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package DBIx::Tree::MaterializedPath::Node;

use warnings;
use strict;

use Carp;
use SQL::Abstract;

use Readonly;

Readonly::Scalar my $EMPTY_STRING => q{};

use DBIx::Tree::MaterializedPath::PathMapper;
use DBIx::Tree::MaterializedPath::TreeRepresentation;

=head1 NAME

DBIx::Tree::MaterializedPath::Node - node objects for "materialized path" trees

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.06


use version 0.74; our $VERSION = qv('0.06');


    my $node = DBIx::Tree::MaterializedPath::Node->new( $root );


This module implements nodes for a "materialized path"
parent/child tree.

B<Note:> Normally nodes would not be created independently - create
a tree first using
and then create/manipulate its children.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

    my $node = DBIx::Tree::MaterializedPath::Node->new( $root );

C<new()> initializes a node in the tree.

C<new()> expects a single argument, which must be a
object representing the root of the tree that this node belongs to.


sub new
    my ($class, $root, @args) = @_;

    croak 'Missing tree root' unless $root;
    eval { ref($root) && $root->isa('DBIx::Tree::MaterializedPath') }
      or do { croak 'Invalid tree root: not a "DBIx::Tree::MaterializedPath"' };

    my $options = ref $args[0] eq 'HASH' ? $args[0] : {@args};

    my $self = bless {}, ref($class) || $class;

    $self->{_root}    = $root;
    $self->{_is_root} = 0;


    $self->_load_from_hashref($options->{data}, $options->{ignore_empty_hash})
      if $options->{data};

    return $self;

sub _init
    my ($self, $options) = @_;

    $self->{_deleted}  = 0;
    $self->{_node_sql} = {};


=head2 is_root

Returns true if this node is the root of the tree


sub is_root
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->{_is_root};

=head2 get_root

Returns root of the tree


sub get_root
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->{_root};

=head2 is_same_node_as

    $node->is_same_node_as( $other_node )

Returns true if this node is the same as the specified node,
based on whether the two nodes have the same path.


sub is_same_node_as
    my ($self, $node) = @_;

    croak 'Missing node to compare with' unless $node;
    eval { ref($node) && $node->isa('DBIx::Tree::MaterializedPath::Node') }
      do { croak 'Invalid node: not a "DBIx::Tree::MaterializedPath::Node"' };

    return $self->_path eq $node->_path;

=head2 is_ancestor_of

    $node->is_ancestor_of( $other_node )

Returns true if this node is an ancestor of the specified node.

Returns false if this node is the same as the specified node.


sub is_ancestor_of
    my ($self, $node) = @_;

    croak 'Missing node' unless $node;
    eval { ref($node) && $node->isa('DBIx::Tree::MaterializedPath::Node') }
      do { croak 'Invalid node: not a "DBIx::Tree::MaterializedPath::Node"' };

    my $mapper = $self->{_root}->{_pathmapper};
    return $mapper->is_ancestor_of($self->_path, $node->_path);

=head2 is_descendant_of

    $node->is_descendant_of( $other_node )

Returns true if this node is a descendant of the specified node.

Returns false if this node is the same as the specified node.


sub is_descendant_of
    my ($self, $node) = @_;

    croak 'Missing node' unless $node;
    eval { ref($node) && $node->isa('DBIx::Tree::MaterializedPath::Node') }
      do { croak 'Invalid node: not a "DBIx::Tree::MaterializedPath::Node"' };

    my $mapper = $self->{_root}->{_pathmapper};
    return $mapper->is_descendant_of($self->_path, $node->_path);

=head2 depth

Returns the depth of this node in the tree.

The root node is at depth zero.


sub depth
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->{_root}->{_pathmapper}->depth($self->_path);

# Map the path to the node into the format that is stored in
# the database:
sub _map_path
    my ($self, $path) = @_;
    return $self->{_root}->{_pathmapper}->map($path);

# Map the path to the node from the format that is stored in
# the database:
sub _unmap_path
    my ($self, $path) = @_;
    return $self->{_root}->{_pathmapper}->unmap($path);

# Private methods to load a row from the database into the object:

sub _load_from_db_using_id
    my ($self, $id) = @_;

    my $sql     = $self->{_root}->_cached_sql($sql_key);

    $self->_load_from_db_using_sql($sql, $id);


sub _load_from_db_using_path
    my ($self, $path) = @_;

    my $sql     = $self->{_root}->_cached_sql($sql_key);

    $self->_load_from_db_using_sql($sql, $path);


sub _load_id_from_db_using_path
    my ($self, $path) = @_;

    my $sql     = $self->{_root}->_cached_sql($sql_key);

