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package # hide from PAUSE

use warnings;
use strict;
use 5.008003;
no warnings 'utf8';

our $VERSION = '2.014';

use List::MoreUtils qw( any );

use Term::Choose           qw( choose );
use Term::Choose::LineFold qw( line_fold );
use Term::Choose::Util     qw( term_width );
use Term::TablePrint       qw( print_table );

use if $^O eq 'MSWin32', 'Win32::Console::ANSI';

use App::DBBrowser::DB;
use App::DBBrowser::Auxil;

sub new {
    my ( $class, $info, $options, $data ) = @_;
    bless {
        i => $info,
        o => $options,
        d => $data
    }, $class;

sub union_tables {
    my ( $sf ) = @_;
    my $ax = App::DBBrowser::Auxil->new( $sf->{i}, $sf->{o}, $sf->{d} );
    my $u = $sf->{d}; # ###
    my $tbls = [ sort keys %{$u->{tables_info}} ];
    ( $u->{col_names}, $u->{col_types} ) = $sf->__column_names_and_types( $tbls );
    my $union = {
        unused_tables => [ map { "- $_" } @$tbls ],
        used_tables   => [],
        used_cols     => {},
        saved_cols    => [],

    UNION_TABLE: while ( 1 ) {
        my $enough_tables = '  Enough TABLES';
        my $all_tables    = '  All Tables';
        my $info          = '  INFO';
        my @pre_tbl  = ( undef, $enough_tables );
        my @post_tbl = ( $all_tables ); #, $info
        my $prompt   = $sf->{union_all} ? 'One UNION table for cols:' : 'Choose UNION table:';
        my $choices  = [ @pre_tbl, map( "+ $_", @{$union->{used_tables}} ), @{$union->{unused_tables}}, @post_tbl ];
        $sf->__print_union_statement( $union );
        # Choose
        my $idx_tbl = choose(
            { %{$sf->{i}{lyt_stmt_v}}, prompt => $prompt, index => 1 }
        if ( ! defined $idx_tbl || ! defined $choices->[$idx_tbl] ) {
        my $union_table = $choices->[$idx_tbl];
        if ( $union_table eq $info ) {
            #next UNION_TABLE;
        elsif ( $union_table eq $enough_tables ) {
            return if ! @{$union->{used_tables}};
            last UNION_TABLE;
        elsif ( $union_table eq $all_tables ) {
            $union = {
                unused_tables => [ map { "- $_" } @$tbls ],
                used_tables   => [],
                used_cols     => {},
                saved_cols    => [],
            $sf->{union_all} = 1;
            next UNION_TABLE;
        my $backup_union = $ax->backup_href( $union );
        $union_table =~ s/^[-+]\s//;
        my $check_idx = $idx_tbl - ( @pre_tbl + @{$union->{used_tables}} );
        if ( $check_idx < 0 ) {
            my $idx_used_table = $idx_tbl - @pre_tbl;
            delete $union->{used_cols}{$union_table};
            $sf->{idx_reset_used_tables} = $idx_used_table;
        else {
            my $idx_unused_table = $check_idx;
            splice( @{$union->{unused_tables}}, $idx_unused_table, 1 );
            push @{$union->{used_tables}}, $union_table;
            $sf->{idx_reset_used_tables} = -1;

        UNION_COLUMN: while ( 1 ) {
            my ( $all_cols, $privious_cols, $void ) = ( q['*'], q['^'], q[' '] );
            my @short_cuts = ( ( @{$union->{saved_cols}} ? $privious_cols : $void ), $all_cols );
            my @pre_col = ( undef, $sf->{i}{ok}, @short_cuts );
            $sf->__print_union_statement( $union );
            # Choose
            my @col = choose(
                [ @pre_col, @{$u->{col_names}{$union_table}} ],
                { %{$sf->{i}{lyt_stmt_h}}, prompt => 'Choose Column:', no_spacebar => [ 0 .. $#pre_col ] }
            if ( ! defined $col[0] ) {
                if ( defined $union->{used_cols}{$union_table} ) {
                    delete $union->{used_cols}{$union_table};
                    next UNION_COLUMN;
                else {
                    delete $sf->{union_all} if $sf->{union_all};
                    $union = $backup_union;
                    last UNION_COLUMN;
            elsif ( $col[0] eq $void ) {
                next UNION_COLUMN;
            elsif ( $col[0] eq $privious_cols ) {
                $union->{used_cols}{$union_table} = $union->{saved_cols};
                last UNION_COLUMN;
            elsif ( $col[0] eq $all_cols ) {
                @{$union->{used_cols}{$union_table}} = @{$u->{col_names}{$union_table}};
                $union->{saved_cols} = $union->{used_cols}{$union_table};
                last UNION_COLUMN;
            elsif ( $col[0] eq $sf->{i}{ok} ) {
                shift @col;
                push @{$union->{used_cols}{$union_table}}, @col;
                if ( ! @{$union->{used_cols}{$union_table}} ) {
                    my $table = splice( @{$union->{used_tables}}, $sf->{idx_reset_used_tables}, 1 );
                    push @{$union->{unused_tables}}, "- $table";
                    delete $sf->{idx_reset_used_tables};
                    delete $sf->{union_all} if $sf->{union_all};
                    next UNION_TABLE;
                $union->{saved_cols} = $union->{used_cols}{$union_table};
                last UNION_COLUMN;
            else {
                push @{$union->{used_cols}{$union_table}}, @col;
        if ( $sf->{union_all} ) {
            my @selected_cols = @{$union->{used_cols}{$union_table}};
            $union = {
                unused_tables => [],
                used_tables   => [ @$tbls ],
                used_cols     => {},
                saved_cols    => [],
            for my $union_table ( @{$union->{used_tables}} ) {
                @{$union->{used_cols}{$union_table}} = @selected_cols;
            last UNION_TABLE;

