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package Flickr::API;

use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use XML::Parser::Lite::Tree;
use XML::LibXML::Simple;
use Flickr::API::Request;
use Flickr::API::Response;
use Net::OAuth;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use Encode qw(encode_utf8);
use Carp;
use Storable qw(store_fd retrieve_fd);

our @ISA = qw(LWP::UserAgent);

our $VERSION = '1.28';

sub new {
    my ($class, $args) = @_;

    my $self;
    if ($args->{lwpobj}){
        my $lwpobj = $args->{lwpobj};
        if (defined($lwpobj)){
            my $lwpobjtype = Scalar::Util::blessed($lwpobj);
            if (defined($lwpobjtype)){
                $self = $lwpobj;
                @ISA = ($lwpobjtype);
    $self = LWP::UserAgent->new unless $self;

    # If the args have consumer_key, handle as oauth
    if (defined($args->{consumer_key})) {

        $self->{api_type}   = 'oauth';
        $self->{rest_uri}   = $args->{rest_uri}   || '';
        $self->{auth_uri}   = $args->{auth_uri}   || '';
        $self->{upload_uri} = $args->{upload_uri} || '';

        if (defined($args->{consumer_secret})) {

            # for the flickr api object
            $self->{oauth_request}   = 'consumer';
            $self->{consumer_key}    = $args->{consumer_key};
            $self->{consumer_secret} = $args->{consumer_secret};
            $self->{unicode}         = $args->{unicode}           || 0;
            # for Net::OAuth Consumer Requests
            $self->{oauth}->{request_method}   = $args->{request_method}    || 'GET';
            $self->{oauth}->{request_url}      = $self->{rest_uri};
            $self->{oauth}->{consumer_secret}  = $args->{consumer_secret};
            $self->{oauth}->{consumer_key}     = $args->{consumer_key};
            $self->{oauth}->{nonce}            = $args->{nonce}             || _make_nonce();
            $self->{oauth}->{signature_method} = $args->{signature_method}  ||'HMAC-SHA1';
            $self->{oauth}->{timestamp}        = $args->{timestamp}         || time;
            $self->{oauth}->{version}          = '1.0';
            $self->{oauth}->{callback}         = $args->{callback};

        else {

            carp "OAuth calls must have at least a consumer_key and a consumer_secret";
            $self->_set_status(0,"OAuth call without consumer_secret");


        if (defined($args->{token}) && defined($args->{token_secret})) {

            # If we have token/token secret then we are for protected resources
            $self->{oauth}->{token_secret} = $args->{token_secret};
            $self->{oauth}->{token}        = $args->{token};
            $self->{oauth_request}         = 'protected resource';


        # Preserve request and access tokens
        if (defined($args->{request_token}) and
            ref($args->{request_token}) eq 'Net::OAuth::V1_0A::RequestTokenResponse') {

            $self->{oauth}->{request_token} = $args->{request_token};

        if (defined($args->{access_token}) and
            ref($args->{access_token}) eq 'Net::OAuth::AccessTokenResponse') {

            $self->{oauth}->{access_token} = $args->{access_token};


    else {

        $self->{api_type}   = 'flickr';
        $self->{api_key}     = $args->{api_key}    || $args->{key};
        $self->{api_secret}  = $args->{api_secret} || $args->{secret};
        $self->{rest_uri}    = $args->{rest_uri}   || '';
        $self->{auth_uri}    = $args->{auth_uri}   || '';
        $self->{upload_uri}  = $args->{upload_uri} || '';
        $self->{unicode}     = $args->{unicode}    || 0;

        if (defined($args->{key}) or defined ($self->{key})) {
            delete $args->{key};
            delete $self->{key};
            # Silenty switch key to api_key until a later release
            # carp "Argument 'key' is deprecated and has been changed to api_key";

        if (defined ($args->{secret}) or defined ($self->{secret})) {
            delete $args->{secret};
            delete $self->{secret};
            # Silenty switch secret to api_secret until a later release
            # carp "Argument 'secret' is deprecated and has been changed to api_secret";

