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package Bio::Graphics::Glyph::generic;

use strict;
use Bio::Graphics::Util qw(frame_and_offset);
use base qw(Bio::Graphics::Glyph);
use Memoize 'memoize';

my %complement = (g=>'c',a=>'t',t=>'a',c=>'g',

# new options are 'label'       -- short label to print over glyph
#                 'description'  -- long label to print under glyph
# label and description can be flags or coderefs.
# If a flag, label will be taken from seqname, if it exists or primary_tag().
#            description will be taken from source_tag().
sub my_description {
    return <<END;
This glyph draws genomic features as rectangles. If the feature contains subfeatures,
each subfeature is rendered as a separate rectangle. The subfeatures can be connected
by lines of various sorts using the "connector" option. Features can be named with
a label at the top, and annotated with a descriptive string at the bottom.

sub my_options {
	label => [
	    'Whether to label the feature. A value of 1 will label the feature with',
	    'the value returned by its display_name() method. Any other true value',
	    'will label the feature with the provided value. Undef will suppress labeling',
	label_position => [
	    [qw(top left alignment_left)],
	    'Where to place the feature label.',
	    '"top" will place the label above the glyph aligned with its left side.',
	    '"left" will place the label to the left of the glyph, vertically centered with it.',
	    '"alignment_left" will place the label to the left of the glyph in the panel pad-left positon.',
	    'The last option is used internally for drawing DNA alignments which span the screen.'
	part_labels => [
	    'If false, do not label subparts of the feature. If equal to a value of 1, subparts',
	    'are labeled with their display_name(). Any other true value, will be used as the subpart label.',
	    'A false value suppresses the printing of subpart labels.'],
	arrowhead => [
	    [qw(regular filled)],
	    'Set the style of arrowhead used when drawing a stranded feature.',
	    '"regular" will generate a thin arrowhead that protrudes from the feature.',
	    '"filled" will taper the feature itself to turn it into an arrowhead.'],
	description => [
	    'Whether to place a description underneath the feature. ',
	    'A value of 1 will describe the feature using the values returned',
	    'by its source_tag() method. Any other true value',
	    'will label the feature with the provided value. Undef will suppress labeling',
	draw_translation => [
	    'Draw the protein translation of the feature (assumes that the feature is attached to a DNA sequence.'
	draw_dna => [
	    'If true, draw the dna residues when magnification level',
	    'allows (assumes that the feature is attached to a DNA sequence.'],
	pad_top => [
	    'Additional whitespace (in pixels) to add to the top of this glyph.'],
	pad_bottom => [
	    'Additional whitespace (in pixels) to add to the bottom of this glyph.'],
	pad_right=> [
	    'Additional whitespace (in pixels) to add to the right of this glyph.'],
	pad_left=> [
	    'Additional whitespace (in pixels) to add to the left of this glyph.'],
        labelcolor => [
	    'The color to use for drawing label text in this glyph (also known as fontcolor).'],
        fontcolor => [
	    'The color to use for drawing label text in this glyph (also known as labelcolor).'],
        font2color => [
	    'The color to use for drawing description text in this glyph (also known as descriptioncolor.'],
        descriptioncolor => [
	    'The color to use for drawing description text in this glyph (also known as font2color.'],
	basecolor => [
	    'The color to use for drawing DNA/protein residues at the base level',
	font  => [
	    'Font for glyph label and description.'],
	    [qw(hat solid quill dashed crossed undef)],
	    'Type of line to use for connecting discontinuous pieces of the feature.',
	    'Leave this undef to draw no connector at all.'],
	connector_color => [
	    'Color to use for lines connecting discontinuous pieces of the feature.'],
	record_label_positions => [
	    'If true, remember the coordinates of the glyph label and return it',
	    'by calling $panel->key_boxes. If -1, then remember coordinates, but',
	    "don't actually draw the label",


sub connector {
  return shift->option('connector',@_);
sub connector_color {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->color('connector_color') || $self->fgcolor;
sub mono_font {
    return GD->gdSmallFont;

sub font {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->getfont('font','gdSmallFont');

