The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
package CPAN::Mini::Webserver;
use App::Cache;
use Archive::Peek;
use CPAN::Mini::App;
use CPAN::Mini::Webserver::Index;
use CPAN::Mini::Webserver::Templates;
use CPAN::Mini::Webserver::Templates::CSS;
use CPAN::Mini::Webserver::Templates::Images;
use Encode;
use File::Spec::Functions qw(canonpath);
use File::Type;
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
use Module::InstalledVersion;
use Moose;
use Parse::CPAN::Authors;
use Parse::CPAN::Packages;
use Parse::CPAN::Whois;
use Parse::CPAN::Meta;
use Pod::Simple::HTML;
use Path::Class;
use PPI;
use PPI::HTML;
use Template::Declare;

    roots => [

if ( eval { require HTTP::Server::Simple::Bonjour } ) {
    extends 'HTTP::Server::Simple::Bonjour', 'HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI';
} else {
    extends 'HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI';

has 'hostname'            => ( is => 'rw' );
has 'cgi'                 => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'CGI' );
has 'directory'           => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Path::Class::Dir' );
has 'scratch'             => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Path::Class::Dir' );
has 'author_type'         => ( is => 'rw' );
has 'parse_cpan_authors'  => ( is => 'rw' );
has 'parse_cpan_packages' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Parse::CPAN::Packages' );
has 'pauseid'             => ( is => 'rw' );
has 'distvname'           => ( is => 'rw' );
has 'filename'            => ( is => 'rw' );
has 'index' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'CPAN::Mini::Webserver::Index' );

our $VERSION = '0.45';

sub service_name {
    "$ENV{USER}'s minicpan_webserver";

sub get_file_from_tarball {
    my ( $self, $distribution, $filename ) = @_;

    my $file
        = file( $self->directory, 'authors', 'id', $distribution->prefix );
    my $peek = Archive::Peek->new( filename => $file );
    my $contents = $peek->file($filename);
    return $contents;

sub checksum_data_for_author {
    my ( $self, $pauseid ) = @_;

    my $file = file(
        $self->directory, 'authors', 'id',
        substr( $pauseid, 0, 1 ),
        substr( $pauseid, 0, 2 ),
        $pauseid, 'CHECKSUMS',

    return unless -f $file;

    my ( $content, $checksum );
        local $/;
        open my $fh, "$file" or die "$file: $!";
        $content = <$fh>;
        close $fh;

    eval $content;

    return $checksum;

sub send_http_header {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $code   = shift;
    my %params = @_;
    my $cgi    = $self->cgi;

    if (   ( defined $params{-charset} and $params{-charset} eq 'utf-8' )
        or ( defined $params{-type} and $params{-type} eq 'text/xml' ) )
        binmode( STDOUT, ":encoding(utf-8)" );
    } elsif ( defined $params{-type} ) {
        binmode STDOUT, ":raw";
    print "HTTP/1.0 $code\015\012";
    print $cgi->header(%params);

# this is a hook that HTTP::Server::Simple calls after setting up the
# listening socket. we use it load the indexes
sub after_setup_listener {
    my $self      = shift;
    my %config    = CPAN::Mini->read_config;
    my $directory = dir( glob $config{local} );
    my $authors_filename = file( $directory, 'authors', '01mailrc.txt.gz' );
    my $packages_filename
        = file( $directory, 'modules', '02packages.details.txt.gz' );
    die "Please set up minicpan"
        unless defined($directory)
            && ( -d $directory )
            && ( -f $authors_filename )
            && ( -f $packages_filename );
    my $cache = App::Cache->new( { ttl => 60 * 60 } );

