitsMisses})
    my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
    $logger->info ("cache miss: $md5OfUrl: $url\n");

  # return now if only getting from the cache.
  return undef if (exists ($Parameters{cacheOnly}) && $Parameters{cacheOnly});

  # if we tried to fetch it too many times already don't try again.
  return undef if (exists ($Self->{problemUrls}->{$url}) && ($Self->{problemUrls}->{$url} >= $Self->{maxFetchAttempts}));

  # wait before fetching the page.
  my $delay = $Self->{delayInSeconds} - (time - $Self->{timeOfLastPageFetch});
  sleep $delay if ($delay > 0);

  # fetch the page.
  $pageContents = get ($url);

  $Self->{timeOfLastPageFetch} = time;
  unless (defined ($pageContents))
    $Self->{problemUrls}->{$url} += 5;
    my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
    $logger->logwarn ("problems fetching page '$url'.\n");
    return undef;

  # cache the page
  $cacheEngine->set ($md5OfUrl, $pageContents, $Self->{cacheExpiration});
  $Self->{urlsInCache}->{$url} = 1;

  # return its contents, decoded.
  my $encoding;
    no warnings;
    $encoding = encoding_from_html_document($pageContents, xhtml => 0);
    $encoding = encoding_from_html_document($pageContents, xhtml => 1) unless defined $encoding;

  unless (defined $encoding)
    my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
    $logger->info ("could not determine encoding, defaulting to utf8: $md5OfUrl: $url\n");
  $encoding = 'utf8' unless defined $encoding;
  my $decodedPageContents;
  eval {$decodedPageContents = decode ($encoding, $pageContents, Encode::LEAVE_SRC);};
  $decodedPageContents = $pageContents unless defined $decodedPageContents;
  return [$decodedPageContents, $encoding];

# fetches the contents for the page linking to all the RSS feeds
# and returns a list of feed urls.
sub _getListOfFeeds
  my $Self = shift;
  use bytes;

  # get the page with the list of RSS feeds.
  my $listOfRSSFeedsPageUrl = '';
  my $content = $Self->_getUrl (url => $listOfRSSFeedsPageUrl);
  return undef unless defined $content.
  $content =~ tr/\x00-\x20/ /;

  # find the url of each RSS feed.
  # sloppy to use regexp; but simple.
  my %hashOfFeeds;
  while ($content =~ m|\"(http://www.?\.voanews\.com/templates/Articles\.rss[^\"]*?)\"|ig)
    my $match = $1;
    $hashOfFeeds{$match} = 1;
  return [keys %hashOfFeeds];

# fetches the contents of urls using LWP::Simple->get.
sub _getUrl
  my ($Self, %Parameters) = @_;

  # wait before fetching the page.
  my $delay = $Self->{delayInSeconds} - (time - $Self->{timeOfLastPageFetch});
  sleep $delay if ($delay > 0);

  # fetch the page.
  my $pageContents = get ($Parameters{url});
  $Self->{timeOfLastPageFetch} = time;
  return $pageContents;

# returns a list of all the links from all the RSS feeds.
sub _getListOfNewArticleUrlsViaRss
  my ($Self, %Parameters) = @_;
  my $rssParser = XML::RSS::Parser->new;

  my %hashOfLinks;
  my $listOfRssFeeds = $Self->_getListOfFeeds ();
  foreach my $feedUrl (@$listOfRssFeeds)
    # get the rss content.
    my $rssContent = $Self->_getUrl (url => $feedUrl);
    next unless defined $rssContent;

    # parse the rss.
    my $rss = $rssParser->parse_string ($rssContent);

    # check for problems.
    unless (defined $rss)
      my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
      $logger->warn ("problems from url '" . $feedUrl . "'.\n");
      my $links = $Self->_getRssLinksUsingRegexp (rssContent => $rssContent);
      foreach my $link (@$links)
        $hashOfLinks{$link} = 1;

    # pull out the links from each item.
    foreach my $item ($rss->query ('//item'))
      my $node = $item->query ('link');
      next unless (defined $node);
      my $link = $node->text_content;
      $link =~ s/\?rss\=.*$//;
      next unless ($link =~ m|voanews\.com|i);
      next unless length ($link);
      if ($link =~ /(http%3A%2F%2Fwww1[\x00-\xff]+?)$/)
        $link = uri_unescape ($1);
      next unless ($link =~ /^http/i);
      next unless ($link =~ /\/news\//i);
      next unless ($link =~ /html$/i);
      $hashOfLinks{$link} = 1;