        $self->{fauth}->{frob}       = $args->{frob};
        $self->{fauth}->{api_key}    = $self->{api_key};
        $self->{fauth}->{api_secret} = $self->{api_secret};
        $self->{fauth}->{token}      = $args->{token};

        carp "You must pass an API key or a Consumer key to the constructor" unless defined $self->{api_key};


    eval {
        require Compress::Zlib;

        $self->default_header('Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip');

    bless $self, $class;
    return $self;

# Execution Methods

sub execute_method {
    my ($self, $method, $args) = @_;
    my $request;

    if ($self->is_oauth) {

        # Consumer Request Params
        my $oauth = {};

        $oauth->{nonce}                   = _make_nonce();
        $oauth->{consumer_key}            =  $self->{oauth}->{consumer_key};
        $oauth->{consumer_secret}         =  $self->{oauth}->{consumer_secret};
        $oauth->{timestamp}               =  time;
        $oauth->{signature_method}        =  $self->{oauth}->{signature_method};
        $oauth->{version}                 =  $self->{oauth}->{version};

        if (defined($args->{'token'}) or defined($args->{'token_secret'})) {

            carp "\ntoken and token_secret must be specified in Flickr::API->new() and are being discarded\n";
            undef $args->{'token'};
            undef $args->{'token_secret'};

        if (defined($args->{'consumer_key'}) or defined($args->{'consumer_secret'})) {

            carp "\nconsumer_key and consumer_secret must be specified in Flickr::API->new() and are being discarded\n";
            undef $args->{'consumer_key'};
            undef $args->{'consumer_secret'};

        $oauth->{extra_params} = $args;
        $oauth->{extra_params}->{method}  =  $method;

        # Protected resource params
        if (defined($self->{oauth}->{token})) {

            $oauth->{token}             = $self->{oauth}->{token};
            $oauth->{token_secret}      = $self->{oauth}->{token_secret};


        $request = Flickr::API::Request->new({
            'api_type'  => 'oauth',
            'method'    => $method,
            'args'      => $oauth,
            'rest_uri'  => $self->{rest_uri},
            'unicode'   => $self->{unicode},
    else {

        $request = Flickr::API::Request->new({
            'api_type' => 'flickr',
            'method'   => $method,
            'args'     => $args,
            'rest_uri' => $self->{rest_uri},
            'unicode'  => $self->{unicode},

    return $self->execute_request($request);


sub execute_request {
    my ($self, $request) = @_;

    $request->{api_args}->{method}  = $request->{api_method};

    unless ($self->is_oauth) { $request->{api_args}->{api_key} = $self->{api_key}; }

    if (defined($self->{api_secret}) && length($self->{api_secret})) {

       unless ($self->is_oauth) { $request->{api_args}->{api_sig} = $self->_sign_args($request->{api_args}); }


    unless ($self->is_oauth) { $request->encode_args(); }

    my $response = $self->request($request);
    bless $response, 'Flickr::API::Response';


    if ($response->{_rc} != 200){
        $response->set_fail(0, "API returned a non-200 status code ($response->{_rc})");
        return $response;

    my $content = $response->decoded_content();
    $content = $response->content() unless defined $content;

    my $xls  = XML::LibXML::Simple->new(ForceArray => 0);
    my $tree = XML::Parser::Lite::Tree::instance()->parse($content);

    my $hashref  = $xls->XMLin($content,KeyAttr => []);

    my $rsp_node = $self->_find_tag($tree->{children});

    if ($rsp_node->{name} ne 'rsp'){
        $response->set_fail(0, "API returned an invalid response");
        return $response;

    if ($rsp_node->{attributes}->{stat} eq 'fail'){
        my $fail_node = $self->_find_tag($rsp_node->{children});
        if ($fail_node->{name} eq 'err'){
            $response->set_fail($fail_node->{attributes}->{code}, $fail_node->{attributes}->{msg});
        else {
            $response->set_fail(0, "Method failed but returned no error code");
        return $response;

    if ($rsp_node->{attributes}->{stat} eq 'ok'){
        return $response;

