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# vim:set sw=4 ts=4 ft=perl expandtab:
use warnings;
use strict;

use Getopt::Std;
use File::Basename;
use IPC::Open3;
use File::Spec::Functions;
use File::Path qw/make_path/;

use Etherpad::API;
use Term::ReadLine;
use Config::YAML;
use URI::Escape;
use DateTime;
use Browser::Open qw/open_browser_cmd/;

    use Exporter ();
    use vars qw($VERSION);
    $VERSION     = '0.08';


    my ($handle) = @_;
    print $handle "padconsole v$VERSION\n";

    print <<EOF;

(c) 2013 Luc Didry <luc\>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

Usage   : padconsole [options]
Options :
    --help                      prints this message and exit
    --version                   prints version and exit
    -e   URL of the etherpad instance
    -k secretPadApiKey          API key for the etherpad instance
    -u padUserLogin             username for the etherpad instance, if needed
    -p padUserPassword          password for the etherpad instance
    -c /path/to/config/file     use a different config file than \$XDG_HOME_DIR/padconsolerc or ~/.config/padconsolerc
    -b x-www-browser            use this browser to open pads or etherpad instance home page

my %opts;

getopts('e:k:u:p:c:b:', \%opts);

my $config_file;
my $old_conf_dir = (defined $ENV{XDG_HOME_DIR}) ? $ENV{XDG_HOME_DIR} : catdir($ENV{HOME}, '.config');
my $conf_dir     = catdir($old_conf_dir, 'padconsole');
make_path $conf_dir unless (-d $conf_dir);
# Options parsing
if (defined $opts{c}) {
    if (-f $opts{c}) {
        $config_file = $opts{c};
    } else {
        print STDERR "ERROR: Unable to find '$opts{c}' configuration file.\n";
        exit 1;
} else {
    my $old_config = catfile($old_conf_dir, 'padconsolerc');
    $config_file   = catfile($conf_dir, 'padconsole.yml');
    if (!-f $config_file) {
        if (-f $old_config) {
            print <<EOF;
The default configuration file path has changed.
Do you want me to move your configuration file to the new place ($config_file)?
Please be aware the configuration will not be loaded from the old place ($old_config) anymore.
Type yes if you want me to move the configuration file.
            my $choice = <>;
            chomp $choice;
            if ($choice eq 'yes') {
                my $c = Config::YAML->new(
                    config => $old_config,
                    output => $config_file,
                unlink $old_config;
            } else {
                $config_file = undef;
        } else {
            open my $cfile, '>', $config_file or die "Unable to create $config_file: $!\n";
            close $cfile;
    chmod 0600, $config_file if (defined $config_file);
my ($c, $alias, $url, $key, $user, $passwd, %instances);
my $history_file = catfile($conf_dir, 'history');
my @history;

if (defined $config_file) {
    $c = Config::YAML->new(
        config => $config_file,
        output => $config_file,

    if (defined $c->{instances}) {
        %instances                   = %{$c->{instances}};
        my @keys                     = keys %instances;
        @keys                        = sort @keys;
        $alias                       = shift @keys;
        my $first                    = $instances{$alias};
        ($url, $key, $user, $passwd) = ($first->{url}, $first->{key}, $first->{user}, $first->{password});

if (defined $opts{e} || defined $opts{k} || defined $opts{u} || defined $opts{p}) {
    if (!defined $opts{e} || $opts{e} eq '1' || !defined $opts{k} || $opts{k} eq '1') {
        print STDERR 'ERROR: Not enough arguments.', "\n";
        exit 2;

    ($alias, $url, $key, $user, $passwd) = ($opts{e}, $opts{e}, $opts{k}, $opts{u}, $opts{p});

    $alias =~ s#https?://|/$##g;
    $url   =~ s#/$##;

    $instances{$alias} = {
        url    => $url,
        key    => $key,
        user   => $user,
        passwd => $passwd