    $self->_load_from_db_using_sql($sql, $path);


sub _load_from_db_using_sql
    my ($self, $sql, @bind_params) = @_;

    my $sth = $self->{_root}->_cached_sth($sql);
    my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
    $sth->finish;    # in case more than one row was returned
    croak qq{No row [$sql]} unless defined $row;


sub _load_from_hashref
    my ($self, $data, $ignore_empty_hash) = @_;

    my $root     = $self->{_root};
    my $id_col   = $root->{_id_column_name};
    my $path_col = $root->{_path_column_name};

    $self->{_id}   = delete $data->{$id_col}   if exists $data->{$id_col};
    $self->{_path} = delete $data->{$path_col} if exists $data->{$path_col};

    if ($ignore_empty_hash)
        return unless keys %{$data};

    $self->{_data} = $data;


sub _insert_into_db_from_hashref
    my ($self, $data) = @_;

    my $root = $self->{_root};

    my $path_col = $root->{_path_column_name};
    croak 'Cannot insert without path' unless $data->{$path_col};

    my $sqlmaker = $root->{_sqlmaker};
    my ($sql, @bind_params) =
      $sqlmaker->insert($self->{_root}->{_table_name}, $data);

    my $sth;
    eval { $sth = $root->_cached_sth($sql); 1; }
      or do { croak 'Node data probably contains invalid column name(s)'; };


    # Need to load newly-created id from database:

    # Update in-memory copy to stay consistent with database:


# Private accessors:

sub _id
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->{_id};

# (Optionally sets and) returns the path stored with the node.
# Setting the path will update the row in the database.
# Getting the path will return the path stored in the node,
# or will query the database using the node ID if the path has
# not yet been loaded.
sub _path
    my ($self, $path) = @_;

    my $id = $self->{_id};

    if ($path)
        my $sql_key = 'UPDATE_TABLE_SET_PATH_EQ_X_WHERE_ID_EQ_X';
        my $root    = $self->{_root};
        my $sql     = $root->_cached_sql($sql_key);
        my $sth     = $root->_cached_sth($sql);

        $sth->execute($path, $id);

        # Update in-memory copy to stay consistent with database:
        $self->{_path} = $path;
    elsif (!exists $self->{_path})

    return $self->{_path};

=head2 table_name

Returns the name of the database table in which this tree data
is stored.  Useful when creating JOIN-type queries across multiple
tables for use with L<find()|/find>.


sub table_name
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->{_root}->{_table_name};

=head2 data

    $node->data( $optional_data_hashref )

(Optionally sets and) returns a hashref of metadata stored with the
node.  Setting data will update the row in the database.  Getting
data will return the data stored in the node, or will query the
database using the node ID if the node data has not yet been loaded.

If setting data, note that each key of the hash must correspond
to a column of the same name that already exists in the database

Will croak if data is not a HASHREF or is an empty hash.

Will croak if the data hash contains keys which match either the
or the
as specified in the


sub data
    my ($self, $data) = @_;

    if ($data)
        croak 'Node data must be a HASHREF' unless ref($data) eq 'HASH';
        croak 'Node data is empty' unless keys %{$data};

        my $root = $self->{_root};

        my $id_col = $root->{_id_column_name};
        croak qq{Node data cannot overwrite id column "$id_col"}
          if exists $data->{$id_col};

        my $path_col = $root->{_path_column_name};
        croak qq{Node data cannot overwrite path column "$path_col"}
          if exists $data->{$path_col};

        my $sqlmaker = $root->{_sqlmaker};
        my $where = {$id_col => $self->{_id}};
        my ($sql, @bind_params) =
          $sqlmaker->update($root->{_table_name}, $data, $where);

        my $sth;
        eval { $sth = $root->_cached_sth($sql); 1; }
          or do { croak 'Node data probably contains invalid column name(s)'; };


        # Update in-memory copy to stay consistent with database:
    elsif (!exists $self->{_data})

    return $self->{_data};

=head2 refresh_data

Queries the database using the node ID to refresh the in-memory
copy of the node data.  Returns a hashref of data stored with the

B<Note:> Setting node metadata via L<data()|/data> will keep the database
and in-memory copies of the node metadata in sync.  Only use the
C<refresh_data()> method if you think this node's metadata in the
database may have changed out from under you.


sub refresh_data
    my ($self) = @_;

    my $id = $self->{_id};

    return $self->{_data};

=head2 add_children

    $node->add_children( @children )

Add one or more child nodes below this node.  Returns a
reference to a list of the newly-created node objects.
New nodes will be created to the right of any existing children
(i.e. ordered after any existing children).

I<@children> should be a list (or listref) of hashrefs, where
each hashref contains the metadata for a child to be added.

