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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use 5.010000;
use utf8;

our $VERSION = '0.253';

use Encode                qw( encode decode );
use File::Path            qw( make_path );
use File::Spec::Functions qw( catdir catfile curdir );
use Getopt::Long          qw( GetOptions );
use Pod::Usage            qw( pod2usage );

use Encode::Locale   qw( decode_argv );
use File::HomeDir    qw();
use File::Which      qw( which );
use Term::ANSIScreen qw( :cursor :screen );
use Term::Choose     qw( choose );
use Term::Form       qw();

use if $^O eq 'MSWin32', 'Win32::Console::ANSI';
print "\e(U" if $^O eq 'MSWin32';

use App::YTDL::Arguments qw( from_arguments_to_choices );
use App::YTDL::Download  qw( download_youtube );
use App::YTDL::Helper    qw( encode_fs uni_capture );
use App::YTDL::History   qw( read_history_files uploader_history_menu );
use App::YTDL::Info      qw( get_download_infos );
use App::YTDL::Merge     qw( search_and_merge );
use App::YTDL::Options   qw( read_config_file set_options );

binmode STDIN,  ':encoding(console_in)';
binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(console_out)';
binmode STDERR, ':encoding(console_out)';

my ( $arg_file, $help );
GetOptions( 'f|file=s@' => \$arg_file, 'h|?|help' => \$help )
or pod2usage( -message => $!, -verbose => 99, -sections => "SYNOPSIS" );

my $my_videos = decode 'locale_fs', File::HomeDir->my_videos || curdir;
my $config_home;
if ( which( 'xdg-user-dir' ) ) {
    $config_home = decode 'locale_fs', File::HomeDir::FreeDesktop->my_config();
else {
    $config_home = decode 'locale_fs', File::HomeDir->my_data();
my $config_dir = catdir $config_home, 'getvideo';
make_path encode( 'locale_fs', $config_dir );

my $youtube_dl = which( 'youtube-dl' );
my $ffmpeg     = which( 'ffmpeg' );
my $ffprobe    = which( 'ffprobe' );

my $opt = {
    youtube_dl                  => $youtube_dl,
    ffmpeg                      => $ffmpeg,
    ffprobe                     => $ffprobe,

    config_dir                  => $config_dir,
    config_file                 => catfile( $config_dir, 'config.json' ),
    video_dir                   => $my_videos,
    preferred_file              => catfile( $config_dir, 'preferred_fmt.json' ),
    log_file                    => catfile( $config_dir, 'download_info.log' ),
    history_file                => catfile( $config_dir, 'uploader_history.json' ),
    sticky_file                 => catfile( $config_dir, 'uploader_sticky.json' ),
    archive_dir                 => catfile( $config_dir, 'download_archive' ),
    dir_stream_files            => 'STREAM_FILES',

    max_info_width              => 120,
    right_margin                => $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 1 : 2,
    text_unidecode              => 0,

    useragent                   => 'Mozilla/5.0',
    skip_archived_videos        => 0,
    retries                     => 5,
    timeout                     => 60,
    overwrite                   => 0,

    max_len_f_name              => 62,
    replace_spaces              => 1,
    sanitize_filename           => 1,
    unmappable_filename         => 1,
    modify_timestamp            => 1,

    merge_enabled               => 0,
    merge_ext                   => 'mkv',
    merge_overwrite             => 1,
    merge_loglevel              => 'warning',
    merged_in_files             => 1,

    auto_quality                => 'keep_uploader_playlist',
    preferred                   => [ 43 ],
    pref_qual_slots             => 3,

    extractor_dir               => 0,
    uploader_dir                => 1,

    max_size_history            => 15,
    sort_history_by_timestamp   => 1,
    enable_download_archive     => 0,

    small_list_size             => 0,
    list_sort_item              => 'upload_date',
    list_sort_order             => 'Desc',
    show_view_count             => 0,
    fast_list_youtube           => 1,
    fast_list_vimeo             => 1,