# Browser test
$c->{browser} = $opts{b} if (defined $opts{b});
if (defined $c->{browser}) {
    my ($wtr, $rdr, $err);
    my $pid = open3($wtr, $rdr, $err, 'which', $c->{browser});
    waitpid( $pid, 0 );
    my $xbro = $? >> 8;
    if ($xbro) {
        printf 'ERROR: specified browser %s not found !'."\n", $c->{browser};
        exit 7;
    $ENV{BROWSER} = $c->{browser};

if (!defined $url || !defined $key) {
    print STDERR 'ERROR: No configuration found and not enough arguments !', "\n";
    exit 3;

# Etherpad binding args
my %args = (
    url => $url,
    apikey => $key,
if (defined $user && defined $passwd) {
    $args{user} = $user;
    $args{password} = $passwd;

# Initiate instance binding
my $ec = Etherpad::API->new(\%args);
if (!$ec->check_token()) {
    print STDERR 'ERROR: Unable to bind with the etherpad instance.', "\n";
    exit 4;

# Create console
print <<EOF;
Welcome on padconsole.
Type 'help' to get some help, 'exit' to exit. Easy, isn't it ?

my $term = Term::ReadLine->new('padconsole');
if (my $attr = $term->Attribs) {
    $attr->{completion_function} = \&_complete_word;

if (-f $history_file) {
    open my $hist, '<', $history_file or die "Unable to open $history_file: $!";
    while (defined(my $line = <$hist>)) {
        chomp $line;
    close $hist;

my $prompt = $alias.' $ ';

# For autocomplete
my @words = qw(exit  help      count
               list  search    delete
               text  revcount  authors
               infos writeconf use
               alist current   open);

my @commands;
while (defined($_ = $term->readline($prompt))) {
    @commands   = split(' ', $_);
    my $command = shift @commands || '';
    _addtohistory($_) unless ($command eq 'exit');

         if ($command eq 'exit') {
    } elsif ($command eq 'help') {
    } elsif ($command eq 'count') {
    } elsif ($command eq 'list') {
    } elsif ($command eq 'search') {
    } elsif ($command eq 'delete') {
    } elsif ($command eq 'text') {
    } elsif ($command eq 'revcount') {
    } elsif ($command eq 'authors') {
    } elsif ($command eq 'infos') {
    } elsif ($command eq 'writeconf') {
    } elsif ($command eq 'use') {
    } elsif ($command eq 'alist') {
    } elsif ($command eq 'current') {
    } elsif ($command eq 'open') {
    } elsif ($command eq 'create') {
    } else {
        print 'WARNING: Unknown command', "\n";
print "\n";

sub _help {
    print <<EOF
Available commands:
  - help                 : print this message
  - exit                 : exit program
  - count                : print the number of existing pads
  - list                 : list all the existing pads (20 items per page)
  - search <PATTERN>     : print the list of the pads which name matches the pattern (Perl regex) (20 items per page)
  - delete <pad1> <pad2> : delete the pads pad1 pad2 (have to be separated by space)
  - text <pad> [rev]     : print the pad content, at the revision [rev] if defined
  - revcount <pad>       : print the number of revisions of a pad
  - authors <pad>        : print the name of the differents authors who wrote on the pad
  - infos <pad>          : print multiple informations about the pad
  - writeconf            : write the configuration to $config_file
  - use <alias>          : change connection to the etherpad instance which alias is <alias>
  - alist                : print all the configured etherpads aliases
  - current              : print configuration informations about the current etherpad instance
  - open <pad>           : open pad in browser. If no pad is given, open the etherpad instance home page
  - create <pad>         : create pad <pad>. If it already exists, print a warning

sub _create {
    my $pad = shift @commands;
    if (!defined $pad || !$pad) {
        print 'Please provide a pad name', "\n";
    } else {
        my $res = $ec->create_pad($pad);
        if ($res) {
            print 'Pad created', "\n";
        } else {
            print 'ERROR: pad creation unsuccessful !', "\n";

sub _open {
    my $pad = shift @commands;
    my $url = $instances{$alias}->{url};
    if (defined $pad) {
        if (defined $ec->get_revisions_count($pad)) {
            my $separator = (substr($url, -1, 1) eq '/' ) ? 'p/' : '/p/';
            $url .= $separator.$pad;
        } else {
            printf 'ERROR: The pad %s doesn\'t exist on %s. Not opening the browser.'."\n", $pad, $alias;
    my ($wtr, $rdr, $err);
    unless (my $pid = open3($wtr, $rdr, $err, open_browser_cmd(), $url)) {
        undef $term;