B<Note:> Children with no metadata can be added by passing empty
hashrefs, e.g.:

    $node->add_children({}, {}, {})


sub add_children
    my ($self, @args) = @_;

    croak 'No input data' unless defined $args[0];

    my $children = ref $args[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? $args[0] : [@args];


    my $next_path = $self->_next_child_path();

    my $nodes;

    my $func = sub {
        ($nodes, $next_path) = $self->_add_children($next_path, $children);

    eval { $self->{_root}->_do_transaction($func); 1; }
      or do { croak "add_children() aborted: $@"; };

    return $nodes;

=head2 add_child

    $node->add_child( $child )

Add a child node below this node.  Returns the newly-created
node object.

I<$child> should be a hashref representing the child to add.

This is just a wrapper for L<add_children()|/add_children>.


sub add_child
    my ($self, $child) = @_;
    my $children = $self->add_children([$child]);
    return $children->[0];

=head2 add_children_at_left

    $node->add_children_at_left( @children )

Add one or more child nodes below this node, as the left-most
children (i.e. ordered before any existing children).  Returns
a reference to a list of the newly-created node objects.

B<Note that this requires more work than adding children at the
end of the list (via L<add_children()|/add_children>), since in
this case the paths for any existing children (and all of their
descendants) will need to be updated.>

I<@children> should be a list (or listref) of hashrefs, where
each hashref contains the metadata for a child to be added.

B<Note:> Children with no metadata can be added by passing empty
hashrefs, e.g.:

    $node->add_children_at_left({}, {}, {})


sub add_children_at_left
    my ($self, @args) = @_;

    croak 'No input data' unless defined $args[0];

    my $children = ref $args[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? $args[0] : [@args];

    # Need to validate new children data first, so we don't
    # needlessly go through the trouble of reparenting existing
    # children if the input data is bad:

    my $num_new_children = scalar @{$children};

    my $descendants = $self->get_descendants();

    my $root   = $self->{_root};
    my $mapper = $root->{_pathmapper};

    my $first_child_path = $mapper->first_child_path($self->_path);
    my $next_path        = $first_child_path;

    my $initial_depth = $self->depth + 1;

    my $nodes;

    my $func = sub {

        # Need to reparent any existing children first (i.e.
        # shift them to the right), so that the paths of the
        # newly-created children don't collide:
        if ($descendants->has_nodes)
            $next_path =
              $mapper->next_child_path($next_path, $num_new_children);

            my $coderef = sub {
                my ($node, $parent, $context) = @_;

                if ($node->depth == $initial_depth)

                    $next_path = $mapper->next_child_path($next_path);


        ($nodes, $next_path) =
          $self->_add_children($first_child_path, $children);

    eval { $root->_do_transaction($func); 1; }
      or do { croak "add_children_at_left() aborted: $@"; };

    return $nodes;

sub _validate_new_children_data
    my ($self, $children) = @_;

    croak 'Input children list is empty' unless @{$children};

    my $root     = $self->{_root};
    my $id_col   = $root->{_id_column_name};
    my $path_col = $root->{_path_column_name};

    # Remember any metadata column names we encounter
    # while checking each of the new children:
    my %columns = ();

    foreach my $data (@{$children})
        croak 'Node data must be a HASHREF' unless ref($data) eq 'HASH';

        croak qq{Node data cannot overwrite id column "$id_col"}
          if exists $data->{$id_col};

        croak qq{Node data cannot overwrite path column "$path_col"}
          if exists $data->{$path_col};

        foreach (keys %{$data})
            $columns{$_} = 1;

    # Make sure any metadata column names we encountered
    # actually exist, by trying to prepare a database handle
    # which queries for each of them:

    my @columns = sort keys %columns;
    if (@columns)
        my $sql_key = 'VALIDATE_' . join($EMPTY_STRING, @columns);
        my $sql = $self->{_root}->_cached_sql($sql_key, \@columns);

        eval { my $sth = $root->_cached_sth($sql); 1; }
          or do { croak 'Node data probably contains invalid column name(s)'; };


sub _add_children
    my ($self, $next_path, $children) = @_;

    my $root     = $self->{_root};
    my $path_col = $root->{_path_column_name};
    my $mapper   = $root->{_pathmapper};

    my @nodes = ();

    foreach my $data (@{$children})
        my $child = DBIx::Tree::MaterializedPath::Node->new($root);
        my $child_data = {%{$data}, $path_col => $next_path};
        push @nodes, $child;

        $next_path = $mapper->next_child_path($next_path);

    return (\@nodes, $next_path);

=head2 get_parent

Returns this node's parent node, or undef if this node is
the root.


sub get_parent
    my ($self) = @_;

    return if $self->{_is_root};


    my ($sql, $bind_params) = $self->_cached_node_sql_info($sql_key);

    my $sth = $self->{_root}->_cached_sth($sql);

    my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
    $sth->finish;    # in case more than one row was returned
    croak qq{No row [$sql]} unless defined $row;

    my $parent =
      DBIx::Tree::MaterializedPath::Node->new($self->{_root}, {data => $row});

    return $parent;

sub _reparent
    my ($self, $parent) = @_;

    $parent ||= $self->get_parent;

    my $parent_path   = $parent->_path;
    my $prefix_length = length $parent_path;
    my $path          = $self->_path;
    substr($path, 0, $prefix_length) = $parent_path;


=head2 get_children

    $node->get_children( $options_hashref )

Returns a reference to a (possibly empty) ordered list of direct
child nodes.