    use_netrc                   => 0,

    no_upload_datetime          => '0000-00-00T00:00:00',
    skipped_archived_videos     => [],
    error_get_download_infos    => [],
    incomplete_download         => [],
    error_merge                 => [],

read_config_file( $opt, $opt->{config_file} );
set_options( $opt ) if $help;

if ( ! -d $opt->{video_dir} ) {
    say "Could not find the video directory '$opt->{video_dir}'!";
    exit 1;
if ( ! $opt->{youtube_dl} ) {
    say "Could not find 'youtube-dl' - 'youtube-dl' is required -";
    exit 1;

local $| = 1;
print locate( 1, 1 ), cldown;

make_path encode( 'locale_fs', $opt->{archive_dir} ) if $opt->{enable_download_archive};
read_history_files( $opt );

my @ids = _gather_arguments( $opt, $arg_file, @ARGV );
my $info = from_arguments_to_choices( $opt, @ids );
get_download_infos( $opt, $info );
download_youtube( $opt, $info );

if ( $opt->{merge_enabled} ) {
    my $merge_ok = 1;
    if ( $opt->{merge_enabled} == 1 ) {
        print "\n";
        $merge_ok = choose(
            [ '  NO', '  YES' ],
            { prompt => 'Enable Merge', layout => 3, index => 1 }
        up( 1 );
    if ( $merge_ok ) {
        print "\n";
        search_and_merge( $opt, $info );

my $add_nl;
if ( @{$opt->{skipped_archived_videos}} ) {
    print "\n";
    say "Skipped videos listed in the download archive:";
    for my $video ( @{$opt->{skipped_archived_videos}} ) {
        say '  ' . $video;
if ( @{$opt->{error_get_download_infos}} ) {
    print "\n";
    say "Error fetching download infos:";
    for my $video_id ( @{$opt->{error_get_download_infos}} ) {
        say '  ' . $video_id;
if ( @{$opt->{incomplete_download}} ) {
    print "\n";
    say "Incomplete download:";
    for my $video_id ( @{$opt->{incomplete_download}} ) {
        say '  ' . $video_id;
if ( @{$opt->{error_merge}} ) {
    print "\n";
    say "Merge error:";
    for my $video_id ( @{$opt->{error_merge}} ) {
        say '  ' . $video_id;
print "\n" if $add_nl;

sub _gather_arguments {
    my ( $opt, $arg_file, @ids ) = @_;
    for my $file ( @$arg_file ) {
        open my $fh, '<:encoding(utf-8)', encode_fs( $opt, $file ) or die $!;
        while ( my $line = <$fh> ) {
            next if $line =~ /^\s*\z/;
            next if $line =~ /^\s*#/;
            $line =~ s/^\s+|\s+\z//g;
            push @ids, split /\s+/, $line;
        close $fh or die $!;
    if ( ! @ids ) {
        my $trs = Term::Form->new();
        my $ids = $trs->readline( 'Enter url/id: ' );
        @ids = split /\s+/, $ids;
        print up( 1 ), cldown;
    if ( ! @ids && ( %{$opt->{history}} || %{$opt->{sticky}} ) ) {
        @ids = uploader_history_menu( $opt );
    say "No arguments" and exit if ! @ids;
    return @ids;



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

getvideo - Download YouTube and other videos.

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.253



    getvideo -h|-?|--help


    getvideo url [url ...]

    getvideo -f|--file filename


Download single videos or choose videos from a playlist or an uploader.

Call C<getvideo> followed by the space separated urls. The urls can also be entered after calling C<getvideo> - this is
useful if urls contain shell metacharacters like C<&>. As an other possibility the urls can be passed with a file:
C<getvideo -f|--file filename>. The urls in the file have to be space separated.

If a passed url results in more than one video, it is shown a menu with the video titles. The user can then choose from
the menu which videos to download. It is possible to filter the video titles of the list menu with a regexp. The filter
can be inverted by adding C<!~> and a space in front of the regexp.

