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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if 0; # not running under some shell

eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if 0; # not running under some shell

use strict;
use Bio::Graphics::Browser2;
use Bio::Graphics::Browser2::RegionSearch;
use Bio::Graphics::Browser2::Markup;
use Bio::Graphics::Browser2::UserTracks;
use Bio::Graphics::Glyph::generic;

our $VERSION = '$Id: gbrowse_details,v 1.7 2009-08-27 19:13:18 idavies Exp $';
our ($INDEX,%COLORS,%URLS,%formatterCache);

use constant DEFAULT_CONF   => '/etc/apache2/gbrowse';
use constant DEFAULT_MASTER => 'GBrowse.conf';

umask 022;

my $conf_dir  = Bio::Graphics::Browser2->config_base;
my $conf      = Bio::Graphics::Browser2->new(File::Spec->catfile($conf_dir,$conf_file))
    or die "Couldn't read globals";

my $fcgi = Bio::Graphics::Browser2::Render->fcgi_request;
my $modperl = $ENV{MOD_PERL};
my $init;

if ($modperl && !$init++) {
    $SIG{USR1} = $SIG{PIPE} = $SIG{TERM} = sub {
	my $sig  = shift;
	my $time = localtime;
	print STDERR "[$time] [notice] GBrowse FastCGI process caught sig$sig. Exiting... (pid $$)\n";
	CORE::exit 0

if ($fcgi) {

    my $FCGI_DONE = 0;
    $SIG{USR1} = $SIG{PIPE} = $SIG{TERM} = sub {
	my $sig  = shift;
	my $time = localtime;
	print STDERR "[$time] [notice] GBrowse FastCGI process caught sig$sig. Exiting... (pid $$)\n";
	$FCGI_DONE = 1;

    my %sys_env = %ENV;
    while (!$FCGI_DONE) {
	my $status = $fcgi->Accept;
	next unless $status >= 0;
        %ENV = ( %sys_env, %ENV );


else {

exit 0;

package DetailRenderer;

use strict;
use constant DEBUG   => 0;
use constant MAX_DNA => 500_000;

use CGI qw(:standard *table *TR escape);
use Bio::Graphics::Browser2::Realign 'align';
use Data::Dumper 'Dumper';

sub new {
    my $package = shift;
    my $conf    = shift;
    return bless {
	index          => 0,
	colors         => {},
	urls           => {},
	formatterCache => {},
	globals        => $conf,
    },ref $package || $package;

sub globals {
    my $self = shift;
    my $d    = $self->{globals};
    $self->{globals} = shift if @_;

sub state {
    my $self = shift;
    my $d    = $self->{state};
    $self->{state} = shift if @_;

sub source {
    my $self = shift;
    my $d    = $self->{source};
    $self->{source} = shift if @_;

sub run {
    my $self = shift;
    my $conf    = $self->globals;
    my $session = $conf->session;

    my $name  = param('name');
    my $class = param('class');
    my $ref   = param('ref');
    my $start = param('start');
    my $end   = param('end');
    my $f_id  = param('feature_id');
    my $db_id = param('db_id');
    my $rmt   = param('remote');

    $self->state->{dbid} = $db_id if $db_id; # to search correct database

    # This populates the $self->{urls} variable with link rules from the config file.

    my $search = Bio::Graphics::Browser2::RegionSearch->new(
	    source => $self->source,
	    state  => $self->state,

    # this is the weird part; we create a search name based on the arguments
    # provided to us
    my ($search_term,$search_class);
    if ($f_id) {
	$search_term = "id:$f_id";
    } elsif ($class && $name) {
	$search_term  = $name;
	$search_class = $class;
    } elsif (defined $ref && defined $start && defined $end) {
	$search_term = "$ref:$start..$end";
    } else {
	$search_term = $name;
    unless (defined $search_term) {
	print header,
	start_html('gbrowse_details error'),
	  'This script must be called with one or more of the parameters name, feature_id or db_id.');
	exit 0;

    warn "search term = $search_term" if DEBUG;

    my $features = eval {$search->search_features({-name=>$search_term,-class=>$search_class})} || [];
    warn "search_features(-search_term=>$search_term): $@" if $@;

    warn "features = @$features" if DEBUG;
    warn "segments = ",join ' ',$features->[0]->segments if (DEBUG && @$features);

