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# $Id:,v 1.1 2008-10-16 17:01:27 lstein Exp $
use strict;
use Bio::DB::GFF;
use Getopt::Long;

=head1 NAME - Load a Bio::DB::GFF database from GENBANK files.


  % -d genbank -f
  % -d genbank -a AP003256

NOTE: The script in the BioPerl distribution is the
same as this script.


This script loads a Bio::DB::GFF database with the features contained
in a either a local genbank file or an accession that is fetched from
genbank.  Various command-line options allow you to control which
database to load and whether to allow an existing database to be

This script currently only uses MySQL, though it is a proof-of-
principle and could easily be extended to work with other RDMS
that are supported by GFF through adaptors.


Command-line options can be abbreviated to single-letter options.
e.g. -d instead of --database.

   --create                  Force creation and initialization of database
   --dsn       <dsn>         Data source (default dbi:mysql:test)
   --user      <user>        Username for mysql authentication
   --pass      <password>    Password for mysql authentication
   --proxy     <proxy>       Proxy server to use for remote access
   --file                    Arguments that follow are Genbank/EMBL file names (default)
   --accession               Arguments that follow are genbank accession numbers
   --stdout                  Write converted GFF file to stdout rather than loading

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Bio::DB::GFF>, L<>, L<>

=head1 AUTHOR

Scott Cain,

Lincoln Stein,

Copyright (c) 2003 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.  See DISCLAIMER.txt for
disclaimers of warranty.


package Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::biofetch_to_stdout;
use CGI 'escape';
use Bio::DB::GFF::Util::Rearrange;
use Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::biofetch;
use vars '@ISA';
@ISA = 'Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::biofetch';

sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  my $self  = bless {},$class;
  my ($proxy) = rearrange(['PROXY'],@_);
  if ($proxy) {
    my @args = ref($proxy) ? @$proxy : eval $proxy;
    $self->{_proxy} = \@args if @args;

sub load_gff_line {
  my ($self,$options) = @_;
  # synthesize GFF3-compatible line
  my @attributes;
  if (my $parent = $options->{gname}) {
     push @attributes,"Parent=".escape($parent) unless $options->{method} =~ /^gene$/;
     push @attributes,"ID=".escape($parent);
  if (my $tstart = $options->{tstart}) {
    my $tstop    = $options->{tstop};
    my $target   = escape($options->{gname});
    push @attributes,"Target=$target+$tstart+$tstop";
  my %a;
  if (my $attributes = $options->{attributes}) {
    for my $a (@$attributes) {
      my ($tag,$value) = @$a;
      push @{$a{escape($tag)}},escape($value);
    for my $a (keys %a) {
       push @attributes,"$a=".join(',',@{$a{$a}});
  my $last_column = join ';',@attributes;
  if ($options->{method} eq 'origin') {
     print "##sequence-region $options->{gname} $options->{start} $options->{stop}\n";
  $$options{score}  ||='.';
  $$options{source} ||='genbank';
  print join("\t",@{$options}{qw(ref source method start stop score strand phase)},$last_column),"\n";

sub load_sequence_string {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($acc,$seq)  = @_;
  $seq =~ s/(.{1,60})/$1\n/g;
  print ">$acc\n\L$seq\U\n";

sub setup_load {
   my $self = shift;
   print "##gff-version 3\n";

sub finish_load { }


package main;


GetOptions ('dsn:s'       => \$DSN,
	    'user:s'      => \$USER,
	    'password:s'  => \$PASSWORD,
            'accession'   => \$ACC,
            'file'        => \$FILE,
            'proxy:s'     => \$PROXY,
            stdout        => \$STDOUT,
	    create        => \$CREATE) or die <<USAGE;
Usage: $0 [options] <gff file 1> <gff file 2> ...
Load a Bio::DB::GFF database from GFF files.

   --create                  Force creation and initialization of database
   --dsn       <dsn>         Data source (default dbi:mysql:test)
   --user      <user>        Username for mysql authentication
   --pass      <password>    Password for mysql authentication
   --proxy     <proxy>       Proxy server to use for remote access
   --file                    Arguments that follow are Genbank/EMBL file names (default)
   --accession               Arguments that follow are genbank accession numbers

This script loads a Bio::DB::GFF database with the features contained
in a either a local genbank file or an accession that is fetched from
genbank.  Various command-line options allow you to control which
database to load and whether to allow an existing database to be

This script currently only uses MySQL, though it is a proof-of-
principle and could easily be extended to work with other RDMS
that are supported by GFF through adaptors.


# some local defaults
$DSN     ||= 'dbi:mysql:test';
$ADAPTOR = $STDOUT ? 'biofetch_to_stdout' : 'biofetch';

my @auth;
push @auth,(-user=>$USER)     if defined $USER;
push @auth,(-pass=>$PASSWORD) if defined $PASSWORD;
push @auth,(-proxy=>$PROXY)   if defined $PROXY;

my $db = Bio::DB::GFF->new(-adaptor=>$ADAPTOR,-dsn => $DSN,@auth)
  or die "Can't open database: ",Bio::DB::GFF->error,"\n";

if ($CREATE) {

die "you must specify either an accession to retrieve from\nembl or a local file containing data in embl format\n" 
  unless @ARGV;

if ($ACC && !$FILE) {
  while ($_ = shift) {
    print STDERR "Loading $_...";
    my $result = $db->load_from_embl(/^NC_/?'refseq':'embl' => $_);
    print STDERR $result ? "ok\n" : "failed\n";
} else {
  while ($_ = shift) {
    print STDERR "Loading $_...\n";
    my $result = $db->load_from_file($_);
    print STDERR $result ? "ok\n" : "failed\n";