    # column names in the result-set of a UNION are taken from the first query.
    my $first_table = $union->{used_tables}[0];
    my $c;
    my $qt_table = "(";
    my $qt_columns = $ax->quote_simple_many( $union->{used_cols}{$first_table} );
    for my $table ( @{$union->{used_tables}} ) {
        $qt_table .= " SELECT ";
        my $qt_cols = $ax->quote_simple_many( $union->{used_cols}{$table} );
        $qt_table .= join( ', ', @$qt_cols );
        $qt_table .= " FROM " . $ax->quote_table( $u->{tables_info}{$table} );
        $qt_table .= $c < @{$union->{used_tables}} ? " UNION ALL " : " )";
    my $default = $sf->{union_all} ? "UNION_ALL_TABLES" : "UNION_SELECTED_TABLES";
    # alias: required if mysql, Pg, ...
    my $alias = $ax->alias( 'Union', $default );
    $qt_table .= " AS " . $ax->quote_col_qualified( [ $alias ] );
    return $qt_table, $qt_columns;

sub __print_union_statement {
    my ( $sf, $union ) = @_;
    my $str;
    if ( $sf->{union_all} ) {
        $str = 'UNION ALL TABLES';
        if ( @{$union->{used_tables}} ) {
            $str .= "\n" . 'Cols: ';
            my $table = $union->{used_tables}[0];
            if ( defined $union->{used_cols}{$table} && @{$union->{used_cols}{$table}} ) { #
                $str .= join( ', ', @{$union->{used_cols}{$table}} );
        $str .= "\n";
    else {
        $str = "SELECT * FROM (\n";
        if ( @{$union->{used_tables}} ) {
            my $c = 0;
            for my $table ( @{$union->{used_tables}} ) {
                $str .= "  SELECT ";
                if ( defined $union->{used_cols}{$table} && @{$union->{used_cols}{$table}} ) { #
                    $str .= join( ', ', @{$union->{used_cols}{$table}} );
                else {
                    $str .= '?';
                $str .= " FROM $table";
                $str .= $c < @{$union->{used_tables}} ? " UNION ALL\n" : "\n";
            $str .= ") AS ";
            $str .= 'Selected_Tables';
            $str .= " \n";
    $str .= "\n";
    print $sf->{i}{clear_screen};
    print line_fold( $str, term_width() - 2, '', ' ' x $sf->{i}{stmt_init_tab} );

sub __column_names_and_types {
    my ( $sf, $tables ) = @_;
    my $ax = App::DBBrowser::Auxil->new( $sf->{i}, $sf->{o}, $sf->{d} );
    my ( $col_names, $col_types );
    for my $table ( @$tables ) {
        my $sth = $sf->{d}{dbh}->prepare( "SELECT * FROM " . $ax->quote_table( $sf->{d}{tables_info}{$table} ) . " LIMIT 0" );
        $sth->execute() if $sf->{d}{driver} ne 'SQLite';
        $col_names->{$table} ||= $sth->{NAME};
        $col_types->{$table} ||= $sth->{TYPE};
    return $col_names, $col_types;

sub join_tables {
    my ( $sf ) = @_;
    my $stmt_v = Term::Choose->new( $sf->{i}{lyt_stmt_v} );
    my $ax = App::DBBrowser::Auxil->new( $sf->{i}, $sf->{o}, $sf->{d} );
    my $j = $sf->{d}; # ###
    my $tbls = [ sort keys %{$j->{tables_info}} ]; # name
    ( $j->{col_names}, $j->{col_types} ) = $sf->__column_names_and_types( $tbls );
    my $join = {};