    $response->set_fail(0, "API returned an invalid status code");
    return $response;

sub upload {
    my ($self, $args) = @_;
    my $upload;

    unless ($self->api_permissions() eq 'write' || $self->api_permissions() eq 'delete') {
        croak "insufficient permission for upload";

    my %cfg = $self->export_config;
    $cfg{'request_url'} = $self->{upload_uri};

    $upload = Flickr::API::Upload->new({
        'photo'       => $args,
        'api'         => \%cfg,
        'api_type'    => $self->api_type(),

    my $response = $self->request($upload);
    bless $response, 'Flickr::API::Response';


    if ($response->{_rc} != 200){
        $response->set_fail(0, "Upload returned a non-200 status code ($response->{_rc})");
        return $response;

    my $content = $response->decoded_content();
    $content = $response->content() unless defined $content;

    my $xls  = XML::LibXML::Simple->new(ForceArray => 0);
    my $tree = XML::Parser::Lite::Tree::instance()->parse($content);

    my $hashref  = $xls->XMLin($content,KeyAttr => []);

    my $rsp_node = $self->_find_tag($tree->{children});

    if ($rsp_node->{name} ne 'rsp'){
        $response->set_fail(0, "Upload returned an invalid response");
        return $response;

    if ($rsp_node->{attributes}->{stat} eq 'fail'){
        my $fail_node = $self->_find_tag($rsp_node->{children});
        if ($fail_node->{name} eq 'err'){
            $response->set_fail($fail_node->{attributes}->{code}, $fail_node->{attributes}->{msg});
        else {
            $response->set_fail(0, "Upload failed but returned no error code");
        return $response;

    if ($rsp_node->{attributes}->{stat} eq 'ok'){
        return $response;

    $response->set_fail(0, "API returned an invalid status code");

    return $response;


# Persistent config methods

# Method to return hash of important Flickr or OAuth parameters.
# OAuth can also export meaningful subsets of parameters based
# on OAuth message type.
sub export_config {
    my ($self, $type, $params) = @_;

    if ($self->is_oauth) {

        unless($params) { $params='do_it'; }

        my %oauth;

        if (defined($type)) {
            if ($params =~ m/^m.*/i) { 
                %oauth = map { ($_) => undef }  @{Net::OAuth->request($type)->all_message_params()};
            elsif ($params =~ m/^a.*/i) {
                %oauth = map { ($_) => undef }  @{Net::OAuth->request($type)->all_api_params()};
            else {
                %oauth = map { ($_) => undef }  @{Net::OAuth->request($type)->all_params()};
            foreach my $param (keys %oauth) {
                if (defined ($self->{oauth}->{$param})) { $oauth{$param} = $self->{oauth}->{$param}; }
            return %oauth;
        else {
            return %{$self->{oauth}};
    else {
        return %{$self->{fauth}};


# Use perl core Storable to save important parameters.
sub export_storable_config {
    my ($self,$file) = @_;

    open my $EXPORT, '>', $file or croak "\nCannot open $file for write: $!\n";
    my %config = $self->export_config();
    store_fd(\%config, $EXPORT);
    close $EXPORT;

#  Use perl core Storable for re-vivifying an API object from saved parameters
sub import_storable_config {
    my ($class,$file) = @_;

    open my $IMPORT, '<', $file or croak "\nCannot open $file for read: $!\n";
    my $config_ref = retrieve_fd($IMPORT);
    close $IMPORT;
    my $api = $class->new($config_ref);
    return $api;

# Preauthorization Methods
# Handle request token requests (process: REQUEST TOKEN, authorize, access token)
sub oauth_request_token {
    my ($self, $args) = @_;

    my %oauth    = %{$self->{oauth}};

    unless ($self->is_oauth) {
        carp "\noauth_request_token called for Non-OAuth Flickr::API object\n";
    unless ($self->get_oauth_request_type() eq 'consumer') {
        croak "\noauth_request_token called using protected resource Flickr::API object\n";