By default, any node metadata stored in the database is retrieved
by the database SELECT and is populated in each of the
corresponding node objects.

If the optional parameters hashref contains a true value for
"B<delay_load>", then the metadata will not be retrieved from the
database until the L<data()|/data> method is called on a given


sub get_children
    my ($self, @args) = @_;

    my $options = ref $args[0] eq 'HASH' ? $args[0] : {@args};

    my $delay_load = $options->{delay_load} ? 1 : 0;

    my $sql_key =

    my ($sql, $bind_params) = $self->_cached_node_sql_info($sql_key);

    my $sth = $self->{_root}->_cached_sth($sql);
    my $column_names = $sth->{NAME};    # immediately after execute()

    my $rows = $sth->fetchall_arrayref; # fetch array of arrays

    return $self->_nodes_from_listrefs($rows, $column_names, $delay_load);

=head2 get_siblings

    $node->get_siblings( $options_hashref )

Returns a reference to an ordered list of sibling nodes.

B<Note:> The list will always contain at least one node, i.e.
the current node on which the method is being called.

By default, any node metadata stored in the database is retrieved
by the database SELECT and is populated in each of the
corresponding node objects.

If the optional parameters hashref contains a true value for
"B<delay_load>", then the metadata will not be retrieved from the
database until the L<data()|/data> method is called on a given


sub get_siblings
    my ($self, @args) = @_;

    my $options = ref $args[0] eq 'HASH' ? $args[0] : {@args};

    my $delay_load = $options->{delay_load} ? 1 : 0;

    my $sql_key =

    my ($sql, $bind_params) = $self->_cached_node_sql_info($sql_key);

    my $sth = $self->{_root}->_cached_sth($sql);
    my $column_names = $sth->{NAME};    # immediately after execute()

    my $rows = $sth->fetchall_arrayref; # fetch array of arrays

    return $self->_nodes_from_listrefs($rows, $column_names, $delay_load);

=head2 get_siblings_to_the_right

    $node->get_siblings_to_the_right( $options_hashref )

Returns a reference to an ordered list of any sibling nodes
to the right of this node.

B<Note:> The list will B<not> contain the current node.

By default, any node metadata stored in the database is retrieved
by the database SELECT and is populated in each of the
corresponding node objects.

If the optional parameters hashref contains a true value for
"B<delay_load>", then the metadata will not be retrieved from the
database until the L<data()|/data> method is called on a given


sub get_siblings_to_the_right
    my ($self, @args) = @_;
    return $self->_get_siblings_to_one_side('RIGHT', @args);

=head2 get_siblings_to_the_left

    $node->get_siblings_to_the_left( $options_hashref )

Returns a reference to an ordered list of any sibling nodes
to the left of this node.

B<Note:> The list will B<not> contain the current node.

By default, any node metadata stored in the database is retrieved
by the database SELECT and is populated in each of the
corresponding node objects.

If the optional parameters hashref contains a true value for
"B<delay_load>", then the metadata will not be retrieved from the
database until the L<data()|/data> method is called on a given


sub get_siblings_to_the_left
    my ($self, @args) = @_;
    return $self->_get_siblings_to_one_side('LEFT', @args);

sub _get_siblings_to_one_side
    my ($self, $side, @args) = @_;

    my $options = ref $args[0] eq 'HASH' ? $args[0] : {@args};

    $side = 'RIGHT' unless $side eq 'LEFT';

    my $delay_load = $options->{delay_load} ? 1 : 0;

    my $sql_key =

    my ($sql, $bind_params) = $self->_cached_node_sql_info($sql_key);

    my $sth = $self->{_root}->_cached_sth($sql);
    my $column_names = $sth->{NAME};    # immediately after execute()

    my $rows = $sth->fetchall_arrayref; # fetch array of arrays

    return $self->_nodes_from_listrefs($rows, $column_names, $delay_load);

# Given an array of listrefs, create an array of nodes:
sub _nodes_from_listrefs
    my ($self, $listrefs, $column_names, $delay_load) = @_;

    my $root = $self->{_root};

    my @column_names = @{$column_names};

    my @nodes = ();

    foreach my $listref (@{$listrefs})
        my %data = map { $_ => shift @{$listref} } @column_names;
        my $node = DBIx::Tree::MaterializedPath::Node->new($root,
                            {data => \%data, ignore_empty_hash => $delay_load});
        push @nodes, $node;

    return \@nodes;

=head2 get_descendants

    $node->get_descendants( $options_hashref )

Returns a
object, which in turn can be used to
this node's descendants.

