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package Net::Amazon::AWIS;
use strict;
use DateTime::Format::Strptime;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use URI;
use URI::QueryParam;
use XML::LibXML;
use XML::LibXML::XPathContext;
use Digest::HMAC_SHA1;
use POSIX qw( strftime );
use base qw(Class::Accessor::Fast);
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw(libxml aws_access_key_id secret_access_key ua));
our $VERSION = "0.33";

sub new {
    my ( $class, $aws_access_key_id, $secret_access_key ) = @_;
    my $self = {};
    bless $self, $class;

    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
    $self->libxml( XML::LibXML->new );
    return $self;

sub url_info {
    my ( $self, %options ) = @_;

    my $parms = {
        Operation => 'UrlInfo',
        Url       => $options{url},
        ResponseGroup =>

    my $xpc = $self->_request($parms);

    my @categories;
    foreach my $node ( $xpc->findnodes("//CategoryData") ) {
        my $title = $xpc->findvalue( ".//Title",        $node );
        my $path  = $xpc->findvalue( ".//AbsolutePath", $node );
        push @categories,
            title => $title,
            path  => $path,

    my @related;
    foreach my $node ( $xpc->findnodes("//RelatedLink") ) {
        push @related,
            canonical => $xpc->findvalue( ".//DataUrl",      $node ),
            url       => $xpc->findvalue( ".//NavigableUrl", $node ),
            relevance => $xpc->findvalue( ".//Relevance",    $node ),
            title     => $xpc->findvalue( ".//Title",        $node ),

    my $data = {
        adult_content => $xpc->findvalue(".//Content") eq 'yes',
        categories => \@categories,
        encoding => $xpc->findvalue(".//Alexa/ContentData/Language/Encoding"),
        locale   => $xpc->findvalue(".//Alexa/ContentData/Language/Locale"),
        median_load_time =>
        percentile_load_time =>
        rank    => $xpc->findvalue(".//Alexa/TrafficData/Rank"),
        related => \@related,
    return $data;

sub web_map {
    my ( $self, %options ) = @_;

    my $parms = {
        Operation     => 'SitesLinkingIn',
        Url           => $options{url},
        ResponseGroup => 'SitesLinkingIn',
        Count         => $options{count} || 20,
        Start         => $options{start} || 0,

    my $xpc = $self->_request($parms);

    my @in;
    foreach my $node ( $xpc->findnodes("//Site") ) {
        my $url = $xpc->findvalue( ".//Url", $node );
        push @in, $url;

    my @out;
    return {
        links_in  => \@in,
        links_out => \@out,

sub crawl {
    my ( $self, %options ) = @_;

    my $parms = {
        Operation     => 'Crawl',
        Url           => $options{url},
        ResponseGroup => 'MetaData',
        Count         => $options{count}
            && $options{count} >= 0
            && $options{count} < 10 ? $options{count} : 10,

    my $xpc = $self->_request($parms);

    my $format = new DateTime::Format::Strptime( pattern => '%Y%m%d%H%M%S', );

    my @results;
    foreach my $node ( $xpc->findnodes("//MetaData") ) {

        my @other_urls;
        foreach my $subnode ( $xpc->findnodes( ".//OtherUrl", $node ) ) {
            push @other_urls, 'http://' . $subnode->textContent;

        my @images;
        foreach my $subnode ( $xpc->findnodes( ".//Image", $node ) ) {
            push @images, 'http://' . $subnode->textContent;
        my @links;
        foreach my $subnode ( $xpc->findnodes( ".//Link", $node ) ) {
            push @links,
                name => $xpc->findvalue( ".//Name", $subnode ),
                uri  => 'http://'
                    . $xpc->findvalue( ".//LocationURI", $subnode ),

        my $result = {
            url => $xpc->findvalue( ".//RequestInfo/OriginalRequest", $node ),
            ip  => $xpc->findvalue( ".//RequestInfo/IPAddress",       $node ),
            date => $format->parse_datetime(
                $xpc->findvalue( ".//RequestInfo/RequestDate", $node )
            content_type =>
                $xpc->findvalue( ".//RequestInfo/ContentType", $node ),
            code   => $xpc->findvalue( ".//RequestInfo/ResponseCode", $node ),
            length => $xpc->findvalue( ".//RequestInfo/Length",       $node ),
            language => (
                    ' ', $xpc->findvalue( ".//RequestInfo/Language", $node )
            images     => \@images,
            other_urls => \@other_urls,
            links      => \@links,
        push @results, $result;
    return @results;

sub _request {
    my ( $self, $parms ) = @_;

    #  sleep 1;

    $parms->{Service}        = 'AlexaWebInfoService';
    $parms->{AWSAccessKeyId} = $self->aws_access_key_id;
    $parms->{Timestamp}      = strftime '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z', gmtime;
    my $hmac = Digest::HMAC_SHA1->new( $self->secret_access_key );
        $parms->{Service} . $parms->{Operation} . $parms->{Timestamp} );
    $parms->{Signature} = $hmac->b64digest . '=';

    my $url = '';

    my $uri = URI->new($url);
    $uri->query_param( $_, $parms->{$_} ) foreach keys %$parms;
    my $response = $self->ua->get("$uri");