    my $whois_filename = file( $directory, 'authors', '00whois.xml' );
    my $parse_cpan_authors;
    if ( -f $whois_filename ) {
        $parse_cpan_authors = $cache->get_code( 'parse_cpan_whois',
            sub { Parse::CPAN::Whois->new( $whois_filename->stringify ) } );
    } else {
        $parse_cpan_authors = $cache->get_code( 'parse_cpan_authors',
            sub { Parse::CPAN::Authors->new( $authors_filename->stringify ) }
    my $parse_cpan_packages = $cache->get_code( 'parse_cpan_packages',
        sub { Parse::CPAN::Packages->new( $packages_filename->stringify ) } );


    my $scratch = dir( $cache->scratch );

    my $index = CPAN::Mini::Webserver::Index->new;
    $index->create_index( $parse_cpan_authors, $parse_cpan_packages );

sub handle_request {
    my ( $self, $cgi ) = @_;
    eval { $self->_handle_request($cgi) };
    if ($@) {
        print "<h1>Internal Server Error</h1>", $cgi->escapeHTML($@);

sub _handle_request {
    my ( $self, $cgi ) = @_;
    $self->hostname( $cgi->virtual_host() );
    my $path = $cgi->path_info();

    # $raw, $download and $install should become $action?
    my ($raw,       $install,  $download, $pauseid,
        $distvname, $filename, $prefix
    if ( $path =~ m{^/~} ) {
        ( undef, $pauseid, $distvname, $filename ) = split( '/', $path, 4 );
        $pauseid =~ s{^~}{};
    } elsif ( $path =~ m{^/(raw|download|install)/~} ) {
        ( undef, undef, $pauseid, $distvname, $filename )
            = split( '/', $path, 5 );

        (     $1 eq 'raw'     ? $raw
            : $1 eq 'install' ? $install
            : $download
        ) = 1;
        $pauseid =~ s{^~}{};
    } elsif ( $path =~ m{^/((?:modules|authors)/.+$)} ) {
        $prefix = $1;

    # warn "$path / $raw / $download / $pauseid / $distvname / $filename";

    if ( $path eq '/' ) {
    } elsif ( $path eq '/search/' ) {
    } elsif ( $raw && $pauseid && $distvname && $filename ) {
    } elsif ( $install && $pauseid && $distvname && $filename ) {
    } elsif ( $download && $pauseid && $distvname ) {
    } elsif ( $pauseid && $distvname && $filename ) {
    } elsif ( $pauseid && $distvname ) {
    } elsif ($pauseid) {
    } elsif ( $path =~ m{^/perldoc} ) {
    } elsif ( $path =~ m{^/dist/} ) {
    } elsif ( $path =~ m{^/package/} ) {
    } elsif ($prefix) {
    } elsif ( $path eq '/static/css/screen.css' ) {
        $self->direct_to_template( "css_screen", "text/css" );
    } elsif ( $path eq '/static/css/print.css' ) {
        $self->direct_to_template( "css_print", "text/css" );
    } elsif ( $path eq '/static/css/ie.css' ) {
        $self->direct_to_template( "css_ie", "text/css" );
    } elsif ( $path eq '/static/images/logo.png' ) {
        $self->direct_to_template( "images_logo", "image/png" );
    } elsif ( $path eq '/static/images/favicon.png' ) {
        $self->direct_to_template( "images_favicon", "image/png" );
    } elsif ( $path eq '/favicon.ico' ) {
        $self->direct_to_template( "images_favicon", "image/png" );
    } elsif ( $path eq '/static/xml/opensearch.xml' ) {
        $self->direct_to_template( "opensearch",
    } else {
        my ($q) = $path =~ m'/(.*?)/?$';


sub index_page {
    my $self = shift;

    my $recent_filename = file( $self->directory, 'RECENT' );
    my @recent;
    if ( -f $recent_filename ) {
        my $fh = IO::File->new($recent_filename) || die $!;
        while ( my $line = <$fh> ) {
            chomp $line;
            next unless $line =~ m{authors/id/};

            my $d = CPAN::DistnameInfo->new($line);