    # if testing, get only one feed.
    last if exists $Parameters{testing};

  # return the list of links.
  return [sort keys %hashOfLinks];

sub _getRssLinksUsingRegexp
  my ($Self, %Parameters) = @_;

  # if there is no content, return emtpy list of links.
  my @rssLinks;
  return \@rssLinks unless exists $Parameters{rssContent};

  # strip off all before the first '<item>'.
  my $rssContent = $Parameters{rssContent};
  $rssContent =~ s/^[\x00-\xff]*?<item>/<item>/;

  # get each item block.
  my @items = split (/<item>/, $rssContent);

  # get the link from each item.
  foreach my $item (@items)
    if ($item =~ m|<link>([^\<]+)</link>|)
      push @rssLinks, $1;
  return \@rssLinks;

sub _convertDurationInSecondsToWords
  my $DurationInSeconds = shift;

  my $duration = $DurationInSeconds;
  my $timeInPast = '';
  if ($duration < 0)
    $duration = -$duration;
    $timeInPast = ' in the past';

  my @timeUnits = ([60, 'seconds'], [60, 'minutes'], [24, 'hours'], [7, 'days'], [365.25/(12*7), 'weeks'], [12, 'months'],  [10, 'years']);

  foreach my $timeUnit (@timeUnits)
    if ($duration < $timeUnit->[0])
      $duration = int ($duration * 100) / 100;
      return $duration . ' ' . $timeUnit->[1] . $timeInPast;
    $duration /= $timeUnit->[0];
  return $duration . ' decades' . $timeInPast;

# writes the contents of the cache to the file csvFile => '...' in
# csv format where each line is of the form url,html
# all formating and higher order bits are escaped using
# URI::Escape::uri_escape.

sub exportCacheToCsvFile
  my ($Self, %Parameters) = @_;

  # get the total documents in the cache.
  my $totalDocuments = $Self->getTotalDocuments();

  # get the path of the csv file.
  my $csvFile = $Parameters{csvFile};
  my $fh;
  unless (open ($fh, '>:raw', $csvFile))
    my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
    $logger->logdie ("could no open file '$csvFile' for writing: $!\n");

  my $charsToEscape = "\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff,";
  for (my $i = 0; $i < $totalDocuments; $i++)
      # fetch the document.
      my $document = $Self->getDocument(index => $i, cacheOnly => 1);
      if (defined ($document))
        # get the raw html of the document.
        my $html = $document->getHtml();
        next unless defined $html;

        # get the uri of the document.
        my $uri = $document->getUri();
        next unless defined $uri;

        # escape all but letters and numbers.
        my $encoding = $document->getEncoding();
        $encoding = 'utf8' unless defined $encoding;
        $html = encode ($encoding, $html, Encode::LEAVE_SRC);
        $html = uri_escape ($html, $charsToEscape);
        $uri = uri_escape ($uri, $charsToEscape);

        # write the escaped uri and html to the file.
        print $fh $uri . ',' . $html . "\n";
        my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
        $logger->logwarn ('problems with document number ' . $i . "; document skipped.\n");

  close $fh;

sub importCsvFileIntoCache
  my ($Self, %Parameters) = @_;

  # get the path of the csv file.
  my $csvFile = $Parameters{csvFile};
  local *IN;
  unless (open (IN, '<:raw', $csvFile))
    my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
    $logger->logdie ("could no open file '$csvFile' for reading: $!\n");

  my @listOfArticles;
  while (my $line = <IN>)
    # remove the end line chars.
    chop $line;

    # split the line at the comma.
    my ($uri, $htmlContent) = split (/,/, $line);

    # unescape the uri and content.
    $uri = uri_unescape ($uri);
    $htmlContent = uri_unescape ($htmlContent);
    push @listOfArticles, [$uri, $htmlContent];

    # add the list of articles to the cache.
    if (@listOfArticles > 100)
      $Self->addListOfArticles (listOfArticles => \@listOfArticles);
      @listOfArticles = ();
  close IN;