See L<Term::Choose/USAGE-AND-RETURN-VALUES> how to select more items with the C<SpaceBar> or C<Ctrl>-C<SpaceBar>.

Before the download the script shows some video info and lets you choose the video quality from the available qualities.
It is possible to choose more than one video format with the C<SpaceBar> key. Instead of choosing the quality manually
it is possible to set and use preferred qualities.

The different options of C<getvideo> can be reached by calling C<getvideo -h>.

C<App::YTDL> uses L<youtube-dl|> to get the data required for the video download. To
list the supported extractors call C<getvideo -h> and select the entry I<Youtube-dl E<gt> Extractors>.

=head3 Auto merge

Downloaded files from the same video-id are tried to merge if

- the option I<Merge> is enabled. See L</Merge>.

- C<ffmpeg> and C<ffprobe> are available.

- not more and not less than 2 files from the same video-id and the same extractor have been downloaded.

- one of these two files has only an audio stream.

- one of these two files has a video stream.

=head1 Options

=head2 HELP

Shows this HELP text.

=head2 INFO

Shows the path and the version of the running C<getvideo>, the path of the video and configuration directories and the
version of C<youtube-dl>. If C<ffmpeg> and C<ffprobe> are available, their version is also shown.

=head2 Directory

=head3 Video directory

Choose an alternative main video directory.

=head3 Extractor directory




Don't create/use extractor directories.



Create/use extractor directories.


=head3 Uploader directory




Don't create/use uploader directories.


if from list-menu

Create/use uploader directories if the videos are chosen from an uploader or a playlist.



Always create/use uploader directories.


=head2 File

=head3 Max filename length

Set the maximum length of the filename. Filenames longer then the maximum length are truncated.

=head3 Replace spaces

If enabled, spaces in filenames are replaced with underscores.

=head3 Sanitize filename



keep all

Keep all characters in filenames.


replace / \ : " * ? < > | &

Replace each character matching the character class C<["\/\\:*?E<lt>E<gt>|&]> with a hyphen.

Leading dots are removed.


replace /

Replace C</> with a hyphen.

Leading dots are removed.


=head3 Unmappable filename



don't encode

Don't encode the filename.


use Text::Unidecode

Map the filename with C<Text::Unidecode> to ASCII.


=head3 File timestamp

Change the timestamps of the downloaded videos to the their upload date.

=head2 Quality

=head3 Auto quality mode

Set the I<auto quality mode>:




Choose the video quality always manually



Keep the first quality chosen for a video of a playlist/uploader for all videos of that playlist/uploader if



Keep the first quality chosen for a video of an extractor for all videos of that extractor if possible.



Use preferred qualities.



Use the default (best) quality.


=head3 Slots 'preferred qualities'

Set the number of the available I<preferred qualities> slots.

If the preferred quality/qualities set in a slot (beginning at the first slot) is/are not available, the
quality/qualities from the next set slot is/are used.

=head3 Preferred qualities

Prints the set preferred qualities.

How to set the I<preferred qualities>:

Set the option I<auto quality mode> to C<manually>, C<keep_uploader_playlist> or C<keep_extractor>. Then, when
downloading a video, instead of selecting the desired video quality select the entry C<Menu> and then the entry
C<Preferred qualities>.

=head2 Download

=head3 UserAgent

Set the useragent string.

If entered nothing, the default useragent string (Mozilla/5.0) is used.

=head3 Skip archived videos

If enabled skips the download for videos, whose video-id is saved in a download-archive file (each extractor has its
file). Enabling I<skip archived> does not automatically enable the option I<download archive>.

=head3 Overwrite

If enabled, C<getvideo> overwrites existing files else getvideo appends to partially downloaded files.

=head3 Download retries

Set the number of download retries.

=head3 Timeout

Connection timeout in seconds.

=head2 Merge

=head3 Enable Merge









=head3 ffmpeg overwrites

If set to 'yes', C<ffmpeg> overwrites an existing file when merging two files into one file else
the user will be asked what to do.