            push @recent, $d;
    $self->send_http_header( 200, -charset => 'utf-8' );
    print Template::Declare->show(
        {   recents            => \@recent,
            parse_cpan_authors => $self->parse_cpan_authors,

sub not_found_page {
    my $self = shift;
    my $q    = shift;
    my ( $authors, $dists, $packages ) = $self->_do_search($q);
    $self->send_http_header( 404, -charset => 'utf-8' );
    print Template::Declare->show(
        {   parse_cpan_authors => $self->parse_cpan_authors,
            q                  => $q,
            authors            => $authors,
            distributions      => $dists,
            packages           => $packages

sub redirect {
    my $self = shift;
    my $url  = shift;

    print "HTTP/1.0 302\015\012";
    print $self->cgi->redirect($url);


sub search_page {
    my $self = shift;
    my $q    = $self->cgi->param('q');
    Encode::_utf8_on($q);    # we know that we have sent utf-8

    my ( $authors, $dists, $packages ) = $self->_do_search($q);
    $self->send_http_header( 200, -charset => 'utf-8' );
    print Template::Declare->show(
        {   parse_cpan_authors => $self->parse_cpan_authors,
            q                  => $q,
            authors            => $authors,
            distributions      => $dists,
            packages           => $packages

sub _do_search {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $q       = shift;
    my $index   = $self->index;
    my @results = $index->search($q);
    my $au_type = $self->author_type;
    my ( @authors, @distributions, @packages );

    if ( $q !~ /\w(?:::|-)\w/ ) {
        @authors = uniq grep { ref($_) eq "Parse::CPAN::${au_type}::Author" }
    if ( $q !~ /\w::\w/ ) {
            = uniq grep { ref($_) eq 'Parse::CPAN::Packages::Distribution' }
    if ( $q !~ /\w-\w/ ) {
        @packages = uniq grep { ref($_) eq 'Parse::CPAN::Packages::Package' }

    @authors = sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } @authors;

    @distributions = sort {
        my @acount = $a->dist =~ /-/g;
        my @bcount = $b->dist =~ /-/g;
        scalar(@acount) <=> scalar(@bcount)
            || $a->dist cmp $b->dist
    } @distributions;

    @packages = sort {
        my @acount = $a->package =~ /::/g;
        my @bcount = $b->package =~ /::/g;
        scalar(@acount) <=> scalar(@bcount)
            || $a->package cmp $b->package
    } @packages;

    return ( \@authors, \@distributions, \@packages );


sub author_page {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $pauseid = $self->pauseid;

    my @distributions = sort { $a->distvname cmp $b->distvname }
        grep { $_->cpanid eq uc $pauseid }
    my $author = $self->parse_cpan_authors->author( uc $pauseid );

    my $checksum = $self->checksum_data_for_author( uc $pauseid );
    my %dates;
    if ( not $@ and defined $checksum ) {
        foreach my $dist (@distributions) {
            $dates{ $dist->distvname }
                = $checksum->{ $dist->filename }->{mtime};

    $self->send_http_header( 200, -charset => 'utf-8' );
    print Template::Declare->show(
        {   author        => $author,
            pauseid       => $pauseid,
            distributions => \@distributions,
            dates         => \%dates,

sub distribution_page {
    my $self      = shift;
    my $pauseid   = $self->pauseid;
    my $distvname = $self->distvname;

    my ($distribution)
        = grep { $_->cpanid eq uc $pauseid && $_->distvname eq $distvname }

    my $filename = $distribution->distvname . "/META.yml";
    my $metastr  = $self->get_file_from_tarball( $distribution, $filename );
    my $meta     = {};
    my @yaml     = eval { Parse::CPAN::Meta::Load($metastr); };
    if ( not $@ ) {
        $meta = $yaml[0];

    my $checksum_data = $self->checksum_data_for_author( uc $pauseid );
    $meta->{'release date'}
        = $checksum_data->{ $distribution->filename }->{mtime};

    my @filenames = $self->list_files($distribution);