    #warn $uri;
    #warn $response->as_string;

    die "Error fetching response: " . $response->status_line
        unless $response->is_success;

    my $xml = $response->content;
    $xml =~ s{<aws:}{<}g;      # hates-xml-namespaces
    $xml =~ s{</aws:}{</}g;    # hates-xml-namespaces
    my $doc = $self->libxml->parse_string($xml);

    my $xpc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new($doc);

    #warn $doc->toString(1);

    if ( $xpc->findnodes("//Error") ) {
        die $xpc->findvalue("//ErrorCode") . ": "
            . $xpc->findvalue("//ErrorMessage");

    return $xpc;



=head1 NAME

Net::Amazon::AWIS - Use the Amazon Alexa Web Information Service


  use Net::Amazon::AWIS;
  my $awis = Net::Amazon::AWIS->new($subscription_id);
  my $data1= $awis->url_info(url => "");
  my $data2 = $awis->web_map(url => "");
  my @results = $awis->crawl(url => "");


The Net::Amazon::AWIS module allows you to use the Amazon
Alexa Web Information Service.

The Alexa Web Information Service (AWIS) provides developers with
programmatic access to the information Alexa Internet (
collects from its Web Crawl, which currently encompasses more than 100
terabytes of data from over 4 billion Web pages. Developers and Web
site owners can use AWIS as a platform for finding answers to
difficult and interesting problems on the Web, and incorporating them
into their Web applications.

In order to access the Alexa Web Information Service, you will need an
Amazon Web Services Subscription ID. See

Registered developers have free access to the Alexa Web Information
Service during its beta period, but it is limited to 10,000
requests per subscription ID per day.

There are some limitations, so be sure to read the The Amazon Alexa
Web Information Service FAQ.


The interface follows. Most of this documentation was copied from the
API reference. Upon errors, an exception is thrown.

=head2 new

The constructor method creates a new Net::Amazon::AWIS
object. You must pass in an Amazon Web Services Access Key ID
and a Secret Access Key. See

  my $sq = Net::Amazon::AWIS->new($aws_access_key_id, $secret_access_key);

=head2 url_info

The url_info method provides information about URLs. Examples of this
information includes data on how popular a site is, and sites that
are related.

You pass in a URL and get back a hash full of information. This
includes the Alexa three month average traffic rank for the given
site, the median load time and percent of known sites that are slower,
whether the site is likely to contain adult content, the content
language code and character-encoding, which categories the
site is in, and related sites:

  my $data = $awis->url_info(url => "");
  print "Rank:       " . $data->{rank}                 . "\n";
  print "Load time:  " . $data->{median_load_time}     . "\n";
  print "%Load time: " . $data->{percentile_load_time} . "\n";
  print "Likely to contain adult content\n" if $data->{adult_content};
  print "Encoding:   " . $data->{encoding}             . "\n";
  print "Locale:     " . $data->{locale}               . "\n";

  foreach my $cat (@{$data->{categories}}) {
    my $path  = $cat->{path};
    my $title = $cat->{title};
    print " $path / $title\n";

  foreach my $related (@{$data->{related}}) {
    my $canonical  = $related->{canonical};
    my $url        = $related->{url};
    my $relevance  = $related->{relevance};
    my $title      = $related->{title};
    print "Related: $url / $title ($relevance)\n";

=head2 web_map

The web_map method returns a list of web sites linking to a 
given web site. Within each domain linking into the web site, only 
a single link - the one with the highest page-level traffic - is 
returned. The data is updated once every two months.

  my $data = $awis->web_map(url => "");
  my @links_in  = $data->{links_in};

=head2 crawl

The crawl method returns information about a specific URL as provided by
the most recent Alexa Web Crawls. Information about the last few times
the site URL was crawled is returned. Crawl takes the URL and a count.

Information per crawl include: URL, IP address, date of the crawl (as
a DateTime object), status code, page length, content type and language.
In addition, a list of other URLs is included (like "rel" URLs), as is
the list of images and links found.

  my @results = $awis->crawl(url => "", count => 10);
  foreach my $result (@results) {
    print "URL: "          . $result->{url} . "\n";
    print "IP: "           . $result->{ip} . "\n";
    print "Date: "         . $result->{date} . "\n";
    print "Code: "         . $result->{code} . "\n";
    print "Length: "       . $result->{length} . "\n";
    print "Content type: " . $result->{content_type} . "\n";
    print "Language: "     . $result->{language} . "\n";

    foreach my $url (@{$result->{other_urls})) {
      print "Other URL: $url\n";

    foreach my $images (@{$result->{images})) {
      print "Image: $image\n";

    foreach my $link (@{$result->{links})) {
      my $name = $link->{name};
      my $uri  = $link->{uri};
      print "Link: $name -> $uri\n";

=head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS                                                     
This module currently does not support "Browse Category" or
"Historical Traffic" searches.
Please report any bugs or feature requests to                                   
C<bug-<Net-Amazon-AWIS>>, or through the web interface at                   

=head1 AUTHOR

Leon Brocard C<>

=head1 LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT                                                    
Copyright (c) 2005-8, Leon Brocard C<>. All rights reserved.           
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                    
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.