    $self->{oauth_request} = 'Request Token';
    $oauth{request_url}    = $args->{request_token_url} || '';
    $oauth{callback}       = $args->{callback} || '';


    my $orequest = Net::OAuth->request('Request Token')->new(%oauth);


    my $response = $self->get($orequest->to_url);

    my $content  = $response->decoded_content();
    $content = $response->content() unless defined $content;

    if ($content =~ m/^oauth_problem=(.+)$/) {

        carp "\nRequest token not granted: '",$1,"'\n";
        $self->{oauth}->{request_token} = $1;
        return $1;

    $self->{oauth}->{request_token}     = Net::OAuth->response('request token')->from_post_body($content);
    $self->{oauth}->{callback}          = $oauth{callback};
    return 'ok';

# Participate in authorization (process: request token, AUTHORIZE, access token)
sub oauth_authorize_uri {

    my ($self, $args) = @_;

    unless ($self->is_oauth) {
        carp "oauth_authorize_uri called for Non-OAuth Flickr::API object";
    my %oauth    = %{$self->{oauth}};

    $self->{oauth_request} = 'User Authentication';
    $oauth{perms}           = lc($args->{perms}) || 'read';

    carp "\nThe 'perms' parameter must be one of: read, write, delete\n"
        and return unless defined($oauth{perms}) && $oauth{perms} =~ /^(read|write|delete)$/;


    return $self->{auth_uri} .
      '?oauth_token=' . $oauth{'request_token'}{'token'} .
      '&perms=' . $oauth{perms};


# flickr preauthorization

sub request_auth_url {
    my ($self, $perms, $frob) = @_;

    if ($self->is_oauth) {

        carp "request_auth_url called for an OAuth instantiated Flickr::API";


    $perms = lc($perms);

    carp "\nThe 'perms' parameter must be one of: read, write, delete\n"
        and return unless defined($perms) && $perms =~ /^(read|write|delete)$/;

    return unless defined $self->{api_secret} && length $self->{api_secret};

    my %fauth = (
        'api_key' => $self->{api_key},
        'perms'   => $perms

    if ($frob) {
        $fauth{frob} = $frob;

    my $sig = $self->_sign_args(\%fauth);
    $fauth{api_sig} = $sig;

    my $uri = URI->new($self->{auth_uri});

    return $uri;

#  Access Token (post authorization) Methods
#  Handle access token requests (process: request token, authorize, ACCESS TOKEN)
sub oauth_access_token {

    my ($self, $args) = @_;

    unless ($self->is_oauth) {
        carp "oauth_access_token called for Non-OAuth Flickr::API object";
    if ($args->{token} ne $self->{oauth}->{request_token}->{token}) {

        carp "Request token in API does not match token for access token request";


    # Stuff the values for the Net::OAuth factory
    $self->{oauth}->{verifier}     = $args->{verifier};
    $self->{oauth}->{token}        = $args->{token};
    $self->{oauth}->{token_secret} = $self->{oauth}->{request_token}->{token_secret};

    my %oauth   = %{$self->{oauth}};

    $oauth{request_url} = $args->{access_token_url} || '';


    my $request = Net::OAuth->request('Access Token')->new(%oauth);


    my $response = $self->get($request->to_url);

    my $content  = $response->decoded_content();
    $content = $response->content() unless defined $content;

    if ($content =~ m/^oauth_problem=(.+)$/) {

        carp "\nAccess token not granted: '",$1,"'\n";
        $self->{oauth}->{access_token} = $1;

        delete $self->{oauth}->{token};        # Not saving problematic request token
        delete $self->{oauth}->{token_secret}; # token secret
        delete $self->{oauth}->{verifier};     # and verifier copies

        return $1;