    $self->send_http_header( 200, -charset => 'utf-8' );
    print Template::Declare->show(
        {   author       => $self->parse_cpan_authors->author( uc $pauseid ),
            distribution => $distribution,
            pauseid      => $pauseid,
            distvname    => $distvname,
            filenames    => \@filenames,
            meta         => $meta,
            pcp          => $self->parse_cpan_packages,

sub pod_page {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($pkgname) = $self->cgi->keywords;

    my $m = $self->parse_cpan_packages->package($pkgname);
    my $d = $m->distribution;

    my ( $pauseid, $distvname ) = ( $d->cpanid, $d->distvname );
    my $url = "/package/$pauseid/$distvname/$pkgname/";


sub install_page {
    my $self      = shift;
    my $pauseid   = $self->pauseid;
    my $distvname = $self->distvname;

    my ($distribution)
        = grep { $_->cpanid eq uc $pauseid && $_->distvname eq $distvname }

    my $file
        = file( $self->directory, 'authors', 'id', $distribution->prefix );

    printf '<html><body><h1>Installing %s</h1><pre>',

    warn sprintf "Installing '%s'\n", $distribution->prefix;

    require CPAN;    # loads CPAN::Shell
    CPAN::Shell->install( $distribution->prefix );

    printf '</pre><a href="/~%s/%s">Go back</a></body></html>',
        $self->pauseid, $self->distvname;

sub file_page {
    my $self      = shift;
    my $pauseid   = $self->pauseid;
    my $distvname = $self->distvname;
    my $filename  = $self->filename;

    my ($distribution)
        = grep { $_->cpanid eq uc $pauseid && $_->distvname eq $distvname }

    my $contents = $self->get_file_from_tarball( $distribution, $filename );

    my $parser = Pod::Simple::HTML->new;
    my $port   = $self->port;
    my $host   = $self->hostname;
    $parser->output_string( \my $html );
    $html =~ s/^.*<!-- start doc -->//s;
    $html =~ s/<!-- end doc -->.*$//s;

#   $html
#       =~ s/^(.*%3A%3A.*)$/my $x = $1; ($x =~ m{indexItem}) ? 1 : $x =~ s{%3A%3A}{\/}g; $x/gme;

    $self->send_http_header( 200, -charset => 'utf-8' );
    print Template::Declare->show(
        {   author       => $self->parse_cpan_authors->author( uc $pauseid ),
            distribution => $distribution,
            pauseid      => $pauseid,
            distvname    => $distvname,
            filename     => $filename,
            contents     => $contents,
            html         => $html,

sub download_file {
    my $self      = shift;
    my $pauseid   = $self->pauseid;
    my $distvname = $self->distvname;
    my $filename  = $self->filename;

    my ($distribution)
        = grep { $_->cpanid eq uc $pauseid && $_->distvname eq $distvname }
    my $prefix = file( '', 'authors', 'id', $distribution->prefix );
    my $file = file( $self->directory, $prefix );

    if ($filename) {
        my $contents
            = $self->get_file_from_tarball( $distribution, $filename );
            -content_type   => 'text/plain',
            -content_length => length $contents,
        print $contents;
    } else {
        return $self->redirect($prefix);

sub raw_page {
    my $self      = shift;
    my $pauseid   = $self->pauseid;
    my $distvname = $self->distvname;
    my $filename  = $self->filename;

    my ($distribution)
        = grep { $_->cpanid eq uc $pauseid && $_->distvname eq $distvname }

    my $file
        = file( $self->directory, 'authors', 'id', $distribution->prefix );

    my $contents = $self->get_file_from_tarball( $distribution, $filename );

    my $html;

    if ( $filename =~ /\.(pm|pl|PL|t)$/ ) {
        my $document  = PPI::Document->new( \$contents );
        my $highlight = PPI::HTML->new( line_numbers => 0 );
        my $pretty    = $highlight->html($document);

        my $split = '<span class="line_number">';

