The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use warnings;
use strict;
use Net::VNC;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;

my %opts = (
    password   => '',
    host       => 'localhost',
    port       => 5900,
    depth      => 24,
    type       => 'png',
    cursor     => 0,
    outfile    => undef,
    endian     => undef,
    verbose    => 0,
    help       => 0,
    version    => 0,

GetOptions('P|password=s' => \$opts{password},
           'H|host=s'     => \$opts{host},
           'p|port=s'     => \$opts{port},
           'd|depth=s'    => \$opts{depth},
           't|type=s'     => \$opts{type},
           'C|cursor'     => \$opts{cursor},
           'o|outfile=s'  => \$opts{outfile},
           'e|endian'     => \$opts{endian},
           'v|verbose'    => \$opts{verbose},
           'h|help'       => \$opts{help},
           'V|version'    => \$opts{version},
           ) or pod2usage(1);
if ($opts{help}) {
    pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2);
if ($opts{version}) {
    print "Net::VNC v$Net::VNC::VERSION\n";
    exit 0;
my $end = shift || 1;
$end = 1 if ($end =~ /\D/);

my $vnc = Net::VNC->new({hostname => $opts{host},
                         port => $opts{port},
                         password => $opts{password},
print "Logged in\n" if ($opts{verbose});


for my $n (1..$end) {
   my $filename
       = defined $opts{outfile} ? $opts{outfile}.($end == 1 ? q{} : q{.}.$n)
       : sprintf 'snapshot%04d.%s', $n, $opts{type};
    print "Wrote $filename\n" if ($opts{verbose});


=head1 NAME

vnccapture - Capture a screenshot via VNC


 vnccapture [options] [numcaptures]

   -P --password=str   password for the VNC server, if applicable
   -H --host=str       address of VNC server (default: 'localhost')
   -p --port=num       TCP port for VNC server (default: 5900)
   -d --depth=8|16|24  screen depth for capture (default: 24)
   -t --type=ext       image type for output (default: 'png')
   -C --cursor         include the mouse cursor in the image
   -o --outfile        capture to the specified path
                       otherwise capture to "snapshot<num>.<type>"
   -v --verbose        print status and diagnostics to STDOUT
   -h --help           verbose help message
   -V --version        print the Net::VNC version


Connect to a VNC server and capture the screen one or more times.  The
output is written to, for example, C<snapshot0001.png>.  The number is
the sequence of captures and the extension is specified by the
C<--type> argument.

The C<--type> argument can be any format that L<Image::Imlib2> can

=head1 SEE ALSO



=head1 AUTHOR

Chris Dolan, I<>