    $self->{oauth}->{access_token}  = Net::OAuth->response('access token')->from_post_body($content);
    $self->{oauth}->{token}         = $self->{oauth}->{access_token}->token();
    $self->{oauth}->{token_secret}  = $self->{oauth}->{access_token}->token_secret();

    delete $self->{oauth}->{request_token}; #No longer valid, anyway
    delete $self->{oauth}->{verifier};

    return 'ok';


sub flickr_access_token {
    my ($self,$frob) = @_;

    my $rsp = $self->execute_method('flickr.auth.getToken', {api_key => $self->{api_key}, frob => $frob });
    my $response_ref = $rsp->as_hash();

    $self->{fauth}->{frob} = $frob;

    $self->{token} = $response_ref->{auth}->{token};
    $self->{fauth}->{token} = $response_ref->{auth}->{token};

    $self->{fauth}->{user}  = $response_ref->{auth}->{user};

    return $response_ref->{stat};


#  Utility methods

sub is_oauth {
    my ($self) = @_;
    if (defined $self->{api_type} and $self->{api_type} eq 'oauth') {
        return 1;
    else {
        return 0;

sub get_oauth_request_type {
    my ($self) = @_;

    if (defined $self->{api_type} and $self->{api_type} eq 'oauth') {
        return $self->{oauth_request};
    else {

sub api_type {
    my ($self) = @_;

    return $self->{api_type};


sub api_success {
    my ($self) = @_;

    return $self->{flickr}->{status}->{api_success};


sub api_message {
   my ($self) = @_;

    return $self->{flickr}->{status}->{api_message};

sub api_permissions {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $rsp;
    my $check;
    my $retval;

    if ($self->is_oauth) {

        if (defined($self->{oauth}->{perms})) {

            $self->_set_status(1,"Permissions retrieved from config.");

        else {

            $self->{oauth}->{perms} = 'none'; #preload no perms

            $rsp = $self->execute_method('flickr.auth.oauth.checkToken');

            if (!$rsp->success()) {


                carp "\nUnable to validate OAuth token. Flickr error: ",
                    $self->{flickr}->{status}->{error_code}," - \"",
                    $self->{flickr}->{status}->{error_message},"\" \n";
                delete $self->{oauth}->{perms};
                $self->_set_status(0,"Unable to validate OAuth token, Flickr API call not successful.");

            else {

                $check = $rsp->as_hash();

                $self->{oauth}->{perms} = $check->{oauth}->{perms};
                $self->_set_status(1,"Permissions retrieved from Flickr.");

        } # else not cached

        $retval = $self->{oauth}->{perms};

    } # is_oauth
    else { # is_flickr

        if (defined($self->{fauth}->{perms})) {

             $self->_set_status(1,"Permissions retrieved from config.");

        else {

            $self->{fauth}->{perms} = 'none'; #preload no perms
            $rsp = $self->execute_method('flickr.auth.checkToken',{'auth_token' => $self->{fauth}->{token}});

            if (!$rsp->success()) {


                carp "\nUnable to validate Flickr token. Flickr error: ",
                    $self->{flickr}->{status}->{error_code}," - \"",
                    $self->{flickr}->{status}->{error_message},"\" \n";
                delete $self->{fauth}->{perms};
                $self->_set_status(0,"Unable to validate Flickr token, Flickr API call not successful.");

            else {

                $check = $rsp->as_hash();

                $self->{fauth}->{perms} = $check->{auth}->{perms};
                $self->_set_status(1,"Permissions retrieved from Flickr.");
        } # else not cached

        $retval = $self->{fauth}->{perms};

    } # else is_flickr

    return $retval;


# Private methods

sub _sign_args {
    my ($self, $args) = @_;

    if ($self->is_oauth) {

        carp "_sign_args called for an OAuth instantiated Flickr::API";


    my $sig = $self->{api_secret};

    foreach my $key (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$args}) {

        my $value = (defined($args->{$key})) ? $args->{$key} : "";
        $sig .= $key . $value;

    return md5_hex(encode_utf8($sig)) if $self->{unicode};
    return md5_hex($sig);

sub _find_tag {
    my ($self, $children) = @_;
    for my $child(@{$children}){
        return $child if $child->{type} eq 'element';
    return {};

sub _make_nonce {

    return md5_hex(rand);

sub _export_api {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $api  = {};