sub fontcolor {
  my $self = shift;
  my $fontcolor = $self->color('labelcolor') || $self->color('fontcolor');
  return defined $fontcolor ? $fontcolor : $self->fgcolor;
sub font2color {
  my $self = shift;
  my $font2color = $self->color('descriptioncolor') || $self->color('font2color');
  return defined $font2color ? $font2color : $self->fgcolor;
sub basecolor {
  my $self = shift;
  my $basecolor = $self->color('basecolor');
  return defined $basecolor ? $basecolor : $self->fgcolor;

sub labelcolor       {shift->fontcolor}
sub descriptioncolor {shift->font2color}

sub record_label_positions { shift->option('record_label_positions') }

sub height {
  my $self = shift;
  my $h    = $self->SUPER::height;
  return $h unless
    $self->option('draw_translation') && $self->protein_fits
	$self->option('draw_dna') && $self->dna_fits;
  my $fh = $self->font_height + 2;
  return $h > $fh ? $h : $fh;

sub pad_top {
  my $self = shift;
  my $top  = $self->option('pad_top');
  return $top if defined $top;
  my $pad = $self->SUPER::pad_top;
  $pad   += $self->labelheight if $self->label && $self->label_position eq 'top';
sub pad_bottom {
  my $self = shift;
  my $bottom  = $self->option('pad_bottom');
  return $bottom if defined $bottom;
  my $pad = $self->SUPER::pad_bottom;
  $pad   += $self->labelheight+6 if $self->description;
  $pad   += $self->labelheight+6 if $self->part_labels && $self->label_position eq 'top';
sub pad_right {
  my $self = shift;
  my $pad = $self->SUPER::pad_right;
  return $pad unless $self->label;
  my $label_width       = $self->label_position eq 'top' ? $self->labelwidth : 0;
  my $description_width = $self->descriptionwidth;
  my $max = $label_width > $description_width ? $label_width : $description_width;
  my $right = $max - $self->width;
  return $pad > $right ? $pad : $right;
sub pad_left {
  my $self = shift;
  my $pad = $self->SUPER::pad_left;
  return $pad unless $self->label_position eq 'left' && $self->label;
  $pad += $self->labelwidth + 3;
sub labelfont {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->getfont('label_font',$self->font);
sub descfont {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->getfont('desc_font',$self->font);
sub labelwidth {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{labelwidth} ||= $self->string_width($self->label||'',$self->labelfont);
sub descriptionwidth {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{descriptionwidth} ||= $self->string_width($self->description||'',$self->descfont);
sub labelheight {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{labelheight} ||= $self->string_height($self->labelfont);
sub label_position {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{labelposition} ||= $self->option('label_position') || 'top';
sub label {
  my $self = shift;

  return if $self->{overbumped};  # set by the bumper when we have hit bump limit
  return unless $self->subpart_callbacks;  # returns true if this is level 0 or if subpart callbacks allowed
  return $self->_label if $self->{level} >= 0;

  return exists $self->{label} ? $self->{label}
                               : ($self->{label} = $self->_label);
sub description {
  my $self = shift;
  return if $self->{overbumped}; # set by the bumper when we have hit bump limit
  return unless $self->subpart_callbacks;  # returns true if this is level 0 or if subpart callbacks allowed
  return $self->_description if $self->{level} > 0;
  return exists $self->{description} ? $self->{description}
                                     : ($self->{description} = $self->_description);

sub part_labels {
  my $self = shift;
  my @parts = $self->parts;
  return ($self->{level} == 0) && @parts && @parts>1 && $self->option('part_labels');

sub part_label_merge {

sub maxdepth {
  my $self = shift;
  my $maxdepth =  $self->option('maxdepth');
  return $maxdepth if defined $maxdepth;
  return 1;

sub _label {
  my $self = shift;

  # allow caller to specify the label
  my $label = $self->option('label');

  return unless defined $label;
  return "1"    if $label eq '1 '; # 1 with a space
  return $label unless $label eq '1';

  # figure it out ourselves
  my $f = $self->feature;

  if ($f->can('display_name') && (my $name = $f->display_name)) {
      return $name;

  if ($f->can('attributes') && (my @aliases = $f->attributes('Alias'))) {
      return $aliases[0];
  return $f->info         if $f->can('info');   # deprecated API
  return $f->seq_id       if $f->can('seq_id');
  return eval{$f->primary_tag};
sub _description {
  my $self = shift;