sub _current {
    print 'Alias    : ' , $alias, "\n";

    my $instance = $instances{$alias};

    print 'Url      : ' , $instance->{url}    , "\n";
    print 'ApiKey   : ' , $instance->{key}    , "\n";
    print 'User     : ' , $instance->{user}   , "\n" if (defined $instance->{user});
    print 'Password : ' , $instance->{passwd} , "\n" if (defined $instance->{passwd});

sub _alist {
    my @keys = keys %instances;
    print join("\n", sort @keys), "\n";

sub _use {
    $alias = shift @commands;
    if (defined $alias) {
        if (defined $instances{$alias}) {
            my $instance = $instances{$alias};
            ($url, $key, $user, $passwd) = ($instance->{url}, $instance->{key}, $instance->{user}, $instance->{password});
            %args = (
                url    => $url,
                apikey => $key,
            if (defined $user && defined $passwd) {
                $args{user}     = $user;
                $args{password} = $passwd;

            $ec = Etherpad::API->new(\%args);
            if (!$ec->check_token()) {
                print STDERR 'ERROR: Unable to bind with the etherpad instance.', "\n";
                exit 5;

            $prompt = $alias.' $ ';
        } else {
            print 'ERROR: Bad instance alias. Unable to get configuration for instance alias ', $alias, "\n";
    } else {
        print 'ERROR: no alias given !', "\n";

sub _writeconf {
    $c->{instances} = \%instances;

sub _infos {
    my $pad = shift @commands;

    if (defined $pad) {
        my $revs = $ec->get_revisions_count($pad);
        if (defined $revs) {
            my @authors     = do { my %seen; grep { !$seen{$_}++ } $ec->list_names_of_authors_of_pad($pad) };
            my $last_edited = $ec->get_last_edited($pad);
            $last_edited    =~ s/\d{3}$//;
            my $dt          = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $last_edited);
            $last_edited    = $dt->strftime('%F %T');

            my $separator = (substr($url, -1, 1) eq '/' ) ? 'p/' : '/p/';

            printf 'Pad %s'."\n", $pad;
            printf '  Number of revisions : %s'."\n", $revs;
            printf '  Authors list        : %s'."\n", join(', ', sort @authors);
            printf '  Last edition        : %s'."\n", $last_edited;
            printf '  URL                 : %s%s%s'."\n", $url, $separator, uri_escape($pad);
            printf '  Read only URL       : %s%s%s'."\n", $url, $separator, uri_escape($ec->get_read_only_id($pad));
    } else {
        print 'ERROR: no pad given !', "\n";
sub _authors {
    my $pad = shift @commands;

    if (defined $pad) {
        if (defined $ec->get_revisions_count($pad)) {
            my @authors = do { my %seen; grep { !$seen{$_}++ } $ec->list_names_of_authors_of_pad($pad) };

            printf 'Pad %s: %d authors'."\n".'  %s'."\n", $pad, scalar @authors, join "\n  ", @authors;
    } else {
        print 'ERROR: no pad given !', "\n";

sub _revcount {
    my $pad = shift @commands;

    if (defined $pad) {
        if (defined $ec->get_revisions_count($pad)) {
            printf 'Pad %s: %d revisions'."\n", $pad, $ec->get_revisions_count($pad);
    } else {
        print 'ERROR: no pad given !', "\n";

sub _text {
    my $pad = shift @commands;
    my $rev = shift @commands;

    if (defined $pad) {
        if (defined $rev) {
            print $ec->get_text($pad, $rev);
        } else {
            print $ec->get_text($pad);
    } else {
        print 'ERROR: no pad given !', "\n";

sub _delete {
    foreach my $arg (@commands) {
        if (!defined $ec->get_revisions_count($arg)) {
            printf 'WARNING: Unable to retrieve the pad %s'."\n", $arg;
        } else {
            if ($ec->delete_pad($arg)) {
                printf 'Pad %s successfully deleted'."\n", $arg;
            } else {
                printf 'ERROR: Unable to delete the pad %s'."\n", $arg;


sub _search {
    my $pattern = "@commands";
    if (defined $pattern) {
        my @pads = $ec->list_all_pads();
        my @results = sort grep { $_ =~ m/$pattern/ } @pads;