  # add the remaining list of articles to the cache.
  if (@listOfArticles > 0)
    $Self->addListOfArticles (listOfArticles => \@listOfArticles);
    @listOfArticles = ();

  return undef;

# adds list of articles of the for listOfArticles => [[url, html], ..., [url, html]]
# to the index and cache. if an article is already in the cache it is not added.
# returns the total number of articles added.

sub addListOfArticles # (listOfArticles => [[url, html], ..., [url, html]])
  my ($Self, %Parameters) = @_;

  # get the uri index/hash.
  my $urlIndex = $Self->{urlIndex};
  my $urlHash = $Self->{urlHash};
  my $totalDocuments = $Self->getTotalDocuments ();

  # get the caching object.
  my $cacheEngine = $Self->{cacheEngine};

  # get the list of articles to add.
  my $listOfArticles = $Parameters{listOfArticles};

  my $totalAdded = 0;
  foreach my $urlHtmlPair (@$listOfArticles)
    # get the url of the article.
    my $url = $urlHtmlPair->[0];

    # skip the article if already in the cache.
    if ($Self->_isDocumentInCache (url => $url) && exists ($urlHash->{$url}))
      if ($Self->{verbose} > 1)
        my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
        $logger->info ("cache hit: $url\n");

    if ($Self->{verbose})
      my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
      $logger->info ("cache miss: $url\n");

    # get the html content of the page.
    my $htmlContent = $urlHtmlPair->[1];

    # need to convert url to md5hex since cache uses it as filename
    # and urls could be too long.
    my $md5OfUrl = md5_hex ($url);

    # cache the page.
    $cacheEngine->set ($md5OfUrl, $htmlContent, $Self->{cacheExpiration});

    # update the index to the documents.
    $urlIndex->[$totalDocuments] = $url;
    $urlHash->{$url} = $totalDocuments;

  # store the urls in the cache. it is really slow to store this to the disk cache each time
  # a new document url is added.
  $cacheEngine->set ('urlIndex', $urlIndex, $Self->{cacheExpiration});

  return $totalAdded;


The example below will print out all the information for each document in the corpus.

  use Cwd;
  use File::Spec;
  use Data::Dump qw(dump);
  use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
  use Text::Corpus::VoiceOfAmerica;
  Log::Log4perl->easy_init ($INFO);
  my $corpusDirectory = File::Spec->catfile (getcwd(), 'corpus_voa');
  my $corpus = Text::Corpus::VoiceOfAmerica->new (corpusDirectory => $corpusDirectory);
  $corpus->update (testing => 1, verbose => 1);
  my $totalDocuments = $corpus->getTotalDocuments;
  for (my $i = 0; $i < $totalDocuments; $i++)
        my $document = $corpus->getDocument(index => $i);
        next unless defined $document;
        my %documentInfo;
        $documentInfo{title} = $document->getTitle();
        $documentInfo{body} = $document->getBody();
        $documentInfo{date} = $document->getDate();
        $documentInfo{content} = $document->getContent();
        $documentInfo{categories} = $document->getCategories();
        $documentInfo{description} = $document->getDescription();
        $documentInfo{uri} = $document->getUri();
        dump \%documentInfo;


To install the module set C<TEXT_CORPUS_VOICEOFAMERICA_FULL_TESTING> to true and
run the following commands:

  perl Makefile.PL
  make test
  make install

If you are on a windows box you should use 'nmake' rather than 'make'.

The module will install if C<TEXT_CORPUS_VOICEOFAMERICA_FULL_TESTING> is not defined
or false, but little testing will be performed.

=head1 BUGS

This module uses xpath expressions to extract links and text which may become invalid
as the format of various pages change, causing a lot of bugs.

Please email bugs reports or feature requests to C<>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  The author
will be notified and you can be automatically notified of progress on the bug fix or feature request.

=head1 AUTHOR

 Jeff Kubina<>


Copyright (c) 2009 Jeff Kubina. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the
LICENSE file included with this module.


corpus, english corpus, information processing, voa, voice of america

=head1 SEE ALSO

=begin html

Read the <a href="">Voice of America's Terms of Use</a> statement to ensure you abide by it
when using this module.

=end html

L<CHI>, L<Log::Log4perl>, L<Text::Corpus::VoiceOfAmerica::Document>


# The preceding line will help the module return a true value