    MASTER: while ( 1 ) {
        $join = {};
        $join->{stmt} = "SELECT * FROM";
        $join->{primary_keys} = [];
        $join->{foreign_keys} = [];
        my @tables = map { "- $_" } @$tbls;
        my $info   = '  INFO';
        my @pre = ( undef );
        my $choices = [ @pre, @tables, $info ];
        $sf->__print_join_statement( $join->{stmt} );
        # Choose
        my $idx = $stmt_v->choose(
            { prompt => 'Choose MASTER table:', index => 1 }
        if ( ! defined $idx || ! defined $choices->[$idx] ) {
        if ( $choices->[$idx] eq $info ) {
            next MASTER;
        $idx -= @pre;
        ( my $master = splice( @tables, $idx, 1 ) ) =~ s/^-\s//;
        $join->{used_tables}  = [ $master ];
        $join->{avail_tables} = [ @tables ];
        my $default_alias = $sf->{d}{driver} eq 'Pg' ? 'a' : 'A';
        my $qt_master = $ax->quote_table( $j->{tables_info}{$master} );
        $join->{stmt} = "SELECT * FROM " . $qt_master;
        $sf->__print_join_statement( $join->{stmt} );
        $join->{alias}{$master} = $ax->alias( $qt_master, $default_alias );
        $join->{stmt} .= " AS " . $ax->quote_col_qualified( [ $join->{alias}{$master} ] );
        my $backup_master = $ax->backup_href( $join );

        JOIN: while ( 1 ) {
            my $idx;
            my $enough_slaves = '  Enough TABLES';
            my @pre = ( undef, $enough_slaves );
            my $backup_join = $ax->backup_href( $join );

            SLAVE: while ( 1 ) {
                my $choices = [ @pre, @{$join->{avail_tables}}, $info ];
                $sf->__print_join_statement( $join->{stmt} );
                # Choose
                $idx = $stmt_v->choose(
                    { prompt => 'Add a SLAVE table:', index => 1, undef => $sf->{i}{_reset} }
                if ( ! defined $idx || ! defined $choices->[$idx] ) {
                    if ( @{$join->{used_tables}} == 1 ) {
                        next MASTER;
                    else {
                        $join = $backup_master;
                        next JOIN;
                elsif ( $choices->[$idx] eq $enough_slaves ) {
                    last JOIN;
                elsif ( $choices->[$idx] eq $info ) {
                    next SLAVE;
                else {
                    last SLAVE;
            $idx -= @pre;
            ( my $slave = splice( @{$join->{avail_tables}}, $idx, 1 ) ) =~ s/^-\s//;
            my $qt_slave = $ax->quote_table( $j->{tables_info}{$slave} );
            $join->{stmt} .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN " . $qt_slave;
            $sf->__print_join_statement( $join->{stmt} );
            $join->{alias}{$slave} = $ax->alias( $qt_slave, ++$default_alias );
            $join->{stmt} .= " AS " . $ax->quote_col_qualified( [ $join->{alias}{$slave} ] ). " ON";
            my %avail_pk_cols;
            for my $used_table ( @{$join->{used_tables}} ) {
                for my $col ( @{$j->{col_names}{$used_table}} ) {
                    $avail_pk_cols{ $join->{alias}{$used_table} . '.' . $col } = $ax->quote_col_qualified( [undef, $join->{alias}{$used_table}, $col ] ); #
            my %avail_fk_cols;
            for my $col ( @{$j->{col_names}{$slave}} ) {
                $avail_fk_cols{ $join->{alias}{$slave} . '.' . $col } = $ax->quote_col_qualified( [ $join->{alias}{$slave}, $col ] );

            my $AND = '';

            ON: while ( 1 ) {
                my @pre = ( undef );
                $sf->__print_join_statement( $join->{stmt} );
                push @pre, $sf->{i}{_continue} if $AND;
                # Choose
                my $pk_col = $stmt_v->choose(
                    [ @pre, map( "- $_", sort keys %avail_pk_cols ) ],
                    { prompt => 'Choose PRIMARY KEY column:', undef => $sf->{i}{_reset} }
                if ( ! defined $pk_col ) {
                    $join = $backup_join;
                    next JOIN;
                if ( $pk_col eq $sf->{i}{_continue} ) {
                    if ( @{$join->{primary_keys}} == @{$backup_join->{primary_keys}} ) {
                        $join = $backup_join;
                        next JOIN;
                    last ON;
                $pk_col =~ s/^-\s//;
                push @{$join->{primary_keys}}, $avail_pk_cols{$pk_col};
                $join->{stmt} .= $AND;
                $join->{stmt} .= ' ' . $avail_pk_cols{$pk_col} . " =";
                $sf->__print_join_statement( $join->{stmt} );
                # Choose
                my $fk_col = $stmt_v->choose(
                    [ undef, map( "- $_", sort keys %avail_fk_cols ) ],
                    { prompt => 'Choose FOREIGN KEY column:', undef => $sf->{i}{_reset} }
                if ( ! defined $fk_col ) {
                    $join = $backup_join;
                    next JOIN;
                $fk_col =~ s/^-\s//;
                push @{$join->{foreign_keys}}, $avail_fk_cols{$fk_col};
                $join->{stmt} .= ' ' . $avail_fk_cols{$fk_col};
                $AND = " AND";
            push @{$join->{used_tables}}, $slave;
        last MASTER;