  # allow caller to specify the long label
  my $label = $self->option('description');
  return unless defined $label;
  return "1"   if $label eq '1 ';
  return $label unless $label eq '1';

  return $self->{_description} if exists $self->{_description};
  return $self->{_description} = $self->get_description($self->feature);

sub get_description {
  my $self = shift;
  my $feature = shift;

  local $^W = 0;

  # common places where we can get descriptions
  return join '; ',$feature->notes if $feature->can('notes');
  return $feature->desc            if $feature->can('desc');

  if ($feature->can('has_tag')) {
    return join '; ',$feature->get_tag_values('note')        if $feature->has_tag('note');
    return join '; ',$feature->get_tag_values('Note')        if $feature->has_tag('Note');
    return join '; ',$feature->get_tag_values('description') if $feature->has_tag('description');

  my $tag = $feature->source_tag;
  return if $tag eq '';

sub draw {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($gd,$left,$top,$partno,$total_parts) = @_;

  @{$self}{qw(partno total_parts)} = ($partno,$total_parts);

  $self->calculate_cds()      if $self->option('draw_translation') && $self->protein_fits;

  $self->draw_label(@_)       if $self->option('label');
  $self->draw_description(@_) if $self->option('description');
  $self->draw_part_labels(@_) if $self->option('label') && $self->option('part_labels');

sub draw_component {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->draw_translation(@_) if $self->{cds_translation}; # created earlier by calculate_cds()
  $self->draw_sequence(@_)    if $self->option('draw_dna') && $self->dna_fits;

# mostly stolen from -- draw the protein translation
sub draw_translation {
  my $self = shift;
  my $gd = shift;
  my ($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) = $self->bounds(@_);

  my $feature = $self->feature;
  my $strand = $feature->strand;

  my $font    = $self->mono_font;
  my $pixels_per_residue = $self->scale * 3;

  my $y         = $y1 + ($self->height - $font->height)/2;
  my $fontwidth = $font->width;
  my $color     = $self->basecolor;

  $strand *= -1 if $self->{flip};

  # have to remap feature start and end into pixel coords in order to:
  # 1) correctly align the amino acids with the nucleotide seq
  # 2) correct for the phase offset
  my $start = $self->map_no_trunc($feature->start + $self->{cds_offset});
  my $stop  = $self->map_no_trunc($feature->end   + $self->{cds_offset});

  ($start,$stop) = ($stop,$start) if $stop < $start;  # why does this keep happening?
  my $x_fudge    = $self->{flip}  ? -1 : 2;
  my $right      = $self->panel->right;
  my $left       = $self->panel->left;

  my @residues = split '',$self->{cds_translation};
#  warn "residues = @residues, start=$start, stop=$stop, strand=$strand, x1=$x1, x2=$x2, cds_offset = $self->{cds_offset}";

  push @residues,$self->{cds_splice_residue_tail} 
      if $self->{cds_splice_residue_tail};

  for (my $i=0;$i<@residues;$i++) {
    my $x = $strand > 0 ? $start + $i * $pixels_per_residue
                        : $stop  - $i * $pixels_per_residue;
    $x -= $fontwidth + 1 if $self->{flip}; # align right when flipped
    my $pos = $x+$x_fudge;
	if $pos >= $x1 && $pos <= $x2;

  if ($self->{cds_splice_residue_head}) {
	  if $strand > 0 && $start >= $left;
	  if $strand < 0 && $stop <= $right;

sub draw_sequence {
  my $self = shift;
  my $gd = shift;
  my ($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) = $self->bounds(@_);

  my $feature = $self->feature;
  my $strand = $feature->strand;

  my $font            = $self->mono_font;
  my $pixels_per_base = $self->scale;

  my $y         = $y1 + ($self->height - $font->height)/2 - 1;
  my $fontwidth = $font->width;
  my $color     = $self->basecolor;

  $strand *= -1 if $self->{flip};

  # have to remap feature start and end into pixel coords in order to:
  my $start = $self->map_no_trunc($feature->start);
  my $stop  = $self->map_no_trunc($feature->end);