By default, any node metadata stored in the database is retrieved
by the database SELECT and is populated in each of the
corresponding node objects.

If the optional parameters hashref contains a true value for
"B<delay_load>", then the metadata will not be retrieved from the
database until the L<data()|/data> method is called on a given

for information on


sub get_descendants
    my ($self, @args) = @_;

    my $options = ref $args[0] eq 'HASH' ? $args[0] : {@args};

    my $delay_load = $options->{delay_load} ? 1 : 0;

    my $sql_key =

    my ($sql, $bind_params) = $self->_cached_node_sql_info($sql_key);

    my $sth = $self->{_root}->_cached_sth($sql);
    my $column_names = $sth->{NAME};    # immediately after execute()

    my $rows = $sth->fetchall_arrayref; # fetch array of arrays

    my $tree_representation =
                      $column_names, $rows, {ignore_empty_hash => $delay_load});

    return $tree_representation;

=head2 delete_descendants

Delete any descendant nodes below this node.


sub delete_descendants
    my ($self) = @_;


    my ($sql, $bind_params) = $self->_cached_node_sql_info($sql_key);

    my $sth = $self->{_root}->_cached_sth($sql);


=head2 delete

Delete this node and any descendant nodes below it.

If this node has any siblings to the right, the paths for those
siblings (and for all of their descendants, if any) will be

B<Don't try to use the node object after you have deleted it!>

B<Note:> The root node of the tree cannot be deleted.


sub delete    ## no critic (Subroutines::ProhibitBuiltinHomonyms)
    my ($self) = @_;

    croak 'Can\'t delete root node' if $self->{_is_root};

    my $root   = $self->{_root};
    my $mapper = $root->{_pathmapper};

    my $siblings = $self->get_siblings_to_the_right();

    my $deleted_path = $self->_path;
    my $next_path    = $deleted_path;

    my $func = sub {

        # first, delete node and its descendants:

        # Next, need to reparent any siblings to the right,
        # as well as their descendants (if any):

        my $coderef = sub {
            my ($node, $parent, $context) = @_;

        foreach my $sibling (@{$siblings})
            my $descendants = $sibling->get_descendants();


            $next_path = $mapper->next_child_path($next_path);


    eval { $root->_do_transaction($func); 1; }
      or do { croak "delete() aborted: $@"; };


sub _delete
    my ($self) = @_;


    my ($sql, $bind_params) = $self->_cached_node_sql_info($sql_key);

    my $sth = $self->{_root}->_cached_sth($sql);

    $self->{_deleted} = 1;


=head2 find

    $node->find( $options_hashref )

Given an L<SQL::Abstract|SQL::Abstract>-style I<where> clause,
returns a reference to a (possibly empty) ordered list of
descendant nodes that match.

C<find()> accepts a hashref of arguments:

=over 4

=item B<where>


An L<SQL::Abstract|SQL::Abstract>-style I<where> clause

=item B<extra_tables>

An arrayref of additional table names to include in the SELECT
statement, if the WHERE clause queries across any tables other
than the main table in which the tree resides.

B<Note:> If querying across additional tables, make sure that
the column names referenced in the WHERE clause are correctly
prefixed by the table in which they live.

=item B<order_by>

An arrayref of column names to order the results by.  If specified,
this will override the default ordering by path (i.e. the order the
node's descendants would be traversed).

=item B<delay_load>

By default, any node metadata stored in the database is retrieved
by the database SELECT and is populated in each of the
corresponding node objects.

If the options hashref contains a true value for
"B<delay_load>", then the metadata will not be retrieved from the
database until the L<data()|/data> method is called on a given


For example, if you have metadata columns in your tree table
named "name" and "title", you could do queries like so:

    # name = ?
    $nodes = $node->find(where => {
                                    name => 'exact text',

    # name like ?
    $nodes = $node->find(where => {
                                    name => {-like => '%text'},

    # (name = ?) OR (name = ?)
    $nodes = $node->find(where => {
                                    name => ['this', 'that'],

    # (name = ?) AND (title = ?)
    $nodes = $node->find(where => {
                                    name  => 'this',
                                    title => 'that',

    # (name = ?) OR (title = ?)
    # Note: "where" is an arrayref, not a hashref!
    $nodes = $node->find(where => [
                                    {name  => 'this'},
                                    {title => 'that'},