    # provide customized content for popup balloons
    if (defined $rmt) {
	print header,start_html;
	print $self->remote_content($rmt,$features->[0]);
	print end_html;

    else {
	print header();
	my $css = $self->source->global_setting('stylesheet');
	my $stylesheet = $self->globals->resolve_path($css,'url');
	    	local $^W = 0; # shut up a warning from
		print start_html(-title => "GBrowse Details: $search_term",
				 -style => $stylesheet);
		print h1("$name Details");

	if (@$features) {
	    print $self->print_features($features);
	} else {
	    print p({-class=>'error'},'Requested feature not found in database.');
	print end_html();


sub add_user_tracks {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $session = shift;
    my $source  = $self->source;

    my $userdata = Bio::Graphics::Browser2::UserTracks->new($source,$session);
    my @user_tracks = $userdata->tracks;
    for my $track (@user_tracks) {
	my $config_path = $userdata->track_conf($track);
	eval {$source->parse_user_file($config_path)};


sub print_features {
    my $self     = shift;
    my $features = shift;
    my $subf     = shift || 0;

    my $string;

    my @colors = qw(none lightgrey yellow pink orange brown
	        tan teal cyan lime green blue gray);

    for my $f (@$features) {

	my $method = $f->primary_tag . $subf;
	warn "index = $self->{index}, method = $method" if DEBUG;
	$self->{colors}{$method} ||= $colors[$self->{index}++ % @colors];
	my $options = {-bgcolor => $self->{colors}{$method}}
	               unless $self->{colors}{$method} eq 'none';

	$string .= start_table({-cellspacing=>0});
	unless ($subf) {
	    $string .= $self->print_multiple($f,
	    $string .= $self->print_multiple($f,
				     $f->class) unless $f->class eq 'Sequence';
	$string .= $self->print_multiple($f,
	$string .= $self->print_multiple($f,
	$string .= $self->print_multiple($f,
				 $f->source_tag) if $f->source_tag;
	$string .= $self->print_multiple($f,
	$string .= $self->print_multiple($f,
	eval {
	    local $^W = 0;
	    if ($f->can('hit') && (my $hit = $f->hit)) {
		# try to correct for common GFF2 error of indicating a -/- alignment
		# using a (-) src strand and a hit_start > hit_end
		my $bug  = $f->strand < 0 && $f->hit->strand < 0;
		$string .= $self->print_multiple($f,
		$string .= $self->print_multiple(
		    ($hit->strand >= 0 ? ' (+)':' (-)')
		$string .= $self->print_multiple($f,
						 $self->print_matches($f,$hit,$bug));# if $subf;
	    $string .= $self->print_multiple($f,
					     $f->score) if $f->can('score') && defined $f->score;
	    my %attributes = $f->attributes if $f->can('attributes');
	    for my $a (sort grep {!/Hit/} keys %attributes) {
		$string .= $self->print_multiple($f,
	    $string   .= $self->print_multiple($f,
					       $f->primary_id) if $f->can('primary_id');
	    $string   .= $self->print_multiple($f,
					       $f->gbrowse_dbid) if $f->can('gbrowse_dbid');
	    $string   .= TR({-valign=>'top',-class=>'databody'},
	    # try to sort features with hits so that hit is in order.
	    # But, subfeatures don't always have the hit, so check for
	    # that too
	    my @subfeatures = $f->get_SeqFeatures;
	    if ($f->can('hit') && $f->hit && $subfeatures[0] && $subfeatures[0]->hit) {
		@subfeatures  = sort {$a->hit->start <=> $b->hit->start} @subfeatures;
	    } else {
		@subfeatures = sort {$a->start <=> $b->start} @subfeatures;
	    my $subtable = $self->print_multiple($f,
		) if @subfeatures;
	    $string .= $subtable || '';  # prevent uninit variable warning
	    $string .= CGI::end_table();
	    if ($subtable or $subf==0) {
		if ($f->length > MAX_DNA) {
		    $string .= "<b><i>Sequence display limited to ".MAX_DNA." bases</i></b>";
		} else {
		    my $dna = $self->get_seq($f);
		    $dna    = $dna->seq if ref $dna;  # compensate for API changes
		    $string .= $self->print_dna($f,
						$subf+1) if $dna;
    return $string;

sub get_seq {
    my $self = shift;
    my $f     = shift;
    my $ref   = $f->seq_id;
    my $start = $f->start;
    my $end   = $f->end;
    my $strand = $f->strand;