    $api->{oauth}       = $self->{oauth};
    $api->{fauth}       = $self->{fauth};
    $api->{flickr}      = $self->{flickr};

    $api->{api_type}    =  $self->{api_type};
    $api->{api_key}     =  $self->{api_key};
    $api->{api_secret}  =  $self->{api_secret};
    $api->{rest_uri}    =  $self->{rest_uri};
    $api->{unicode}     =  $self->{unicode};
    $api->{auth_uri}    =  $self->{auth_uri};
    $api->{upload_uri}  =  $self->{upload_uri};

    return $api;

sub _initialize {

    my ($self) = @_;
    $self->_set_status(1,'Base API initialized');


sub _full_status {

    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->{flickr}->{status};

sub _clear_status {

    my ($self) = @_;

    # the API status
    # the propagated response status
    $self->{flickr}->{status}->{_rc} = 0;
    $self->{flickr}->{status}->{success} = 1;         # initialize as successful
    $self->{flickr}->{status}->{error_code} = 0;
    $self->{flickr}->{status}->{error_message} = '';



sub _set_status {

    my ($self, $good, $msg) = @_;

    if ($good != 0) { $good = 1; }

    $self->{flickr}->{status}->{api_success} = $good;
    $self->{flickr}->{status}->{api_message} = $msg;




=head1 NAME

Flickr::API - Perl interface to the Flickr API


=head2 Using OAuth to call a B<method> not requiring authentication

  use Flickr::API;

  my $api = Flickr::API->new({
        'consumer_key'    => 'your_api_key',
        'consumer_secret' => 'your_app_secret',

  my $response = $api->execute_method('flickr.test.echo', {
        'foo' => 'bar',
        'baz' => 'quux',

  my $config_file = $HOME/;

=head2 Non-OAuth method calling B<method> not requiring authentication

  use Flickr::API;

  # key deprecated in favor of api_key
  # secret deprecated in favor of api_secret
  my $api = Flickr::API->new({
        'api_key'    => 'your_api_key',
        'api_secret' => 'your_app_secret',

  my $response = $api->execute_method('flickr.test.echo', {
        'foo' => 'bar',
        'baz' => 'quux',

=head2 Alternatively, Using OAuth for non-authenticated B<request>

  use Flickr::API;
  use Flickr::API::Request;

  my $api = Flickr::API->new({'consumer_key' => 'your_api_key','consumer_secret' => 'your_app_secret'});

  my $request = Flickr::API::Request->new({
        'method' => 'flickr.test.echo',
        'args' => {},

  my $response = $api->execute_request($request);

=head2 Authenticate an OAuth API Object starting with saved configuration

  use Flickr::API;
  use Term::ReadLine;

  my $config_file = "$ENV{HOME}/";
  my $term   = Term::ReadLine->new('Testing Flickr::API');

  my $api = Flickr::API->import_storable_config($config_file);

  my $rt_rc =  $api->oauth_request_token( { 'callback' => '' } );

  my %request_token;
  if ( $rt_rc eq 'ok' ) {

      my $uri = $api->oauth_authorize_uri({ 'perms' => 'read' });

      my $prompt = "\n\n$uri\n\n" .
          "Copy the above url to a browser, and authenticate with Flickr\n" .
          "Press [ENTER] once you get the redirect: ";
      my $input = $term->readline($prompt);

      $prompt = "\n\nCopy the redirect URL from your browser and enter it\nHere: ";
      $input = $term->readline($prompt);


      my ($callback_returned,$token_received) = split(/\?/,$input);
      my (@parms) = split(/\&/,$token_received);
      foreach my $pair (@parms) {

          my ($key,$val) = split(/=/,$pair);
          $key =~ s/oauth_//;


  my $ac_rc = $api->oauth_access_token(\%request_token);
  if ( $ac_rc eq 'ok' ) {


      my $response = $api->execute_method('flickr.auth.oauth.checkToken');
      my $hash_ref = $response->as_hash();

      $response    = $api->execute_method('flickr.prefs.getPrivacy');
      my $rsp_node = $response->as_tree();

=head2 The OAuth authorization uri will look something like:

=head2 The callback is called with a token and verifier such as:


An interface for using the Flickr API.