    } else {
        print 'ERROR: no pattern given !', "\n";

sub _list {
    my $pads = $ec->list_all_pads();

sub _count {
    my @pads = $ec->list_all_pads();
    printf 'There is currently %d pads on %s'."\n", scalar @pads, $ec->url();

sub _exit {
    open my $hist, '>', $history_file or die "Unable to open $history_file: $!";
    print $hist join("\n", @history);
    close $hist;
    print "\n", 'Good bye !', "\n";
    exit 0;

sub _pager {
    my $r       = shift;
    my @results = @{$r};

    $_ = 'more';
    do {
        return if ($_ ne 'more');
        for (my $i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
            last if (scalar @results == 0);
            print shift @results, "\n";
            my $rest = scalar @results;
            printf '%s more pads. Type \'more\' to see the next %d.'."\n", $rest, ($rest >= 20) ? 20 : $rest if ($i == 19 && $rest);
        if (scalar @results == 0) {
            print "\n", 'No more pads.', "\n";
    } while (<>);

sub _complete_word {
    my ($text, $line, $start) = @_;
    return grep(/^$text/, @words);

sub _addtohistory {
    my $line = shift;
    push @history, $line;
    while (scalar(@history) > 100) {
        shift @history;

# Pod documentation

=head1 NAME

padconsole - manage your etherpad from the console


padconsole [OPTION]


Provides a console to manage an etherpad instance. Get infos about pads, delete them, etc.

       --help                      prints a help message and exit

       --version                   prints version and exit

       -e   URL of the etherpad instance

       -k secretPadApiKey          API key for the etherpad instance

       -u padUserLogin             username for the etherpad instance, if needed

       -p padUserPassword          password for the etherpad instance

       -c /path/to/config/file     use a different config file than \$XDG_HOME_DIR/padconsolerc or ~/.config/padconsolerc


Once the padconsole is launched, you can use this commands:

       help                 : print this message

       exit                 : exit program

       count                : print the number of existing pads

       list                 : list all the existing pads (20 items per page)

       search <PATTERN>     : print the list of the pads which name matches the pattern (Perl regex) (20 items per page)

       delete <pad1> <pad2> : delete the pads pad1 pad2 (have to be separated by space)

       text <pad> [rev]     : print the pad content, at the revision [rev] if defined

       revcount <pad>       : print the number of revisions of a pad

       authors <pad>        : print the name of the differents authors who wrote on the pad

       infos <pad>          : print multiple informations about the pad

       writeconf            : write the configuration to $config_file

       use <alias>          : change connection to the etherpad instance which alias is <alias>

       alist                : print all the configured etherpads aliases

       current              : print configuration informations about the current etherpad instance

       open <pad>           : open pad in browser. If no pad is given, open the etherpad instance home page

       create <pad>         : create pad <pad>. If it already exists, print a warning


You can write it (that a simple YAML file), or launch padconsole with valid etherpad informations (options I<-e>, I<-k> and possibly I<-u> and I<-p>) and then use the I<writeconf> command.

If you want to add instances, you can write them in the configuration file or launch padconsole with the informations and use I<writeconf>, it will push the new instance in the configuration file.

    browser: x-www-browser
        key: KLJfdskldJKLjkfds634lnfdsqxdsnjk5
        passwd: ~
        user: ~
        key: qSDHlfknsuIH290oitjepz6fqd3jeuzi
        passwd: myuser
        user: mypasswd


The better way to install it is by CPAN:

    cpan App::padconsole

You can install it manually:

    wget -O
    cd padconsole-master
    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install

=head1 BUGS and SUPPORT

       You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

           perldoc padconsole

       Bugs and feature requests will be tracked at github:


       The latest source code can be browsed and fetched at:

           git clone git://

       You can also look for information at:

           RT: CPAN's request tracker

           AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation

           CPAN Ratings

           Search CPAN

=head1 AUTHOR

           Luc DIDRY
           CPAN ID: LDIDRY


       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

       The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.

=head1 SEE ALSO

       L<Etherpad::API>, L<>