    # the sequence must live in the database flagged in the [GENERAL] section
    my $db    = $self->source->open_database() or return; 
    my ($seg) = $db->segment($ref,$start,$end) or return;
    return $seg->seq if eval {$f->target && $f->strand < 0 && $f->target->strand < 0};
    return $strand >= 0 ? $seg->seq : $seg->seq->revcom;

sub print_dna {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($feature,$dna,$start,$strand,$features,$subf) = @_;
    my %seenit;

    warn "dna=$dna" if DEBUG;

    my $markup = Bio::Graphics::Browser2::Markup->new;
    for my $f (@$features) {
	warn "f = $f" if DEBUG;
	my $method = $f->primary_tag . $subf;
	warn "$method => $self->{colors}{$method}" if DEBUG;
	next if $self->{colors}{$method} eq 'none';
	$markup->add_style($method => "BGCOLOR $self->{colors}{$method}");
    # add a newline every 80 positions
    # add a space every 10 positions
    $markup->add_style('space'," ");

  my @markup;
  for my $f (@$features) {
    my ($s,$e);
    if ($strand >=0) {
      $s   = $f->low  - $start;
      $e   = $f->high - $start;
    } else {
      if ($start - $f->high < 0) { #how much of a hack is this!
                                   #it fixes chado feature differences
        $s   = $start + length($dna) - $f->low  -1;
        $e   = $start + length($dna) - $f->high -1;
      } else {
        $s   = $start - $f->low;
        $e   = $start - $f->high;

    ($s,$e) = ($e,$s) if $s > $e;
    my $method = $f->primary_tag . $subf;
    next if $self->{colors}{$method} eq 'none';
    push @markup,[$method,$s,$e+1];  # Duelling off-by-one errors....
  push @markup,map {['newline',80*$_]} (1..length($dna)/80);
  push @markup,map {['space',10*$_]}   grep {$_ % 8} (1..length($dna)/10);

  my $position = $self->position($feature);
  my $name     = $feature->name;
  my $class    = $feature->class;
  $name      ||= '';
  return pre(">$name class=$class position=$position\n".$dna);

sub print_matches {
    my $self            = shift;
    my ($src,$tgt,$bug) = @_;

    my $sdna = $src->dna or return '';
    my $tdna = $tgt->dna or return '';

    my $top_label = $src->seq_id;
    my $bot_label = $tgt->seq_id;

    my $src_x = $src->start;
    my $src_y = $src->end;
    my $tgt_x = $tgt->start;
    my $tgt_y = $tgt->end;
    my $tdir  = $tgt->strand || +1;
    my $sdir  = $src->strand || +1;

    ($tgt_x,$tgt_y) = ($tgt_y,$tgt_x) if $tgt->strand < 0;

    if ($bug) { # correct for buggy data files that show -/- alignments; really -/+
	$tdir = -1;
	$sdir = 1;
	$tgt_x = $tgt_y;
	$tdna = reversec($tdna);
    warn ("sdir = $sdir, $src_x -> $src_y / $tgt_x -> $tgt_y") if DEBUG;
    my ($top,$middle,$bottom) = do_align($src,$sdna,$tdna);
    ($top,$middle,$bottom)    = clip($top,$middle,$bottom);

    my $m = max(length($top_label),length($bot_label));
    my $p = max(length($src_x),length($src_y),length($tgt_x),length($tgt_y));
    my $l  = ' ' x ($m+$p+2);  # adjusting for HTML

    my $string;
    my @top    = $top    =~ /(.{1,60})/g;
    my @middle = $middle =~ /(.{1,60})/g;
    my @bottom = $bottom =~ /(.{1,60})/g;

    $src_x = $src_y if $sdir < 0;

    for (my $i=0; $i<@top; $i++) {
	my $src_delta = $sdir * (length($top[$i]) - $top[$i]=~tr/-/-/);
	my $tgt_delta = $tdir * (length($bottom[$i]) - $bottom[$i]=~tr/-/-/);
	$string .= sprintf("%${m}s %${p}d %s %d\n$l%s\n%${m}s %${p}d %s %d\n\n",
			   $top_label,$src_x,$top[$i],$src_x + $src_delta - $sdir,
			   $bot_label,$tgt_x,$bottom[$i],$tgt_x + $tgt_delta - $tdir);