C<Flickr::API> is a subclass of L<LWP::UserAgent>, so all of the various
proxy, request limits, caching, etc are available. C<Flickr::API> can
instantiate using either the Flickr Authentication (deprecated) or the
OAuth Authentication. OAuth is handled using L<Net::OAuth>.



=item C<new({ opt =E<gt> 'value', ... })>

Returns as new L<Flickr::API> object. The options are as follows:


=item either C<api_key> for the Flickr auth or C<consumer_key> for OAuth

Your API key (one or the other form is required)

=item either C<api_secret> for the Flickr auth or C<consumer_secret> for OAuth

Your API key's secret (the one matching the api_key/consumer_key is required)

=item C<rest_uri> & C<auth_uri>

Override the URIs used for contacting the API.

=item C<lwpobj>

Base the C<Flickr::API> on this object, instead of creating a new instance of L<LWP::UserAgent>.
This is useful for using the features of e.g. L<LWP::UserAgent::Cached>.

=item C<unicode>

This flag controls whether Flickr::API expects you to pass UTF-8 bytes (unicode=0, the default) or
actual unicode strings (unicode=1) in the request.

=item C<nonce>, C<timestamp>, C<request_method>, C<signature_method>, C<request_url>

These values are used by L<Net::OAuth> to assemble and sign OAuth I<consumer> request
Flickr API calls. The defaults are usually fine.

=item  C<callback>

The callback is used in oauth authentication. When Flickr authorizes you, it returns the
access token and access token secret in a callback URL. This defaults to

=item C<token> and C<token_secret>

These values are used by L<Net::OAuth> to assemble and sign OAuth I<protected resource> request
Flickr API calls.


=item C<execute_method($method, $args)>

Constructs a L<Flickr::API::Request> object and executes it, returning a L<Flickr::API::Response> object.

=item C<execute_request($request)>

Executes a L<Flickr::API::Request> object, returning a L<Flickr::API::Response> object. Calls are signed
if a secret was specified when creating the L<Flickr::API> object.

=item C<request_auth_url($perms,$frob)>

Returns a L<URI> object representing the URL that an application must redirect a user to for approving
an authentication token.

C<$perms> must be B<read>, B<write>, or B<delete>.

For web-based applications I<$frob> is an optional parameter.

Returns undef if a secret was not specified when creating the C<Flickr::API> object.

=item C<export_config([$type,$params])>

Returns a hash of all or part of the persistent parts of the Flickr::API object with
additional behaviors for Flickr::API objects using OAuth.


=item oauth message type: one of C<Consumer>, C<Protected Resource>, C<Request Token>, C<Authorize User> or C<Access Token>

This is one of the the message type that L<Net::OAuth> handles. Message type is optional.

=item oauth parameter set: C<message> or C<API> or undef.

L<Net::OAuth> will return message params, api params or all params depending on what is requested.
All params is the default.