    my $qt_columns = [];
    for my $table ( @{$join->{used_tables}} ) {
        for my $col ( @{$j->{col_names}{$table}} ) {
            my $col_qt = $ax->quote_col_qualified( [ undef, $join->{alias}{$table}, $col ] );
            if ( any { $_ eq $col_qt } @{$join->{foreign_keys}} ) { ##
            push @$qt_columns, $col_qt;
    my ( $qt_table ) = $join->{stmt} =~ /^SELECT\s\*\sFROM\s(.*)\z/;
    return $qt_table, $qt_columns;

sub __print_join_statement {
    my ( $sf, $join_stmt_pr ) = @_;
    $join_stmt_pr =~ s/(?=\sLEFT\sOUTER\sJOIN)/\n\ /g; ##
    $join_stmt_pr .= "\n\n";
    print $sf->{i}{clear_screen};
    print line_fold( $join_stmt_pr, term_width() - 2, '', ' ' x $sf->{i}{stmt_init_tab} );

sub __print_join_info {
    my ( $sf ) = @_;
    my $pk = $sf->{d}{pk_info};
    my $fk = $sf->{d}{fk_info};
    my $aref = [ [ qw(PK_TABLE PK_COLUMN), ' ', qw(FK_TABLE FK_COLUMN) ] ];
    my $r = 1;
    for my $t ( sort keys %$pk ) {
        $aref->[$r][0] = $pk->{$t}{TABLE_NAME};
        $aref->[$r][1] = join( ', ', @{$pk->{$t}{COLUMN_NAME}} );
        if ( defined $fk->{$t}->{FKCOLUMN_NAME} && @{$fk->{$t}{FKCOLUMN_NAME}} ) {
            $aref->[$r][2] = 'ON';
            $aref->[$r][3] = $fk->{$t}{FKTABLE_NAME};
            $aref->[$r][4] = join( ', ', @{$fk->{$t}{FKCOLUMN_NAME}} );
        else {
            $aref->[$r][2] = '';
            $aref->[$r][3] = '';
            $aref->[$r][4] = '';
    print_table( $aref, { keep_header => 0, tab_width => 3 } );

sub __get_join_info {
    my ( $sf ) = @_;
    return if $sf->{d}{pk_info};
    my $td = $sf->{d}{tables_info};
    my $tables = $sf->{d}{user_tables}; ###
    my $pk = {};
    for my $table ( @$tables ) {
        my $sth = $sf->{d}{dbh}->primary_key_info( @{$td->{$table}} );
        next if ! defined $sth;
        while ( my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
            next if ! defined $ref;
            #$pk->{$table}{TABLE_SCHEM} =        $ref->{TABLE_SCHEM};
            $pk->{$table}{TABLE_NAME}  =        $ref->{TABLE_NAME};
            push @{$pk->{$table}{COLUMN_NAME}}, $ref->{COLUMN_NAME};
            #push @{$pk->{$table}{KEY_SEQ}},     defined $ref->{KEY_SEQ} ? $ref->{KEY_SEQ} : $ref->{ORDINAL_POSITION};
    my $fk = {};
    for my $table ( @$tables ) {
        my $sth = $sf->{d}{dbh}->foreign_key_info( @{$td->{$table}}, undef, undef, undef );
        next if ! defined $sth;
        while ( my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
            next if ! defined $ref;
            #$fk->{$table}{FKTABLE_SCHEM} =        defined $ref->{FKTABLE_SCHEM} ? $ref->{FKTABLE_SCHEM} : $ref->{FK_TABLE_SCHEM};
            $fk->{$table}{FKTABLE_NAME}  =        defined $ref->{FKTABLE_NAME}  ? $ref->{FKTABLE_NAME}  : $ref->{FK_TABLE_NAME};
            push @{$fk->{$table}{FKCOLUMN_NAME}}, defined $ref->{FKCOLUMN_NAME} ? $ref->{FKCOLUMN_NAME} : $ref->{FK_COLUMN_NAME};
            #push @{$fk->{$table}{KEY_SEQ}},       defined $ref->{KEY_SEQ}       ? $ref->{KEY_SEQ}       : $ref->{ORDINAL_POSITION};
    $sf->{d}{pk_info} = $pk;
    $sf->{d}{fk_info} = $fk;