	$src_x  += $src_delta;
	$tgt_x  += $tgt_delta;
    return pre($string);

sub clip {
    my ($src,$align,$tgt) = @_;
    my @src   = split '',$src;
    my @align = split '',$align;
    my @tgt   = split '',$tgt;
    while ($src[0] eq '-') {
	shift @src; shift @align; shift @tgt;
    while ($src[-1] eq '-') {
	pop @src; pop @align; pop @tgt;

    return (join('',@src),join('',@align),join('',@tgt));

sub do_align {
    my ($src,$sdna,$tdna) = @_;
    if (my $cigar = eval {$src->cigar_array}) {
	my ($pad_source,$pad_target,$pad_match);
	for my $event (@$cigar) {
	    my ($op,$count) = @$event;
	    if ($op eq 'I' || $op eq 'S') {
		$pad_source .= '-' x $count;
		$pad_target .= substr($tdna,0,$count,'');
		$pad_match  .= ' ' x $count;
	    elsif ($op eq 'D' || $op eq 'N') {
		$pad_source .= substr($sdna,0,$count,'');
		$pad_target .= '-' x $count;
		$pad_match  .= ' ' x $count;
	    } elsif ($op eq 'H' || $op eq 'P') {
		# nothing needs to be done for hard clipping or pads
	    } else {
		$pad_match  .= join '',(
		    map {substr($sdna,$_,1) eq substr($tdna,$_,1) 
			     ? '|' 
			     : ' '
		    } (0..$count-1));
		$pad_source .= substr($sdna,0,$count,'');
		$pad_target .= substr($tdna,0,$count,'');
	return ($pad_source,$pad_match,$pad_target);
    } else {
	return align($sdna,$tdna);

sub max {
  if (@_ == 2) {
    return $_[0] > $_[1] ? $_[0] : $_[1];
  } else {
    return (sort {$b<=>$a} @_)[0];

sub print_multiple {
    my $self = shift;

    local $^W = 0;  # get rid of uninit variable warnings

    my $feature = shift;
    my $options = shift;
    my $label   = shift;

    $options ||= {};

    my @a = $self->format_values($feature,$label,@_);
    return '' unless @a;

    my $LINK = "";
    my $isFirst=1;
    my $string = ' ' ;

    for my $obj (@a) {
	if ($self->{urls}{$label}){
	    $LINK = $self->{urls}{$label};
	    if ( ref ($LINK)   eq 'CODE' ){ #Testing subs
		$LINK= eval { $LINK->($label,$obj)};
		$LINK = $LINK ? "<a href='$LINK'>$obj</a>" : $obj;
	    else { #end testing subs
		$LINK =~ s/\$tag/$label/;
		$LINK=~ s/\$value/$obj/;
		$LINK = "<a href='$LINK'>$obj</a>";
	    } # testing subs

	# for EST alignment features, create a link to get the orignal EST sequence
	if (($label eq 'Query') 
	    && ($self->{urls}{'alignment'}) 
	    && ($obj =~ /alignment/i)){
	    my $name = shift @a;
	    $LINK = $self->{urls}{'alignment'};
	    $LINK=~ s/\$value/$name/;
	    $LINK = "$obj : (<a href='$LINK'>Aligned Sequence</a>)";

	# Wrap way long lines, but not those involving HTML tags or
	# inside <PRE sections.
	$obj = join "", 
	map{ s/([^\s\'\"\/;&]{60})/$1 /g 
		 unless /\</; $_ 
	} split /(<[^>]*>)/,$obj unless $obj =~ /<pre/i;
	if ($isFirst) {
	    $isFirst =0 ;
	    $string .= join '',TR({-valign=>'top',-class=>'databody'},
				      -width=>100},length $label>0 ? "$label: " : ''),
				  td($options, $LINK ? $LINK : $obj)
	} else {
	    $string .= join '', TR({-class=>'databody'},

sub position {
    my $self = shift;

    my $f      = shift;
    my $simple = shift;
    my $bug    = shift; # for (-) (-) alignments

    my $ref   = $f->seq_id;
    my $start = $f->start;
    my $end   = $f->end;
    if ($simple) {
	($start,$end) = ($end,$start) if $f->strand < 0;
	return "<b>$ref</b> $start..$end";
    my $s = $f->strand;
    if ($bug) {  # data bug
	($start,$end) = ($end,$start);
	$s *= -1;
    my $strand = $s > 0 ? '+' : $s < 0 ? '-' : '';

    my $src = escape($self->source->name);
    my $url = "../gbrowse/$src?name=$ref:$start..$end";
    return a({-href=>$url},$strand ? "$ref:$start..$end ($strand strand)" 
	                           : "$ref:$start..$end");