  ($start,$stop) = ($stop,$start) if $stop < $start;  # why does this keep happening?
  my $x_fudge    = $self->{flip} ? 1 : 2;
  my $right      = $self->panel->right;
  my $left       = $self->panel->left;

  my $seq   = $self->get_dna($self->feature);

  my $canonical = $self->option('canonical_strand');

  my @bases = split '',$seq;
  for (my $i=0;$i<@bases;$i++) {
    my $x = $strand >= 0 ? $start + $i * $pixels_per_base
                         : $stop  - $i * $pixels_per_base;
    next unless ($x >= $x1 && $x <= $x2);
    $x -= $fontwidth + 1 if $self->{flip}; # align right when flipped
    if ($strand >= 0) {
      last if $x + $fontwidth > $right;
    } else {
      next if $x >= $right;
      last if $x < $left;
    my $base = $self->{flip} ? $complement{$bases[$i]} : $bases[$i];
    $base    = $complement{$base} if $canonical && $strand < 0;

sub min { $_[0] <= $_[1] ? $_[0] : $_[1] }
sub max { $_[0] >= $_[1] ? $_[0] : $_[1] }

sub draw_label {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($gd,$left,$top,$partno,$total_parts) = @_;

  my $label = $self->label or return;
  local $self->{default_opacity} = 1;

  my $x    = $self->left + $left; # valid for both "top" and "left" because the left-hand side is defined by pad_left
  my $font = $self->labelfont;
  if ($self->label_position eq 'top') {
    $x += $self->pad_left;  # offset to beginning of the drawn part of the feature
    $x = $self->panel->left + 1 if $x <= $self->panel->left;
			$self->top + $top - 1,
  } elsif ($self->label_position eq 'left') {
      my $y = $self->{top} + ($self->height - $self->string_height($font))/2 + $top;
      $y    = $self->{top} + $top if $y < $self->{top} + $top;
      # used for alignments, doesn't account for padding, viewer discretion is advised...
  } elsif ($self->label_position eq 'alignment_left') {
      my $y = $self->{top} + ($self->height - $font->height)/2 + $top;

sub render_label {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($gd,$font,$x,$y,$label,$is_legend) = @_;
    my $rlp = $self->record_label_positions;
    unless ($rlp || $is_legend)
	if $rlp

sub draw_description {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($gd,$dx,$dy,$partno,$total_parts) = @_;
  my $label = $self->description or return;

  local $self->{default_opacity} = 1;
  my ($left,$top,$right,$bottom) = $self->bounds($dx,$dy);
  $bottom  += $self->pad_bottom;
  $bottom  -= $self->labelheight;
  $bottom  -= $self->labelheight if $self->part_labels && $self->label_position eq 'top';


sub draw_part_labels {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($gd,$left,$top,$partno,$total_parts) = @_;
  return unless $self->{level} == 0;
  my @p = $self->parts or return;

  local $self->{default_opacity} = 1;

  @p > 1 or return;
  @p = reverse @p if $self->flip;

  my $font  = $self->font;
  my $width = $font->width;
  my $color = $self->labelcolor;

  my $y     = $top + $self->bottom - $self->pad_bottom;
  my $merge_em = $self->part_label_merge;

  my @parts;
  my $previous;

  if ($merge_em) {
    my $current_contig = [];

    for my $part (@p) {
      if (!$previous || $part->feature->start - $previous->feature->end <= 1) {
	push @$current_contig,$part;
      } else {
	push @parts,$current_contig;
	$current_contig = [$part];
      $previous = $part;
    push @parts,$current_contig;

  else {
    @parts = map {[$_]} @p;

  my $last_x;  # avoid overlapping labels
  for (my $i=0; $i<@parts; $i++) {
    my $x1     = $parts[$i][0]->left;
    my $x2     = $parts[$i][-1]->right;

    my $string = $self->part_label($i,scalar @parts);
    my $x    = $left + $x1 + ($x2 - $x1 - $width*length($string))/2;
    my $w    = $width * length($string);
    next if defined $last_x && $self->flip ?  $x + $w > $last_x : $x < $last_x;
    $last_x = $x + ($self->flip ? 0 : $w);

sub part_label {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($part,$total)  = @_;

  local $self->{partno} = $self->feature->strand < 0 ? $total - $part -1 : $part;
  my $label = $self->option('part_labels');
  return unless defined $label;
  return "1"   if $label eq '1 ';
  return $label unless $label eq '1';
  return $self->{partno}+1;