    # (name like ?) AND (name != ?)
    $nodes = $node->find(where => {
                                    name => [
                                              -and =>
                                              {-like => '%text'},
                                              {'!='  => 'bad text},

You can also do JOIN queries across tables using the C<extra_tables>
parameter.  Suppose you have a "movies" table with columns for
"id" and "title", and that your tree table has a metadata column
named "movie_id" which corresponds to the "id" column in the
"movies" table.  You could do queries like so:

    my $table = $node->table_name;    # the table the tree lives in

    # (movies.title like ?) AND ( = my_tree.movie_id)
    # Note the literal backslash before "= $table.movie_id"...
    $nodes = $node->find(extra_tables => ['movies'],
                         where => {
                                    'movies.title' => {-like => 'text%'},
                                    ''    => \"= $table.movie_id",


sub find
    my ($self, @args) = @_;

    my $options = ref $args[0] eq 'HASH' ? $args[0] : {@args};

    croak 'Missing WHERE data' unless $options->{where};

    my $delay_load = $options->{delay_load} ? 1 : 0;

    my $path  = $self->_path;
    my $root  = $self->{_root};
    my $table = $root->{_table_name};

    # Need column names prefixed by table in case user's WHERE does
    # a query across tables:
    my $id_col   = $table . q{.} . $root->{_id_column_name};
    my $path_col = $table . q{.} . $root->{_path_column_name};

    my $mapper   = $root->{_pathmapper};
    my $sqlmaker = $root->{_sqlmaker};

    my $tables = $options->{extra_tables} || [];
    push @{$tables}, $table;

    # This returns the equivalent of WHERE_PATH_FINDS_DESCENDANTS:
    my $descendants_where = $mapper->descendants_where_struct($path_col, $path);

    # Now mix in user's requested WHERE struct:
    my $where = [-and => [$descendants_where, [$options->{where}]]];

    my $columns = $delay_load ? [$id_col, $path_col] : q{*};

    my $order_by = $options->{order_by} || [$path_col];

    my ($sql, @bind_params) =
      $sqlmaker->select($tables, $columns, $where, $order_by);

    my $sth = $self->{_root}->_cached_sth($sql);

    my $column_names = $sth->{NAME};    # immediately after execute()

    my $rows = $sth->fetchall_arrayref; # fetch array of arrays

    return $self->_nodes_from_listrefs($rows, $column_names, $delay_load);

=head2 swap_node

    $node->swap_node( $other_node )

Swap locations (i.e. paths) between this node and the specified
node.  The nodes being swapped can be at different depths in the

B<Any children of the nodes being swapped will remain in
place.>  E.g. swapping "B" and "E" in the tree below:

          |         |
          B         E
         _|_     ___|___
        |   |   |   |   |
        C   D   F   I   J
              |   |
              G   H

results in:

          |         |
          E         B
         _|_     ___|___
        |   |   |   |   |
        C   D   F   I   J
              |   |
              G   H

B<Note:> The root node of the tree cannot be swapped with another


sub swap_node
    my ($self, $node) = @_;

    croak 'Missing node to swap with' unless $node;
    eval { ref($node) && $node->isa('DBIx::Tree::MaterializedPath::Node') }
      do { croak 'Invalid node: not a "DBIx::Tree::MaterializedPath::Node"' };

    croak 'Can\'t swap root node' if $self->{_is_root} || $node->{_is_root};

    return if $self->is_same_node_as($node);

    my $func = sub {
        my ($node1, $node2) = @_;
        my $path1 = $node1->_path;
        my $path2 = $node2->_path;

    eval { $self->{_root}->_do_transaction($func, $self, $node); 1; }
      or do { croak "swap_node() aborted: $@"; };


=head2 swap_subtree

    $node->swap_subtree( $other_node )

Swap this node (and all of its children) with the specified node
(and all of its children).  The nodes being swapped can be at
different depths in the tree.

Any children of the nodes being swapped will move with them.
E.g. swapping "B" and "E" in the tree below:

          |         |
          B         E
         _|_     ___|___
        |   |   |   |   |
        C   D   F   I   J
              |   |
              G   H

results in:

          |         |
          E         B
       ___|___     _|_
      |   |   |   |   |
      F   I   J   C   D
    |   |
    G   H

B<Note:> Because subtrees are being swapped, a node cannot be
swapped with one of its own ancestors or descendants.