sub get_link_urls {
    my $self = shift;

    my $source = $self->source;
    my $urls   = $self->{urls};

    my @LINK_CONFIGS = map {$_=~/\:DETAILS$/?$_:undef} 

    foreach (@LINK_CONFIGS){
	next unless $_;
	next unless $_=~/(.*?)\:DETAILS/;
	next unless $1;
	my $URL = $source->setting("$_", 'url');
	next unless $URL;

sub format_values {
    my $self = shift;

    my ($feature,$tag,@values) = @_;
    my $formatter    = $self->get_formatter($feature,$tag);

    $Data::Dumper::Indent = 3;
    $Data::Dumper::Terse  = 1;
    return map {ref($_) ? "<pre>".Dumper($_)."</pre>" 
		        : $_} @values unless $formatter;
    if (ref $formatter eq 'CODE') {
	return map {$formatter->($_,$tag,$feature)} @values;

    my $name   = $feature->display_name;
    my $start  = $feature->start || '';
    my $end    = $feature->end   || '';
    my $strand = $feature->strand || '';
    my $method = $feature->primary_tag || '';
    my $source = $feature->source_tag || '';
    my $type   = eval {$feature->type} || $method || '';
    my $class  = eval {$feature->class} || '';
    my $description = eval { join ' ',$feature->notes } || '';
    $formatter =~ s/\$tag/$tag/g;
    $formatter =~ s/\$name/$name/g;
    $formatter =~ s/\$start/$start/g;
    $formatter =~ s/\$end/$end/g;
    $formatter =~ s/\$stop/$end/g;
    $formatter =~ s/\$strand/$strand/g;
    $formatter =~ s/\$method/$method/g;
    $formatter =~ s/\$source/$source/g;
    $formatter =~ s/\$type/$type/g;
    $formatter =~ s/\$class/$class/g;
    $formatter =~ s/\$description/$description/g;

    return map {my $tmp_formatter = $formatter;
		$tmp_formatter =~ s/\$value/$_/g;      
		$tmp_formatter} @values;

sub get_formatter {
    my $self           = shift;
    my ($feature,$tag) = @_;

    my $method  = $feature->primary_tag;
    my $source  = $feature->source_tag;
    my $key     = join ':',$method,$source,$tag;

    return $self->{formatterCache}{$key} 
      if exists $self->{formatterCache}{$key};

    my $config = $self->source;
    my $s;

    # implement simple search path for formatters
    for my $base ("$method:$source",$method,'default') {
	for my $option ($tag,'default') {
	    $s ||= $config->setting("$base:details" => lc $option);
	    $s ||= $config->setting("$base:DETAILS" => lc $option);
	    last SEARCH if defined $s;

    unless (defined $s) {
	$s = sub {$self->format_position(@_)}   if $tag eq 'Position';
	# $s = sub {$self->format_position(@_)} if $tag eq 'Matches';
	$s = sub {$self->format_name(@_)    }   if $tag eq 'Name';
    return $self->{formatterCache}{$key} = $s;

sub format_position {
    my $self = shift;
    my (undef,undef,$feature) = @_;

sub format_matches {
    my $self = shift;
    my (undef,undef,$feature) = @_;
    # try to correct for common GFF2 error of indicating a -/- alignment
    # using a (-) src strand and a hit_start > hit_end
    my $bug = $feature->strand < 0 && $feature->hit->strand < 0;

sub format_name {
    my $self = shift;
    my $name = shift;

# do something for popup balloons
sub remote_content {
    my $self = shift;

    # the key for the text or code-ref in the gbrowse config file
    my ($key,$feat) = @_;

    my $contents = $self->source->setting('TOOLTIPS',$key) 
	or die "$key is empty";
    my $coderef = (ref $contents||'') eq 'CODE';
    return $contents unless $coderef;

    # paranoia?
    die "Error: $key is not a CODE-REF" if ref $contents && !$coderef;

    # pass feature, other args are user-defined
    my %args = (feature => $feat) if $feat;
    for my $arg (param()) {
	my @vals = param($arg);
	my $val  = @vals > 1 ? \@vals : $vals[0];
	$args{$arg} = $val;
    return $contents->(\%args);

sub reversec {
    my $dna = shift;
    $dna =~ tr/gatcGATC/ctagCTAG/;
    $dna = reverse $dna;
    return $dna;