sub dna_fits {
  my $self = shift;

  my $pixels_per_base = $self->scale;
  my $font            = $self->mono_font;
  my $font_width      = $font->width;
  return $pixels_per_base >= $font_width;

sub protein_fits {
  my $self = shift;
  my $font               = $self->mono_font;

  my $font_width         = $font->width;
  my $pixels_per_residue = $self->scale * 3;

  return $pixels_per_residue >= $font_width;

sub arrowhead {
  my $self = shift;
  my $image = shift;
  my ($x,$y,$height,$orientation) = @_;

  my $fg = $self->set_pen;
  my $style = $self->option('arrowstyle') || 'regular';

  if ($style eq 'filled') {
    my $poly_pkg = $self->polygon_package;
    my $poly = $poly_pkg->new();
    if ($orientation >= 0) {
    } else {
  else {
    if ($orientation >= 0) {
    } else {

sub arrow {
  my $self  = shift;
  my $image = shift;
  my ($x1,$x2,$y) = @_;

  my $fg     = $self->set_pen;
  my $height = $self->height/4;
  $height    = 3 if $height < 3;

  $self->arrowhead($image,$x2,$y,$height,+1) if $x1 < $x2;
  $self->arrowhead($image,$x2,$y,$height,-1) if $x2 < $x1;

sub reversec {
  my $self = shift;
  my $dna  = shift;
  $dna =~ tr/gatcGATC/ctagCTAG/;
  $dna = reverse $dna;
  return $dna;

# This gets invoked if the user has requested that the protein translation
# gets drawn using the draw_translation option and protein_fits() returns
# true. It is a rather specialized function and possibly belongs somewhere else,
# but putting it here makes it possible for any feature to display its protein
# translation.
sub calculate_cds {
  my $self = shift;

  return if exists $self->{cds_translation};

  my $f        = $self->feature;

  my @subfeats = $self->find_subfeats_with_phase($f) or return;
  my @parts    = $self->feature_has_subparts ? $self->parts : $self;

  my @parts_with_phase = grep {defined eval {$_->feature->phase}} @parts;
  my %parts    = map {$_->feature->start => $_} @parts_with_phase;

  my $codon_table = $self->option('codontable');
  $codon_table    = 1 unless defined $codon_table;
  require Bio::Tools::CodonTable unless Bio::Tools::CodonTable->can('new');
  my $translate_table = Bio::Tools::CodonTable->new(-id=>$codon_table);

  my $strand          = $f->strand;
  $strand            *= -1 if $self->{flip};

  my $panel_start     = $self->panel->start;
  my $panel_end       = $self->panel->end;

  for (my $i=0; $i < @subfeats; $i++) {
    my $feature = $subfeats[$i];
    my $prior   = $subfeats[$i-1] if $i>0;
    my $next    = $subfeats[$i+1] if $i<$#subfeats;
    ($prior,$next) = ($next,$prior) if $f->strand < 0;

    my $part    = $parts{$feature->start} or next;

    my $pos     = $feature->strand >= 0 ? $feature->start : $feature->end;
    my $phase   = eval {$feature->phase};
    next unless defined $phase;

    my $seq     = $self->get_seq($feature);
    next unless defined $seq;

    my ($frame,$offset) = frame_and_offset($pos,
    $part->{cds_frame}     = $frame;
    $part->{cds_offset}    = $offset;

    # do in silico splicing in order to find the codon that
    # arises from the splice
    my $protein = $seq->translate(undef,undef,$phase,$codon_table)->seq;
    $part->{cds_translation}  = $protein;