B<Note:> The root node of the tree cannot be swapped with another


sub swap_subtree
    my ($self, $node) = @_;

    croak 'Missing node to swap with' unless $node;
    eval { ref($node) && $node->isa('DBIx::Tree::MaterializedPath::Node') }
      do { croak 'Invalid node: not a "DBIx::Tree::MaterializedPath::Node"' };

    croak 'Can\'t swap root node' if $self->is_root || $node->is_root;

    return if $self->is_same_node_as($node);

    croak 'Can\'t swap node with ancestor/descendant'
      if $self->is_ancestor_of($node) || $self->is_descendant_of($node);

    my $func = sub {
        my ($node1, $node2) = @_;

        # Get descendants *before* swapping:
        my $descendants1 = $node1->get_descendants();
        my $descendants2 = $node2->get_descendants();

        # Swap the node paths:
        my $path1 = $node1->_path;
        my $path2 = $node2->_path;

        # Now update descendants using new paths:
        my $coderef = sub {
            my ($node, $parent, $context) = @_;

    eval { $self->{_root}->_do_transaction($func, $self, $node); 1; }
      or do { croak "swap_subtree() aborted: $@"; };


=head2 clone

    $new_node = $node->clone

Create a clone of an existing node object.


use Clone ();

sub clone
    my ($self) = @_;

    my $clone = Clone::clone($self);

    # Fix up database handles that Clone::clone() might have broken:
    $clone->{_root} = $self->{_root};

    return $clone;

# Query for and return the path to the last child of this node:
sub _last_child_path
    my ($self) = @_;


    my ($sql, $bind_params) = $self->_cached_node_sql_info($sql_key);

    my $sth = $self->{_root}->_cached_sth($sql);


    my $row = $sth->fetch();
    $sth->finish;    # in case more than one row was returned
    return (defined $row) ? $row->[0] : $EMPTY_STRING;

# Return the path to where the next child of this node would be added:
sub _next_child_path
    my ($self) = @_;

    my $mapper = $self->{_root}->{_pathmapper};

    my $last_child_path = $self->_last_child_path();
    if ($last_child_path)
        return $mapper->next_child_path($last_child_path);
        return $mapper->first_child_path($self->_path);


# Manage a cache of generated SQL:

sub _cached_node_sql_info
    my ($self, $sql_key, $args) = @_;

    my $path = $self->_path;

    # The cache is keyed on both the SQL key string as well
    # as the path, so if the node path changes new SQL
    # will be generated for it:
    my $sql_info = $self->{_node_sql}->{$sql_key}->{$path};
    unless ($sql_info)
        my $func = "_cached_node_sql_info_$sql_key";
        $sql_info = $self->$func($path, $args);
        $self->{_node_sql}->{$sql_key}->{$path} = $sql_info;
    return ($sql_info->{sql}, $sql_info->{bind_params});

    my ($self, $path, $args) = @_;

    my $root       = $self->{_root};
    my $table      = $root->{_table_name};
    my $path_col   = $root->{_path_column_name};
    my $pathmapper = $root->{_pathmapper};
    my ($where, @bind_params) = $pathmapper->child_where($path_col, $path);

    my $sql = "SELECT $path_col FROM $table $where"
      . " ORDER BY $path_col DESC LIMIT 1";

    return {
            sql         => $sql,
            bind_params => \@bind_params,

    my ($self, $path, $args) = @_;

    my $root       = $self->{_root};
    my $table      = $root->{_table_name};
    my $path_col   = $root->{_path_column_name};
    my $pathmapper = $root->{_pathmapper};
    my ($where, @bind_params) =
      $pathmapper->descendants_where($path_col, $path);

    my $sql = "DELETE FROM $table $where";

    return {
            sql         => $sql,
            bind_params => \@bind_params,

    my ($self, $path, $args) = @_;

    my $root       = $self->{_root};
    my $table      = $root->{_table_name};
    my $path_col   = $root->{_path_column_name};
    my $pathmapper = $root->{_pathmapper};
    my ($where, @bind_params) =
      $pathmapper->descendants_and_self_where($path_col, $path);

    my $sql = "DELETE FROM $table $where";

    return {
            sql         => $sql,
            bind_params => \@bind_params,

    my ($self, $path, $args) = @_;

    my $root       = $self->{_root};
    my $table      = $root->{_table_name};
    my $path_col   = $root->{_path_column_name};
    my $pathmapper = $root->{_pathmapper};
    my ($where, @bind_params) = $pathmapper->parent_where($path_col, $path);

    my $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table $where LIMIT 1";

    return {
            sql         => $sql,
            bind_params => \@bind_params,

    my ($self, $path, $args) = @_;

    my $root       = $self->{_root};
    my $table      = $root->{_table_name};
    my $id_col     = $root->{_id_column_name};
    my $path_col   = $root->{_path_column_name};
    my $pathmapper = $root->{_pathmapper};
    my ($where, @bind_params) = $pathmapper->child_where($path_col, $path);