=head3 Output formats

Choose the container format for the new file: C<mkv>, C<mp4>, C<ogg>, C<webm> or C<flv>.

=head3 ffmpeg verbosity




Show all errors.



Show all warnings and errors.



Show informative messages during processing. This is in addition to warnings and errors.


=head3 Input files




Keep the merged input files.


move to "STREAM_FILES"

Move the merged input files to the directory "STREAM_FILES". The directory "STREAM_FILES" is created (if it not already
exits) in the directory where the input files were downloaded.



Remove the merged input files.


=head2 History

=head3 Download archive


=item no

I<Download archive> disabled.

=item yes

Save the video-id of the downloaded videos.

=item more

Save the video-id and other info (title, upload date, download date, uploader, format) of the downloaded videos.


=head3 Size history

If no arguments are passed to C<getvideo>, the user can choose videos from uploaders saved in the history file and the
sticky file.

I<Size history> sets the limit of the number of uploaders saved in the history file. Setting I<size history> to C<0>
disables the uploader-history.

An uploader can be made sticky. Uploaders made sticky don't count regarding the I<size history> limit. An uploader made
sticky gets also a new timestamp.

When added to the uploader-history an uploader gets the return value of C<time()> as a timestamp. If the I<size history>
limit is reached, the uploader with the oldest timestamp is removed first.

The supported extractors are YouTube and Vimeo.

=head3 History sort

Sort the history



by name


by timestamp


=head2 Video List

=head3 Fast list-menu

If I<fast list-menu> is enabled, the download of the required data for the list-menu takes less time since the data
required for the video downloads is fetched only later for the chosen videos.

With I<fast list-menu> enabled a progress info is shown.

Supported extractors:



Vimeo (no view-count available).


YouTube (the upload-date is relative to now).


=head3 List size

This option has no meaning if I<fast list-menu> is not enabled. The supported extractors are Vimeo and YouTube.




Show (fetch info for) all videos of the uploader.



Show only the latest videos. (Vimeo: 48 videos, YouTube: 50 videos).


=head3 Sort order

Sort the list-menu entries by



upload date

If there is no upload date data for the list, the title is used instead to the sort the list.




view count

If there is no view count data for the list, the upload date is used instead to the sort the list.



If there is no duration data for the list, the upload date is used instead to the sort the list.


=head3 Show view count



if sorted by view count

Show the view count in the list-menu entries only when sorted by view count.



Show the view count always.


Some extractors don't provide a view count.

=head2 Output

=head3 Unmappable characters



replace with *

If I<replace with *> is selected, unmappable characters are replaced with C<*> before the output on the screen.


use Text::Unidecode

If I<use Text::Unidecode> is selected, C<unidecode()> from L<Text::Unidecode> tries to "translate" words not mappable to
the console-out encoding to ASCII. The output of C<unidecode()> always consists entirely of US-ASCII characters.


=head3 Max info width

Set the maximum width of the video info output.

=head2 Youtube-dl

=head3 Use '.netrc'

Enable the C<youtube-dl> option C<--netrc>. See C<youtube-dl --help> for more info.

=head3 Extractors

List the extractors supported by C<youtube-dl>.


=head2 Perl version

Requires Perl version 5.10.0 or greater.

=head2 youtube-dl

A recent version of L<youtube-dl|> is required.

=head2 ffmpeg and ffprobe

The I<merge> feature requires C<ffmpeg> and C<ffprobe>.

=head2 Monospaced font

It is required a terminal that uses a monospaced font which supports the printed characters.

=head1 CREDITS

C<App::YTDL> uses L<youtube-dl|> to get the data required for the video download.

Thanks to the L<|> and the people form
L<stackoverflow|> for the help.

=head1 AUTHOR

Kuerbis <>


Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Kuerbis.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5.10.0. For
details, see the full text of the licenses in the file LICENSE.