    # warn "protein = $protein";

    if ($phase == 2 && $prior) {
	# get 1 bp from end of previous
	my $dna         = $self->get_dna($feature);
	my $prior_dna   = $self->get_dna($prior);
	my $spliced_codon = substr($prior_dna,-1,1);
	$spliced_codon .= substr($dna,0,2);
	$part->{cds_splice_residue_head} = $translate_table->translate($spliced_codon);
	# warn "codon = $spliced_codon, splice_residue_head = $part->{cds_splice_residue_head}";

    if ($next && $next->phase == 1) { 
	my $dna         = $self->get_dna($feature);
	my $next_dna    = $self->get_dna($next)  if $next;
	my $spliced_codon = substr($dna,-2,2);
	$spliced_codon   .= substr($next_dna,0,1);
	$part->{cds_splice_residue_tail} = $translate_table->translate($spliced_codon);
	# warn "codon = $spliced_codon, splice_residue_tail = $part->{cds_splice_residue_tail}";

sub find_subfeats_with_phase {
    my $self = shift;
    my $feat = shift;
    return $feat if $feat->can('phase') && defined $feat->phase;
    return grep {$_->can('phase') && defined $_->phase} $feat->get_SeqFeatures;

# hack around changed feature API
sub get_seq {
  my $self = shift;
  my $feature = shift;
  my $dna = $self->get_dna($feature);
  return Bio::PrimarySeq->new(-seq=>$dna);  

sub get_dna {
    my $self = shift;
    # could be a PrimarySeq, or some kind of feature
    my $thing = shift or return;
    my $key = join ':',
        map { eval{ $thing->$_->() } || '' }
        qw( seq_id start end strand );

    my $panel = $self->panel;
    if (exists $panel->{_seqcache}{$key}) {
	return $panel->{_seqcache}{$key};
    } else {
	my $obj  = $thing->seq;
	$obj = $obj->seq if ref $obj;
	return $panel->{_seqcache}{$key} = $obj;


=head1 NAME

Bio::Graphics::Glyph::generic - The "generic" glyph


  See L<Bio::Graphics::Panel> and L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph>.


This is identical to the "box" glyph except that it will draw the
subparts of features that contain subfeatures.  The subparts are not
connected -- use the "segments" glyph for that.  "Generic" is the
default glyph used when not otherwise specified.

=head2 METHODS

This module overrides the maxdepth() method to return 0 unless the
-maxdepth option is provided explicitly. This means that any module
that inherits from generic will need to override maxdepth() again in
order to draw subfeatures. In general, those implementing
multi-segmented feature glyphs should inherit from
Bio::Graphics::Glyph::segments, which allows for one level of descent.

In addition, the following new methods are implemented:

=over 4

=item labelfont(), descfont(), labelwidth(), descriptionwidth()

Return the font, width for the label or description.

=item label()

Return the glyph label text (printed above the glyph).

=item description()

Return the glyph description text (printed below the glyph).

=item draw_translation()

Draw the protein translation of the feature (assumes that the feature is attached to a DNA sequence).

=item draw_sequence()

Draw the sequence of the feature (either DNA or protein).


=head2 OPTIONS

The following options are standard among all Glyphs.  See
L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph> for a full explanation.

  Option      Description                      Default
  ------      -----------                      -------

  -fgcolor      Foreground color	       black

  -bgcolor      Background color               turquoise

  -fillcolor    Synonym for -bgcolor

  -linewidth    Line width                     1

  -height       Height of glyph		       10

  -font         Default font                   gdSmallFont

  -label_font   Font used for label	       gdSmallFont

  -desc_font    Font used for description      gdSmallFont

  -connector    Connector type                 0 (false)

                Connector color                black

  -pad_top      Top padding                    0

  -pad_bottom   Bottom padding                 0

  -label        Whether to draw a label	       0 (false)

  -label_position Where to draw the label      "top" (default) or "left"

  -description  Whether to draw a description  0 (false)

  -strand_arrow Whether to indicate            0 (false)

  -hilite       Highlight color                undef (no color)

  -draw_dna     If true, draw the dna residues        0 (false)
                 when magnification level

  -canonical_strand If true, draw the dna residues        0 (false)
                 as they appear on the plus strand
                 even if the feature is on the minus

-pad_top and -pad_bottom allow you to insert some blank space between
the glyph's boundary and its contents.  This is useful if you are
changing the glyph's height dynamically based on its feature's score.

=head1 BUGS

Please report them.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Allen Day E<lt>day@cshl.orgE<gt>,
Lincoln Stein E<lt>lincoln.stein@gmail.comE<gt>

Copyright (c) 2001 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Copyright (c) 2010 Ontario Institute for Cancer Research

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.  See DISCLAIMER.txt for
disclaimers of warranty.