If the Flickr::API object identifies as Flickr original authentication, return a

  $VAR1 = {
            'frob' => '12332112332112300-feedabcde123456c-1234567',
            'api_key' => 'cafefeedbeef13579246801234567890',
            'api_secret' => 'beef321432154321',
            'token' => '97531086421234567-cafe123456789abc'

or the subset thereof depending on what has been used by the API. If the older form
of key/secret was used, the constructor will change these to the api_key/api_secret

If the API object identifies as OAuth authentication, and C<message type> is
specified, then export_config will return a hash of the OAuth parameters for
the specified L<Net::OAuth> message type. Further, if parameter is specified,
then export_config returns either either the set of B<message> parameters or
B<api> parameters for the message type. If parameter is not specified then both
parameter type are returned. For example:

  my %config = $api->export_config('protected resource');


  my %config = $api->export_config('protected resource','message');

When export_config is called without arguments, then it returns the OAuth
portion of the L<Flickr::API> object. If present the L<Net::OAuth> I<Request Token>
and I<Access Token> objects are also included.

  VAR1 = {
            'access_token' => bless( {
                                       'extra_params' => {
                                                           'fullname' => 'Louis',
                                                           'user_nsid' => '12345678@N00',
                                                           'username' => 'meanameicallmyself'
                                       'from_hash' => 1,
                                       'token' => '12345678901234567-cafe123098765432',
                                       'token_secret' => 'eebeef000fedbca1'
                                     }, 'Net::OAuth::AccessTokenResponse' ),
            'callback' => '',
            'consumer_key' => 'cafefeedbeef13579246801234567890',
            'consumer_secret' => 'fedcba9876543210',
            'nonce' => '917fa882fa7babd5a1b7702e7d19502a',
            'request_method' => 'GET',
            'request_url' => '',
            'signature_method' => 'HMAC-SHA1',
            'timestamp' => 1436129308,
            'token' => '12345678901234567-cafe123098765432',
            'token_secret' => 'eebeef000fedbca1',
            'version' => '1.0'

  my %config = $api->export_config();


This method can be used to extract and save the API parameters for
future use.


=item C<export_storable_config(filename)>

This method wraps export_config with a file open and storable
store_fd to add some persistence to a Flickr::API object.

=item C<import_storable_config(filename)>

This method retrieves a storable config of a Flickr::API object
and revivifies the object.

=item C<get_oauth_request_type()>

Returns the oauth request type in the Flickr::API object. Some Flickr methods
will require a C<protected resource> request type and others a simple C<consumer>
request type.

=item C<oauth_request_token(\%args)>

Assembles, signs, and makes the OAuth B<Request Token> call, and if sucessful
stores the L<Net::OAuth> I<Request Token> in the L<Flickr::API> object.

The required parameters are:


=item C<consumer_key>

Your API Key

=item C<consumer_secret>

Your API Key's secret

=item C<request_method>

The URI Method: GET or POST

=item C<request_url>

Defaults to: L<>


=item C<flickr_access_token>

The required parameters are:


=item C<key>


=item C<oauth_access_token(\%args)>

Assembles, signs, and makes the OAuth B<Access Token> call, and if sucessful
stores the L<Net::OAuth> I<Access Token> in the L<Flickr::API> object.

The required parameters are:


=item C<consumer_key>

Your API Key

=item C<consumer_secret>

Your API Key's secret

=item C<request_method>

The URI Method: GET or POST

=item C<request_url>

Defaults to: L<>

=item C<token_secret>

The request token secret from the L<Net::OAuth> I<Request Token> object
returned from the I<oauth_request_token> call.


=item C<oauth_authorize_uri(\%args)>

Returns a L<URI> object representing the URL that an application must redirect a user to for approving
a request token.


=item C<perms>

Permission the application is requesting, one of B<read, write, or delete>, defaults to B<read>.


=item C<is_oauth>

Returns B<1> if the L<Flickr::API> object is OAuth flavored, B<0> otherwise.


=head1 AUTHOR

Cal Henderson, E<lt>cal@iamcal.comE<gt>

Auth API patches provided by Aaron Straup Cope

Subclassing patch from AHP

OAuth patches and additions Louis B. Moore <>


Copyright (C) 2004-2013, Cal Henderson, E<lt>cal@iamcal.comE<gt>

OAuth patches and additions
Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Louis B. Moore <>

This program is released under the Artistic License 2.0 by The Perl Foundation.

=head1 SEE ALSO