    my $sql = "SELECT $id_col, $path_col FROM $table $where ORDER BY $path_col";

    return {
            sql         => $sql,
            bind_params => \@bind_params,

    my ($self, $path, $args) = @_;

    my $root       = $self->{_root};
    my $table      = $root->{_table_name};
    my $path_col   = $root->{_path_column_name};
    my $pathmapper = $root->{_pathmapper};
    my ($where, @bind_params) = $pathmapper->child_where($path_col, $path);

    my $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table $where ORDER BY $path_col";

    return {
            sql         => $sql,
            bind_params => \@bind_params,

    my ($self, $path, $args) = @_;

    my $root       = $self->{_root};
    my $table      = $root->{_table_name};
    my $id_col     = $root->{_id_column_name};
    my $path_col   = $root->{_path_column_name};
    my $pathmapper = $root->{_pathmapper};
    my ($where, @bind_params) = $pathmapper->sibling_where($path_col, $path);

    my $sql = "SELECT $id_col, $path_col FROM $table $where ORDER BY $path_col";

    return {
            sql         => $sql,
            bind_params => \@bind_params,

    my ($self, $path, $args) = @_;

    my $root       = $self->{_root};
    my $table      = $root->{_table_name};
    my $path_col   = $root->{_path_column_name};
    my $pathmapper = $root->{_pathmapper};
    my ($where, @bind_params) = $pathmapper->sibling_where($path_col, $path);

    my $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table $where ORDER BY $path_col";

    return {
            sql         => $sql,
            bind_params => \@bind_params,

    my ($self, $path, $args) = @_;

    my $root       = $self->{_root};
    my $table      = $root->{_table_name};
    my $id_col     = $root->{_id_column_name};
    my $path_col   = $root->{_path_column_name};
    my $pathmapper = $root->{_pathmapper};
    my ($where, @bind_params) =
      $pathmapper->sibling_to_the_right_where($path_col, $path);

    my $sql = "SELECT $id_col, $path_col FROM $table $where ORDER BY $path_col";

    return {
            sql         => $sql,
            bind_params => \@bind_params,

    my ($self, $path, $args) = @_;

    my $root       = $self->{_root};
    my $table      = $root->{_table_name};
    my $path_col   = $root->{_path_column_name};
    my $pathmapper = $root->{_pathmapper};
    my ($where, @bind_params) =
      $pathmapper->sibling_to_the_right_where($path_col, $path);

    my $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table $where ORDER BY $path_col";

    return {
            sql         => $sql,
            bind_params => \@bind_params,

    my ($self, $path, $args) = @_;

    my $root       = $self->{_root};
    my $table      = $root->{_table_name};
    my $id_col     = $root->{_id_column_name};
    my $path_col   = $root->{_path_column_name};
    my $pathmapper = $root->{_pathmapper};
    my ($where, @bind_params) =
      $pathmapper->sibling_to_the_left_where($path_col, $path);

    my $sql = "SELECT $id_col, $path_col FROM $table $where ORDER BY $path_col";

    return {
            sql         => $sql,
            bind_params => \@bind_params,

    my ($self, $path, $args) = @_;

    my $root       = $self->{_root};
    my $table      = $root->{_table_name};
    my $path_col   = $root->{_path_column_name};
    my $pathmapper = $root->{_pathmapper};
    my ($where, @bind_params) =
      $pathmapper->sibling_to_the_left_where($path_col, $path);

    my $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table $where ORDER BY $path_col";

    return {
            sql         => $sql,
            bind_params => \@bind_params,

    my ($self, $path, $args) = @_;

    my $root       = $self->{_root};
    my $table      = $root->{_table_name};
    my $id_col     = $root->{_id_column_name};
    my $path_col   = $root->{_path_column_name};
    my $pathmapper = $root->{_pathmapper};
    my ($where, @bind_params) =
      $pathmapper->descendants_where($path_col, $path);

    my $sql = "SELECT $id_col, $path_col FROM $table $where ORDER BY $path_col";

    return {
            sql         => $sql,
            bind_params => \@bind_params,

    my ($self, $path, $args) = @_;

    my $root       = $self->{_root};
    my $table      = $root->{_table_name};
    my $path_col   = $root->{_path_column_name};
    my $pathmapper = $root->{_pathmapper};
    my ($where, @bind_params) =
      $pathmapper->descendants_where($path_col, $path);

    my $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table $where ORDER BY $path_col";

    return {
            sql         => $sql,
            bind_params => \@bind_params,




=head1 SEE ALSO





=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<bug-dbix-tree-materializedpath at>,
or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc DBIx::Tree::MaterializedPath

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN



=head1 AUTHOR

Larry Leszczynski, C<< <larryl at> >>


Copyright 2008 Larry Leszczynski, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