        # turn significant whitespace into &nbsp;
        my @lines = map {
            $_ =~ s{</span>( +)}{"</span>" . ("&nbsp;" x length($1))}e;
        } split /$split/, $pretty;

        # remove the extra line number tag
        @lines = map { s{<span class="line_number">}{}; $_ } @lines;

        # remove newlines
        $_ =~ s{<br>}{}g foreach @lines;

        # link module names to ourselves
        my $port = $self->port;
        my $host = $self->hostname;
        @lines = map {
                =~ s{<span class="word">([^<]+?::[^<]+?)</span>}{<span class="word"><a href="http://$host:$port/perldoc?$1">$1</a></span>};
        } @lines;
        $html = join '', @lines;

    $self->send_http_header( 200, -charset => 'utf-8' );
    print Template::Declare->show(
        {   author       => $self->parse_cpan_authors->author( uc $pauseid ),
            distribution => $distribution,
            filename     => $filename,
            pauseid      => $pauseid,
            distvname    => $distvname,
            contents     => $contents,
            html         => $html,

sub dist_page {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($dist) = $self->cgi->path_info =~ m{^/dist/(.+?)$};
    my $latest = $self->parse_cpan_packages->latest_distribution($dist);
    if ($latest) {
        $self->redirect( "/~" . $latest->cpanid . "/" . $latest->distvname );
    } else {

sub package_page {
    my $self = shift;
    my $path = $self->cgi->path_info();
    my ( $pauseid, $distvname, $package )
        = $path =~ m{^/package/(.+?)/(.+?)/(.+?)/$};

    my ($p) = grep {
               $_->package                 eq $package
            && $_->distribution->distvname eq $distvname
            && $_->distribution->cpanid    eq uc($pauseid)
    } $self->parse_cpan_packages->packages;
    my $distribution = $p->distribution;
    my @filenames    = $self->list_files($distribution);
    my $postfix      = $package;
    $postfix =~ s{^.+::}{}g;
    $postfix .= '.pm';
    my ($filename) = grep { $_ =~ /$postfix$/ }
        sort { length($a) <=> length($b) } @filenames;
    my $port = $self->port;
    my $host = $self->hostname;
    my $url  = "http://$host:$port/~$pauseid/$distvname/$filename";


sub download_cpan {
    my ( $self, $prefix ) = @_;
    my $file_type = File::Type->new;
    my $file      = file( $self->directory,
        canonpath( URI::Escape::uri_unescape($prefix) ) );

    open my $fh, $file or return $self->not_found_page($prefix);

    my $content_type = $file_type->checktype_filename($file);
    $content_type = 'text/plain' unless $file->basename =~ /\./;

        -content_type        => $content_type,
        -content_disposition => "attachment; filename=" . $file->basename,
        -content_length      => -s $fh,
    while (<$fh>) {


sub list_files {
    my ( $self, $distribution ) = @_;
    my $file
        = file( $self->directory, 'authors', 'id', $distribution->prefix );
    my $peek = Archive::Peek->new( filename => $file );
    my @filenames = $peek->files;
    return @filenames;

sub direct_to_template {
    my $self     = shift;
    my $template = shift;
    my $mime     = shift;

        -expires => '+1d',
        ( $mime ? ( -type => $mime ) : () ),

    print Template::Declare->show($template);



=head1 NAME

CPAN::Mini::Webserver - Search and browse Mini CPAN


  % minicpan_webserver

This module is the driver that provides a web server that allows
you to search and browse Mini CPAN. First you must install
CPAN::Mini and create a local copy of CPAN using minicpan.
Then you may run minicpan_webserver and search and 
browse Mini CPAN at http://localhost:2963/.

You may access the Subversion repository at:

And may join the mailing list at:

=head1 AUTHOR

Leon Brocard <>


Copyright (C) 2008, Leon Brocard.

=head1 LICENSE

This module is free software; you can redistribute it or 
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.